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CDI 1: Fundamentals of criminal investigation and Intelligence

1. It deals with the identity, location and arrest of a person who commits a crime and
simultaneously identify, collect, preserve and evaluate evidence for the purpose of bringing
criminal offender to justice.
A. Investigation C. Investigative process
B. Criminal investigation D. Criminal inquest
2. Elements of investigative process are_____________________
1. Recognition 4. Preservation
2. Collection 5. Evaluation
3. Dissemination
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 C. 1, 2, 4 and 5
B. 1, 3, 4 and 5 D. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
3. Form of relevant and material information that the investigator maybe obtained from
regular, cultivated or grapevine sources are_______________________________.
1. Sensory 3. Concrete
2. Written 4. Physical forms
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 2, 3 and 4
B. 1, 3 and 4 D. 1, 2 and 4
4. Through this tool of criminal investigation tangible things can be used to detect crimes,
identify the criminals, facilitate, and assist the investigator in its task in achieving the
objectives of criminal investigation.
A. Information C. Instrumentation
B. Criminalistics D. Interview/Interrogation
5. Which phase of criminal Investigation that the investigator should apprised the person of
his right under Republic Act 7438?
A. During the identification of criminal offender
B. During the arrest, detention and interrogation of the offender
C. During the gathering of evidence to prove the guilt of criminal offender
D. During police line-up
6. What specific offence has been committed? Who committed it? When it was committed?
Where it was committed? Why it was committed? And how it was committed? This are
called_______________________ of criminal investigation.
A. Cardinal Points C. Golden Rule
B. Three I’s D Bridges burn
7. One of the stages of criminal investigation is the identification of criminals, which can be
done in any or a combination of the following, except.
A. By confession or admission by the criminal
B. By corpus delicti
C. By circumstantial evidence
D. By eyewitness
8. Coerced and uncounselled statements are considered involuntary or forced confession
which are usually a/ and_____________.
A. Judicial C. Prosecutorial
B. Extra judicial D. Admission
9. After apprising him of his rights under Republic Act 7438, Lauro Galit who was invited
and interrogated for the crime of murder executed an extra-judicial confession
acknowledging his guilt to the crime charged. What is the effect of such confession to his
A. It can be used as evidence against him
B. He will be convicted for the crime of murder
C. He waived his rights to prove his innocence
D. His case will prosper
10. _________________ may be in sensory, written or physical forms which can be obtained
from regular, cultivated or grapevine sources.
A. Information C. Data
B. Evidence D. Proof
11. An act or declaration made in the presence and within the hearing or observation of a
party who does or says nothing, when the act or declaration naturally calls for action if
comment is not true.
A. Admission by Silence C. Admission
B. Res inter alios acta D. Negative pregnant
12. In this process, written confession of the accused is used as a script in describing events
of the crime. This strengthens the prosecutor’s case and serves to convince the judge that the
accused was not maltreated nor affected by sinister psychological influence.
A. Mental reconstruction C. Reconstruction
B. Crime reenactment D. Physical reconstruction
13. Statement no. 1. Confession is a voluntary statement, either oral or written, made by a
person charged with the commission of a crime which he admits participation in, or
commission of, the criminal act. It cannot be implied, it should be direct and positive
acknowledgment of guilt. Statement no. 2 Admission is a statement by the accused regarding
facts pertinent to the crime. It tends, in connection with the proof of other facts, to prove the
suspect’s guilt. It can be implied.
A. Statement No. 1 is true while statement no. 2 is false
B. Statement No. 1 is false while statement no. 2 is true
C. Statements No. 1 and 2 are both true
D. Statements No. 1 and 2 are both false
14. Which of the following need not be present in order to prove the guilt of the accused by
means of confession or admission?
A. Confession must be supported by corroborative evidence
B. Corpus delicti must be established separately
C. Confession must be voluntarily and freely given
D. Confession must be ratified by the judge or the fiscal
15. Assume that you are an investigator who investigates a murder case perpetrated by an
unknown suspect. A person in the name of Ruel, a call center agent, saw the crime and he is
