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Quick Bread Notes

Quick Breads are…

 ________products
Baked Short amount of
that can be prepared in a _______
time….usually under ____
60 minutes

 Prepared with _________leavening

Chemical Yeast therefore
agents instead of _______,
they do not need to ______

Two Categories…

#1: B_____________:
atters A mixture of ________
Flour and _________


 Consistency:Thin consistency
 Examples:Pancakes
Waffles Popovers Crepes

 Consistency:Fairly thick and sticky

 Examples: Muffins Biscuits (lumpy)
Loaf Quick Breads (zucchini,banana, and pumpkin)
#2: D____________:
ough _________
Flour mixture has less ________
Liquid and is

 Consistency:Thick enough to roll and shape Kim Graybill/

 Examples:

Common Leavening Agents…

 B________________
aking powder
 B________________
aking soda mixed with an acid such as:
 This forms C__________
arbon D___________


 Occurs when Water

_________ is mixed with ________,
Flour gluten (protein) is
formed to give _________
Strength and _____________
Elasticity to dough.
 Explain the gluten and bubble gum analogy in your own words:
when you first put gum in your mouth, its soft
like gluten. After chewing it for too long, it
becomes stiff and hard like overworked gluten.
then it begins to fall apart; just like the gluten
does in bread.
Muffin Mixing Method—Steps
Combine all dry ingredients together into a bowl.
In a separate bowl, blend all of the liquid ingredients,
(including fat.)
Make a well in your dry ingredient bowl and pour the
liquid in the well.
Stir until dry ingredients are moistened

Muffin Mixing Outcomes

#1: Perfect Muffin: Describe & Draw

1. Will have a cauliflower top
2. Will have some, but few,
tunnels in the interior.
3. Will be tender.

#2: Under-mixed Muffin: Describe & Draw Kim Graybill/

1. Will have low volume.
2. Will have a flat surface
3. Will be very crumbly.

#3: Over-mixed Muffin: Describe & Draw

1. Will have a peaked
2. Will be very tough .
3. Will have large
tunnels in the interior. 2
Biscuit Method-Steps (underline the most important steps)
Combine all dry ingredients.
Cut into biscuits with biscuit cutter.
Place on a greased cookie sheet.
Add the liquid and stir until a dough forms.
Cut-In the fat (creates the layers) until there
are Knead the dough so
crumbs gluten will form.

Describe the Perfect Biscuit:

FlatTop, Straight Sides,

Flaky with layers
Storing Quick Breads:

Store in a tight container or

seal in moist-proof wrap.

Kim Graybill/

Create Your Own Quick Bread
Go to the Find Cooking Website using the provided link and create your own quick
bread recipe.

Email yourself the recipe and then open the recipe in Google Docs and complete the

 Give your new recipe an original, creative name

 Create a nutrition label using this website and screen shot it or copy/paste it
into your Google Doc:
 Practice increasing and decreasing the ingredient amounts. Show me the
halved and doubled amounts along with the original
 Turn in via Google Classroom when you’re finished.

Share your recipe with your lab group and as a group decide which of the newly
created quick breads will be prepared in the lab. Email me a copy of the selected
recipe so I can shop for the ingredients.

Kim Graybill/

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