1 Environment

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TOPIC 1: FAMILY..........................................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocations:........................................................................................................................................................... 2
a. Family:..................................................................................................................................................................2
 family credit.........................................................................................................................................................2
 family planning association.................................................................................................................................2
b. Parents and children..............................................................................................................................................2
II. Sample..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Part 1.........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 2.........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 3.........................................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 2: ENVIRONMENT...........................................................................................................................................2
I. Idea:.........................................................................................................................................................................2
a. Causes Of Environmental Problems...................................................................................................................2
b. Solutions To Environmental Problems...............................................................................................................2
II. Collocations:........................................................................................................................................................... 2
a. The natural world................................................................................................................................................2
b. Environmental issues...........................................................................................................................................2
c. Helping the environment.....................................................................................................................................2
III. Useful phrases:........................................................................................................................................................2
IV. Sample..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Part 1.........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 2.........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 3.........................................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 3 : EDUCATION.................................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocations:........................................................................................................................................................... 2
a. People involved in education...............................................................................................................................2
b. Types of school/education...................................................................................................................................2
c. University/college qualifications.........................................................................................................................2
d. University/college work.......................................................................................................................................2
II. Sample:.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Part 1.........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 2.........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 3.........................................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 4: TRANSPORT.................................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocations:........................................................................................................................................................... 2
a. Types of transport..................................................................................................................................................2
b. On the road............................................................................................................................................................2
c. Travelling..............................................................................................................................................................2
d. Transportation & environmental issues.................................................................................................................2
e. Transportation in the future...................................................................................................................................2
II. Idioms:.....................................................................................................................................................................2
III. Sample..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Part 1..........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 2..........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 3..........................................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 5 :VACATION....................................................................................................................................................2
Part 1..........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 2..........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 3..........................................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 6 : HEALTH + FOOD........................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocations:........................................................................................................................................................... 2
II. Sample..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
III. Useful phrases:........................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 7: SPORT............................................................................................................................................................ 2
I. Collocations (UNDONE)........................................................................................................................................2
II. Sample.....................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 1..........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 2..........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 3..........................................................................................................................................................................2
III. Useful phrases:.......................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 8: BOOK AND FILM.........................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocations:........................................................................................................................................................... 2
II. Adjectives to describe books and films:................................................................................................................2
III. Useful idioms:.........................................................................................................................................................2
IV. Sample:.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Part 1..........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 2..........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 3..........................................................................................................................................................................2
V. Useful phrases.........................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 9: LEISURE ACTIVITIES...............................................................................................................................2
I. Collocations:...........................................................................................................................................................2
II. Sample:................................................................................................................................................................... 2
III. Useful phrases:.......................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 10: HOUSING AND ARCHITECTURE..........................................................................................................2
I. Collocation (UNDONE)..........................................................................................................................................2
II. Useful phrases:........................................................................................................................................................2

III. Sample:.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
IV. Useful phrase:.........................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 11: ANIMALS.....................................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocation:.............................................................................................................................................................2
II. Sample:.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
III. Useful phrases:........................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 11: TOURISM.....................................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocation:.............................................................................................................................................................2
Set 1: Travel & tourism..................................................................................................................................................2
Set 2: Travel arrangements.............................................................................................................................................2
II. Sample:.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Part 1.........................................................................................................................................................................2
Part 3.........................................................................................................................................................................2
III. Useful phrases:........................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 11: THE INTERNET..........................................................................................................................................2
I. Vocabulary:.............................................................................................................................................................2
II. Collocations.............................................................................................................................................................2
III. Useful phrases:........................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 12: EDUCATION................................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocations:........................................................................................................................................................... 2
a. People involved in education...............................................................................................................................2
b. Types of school/education...................................................................................................................................2
c. University/college qualifications.........................................................................................................................2
d. University/college work.......................................................................................................................................2
II. Sample..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
III. Useful phrases:........................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 13: RELATIONSHIP.........................................................................................................................................2
I. Idioms:.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Definition...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Example........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Break the ice.................................................................................................................................................................2
If a person, event or activity breaks the ice, they make people feel more relaxed and comfortable in a social situation.
Know someone inside out.............................................................................................................................................2
Know somebody well.....................................................................................................................................................2
My boyfriend knows me inside out. Whenever I forget to bring my earphone, he always gives me one.........................2
get / start off on the wrong foot...................................................................................................................................2
start a relationship or an activity badly...........................................................................................................................2
We got off on the wrong foot the first time I met him, but that’s all forgotten now.........................................................2
See eye to eye (on) something/ with someone..............................................................................................................2
agree (upon something) with someone...........................................................................................................................2
My parents see eye to eye on letting me moving out so that I can be more independent.................................................2
get on like a house on fire............................................................................................................................................2
quickly become close friends with someone..................................................................................................................2
I went over and struck up a conversation, and we got on like a house on fire................................................................2
get on someone’s nerves...............................................................................................................................................2
If someone or something gets on your nerves, they irritate you.....................................................................................2
She talks all the time and it gets on my nerves...............................................................................................................2
give someone the cold shoulder...................................................................................................................................2
stop being friendly and ignore someone.........................................................................................................................2
He was upset to find his previously friendly colleagues giving him the cold shoulder...................................................2
Nancy found she was getting the cold shoulder from a lot of people she’d thought were her friends.............................2
On the same page/wavelength.....................................................................................................................................2
to understand and agree with what is being done or suggested.......................................................................................2
We rarely argue.  We’re generally on the same page....................................................................................................2
go back a long way.......................................................................................................................................................2
have been friends for a very long time with someone....................................................................................................2
We go back a long way, and she’s always kept in touch, always been there for me.......................................................2
speak the same language..............................................................................................................................................2
to have the same ideas and attitudes as someone else.....................................................................................................2
We have to be sure we’re speaking the same language................................................................................................2
hit it off..........................................................................................................................................................................2
If two people hit it off when they first meet, they like each other and get on well together............................................2
I had to leave because my manager was awful. We never really hit it off.......................................................................2
leave someone in the lurch...........................................................................................................................................2
Someone put you in a difficult situation by suddenly going away or stopping helping you...........................................2
My secretary left me In the lurch last month and I haven’t found a replacement yet......................................................2
head over heels in love with (someone).......................................................................................................................2
to be very much in love with someone, to be completely in love with someone............................................................2
My friend fell head over heels in love with his colleague...............................................................................................2
on the rocks................................................................................................................................................................... 2
If a relationship is on the rocks, it is experiencing many difficulties and is likely to end...............................................2
It’s rumoured that their ten-year relationship is on the rocks........................................................................................2
a match made in heaven...............................................................................................................................................2
a couple who get along perfectly....................................................................................................................................2
Their marriage wasn’t exactly a match made in heaven...............................................................................................2
save face........................................................................................................................................................................ 2

do something so that people continue to respect you and your reputation is not damaged.............................................2
Most children have a need to save face in front of their friends.....................................................................................2
Steal one’s heart...........................................................................................................................................................2
to cause someone to fall in love with you.......................................................................................................................2
tie the knot....................................................................................................................................................................2
to get married.................................................................................................................................................................2
After dating for 7 years, the couple decided to tie the knot............................................................................................2
sparks fly....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
If sparks fly between two people, they get angry with each other and argue..................................................................2
The group leader is not afraid to raise difficult issues or let the sparks fly when necessary..........................................2
treat someone like dirt.................................................................................................................................................2
Treat someone very badly..............................................................................................................................................2
As long as unemployment is rising, the bosses can keep treating you like dirt...............................................................2
Like cat and dog...........................................................................................................................................................2
argue or fight often with someone..................................................................................................................................2
We can’t see eye to eye on any matters, like cat and dog...............................................................................................2
your own flesh and blood.............................................................................................................................................2
If someone is your own flesh and blood, they are a member of your family..................................................................2
You can’t just let your own flesh and blood go to prison if there’s any way you can help..............................................2
II. Sample:.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
III. Useful phrases:........................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 14: TRANSPORTATION..................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocations:........................................................................................................................................................... 2
a. Means of transportation......................................................................................................................................2
b. Roads & traffic....................................................................................................................................................2
c. Transportation & the environment....................................................................................................................2
d. Travel...................................................................................................................................................................2
e. The future of transportation...............................................................................................................................2
f. Idioms related to transportation.........................................................................................................................2
II. Sample..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
TOPIC 15: WORK...........................................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocations.............................................................................................................................................................2
a. Job........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
b. Skills..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
c. Qualities:..............................................................................................................................................................2
d. Related vocabulary:.............................................................................................................................................2
II. Sample..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
TOPIC 16: TOWN AND CITY.......................................................................................................................................2

I. Collocation:.............................................................................................................................................................2
2. Mua sắm................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Area:........................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Traffic........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
II. Sample:.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Useful phrases:............................................................................................................................................................. 2
TOPIC 17: PERSONALITY...........................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 18: HOBBIES......................................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocation:.............................................................................................................................................................2
II. Sample:.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Part 1:......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Part 2:......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Part 3:......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
TOPIC 19: TECHNOLOGY...........................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocation:.............................................................................................................................................................2
II. Sample:.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
III. Useful phrases:........................................................................................................................................................2
TOPIC 21: RELATIONSHIP.........................................................................................................................................2
I. Collocation................................................................................................................................................................. 2
II. Vocabulary............................................................................................................................................................... 2
III. Sample:...................................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


I. Collocations:
a. Family:
 family credit
However, it will end sooner if someone else claims income support or family credit in respect of a child who
was included in your family credit award.
 family planning association
A family planning association was set up by the Government in 1972, and the Government's First Five
Year Plan proposed the promotion of several different types of birth control.
b. Parents and children
collocation example comment
start a family They are hoping to start a family soon. NOT begin a family
have children I’d like to have three children. NOT get children
expect a baby Soraya is expecting a baby. NOT wait (for) a baby
have a baby Jill had her baby yesterday. NOT get a baby
the baby is due The baby is due next week. = expected to arrive
single parent/mother It’s hard being a single parent. may be either unmarried or divorced
raise / bring up Helen had to bring up four young Raise a family is more common in US
children / a family children on her own. than in UK English.
apply for custody of The father applied for custody of the custody: the legal right or duty to care for
give/grant [formal] children, but the judge gave/granted a child after its parents have separated or
custody custody to the mother. died
provide for your Nick works very long hours to provide = to earn enough money to support your
family for his family. family
set up home We live with my mum now, but we’ll = to start an independent life in one’s own
set up home on our own soon. flat or house

II. Sample

Part 1
1. Do you have a large or small family?
– I come from a large family. Now, I just have my mom, an older and three younger brothers. Sadly, my
father passed away 17 years ago. So, now I am the only daughter in the family.
2. How much time do you spend with your family?
– For now, I live alone in another city far from my family, so, I am only able to spend about two weeks
per year with them.
3. What do you like to do together as a family?
-My family enjoys cooking together and afterwards having special meals when everyone is invited.
We catch up on news and talk about our lives. We enjoy music as well. So, when we get together, we
play several musical instruments and sing along.
4. Do you get along well with your family?
-Sure. We are really close to each other. I am happy that I can tell them literally anything. They are
always there to listen when I have problems.
5. Is yours a typical family?
-Well, I can say that, yes, our family is a typical one. A family, who stays by each other through good
times and bad times.
6. Are there many different types of family in your country?
-Yes, types of families vary in terms of the size of the household. There are small families with one or
two children and large families with about eight or more children. Sometimes, parents decide to adopt a
child without relatives.
7. Who are you closest to in your family?
-I am the closest to my mom. I think it is because we are the only women in the family. So, we share the
same ideas about many things and she always supports me.

Part 2
Describe the person in your family who you most admire. You should say:
 what their relationship is to you
 what they have done in their life
 what they do now
 and explain why you admire them so much.
The person I admire the most, not just in my family but in the whole world, is my mom. She is a great
wife and a wonderful mother. She is loving, caring, open-minded and very understanding.
I love how she looks at things. She is very optimistic. I love her courage in raising me and my brothers
well, since my father passed away. She has been a single mom for about 17 years and did her best to act
both a mother and father to us. She would always stood up for us.
My mom resigned from work few years after my father died. Her reason was to spend much more time
with the family, especially when we were growing up. She felt the need to guide us physically and
emotionally. She then started her own business, which she is still running.
I love her so much. She is not just a mom but also a mentor and a friend.

Part 3
1. In what ways have families in your country changed in recent?
The roles of husbands and wives have changed in recent years. Both spouses have been more open to
perform different roles, such as seizing various job opportunities or being more involved in the
household. Another change, I think, is the trend to have less children. Parents nowadays think of having
smaller families due to high cost of living and career perspectives.
2. Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why (not)?
Traditionally, husbands and wives had had clear-cut roles in society. Husbands used work
and fulfill financial needs of the family, while women were expected to take care of the house. Changes
had occurred over time and both husbands and wives started to take part in each of these roles. I think this
change is rather positive. It is not necessary to sharply define each role. I reckon, whatever role family
members take, they should always move in the same direction and pursue what is best for the family
3. Which are more important to you: your family or your friends?
Both are fairly important, but my family takes place in my life that is dear to my heart. Friends
may come and go, but I know that my family will always be there for me, no matter what happens in my
life and no matter what decisions I take. Nevertheless, my friends are the closest people with whom I
can share and discuss thingsthat sometimes are not appropriate to bring up in the family circle.

I. Idea:
a. Causes Of Environmental Problems
- Chemical and industrial waste
Ex: The chemical and industrial waste being released from factories cause to the pollution of my local area.
- Emission from cars and motorbikes
Ex: The pollution of land and air can be blamed for emission from cars and motorbikes.

b. Solutions To Environmental Problems

- To raise people awareness of preserving water and forest resources
Ex: It is necessary to run some campaigns to raise people awareness of preserving water and forest resource.
- To use alternative energy resources
Ex: In order to mitigate the environmental issues, alternative energy resources such as wind and solar energy
should be implemented.

II. Collocations:
a. The natural world
part of speech: noun
meaning: animals and plants that grow in natural conditions
collocations: endangered wildlife
local/native wildlife
preserve/protect/save wildlife
endanger/threaten/damage/harm wildlife
wildlife conservation/protection
example: It is well known that the use of pesticides harms wildlife, yet we continue to use
pronunciation: /ˈwaɪld.laɪf/

part of speech: noun
meaning: the variety of life (plants and animals) found in a particular place
collocations: preserve biodiversity
biodiversity conservation
loss of biodiversity
example: I believe more funding should be made available for biodiversity conservation.
pronunciation: /ˌbaɪ.əʊ.daɪˈvɜː.sə.ti/

part of speech: noun
meaning: the relationship between living things and their environment in a particular area

collocations: animal/human/marine/plant
fragile ecology
damage/disrupt the ecology
example: Water pollution has caused great damage to the marine ecology.
pronunciation: /iˈkɒl.ə.dʒi/

natural resources
part of speech: noun
meaning: any of the materials that exist in nature and that can be used by people
collocations: natural resources conservation/management
use of natural resources
rich in natural resources
example: Saudi Arabia is a country rich in natural resources, particularly in oil.
pronunciation: /ˈnætʃ·ər·əl ˈri·sɔrs, ˈri·sɔʊrs/

part of speech: noun
meaning: a group of animals or plants in which
collocations: living species
endangered/threatened species
extinct species
protected species
species of (fish, bird, insect, etc.)
example: Sadly, most of the endangered species are at risk due to human activity.
pronunciation: /ˈspiː.ʃiːz/
b. Environmental issues
part of speech: noun
meaning: an amount of something, particularly a harmful gas, that is sent out into the air
collocations: emissions of greenhouse gases/carbon dioxide
cut/reduce/limit emissions
emission cuts/reductions/control
example: I think developed countries should aim to reduce emissions, even if it means
slower economic growth.
pronunciation: /ɪˈmɪʃən/

global warming
part of speech: noun

meaning: an increase in the earth’s temperature that causes changes in climate
collocations: fight/combat/tackle global warming
contribute to global warming
the effects of global warming
example: Some people think that it’s too late to reverse the effects of global warming.
pronunciation: /ˌɡləʊ.bəl ˈwɔː.mɪŋ/

carbon footprint
part of speech: noun
meaning: a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide that a person or organization
collocations: reduce the carbon footprint of
example: Nowadays, more and more organizations are committed to reducing their carbon
pronunciation: /ˌkɑː.bən ˈfʊt.prɪnt/

dumping ground
part of speech: noun
meaning: a place where things that are not wanted are left
collocations: a dumping ground for
example: We must stop treating our oceans like a dumping ground.
pronunciation: /ˈdʌm.pɪŋ ˌɡraʊnd/

oil spill
part of speech: noun
meaning: an accident in which oil has come out of a ship and into the environment, and
caused pollution
collocations: victims of oil spills
large scale oil spills
example: Many species of fish and birds are often victims of oil spills.
pronunciation: /ˈɔɪl ˌspɪl/
c. Helping the environment
part of speech: adjective
meaning: If a person, activity or organization is carbon-neutral, it does things like planting
trees to reduce carbon dioxide by the same amount as it produces it.
collocations: become (totally) carbon-neutral

example: Being carbon-neutral should be the goal of every responsible company.
pronunciation: /ˌkɑː.bənˈnjuː.trəl/

part of speech: adjective
meaning: not harmful to the environment
collocations: environmentally-friendly business/company
environmentally-friendly practices
environmentally-friendly technologies
environmentally-friendly products
example: It is important that, as customers, we demand environmentally-friendly products.
pronunciation: /ɪn.vaɪ.rənˌmen.təl.i ˈfrend.li/

part of speech: verb
meaning: to keep something as it is
collocations: preserve the environment
seek to/try to preserve
help (to) preserve
example: We must help to preserve the environment for future generations.
pronunciation: /prɪˈzɜːv/

part of speech: noun
meaning: the idea that we should meet our own needs in ways that do not damage the
environment and that do not use resources that cannot be replaced
collocations: environmental sustainability
sustainability of sth
promote sustainability
example: From recycling to using public transport, there are many things that we can all do
to promote sustainability.
pronunciation: /səˌsteɪnəˈbɪlɪti/

part of speech: adjective
meaning: able to decay in a natural way that is not harmful to the environment
collocations: biodegradable packaging/materials
example: I always buy products that come in biodegradable packaging.
pronunciation: /ˌbaɪəʊdɪˈɡreɪdəbl/

Nature and environment idioms

idiom meaning example
Mother Nature nature or weather considered as a force It’s easy to forget about all of the
that controls all living things wonders that Mother Nature provides us.
to go/get back to to start living a simpler life, one that I was ready to get away from the city
nature allows us to be more in tune with nature and go back to nature.
to go green to choose an environmentally-friendly We’ve decided to go green by eating
lifestyle natural, organic, locally produced foods.

III. Useful phrases:

 to become extinct: to stop existing.Dinosaurs became extinct may centuries ago.
 to be under threat: to be in danger of becoming extinct.White Rhinos are under the threat of becoming
 to dry up: to have all the water drained away.The small river in my hometown dried up this summer
due to the enormous heat.
 to get back to nature: live a life that is closer to nature.My friend decided to leave his boring job and
move to the countryside to get back to nature.
 to litter: to throw rubbish in inappropriate places.I always try to find a garbage bin to throw my trash
in. I don't like to litter.


Part 1
Do you think pollution is a big problem nowadays?
Yes, definitely. Air and water pollution are huge issues in the modern world... The air pollution problem is
especially grave due to the increasing amount of exhaust fumes, which are produced by cars, and result into a
poor air quality.
What do you do to prevent our environment from pollution?
A lot of things... First of all, I don't litter. Also, my family and me try to buy only environmentally
friendly goods whenever we can... And finally, I try to save trees... I print on both sides of every sheet of
paper I use and use any left over white space to scribble notes.
Have you ever participated in any environmental events?
Yes, of course! Last year I participated in an event in my hometown, which was all about preserving nature...
We were taught about the greenhouse effect and I learned about many endangered species in the world.

Part 2
Now, have a look at the card and prepare a monologue.
Describe an environmental problem or event. You should say:
 What is it
 Where is it happening
 What problems does it cause

I would like to talk about global warming. In my opinion, it is a big, if not the biggest, problem that we are
facing nowadays. The main reason of global warming is the greenhouse effect ... Nowadays people are

producing excessive amounts of greenhouse gases, mostly by burning fossil fuels. These gases let sunlight in,
which warms the Earth, and then block that heat from leaving... That breaks the delicate natural balance and
causes our planet to warm... As global warming changes the climate on the whole planet, it affects all
countries in the world and causes many serious problems... For example, global warming causes melting of
glaciers, which in turn raises the sea-level... Eventually, coastal areas are flooding and agriculture is damaged
unless appropriate measures are taken... As it is a worldwide problem, I think that only joint efforts will help
us to overcome this issue.

Part 3
In which way do people damage our planet?
Er... In my point of view, we damage the Earth in many ways. Just take a look at all those factories that
empty toxic waste into rivers and lakes... People also destroy a great deal of natural areas in search of fossil
fuels. Not to mention poaching and endangering of wild animals.
Do you think that the environmental situation will improve in the nearest future?
Yes, I would like to believe so... People are getting more and more aware of the major environmental issues
that we're dealing with nowadays... I hope that we will get back to nature and start caring about our planet

I. Collocations:
a. People involved in education

part of speech: noun
meaning: a student who is studying for their first degree at a college or university
college/university undergraduate
collocations: first-year/second-year undergraduate
undergraduate student
example: I was a 20-year-old undergraduate student back then.
pronunciation: /ˌʌn·dərˈɡrædʒ·u·ət/

part of speech: noun
meaning: a teacher paid to work privately with one student or a small group
school/college/university tutor
collocations: course tutor
personal/private tutor
example: My parents got me a private tutor to help with my studies.
pronunciation: /ˈtʃuː.tər/

pupil (U.K.)
part of speech: noun
meaning: a person, usually a child at school, who is being taught
first-year/second-year pupil
school/primary/secondary pupil
example: Teachers need to make sure that all pupils reach their full potential.
pronunciation: /ˈpjuː.pəl/

b. Types of school/education

part of speech: adjective
meaning: a school for either girls or boys, but not both (antonym: mixed/coeducational school)
single-sex school
single-sex education
example: I went to single-sex school.
pronunciation: /ˌʌn·dərˈɡrædʒ·u·ət/

boarding school
part of speech: noun
meaning: a school where students live and study
go to boarding school
private/military/christian/catholic boarding school
example: Students at boarding schools are under stricter discipline.
pronunciation: /ˈbɔː.dɪŋ ˌskuːl/

part of speech: noun
meaning: a place of higher education or specialized professional or vocational training
community/local college
attend/go to college
finish/graduate from college
to be at/in college
example: After high school, I wanted to go to college and study graphic design.
pronunciation: /ˈkɒl.ɪdʒ/

c. University/college qualifications

master’s degree
part of speech: noun
meaning: an advanced college or university degree
 a master’s degree in (subject)
to be awarded/to earn a master’s degree
example: It took me over 2 years to earn my master’s degree.
pronunciation: /ˌmɑː.stəz dɪˈɡriː/

part of speech: noun
a document given by a college or university to show that a person has passed an exam or
finished their studies
a college/university diploma
a graduate/postgraduate/professional diploma
collocations: a diploma in (subject)
a diploma holder
get/obtain/receive/have a diploma
Diploma holders have a much better chance of employment than those with no
pronunciation: /dɪˈpləʊ.mə/

postdoctoral (also informal postdoc)

part of speech: adjective
meaning: advanced work or study that a person does after completing their doctoral studies (PhD)
postdoctoral work/research/project
collocations: postdoctoral fellowship
postdoctoral student/fellow
example: She has supervised several postdoctoral projects at the university.
pronunciation: /ˌpəʊstˈdɒk.tər.əl/

d. University/college work

part of speech: noun
meaning: a detailed study of a particular subject
carry out/conduct/do research
be based on research
collocations: academic/medical/scientific research
research findings/results
research into/on (subject)

example: I read about a fascinating research project on songbirds and how they communicate.
pronunciation: /ˈriː.sɜːtʃ/

part of speech: noun
a long piece of writing on a specific subject, usually completed to receive a degree at a
college or university
undergraduate/master’s/doctoral dissertation
research dissertation
collocations: do/prepare/write a dissertation
hand in/present/submit a dissertation
a dissertation on (subject)
example: Students can either write a dissertation or participate in a more practical project.
pronunciation: /ˌdɪs.əˈteɪ.ʃən/

part of speech: noun
an occasion when a teacher or professor and a group of students meet for training,
discussion or study on a subject
conduct/give a seminar
collocations: attend/go to a seminar
a series of seminars
example: I attended every single seminar when I was a university student.
pronunciation: /ˈsem.ɪ.nɑːr/

II. Sample:

Part 1
Do you work or are you a student?
At the moment I'm studying. I’m doing a graduate degree in molecular biology in the Vanderbilt University.
Why did you choose that subject?
I've always loved life sciences, particularly biology... And when I received my bachelor's degree I took a
research internship in a laboratory where I studied interactions between proteins... And then I understood that
I want to pursue my career in biochemistry or molecular biology.
Can you describe yourself as a good student?
Well, overall I think I am a good student. ... I am not an eager beaver, nor the teacher's pet... but I'm good at
scientific subjects and, most importantly, I like studying.
Do you study English now?
Yes, of course. I've taken an intensive course this year, where I've attend classes three times a week... And
I plan on pursuing my studies in the future, too...
Did you enjoy/Do you enjoy studying at school?
I've never really liked school... I'm not a bookworm and a lot of humanities subjects seemed too boring to
me. However, the workload was not too big... The other good thing about school is being able to see your
friends. And fortunately, I had wonderful classmates. 