willing to identify the suspect. Which of the following methods will you not utilize to
establish the identity of the suspect?
A. Verbal Description (Portrait Parle) and Rogue’s Gallery (Photographic Files)
B. General Photographs and Cartographic Sketch (Artist’s Assistance) [Composite
C. Police Line-up
D. Systematic interview that may lead to the identity of a known criminals
16. You are an investigator, investigating a suspected rape-slaying case which was allegedly
witnessed by a certain person who volunteered to identify and testify against the perpetrator.
What are the factors that you should not consider to determine the accuracy of his
identification of the suspect?
A. His ability to observe and remember the distinct appearance of the suspect
B. The prevailing conditions of visibility and observation when the crime was
C. His state of mind when he witnessed the commission of the crime
D. The lapse of time between the criminal event and when identification was made
17. Circumstantial Evidence is an evidence that indirectly proves a fact in issue through an
inference which fact-finder draws from the evidence presented. It is sufficient to produce the
conviction of the accused if_____________
1. There are more than one circumstances present
2. The facts from which the inferences derived are proven
3. The combination of all the circumstances is such as to produce a conviction beyond
reasonable doubt
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 2 and 3
B. 1 and 2 D. Only 3
18. You are an investigator who investigates an alleged robbery with homicide case
perpetrated by an unknown suspects. Since there are no witnesses to the crime the following
may give you a hint to identify the suspect, except one.
A. Motive and opportunity
B. Declaration and acts indicative of guilt, preparation for a commission of crime and
possession of fruits of a crime of the perpetrator
C. Modus Operandi, associative evidence and criminal potentiality
D. Knowledge, skills, tools or facilities that could easily be adopted to criminal use by
the suspect
19. Circumstantial Evidence is an evidence that indirectly proves a fact in issue through an
inference which fact-finder draws from the evidence presented. It is sufficient to produce the
conviction of the accused if:
1. There are more than one circumstances present
2. The facts from which the inferences derived are proven
3. The circumstances presented should be supported by testimonial evidence
4. The combination of all the circumstances is such as to produce a conviction beyond
reasonable doubt
A. 1 and 3 C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4 D. 1, 2 and 4
20. Person who by social or professional position possesses or has access to information of
continuing interest, and who willingly provides information to the police either in response to
a specific request or his own initiative.
A. Incidental informant C. Automatic informant
B. Casual informant D. Recruited informant
21. Covert observation of a person, place, or things by human or technical means to acquire
A. Surveillance C. Mobile
B. Stationary surveillance D. Technical
22. In this method of shadowing, operatives are station at a fixed point assuming that subject
followed the same general route each day.
A. ABC Method C. Combined Foot- Auto Surveillance
B. Leap Frog Method D. Fixed surveillance
23. Sometimes called “roping”. An investigation technique whereby the operative conceals
his true identity and adopts an assumed role to obtain information or accomplish a specific
A. Undercover assignment C. Work assignment and social assignment
B. Dwelling assignment D. Personal contact assignment
24. You are one of the police operatives tasked to trace a fugitive. Which of the following information
for his capture will you consider?
1. His full name, known aliases, description and distinctive marks, modus operandi, motive and
2. His habits, hangouts, criminal record, residence, employment, relatives and close friends
3. His physical condition, LTO records check, SSS number, selective service history and
handwriting specimen
A. 1 and 2 C. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 3 D. 1, 2, and 3
25. You were an investigator who tries to reconstruct the crime scene. What are the
components of the crime scene situation which you would analyzed?
1. Suspect’s arrival at the scene
2. Place of entry
3. Movement of suspect from point of entry and his contact with the victim
4. Place of exit
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 C. 1, 2 and 4
B. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1, 3 and 4
26. SPO2 Florenz Santos is examining a crime scene, which a dead victim sustained a gunshot wound
in the head with a handgun near his hand. He was informed that the victim had a painful terminal illness.
