Urban Naxals-Treatment - Kunal Domkawale

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25th February 2020
RAJDEEP SIRDESAI, reporting on the aftermath of Delhi riots
that Hindu mobs were leading the riots and have inflicted
damage on Muslim Population.
WIKIPEDIA on its website write, riots caused chiefly by Hindu
mobs attacking Muslims.
RAVISH YADAV, reports from studio that the riots were caused
because of the hate speech delivered by a Hindu BJP leader,
Kapil Mishra.
THE WASHINGTON POST wrote, ‘Gandhi’s promise to Muslims of a
secular India is broken by the Fascist regime of Modi.’
16th September 2020
Delhi Police files charge-sheet against Tahir Hussain, Mariya
Salim, Danish, Ilyas Parvez and 20 more students from JNU and
Jamia Islamia alleging that Delhi Riots led by Muslim mobs
were not accidental but a pre-planned conspiracy by some anti-
CAA protestors.


- Our Enemies were never such a big threat to India as were
the forces that were making it hollow from within. I am
worried that such Anti-India forces don’t jeopardize the
security and Integrity of the nation by selling it out.

Pehlu Khan, a dairy farmer from Haryana was mob lynched by a
group of 200 cow vigilantes affiliated with Right wing
Hindutva group.
All the woke left liberals cried their guts out to the tune of
Fascist Government and the Secular character of the
constitution being in danger. 24x7 coverage across all the
news channels, debates on how India is becoming a dangerous
place for Muslims to stay and how Right-Wing Extremists are
openly making efforts to turn India into a Hindu Rashtra.
Due to alleged WhatsApp rumours of thieves operating in the
area during the Coronavirus Lockdown, a vigilante mob of
villager mob lynched them in the presence of Police Officials
resulting in the death of the Hindu religious leaders. No
channel except for ‘Republic TV’ ran the story of the mob
lynching. All those woke liberals who spoke their guts out
during the Pehlu Khan mob lynching consumed glue when it came
to speak for the ‘Sadhus’. The only Channel who questioned the
government on their investigation on the Palghar Incident
‘Republic TV’, was illegally framed on fake charges and 1000
journalists of Republic TV were booked for the reporting.


KATHUA RAPE CASE – 10th January 2018
Asifa Bano, an 8-year-old girl was abducted, gang raped and
murdered by six Hindu men in the Rasana village of Kathua,
Kashmir. This incident made it to the national news and the
whole of India was enraged by the incident. There were
protests and anger all across social media platforms. All the
accused were convicted. Again, all the channels took it to
their viewers stressing on the fact of how all the accused
were ‘Hindus’. Many Bollywood celebrities who normally would
use ‘India’, took it to social media holding placards reading,
‘I am Hindustan. I am Ashamed.
FARIDABAD KILLING – 27th October 2020
Nikita Tomar, a 20-year-old girl was shot dead in broad day-
light by two Muslim Individuals for not giving up to forcibly
making her sit in the car. The victim’s family had filed case
in 2018 against the Accused for molestation. Woke liberals on
Media and on National Television did not take it with the
religion of the accused because apparently it didn’t matter
and that these culprits are around everywhere. All the
Bollywood celebrities that expressed their grief in the Kathua
Case, didn’t speak a word for this heinous crime.