Part 2
Now, have a look at the card and prepare a monologue.
Describe a period of time from your studies that was the most difficult for you so far. You should say:
 When it was
 Why was it hard
 What you were doing at that time

I would like to talk about my last school year. It was really diffucult due to enormous amounts of homework
I had to do and all the exams I had to prepare for... Em, so I studied hard, having no time to goof
around ... Moreover, I forgot a lot of things from the school curriculum, that's why I had to do a lot of
revision... But despite the tough preparation, I managed to set aside some time to rest and interact with my
friends and family... After all, my efforts were not in vain... I passed all the exams well and was admitted to
the university of my dream.

Part 3
What are some essential qualities every teacher should have?
As for me, every teacher should be able to catch student's attention. It is very important to make your subject
interesting to the others... Also, teacher should be a subject specialist and a kind, helpful person..
What are some pros of studying on a distance learning course?
To be honest, I think it's very advantageous to study in such way... It gives you more time flexibility,
especially if you have a job... Not to mention that it is fairly cheap, compared to face-to-face classes...
Does everybody get equal opportunities to study?
Definitely not. I think it really depends on a country you live in... Moreover, it depends on your financial
capabilities... Some schools and universities are just too expensive... Only a small fraction of people can
afford to study there.

a. Model A
It is true that, educational methods are always considered to finger out whether they can make the quality of
studying better or not. Many people suppose that students should be controlled to evaluate and criticize their
teachers, while I would argue that this should be encouraged.

On the one hand, there are some reasons why students should not assess and against teacher’s opinions. Main
reason is that it is a time-consuming action which might reduce quality of class. Each class is planed carefully
to allow teachers can know what and when they need do in certain time and avoid wasted time. For example,
in a Math class, it is divided to 4 parts which are learning theories, working in a group to solving a task, giving
the answer, and summarizing, respectively. Thus if some students evaluate or criticize their teacher, they will
not enough time to accomplish all parts. As a result, teacher might feel unsatisfied about this action.

On the other hand, i believe that students should say what they think about what they learn because this may
lead to a lot of benefits. Firstly, they can broaden their knowledge when they show their opinion. They cannot
know whether it is right or wrong without talking to their teacher. If it is wrong, students can learn from this.
Secondly, it allows teacher improve their teaching which boosts the quality of education. By know their
strengths and weaknesses through students’ evaluating and criticizing, teacher can adjust educational program
to suitable with learners.

In conclusion, although giving own opinions by students about what teacher said have both benefits and
drawbacks, it seem to me that this should not be controlled.

b. Model B
I think the idea about evaluation teachers by their students is very good. This kind of evaluation can bring
many benefits to teachers, students as well as to school. In the following paragraphs, I will give my reasons to
support my answer.

First of all, teachers have the opportunity to find out from this kind of test how good and clearly, their students
understand the lectures. It will help them to improve and perfect their knowledge and experience. Also,
teachers who get high grades must be rewarded financially or otherwise. On the other hand, the teachers who
receive low grades must be sanctioned, for example by decreasing their salary. So, this can help to uplift the
level of professionalism among the teachers.

Second of all, students will more often attend lectures because they will be asked to evaluate their teachers.
Students will have the opportunity to choose the best teachers because if a teacher gets a low grade he or she
may be fired and replaced with the better one.

Finally, the quality of education will increase dramatically. Students will be getting more interesting and
professional lectures. Also, they will constantly attend classes in order to listen to an amazing lecture and
make an evaluation of the current teacher. In addition to those practical benefits, a school will be better funded
by it is sponsors and appreciated in the community. This, in its turn, will attract more students because it will
be an honour to study in such a school.

To sum up, I think that evaluation of teachers by their students will bring many benefits and allow students as
well as teachers to gain more knowledge and experience.

I. Sample (WRITING)
a. Model A
Recent years have witnessed tremendous developments in agricultural science yet every day people all over
the world continue to suffer and even die from hunger. In my opinion, this is because innovations rarely
impact the developing world and the best solution for it is to direct humanitarian funding towards these

The main cause of more advanced agricultural methods not reaching the people who need it the most is that
the developing world has trouble implementing these methods. There are a number of reasons for this ranging
from limited financial resources to poor existing infrastructure to political instability, depending on the
country in question. One exa

mple of this would be in many African nations, where malnourishment has historically been highest.
Countries like the Congo have seen revolution after revolution over the last several decades, which has
effectively destabilised the entire country. The universities where students would learn about changes in
agriculture are frequently shut down or destroyed. The young people who would become agricultural
scientists end up drawn into the conflict as soldiers or victims. Long-term economic neglect means that the
government has very limited ability to subsidise farming. These problems are present to varying degrees in
countries around the world and offer one possible explanation for the continued prevalence of hunger.

The solution that I believe would be most effective is directing humanitarian funds previously focused on food
aid towards education and agricultural infrastructure. Food aid is a notoriously poor solution because it only
offers an immediate solution and warlords often exploit it to support their continued mistreatment of their
people. It hurts more than it helps. However, there would be better long-term effects if international
organisations and governments redirected that money into helping build better farms, provide more modern
equipment, and sending qualified professions to train people in need. There is a TedTalk by a young man in
Kenya who built his own windmill out of old bicycle parts and by reading a book in the local library. It is
large enough to power his own house and he was seeking financing for a larger one that would power
irrigation channels for the entire village. If more people like him can be found or trained then this will have an
impact that lasts for decades and is relatively impervious to the factors preventing agricultural advances from
taking root in developing countries.

In conclusion, developing companies face myriad problems that hinder their ability to take advantage of
newer agricultural models and we should direct more funding to helping these countries learn more about new
farming methods. This is likely to be an important issue in the world as the gap between rich and poor,
develop and undeveloped widens while technological progress continues its indifferent march forward.

b. Model B
Despite the fact that farming methods and yield improved dramatically over the last century, millions of
people still do not have enough food to eat. There are social, economical and climatic reasons behind this
disturbing phenomenon.

Famine or food scarcity only affects the poor. Whether they grow their food or not, the rich will ensure that
they have enough on their platter. The poor, unfortunately, lack this purchasing power. If food is not made
available at concessional rates, they cannot have to access to it. Most of the time poor people do not own any
land. Consequently, they cannot grow their own food. They have to buy their food and when food prices
increase, they cannot have their fill.

The change in climate also causes famine. Extreme drought like conditions persist in some countries. For
example, in some parts of Africa it has not rained in years. Consequently, people living in those regions
cannot grow their crops. They are dependent on food grown in other areas and if that is not available, then
these people will have to go hungry. Political reasons also contribute to this problem. Many countries refuse to
share their water resources with other countries. Often times this is caused by the enmity between these
nations. Unfortunately, this practice affects the food security in those countries that do not have adequate
water resources of their own.

In order to solve this problem, the governments need to ensure that food is available for the poor for free or at
concessional rates. Rich countries which grow surplus food should show the magnanimity to share their
excess with poor countries that do not have enough food to feed their people. International organizations can
play an important role in ensuring that nations share their wealth and resources with those that need it.

To conclude, hunger continues to haunt millions of people even in the 21st century. Often times this is caused
by the inequitable distribution of wealth and resources. Rich countries and rich people can do a lot to ensure
that the poor also have access to a basic necessity like food.

I. Collocations:
a. Types of transport
streetcar (also known as trolley)
part of speech: noun
meaning: an electric vehicle that transports people and goes along metal tracks in the road
collocations: take/go on/ catch a streetcar
get on/off a streetcar
streetcar service
streetcar stop
(travel) by streetcar
example: The best way to see the city is by streetcar.
pronunciation: /ˈstriːt.kɑːr/

part of speech: adjective
meaning: refers to a system of fast-moving trains in a city
collocations: rapid-transit system
rapid-transit station
rapid-transit route
example: Very few third world countries have efficient rapid-transit systems in place.
pronunciation: /ˌræp.ɪdˈtræn.zɪt/

part of speech: noun
meaning: a large boat or ship
collocations: cargo/commercial vessel
fishing vessel
passenger vessel
operate a vessel
board a vessel
aboard/on/on board a vessel
school/primary/secondary pupil
example: Nowadays, it’s common for refugees to make dangerous journeys in a variety of
unsafe vessels.
pronunciation: /ˈves.əl/
b. On the road
part of speech: adjective
meaning: refers to roads that have too much traffic
collocations: congested road
to be congested
become/get congested
very/heavily/highly congested
congested with (vehicles)
example: In my town, congested roads are normal during the week.
pronunciation: /kənˈdʒes.tɪd/

rush hour
part of speech: noun
meaning: the busy part of the day when people are travelling to work in the morning or
when they are travelling home from work in the evening
collocations: rush hour traffic
rush hour times
in the/at/during rush hour
example: The opening of the new bridge really helped with rush hour traffic.
pronunciation: /ˈrʌʃ ˌaʊər/

part of speech: noun (or verb)
meaning: two or more people who travel together to work or school, usually taking turns
to drive
collocations: carpool of (three people)
carpool vehicle
carpool lane
organize/arrange a carpool
carpool to work/school (verb)
example: If more people organized carpools, getting to work would be so much easier for
pronunciation: /ˈkɑːpuːl/
c. Travelling
part of speech: adjective
meaning: travelling a long distance (antonym: short-haul)
collocations: long-haul flight/route/travel
long-haul airline/carrier
example: Long-haul travel can be very stressful and exhausting for young children.
pronunciation: /ˈlɒŋ.hɔːl/

part of speech: noun
meaning: a detailed plan or route of a journey
collocations: detailed/full itinerary
arrange/plan an itinerary
follow an itinerary
itinerary includes (something)
in/on an itinerary
example: The tour operator gave us a detailed itinerary a couple of weeks before the trip,
so we knew what to expect.
pronunciation: /aɪˈtɪn.ər.ər.i/

round trip
part of speech: noun
meaning: a trip to a place and back again
collocations: round trip ticket/fare
example: I drive around 100 km round trip most weekends to see my parents.
pronunciation: /ˌraʊnd ˈtrɪp/
d. Transportation & environmental issues
air pollution
part of speech: noun
meaning: the presence of harmful substances in the air, often consisting of waste from
collocations: contributor to air pollution
urban air pollution
reduce air pollution
example: Air travel is a major contributor to air pollution.
pronunciation: /ˈeə pəˌluː.ʃən

part of speech: verb
meaning: to send out gas
collocations: emit gas
emit chemicals
emit carbon dioxide
emit high levels/large quantities of
example: Vehicles emit high levels of harmful gases.
pronunciation: /iˈmɪt/

electric car (also known as electric vehicle)

part of speech: noun
meaning: a car that uses energy from a battery to operate
collocations: electric car company/distributor
electric car rental
own an electric car
drive an electric car
charge an electric car
example: Electric cars can reduce emissions and even save you money.
pronunciation: /iˈlek.trɪk kɑːr/
e. Transportation in the future
part of speech: noun
meaning: a vehicle used for travel in space
collocations: manned/unmanned aircraft
launch a spacecraft
in/on an spacecraft
example: As space travel continues to grow, spacecraft will become a necessity.
pronunciation: /ˈspeɪs.krɑːft/

part of speech: noun
meaning: equipment that allows for an aircraft or ship to travel in a particular direction
without needing a person to control it
collocations: autopilot system
to be on autopilot
example: Modern autopilot systems are capable of landing planes.
pronunciation: /ˈɔː.təʊˌpaɪ.lət/

part of speech: adjective
meaning: refers to a vehicle that drives itself
collocations: self-driving car/vehicle
example: I don’t think self-driving cars will ever replace conventional vehicles.
pronunciation: /ˌselfˈdraɪ.vɪŋ/
II. Idioms:

idiom meaning example

get itchy feet to want to travel I love travelling. If I spend too much time
in one place, I begin to get itchy feet.
beat the traffic to leave earlier than most people to avoid I usually leave for work before 8am to
the traffic at the peak times of the day beat the traffic.
hitch a lift to get a free ride in a passing vehicle Our car ran out of petrol, so I had to hitch
a lift with a passing truck to the nearest
petrol station.
off the beaten track away from the frequently travelled routes We went to a small cabin in the woods,
off the beaten track.
travel light to travel without bringing much luggage I don’t like big suitcases - I always travel

III. Sample
Part 1
What are the main means of transport in Vietnam? 
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) There are quite a few means of transport in Means of transport(n) Phương tiện giao thông
Vietnam, but motorbikes are taking the lead. (Reason) Taking the lead (v) Chiếm phần lớn
People prefer to travel by motorbike because it is more Traffic congestion (n) Tắc đường
economical and the most important thing is that when it
comes to traffic congestion, it takes ages for car to move
Wend its wayforward (v) Đi chậm chậm về phía trước
on the road but it is much easier for a motorbike to wend
its way forward and escape the bad traffic.
Part 2
Describe a time you travelled by public transport.
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Well, today I would like to tell you about an MRT Chuyến đi bằng MRT
MRT journey (Mass
journey in Singapore that I took several years ago. (Tàu điện ngầm ở một số
Rapid Transport
Actually, I was a junior in Hanoi University when I took my nước như Singapore, Đài
journey) (n)
summer vacation there. After a month of planning, I decided Loan)
to embark on the journey alone. Embark on the
Thực hiện chuyến đi
(Reason) I already knew that car rent in Singapore would be journey (v)
prohibitively expensive to a student like me, so I chose MRT to Car rent (n) Phí thuê xe ô tô
travel around the city, which was both fast and economical. Boarded (v) Lên (tàu/xe)
(Example) I boarded a train at Lavender station which headed Filled up (v) Lấp đầy
towards Marina Bays station. Luckily, I managed to find a seat Jam-packed (adj) Đông người
before it was filled up. The trains here were notoriously jam-
packed in rush hours.
To my surprise, it was so silent on the train, everyone tried to keep
their voice low so that they wouldn’t bother others, and I have to
say that was a strange thing when compared to buses in some
countries. Moreover, the train went unbelievably fast, so it took me Rush hours (n) Giờ cao điểm
just about 15 minutes to arrive at my destination. I felt that such a
long distance was made shorter thanks to this means of transport.
That was my first time I went on a public transport and I hope that
there will be more modern underground systems that are built in
our country in the near future.
Part 3
How do you think people will travel in the future? 
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Well I think, electric mini-bus will be the prevalent Xe buýt mini chạy bằng
Electric mini-bus (n)
means of transport in the future. (Reason) [1]One reason could be điện
that it still carries the same number of passengers but being small
and agile to get its way out of a traffic jam. (Example) In
addition,carpooling may be a good idea (Reason) as people can
not only save a great amount of money spent on fuel for their
Carpooling (n) Hình thức đi chung xe
private car but they also help protect the environment. Many
people travel in the same car means there will be less emission
and less traffic jam and this may be a dominant way of
transporting in the future.

Glossary box
Means of transport(n) Phương tiện giao thông
Take  the lead (v) Chiếm phần lớn
Traffic congestion (n) Tắc đường
Wend  one’s  wayforward (v) Đi chậm chậm về phía trước
MRT journey (Mass Rapid Transport journey) Chuyến đi bằng MRT (Tàu điện ngầm ở
(n) một số nước như Singapore, Đài Loan)
Embark on the journey (v) Thực hiện chuyến đi
Car rent  (n) Phí thuê xe ô tô
Board  (v) Lên (tàu/xe)
Fill up (v) Lấp đầy
Jam-packed (adj) Đông người
Rush hour (n) Giờ cao điểm
Electric mini-bus (n) Xe buýt mini chạy bằng điện
Carpooling (n) Hình thức đi chung xe


Part 1
Where do you like to go on your vacation/holiday? (Bạn thích đi du lịch ở đâu?)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Honestly, I am really into going to the countryside, Tranquillity  (n) Sự yên bình
especially mountainous areas on my summer vacation (Reason) Rat race (n) Cuộc sống xô bồ
because I think the tranquillity here is the best remedy to help me Nạp lại năng
Recharge my battery (v)
get away from the rat race andrecharge my battery. lượng
Part 2
Describe a recent vacation that you went on. (Mô tả kỳ nghỉ gần đây của bạn)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Well, I would like to talk about a trip that I Những thành phố đáng sống
Worth-living cities (n)
took with my family to Da Nang last July.  
(Reason) We chose Da Nang because it took only 1,5 Local cuisine (n) Ẩm thực địa phương
hours to fly from Hanoi to Da Nang International Airport Tourist attractions (n) Địa điểm thu hút khách du lịch
and more importantly, it is considered one of the Breath-taking (adj) Đẹp đến nghẹt thở
most worth-living cities in Vietnam with specatacular Aerial walkway  (n) Cầu đi bộ trên cao
scenery and delicous local cuisine. Coastal city (n) Thành phố biển
(Example) During 4 days and 3 nights staying there, we Superb (adj) Tuyệt hảo
visited famous tourist attractionsin the city such as Local specialty (n) Đặc sản địa phương
Dragon Bridge, Administration Tower, Linh Ung It would be a miss(not to) Sẽ thật phí (nếu không)
Pagoda, Ba Na Hills and all of them were breath-
taking.Among them, the most impressive place that we
visited was the Golden Bridge, which was opened for
tourists last June. It is an aerial walkway which looks
like a bridge that is lifted by two giant hands.
In addition, Da Nang is a coastal city so it is such a great
feeling when we can walk along the beach after having
(Example) In terms of food, I have to say that it Blast (n) Một sự kiện rất vui vẻ
was superb. We tried street food such as Nem lui, Banh
xeo or avocado ice cream… which are local
specialties and it would be amiss not to try them. In
short, the trip was a real blast and it was a great
opportunity for me and my family to share great
memories together. I hope that one day I can come back
to Da Nang to be immersed again in the wonderful
atmosphere here.
Part 3
What factors do people have to consider before a trip? (Đâu là những yếu tố khiến con người phải cân
nhắc trước khi đi du lịch?)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) In my opinion, there are a range of factors that people Unexpected expenses (n) Chi phí phát sinh
have to take into account when planning for a trip. The first Cost-effective (adj) Tương xứng với số tiền
thing is the budget. (Reason) One should be able to have a bỏ ra
detailed plan on how to allocate the available amount of money
to minimalize theunexpected expenses. (Reason) Another aspect
that can not be overlooked is the accommodation. (Example) I
think people should choose a place which is cost-effectiveand
situated in a safe place so that they can enjoy their trip to the
Useful phrases:
Glossary box
Tranquillity  (n) Sự yên bình
Rat race  (n) Cuộc sống xô bồ
Recharge my battery (v) Nạp lại năng lượng
Worth-living city (n) Thành phố đáng sống
Local cuisine (n) Ẩm thực địa phương
Tourist attraction (n) Địa điểm thu hút khách du lịch
Breath-taking  (adj) Đẹp đến nghẹt thở
Aerial walkway (n) Cầu đi bộ trên cao
Coastal city (n) Thành phố biển
Superb (adj) Tuyệt hảo
Local specialty (n) Đặc sản địa phương
It would be a  miss (not to) Sẽ thật phí (nếu không)
Blast (n) Một sự kiện rất vui vẻ
Unexpected expenses (n) Chi phí phát sinh
Cost-effectvie (adj) Tương xứng với số tiền bỏ ra

I. Collocations:

Collocation/ idiom Meaning Example

To be full up To eat to the point that you can Don’t order any more food. I have been
no longer eat any more full up already.
To grab a bite to eat To eat something quickly (when I was in a hurry this morning so I
you’re in a rush) grabbed a bite to eat and ran out for
The main meal: The meal at which you eat the Lunch is usually our main meal, except
most food on Sundays.
Stoke up with something To eat a lot of a particular food As she had an important meeting all day
in order to avoid feeling hungry long, she stoked up with a lot of
or weak later chicken soup and bread for breakfast.
To wine and dine To entertain with food, eat They wined and dined in one of the
sumptuously most luxurious restaurants in Paris after
Shovel sth into your mouth (= To put large quantities of food He was sitting in front of the TV
shovel down) into your mouth very quickly shovelling a pizza into his mouth
To be dying of hunger An exaggerated way of saying Let’s find something to eat. I am dying
you are hungry of hunger because of studying
extensively for four hours.
To be starving hungry An exaggerated way of saying I’m starving hungry now. Let’s go
you are very hungry grab something to eat.
To eat a balanced diet To eat the correct types and In order to lose weight, we should try to
amounts of food eat a balanced diet with less sugar
To eat like a horse To eat a lot ≠ eat like a bird Eating like a horse in a party may be
considered to be extremely impolite.
To have a sweet tooth To enjoy sugary food I’m really afraid of gaining weight
quickly and contracting diabetes
because I have a sweet tooth.
Home-cooked food Food cooked at home from Although home-cooked food is usually
individual ingredients not as delicious as the one served in
restaurants, it is much more beneficial
to your health.
To make your mouth water To make you feel very hungry McDonald’s serves all kinds of burgers,
for something from cheese burgers to beef burgers.
These things always make my mouth
water every time I walk into the
To foot the bill To pay the bill My friend asked me out for dinner and
he didn’t want me to foot the bill.
To spoil your appetite To eat something that will stop
you feeling hungry when it’s
Carry-out: Take-out, food that is cooked and sold by a restaurant or store to be eaten elsewhere.
Processed food Commercially prepared food Processed food is very convenient for
bought for convenience those who are busy all day long, but
eating it frequently may be very harmful
to our health.
To bolt something down To eat something very quickly My son bolted down his lunch and
went out with his friends.

To follow a recipe: To cook a meal using I set up and run a famous blog which
instructions give readers hundreds of quick lessons
in how to follow recipes to make any
dish great.
Drive through (drive-thru): type of service provided by a business that allows customers to purchase
products without leaving their cars
A quick snack to eat a small amount of food
between meals
Eat in to have a meal at home rather
than in a restaurant
Binge eating eating a lot of food, especially
without being able to control
A slap up meal a large meal
To tuck into to eat something with pleasure

Go on a diet trying to lose weight by eating

less food or specific foods.
a clean bill of health a decision by a doctor that After months of treatment, I was given a
someone is healthy clean bill of health by my doctor.
be back on your feet to be healthy again after a It didn’t take very long for her to be
period of illness back on her feet again.
be (as) fit as a fiddle/flea to be healthy and strong My grandfather is in his 90s, but he’s fit
as a fiddle.