SPO2 Santos concluded that the wound is self inflicted. This is an example which the investigator use
what kind of reasoning?
A. Deductive C. Reasonable
B. Logical D. Inductive
27. _______________ is the covert observation of a person, place, or things by human or technical
means to acquire information.
A. Surveillance C. Stationary surveillance
B. Mobile D. Technical
28. Rough tailing or shadowing is the one that___________________________________.
A. General impression about the target is needed C. So much precaution is needed
B. The target is aware that he is being tailed D. None of them
29. Statement no. 1. In the reconstruction of a crime, the investigator rational theory of the crime may
begins with deductive logic and later on inductive logic; Statement no. 2. A rational theory of crime is
more than a learned guess, but less than a certainty, but have very high order of probability.
A. Statement no. 1 is true while statement no. 2 is false
B. Statement no. 1 is false while statement no. 2 is true
C. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both true
D. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both false
30. Statement no. 1. In Physical of reconstruction, the physical appearance of the crime scene is
reconstructed from the description, of the witnesses and the indication of the physical evidence.
Statement no. 2. In mental reconstruction after physical reconstruction, conclusions are made about the
consistency of the accounts of the various witnesses. No assumption is made without supporting
A. Statement no. 1 is correct
B. Statement no. 2 is incorrect
C. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both correct
D. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both incorrect
31. After reconstructing the crime scene, the following are the minimal requirements to be observed by
the investigator to insure admissibility of photographs in court.. Which of the following is not one of
A. The object which is represented should not be immaterial or irrelevant
B. The photograph should not unduly incite prejudice and sympathy
C. The photograph should be free from distortion
D. The photograph should be clearly developed
32. Why does the dead body of the victim of violence needs to be photographed after its removal from
the crime scene?
A. To have a set of view showing the relationship of the body with the surrounding
B. To identify the victim and have close-up picture of the wounds
C. To provide reserve picture in case of loss or damage
D. None of them
33. Photographs to be taken at the scene of the crime
A. Over-All and environment’s photograph
B. Photographs of articles of evidence and photographs of the deceased
C. Photographs of the scene of the crime operatives showing their identity
D. Special techniques photograph of the body after removal
34. It supplements photographs of the crime scene and considered to be the simplest and the most
effective way of showing actual measurements and of identifying significant items of evidence in their
location at the scene.
A. Crime scene sketch C. Finished sketch
B. Rough sketch D. Direction sketch
35. In searching for physical evidence at the crime scene, the following types of search could
be used depending upon locale, number of personnel available, type of object sought and
speed desired, except:
A. Strip and double strip or grid search C. Rectangular and circular
B. Zone search D. Spiral and wheel search
36. Which of the following must be done to maintain the physical integrity of evidence?
A. Evidence must be photographed and packaged
B Evidence must be properly documented
C. Maintain its chain of custody
D. Identify, tag and seal the evidence
37. Which of the following must be done to maintain the legal integrity of evidence?
A. Evidence must be properly documented
B. Maintain its chain of custody
C. Identify, tag and seal the evidence
D. Photographed and packaged the evidence
38. The methodology involving the systematic searching, handling, distribution and
accountability of all evidence found at the crime scene, including the documentation of every
article of evidence from the point of initial discovery at the scene, to its collection and
transport to the point of examination, its temporary storage and its final disposal is referred to
A. Corpus delicti C. Blotter
B. Necropsy report D. Chain of custody
39. To prove the chain of custody of evidence the following must be demonstrated except:
A. The evidence must be free from alteration, contamination and switching
B. The evidence offered is the same evidence found at the scene
C. There is no opportunity to replace or improperly alter the evidence
D. Any change in the condition of the evidence can be explained
40. Which of the following is not one of the questioning techniques that should be utilized in