Now, who are Urban Naxals? Why is there a difference of

opinion about two similar incidents? What do they gain from
doing this? What are their wants? There are many questions
that might be going on around in your head?
Urban Naxals are someone who claims the far-left communist
ideology. Now why are they more dangerous than Naxals, who use
armed rebellion to ask for their demands?
Well, Communist states around the world have been time and
again caught red handed when they have tried to hide their
secrets from the world. Be it Russia, China, North Korea, they
have been popular for the use of something called as
‘Information Warfare’.
The Chinese Communist Party has a saying when it comes to the
psychological warfare operations and other forms of
subversion,” Strangle you with your own systems.” In loose
terms, observing how other countries operate, what is
controversial among their systems, and then how can they use
those systems to twist things around, to cause chaos.
This is what the people who disagree with the government;
Opposition leaders, Artists, Intellectuals, Student Unions
etc. have been doing. You know what they say, ‘A pen is
mightier than a sword.’ The power that words hold is far
greater than those of the biggest armies of the world. This is
how the Urban Naxals work. They don’t declare a war against
the state. Instead, they try to create chaos within the Nation
by spreading a certain motivated Narrative against their
If you say, you believe in free speech, they will have
protests in your own backyard calling you out.
If you say, you believe in free press, they will start media
outlets to lie to your population and to spread their
That’s what they do. ‘Strangle you within your own systems.
And what’s the most Controversial in India? Communalism, and
they know they can use it to further their own narrative.
There are different Human Rights NGO’s like PFI, for whenever
a Muslim is arrested, may it be for whatever heinous crime,
they call it being communal. Because they know that Indians
are sensitive to this.
These Urban Naxals believe in something called as the ‘Three
Warfare Doctrine’ of the Chinese Military that they have
publicly adopted that are Psychological Warfare, Media Warfare
and Legal Warfare.
Psychological Warfare doesn’t necessarily means lying to you.
It is altering how you interpret information. And so, when you
see a group of Muslims mob lynching a Hindu Man, and you call
them Muslim Mob Lynchers, these Urban Naxals wants to use this
and twist it around and say that it is communal to talk about
the religion of the accused.
Media Warfare is the manipulation or control of outlets of
Information, not just news outlets, but say social media
outlets, online platforms, the ability to speak openly,
anything that would allow people to communicate would be a
target of media warfare. And that is why, there are certain
media outlets in this nation whose funding could not be
monitored by the government who tries to manipulate the news
and control the narrative to appease a certain community or
political party.
The good that Social media has brought upon the Mankind is
truly not worth the bad that it brings with it. Unlike the Old
Conventional forms of Media, Social Media has given a platform
to every individual to put their thoughts on the internet and
share it with the world. While it is an empowering tool to
millions, there are a few who use it to propagate their
malicious agendas, further their repressed ideologies and all
this to stay relevant to the people and in the limelight. This
is what has given a stage to who I call ‘Urban Naxals’. People
who know how to use this tool of Social Media to put forth
their skewed thoughts against the governments, condemning
their every move irrespective of its benefits, trying to
convince the people of how this government is slowly turning
into a fascist regime.
Umar Khalid, Kanhaiya Kumar, Shehla Rashid, Aishe Ghosh are
Student leaders who think of themselves as Nationals but time
and again find themselves in trouble for making anti-national
Slogans and spewing venom by saying, ‘Bharat tere tukde honge,
Inshah-Allah, Inshah-Allah.’ Umar Khalid is also declared as
the Mastermind of the Delhi Riots 2020, in a charge-sheet
filed by Delhi Police.
Swara Bhasker, Anurag Kashyap, Taapsee Pannu, Anubhav Sinha,
Sonam Kapoor, Vishal Dadlani and many more are examples from
Bollywood who when a rape victim is a Muslim, hold placards
and post it on Social Media for people to be ashamed of the
country they are living in, but when the rape victim is a
Hindu, don’t even bother of making a single tweet.
Assaduddin Owaisi, Arvind Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, Sanjay Raut,
Uddhav Tahckeray are a few examples of India Poltical leaders
who consider themselves to be a liberal voice in India but
opposed the ‘Triple Talaq Bill’ in the parliament that
specially gives the Muslim Men the power to divorce their
wives by just saying ‘Talaq’, an Arabic for divorce three
times. They have not lost a single opportunity while elections
to further their imaginative narrative of BJP’s Fascist
Rajdeep Sardesai, Ravish Kumar and Barkha Dutt are a few
famous journalists who have left no stone unturned while
falsely reporting to the poor and illiterate audience that
Narendra Modi has been giving the money meant for the poor to
the Industrialists.
Kunal Kamra, Atul Khatri, Neeti Palta, Rohan Joshi, Agrima
Joshua, Sahil Shah, Azeem Banatwalla, Alokesh Sinha and many
more who all call themselves liberal and progressive who again
and again have made derogatory jokes about Hindu Gods,
Goddesses and Icons but dare not speak a word against Islam.

These are people who are the most dangerous to this nation
than the terrorists from Pakistan and terrorist organizations.
These are the people that the parents should ask their kids to
be aware of rather than asking them to keep away from kids
addicted to substance.
Many youths in India have since ages replicated the styles of
Bollywood Celebrities and continue to do so even when it comes
to their intellect for they find it cool to think about
something the same way that some popular Bollywood Actor or
Actress thinks about. It’s important for people to understand
that except for the two days of limelight that these Urban
Naxals long for, they have nothing for the Betterment of this
Nation in their mind. If all they are, they are hypocrites.
Lying to their self and people.
Why do they do, what they do? Money! If you look at the big
picture, they are also a reason in a way why India has not
achieved the Kind of global acceptance that it should have
years ago. Many of these ‘Urban Naxals’ are reportedly funded
by adversary nations like China, Pakistan, Turkey etc. to keep
the political atmosphere of the nation disturbed so that it
may help the adversary nations to project India at the global
stage as a Weak State whose Credibility as a responsible state
is zero and hence India’s Admissions to the world about any
anything, not to be taken seriously. This is why India has
failed to be a part of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. This is
why we haven’t been able to be a part of Nuclear Suppliers
Group. This is why we haven’t been able to become a Permanent
Member of the United Nations Security Council.
But things are changing. And they are changing for good. They
say that only iron can cut iron. There are popular Voices
coming out on Social Media to take on these Sold Out Hate-
Mongers, to put the truth in-front of the people.
But yet, there are some who don’t seek for money. Then why do
they do it. Perhaps, a Dialogue from Batman: The Dark Knight
might want to explain a bit about this situation, “Because
they think of it as good sport. Because some people aren’t
looking for anything logical like money. They can’t be bought,
bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. They just want to watch
the world burn.”

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