II. Sample
Part 1
Examiner: Do you like to cook?
Mandy: Not really no  … most of the time I eat ready meals and take-aways … that’s one of the reasons I
love visiting my mum … you can always guarantee lovely home-cooked food …
Examiner: What time do you usually eat dinner?
Michelle: We have our main meal at around 7.00 … I’m usually starving hungry by then … in fact I
often grab a bite to eat as soon as I get home from college … a sandwich perhaps … but not too much to
spoil my appetite …
Examiner: Are there any types of food you don’t like?
Lionel: No not really … I’m not a fussy eater at all … actually I eat like a horse … I do a lot of sport
and work up quite an appetite …

Part 2
Describe a restaurant that you like to use. You should say
 where this restaurant is
 what kind of food it serves
 how often you go there
and say why you like eating there so much.

Howard:  OK … this is a nice topic to talk about … there’s a restaurant just around the corner from where I
live … it’s an Italian restaurant so as you’d expect you can eat various pasta dishes and pizzas and I usually go
there with my family for a slap-up meal if we have anything to celebrate … it’s quite a posh restaurant … the
kind of place you would take someone if you wanted to wine and dine them … we usually order a 3-course
meal … a light starter then a main dish … and I have quite a sweet tooth so I always look forward to the
dessert … I usually order Tiramisu … it makes my mouth water just to think about it … I’m always
totally full up by the end … why do I enjoy it there … well … it’s not cheap … my parents always foot the
bill and we couldn’t afford to go there regularly so it’s always a nice treat  …

Part 3
Examiner: How can we encourage people to eat more healthily?
Anna: I think the best approach is to have everything in moderation … processed food won’t kill you if you
only eat it occasionally … but people should also be encouraged to eat a balanced diet… try to cook fresh
ingredients at home a few times a week …
Examiner: Do you think people enjoy their food as much as they should?
Florrie: I don’t know really … I suppose it’s true that people will often eat a quick snack because they’re
bored not because they’re dying of hunger … and often they just bolt it down and don’t savour it … so yes
… perhaps we could take more time over our food …
Examiner: Do you think cooking is a pleasure or a chore for people who have busy lives?
Julie: Well … whether you follow a recipe or make something up as you go along … I think cooking is a very
creative process … and cooking for other people is a particular pleasure … there’s nothing more satisfying
than seeing people you love tucking into something you’ve cooked yourself …

III. Useful phrases:

 to be full up: to eat to the point that you can no longer eat any more
 to be starving hungry: an exaggerated way of saying you are very hungry
 to bolt something down: to eat something very quickly
 to be dying of hunger: an exaggerated way of saying you are hungry
 to eat a balanced diet: to eat the correct types and amounts of food
 to eat like a horse: to eat a lot
 to follow a recipe: to cook a meal using instructions
 to foot the bill: to pay the bill
 a fussy eater: somebody who has their own very high standards about what to eat
 to grab a bite to eat: to eat something quickly (when you’re in a rush)
 to have a sweet tooth: to enjoy sugary food
 home-cooked food: food cooked at home from individual ingredients
 the main meal:  the most important meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening
 to make your mouth water: to make you feel very hungry for something
 to play with your food: to push food around the plate to avoid eating it
 processed food: commercially prepared food bought for convenience
 a quick snack: to eat a small amount of food between meals
 a ready meal: see ‘processed food’
 a slap up meal: a large meal
 to spoil your appetite: to eat something that will stop you feeling hungry when it’s meal-time.
 a take away: a cooked meal prepared in a restaurant and eaten at home
 to tuck into: to eat something with pleasure
 to wine and dine: to entertain someone by treating them to food and drink
 to work up an appetite: to do physical work that leads to you becoming hungry

I. Collocations
 1. to get into shape: trở nên sung sức
2. in good/bad/poor shape/condition: trong tình trạng sức khỏe tốt/kém/tệ
3. to be in/out of shape = fit/unfit: tình trạng sức khỏe tốt/kém
4. to be out of condition: ốm yếu
5. keep/stay fit/in shape: giữ sức khỏe
6. to go jogging: chạy bộ
7. to take up exercise: bắt đầu tập các bài tập
8. to train hard: tập luyện chăm chỉ, dùng đến nhiều sức lực
9. to exert onese
 lf: cố gắng
10. play/take up/ take part in/compete in a sport: chơi một môn thể thao
11. to be still in the tournament: vẫn ở trong cuộc đua dành danh hiệu
12. set up tactics: lập chiến thuật
13. knock-out stage: vòng loại trực tiếp
14. score a goal: ghi bàn
15. to be rocking with noise: sôi sục trong tiếng hò reo
 16. inspirational sport moments: những khoảnh khắc ấn tượng của thể thao
17. more often than not = usually: thường xuyên
18. be up to neck = to be very busy: bận tối mặt tối mũi
19. to the full [adverb] = to the greatest possible degree: tới mức độ cao nhất có thể
20. a feast for the eyes and ears: đã mắt, đã tai
21. to outlaw dangerous sports: ngăn cấm các môn thể thao nguy hiểm
22. to be banned on safety grounds: bị cấm vì lý do an toàn
23. to risk brain injury: chấp nhận rủi ro chấn thương não
24. to instill self-discipline: thấm nhuần tinh thần tự kỉ luật
25. to disengage children from gangs: tách trẻ con khỏi việc tham gia các băng nhóm
26. a bloodthirsty and dangerous sport: môn thể thao nguy hiểm/khát máu/dễ đổ máu
27. to spur goodwill: thúc đẩy thiện chí
II. Sample
Part 1
Examiner: Do you do any sports?
Loiuse: Not really … no … I always say I’m going to take up exercise and try to get into shape but I never
seem to get started … I sometimes wonder whether  I should get a personal trainer … someone who will sort
out a fitness programme for me and make me train hard ….
Examiner: How do you spend a typical weekend?
Stella: I’m a big football fan and weekends always centre around a football match … I support FC Utrecht
and have a season ticket so I go to most of the home games and quite a few of the away games too  … I’m
really looking forward to the new football season starting soon …
Examiner: Have you got any hobbies or interests?
Theo: Yes … I’m really keen on sports … I do judo once a week and play tennis in the summer … I think
it’s really important to keep fit … it makes you feel good and energised for work and your studies ….

Part 2
Describe a place you like going to in your leisure time. You should say:
 what this place is
 when you go there
 what you do there
and say why you enjoy it there so much.

Maurice:  I’d like to talk about my local sports centre … it’s a place I spend a lot of time in  … it’s a new
building with all the latest sports facilities … I probably go there at least twice a week … sometimes more
often … it’s a huge place … there’s an outdoor athletics track and some football pitches … I play
football so I’m often out there … there are several indoor squash and tennis courts that I use occasionally
… a big swimming pool … although I don’t use that very often … I’m not a very strong swimmer … there’s
a gym … lots of things really … why do I enjoy going there … it’s just a really fun place to be … there’s a
good social side to it all … you can enter competitions … meet up with other people who want to do the same
sports … and because there are so many activities on offer it gets you interested in different things … for
example I was listening to some people talking about training to run the marathon and I’ve decided I might
even think about that … I go jogging a couple of times a week so it would give me something to aim for … so
yes … the sports centre … that’s the place I really like to visit …
Part 3
Examiner: Should people be encouraged more to take up sport?
Alejandro: I think young people should be given the chance to discover which sport they might like …
watching sport is sometimes a good way to get people started … not on TV but actually getting out … take
athletics for example … they could go to an athletics meeting … there are so many different sports on show
one might interest them …
Examiner: Why do some people enjoy participating in sport more than others?
Florrie: That’s a good question … I suppose some people are more concerned about their health … they can’t
stand the thought of being out of condition … other people might be driven to excel … they want to set
records or get personal bests …
Examiner: Which sports do you think are best for people who aren’t used to physical activity?
Julie: Well … I think people like this should avoid strenuous exercise so things like circuit training are
definitely out of the question … maybe just doing a brisk walk every day … or swimming is always a good
way to get started …

III. Useful phrases:

 an athletics meeting: an event where various athletics sports are held
 an athletics track: a running track
 an away game: a football match played in the opposing teams stadium
 a brisk walk: a fast walk
 to do judo: (not go or play)
 a football fan: someone who likes football
 a fitness programme: a schedule of activities to keep fit
 a football match: a game of football
 a football pitch: the surface on which you play football (as opposed to a stadium, which is the
 a football season: a period in the year when football is played
 to get into shape: to become fit
 to go jogging: to run around the streets
 a home game:  a football match played in the teams own stadium
 to keep fit: to stay in good physically condition
 to be out of condition: to not be physically fit
 a personal best: to achieve the best personal result so far in a sport
 a personal trainer: a sports coach that helps you on a one-to-one basis
 to play tennis/football: (not do or go)
 to run the marathon: to run a distance of 42.195 Kilometres
 a season ticket: a ticket that gives you entry to most of a team’s home games during the sporting
 to set a record: to achieve the best result in a sport
 a sports centre: a public building where people can do various sports
 sports facilities: the equipment and services needed to do a sport
 a squash/tennis/badminton court: the surface where you play these sports
 strenuous exercise: exercise that needs a lot of physical effort
 a strong swimmer: a good swimmer
 a swimming pool: the place where you swim
 to take up exercise: to start doing exercise

 to train hard: to train with a lot of effort

 Prevalent (adj) Phổ biến
 Catch sight of (Sb/St) (v) Bắt gặp hình ảnh
 Team sport (n) Môn thể thao đồng đội
 Spectacular and impressive (adj) Ngoạn mục và đầy ấn tượng
 Notable performance (n) Màn trình diễn đáng nhớ
 Decisive match(n) Trận đấu quyết định
 Miraculous victories (n) Chiến thắng kỳ diệu
 Patriotism (n) Lòng yêu nước
 Pride of national identity (n) Niềm tự hào dân tộc
 Team spirit (n) Tinh thần đồng đội
 Prestigious trophy (n) Chiếc cúp danh giá
 Tournament (n) Mùa giải
 Strong connection (n) Sự liên quan mật thiết
 Boost tourism industry (v) Thúc đẩy công nghiệp du lịch

I. Collocations:
 action movie: film with fast moving scenes, often containing violence.Last week I saw a great
action movie with my brother at our local movie theatre.
 bedtime reading: a book you read in your bed before going to sleep.I'm really addicted to books! I
can't even fall asleep without an hour of bedtime reading.
 box office hit: a very successful movie, in terms of money.The new movie might be a box office hit,
but I didn't like it at all.
 e-reader: a gadget for reading books.My e-reader broke a few days ago, so now I'll need to fix it or
buy a new one.
 from cover to cover: fro0m the first page to the last.I am a slow reader so it takes me a lot of time
to read a book from cover to cover.
 hardcover: a book with hard cover. Opposite to softcover.My friend gave me a hardcover book as a
present for my birthday.
 page turner: a book which is so good that you cannot stop reading it.My sister recommended me a
great book. It was such a page turner that I read it in one day!
 plot: a storyline of a book or film.
 intricate plot: a very complex, labyrinthine plot.The famous Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"
has a very intricate plot. It tells a story of five different families and comprises of 4 volumes.
 subordinate plot (subplot): a plot that is related to, but less important than the main plot of a
story.Ernest Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises" tells a love story of a man and a woman.
However, the book involves many subordinate plots that raise questions about physical and spiritual
affinity, trans-racial relationships and anti-Semitism.
 threadbare plot: a simple, primitive plot.The movie's plot was threadbare, but cutely disarming in
its own way.
 unravelling of the plot: the way in which a story develops over time.I first thought Jack London's
novel "Martin Eden" to be pretty straightforward. However, the plot unravelled in a very unpredicted
 a film comes out: a film can be seen for the first time in cinemas.
 Star in a film: to be one of the most important actors in a film
 play a role: to act the part of a particular person in a film or play
 direct a movie: to b in charge of a movie and tell the actors what to do
 opening scenes: the very first part of the film
 have a happy ending: when the story ends with something good happening
 box-office hit: a film that lots of people go to see at the cinema
 live music: music that is played on instruments to an audience.
 go on tour: to play several concerts in a row in different towns and cities
 catchy tune: a tune that is easy to remember
 good rviews: when people write good things about music, films, books, etc.
 give a performance: to play music, dance, sing or act in front of an audience.
 releasean album: to make a rcord, CD, etc. that is sold to the public
 greatest hits: a musician or group’s most popular songs.

II. Adjectives to describe books and films:

 action-packed: full of action. My brother loves action-packed movies. Probably that's why his
favourite film is "Terminator".
 addictive: a book or film that you quickly become addicted to."Harry Potter" series by Joanne
Rowling are so addictive! I couldn't stop after the first book and read all volumes.
 creepy: producing a sensation of uneasiness or fear, scary. Noah finds Stephen King's stories creepy.
 dreary: gloomy or depressing. I can't stand dramas, thrillers and other dreary movies.
 entertaining: funny and enjoyable.Comedies are very entertaining.
 futuristic: telling about the future."Star Wars" movie is futuristic and dynamic.
 heartbreaking: that breaks your heart and evokes sad emotions.When my aunt watched "Titanic" she
cried all day! It's such a heartbreaking film.
 inspirational: evoking inspiration.
 intense: a book or film loaded with actions and emotions that evokes strong feelings.The play's plot
was very intense. Just a minute after a couple had a quarrel in the forest, the secret lover appeared and
started a fire-fight.
 tear-jerking: tragic, making you cry.My sister is very emotional. I would rather watch a comedy with
her than a tear-jerking movie!
 thought-provoking: a book or film that makes you think of new ideas or that changes your attitude to
something.Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451" is deeply thought-provoking. I had to rethink my
attitude to legislation and censorship after I read it

III. Useful idioms:

 don't judge a book by its cover: a metaphorical phrase which means "you shouldn't judge someone
or something by its appearance alone".When I first met Sam I didn't find him handsome. But, as
people say, don't judge a book by its cover. He turned out to be the most interesting person I've ever
met and we married soon!
 to catch the latest movie: to see a movie that has just come out.We need to hurry up if we want to
catch the latest movie.
 to flick through: to look quickly through a book.I flicked through my notes to prepare for the exam as
didn't have time to study properly.
 to know like a book: to know something extremely well.I live in this city for my whole life and I
know it like a book.
 to read between the lines: to understand the hidden meaning about something.When I broke up with
my girlfriend, I didn't want anyone to know that. But Tom saw us in the different corners of the
classroom and read everything between the lines. He's very discerning.

IV. Sample:
Part 1
1. Do you like to read books?
Yes … I love reading … I like nothing more than to be engrossed in a good book … I regularly take
out books from the library and usually read them from cover to cover in no time … and I can’t go to sleep at
night without some good bedtime reading …

2. How often do you go to the cinema?

Unfortunately we don’t have a cinema near us so we have to go into the nearest town to catch the latest
movie … I usually avoid seeing popular box-office hits which I’m not always keen on seeing … I prefer low-
budget films … sci-fi especially … and there’s a great cinema I go to that has frequent showings of films like
these …

3.  Do you prefer reading books or watching films?

I’m not really a big reader … I find books quite heavy-going … so I much prefer to see a film … perhaps
it’s the special effects or the soundtrack … I don’t know … I just prefer a film …

Part 2
Describe a book you have read or a film you have seen. You should say:
 what this book or film was
 when you read or saw it
 why you decided to see the film or read the book
 and say if you enjoyed it and why.
 I like reading … especially English novels … it’s a great way to improve your vocabulary and there are so
many fantastic authors to choose from … one book that came highly recommended by my teacher was The
Mayor of Casterbridge … I was studying at a school in The UK at the time and she said it would give me a
picture of what life was like years ago in the area I was living … well I have to say I absolutely loved it  … it
was a real page-turner … it’s a historical novel and the setting was a fictional town called Casterbridge …
but actually it was based on a town near where I was studying called Dorchester … it had such a great plot …
to cut a long story short it tells the story of the downfall of a man called Henchard the central
character who lives during a period of great social change around the time of the industrial revolution … the
reason I enjoyed it so much … apart from the great story … it gave me a picture of what life had been like in
the place I was studying at the time … I really couldn’t put it down … a fantastic story …

Part 3
1.  Is reading as pleasurable in digital format?
Personally I prefer reading a paperback or hardback … especially if I’m reading a classic which I don’t
think feels right as an e-book … but I can see it can be good for others … my grandmother has an e-
reader and she loves the way you can enlarge the text …

2. Do you think bookshops will survive the digital revolution?

I think so … at least I hope so … I love flicking through books in a bookshop … online shopping is useful …
finding out on Amazon if a book you want has got a good review … maybe getting one that is difficult to find
… but I still love the experience of being in a bookshop  …

3.  Statistics show that visits to the cinema are up despite the availability of DVDs and online
downloads. Why do you think this might be?
I think it’s the whole experience that the cinema offers … going out to see a film when it goes on general
release … and seeing it on the big screen is more exciting than watching the filmat home on TV …
especially if it’s an action movie … and watching it with others makes it even more special …

V. Useful phrases
 an action movie: a film with fast moving scenes, often containing violence
 to be engrossed in: to be completely focused on one thing
 bedtime reading: something to read in bed before you go to sleep
 to be a big reader: someone who reads a lot
 to be based on: to use as a modal
 a box office hit: a financially successful film
 to be heavy-going: difficult to read
 a blockbuster: a film that is a big commercial success
 to catch the latest movie: to see a film that has just come out
 the central character: the main person in a film or book
 a classic: of the highest quality
 to come highly recommended: to be praised by another person
 couldn’t put it down: wasn’t able to stop reading a book
 an e-book: a digital book
 an e-reader: a device for reading e-books
 to flick through: to look quickly through a book
 to get a good/bad review: to receive positive or negative feedback
 to go on general release: when a film can be seen by the general public
 hardback: a book with a rigid cover (see ‘paperback’ below)
 a historical novel: a story set in the past
 a low budget film: a film made with a small amount of money
 on the big screen: at the cinema
 a page turner: a book that you want to keep reading
 paperback: a book with a flexible cover (see ‘hardback’ above)
 plot: the main events in a film or book
 to read something from cover to cover: to read a book from the first page to the last
 sci-fi: science fiction
 to see a film: to see a film at the cinema (see ‘watch a film’ below)
 the setting: where the action takes place
 showings: performances of a film
 soundtrack: the music that accompanies a film
 special effects: the visuals or sounds that are added to a film which are difficult to produce naturally
 to take out (a book from the library): to borrow a book from the library
 to tell the story of: to outline the details of someone’s life or an event
 to watch a film: to watch a film on TV (see ‘to see a film’ above)

I. Collocations:
 Go is used with activities and sports that end in -ing. The verb go here implies that we go somewhere to
practice this sport: go swimming.
 Do is used with recreational activities and with individual, non-team sports or sports in which a ball is not
used, like martial arts, for example:do a crossword puzzle,  do athletics, do karate.
 Play is generally used with team sports and those sports that need a ball or similar object (puck, disc,
shuttlecock...). Also, those activities in which two people or teams compete against each other: play football,
play poker, play chess.
In this table there is a list of sports and activities that collocate with these verbs:

Go Do Play
riding aerobics badminton
jogging gymnastics table-tennis
hitch-hiking taekwondo football
fishing judo basketball
sailing karate chess
windsurfing kung-fu cricket
skiing ballet board games
snowboarding exercise snooker
swimming yoga hockey
dancing athletics baseball
skating archery rugby
cycling a crossword puzzle volleyball
running tai chi squash

Some exceptions to the rules:

 You use do with three activities that end in -ing: do boxing, do body-building and do weight-
lifting because they don't imply moving along as the other activities ending in -ing.
 Golf: if there is an idea of competition, you use the verb play. However, you can say go golfing if you
do it for pleasure: Tiger Woods plays golf. We'll go golfing at the weekend. 

II. Sample:
Part 1
Do you like leisure activities? (Bạn có thích các hoạt động trong giờ giải lao không?) 
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Wow, definitely yes. Leisure activities, Extracurricular activities (n) Hoạt động ngoại khóa
especially extracurricular ones are the source of my life. Làm cho năng lượng
Have my energy boosted (n)
(Reason) I feel like I can have my energy boosted when tăng lên
I can enjoy myself through leisure activities and escape
Hectic (adj) Vội vã, hối hả
from thehectic pace of life.

Part 2
Describe a leisure activity that you like to do. (Mô tả một hoạt động ngoại khóa mà bạn yêu thích)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Well, I have to work 5 days a week and Leisure pursuits(n) Hoạt động trong giờ giải
I am very tired after each workday. Leisure lao
pursuits are the things that help me recharge my Recharge my battery (v) Nạp năng lượng
battery and I would like to choose badminton as Daily routine (n) Thói quen hàng ngày
my most favorite daily routine. Has been a drain on my enegery(v) Lấy hết năng lượng
(Reason) Playing badminton helps me in different Rất tốt/có ích cho ai/cái
Does wonders for (Sb/St) (v)
ways. The work is stressful, demanding and gì
it has been a drain on my enegery; therefore, I Agility (n) Sự nhanh nhạy
play that kind of sport as a way of helping my Sedentary lifestyle  (n) Lối sống ít vận động
mind free from all thoughts. (Example) When I
am focused on playing it, I feel extremely
relaxed. My co-player is also one of my
colleagues so it is much easier for us to share
things related to work and we feel more
motivated when we can work and play the same
sport together.
(Reason) In addition, playing badminton alsodoes
Sức khỏe thể trạng/tâm
wonders for my health as I have to move and run Physical/Mental health (n)
a lot, thus boosts my agility. (Example) As I work
in an office, sedentary lifestyle is unavoidable,
which may lead to acute diseases related to our
bones. I sweat a lot after each set but this helps
me remove dangerous substances from my body.
In short, I love badminton so much because this
makes myphysical as well as mental
health better.
Part 3
Why is it important for people to have a leisure time activity? (Tại sao thực hiện một hoạt động ngoại
khóa lại rất quan trọng với mọi người?)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Literally it is. (Reason) As you know, people are Occupied with(adj) Bận rộn với việc gì
now occupied with their responsibility both at workplace Guồng quay mệt mỏi của cuộc
The rat race (n)
and at home; therefore, having a leisure time activity will sống
help them escape from the rat race to enjoy the time of
themselves. (Example) For example, if we attend a dance Improve social Cải thiện các mối quan hệ xã
class after work, we can not only refresh our mind but also relationships (v) hội
have a chance toimprove social relationships.
III. Useful phrases:
Extracurricular activity (n) Hoạt động ngoại khóa
Have one’senergy boosted(n) Làm cho năng lượng tăng lên
Hectic (adj) Vội vã, hối hả
Leisure pursuit(n) Hoạt động trong giờ giải lao
Recharge one’s battery (v) Nạp năng lượng
Daily routine  (n) Thói quen hàng ngày
Be  a drain onone’s enegery (v) Lấy hết năng lượng của ai
Do wonders for (Sb/St) (v) Rất tốt/có ích cho ai/cái gì
Agility  (n) Sự nhanh nhạy
Sedentary lifestyle (n) Thói quen ngồi nhiều, ít vận động
Physical/Mental health (n) Sức khỏe thể trạng/tâm trí
Occupied with(adj) Bận rộn với việc gì
The rat race  (n) Guồng quay mệt mỏi của cuộc sống
Improve social relationships (v) Cải thiện các mối quan hệ xã hội
Part 1
Examiner: Do you like to read books?
Marie: Yes … I love reading … I like nothing more than to be engrossed in a good book … I regularly take
out books from the library and usually read them from cover to cover in no time … and I can’t go to sleep at
night without some good bedtime reading …
Examiner: How often do you go to the cinema?
Jemma: Unfortunately we don’t have a cinema near us so we have to go into the nearest town to catch the
latest movie … I usually avoid seeing popular box-office hits which I’m not always keen on seeing … I
prefer low-budget films … sci-fi especially … and there’s a great cinema I go to that has
frequent showings of films like these …
Examiner: Do you prefer reading books or watching films?
Louisa: I’m not really a big reader … I find books quite heavy-going … so I much prefer to see a film …
perhaps it’s the special effects or the soundtrack … I don’t know … I just prefer a film …