A. Chronological C. Going backward
B. General to specific D. Going upward
41. In questioning a witness, an ideal type of written statement is:
A. Narrative type because it is easier and will be short
B. Question and answer because it provides details of acts
C. Combination of the two
D. Your convenient type
42. Jessie was invited by the NBI operatives to answer questions pertinent to the murder case
investigated. After the questioning at the NBI Headquarters however, he was held for further
questioning and considered him a suspect already. Persons who can visit him are as follows,
A. Lovers, friends and countrymen
B. Immediate member of his family
C. Any medical doctor, priest or religious minister
D. Personnel of the C.H.R.
43. Republic Act No. 7438 defines immediate members of the family are as follows, except:
A. Spouse, fiancé/fiancée, parents, child, brother or sister
B. Grandparents, grandson/daughter, great granddaughter/grandson
C. Uncle, aunt, guardian, ward
D. Relatives, intimate friends and best friends
44. What are the Golden Rules in homicide investigation?
A. Never touch, alter and change the position of anything until identified, measured
and photographed
B. If article has been move it can never be restored again to its original position
C. A and B are true
D. None of them
45. The interview of a witness can be described by the acronym IRONIC, which stands for:
A. Inquiry, Recognition, Organization, Novelty, Identity, Continuity
B. Identity, Rapport, Omnipresent, Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion
C. Identity, Recognition, Opening statement, Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion
D. Identity, Rapport, Opening statement, Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion
46. Which one is not a means of recording crime a scene?
A. By photographs C. By sketches
B. By notes D. Surveying
47. Application of all procedures for the search of missing persons.
A. Rogues gallery C. manhunt
B. Tracing D. order of battle
48. Physical evidence are contaminated, altered of shape, damaged or lost because of:
1. Improper packaging
2. Corruption of investigator
3. Non-maintenance of chain of custody
4. Inadequate sampling
A. 1 and 3 C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
49. Statement No. 1-The systematic procedure for verbal description of a person after a short
period of visual observation is termed Portrait Parle; Statement No. 2-Description of police
characters which a witness may refer and that is kept by police unit for purpose of references
is Rogue’s Gallery
A. Statement No. 1 is correct while statement No. 2 is incorrect
B. Statement No. 2 is correct while statement 1 is incorrect
C. Statement No.1 and 2 are both correct
D. Statement No.1 and 2 are both incorrect
50. Statement no. 1-Tagging of physical evidence aside from the marking should be made
immediately after receipt by the evidence custodian; Statement no. 2- Marking or labeling of
physical evidence should be made at the crime scene upon collection.
A. Statement No. 1 is correct
B. Statement No. 2 is incorrect
C. Statement No.1 and 2 are both correct
D. Statement No.1 and 2 are both incorrect
51. Under Republic Act 7438, when does the police’ custody of suspect to a crime
commence, hence the latter is entitled to be informed of his rights under the Miranda doctrine
which cannot be waived?
A. At the time of custodial investigation C. During the announcement that he is
under arrest
B. During the actual questioning D. At the moment that he is invited for
52. What is the principal psychological factor that contributes to a successful interrogation?
A. Privacy
B. Rapport between the interrogator and the subject
C. Legality
D. It should be done in the interrogation room with one way mirror
53. Statement no. 1- In spiral method of search, the searchers gather at the center and proceed
outward along radius or spokes. Statement no. 2- In wheel method, the searchers follow each
other along the path of a spiral, beginning on the outside and spiraling in toward the center.
A. Statement No. 1 is correct
B. Statement No. 2 is incorrect
C. Statements No.1 and 2 are both correct
D. Statements No.1 and 2 are both incorrect
54. “Eavesdropping the crime scene” means_____________________________.
A. Extent the estimate of the scene
B. Search physical evidence at the scene
C. Playing the role of a curious spectator and mix with the crowd to listen to their
D. None of the above
55. A form of violent death brought by the suspension of the body by a ligature which encircles the
neck and the constricting force is the weight of the body?
A. asphyxia by suffocation
B. manual strangulation
C. asphyxia by hanging
D. none of these
56. Is it still possible to get DNA to a hair even if without root?