Part 2
Describe a book you have read or a film you have seen. You should say:
 what this book or film was
 when you read or saw it
 why you decided to see the film or read the book
and say if you enjoyed it and why.
Pauline  I like reading … especially English novels … it’s a great way to improve your vocabulary and there
are so many fantastic authors to choose from … one book that came highly recommended by my teacher was
The Mayor of Casterbridge … I was studying at a school in The UK at the time and she said it would give me
a picture of what life was like years ago in the area I was living … well I have to say I absolutely loved it  …
it was a real page-turner … it’s a historical novel and the setting was a fictional town called Casterbridge
… but actually it was based on a town near where I was studying called Dorchester … it had such a
great plot … to cut a long story short it tells the story of the downfall of a man called Henchard the central
character who lives during a period of great social change around the time of the industrial revolution … the
reason I enjoyed it so much … apart from the great story … it gave me a picture of what life had been like in
the place I was studying at the time … I really couldn’t put it down … a fantastic story …

Part 3
Examiner: Is reading as pleasurable in digital format?
Alise: Personally I prefer reading a paperback or hardback … especially if I’m reading a classic which I
don’t think feels right as an e-book … but I can see it can be good for others … my grandmother has an e-
reader and she loves the way you can enlarge the text …
Examiner: Do you think bookshops will survive the digital revolution?
Thomas: I think so … at least I hope so … I love flicking through books in a bookshop … online shopping is
useful … finding out on Amazon if a book you want has got a good review … maybe getting one that is
difficult to find … but I still love the experience of being in a bookshop  …
Examiner: Statistics show that visits to the cinema are up despite the availability of DVDs and online
downloads. Why do you think this might be?
Jamie: I think it’s the whole experience that the cinema offers … going out to see a film when it goes on
general release … and seeing it on the big screen is more exciting than watching the filmat home on TV …
especially if it’s an action movie … and watching it with others makes it even more special …
 an action movie: a film with fast moving scenes, often containing violence
 to be engrossed in: to be completely focused on one thing
 bedtime reading: something to read in bed before you go to sleep
 to be a big reader: someone who reads a lot
 to be based on: to use as a modal
 a box office hit: a financially successful film
 to be heavy-going: difficult to read
 a blockbuster: a film that is a big commercial success
 to catch the latest movie: to see a film that has just come out
 the central character: the main person in a film or book
 a classic: of the highest quality
 to come highly recommended: to be praised by another person
 couldn’t put it down: wasn’t able to stop reading a book
 an e-book: a digital book
 an e-reader: a device for reading e-books
 to flick through: to look quickly through a book
 to get a good/bad review: to receive positive or negative feedback
 to go on general release: when a film can be seen by the general pu blic
 hardback: a book with a rigid cover (see ‘paperback’ below)
 a historical novel: a story set in the past
 a low budget film: a film made with a small amount of money
 on the big screen: at the cinema
 a page turner: a book that you want to keep reading
 paperback: a book with a flexible cover (see ‘hardback’ above)
 plot: the main events in a film or book
 to read something from cover to cover: to read a book from the first page to the last
 sci-fi: science fiction
 to see a film: to see a film at the cinema (see ‘watch a film’ below)
 the setting: where the action takes place
 showings: performances of a film
 soundtrack: the music that accompanies a film
 special effects: the visuals or sounds that are added to a film which are difficult to produce naturally
 to take out (a book from the library): to borrow a book from the library
 to tell the story of: to outline the details of someone’s life or an event
 to watch a film: to watch a film on TV (see ‘to see a film’ above)

I. Các collocations ghép với Culture 
1. National culture legacy: Di sản văn hoá quốc gia
2. Culture shock: Sốc văn hoá
3. Indigenous culture: Văn hoá bản địa
4. Exotic culture: Văn hoá nước ngoài xâm nhập vào, văn hoá ngoại lai
5. Time-honoured culture/ Long-standing culture: Nền văn hoá lâu đời
6. Deep-rooted culture: Văn hoá bám sâu vào cội rẽ
7. Contemporary culture / modern culture: Văn hoá đương đại
8. Folk culture: Văn hoá dân gian
9. Local culture: Văn hoá địa phương
10. A diversified culture: Nền văn hoá đa dạng
11. Social culture: Văn hoá xã hội

II. Collocations ghép với Cultural

1. Cultural specificity: Nét đặc trưng văn hoá
2. Cultural exchange: Trao đổi văn hoá
3. Cultural uniqueness: Nét văn hoá đặc sắc
4. Cultural assimilation: Sự đồng hoá văn hoá
5. Cultural integration: Sự hội nhập văn hoá
6. Cultural globalization: Toàn cầu hoá văn hoá
7. Cultural degradation: Sự xói mòn về mặt văn hoá
8. Cultural richness/ Cultural diversity: Sự đa dạng văn hoá
9. Cultural festival: Lễ hội văn hoá
10. Intangible cultural heritage of humanity: Di sản văn hóa phi vật thể của nhân loại
11. The total loss of cultural identity: Sự đánh mất bản sắc văn hoá 
12. instil cultural and traditional values into somebody: thấm nhuần các giá trị truyền thống và văn hóa
vào ai đó
13. cultural diversity: sự đa dạng văn hóa
14. cultural identity: bản sắc văn hóa
15. cultural heritage: di sản văn hóa
16. cultural assimilation: sự hòa tan văn hóa
17. experience great culture shock: trải qua cú sốc văn hóa lớn
18. a multicultural society: một xã hội đa văn hóa
19. people of different cultural backgrounds: người thuộc các nền văn hóa khác nhau
III. Những từ liên quan khác
1. National identity: Bản sắc dân tộc
2. Racism: Chủ nghĩa phân biệt chủng tộc
3. Race conflict: Xung đột sắc tộc
4. Historic site: Di tích lịch sử
5. Melting-pot society / Multi-cultural society: Xã hội đa văn hoá, đa sắc tộc
6. Acculturation: Sự tiếp nhận và biến đổi văn hóa
7. Ritual: Lễ nghi
8. Civilization: Nền văn minh
9. Civilize something: khai sáng thứ gì đó
10. To be imbued with national identity: Đậm đà bản sắc dân tộc
11. Show prejudice (against sb/st): Thể hiện thành kiến với ai/cái gì
12. traditional beliefs and customs: các phong tục và niềm tin truyền thống
13. the loss of traditional cultrures = the disapearance of traditional ways of life: sự mất đi của các
văn hóa truyền thống
14. adopt a new culture: theo một nền văn hóa mới
15. to be in danger of extinction: đứng trước nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
16. culture shock and other culture-related problems: sốc văn hóa và những vấn đề khác liên quan đến
văn hóa
17. bring a wide range of benefits to…: mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho…
18. have a negative/detrimental impact on…: có tác động tiêu cực lên…
19. get deeper insight into…: có được cái nhìn sâu sắc hơn về…
20. travel to other countries for experiencing culture diversity: đi du lịch nước ngoài để trải nghiệm sự
đa dạng văn hóa
21. broaden their horizons: mở mang tầm nhìn của họ
22. show great respect for…: thể hiện sự tôn trọng ai đó/điều gì đó
23. a strong sense of identity: một cái tôi/bản sắc mạnh mẽ
24. the growing influence of western culture: sự ảnh hưởng ngày càng tăng của văn hóa phương Tây
25. the disapearance of some minority languages: sự biến mất của 1 số ngôn ngữ thiểu số
26. lead to tension and conflict: dẫn tới căng thẳng và xung đột
27. abandon one’s own culture: từ bỏ văn hóa của ai đó


I. Collocation (UNDONE)

II. Useful phrases:

 the use of good ventilation and durable materials: việc sử dụng chất liệu bền và hệ thống thông gió tốt
 minor modifications: những điều chỉnh nhỏ
 meet modern building requirements = meet the requirements of modern use: đáp ứng yêu cầu của kiến
trúc hiện đại
 protect cultural resources: bảo vệ nguồn lực văn hóa
 preservation efforts: những nỗ lực bảo tồn
 to be under threat from….: bị đe dọa bởi …
 to be destroyed and replaced by … = to be demolished to make way for …: bị dỡ bỏ/phá hủy và bị thay
thế bởi…
 build = construct: xây dựng
 historic buildings = historical architectural styles = buildings with historic values: những tòa nhà với
những giá trị lịch sử
 materials such as plastic, wood, stone, reinforced concrete: các chất liệu như nhựa, gỗ, đá, bê tông
 high-quality/low-quality materials: chất liệu chất lượng cao/thấp
 vertical buildings >< horizontal buildings: tòa nhà thẳng đứng >< tòa nhà ngang
 to be an integral part of …: là 1 phần không thể thiếu của …
 iconic buildings: những tòa nhà mang tính biểu tượng
 construct new houses in traditional architectural styles: xây nhà mới theo kiến trúc truyền thống
 mirror past architectural standards: phản chiếu những tiêu chuẩn kiến trúc của quá khứ
 energy-efficient homes: những ngôi nhà sử dụng năng lượng hiệu quả
 reflect the culture of a society: phản chiếu văn hóa của một xã hội
 become a famous tourist destination: trở thành địa điểm du lịch nổi tiếng
 the destruction of historic buildings = the demolition of historic buildings: việc phá hủy những tòa nhà
lịch sử
 prevent historic buildings from falling into disrepair: ngăn chặn những tòa nhà lịch sử rơi vào tình trạng
hư hỏng
 prevent damage to: ngăn cản tổn thất đối với
 save … from the threat of neglect: cứu … khỏi mối đe dọa của sự thờ ơ
 to be at risk from neglect and decay: rơi vào nguy cơ bị thờ ơ và suy tàn
 require regular repair and maintenance: đòi hỏi sự bảo trì và sửa chữa thường xuyên

III. Sample:
Part 1
Examiner: Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Callum: Actually I live on campus … in a single room in halls of residence … all first year students are
encouraged to do that as they’re close to the university … next year I plan to move into student digs in town

Examiner: Tell me about where you live.
Julia: I live with my parents in the suburbs of Madrid … we only moved in recently … in fact we had
a house-warming party just a few weeks ago …
Examiner: What kind of accommodation do most people live in in your city?
Maria: In the city itself the majority of people live in apartment blocks … that’s what surprised me about
England … most people seem to live in terraced houses with lovely back gardens …

Part 2
Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in. You should say
 what kind of accommodation it would be
 where it would be
 who would live there with you
and say why you would enjoy living in this place.
Paolo:  I think most people when answering this question would say they’d like to live in a big detached
house with spacious rooms … views of the countryside and so on … but actually my ideal home would be a
lot different … I’ve always loved the idea of having a mobile home … a really expensive one with all the
mod cons … so I could live wherever I wanted or at least have lots of holidays and be able to take all
my home comforts with me whenever I travelled … I realise this would have to be a second home as I’d need
a base … a permanent address … but the mobile home would be the accommodation I’d find it exciting to
live in … I suppose once I settle down and have children I’ll want to get on the property ladder … I’ll be
like everyone else … saving up to put down a deposit on a house or an apartment … I don’t think my family
would want to live in a mobile home … but I like to think I’ll still keep that dream home in mind ….

Part 3
Examiner: Is it better to own your own home or to rent?
Ana: I think both have their advantages … living in rented accommodation isn’t necessarily a bad thing …
you don’t have a huge debt like you do when you take out a mortgage but I suppose the property
market offers you an investment for the future … I’m sure that’s why most people prefer to own their own
home …
Examiner: What options are available to young couples looking for accommodation in your country?
Toni: If they want to buy their own home it isn’t easy for first-time buyers … mortgages are hard to get so
most people live with their parents or in rented accommodation … but that can also be very expensive …
you often have to pay rent in advance … and if the accommodation isn’t fully furnished you have the
expense of buying furniture …
Examiner: What are some of the pleasures involved in making a home for ourselves?
Suki: I suppose it starts with house-hunting … finding your ideal home … some people enjoy doing up an
old property … giving a property that’s old and tired a new lease of life … others like making wherever they
live feel like home with some home comforts …

IV. Useful phrase:

 (all the) mod cons: technology at home that makes jobs easier such as a washing machine, dishwasher
 apartment block: a large building made up of smaller units of apartments
 back garden: a garden at the rear of the house
 detached house: a house that is not physically connected to another property
 to do up a property: to repair an old building
 dream home: a home you regard as perfect
 first-time buyer: someone buying a property for the first time, especially when taking out a loan
 fully-furnished: a rented property with all furniture included
 to get on the property ladder: to buy a property with the aim of buying another bigger or more
expensive one later in life
 hall of residence: a college or university building where students live
 home comforts: things that make a home feel comfortable to live in
 house-hunting: looking for a property to live in
 house-warming party: a party to celebrate moving into a new home
 ideal home: a perfect home
 to live on campus: to live on the university or college grounds
 mobile home: a home that can be moved by a vehicle or one that has its own engine
 to move into: to begin to live in a property
 to own your own home: to have bought the property you live in
 to pay rent in advance: weekly or monthly rent paid at the beginning of the week or month
 permanent address: a fixed address
 property market: the buying and selling of land or buildings
 to put down a deposit: to pay an amount of money as the first in a series of future payments
 rented accommodation: property owned by someone else and for which a person pays a fixed amount
to live in
 single room: a room for one person
 spacious room: a large room
 student digs: student accommodation
 the suburbs: a residential area on the edge of towns or cities
 to take out a mortgage: to borrow a large amount of money, paid back over several years, in order to
buy a house
 terraced house: a house connected on both sides by other properties

I. Collocation:
 endangered animals: động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
 the endangered species list: danh sách các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
 zoos or wildlife parks: sở thú hay công viên động vật hoang dã
 to be kept in zoos: bị nhốt trong sở thú
 the food chain: chuỗi thức ăn
 to be in danger of extinction: có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
 natural habitats: môi trường sống tự nhiên
 animal testing: thử nghiệm trên động vật
 to test the safety of new drugs: để kiểm tra sự an toàn của các loại thuốc mới
 play an essential role in…: đóng 1 vai trò thiết yếu trong…
 medical breakthroughs using animal testing: các đột phá y học sử dụng thử nghiệm động vật
 suffer from stress, pain or even death: chịu đựng sự căng thẳng, đau đớn hay thậm chí là cái chết
 a complete ban on…: một lệnh cấm toàn diện lên…
 promote animal rights: bảo vệ quyền động vật
 save endangered species: bảo vệ động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng
 to be treated with respect: được đối xử với sự tôn trọng
 support breeding programmes: ủng hộ các chương trình nhân giống
 sustained conservation efforts: những nỗ lực bảo tồn bền vững
 raise more money for conservation: quyên góp tiền cho sự bảo tồn (động vật)
 a stable ecological balance: 1 sự cân bằng sinh thái ổn định
 the mistreatment of animals: sự đối xử bất công với động vật
 illegal hunting, overfishing: săn bắt bất hợp pháp, đánh bắt cá quá mức
 illegal poaching and trade: săn bắn và mua bán động vật bất hợp pháp
 the destruction of forest habitats: sự hủy hoại môi trường rừng
 cause great damage to …: gây ra sự hủy hoại lớn đối với…

II. Sample:

III. Useful phrases:

 minority languages: những ngôn ngữ thiểu số, được ít người nói
 commonly spoken languages: những ngôn ngữ được nói phổ biến
 the most widely spoken language: ngôn ngữ được nói rộng rãi nhất
 speak the same language: nói cùng một thứ tiếng
 foreign/second language: ngôn ngữ ngước ngoài/thứ hai
 mother tongue: tiếng mẹ đẻ
 local dialects: tiếng địa phương
 the world’s linguistic heritage: di sản ngôn ngữ thế giới
 a common means of communication: một cách thức giao tiếp phổ biến
 have a high level of proficiency in….: thành thạo ngôn ngữ nào đó
 to be able to hold a conversation in…: có khả năng giao tiếp bằng ngôn ngữ nào đó
 adopt the dominant language: nói ngôn ngữ chiếm ưu thế
 to be a vital part of…: là một phần thiết yếu của …
 to be in danger of extinction: đứng trước sự tuyệt chủng
 allow a language to disappear: cho phép một ngôn ngữ biến mất
 encounter language barriers: gặp phải những rào cản ngôn ngữ
 misunderstanding and miscommunication: sự hiểu lầm và nhầm lẫn
 lead to tension and conflicts: dẫn đến căng thẳng và mâu thuẫn
 expensive language programmes: những chương trình ngôn ngữ đắt tiền
 language preservation: sự bảo tồn ngôn ngữ
 make every possible effort to protect/ save …: nỗ nực hết sức để bảo vệ/ cứu …
 the traditional and cultural values attached to…: những giá trị văn hóa truyền thống gắn với …
 contribute to cultural diversity: góp phần vào sự đa dạng văn hóa
 linguistic diversity: sự đa dạng ngôn ngữ
 maintain the identity and heritage of a community: duy trì bản sắc và di sản của một cộng đồng
 get deeper insights into different ways of thinking and living of different cultures and peoples
across the globe: có cái nhìn sâu sắc hơn về cách nghĩ, cách sống của các dân tộc và nền văn khóa khác
nhau trên toàn cầu
 language education policy: chính sách giáo dục ngôn ngữ
 support language learning: hỗ trợ việc học ngôn ngữ

I. Collocation:
travel (verb)
Collocation Example
travel economy class/first class I’ve always believed that travelling first class is a waste of money.
travel abroad Nowadays, many jobs provide the opportunity to travel abroad.
want to/wish to travel I’ve always wanted to travel across Europe.
go travelling After finishing college, I went travelling for a year.
travel light If you’re a business person who travels regularly, you probably
know how to travel light.

travel (noun)
Collocation Example
air/bus/car/train travel In my opinion, bus travel tends to be convenient but often
travel arrangements/plans When going on holiday with my family, I’m usually the one in
charge of making all travel arrangements.
business/leisure travel Business travel can be exhausting or exciting, it depends on how
often you have to travel.
travel documents/documentation The first thing you need to do when planning a trip abroad is to
check your travel documents are up to date.
travel agency/agent It wasn’t that long ago that using a travel agent to make your
holiday arrangements was the only way to go.

holiday (noun)
Collocation Example
holiday destination/resort/venue It’s hard to say what the best holiday destinations are, as it all
depends on what you want from a holiday.
dream holiday My dream holiday would be a week in Hawaii with my wife.
go on/ take a holiday In my experience, taking a holiday isn’t always relaxing.
holiday season/period I usually go back to my home country for the holiday season.
on holiday We met while on holiday in France.

Set 1: Travel & tourism

part of speech: noun
meaning: a short journey or trip usually made for pleasure
collocations: go on/make an excursion
take somebody on an excursion
arrange/organize an excursion
an excursion to (somewhere)
half-day/full-day/weekend excursion
example: We decided to go on an all-day excursion to a remote island.
pronunciation: /ɪkˈskɜː.ʒən/
set off
part of speech: phrasal verb

meaning: to begin a journey
collocations: set off for (somewhere)
set off on (something)
example: Without knowing it, we were setting off on a trip of a lifetime.
pronunciation: /setˈɒf/

part of speech: noun
meaning: a long journey, usually by ship
collocations: epic/great voyage
ocean/sea voyage
embark on/go on/set out on a voyage
on a/the voyage
example: It was an epic voyage across the Atlantic.
pronunciation: /ˈvɔɪ.ɪdʒ/
Set 2: Travel arrangements
waiting list
part of speech: noun
meaning: a list of people who have asked for something that is not available but
that might be in the future
collocations: be on a waiting list
put someone on a/the waiting list
a waiting list for (something)
example: The flight was full, but I was put on the waiting list in case someone
pronunciation: /ˈweɪ.tɪŋ ˌlɪst/

layover (also stopover)

part of speech: noun
meaning: a stopping place on a journey
collocations: a layover in (somewhere)
a one-hour, etc. layover
example: We had a six-hour layover in Dubai since our connecting flight was
pronunciation: /ˈleɪˌəʊ.vər/


part of speech: verb
meaning: to sell more hotel rooms, seats on an airplane, etc., than are available
collocations: overbook a flight/a hotel
example: A lot of people don’t know that they have a right to compensation if
their flights are overbooked.
pronunciation: /ˌəʊ.vəˈbʊk/

II. Sample:
Part 1
Do you like travelling?
Yes, definitely! I think seeing the world, from great historical monuments to white sandy beaches, is what life is all
about. It's a very interesting way to learn about new cultures and explore new places.
What is your favourite type of holiday?
I really like going to the countryside, getting away from it all. Nothing relaxes me as much as wilderness... I am
tired of tourist traps and usually go off the beaten track...
What do you do on holidays?
I prefer visiting various museums and places of interest. For instance, on my last vacation I was to Rome and I
visited 12 museums. It was fantastic! Of course, sometimes I go shopping with my friends or relatives too... But I
don't find it near as exciting...
Are there many tourists visiting your country?
Probably yes... My country has different tourist attractions in many cities, especially the capital... For example,
my country has old-time religious traditions... That's why we have a lot of ancient cathedrals and churches that are
interesting for both tourists and local citizens...

Part 2
Now, have a look at the card and prepare a monologue.
Describe a tourist attraction you once visited. You should say:
 When you visited it
 Where is it situated
 Who you went with
and say what about it you like the most

A couple of years ago I went on a holiday to Paris with my parents… it is a very popular tourist destination, since
it has various places of interest, such as ancient museums and monuments… That's why there are always hordes
of tourists... So we decided to go out of season in the autumn… Fortunately, the weather was great, and we did
not waste any days watching TV at the hotel... it was a memorable holiday … we enjoyed breathtaking
views from the top of the Eiffel tower and dined in cozy little restaurants. I would certainly recommend visiting
Paris, it is a picturesque city.

Part 3
Why do you think tourism is so developed now?
Well, because it is a lot easier to travel nowadays… you can choose charter flights and find various youth
hostels all around the world, so you don’t need to spend much money on the travelling. Moreover, you can book a
trip via the Internet, so you don't even have to leave home.
How people choose their destination?
There are a lot of ways. For instance, you can surf the internet for all the necessary information… Or you can visit
different travel agencies for more advice.
What kind of transport do you prefer on holidays? Why?

It depends… I usually reach my holiday destination by plane because it is the fastest and the least dangerous way
to travel. However, flying can be a bit uncomfortable... So I also travel by train from time to time… But I never
drive car on a vacation, because I do it every day when I work... I would have a busman's holiday otherwise.
Do you prefer travelling alone or in tour groups? Why?
I definitely prefer travelling alone because I like to plan the trip by myself... When choosing a guided tour, you
should always conform to a set schedule… So if you are in India and, say, you want to spend an extra hour at Taj
Mahal, you simply cannot do that with a group tour... I like independent travel. That way I get to see and do
exactly what I want and spend as much time as I want at various stops.

III.Useful phrases:
 travel abroad = travel to a foreign country: đi du lịch nước ngoài
 go sight-seeing: đi tham quan
 a great way to relax and reduce stress: một cách tuyệt vời để xả hơi và giảm căng thẳng
 have the opportunity to: có cơ hội làm gì
 experience different cultures and traditions: trải nghiệm những nền văn hóa và truyền thống khác
 learn a new language: học một ngôn ngữ mới
 broaden our horizons: mở rộng tầm mắt của chúng ta
 learn useful skills: học được những kỹ năng hữu ích
 play an important role in…: đóng 1 vai trò quan trọng trong…
 create more job opportunities for local people: tạo ra nhiều cơ hội việc làm hơn cho người dân địa
 improve living standards: cải thiện mức sống
 high living costs: chi phí cuộc sống cao
 pose a serious threat to…: gây ra sự đe dọa nghiêm trọng cho…
 destroy natural habitats: phá hủy môi trường sống tự nhiên
 the loss of traditional cultures: việc mất đi các văn hóa truyền thống
 cultural diversity: sự đa dạng văn hóa
 popular tourist destinations = famous tourist attractions: những điểm đến du lịch phổ biến
 attract millions of tourists: thu hút hàng triệu khách du lịch
 boost economy: thúc đẩy kinh tế
 see spectacular landscapes, wildlife and plants: chiêm ngưỡng những khung cảnh tuyệt vời, động
thực vật hoang dã
 bring a wide range of benefits: mang tới rất nhiều lợi ích
 cause damage to…: gây tổn thất cho…
 tourist = traveler = visitor: du khách
 traditional jobs and skills: những kỹ năng và công việc truyền thống
 disappear = die out: biến mất
 adopt a new culture: theo một nền văn hóa mới
 culture shock: sốc văn hóa
 put heavy pressure on the environment: đăt áp lực nặng nề lên môi trường

I. Vocabulary:
 Affect (v)
Meaning: ảnh hưởng
Example: The Internet has affected the way people connect with one another.
Synonyms: alter, change, influence
 Breakthrough (n)
Meaning: phát minh quan trọng
Example: Scientists have made a huge breakthrough in cancer’s treatment. Synonym: discovery,
finding, leap
 Browse (v)
Meaning: tra cứu, tìm kiếm
Example: Rather than go to the shops, I normally browse products on the Inter- net.
Synonyms: peruse, look through
 Censorship (n)
Meaning: sự kiểm duyệt, quyền kiểm duyệt
Example: Censorship in China prevents people from accessing Facebook and Goo- gle.
Synonyms:  restriction,  suppression
 Cutting-edge (adj)
Meaning: vượt trội, độc đáo
Example: The new MacBook is a cutting edge invention of computer technology Synonym: forefront,
leading edge, vanguard
 Develop (v)
Meaning: phát triển
Example: Scientists are trying to develop smarter computers. Synonyms: advance, evolve, progress
 Device (n)
Meaning: thiết bị
Example: Samsung is one of the leading brands of mobile devices. Synonyms: machine, appliance,
 Digital (adj)
Meaning: điện tử
Example: In the years since the invention of the first digital computers, computing power and storage
capacity have increased exponentially
Synonyms: automated, electronic
 commerce (n)
Meaning: thương mại điện tử
Example: These days many people prefer using E-commerce to traditional shop- ping.
Antonyms: mail order, high street shops, malls
 Indispensable (adj)
Meaning: không thể thiếu được (cấp độ cao hơn crucial)
Example: The smart phone has become an indispensable device for the millennials. Synonyms: vital,
crucial, essential
 Innovative (adj)
Meaning: có tính đổi mới
Example: Steve Jobs was an innovative CEO of Apple. Synonyms: inventive, original, ingenious
 Intuitive (adj):
Meaning: dễ hiểu, dễ sử dụng
Example: Apple is successful because its products are so intuitive.
Synonym: innate
 Labor-saving (adj)
Meaning: tiết kiệm sức lao động

Examples: Perhaps the most influential inventions are relatively simple labor-sav- ing devices such as
the vacuum cleaner.
Synonyms: automated, automatic Antonyms: by hand, manual
 Modify (v)
Meaning: thay đổi theo chiều hướng tích cực
Example: I modified my laptop by adding more memory and a faster pro- cessor.
Synonyms: adapt, adjust, customize
 Obsolete (adj)
Meaning: cổ xưa, lỗi thời
Example: The CD player has become obsolete due to the invention of MP3
Synonym: antiquated, archaic, outmoded
 Privacy (n)
Meaning: sự riêng tư, tính riêng tư
Example: Many social network users have concerns about their privacy
Synonym: confidentiality
 Progress (n)
Meaning: sự tiến bộ, sự phát triển
Example: The 20th Century saw rapid technological progress.
Synonyms: development, improvement, growth
 Revolutionize (v):
Meaning: cách mạng hóa
Example: It cannot be denied that the Internet has revolutionized our lives. Synonym: transform, recast
 Social media (n)
Meaning: truyền thông đại chúng
Example: People of 21st century get used to using social media to access
news content.
Antonym: print, TV, radio, cinema
 Virtual (adj)
Meaning: ảo, không có thật, giả lập (virtual reality: thực tế ảo, virtual assis- tant: trợ lý ảo)
Example: Apple’s Siri is a virtual assistant that can perform tasks or ser- vices for Apple products’
Antonyms: actual, real
 Wireless (adj)
Meaning: không dây
Example: Most computers now have wireless technology. Synonym: wifi

II. Collocations
 Modern technology:
Meaning: công nghệ hiện đại
Example: Modern technology such as new machines and gadgets can help human
beings execute various tasks.
 The rapid growth of technology:
Meaning: sự lớn mạnh nhanh chóng của công nghệ
Example: The rapid growth of technology has led many companies and organiza- tions to use IT
systems for the management and the safety of information.
 Digital age:
Meaning: thời đại số
Example: The time period in which we live now where Internet and email are avail- able is an example
of the digital age.
 To be addicted to the Internet:
Meaning: nghiện Internet
Example: A lot of people nowadays have become addicted to the Internet.
 To get access to the Internet:
Meaning: tiếp cận được với mạng Internet
Example: Many rural areas are now able to have access to the Internet.
 To lack social skills
Meaning: thiếu hụt kỹ năng mềm
Example: Children getting access to the Internet too early can lack several essential
social skills.
 To face health problems
Meaning: đối mặt với các vấn đề về sức khỏe
Example: People who spend too much time on smartphones everyday will be likely to face health
problems such as back pain, nerve damage, and depression.
 To keep in touch with
Meaning: giữ liên lạc với ai đó
Example: It has never been easier to keep in touch with your friends and family with
the help of the Internet
 To communicate on the move
Meaning: giao tiếp mọi lúc mọi nơi
Example: With mobile phones, people can communicate on the move without any difficulties

Part 1
Examiner: Do you enjoy using technology?
Stephan: Well … I wouldn’t call myself a techie or a computer buff but I enjoy using computers … I’d like
to find out more about  how they work … when my computer crashes I never know what to do.
Examiner: Do you use the Internet for your studies?
Sophie: Yes … I’d be lost without it … I do lots of video conferencing to practise speaking and social
media like Facebook is a good way to meet up with other students … and I download podcasts that teach
English vocabulary and grammar.
Examiner: Do you have your own computer?
Tania: Yes … I have a Macbook Pro … I use it all the time … for word processing … browsing
websites and catching up with TV programmes I’ve missed.
Part 2
Describe an item of technology you have that is very important. You should say:
 what the technology is
 when you got it
 how often you use it
and say how different your daily life would be without it.

Mattie: I don’t have many gadgets … just a computer … a laptop and my mobile phone … but I’ll talk about
my computer as it’s so useful … it’s funny really … 2 years ago I was still learning to use computers … how
to use email … send attachments how to access websites … then I decided to do a digital editing course for
video and photography … and so I bought the laptop when I started the course  …  my husband had a desktop
PC but it was very slow so I decided to upgrade to a powerful one because we do a lot of video editing on the
course … it’s a high-spec laptop … very fast … the latest operating system … it boots up really quickly and
it’s  fun to use so it makes working a pleasure … I’ve become a competent computer user now … if I didn’t
have it I daresay I’d have to spend more time at college using their computers … but on the positive side I
suppose I’d read a lot more if I didn’t have it  …  I probably waste a lot of time surfing the web … but
hopefully I won’t have to be without it …
Part 3
Examiner: What do you think are the important things people need to learn when they start using computers?
Alejandro: Well … there are things like how to use the Internet  … how to enter a web address … how to
navigate websites … that kind of thing but it’s also important to know how to back upyour files in case your
computer crashes … and all about Internet security.
Examiner: What kind of technological developments have made the biggest impact on our lives?
Faydene: In my lifetime it has to be the Internet of course but I also think wifi has made a huge difference to
how we interact with the Internet … wireless networks at home and public wifi hotspots mean we can go
online easily … access our mail … log into our work intranet and basically be connected wherever we are.
Examiner: Do computers make it much easier to study?
Jane: Definitely yes … researching information is much easier with the Internet .. you can bookmark
webpages for future reference and writing essays is much easier … being able to cut and paste sections of
text means you can experiment with organisation … so yes … compared to years ago when you had a pile of
books on your desk and a pen and paper … it’s now much easier.
III. Useful phrases:
 to access websites/email: to locate
 to  back up files: to make a copy of files in case of a computer problem
 to boot up: to start a computer
 to bookmark a webpage: to mark a webpage for future reference
 to browse websites: to look at websites
 a computer buff: an expert computer user
 to crash: to suddenly stop working
 to cut and paste: to move text or images from one place in a document to another place
 a desktop PC: a computer that isn’t portable and remains in situ on a desk
 digital editing: to edit digital materials like audio or video files
 download (podcasts): to save a copy of a file from the internet to your own device
 to enter a web address: to type the address of a website into the address bar of your browser
 a gadget: a technological tool like a mobile phone or camera
 to go online: to start using the Internet
 high-spec (laptop): powerful computer with top quality components
 Internet security: Internet safety
 intranet: a network of connected computers within an organisation that is not accessible by
unauthorised visitors
 to navigate a website: to find your way around a website
 operating system: the software that tells the computer how to work
 send an attachment: send an email with an accompanying file
 social media: media used to interact with other people such as Facebook or Twitter
 to surf the web: to look at a series of websites one after the other
 a techie: somebody who has an interest in technology
 to upgrade: to obtain a more powerful or feature-rich computer or piece of software
 video conferencing: to see and hear people from different locations using the Internet
 wireless hotspot: a public place where you can access the Internet
 wireless network: a network where users can access the Internet without the use of fixed cables
 word processing; producing written texts on a computer

I. Collocations:
a. People involved in education
part of speech: noun
meaning: a student who is studying for their first degree at a college or university
college/university undergraduate
collocations: first-year/second-year undergraduate
undergraduate student
example: I was a 20-year-old undergraduate student back then.
pronunciation: /ˌʌn·dərˈɡrædʒ·u·ət/
part of speech: noun
meaning: a teacher paid to work privately with one student or a small group
school/college/university tutor
collocations: course tutor
personal/private tutor
example: My parents got me a private tutor to help with my studies.
pronunciation: /ˈtʃuː.tər/
pupil (U.K.)
part of speech: noun
meaning: a person, usually a child at school, who is being taught
first-year/second-year pupil
school/primary/secondary pupil
example: Teachers need to make sure that all pupils reach their full potential.
pronunciation: /ˈpjuː.pəl/
b. Types of school/education
part of speech: adjective
a school for either girls or boys, but not both (antonym: mixed/ coeducational
single-sex school
single-sex education
example: I went to single-sex school.
pronunciation: /ˌʌn·dərˈɡrædʒ·u·ət/
boarding school
part of speech: noun
meaning: a school where students live and study
go to boarding school
private/military/christian/catholic boarding school
example: Students at boarding schools are under stricter discipline.
pronunciation: /ˈbɔː.dɪŋ ˌskuːl/
3. college
part of speech: noun
meaning: a place of higher education or specialized professional or vocational training
community/local college
attend/go to college
finish/graduate from college
to be at/in college
example: After high school, I wanted to go to college and study graphic design.
pronunciation: /ˈkɒl.ɪdʒ/
c. University/college qualifications
master’s degree
part of speech: noun
meaning: an advanced college or university degree
 a master’s degree in (subject)
to be awarded/to earn a master’s degree
example: It took me over 2 years to earn my master’s degree.
pronunciation: /ˌmɑː.stəz dɪˈɡriː/
part of speech: noun
a document given by a college or university to show that a person has passed an
exam or finished their studies
a college/university diploma
a graduate/postgraduate/professional diploma
collocations: a diploma in (subject)
a diploma holder
get/obtain/receive/have a diploma
Diploma holders have a much better chance of employment than those with no
pronunciation: /dɪˈpləʊ.mə/
postdoctoral (also informal postdoc)
part of speech: adjective
advanced work or study that a person does after completing their doctoral studies
postdoctoral work/research/project
collocations: postdoctoral fellowship
postdoctoral student/fellow
example: She has supervised several postdoctoral projects at the university.
pronunciation: /ˌpəʊstˈdɒk.tər.əl/
d. University/college work
part of speech: noun
meaning: a detailed study of a particular subject
carry out/conduct/do research
be based on research
collocations: academic/medical/scientific research
research findings/results
research into/on (subject)
I read about a fascinating research project on songbirds and how they
pronunciation: /ˈriː.sɜːtʃ/
part of speech: noun
a long piece of writing on a specific subject, usually completed to receive a degree
at a college or university
collocations: undergraduate/master’s/doctoral dissertation
research dissertation
do/prepare/write a dissertation
hand in/present/submit a dissertation
a dissertation on (subject)
example: Students can either write a dissertation or participate in a more practical project.
pronunciation: /ˌdɪs.əˈteɪ.ʃən/
part of speech: noun
an occasion when a teacher or professor and a group of students meet for training,
discussion or study on a subject
conduct/give a seminar
collocations: attend/go to a seminar
a series of seminars
example: I attended every single seminar when I was a university student.
pronunciation: /ˈsem.ɪ.nɑːr/

II. Sample
Part 1
Examiner: Are you studying English at a school?
Michel: Yes … I’m taking an intensive course at a local private language school … I attend classesthree
times a week …
Examiner: Would you say you are a good student?
Susan: I’m OK I think … I’m pretty good at meeting deadlines and I’m keeping up with my studies… plus
I find it quite easy to learn things by heart which is useful when learning a language  …
Examiner: When you were younger did you enjoy your time at school?
Theo: Yes … I liked school … it was an ordinary state school … nothing special … a single-sex school …
which I’m not sure I liked … but the teachers were great … I had lots of friends and I never played
truant like some pupils there …
Part 2
Describe a time during your education that you really enjoyed. You should say:
 when this period was
 where you were
 what you were studying at the time
and say why you were so happy.
Caroline:  I’d like to tell you about my time at university … I was a mature student … I didn’t go to
university until I was 25 … and it was my first time away from my parents so it was very exciting … I was
doing a Bachelors Degree and it was a bit of a challenge … some people take a year out but I’d been away
from education for 8 years … plus I had to work my way through uni so I was very busy … and sitting
exams at the end of each year was a new experience for me as well but I really enjoyed higher
education  learning about a subject I loved … history … and the social life was great as well … I don’t think
I’ve ever had so many friends … I had my graduation ceremony last year in the local cathedral and I know
my parents were really proud … so yes … that was a really happy time … I’m thinking of doing a Masters
Degree soon … though that might be through distance learning as I have a full-time job now …
Part 3
Examiner: What qualities do you think a good teacher has?
Anna: They should be patient … they should be subject specialists and be able to explain the subject clearly
… they should give feedback quickly … for example not hang on to essay for ages like some of my teachers

Examiner: What are the advantages of studying on a distance learning course?
Florrie: It’s a more flexible way of studying especially if you have a job … tuition fees are usually cheaper …
but you have to be very motivated … and I would imagine more people fall behind with their
studies compared to  face-to-face classes …

Examiner: Do all children get equal opportunities in education?
Julie: In my country I think it is quite equal but in the UK I’ve heard that most people who go to the top
universities have studied at public schools … you have to be very rich to study in a school like that  …
they’re usually boarding schools as well so the fees are enormous …
III. Useful phrases:
 to attend classes: to go to classes
 bachelors degree: an undergraduate course which usually lasts 3-4 years
 boarding school: a school where pupils live during term time
 distance learning: a way of studying where tuition is carried out over the Internet or by post
 face-to-face classes: as opposed to distance learning the traditional way of studying in a classroom
with colleagues and a teacher
 to fall behind with your studies: to progress less quickly than others
 to give feedback: to offer guidance on a student’s work
 a graduation ceremony: an event where a successful student receives his or her academic degree
 higher education: education, usually in a college or university, that is followed after high school or
secondary school
 an intensive course: a course that offers lots of training in order to reach a goal in as short a time as
 to keep up with your studies: to not fall behind
 to learn something by heart: to memorize it
 a mature student: a student who is older than average and who has usually returned to education after
a period at work
 masters degree: a period of study which often follows the completion of a bachelors degree or is
undertaken by someone regarded as capable of a higher-level academic course
 to meet a deadline: to finish a job or task in the time allowed or agreed
 to play truant: to stay away from classes without permission
 private language school: an independent school run as a business concern
 public schools: exclusive independent schools in the UK
 a single-sex school: a school where only boys or girls attend (as opposed to a mixed-sex school)
 to sit an exam: to take an exam
 state school: a school paid for by public funds and available to the general public
 subject specialist: a teacher who has a great deal of knowledge about the subject they teach.
 to take a year out: to spend a year working or travelling before starting university
 tuition fees: the money paid for a course of study
 to work your way through university: to have a paid job whilst studying to support
yourself financially

I. Idioms:
Definition Example
Break the ice If a person, event or activity
breaks the ice, they make
people feel more relaxed and
comfortable in a social
Know someone inside out Know somebody well My boyfriend knows me inside out.
Whenever I forget to bring my earphone, he
always gives me one.
get / start off on the start a relationship or an We got off on the wrong foot the first time I
wrong foot activity badly. met him, but that’s all forgotten now.
See eye to eye (on) agree (upon something) with My parents see eye to eye on letting me
something/ with someone moving out so that I can be more
someone  independent.
get on like a house on fire quickly become close friends I went over and struck up a conversation,
with someone. and we got on like a house on fire.
get on someone’s nerves If someone or something gets She talks all the time and it gets on my
on your nerves, they irritate nerves.
give someone the cold stop being friendly and ignore He was upset to find his previously friendly
shoulder someone. colleagues giving him the cold shoulder.
Nancy found she was getting the cold
shoulder from a lot of people she’d thought
were her friends.
On the same to understand and agree with We rarely argue.  We’re generally on the
page/wavelength  what is being done or same page.
go back a long way have been friends for a very We go back a long way, and she’s always
long time with someone kept in touch, always been there for me.
speak the same language to have the same ideas and We have to be sure we’re speaking the
attitudes as someone else same language.
hit it off If two people hit it off when I had to leave because my manager was
they first meet, they like each awful. We never really hit it off.
other and get on well together.
leave someone in the Someone put you in a difficult My secretary left me In the lurch last month
lurch situation by suddenly going and I haven’t found a replacement yet.
away or stopping helping you.
head over heels in love to be very much in love with My friend fell head over heels in love with
with (someone) someone, to be completely in his colleague. 
love with someone
on the rocks If a relationship is on the rocks, It’s rumoured that their ten-year
it is experiencing many relationship is on the rocks.
difficulties and is likely to end.
a match made in heaven a couple who get along Their marriage
perfectly wasn’t exactly a match made in heaven.
save face do something so that people Most children have a need to save face in
continue to respect you and front of their friends.
your reputation is not
Steal one’s heart to cause someone to fall in love The woman stole the heart of the man who
with you she was working with.

tie the knot to get married After dating for 7 years, the couple decided
to tie the knot.
sparks fly If sparks fly between two The group leader is not afraid to raise
people, they get angry with difficult issues or let the sparks fly when
each other and argue. necessary.
treat someone like dirt Treat someone very badly. As long as unemployment is rising, the
bosses can keep treating you like dirt.
Like cat and dog  argue or fight often with We can’t see eye to eye on any matters, like
someone cat and dog.
your own flesh and blood If someone is your own flesh You can’t just let your own flesh and blood
and blood, they are a member go to prison if there’s any way you can
of your family. help. 

II. Collocation


1 to break up Chia tay
2 to drift apart Dần trở nên xa cách với ai đó
3 to enjoy someone’s company Thích ở bên cạnh ai đó
4 to fall for Phải lòng
5 to fall head over heels in love Bắt đầu yêu say đắm
6 to fall out with Cãi nhau
7 to get on like a house on fire khao khát ở bên cạnh nhau
8 to get on well with Có mối quan hệ tốt, hòa thuận
9 to get to know Bắt đầu quen biết ai đó
10 to go back years Đã biết nhau trong một khoảng thời gian dài
11 to have a lot in common có nhiều điểm chung
12 to have ups and downs có những khoảng thời gian thăng, trầm
13 a healthy relationship Một mối quan hệ tốt đẹp
14 to hit it off Nhanh chóng trở thành bạn bè tốt
15 to be in a relationship Đang hẹn hò
16 to be just good friends Chỉ là bạn bè, không có mối quan hệ yêu đương
17 to keep in touch with Giữ liên lạc với ai
18 to lose touch with Không còn liên lạc, nghe tin tức về ai đó nữa
19 love at first sight Yêu từ cái nhìn đầu tiên
20 to pop the question Cầu hôn
21 to see eye to eye Đồng thuận, nhất trí về cùng một vấn đề
22 to settle down Lập gia đình

23 to strike up a relationship Bắt đầu một tình bạn
24 to tie the knot Kết hôn
25 to be well matched Giống với…
26 to work at a relationship Cố gắng giữ gìn một mối quan hệ tốt đẹp
III. Vocabulary
1. distant relative: họ hàng xa
Ex: A person who is related to you by a long series of connections can be called a distant relative

2. close-knit family: gia đình gắn bó khăng khít

Ex: If you’re lucky, you have a loving family or a close-knit family

3. bear a remarkable resemblance to sb: giống ai đó

Ex: He bears a remarkable resemblance to  his mother

4. generation gaps: khoảng cách các thế hệ

Ex: I’m a bit worried about generation gaps which might lead to some unnecessary arguments

5. Reminisce about something: hồi tưởng lại

Ex: He is reminiscing about how they happened to know each other

6. Catch someone’s attention: chú ý đến ai

Ex:In the first place we did not really catch each other’s attention

7. Pay a visit = visit: ghé thăm

Ex: she is the owner of a bookstore I often pay a visit to

8. Hit it off: trở nên thân nhau

Ex: Because we got pretty much so many things in common, especially in terms of book, so we hit it
off really well.

9. has an authority :  có tiếng nói, có chức trách

Ex: Unlike other ordinary female teacher, her voice has  such an authority

10. get exposed to (phrs): tiếp xúc với

Ex: she is a very dedicated teacher who always tried to get exposed to her own students as much as possible

11. be out the woods (idm): vượt qua khó khăn

Ex: He was the one to help me be out the woods in terms of family affairs

12. have strong chemistry: rất hợp nhau

Ex: Family members who have strong chemistry with one another will want to be near one another

13. childhood sweetheart: bạn thanh mai trúc mã

Ex: For years, Jun-ji–hyun has married her childhood sweetheart  Choi Jun Hyuk, now a famous movie star

14. unrequited love: tình yêu không được đáp trả

Ex: there’s nothing sadder than unrequited love

15. peer influence: ảnh hưởng từ bạn bè đồng trang lứa
Ex: Consistent with self-reports of lower resistance to peer influence among adolescents than adults 

16. conflict-ridden homes: gia đình thường xuyên xung đột

Ex: Unfortunately, children of conflict– ridden homes become more unruly and aggressive, their behavior
contributes to a vicious cycle

17. mindset and behavior transformation: thay đổi quan điểm và cách cư xử

Ex: It’s the first time Jim has realized my mistake and learned mindset and behavior transformation

18. erode traditional values: làm xói mòn các giá trị truyền thống
Ex: This paper therefore is aimed at examining the causes and consequences of rapid erosion of cultural
values in Nigeria

19. sibling rivals: anh chị em đấu đá nhau

Ex: Basic information on the age old problem on sibling rivalry along with practical suggestions on how
parents can solve the problem in their family.

20. be engaged (to someone) : đính hôn

Ex: Oh..my…God! Liam Hemsworth has shockingly denied that he’s engaged to Miley Cyrus again

IV. Sample:
Part 1
Examiner: Do you see your friends very often?
Louisa: Yes … we meet up most weekends … we all get on really well and have a lot in common so we’re
always happy doing the same things and going to the same places.
Examiner: What do you like about your close friends?
Anna: I think we enjoy each other’s company … we see eye-to-eye on most things so we rarely fall out
with each other.
Examiner: Have you known each other long?
Amy: Most of them yes … although my closest friend Carrie … we struck up a relationship at college
and got on like a house on fire … but yes … my other friendships go back years to when we were at school.