A. yes C. no

B. it depends D. possible
57. A girl was found dead wearing pajama. What is the possible time of the commission of the crime?
A. daytime C. lunchtime

B. none of these D. nighttime

58. If the sharp edge portion of the wounding instrument is the first to come in contact, then the
wound produced is:
A. punctured C. hematoma

B. lacerated D. stab wound

59. Is it possible to have a number of gunshots wound entry less than the exit wound?
A. maybe C. possible

B. impossible D. none of these

60. A drop of blood which falls from a moving object or person is elongated and the splashes are
found to be concentrated around one end of the stain. As a general rule, the splashes and the extension
of the drop of bloods indicates___.

A. route C. fresh blood

B. direction movement D. dried stain

61. Which among the following is an essential element of parricide?

A. by means of treachery

B. relationship of the offender with the victim

C. relationship of the offender with the witness

D. age of the victim

62. Pedro threw a hand grenade at Juan who was killed as a result of the explosion. What crime was

A. parricide C. murder

B. frustrated murder D. homicide

63. Rose is a despondent mother of Roderick. Due to poverty, Rose has thought of killing Roderick
who is three months old to save the baby from further suffering. What crime was committed?

A. homicide c. none of these

B. parricide D. infanticide

64. Blood stain evidence analysis can be used to determine a course and______ of events that
occurred during the commission of the crime.

A. time C. sequence

B. severity D. number

65. Which among the following is the primary source of evidence?

A. victim C. crime scene

B. suspect D. all of these

66. Which among the following is NOT one of the types of death that an investigator will generally

A. suicide C. accidental

B. homicide D. natural cause

67. What type of blood stain pattern is produce when the blood is thrown off at great speed or falls a
large distance?

A. elliptical C. crenellated

B. circular D. none of these

68. What reagent is used by crime scene investigators to locate occult blood, even if it has been
cleaned or removed?

A. precipitin C. luminol

B. walkers test D. acid phosphatase

69. What branch of forensic science deals with the study of flies and insects to approximate the time
of death?

A. odontology C. entomology

B. ornithology D. orthodontics

70. What is the color of post- mortem lividity if the cause of death of the victim is cyanide poisoning?

A. dark lividity

B. cherry red to pinkish color

C. dark brown lividity

D. blue specks

71. After death, blood remains fluid in the blood vessel for how many hours?

A. 8 to 12 C. 12 to 24

B. 6 to 8 D. 24 to 36

72. These are shallow wounds inflicted near the fatal wound to test the weapon before the actual
suicide attempt.

A. defense wound C. signs of struggle

B. hesitation marks D. signs of death

73. Death due to throttling is highly indicative of___.

A. suicide C. homicide

B. accident D. none of these

74. What is the logical assumption when a body is found with wounds which indicate that much blood
has been lost but the amount of blood appears to be less than what would normally expect to find?

A. the crime committed was murder

B. the suspect fled with the victim

C. the crime was committed elsewhere

D. the crime will never be solve

75. The act of killing of a father by his own child is called?

A. homicide C. murder

B. parricide D. patricide

76. In order to have a successful interrogation, one of the most important factors to consider is:

A. subject’s emotion C. knowledge of all facts

B. cooperation D. privacy

77. What is that law which classified Rape as crimes against person?

A. RA 9262 C. RA 8553

B. RA 9165 D. RA 8353

78. In crime of rape, its most likely place of commission cannot be specified, unless the victim or
witness pinpoints the same, what is considered critical observation to be done by the investigator?