Part 2
Describe a person you are very close to. You should say:
 who this person is
 when you met them
 where you met them
and say what it is about them you like so much.
"Reiko: I’d like to talk about my boyfriend … Jose … we got to know each other at University almost 4 years
ago … we were in the same department … initially we were just good friends and used to go out in a group
with our other friends … when Jose went back to Spain for the holidays we would keep in touch with each
other … then one year he invited me to come to Spain with him …  and that’s when we fell for each other I
think … so you couldn’t really say it was love at first sight as it had been over a year since we’d met … but
we really hit it off and by the time we got back to university in September we were able to tell all our friends
that we were in a relationship … what do I like about Jose … well he’s very kind … very funny … and very
supportive … and we’re really well matched in our interests … he hasn’t popped the question yet though …
we’ve talked about getting married and I think we’re both ready to settle down and have children  … we’ll
just have to wait and see …"
Part 3
Examiner: Do you think marriage is still as important as ever?
Cristine: Yes … it certainly is in my country … I think the problem for some people is a lack of commitment
… all relationships have their ups and downs …. but some people prefer to break up rather than working
at the relationship.
Examiner: What do you think is the ideal time to get married?
Terry: Personally … I think you should wait until you’ve found yourself first … decided if you want a career
… perhaps do some travelling … you should do this before tying the knot … although if you fall head over
heels in love plans like these can easily be forgotten.
Examiner: Is it important to keep in contact with our friends when we’re in a relationship?
Maria: Absolutely … it’s so easy to drift apart from your friends when you fall in love … but I think both
partners should try not to lose touch with their friends  … that’s the best way to have a healthy
relationship with your partner.
Useful phrases:
 to break up: to end a romantic relationship
 to drift apart: to become less close to someone
 to enjoy someone’s company: to like spending time with someone
 to fall for: to fall in love
 to fall head over heels in love: to start to love someone a lot
 to fall out with: to have a disagreement and stop being friends
 to get on like a house on fire: to like someone’s company very much indeed
 to get on well with: to understand someone and enjoy similar interests
 to get to know: to begin to know someone
 to go back years: to have known someone for a long time
 to have a lot in common: to share similar interests
 to have ups and downs: to have good and bad times
 a healthy relationship: a good, positive relationship
 to hit it off: to quickly become good friends with
 to be in a relationship: to be romantically involved with someone
 to be just good friends: to not be romantically involved
 to keep in touch with: to keep in contact with
 to lose touch with: to not see or hear from someone any longer
 love at first sight: to fall in love immediately you meet someone
 to pop the question: to ask someone to marry you
 to see eye to eye: to agree on a subject
 to settle down: to give up the single life and start a family
 to strike up a relationship:  to begin a friendship
 to tie the knot: to get married
 to be well matched: to be similar to
 to work at a relationship: to try to maintain a positive relationship with someone

I. Collocations:
a. Means of transportation
word/phrase part of speech meaning common collocations example
an electric
catch/go on/take the In my opinion, the
vehicle similar
tram, get on/off the tram, tram system is not
to a bus but
tram noun miss the tram, tram as efficient as
goes along
service/system, tram other means of
metal tracks on
stop, (travel) by tram public transport.
the road
a bus used to
take groups of
luxury coach, go/travel I’d like to tour the
coach* noun people on long
by coach, coach country by coach.
a boat used for
luxury/private yacht, We spent our
cruise on/sail a yacht, holiday on a
yacht noun around for
yacht club/marina, on/on private yacht in
pleasure or
board a yacht the Caribbean.
 In the topic of transportation, coach can also be used to talk about the cheapest type of seats on a plane or

b. Roads & traffic

word/ part of
meaning common collocations example
phrase speech
Traffic in the area
a bridge that carries one significantly
overpass noun freeway/highway overpass
road over another road improved thanks to
the new overpass.
a small road next to a
In my city, truck
busier, faster road, that you
service road noun on a/the service road traffic is not allowed
use to drive to homes and
on service roads.
a large number of vehicles long/severe traffic jam, be/get I was stuck in a
traffic jam noun on a road moving very caught/stuck in a traffic jam, traffic jam on my
slowly or not at all traffic jam on the (road) way here.
c. Transportation & the environment
part of
word/phrase meaning common collocations example
vehicle emissions, In my opinion,
the amount of
greenhouse gas/carbon governments are not doing
gas, heat,
emissions noun dioxide emissions, enough to reduce
light that is
cut/reduce/control emissions, greenhouse gas emissions
sent out
emissions from (traffic) from traffic.
noise pollution noun noise, such as to tackle/ease/reduce noise Noise pollution from

that from
traffic, that is trains passing through
pollution, noise pollution
considered residential areas is a major
from (type of transport)
unhealthy for concern in my country.
not harmful to environmentally- friendly Electric cars are a more
adjective the vehicles/ transportation/ fuel/ environmentally-friendly
environment alternative alternative.
d. Travel
word/phrase part of speech meaning common collocations example
travel/go abroad, to be It’s much easier to
abroad adjective in a foreign country abroad, to move travel abroad now than
abroad in the past.
a journey taken for take/make a business I went to New York on
business trip noun
business purposes trip, on a business trip a business trip.
daily/every day
verb to travel regularly between I commute to the city
commute commute, to commute
(or noun) work and home by bus every day.
from/to (place)
e. The future of transportation
word/phrase part of speech meaning common collocations example
human/commercial space
There’s a lot of interest
travel through outer travel, the future of space
space travel noun in space travel these
space travel, achieve space travel, to
space travel
vehicle (also
I don’t believe
known a car capable of be driven by an autonomous
noun autonomous vehicles
as driverless driving itself vehicle
can keep us safe.
caror self-
driving car)
by high-speed rail, high-speed In the future, high-
a high-speed rail network/route/service, speed rail networks will
high-speed rail noun
passenger train high-speed rail take over traditional rail
accident/crash/disaster systems.
f. Idioms related to transportation
idiom meaning example
bumper to with very little space between two cars The traffic’s usually bumper to bumper all the way to
bumper in a line of cars work.
backseat a passenger in a car who gives My wife’s very much a backseat driver – she always
driver unwanted advice to the driver tells me to speed up or slow down.
I like to hit the road early when going on long
hit the road to begin a trip
hitch a to get a free ride in someone else’s
After the festival, we hitched a lift back to the city.
lift/ride vehicle

beat the to leave early to avoid traveling when I always try to leave early in the morning so I can beat
traffic the roads are crowded the traffic on my way to school.

II. Sample


I. Collocations
a. Job
A nine - to - five job: Công việc tẻ nhạt, buồn chán
A dead-end job : Công việc không có tương lai
A Cushy job : Công việc nhẹ nhàng , không có nhiều áp lực
An ideal job/dream job: Công việc lý tưởng/ công việc mơ ước
Manual job >< Non-manual job: Công việc chân tay >< Công việc văn phòng
Highly-paid job >< badly-paid job : Công việc lương cao >< Công việc lương thấp
Permanent job >< Temporary job : Công việc lâu dài >< Công việc tạm thời
Apply for a job : Ứng tuyển
Take a part-time/full-time job : Làm việc bán thời gian / toàn thời gian
Resign from job : Nghỉ việc
Switch a job / Change a job: Thay đổi công việc
Do a job share : Chia sẻ phần công việc
Job promotion : Sự thăng tiến, thăng chức
Job prospects : Viễn cảnh công việc
Job satisfaction : Sự hài lòng về công việc
Job hopping : Sự nhảy việc
b. Skills
Teamwork /teambuilding skills : Kỹ năng làm việc nhóm
IT skills : Kỹ năng công nghệ
Communication skills : Kỹ năng giao tiếp
Have a great command of foreign languages such as English or Chinese : Thành thạo ngoại ngữ , ví dụ
như Tiếng Anh hoặc Tiếng Trung
Leader skills : Kỹ năng lãnh đạo
Negotiation skills : Kỹ năng đàm phán
Critical thinking : Tư duy phân tích
Problem-solving skills : Kỹ năng giải quyết vấn đề
Self-management skills : Kỹ năng quản lý / xoay sở
Interpersonal skills: Kỹ năng tương tác
c. Qualities:
To be punctual : Đúng giờ
To be articulate : Hoạt ngôn, giỏi ăn nói
To be decisive : Quyết đoán
To be clever: Khéo léo
To be dedicated : Nhiệt tình
To be responsible : Có trách nhiệm
To be experienced : Có kinh nghiệm
To think out of box / To be creative : Có óc sáng tạo , nắm bắt nhanh nhạy cái mới
To be humble/modest: khiêm tốn , khiêm nhường
To be confident : Tự tin
To be ambitious : Có hoài bão, có đam mê khát vọng
To be self-directed : Có khả năng ứng biến, xoay sở
To be well-organized and discliplined : Có tính tổ chức và kỷ luật cao
To be adaptable : Có khả năng thích ứng
To be good at/ clever at/ quick at : giỏi về cái gì đó
To ave an ability to work under high pressure: Chịu được áp lực công việc
d. Related vocabulary:
Initial salary : Mức lương khởi điểm

Expected salary : Mức lương mong muốn
Net salary : Tiền lương thực nhận sau khi công ty đã chi trả cho người lao động các khoản như thuế, bảo
Sick pay: tiền lương ngày ốm
Holiday pay: tiền lương ngày nghỉ
Holiday entitlement: chế độ ngày nghỉ được hưởng
Fast-track scheme: Chương trình đào tạo dành cho những nhân viên giỏi, có tiềm năng
Call in sick : Gọi điện xin phép nghỉ vì ốm
Get stuck behind the desk : Mắc kẹt bên bàn làm việc ( vì có quá nhiều thứ phải làm )
Clear your desk : Soạn sửa nơi làm việc cho ngăn nắp trước khi rời khỏi nơi làm việc để đến một vị trí
Achiveve a better work-life balance : Cân bằng được công việc và cuộc sống
Manage heavy workload : Xoay sở với khối lượng công việc nặng nề
Step down/ Retire : Nghỉ hưu
II. Sample
Part 1 Questions:
 Do you work or study?
Answer: Well, for the past couple of years, I’ve been working for [ABC Company] as a [a job’s title], which
is among the top 10 listed firms in my country.In fact, this is my first job ever & I love it so much, and I think
it’s a very interesting, yet challenging line of work. Currently I’m working really hard to contribute to the
success of this prestigious company.
 Why did you choose your job?
Answer:  I am really into[……], and I always believe that I was born for [……]. My dream is to be a
successful […..] one day.
 What do you like about your job?/ Why did you choose to do that type of work?
Answer:  I guess it’s mainly because of the job flexibility & my passion for journalism. To be more specific,
this job offers me alternatives to the typical nine-to-five work schedule, enabling me to find a better balance
between work and life. Besides, this job gives me opportunities to pursue my dream to become a journalist
down the road.
+, Job flexibility (expression) gives employees flexibility on how long, where and when they work.
Answer: Nine-to-five work (phrase) the normal work schedule for most jobs
Answer: Well I guess the thing I like most about this job is the salary. I make what I’d consider is alucrative
income, which means not only is it enough to cover my bills, but there’s also some extra to spend on whatever
I want. So on payday, I often treat myself to a meal at a high-end restaurant orsplurge on a nice shirt.
- Lucrative income: Thu nhập sinh lời
- High-end: the most sophisticated, and typically the most expensive product in a line: tinh vi nhất và thường
đắt nhất, hiểu nghĩa cao cấp.
- Splurge on something: to spend a lot of money on someone or something: ý hiểu để chi tiêu rất nhiều tiền
vào một ai đó hoặc một cái gì đó.
What do you dislike about your job?
Answer:  Sometimes I feel dead tired when sitting in front of a computer screen all day long to deal with
overwhelming workload.  I mean, I’ve led a sedentary lifestyle which really exerts a negative effect on my
physical & mental health & I have had a very hectic schedule, which always keeps me up to my ears in
deadlines. Down the road I am yearning for a job that involves dealing with people & makes me feel less
- Dead tired: exhausted ( Mệt mỏi, kiệt sức)
- All day long: during the entire day (cả ngày dài, suốt cả ngày)
- Overwhelming:  very intense (Áp đảo, rất mãnh liệt)

- Sedentary lifestyle: a type of lifestyle with little or no physical activity (Lối sống ít vận động, chỉ một loại lối
sống với ít hoặc không có hoạt động thể chất)
- Hectic: busy (ý chỉ bận rộn)
- Up to my ears in something: busy doing something (ý chỉ bận rộn để làm điều gì)
- Down the road: in the future (thành ngữ ý chỉ trong tương lai)
- Yearn for:  to feel a powerful desire for something (để cảm thấy một mong muốn mạnh mẽ cho một cái gì
Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?
Answer:  Actually, I don’t think I’m able to dedicate myself to any other job rather than this one. In fact, to
me it’s the experiences and opportunities I can gain that really matters. 
To dedicate to Sth: devote (time or effort) to a particular task or purpose ( ý chỉ cống hiến (thời gian hoặc công
sức) cho một nhiệm vụ hoặc mục đích cụ thể)
Where do you want to see yourself in 10 years?
Answer:  Well, this question pops into my mind from time to time, but to be honest, I have never managed to
have an answer for it. I reckon that 10 years is such a long time and anything could happen, so it is hard to tell
from now. 
Do you miss being a student?
Answer:  I surely will miss my student life once I get involve in the workplace. For me I think when I’m a
student, at least I have someone guide me, whereas at work mostly you must guide yourself. The academic
environment appears to be a comfort zone for me, while I’m sure I’ll struggle with fitting in the working
Cụm từ:
- To get involve in: to become a part of (an organization) nghĩa là để tham gia vào, trở thành một phần của một
tổ chức, cơ quan.
- To fit in: to become suitable or appropriate for Sth or S nghĩa là để phù hợp với, để trở thành phù hợp hoặc
thích hợp cho Sth hoặc SO.
What do you do after work?
Answer:  I normally cook dinner, relax and walk my dog. Depending on my schedule, I might have plans with
friends to meet for a coffee or shopping. In summer I go to the beach for a couple of hours then return home to
cook dinner.
Một số câu hỏi khác cần chú ý:
- Would you like to change your job in the future?
- What would you change about your job?
- Do you prefer working alone or with others? Why?
- How many hours do you work each day?
- Do you have to work with other people?

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic:

Describe your idea of making a good first impression in a job interview.
You should say:
- why it is important.
- is it important to make a good last impression as well
- what ways would you do it in your job interview
- and explain how to make a good first impression in a job interview.
Band 8 Sample Answer:
It’s of common sense that most people at my age are now seeking for good job opportunity. Thus, I have to
get to know how to leave a good first impression in a job interview. Today, I would like to share with you
some of my knowledge about this topic.
In a professional situation, the first impressions are significantly important. Most job interviews don’t last
more than 45 minutes. In such a short period of time, from those who don’t know anything about ourselves,
we have to persuade them that we are qualified enough for the position we applied for. Thus, a good first
impression can help to increase the success rate in our application process.
There are many things a candidate can do create positive first impression. You may choose following some
among these tips or all of them, such as arriving on time for the interview, dressing formally, use appropriate
ways of behavior and communications. Besides, there are some noted points that you should pay much
attention to like job description, company information which you acquired through researches. By going
through the required tasks and skills for the vacancy, company’s culture or giving some suggestions to
improve productivity of the tasks you might be in charge of when you take that position can help you stand
out from other candidate. For me, I would choose to follow all tips above.
Apart from first impression, I strongly believe that last impressions are important as well. Often we are not
accepted immediately in the interview. Recruiting team will have to take into account all candidates’
performances during the interview to choose the most suitable ones for the position. Therefore, good first
impression only is not enough, we have to build good relationship with recruiters by making good last
impression, too. By doing so, we showed our respect to recruiters and the job we apply for.
Being in a job interview is not an enjoyable experience. However, we have to get through it to pursue our
dream jobs. Thus, we should prepare well enough for occasions like that.
- be of common sense: something are widely known (ý chỉ độ phổ biến chung, một cái gì đó được biết đến
rộng rãi)
Ex: The fact that “the sun rises in the east and set in the west” is of common sense.
- go through: study carefully about ( ý chỉ học hành, nghiên cứu cẩn thận về)
Ex: Collins went through every legal book she could find.
- vacancy: a job that no one is doing and is available for someone new to do ( ý chỉ vị trí tuyển dụng)
Ex: There is a vacancy for a shop assistant on Saturdays.
- stand out: to be much better than other similar things or people ( ý chỉ nổi bật, tốt hơn nhiều so với những
thứ hoặc những thứ tương tự khác)
Ex: We had lots of good applicants for the job, but one stood out from the rest.
- take into account: to consider or remember something when judging a situation
Ex: A good architect takes into account the building’s surroundings.
- get through: to manage to deal with a difficult situation (vượt qua, ý chỉ để quản lý đối phó với một tình
huống khó khăn)
Ex: I just have to get through the first five minutes of my speech, and then I’ll be fine.

Other similar topics: Describe the job you would most like to have
You should say:
- what this job would be
- where you would work
- which qualifications you would need and
- explain why you would like to have this job most.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions:

Which jobs would you say are most respected in your country?
Answer: Well, I have never thought about this, but I reckon that professional careers such as the fields of law,
education, and medicine may be the most highly-acclaimed ones. It is mainly because of the fact that people
working in these fields can easily earn lucrative income compared to others.
Some people say it’s better to work for yourself than be employed by a company. What’s your opinion?
Answer: Well, I used to be a full time employee & felt very stressful. To be specific, most of the time, I had a
hectic schedule & was up to ears in heavy workloads to meet deadlines. Therefore, although running my own
business is really challenging, I do feel far more comfortable with it.
What changes in employment have there been in recent years in your country?
Answer: As far as I know, more and more people, especially the young generations are involved in setting up
their own businesses. Thus, the “start-up” community is now more alive than ever, especially tech startups.
What are some of the important things a candidate should find out before accepting a job?

Answer: Well, this is an interesting question. If I were offered a job, I would definitely go through the
company’s compensation package such as salary, allowances, maternity or paternity leave, insurance, pension
plans, vacations, etc. Also, I’d need to know about my area of responsibilities so that I can make sure that I
will not be overwhelmed with heavy workloads down the road.


I. Collocation:
City skyline = khu vực thành thị
The city skyline has a mixed variety of old and new buildings.
Khu vực thành phố có rất nhiều toà nhà cả cũ và mới
Cobbled streets = các con phố lát đá (thường là ở châu Âu)
I haven’t found any cobbled street in Vietnam.
Tôi chưa tìm thấy bất cứ con phố lát đá nào ở Việt Nam.
Conservation area = khu vực được bảo tồn
Hanoi Old Quarter is a conservation area.
Khu vực phố cổ Hà Nội là khu vực được bảo tồn.
Quaint old buildings = những toà nhà cổ, khác lạ
There are a lot of quaint old buildings along the 36 streets.
Có rất nhiều toà nhà cổ trong khu vực 36 phố cổ.
The city’s foundation = thời xa xưa, thời mới thành lập thành phố
This mansion dated back to the city’s foundation in 1890s.
Toà biệt thự này được xây dựng từ khi thành phố mới được thành lập vào cuối thế kỷ 19.
2. Mua sắm
Upmarket shop = cửa hàng đắt đỏ, dành cho những người có tiền, ở những vị trí đẹp
Pricey = expensive = đắt tiền
Overpriced = đắt hơn so với mức bình thường, bị đội giá
I never have an idea of buying something in those upmarket shops, as the products are pricey/overpriced.
Tôi chưa bao giờ có ý nghĩ sẽ mua gì ở những cửa hàng đắt đỏ này, bởi hàng hoá ở đó toàn đồ đắt tiền/bị đội giá.
Good value = hàng hoá, dịch vụ với chất lượng tốt
Relaxed atmosphere = bầu không khí thanh bình, thong thả, thư thái
I’m a loyal customer of a small shop which offers good value and has a relaxed atmosphere.
Tôi là một khách hàng trung thành của một cửa hàng nhỏ mà ở đó hàng hoá có chất lượng tốt và không khí mua sắm cũng
nhẹ nhàng, thư thái.
Avenue/road/path run = đại lộ/con đường/con đường nhỏ trải dài hoặc chạy từ
The Phan Dinh Phung road runs from the north to the south.
Đường Phan Đình Phùng chạy từ phía Bắc tới phía Nam.
To be lined with shops/buildings = (thường dùng cho phố, đường) có các cửa hàng hoặc toà nhà trải dài dọc theo
Lively bars = những quán bar (chủ yếu để uống rượu) sôi động
Fashionable clubs = những club (chơi nhạc) thời thượng
Pavement cafes = quán cà phê bên đường
Ta Hien Street is lined with lively bars, fashionable clubs and pavement cafes.
Dọc theo phố Tạ Hiền là các quán bar, club và các quán cafe vỉa hè.
Tree-lined avenue = cây mọc dọc theo đại lộ
Residential areas = khu vực dân cư sống
High-rise flats = những toà nhà chung cư cho dân ở
The tree-lined avenues around the residential areas has been replaced by several high-rise flats.
Các con đường nhiều cây cối xung quanh khu dân cư dần được thay thế bằng những toà nhà chọc trời.
Inner city = khu vực trong thành phố, thường có mật độ dân cư đông đúc
Imposing buildings = các toà nhà lớn, đặc biệt
The imposing buildings of government departments and the Parliament is not far from the inner city.
Những toà nhà của chính phủ hoặc quốc hội nằm không xa khu trung tâm thành phố.

Urban wasteland = khu vực của thành phố nhưng bị bỏ hoang, vắng vẻ và trong tình trạng xuống cấp trầm trọng.
There are some urban wasteland in Hanoi.
Có một vài khu vực hoang phế ở Hà nội.
No-go areas = khu vực không có sự kiểm soát của cảnh sát và chính quyền địa phương.
Although Hanoi is a safe city, there are still some no-go areas.
Dù Hà Nội là một thành phố yên bình, vẫn có một số khu vực nằm ngoài sự kiểm soát của chính quyền và công an.
To be strewn with litter = ngập rác.
The area surrouding Long Bien market is strewn with litter.
Khu vực xung quanh chợ Long Biên ngập ngụa trong rác thải.
Run-down buildings = những toà nhà đang dần xuống cấp.
Those run-down buildings are going to be replaced by new skyscrapers.
Những toà nhà xuống cấp đó sẽ sớm bị thay thế bởi những toà nhà chọc trời.
Deprived area = khu vực không có đủ điều kiện sinh hoạt, khu dân nghèo, khu ổ chuột
She was born in a poor family and has lived her whole life in a deprived area.
Cô ta sinh ra trong một gia đình nghèo và đã sống cả đời ở khu ổ chuột.
Industrial zone = khu công nghiệp
The Dong Anh industrial zones are seriously polluted.
Những khu công nghiệp ở Đông Anh bị ô nhiễm nghiêm trọng.
Sprawling city = thành phố rộng lớn (mang nghĩa tiêu cực nhẹ)
After merging with Ha Tay, Hanoi becomes a sprawling city.
Sau khi được sáp nhập với Ha Tay, Hanoi trở thành một thành phố rộng lớn.
Bumper-to-bumper traffic = giao thông đông đúc, xe chật cứng trên đường
I am sick of the bumper-to-bumper traffic in Hanoi.
Tôi phát ốm với giao thông chật cứng xe ở Hà Nội.
Volume of traffic = lưu lượng xe cộ tham gia giao thông
Exhaust fumes = khói xe
Incessant roar = tiếng động cơ xe ầm ĩ, liên tục phát ra
Exhaust fumes from cars and incessant roar from trucks can become a nightmare for Hanoi inhabitants.
Khói xe từ ô tô và xe máy là cơn ác mộng đối với dân Hà Nội.
Comfortable suburbs = khu vực xa trung tâm thành phố mà ở đó có nhiều người sẽ đi vào trung tâm thành phố làm việc
Shanty towns = những căn lều, nhà tạm dựng bằng nguyên liệu tạm bợ (tấm bạt, cọc tre...)
There are several poor shanty towns in the comfortable suburbs.
Có rất nhiều nhà tạm ở khu vực ngoại vi thành phố.

II. Sample:
Part 1-style questions
Examiner: What is it like where you live?
Christiane: I live in a residential area of a busy town in the south of Spain … we have all the facilities you
need … good public transport … a good shopping centre … it’s nice …
Examiner: Do you like living in the city?
Andrea: Yes I do … I like going out with my friends and there are lots of lively bars and restaurants within

walking distance of my apartment … I’m a bit of a culture vulture as well so it’s great to have access to art
exhibitions and that kind of thing …
Examiner: Do you get many tourists visiting your area?
Mandy: Not really no … I live in the inner-city and the area is a little run down … it’s basically a lot
of high-rise flats and many of the shops are boarded up … so nothing to interest tourists really …

Part 2-style task

Describe an interesting town or city in your country that visitors might enjoy. You should say
 what the place is called
 where the place is
 what the facilities are like
and say why visitors might enjoy going there.
Monique:  Anyone who comes to my country really should spend some time in Barcelona … it’s a beautiful
place … it’s not what you would call a sprawling city … it’s quite compact really and you could walk across
the city in a couple of hours … but there’s no need to do that as we have a fantastic public transport
system so it’s easy to get around … there are various districts all with their own character … you have
the upmarket shops in the centre … you’ll find lots of chain stores you’ll recognise from your own country
but also local brands as well … we have the narrow streets in the Gothic district with lots of fashionable
boutiques and tourist attractions … there’s the Olympic area and the beaches along the coast … and dotted
around the city are some lovely public spaces … parks and squares in the city centre and on the outskirts of
Barcelona where people relax with their friends and family … and of course pavement cafes everywhere …
all that and some great historical places of interest … so a great destination for tourists …

Part 3-style questions

Examiner:  What are the advantages of living in a city or big town?
Carrie: I think it’s having access to local facilities really … local shops as well as access to larger shopping
malls in the city centre … and if you’re well-off you can afford to live in the suburbsaway from the busy
traffic …
Examiner: In your experience are city centres usually attractive places?
Mary: Some can be yes … especially those with a historical interest … but sometimes they’re full of
ugly office blocks … multi-story car parks … and residents living in poor housing … it depends on the city
doesn’t it?
Examiner: What are some of the challenges facing towns and cities?
Penny: I suppose traffic congestion is a major problem … and the growth in out-of-town supermarkets and
retail parks mean lots of town centre shops are closing down … plus a shortage of good quality housing … I
think these are the major challenges …

Useful phrases:
 boarded up shops: shops that are no longer doing business
 chain stores: well-known brands with shops in multiple cities
 to close down: to stop doing business
 fashionable boutiques: fashionable clothes shops
 to get around: to travel around
 high-rise flats: multi-story apartments
 inner-city: the central part of a city where people live and where conditions are often poor
 in the suburbs: the outer area of large towns and cities where people live
 lively bars/restaurants: bars or restaurants with a good atmosphere
 local facilities: local buildings or services serving the public
 multi-story car parks: car parks on several floors
 office block: a large building that contains offices
 out of town shopping centre/retail park: large shopping centres outside of the town or city
 pavement cafe: cafes with tables outside on the pavement
 places of interest: buildings that have a particular interest for visitors
 poor housing: housing that is not in good condition
 public spaces: areas in a town or city that are open to the public
 public transport system:  public vehicles such as buses and trains that operate at regular times on fixed
 residential area: an area where people live
 run down: old and of a poor standard
 shopping centre: an area consisting of multiple shops
 shopping malls: large indoor shopping centres
 sprawling city: a city that has grown over time and which covers a wide area
 tourist attraction: a place of interest to tourists
 traffic congestion: heavy traffic making it difficult to move around a town or city
 upmarket shops: expensive fashionable shops

Part 1-style questions
Examiner: Are there any TV channels in your country that don’t have adverts?
Loraine: No … they’re all commercial channels and show adverts all day long … too many really … and
there’s also a lot of product placement going on … especially in soap operas where they place an item just
behind the actors.
Examiner: Do you enjoy watching adverts on TV?
Karin: No … not really … I hate commercial breaks during a film … it really spoils the flow … and
during prime time viewing they seem to squeeze even more ads in than usual … celebrity
endorsements also get on my nerves … everyone knows they’re only doing it because they’re getting paid.
Examiner: What are the best ways for ordinary people to advertise something they want to sell in your
Marianne: The simplest way is to place an advert in something like the classified ads section of a local paper
… or there’s the Internet of course … there are lots of sites like eBay where you can buy and sell things
Part 2-style task
Describe an advert you once saw that was very effective.  You should say
 where this advert appeared
 when you saw it
 what it was advertising
and say why you thought it was so effective.
Max: OK … well this was about 4 years ago … I was looking for some software to create videos … one day I
got an email from a mailing list I’d signed up to … there was a link in it to a press release … a company had
written something about a new product that was similar to what I was looking for … at the end of the press
release there was a link to the sales page … I hadn’t heard of the company but I was interested and clicked the
link to the ad …. what caught my attention immediately were the number of testimonials from people who had
bought the software … I think testimonials are like the online equivalent of word of mouth advertising and
are really persuasive … anyway … when I got to the bottom of the page there was a great big call to
action button inviting me to buy … I was totally persuaded and ended up making a purchase … what made it
so effective I think was the power of those testimonials … they’d been written by people very much like me
… they’d had a need and the software had obviously turned out to be just what they were looking for … when
you think that this was a newish company they wouldn’t have had any brand awareness at all  … they
probably wouldn’t have had much of a budget for advertising … obviously you wouldn’t advertise a product
like this through the mass media on TV … they probably didn’t even have an advertising agency to support
them …and yet they’d managed to create a great deal of brand loyalty from previous customers … I think
that was really effective.
Part 3-style questions
Examiner: What is it that makes an advert effective?
Spencer: Well … when a company launches a product they have to consider the Internet … especially how it
can be used to spread the word on social media … so in this context a video that goes viral is probably the
most effective type of advert you could make.
Examiner: What are the advantages to companies of advertising on the Internet rather than TV?
Stelios: I’d imagine the main advantage is you can reach your target audience much more effectively … if
you bring out a niche product for example … or you have a tight advertising budget … you can advertise on
particular sites that the people you want to reach visit … that’s not something you can do on TV.
Examiner: What things do advertising companies do that might give it a bad name?
Raol: For me the most irritating is cold calling … we must get two or three of these every day at work … then
there’s junk mail that gets posted through the letterbox … and of course the online equivalent of this
… spam emails … I think it’s this kind of advertising that tends to annoy people.
 advertising agency: a company that creates adverts for other companies

 advertising budget: the amount of money a company decides to spend on advertising
 brand awareness: how well people know a particular brand
 brand loyalty: the degree to which people continue to buy from the same brand or company
 buy and sell: often used to refer to the buying and selling of items between individuals

 call to action: something that encourages someone to take a particular action, such as making a
purchase or clicking a link on a website
 celebrity endorsement: to have a well-known person promote a product
 classified ads: small advertisements often put in a newspaper or magazine by individuals
 to cold call: to call someone with the aim of selling something without them asking you to do so
 commercial break: the short period during TV programmes when advertisements are shown
 commercial channel: TV channels that make money from showing advertisements
 to go viral: to quickly become extremely popular on the Internet through social media
 junk mail: unwanted promotional leaflets and letters
 to launch a product: to introduce a new product
 mailing list: a list of names and contact details used by a company to send information and
 mass media: large media outlets like TV, newspapers and magazines
 niche product: a product that is aimed at a distinct group of people
 to place an advert: to put an advert somewhere
 press release: something written by a company for newspapers and magazines and websites to share
and publish
 prime time: the time during the viewing schedule when most people watch TV or listen to a broadcast
 product placement: to advertise a product by using it as a prop in a TV show or film
 sales page: a page specifically used to promote a product or service
 to show adverts: to display adverts on TV
 social media: websites that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social
 spam email: unwanted, promotional email
 target audience: the people a company want to sell their product or service to
 word of mouth: recommendations made by individuals to other individuals about a product of service


I. Collocations And Phrases Describing Physical Appearance:

Look young for your age: look younger Her style of wearing makes her to look
for your age young for her age.
Youthful appearance: to look young People always compliment on her
youthful appearance.
To be getting on a bit: to be getting old Recent years, my parents have been
getting on a bit.
To bear a striking resemblance to Everyone often says that I bear a striking
somebody/ take after: to look very resemblance to my father, which I really
similar proud of.
To be good-looking: to be attractive  She is the one I have a crush on who is
really beautiful and good-looking.
To be well-built: to be muscular He has been working out for years, then
he is well-built.
To be well-turned out: to look smart The guy who is wearing glasses and a
yellow T-shirt is well-turned out.
To be overweight: to weigh more than is Overusing fast food can cause to some
regarded as healthy  health problem such as being overweight.
Shoulder-length hair: hair that comes She has shoulder-length hair, and a
down to the shoulders and no further bright smile. 
 To lose one’s figure: to have a figure that Because she ate too much fast food
has lost its toned shape recently, she lose her’s figure.
To get done up: to dress smartly Whenever she shows up in the public, she
always get done up.

II. Collocations And Phrases Describing personality
To be the life and soul of the party: a He has always been  the life and soul of
fun people, someone who is the center of every party that he took part in.
To hide one’s light under a bushel: to I have to say that she is the type of
hide one’s talents and skills person hiding her light under a bushel.
To lose one’s temper: to suddenly Please leave before I lose my temper.
become angry
 Good sense of humour: the ability to The guy has a good sense of humour,
understand what is funny then he always is the life and soul of the
Trustworthy: can be trusted  I have known her for many years, so I
must say that she is a trustworthy
Self- confident: believes in one’s own My sister is self-confident, and she
ability or knowledge always believes on herself even when
she has to speak in front of lots of
Self-assured: confident I want to teach my children to be self-
assured from early ages.
Introverted: Someone who is shy In my opinion, people who is
introverted cannot be a good leader.
Extroverted: having a confident She is extroverted, and she really like to
character  and enjoying the company of interact with other people.
other people
Easy- going: relaxed and not easily She is easy-going, and she never lost her
worried about anything temper.
To bend over backwards: to try very Peter has always bend over backwards
hard to help someone to help me out whenever I am in trouble.

IELTS Speaking Part 1:
How would you describe yourself?
I would say I am extroverted. I mean I really like to hang out with my friend in the weekends whenever I
have spare time.
Are you similar to your brother(s)/ sister(s)?
I believe that we are quite similar. We are both kinds of people who can be the life and soul of the party. What
I mean is we can make people laugh a lot in every parties that we join in.
IELTS Speaking Part 2:
Describe a person in your family who you admire. You should say
 What his/her relationship is to you?
 What he/she has done in your life?
 What he/she does now?
 and explain why you admire this person so much.
Sample answer:
Today I would like to share with you one of my family member that I always take pride in. This is my older
sister, who currently is working as a sale woman in a multinational company. 
As a sale person, the appearance is really important to her, so whenever she shows up in the public, she
constantly gets done up. Also, due to her slim figure, it is very easy for her to choose clothes. Normally, she
wears jeans with white shirts, but when it is necessary, she suits up for formal events. Then I think all of this
helps her to stand out in a crowd, and draw attentionfrom other people.
Not only she is a successful businesswoman, but also she spends a part of her time to take care of me. From I
was a little child, she was like my best friends, we shared laugh and happiness together. And when I was in
trouble, she will consistently be there for me and help me out.  
All of this makes me admire her so much, and I have always wanted to be a person like her who is really
succeeded in career that she chose to pursue.
IELTS Speaking Part 3:
Is it important to dress well whenever we go out?
It depends. If you go on an important date, you should get done up, because it shows that you respect the
people who you go out with. But when you hang out with your mate, you can where casual clothes what
makes you comfortable.

Which personality do you think we most want to pass on to our children?
I think it would be honesty, because this is essential in every situation. For example, honesty is the foundation
of a good friendship. If you are dishonest, you cannot be trustworthy. Also children should be self-
assured and self-confident, which could help them a lot in their lives.
Which personality do you think are less likely to suffer from stress or anxiety?
Easy-going, I think. These people will barely lose their temper and always stay calm when they face
difficult situation. This will allow them to barely suffer from turmoil.

Common phrases:
 to be the life and soul of the party: a fun person, someone who is the centre of activity
 to bend over backwards: to try very hard to help someone
 broad-minded: prepared to accept other views or behaviours
 easy-going: relaxed and not easily worried about anything
 extrovert: an energetic person who likes the company of others
 fair-minded: to treat people equally
 fun-loving: to enjoy having fun
 to hide one’s light under a bushel: to hide one’s talents and skills
 good company: enjoyable to socialise with
 good sense of humour: the ability to understand what is funny
 introvert: someone who is shy
 laid-back: see ‘easy-going’
 to lose one’s temper: to suddenly become angry
 narrow minded: opposite of ‘broad-minded’ (see above)
 painfully shy: very shy
 to put others first: to think of others before yourself
 quick-tempered: to become angry quickly
 reserved: shy
 self-assured: confident
 self-centred: thinks only of oneself
 self-confident: believes in one’s own ability or knowledge
 self-effacing: to not try to get the attention of others (especially in terms of hiding one’s skills or
 to take after: to be like (often another member of the family)
 thick-skinned:  not easily affected by criticism
 trustworthy: can be trusted
 two-faced: not honest or sincere. Will say one thing to someone to their face and another when they
are not present.
Part 1-style questions
Examiner: How would you describe yourself?
Paula: Everyone tells me I take after my mum as I’m quite laid-back … I think I’m good companybut you
should ask my friends if they agree …
Examiner: In which ways are you similar to your friends?
Manuel: I seem to be attracted to introverts … not people who are painfully shy but most of my friends are a
little reserved … and I think that’s what I’m like …
Examiner: Are you similar or different to your brother(s)/sister(s)?
Mira: I think my brother and I are very similar … I’d say we’re fun-loving and tend to be a
bit extroverted … my brother is certainly the life and soul of the party … I’m not sure that applies to me …

Part 2-style task

Describe a teacher you once had who you enjoyed being taught by. You should say
 who this person was
 when they were your teacher
 which subject they taught you
and describe what it was about their character that you liked.
Carolina:  I’d like to describe my English teacher from school … Miss Thomas … this was a few years ago
now and she was my teacher at a time when I was getting a little bored with being at school … unlike some of
the other teachers Miss Thomas never lost her temper … she was very calm and easy-going … she was also
very broad-minded … we were able to ask her questions about lots of subjects that some other teachers
would refuse to discuss which made us respect her even more … she had a great sense of humour too …
she’d laugh at our jokes as well as making us laugh … and she would also bend over backwards to help us
with our work … she always put us first and often stayed around at the end of class to talk with anyone who
needed help … apparently she was highly respected within her field but you would never know as she was the
type that hid her light under a bushel … she was very modest and self-effacing … so yes … Miss Thomas
was a teacher I have fond memories of …
Part 3-style questions
Examiner:  Which personal qualities do you think we most want to pass on to our children?
Martin: I certainly would want my children to be self-confident and self-assured … I really believe that
people who feel good about themselves are in a good position to face what life has to offer them … and I’d
hope they wouldn’t be self-centred … but remembered to think about others …
Examiner: Which characteristics do you think are the least appealing in a person?
Marianne: Well … people who are very narrow-minded are difficult to get on with … it’s nice when
someone is open to other people’s opinion and willing to think about their own views … and people who
are two-faced can be a little irritating … relationships are built on trust and without honesty there’s not much
left …
Examiner: Which personality types do you think are less likely to suffer from stress or anxiety?
Sol: Probably people who are thick-skinned … who don’t let people or problems affect them too much …
and if you are fair-minded you’ ll be less likely to overreact to situations or be quick-tempered …

Cross your mind: If something crosses It crossed my mind that she might be
your mind, you suddenly think of it. lying about her age.
bear/keep something in mind: There are a few general rules to bear In
reminding or warning someone about mind when selecting plants.
something important which they should Keep in mind that some places are
remember. more dangerous than others for women
travelling alone.
food for thought: If something gives This Italian trip gave us all much food
you food for thought, it makes you think for thought.
very hard about an issue.
Have a memory like an elephant: to be My best friend has a memory like an
very good at remembering things elephant. She can easily remember
everything she has read
a gut reaction :A gut reaction is a My immediate gut reaction was to
reaction that you have immediately and never write again.
strongly, without thinking about
something or being aware of your

Slip sb’s memory/mind: to be forgotten I forgot that I had a meeting with my

partner yesterday. It completely slipped
my mind.
lose the plot: If someone loses the plot, Vikram’s working so many hours that
they become confused or crazy, or no he’s losing the plot – he’s making
longer know how to deal with a situation. mistakes and keeps falling asleep on the
Lose your train of thought: If you Now where was I? I’m afraid I’ve lost
forget what you were saying, lose your my train of thought.
train of thought.
Miles away: completely unaware of You didn’t hear a word I said, did you?
what is happening or of what someone is You were miles away.
saying, because they are thinking deeply
about something else.
a mind like a sieve: have a bad memory He’s lost his keys again – he’s got a
and often forget things. mind like a sieve.
off the top of your head: you are about I can’t remember off the top of my
to say is an immediate reaction and is not head which plan they used, but it
a carefully considered opinion, and so it certainly wasn’t this one.
might not be correct. 
trip/walk down memory lane: My grandmother spends more time
remember or talk about things that walking down memory lane these days
happened in the past than talking about the present.
off your head/ out of your head: very It’s like working in a war zone. You
strange, foolish, or dangerous. must be off your head to live in that
on the tip of your tongue: ngập ngừng I know this, no, no, don’t tell me … oh,
muốn nói it’s on the tip of my tongue!
jog someone’s memory: help someone My grandfather didn’t remember how to
to remember something they have log in his facebook account. Therefore,
forgotten I had to jog his memory.
out of your mind: crazy or stupid You spent five hundred pounds on a
jacket! Are you out of your mind?
We have a lot of problems in our
family. I’m going out of my mind with
the worry of it all.
rack your brain: If you rack your brain, They asked me for fresh ideas, so I
you think very hard about something or racked my brain, but couldn’t come up
try very hard to remember it. with anything.
ring a bell: gợi nhớ về điều gì đã từng The name rings a bell but I can’t think
nghe trước đó, nhưng không nhớ rõ cho where I’ve heard it.

I. Collocation:

1. I've joined a club where I can play chess.

(become a member of a club)
2. I'm a philatelist. I collect all sorts of stamps.
(a person who collects stamps for pleasure)
3. I often go camping in the summer.
(to live in a camp or outdoors)
4. I do a bit of / a lot of climbing.
(go mountain climbing)
5. I make my own clothes.
(I make clothes for myself. I don't buy them.)
6. I like photography.
(the skill or process of taking photographs)
7. I'm mad about DIY. I think this is a very good hobby for people who have a house but don't have
much money.
(do it yourself; the activity of making and repairing things yourself around your home)
8. I took up golf when I was at school.
(to start a hobby for the first time)
9. I gave up photography.
(to stop doing a hobby)
10. I collect antiques. I really enjoy going round the shops looking for a bargain.
(you collect stamps, coins, antiques)
11. I try to practice playing the guitar every day.
(to make music with a musical instrument)
12. I usually go jogging two or three times a week.
(run slowly, especially as a form of exercise)
13. I took up hiking because I wanted to get more exercise.
(a long walk in the country)
14. I don't really do anything in my spare time.
(time when you are not working)
15. In winter, I do quite a lot of skiing.
(in English you normally do a lot of / a bit of sport)
16. In summer, I play tennis and cricket.
(in English you normally play a game)
17. My aunt is a great traveler: she's been to every country in Europe.
(a person who is travelling or who often travels)
18. We toured / went / were on a tour round the United States last summer.
(to make a journey for pleasure during which you visit many places)
19. I will be going overseas in my new job.
(to travel to another country across the sea)
20. The island's economy is heavily dependent on tourism.
(the business of providing Holidays for people)
21. We went on an excursion to the mountains.
(an organized trip with a group of people)

22. I'm not taking any holiday / vacation
(time when you do not go to work for a special reason)
23. I'm taking a short break and going to my sister's for a few days.
(a short period of time when you do not work)
24. You look exhausted. You should take a few days off and relax.
(not present at work)
25. I can't come I'm afraid. I'm on holiday / off that week.
(to leave your home and go somewhere else for a holiday)
26. We're only going away or a few days.
(to live the place where you leave at least one night)
27. We've booked two weeks in Australia in July.
(to reserve and pay for a holiday before you go)
28. They run a small resort hotel in Vermont.
(a place where a lot of people go on holiday)
29. I brought a model of the Eiffel Tower as a souvenir of Paris.
(something that you buy on holiday [for your friend] as a reminder of that place)
30. We travelled overland to Delhi and then flew on to Singapore.
(by road or rail)
31. The voyage from England to India used to take six months.
(a long journey by sea)
32. We decided to go cruising in the Mediterranean.
(to travel by sea, visiting a number of places as a holiday)
33. We take / get / catch the train / bus, to Leeds and then got a bus to where she lives.
(to travel to a place by train, bus, plane)
34. We headed for / made for (informal) the town centre.
(to travel towards somewhere)
35. We stopped off in Paris en route to Nice.
(on the way to somewhere)
36. The travel agent suggested some changes to my itinerary.
(a plan of a journey, route, etc.)
37. One of the most famous landmarks in London is Nelson's Column.
(an object especially a building, that can be seen from a distance)
38. We had been on the move for twenty four hours and were absolutely exhausted.
(to be travelling)
39. We made a stopover at Frankfurt on the way to Tokyo.
(a short stop on a journey)
40. I'm learning Spanish, just for fun.
(you do something for enjoyment and pleasure)
41. I think I get more pleasure out of doing my garden than anything else.
(the feeling of being happy)
42. Let your hair down (informal) for once!
(to allow yourself to enjoy something freely, without worrying about what other people think)
43. We had the time of our lives.
(to enjoy something very much)
44. There isn't much entertainment for young people in this town.
(things to do that interest and amuse people)
45. I had a great time last night.
(to get pleasure from doing something)
46. I have to amuse myself for a few hours while I waited for her to arrive.
(to keep yourself entertained)

II. Sample:

Part 1:

Describe a place in your city or town where you like to go in your free time.
There’s a huge shopping mall just outside my city. It’s one of the biggest in the country, and people come
from all over, even from faraway place, to shop there. It has hundreds of stores of all different kinds. It also
has restaurants, clubs, and movie theaters. It also has a couple of areas kind of like indoor parks where you
can sit on benches and watch a water fountain. There’s a lot you can do there.
Why do you like to do there?
I like to go there because there are so many different things to do. Whatever I many need to buy, I can buy it
there. If I want to get together with my friends, it’s a good place for us to meet. We have our choice of
restaurants, movies, and clubs. It’s kind of like a little city all under one roof. I especially like to go there in
the winter when it’s too cold to be outside.
Is there anything you don’t like about it?
I can only think of one thing I don’t like about it, and that’s the parking situation. The parking garage is very
crowed and sometimes I spend a long time driving around looking for an empty spot. That really annoys me.
They should have a system to let people know where the empty spaces are so we can go right to them without
driving around and around.
Is it a popular place for people in your city? Why or why not?
It’s a very popular place for people in my city. The main reason is because there are so many different things
to do and buy there. There’s something for everyone. Another reason people like it is because it’s all indoors.
We live in a cold climate, and the winters can be very, very cold. No one likes to walk around outside then. If
you go to the shopping mall, you don’t have to go outside to get from place to place.
Describe a park in your neighborhood or city.
There’s a small park at the end of my street. It has a fountain in the middle and a few benches where you can
sit and relax. It also has a small garden. Some of the local neighbors plant flowers there every year.
What are some things people can do there?
It’s small park, so there’s not much to do there. It’s mostly there for looking pretty. You can sit on the benches
and watch the water in the fountain. That’s relaxing. You can enjoy the flowers. It’s right next to the bus stop,
so you can wait for the bus there, too.
Do you enjoy spending time there? Why or why not?
Yes, I like to go there when the weather is nice. After being inside all day at work, I like to go to the park on
my way home. It’s a way to be outside for a little while. Sometimes I run into friends there. I’ve gotten to
know some of my neighbors by spending time in the park, so that’s an advantage.
Are parks important? Why or why not?
Parks are very important in the city. Without parks, there wouldn’t be any nice outdoor places to spend time
in. Parks add beauty to the city because they’re places where we can see trees and flowers. Larger parks also
provide places for outdoor sports. Without parks, it would be difficult to do any outdoor activities in a city.

Part 2:

Describe a hobby you enjoy doing.