A. Evidence to prove unconsciousness of the victim

B. All of these
C. Evidence to show sexual intercourse
D. Look for evidence of struggle
79. All of the following are act of sexual assault constituting the crime of rape, EXCEPT

A. By inserting his penis into another person’s mouth

B. By inserting any instrument into another person’s genital or anal orifice
C. By inserting any instrument into another person’s mouth
D. By inserting his penis into another person’s anal orifice

80. What type of roadways provides access from a local street and a major traffic generating areas?

A. major arteries C. thruways

B. collecting D. expressways

81. Which of the following are crimes reported according to arrest made by the police rather than
crimes reported to the police?

A. victimless crimes C. non- index crimes

B. hate crimes D. index crime

82. If a high wind has an extinguishing effect on a fire, the most probable extinguishing method is:

A. smothering C. fuel removal

B. cooling D. dilution

83. After finding sufficient and strong evidence against the suspect, what will be the police prober do
if the suspect denies allegation against him?

A. get additional evidence

B. use 3rd degree
C. inquest
D. released the suspect
84. In what circumstance change murder to homicide?

A. treachery
B. lack of intent
C. absence of qualifying circumstances
D. taking advantage of superior strength
85. Mechanical device strategically located in an installation or street where fire hose is connected so
that water with pressure will be available to extinguish fire.

A. fire hose box C. fire truck

B. hose reel D. fire hydrant

86. Which of the following is considered as the most effective fixed installation for controlling fire
which will discharge water into incipient fire from heads located near the ceiling?

A. fire hydrant C. standpipe

B. automatic water sprinkler D. fire extinguisher

87. These are fires which are caused by flammable liquids like kerosene, gasoline, alcohol, etc.

A. Class D C. Class A

B. Class C D. Class B

88. When firemen are working at the nozzle of a hose they usually lean forward on the hose. What is
the most likely reason for taking this position?

A. The stream is projected farther

B. The surrounding air is cool making the firemen comfortable
C. A backward force is developed which must be counter acted
D. The firemen can see better where the stream strikes
89. Anti- Highway Robbery Law is known as __________.

A. P.D. 1185 C. P.D. 1612

B. P.D. 532 D. P.D. 1602

90. A prober who gives more priority to information voluntary given believes on a classical system of
gathering information which is called as:

A. American system C. Irish system

B. French system D. English system

91. How can discrepancies be best detected in information given by the witnessed interviewed?
A. By physical and emotional mannerisms
B. By comparing that information with unknown facts
C. By open confrontation between the subject and interviewer
D. By signs of nervousness, sweating and evasiveness
92. “Mental Invalid” in the context of drug abuse means _________.

A. Distorted sensory perception

B. Mental deterioration due to drug use
C. Loss of contact with reality
D. Loss of will power to quit from drug use
93. In the Philippines, which of the following agencies must be accountable for an effective driver
control program?

A. Courts C. All of these

B. LTO D. Police

94. What indicator in the investigation of terrorism gives focus to the terrorist preparation involving
other crimes?

A. Adjunct criminal activities

B. Social behaviors
C. Tangible evidence
D. Pre- incident
95. What is the world’s oldest cultivated plant as source of a prohibited drug?

A. Marijuana C. Opium

B. Coca bush D. Peyote

96. The type of undercover operation wherein techniques are applied for a longer time and are
considered as the most different investigative activity yet the most rewarding.

A. casing C. stake- out

B. penetration D. surveillance

97. What is the primary consideration in formulating a fictitious identity?

A. preliminary investigation of subject

B. familiarization with community
C. choosing suitable cover to fit the role
D. have fictitious credentials
98. In the process of surveillance, sometimes the subject or suspect is being guarded against shadower
and he usually stays at the rear of the subject.

A. surveillant C. convoy

B. decoy D. back- up

99. In tailing by automobile, if only one vehicle is used, it should follow the subject at approximately
what distance?

A. 70- 100 yards C. 70- 200 yards

B. 10- 20 yards D. 7- 10 yards

100. During night surveillance, what equipment is appropriately to be used?

A. telephoto lens camera C. snooper scope

B. Dictaphone D. video- camera

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