You should say:
 What the hobby is
 What materials or tools you need for it
 How you learned to do it
 and explain why you enjoy it

A hobby I enjoy is painting. I can’t say I’m very artistic, but I like painting. I do watercolor painting, so there
materials I need are paint and brushes, water, and special watercolor paper. I learned to paint by taking
classes. Frankly, I can’t remember how I got the idea to lean to paint, but once I decided I wanted to do it, I
looked for classes at the local community center. I’ve taken several painting classes there, and I’ve learned a
lot. I enjoy painting because it’s very relaxing. When I paint, I can talk my mind off my work and off personal
problems. I just think about my painting. I also like the challenge. It’s a challenge to try to make a painting
look the way I want it to look. I work all the time to improve my technique. I’ve had a lot of frustrations, but
when I feel like I’ve finally made a painting look the way I want it to look, I feel really happy. It’s a satisfying
feeling. Another thing I like about painting is that it gives me something to hand on the walls of my
apartment! Of course, I only hand up the successful paintings.

Part 3:

Why do people have hobbies?

I think the biggest reason people have hobbies is to relax. Another reason is that people have different kinds of
interests, and hobbies give them a way to pursue those interests. For example, I like art, so I paint as a hobby.
People who like music might learn to play the guitar or sing in a local choir. People who like flowers might
garden as a hobby. Hobbies give people ways to express different aspects of their personalities and develop
different abilities.
Are there any hobbies you think are not worthwhile?
I suppose some people think some things are a waste of time, but it’s hard to make that decision for other
people. I don’t like building ship models, for example. I can’t think of anything more boring than that, so for
me that would be a real waste of time. But another person might get a lot out of an activity like that. So I think
that as long as a hobby is enjoyable to the person who does it, and doesn’t cost too much money, we can’t say
it’s not worthwhile.
What can we learn from hobbies?
Depending on the hobby, we can learn different things. People who garden as a hobby can learn about botany.
People who play musical instruments can learn about music theory. We can learn about a lot of different
things, depending on what our interests are.
Is it important to teach hobbies to children? Why or why not?
Yes, I think it’s important to teach hobbies to children. Childhood is a time of crying out different things. By
pursuing different kinds of hobbies, children can learn how to do different kinds of things. They can learn
about the kinds of things that interest them, and they can discover which things are boring to them. This helps
them develop a better sense of who they arc. Also, a child who develops hobbies will always have interesting
ways to spend his or her time throughout his or her life.

I. Collocation:
 technological advances  = technological developments: những tiến bộ trong công nghệ
 people’s personal and professional relationships: mối quan hệ cá nhân và sự nghiệp
 keep in contact with = keep in touch with: giữ liên lạc với
 loved ones: những người yêu thương
 as a way of communication: như là 1 cách thức giao tiếp
 technological devices and applications: những ứng dụng và thiết bị công nghệ
 expand business network: mở rộng mạng lưới kinh doanh
 telecommunication services: các dịch vụ viễn thông
 have more opportunities to: có nhiều cơ hội hơn để
 an internet-connected smart phone: 1 chiếc điện thoại được kết nối internet
 do multiple tasks all at the same time: thực hiện nhiều công việc cùng 1 lúc
 suffer from social isolation: bị sự cô lập xã hội
 surf/browse the internet: lướt web
 take part in interactive activities : tham gia vào các hoạt động có tính tương tác
 take video lessons with someone: tham dự buổi học video với ai đó
 interact through computers rather than face to face: tương tác thông qua máy tính thay vì trực tiếp
 face-to-face meetings: các cuộc họp gặp mặt trực tiếp
 online meetings = virtual meetings: các cuộc họp online
 discourage real interaction: ngăn cản sự tương tác thực
 the loss of traditional cultures: sự mất đi của các văn hóa truyền thống
 improve the quality of life: cải thiện chất lượng cuộc sống
 give someone access to information: cho ai đó sự truy cập vào thông tin
 social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter: mạng xã hội như Facebook hay Twitter

II. Sample:
Part 1

Examiner: Do you enjoy using technology?

Stephan: Well … I wouldn’t call myself a techie or a computer buff but I enjoy using computers … I’d like
to find out more about  how they work … when my computer crashes I never know what to do.

Examiner: Do you use the Internet for your studies?

Sophie: Yes … I’d be lost without it … I do lots of video conferencing to practise speaking and social
media like Facebook is a good way to meet up with other students … and I download podcasts that teach
English vocabulary and grammar.

Examiner: Do you have your own computer?

Tania: Yes … I have a Macbook Pro … I use it all the time … for word processing … browsing
websites and catching up with TV programmes I’ve missed.

Part 2

Describe an item of technology you have that is very important. You should say:

 what the technology is

 when you got it

 how often you use it

and say how different your daily life would be without it.

Mattie: I don’t have many gadgets … just a computer … a laptop and my mobile phone … but I’ll talk about
my computer as it’s so useful … it’s funny really … 2 years ago I was still learning to use computers … how
to use email … send attachments how to access websites … then I decided to do a digital editing course for
video and photography … and so I bought the laptop when I started the course  …  my husband had a desktop
PC but it was very slow so I decided to upgrade to a powerful one because we do a lot of video editing on the
course … it’s a high-spec laptop … very fast … the latest operating system … it boots up really quickly and
it’s  fun to use so it makes working a pleasure … I’ve become a competent computer user now … if I didn’t
have it I daresay I’d have to spend more time at college using their computers … but on the positive side I
suppose I’d read a lot more if I didn’t have it  …  I probably waste a lot of time surfing the web … but
hopefully I won’t have to be without it …

Part 3

Examiner: What do you think are the important things people need to learn when they start using computers?
Alejandro: Well … there are things like how to use the Internet  … how to enter a web address … how to
navigate websites … that kind of thing but it’s also important to know how to back upyour files in case your
computer crashes … and all about Internet security.

Examiner: What kind of technological developments have made the biggest impact on our lives?
Faydene: In my lifetime it has to be the Internet of course but I also think wifi has made a huge difference to
how we interact with the Internet … wireless networks at home and public wifi hotspots mean we can go
online easily … access our mail … log into our work intranet and basically be connected wherever we are.

Examiner: Do computers make it much easier to study?

Jane: Definitely yes … researching information is much easier with the Internet .. you can bookmark
webpages for future reference and writing essays is much easier … being able to cut and paste sections of
text means you can experiment with organisation … so yes … compared to years ago when you had a pile of
books on your desk and a pen and paper … it’s now much easier.

III. Useful phrases:

 to access websites/email: to locate

 to back up files: to make a copy of files in case of a computer problem
 to boot up: to start a computer
 to bookmark a webpage: to mark a webpage for future reference
 to browse websites: to look at websites
 a computer buff: an expert computer user
 to crash: to suddenly stop working
 to cut and paste: to move text or images from one place in a document to another place
 a desktop PC: a computer that isn’t portable and remains in situ on a desk
 digital editing: to edit digital materials like audio or video files
 download (podcasts): to save a copy of a file from the internet to your own device
 to enter a web address: to type the address of a website into the address bar of your browser
 a gadget: a technological tool like a mobile phone or camera
 to go online: to start using the Internet
 high-spec (laptop): powerful computer with top quality components
 Internet security: Internet safety
 intranet: a network of connected computers within an organisation that is not accessible by unauthorised

 to navigate a website: to find your way around a website
 operating system: the software that tells the computer how to work
 send an attachment: send an email with an accompanying file
 social media: media used to interact with other people such as Facebook or Twitter
 to surf the web: to look at a series of websites one after the other
 a techie: somebody who has an interest in technology
 to upgrade: to obtain a more powerful or feature-rich computer or piece of software
 video conferencing: to see and hear people from different locations using the Internet
 wireless hotspot: a public place where you can access the Internet
 wireless network: a network where users can access the Internet without the use of fixed cables
 word processing; producing written texts on a computer


As right as rain: to feel fine and healthy.
 Don't worry about me, I'm as right as rain after my knee operation.
Be a breeze: to be very easy to do.
 Our English exam was a breeze. I'm sure I'll get top marks.
Be snowed under: to have so much to do that you are having trouble doing it all.
 I'm snowed under at work right now because two of my colleagues are on holiday.
Break the ice: to say or do something to make someone feel relaxed or at ease in a social setting.
 He offered to get her a drink to help break the ice.
Calm before the storm: the quiet, peaceful period before a moment of great activity or mayhem.
 The in-laws were about to arrive with their kids so she sat on the sofa with a cup of coffee enjoying the
calm before the storm.
Chase rainbows: when someone tries to do something that they will not achieve
 I think she's chasing rainbows if she thinks she can get into Oxford with her bad grades.
Come rain or shine: you can depend on someone to be there no matter what or whatever the weather.
 I'll be there to help you move house come rain or shine.
Every cloud has a silver lining: There is always something positive to come out of an unpleasant or difficult
 I got laid off from work yesterday, but every cloud has a silver lining and now I can spend more time
writing my book.
Fair-weather friend: a person who is only your friend during good times or when things are going well for
you but disappears when things become difficult or you have problems.
 She was a fair-weather friend because she wasn't interested in me once I had lost my job.
Get wind of: to learn or hear of something that should be a secret.
 He got wind of the closure of the company so started looking for a new job immediately.
Have your head in the clouds: to be out of touch of reality. Your ideas may not be sensible or practical.
 He has his head in the clouds if he seriously thinks he's going to get a promotion soon.
It never rains but it pours: when things don't just go wrong but very wrong and other bad things happen too.
 First he lost his keys to the house, then his wallet and then his car broke down. It never rains but it
It's raining cats and dogs: it's raining very hard.
 Take you umbrella and a jacket because it's raining cats and dogs outside.
On cloud nine: to be extremely happy.
 They were both on cloud nine during their honeymoon.
Put on ice: to postpone for another day.
 The project has been put on ice until our boss decides what to do next.
Ray of hope: there is a chance that something positive will happen.
 There is a ray of hope after all, it looks like we won't be losing our jobs.
Save for a rainy day: to save for the future when it might suddenly be needed (unexpectedly).
 Don't spend your entire wage in one night. You should save for a rainy day.
Steal my thunder: when someone takes attention away from someone else.
 Don't wear that dress to the wedding; the bride won't like it because you'll be stealing her thunder.
Storm in a teacup: when someone makes a small problem larger than it really is.
 Those two are always arguing about something, it's just a storm in a teacup.
Storm is brewing: indication that something is about to become bad or explode
 You could tell by the looks on their faces that a storm was brewing.
Take a rain check: decline something now but offer to do it at a later date.
 Thanks for inviting me to dinner but I can't this week. Can I take a rain check on that?
Throw caution to the wind: to go crazy and forget all responsibilities or commitments.
 They threw caution to the wind and quit their jobs in the heat of the moment.
Under the weather: you are not feeling well
 Paul isn't coming with us because he feels a little under the weather.

Freak weather condition  (very

tình trạng thời tiết bất thường, diễn biến đột ngột,
1 unusual or unexpected weather
không ngờ

Unbroken sunshine (only
2 nắng rực rỡ, bầu trời quang đãng không một gợn mây
sunshine, no clouds in the sky)
3 Soak up the sunshine  tắm nắng, tận hưởng những tia nắng mặt trời
4 Sunny spells một khoảng thời gian ngắn trời nắng
5 to pour down mưa như trút nước
6 a drop of rain mưa nhỏ từng giọt
7 Gale-force winds gió cường độ giật mạnh
8 freezing cold rất lạnh (informal)
9 Fresh snow tuyết đầu mùa trong trẻo
10 Light winds gió thổi nhẹ
11 mild winter mùa đông không lạnh lắm

12 to get drenched bị ướt

13 to clear up dùng để diễn tả khi mây, mưa hoặc tuyết tan biến mất

14 a flash flood lũ lụt lớn và bất ngờ

15 weather forecast dự báo thời tiết
16 tropical storm bão vùng nhiệt đới
17 bitterly cold rất lạnh
18 a heatwave giai đoạn thời tiết nóng
19 to be rained off bị trì hoãn một việc gì đó do thời tiết xấu
Crisp snow (snow that is fresh and
20 trận tuyết mới, dày và đặc cứng
21 Thick/dense fog sương mù dày đặc
22 to get caught in the rain bị dính mưa bất ngờ khi đang đi bên ngoài
23 tropical storm bão vùng nhiệt đới
24 not a cloud in the sky trời trong xanh không một gợn mây
25 mild climate khí hậu ôn hòa, không có thời tiết khắc nghiệt
26 Strong/weak sun ánh mặt trời chói cháng/dịu nhẹ
27 long-range forecast dự báo thời tiết cho một khoảng thời gian dài
28 Thick snow tuyết phủ dày đặc
tình trạng sức khỏe xấu do ở trong thời tiết nóng một
29 heatstroke
thời gian dài

Weather thời tiết chuyển biến xấu/tốt

deteriorates/improves >> Formal  
(weather is getting worse/better
>> Spoken language):

mặc quần áo ấm để bảo vệ cơ thể khỏi điều kiện thời

31 to dress up warm
tiết lạnh
32 a cold spell thời tiết lạnh trong một thời gian ngắn
33 to come out (the sun) khi mặt trời xuất hiện trên bầu trời nhiều mây
34 boiling hot (informal) cực kỳ nóng

35 a blanket of snow tuyết bao phủ khắp nơi như một chiếc chăn tuyết

36 to be below freezing lạnh dưới 0oC, bắt đầu đóng băng

37 The wind blows/whistles gió hú, thổi viu viu
38 Scorching hot (extremely hot) nóng khủng khiếp
39 Freezing cold giá buốt

40 Torrential/heavy rain mưa ào ạt, xối xả

gió mạnh lên/yếu đi

The wind picks up/dies down (the  
wind gets stronger/weaker)

42 Biting winds (very cold winds) gió lạnh

Driving rain (rain falling fast and
43 mưa mau, nặng hạt
44 High/strong winds gió thổi mạnh
45 Heavy/driving snow tuyết rơi nhiều, nặng hạt
Soaked to the skin/soaked
46 bị làm cho ẩm ướt bởi mưa thấm vào quần áo
through (to be extremely wet)
Patches of fog/mist (small areas of
47 lớp sương mù mỏng, độ bao phủ hẹp
A blanket of fog/mist (thicker and
48 lớp sương mù dày đặc bao phủ một khu vực rộng lớn
more extensive fog/mist)
49 Fog/mist lifts sương mù tan đi
50 Fog/mist comes down sương mù buông xuống, che phủ

What's the weather in your country?
The weather in my country is pretty nice. We have a mild climate, so it's never boiling hot in the summer or
freezing cold in the winter.

Does the weather affect your mood?

Yes... Cold, gloomy days put me in a bad mood. I love summertime, when it's warm and sunny.
Do you like rainy days?
Yes, absolutely! I like when it rains... I love all the freshness around, the cool breeze after a heavy rain. It's
What is your favourite season?
Well, I think it's spring... The weather is very pleasant and it's nice to see everything come back to life and
Do you like winters?
No, not really... For me winter is the most depressing season, because where I live it's freezing cold in the
winter. Moreover, the days are short and you can't do a lot of outdoor activities.
Describe your favourite weather. You should say:
What the weather is like
Why do you like it
Where you can exprerience such weather conditions.
It may sound strange, but my favourite weather is when it is cloudy, windy and drizzling as it makes me feel
calm and relaxed... I like such weather especially at night because I can hear the little raindrops falling and see
the dew on the window, and it helps me to sleep... It is very pleasant... Also, I love foggy weather... It's very
romantic and gives me a sort of feeling like I'm in an old black and white movie. However, I don't like heavy
rains and downpours. And I hate when temperature goes below zero, it's too cold for me. Probably, the type of
weather I like is common for the United Kingdom... But in my hometown such type of weather is very rare.
Usually, we have dry and sunny days with occasional spells of rainy weather.

Does air pollution affect the weather?
Yes, it does... It affects the overall temperature of the world, making the weather warmer. Also, it often causes
smog and gloomy weather.

Do you think that weather affects people's behaviour?

Yes, I think that people respond to bad weather... In my opinion, during cold and dull days people are more
depressed and irritated than usual... While bright sunshine and warmth makes us feel good.


I Collocation:


1 to be on trend Theo kịp xu hướng, đúng mốt
2 casual clothes Quần áo thường ngày, không trang trọng
3 classic style Phong cách đơn giản, cổ điển, lịch sự
4 designer label Nhãn hiệu thiết kế nổi tiếng
5 dressed to kill Mặc đẹp tới mức thu hút các ánh nhìn ngưỡng mộ
6 to dress for the occasion Ăn mặc phù hợp với sự kiện

7 fashionable Hợp thời trang
8 fashion house Công ty thời trang cao cấp
Một người được coi là biểu tượng thời trang bởi cách
9 fashion icon
ăn mặc của họ
10 fashion show Một buổi trình diễn thời trang
Mặc đẹp (thường để đi chơi hoặc cho những dịp đặc
11 to get dressed up
12 to go out of fashion Không hợp thời trang nữa/ lỗi thời
13 hand-me-downs Quần áo dùng lại từ anh chị
14 to have an eye for (fashion) Có mắt thẩm mỹ
15 to have a sense of style Có tư duy thời trang tốt, ăn mặc đẹp
16 the height of fashion Rất sành điệu
17 to keep up with the latest fashion Theo kịp với xu hướng thời trang mới nhất
18 to look good in Trông hợp với bộ quần áo đang mặc
19 to mix and match Phối đồ
20 must-have Một thứ rất hợp thời trang mà nhiều người muốn có
21 off the peg Quần áo may sẵn
22 old fashioned Lỗi thời 
23 on the catwalk Trên sàn biểu diễn thời trang
24 a slave to fashion Một tín đồ thời trang
25 smart clothes Lễ phục
26 to suit someone (quần áo) hợp với ai đó
27 to take pride in one’s appearance Chú ý tới vẻ ngoài, cách ăn mặc của người khác
28 timeless Không bao giờ lỗi mốt
29 vintage clothes Quần áo mang phong cách cổ điển
30 well-dressed Ăn mặc đẹp

II Sample:

Part 1
Are you willing to buy expensive clothes? (Bạn có sẵn sàng mua quần áo đắt tiền không?)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Actually, my answer is yes although I am Fashion enthusiast(n) Tín đồ thời trang
not a fashion enthusiast. (Example) I Versatile (adj) Đa năng
prefer versatile and casual clothes which can be
suitable in many occasions. However, on special or
important ones such as wedding or any kind of
Prohibitive (adj) Đắt
celebration, I still treat myself to a high-end dress or a
pair of shoes but not often because of
their prohibitive price.

Part 2
Describe your favourite piece of clothing. (Mô tả một món đồ (quần/áo) ưa thích của bạn)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Well, today I would like to describe my Được làm cho một dịp đặc
Tailor-made (adj)
most favorite piece of clothing, as I am a type of biệt
traditional person so I would choose the Ao Dai - Embroidery (n) Thêu
which is the iconic dress of Vietnam. Silk (n) Lụa
As a Vietnamese girl, I certainly have one in my Femininity (n) Sự nữ tính
wardrobe. It is the tailor-made dress that was given to Plain (adj) Nhàm chán
me by my parents as a gift on my 18th birthday. Elegant (adj) Thanh lịch, tao nhã
(Reason) I was so touched to receive that special Gown (n) Bộ trang phục trang trọng
present as it marked the time I became a freshman in a Preserving the beauty (v) Lưu giữ vẻ đẹp
prestigious university. (Example) My Ao Dai has a
white color with a long light pink trousers. It is a
stunning piece of lotus embroidery which is made of a
kind of expensive silk and when I put it on, I have a
great feeling of femininity. On special occasions such
as wedding or any kind of ceremony or anniversary,
my white Ao Dai is always the first thing that comes
to my mind. Some people may say that wearing Ao
Dai is plain but to me, it is not only elegantbut it also Spiritual life (n) Đời sống tinh thần
makes me confident and proud. Although nowadays
there are different kinds of modern clothes, I believe
that not only me but also many Vietnamese women
still choose Ao Dai as a gown when it comes to a
special day. It is a way of preserving the beauty and
there is no doubt that it plays an essential role in
the spiritual life of Vietnamese people.

Part 3
Do you think that the clothes we wear say something about us? (Bạn có nghĩ rằng quần áo chúng ta mặc nói lên
điều gì đó về bản thân chúng ta không?)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Honestly speaking, I think clothes say a lot
about ourselves. It may tell a lot about our
characteristics, our emotions and even our status.
(Example) For instance, clothing may determine the
feelings of a person. When we are happy, we often Depressed (adj) Buồn rầu
choose colorful outfit but when we are depressed, we
tend to wear clothes in darker colour. In other cases,
some people may wear classy clothes so as to tell
others that they are careful and polite.
Glossary box
Fashion enthusiast(n) Tín đồ thời trang
Versatile (adj) Đa năng
Prohibitive (adj) Đắt
Tailor-made (adj) Được làm cho một dịp đặc biệt
Embroidery (n) Thêu
Silk (n) Lụa
Femininity (n) Sự nữ tính

Plain (adj) Nhàm chán
Elegant (adj) Thanh lịch, tao nhã
Gown (n) Bộ trang phục trang trọng
Preserve the beauty (v) Lưu giữ vẻ đẹp
Spiritual life (n) Đời sống tinh thần
Depressed (adj) Buồn rầu

2. JEWELRY (Trang sức)

Part 1
Do you like jewelry? (Bạn có thích đồ trang sức không?)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Well yes, I am always fascinated Feminine things (n) Những thứ nữ tính
infeminine things and jewelry is no exeption.
(Example) I have different kinds of necklaces and Lend visual interestto Tăng thêm vẻ đẹp cho
rings to wear on different occasions. I think they (Sb/St) (v) ai/cái gì
really lend visual interest to my outfit. 

Part 2
Describe your favourite piece of jewelry. (Mô tả món nữ trang yêu thích của bạn)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) Well, I have to admit that I am a jewelry- Token (n) Vật kỉ niệm
holic. I have a jewelry collection at home and each of Necklace (n) Vòng cổ
them is a token of a special event in my life. Ecstatic (adj) Cực kỳ vui sướng
Today I would like to talk about a charmnecklace that Gemstone (n) Đá quý
I received from my parents  as a gift before my Charm (n) Mặt dây chuyền
wedding. I was ecstatic when I was given that. It is Bracelets (n) Vòng tay
made of white gold with a colorful gemstone in the Phối (đồ)
middle of thecharm. Although it has a simple design, Mixed and matched(v)  
it stands out from other bracelets or necklaces in my
collection. Moreover, it can be mixed and
matched with any items of clothes in my wardrobe,
especially long dresses.
(Reason) Not only is this necklace glamorous but its
meaning makes me completely fall for it. (Example) It
both shows my parents’ affection for me, and it carries
the message that my parents always want me to be
happy and look exquisite in every situation. Embraced (v) Được bao bọc
Now I try to wear it all the time because when I have
it on my neck, I feel that I amembraced by my
parents’ love. This is also the first time that I feel
motivated to wear a piece of jewelry on my body.
This necklace has become an essential part in my
everyday outfit and also my most favorite piece of
jewelry so far.

Part 3:
Why do people love to buy jewelry? (Tại sao mọi người thích mua đồ trang sức?)
Sample answer Vocabulary
(Answer) I think buying jewelry is the basic need to Ornaments (n) Đồ trang trí
look more stunning and attractive, especially for Astrological beliefs (n) Niềm tin vào quy luật ngũ
women. (Reason) One of the reasons could be that hành
they are perfectornaments for their outer appearance
and make the owner shine. Another reason may be
that people wear jewelry due to someastrological
beliefs. (Example) This has become a trend for a lot of
people, both men and women as they think that
wearing an item of jewelry may help them earn more
Glossary box
Feminine things (n) Những thứ nữ tính
Lend visual interest to (Sb/St)
Tăng thêm vẻ đẹp cho ai/cái gì
Token (n) Vật kỉ niệm
Necklace (n) Vòng cổ
Ecstatic (adj) Cực kỳ vui sướng
Gemstone (n) Đá quý
Charm (n) Mặt dây chuyền
Bracelet (n) Vòng tay
Mix and match (v) Phối (đồ)
Embraced (v) Được bao bọc
Ornament (n) Đồ trang trí
Astrological belief (n) Niềm tin vào quy luật ngũ hành


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