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Pattern 1

Qw am/are/ Subject Noun/adj ?

QW = Question Word

Who is that girl?
Where is Jane?
Pattern 2
do/ does/
Qw can/could Subject verb 1 …….. ?

I bought this dictionary in Gramedia bookstore.
Where did you buy that dictionary?
What did you buy that dictionary?
Pattern 3
Qw have/had subject verb 3 …….. ?

Who has submitted the work?
What English tests have you taken so far?

1) What
What do you eat for breakfast?
asking an object What will you buy in the
What have you done?
What food will you buy in the
asking a time signal What time is it?
What day did you come?
What time does your office open?
asking a place What town were you born?
What office do you work for?

2) Who
Who received this package?
asking a subject (a person) Who teaches you English?
Who will you talk to?
b asking an object (a person) Who did you go with?

How did they go to Jogja?
asking a way, manner, method How do you speak English?
How did they go to Jogja?
b asking a distance How far is it from the campus to
the bus station?
How long does it take you to have
asking a length of time your breakfast?
How long have you been working
in this company?
asking a condition, situation, quality How good is the fried rice in this
How bad is that place?
How often do you play
asking a frequency badminton?
How many times have you visited
your grandma?
How much have you drunk that
asking a volume wine?
How much sugar did you put into
my coffee?
4) Where
a asking a direction, destination, Where did you finish your high
origin school?
Where are you going?
b asking where some one/ something Where were you when your
is situated friends needed you?
Where is the post office?
5) When
asking a time signal When does the train usually
enter the station?
When did you arrive?

6) Which

a asking an alternative Which is your sister?

Which answer is correct?

7) Whose
a asking a possession Whose coffee is on this table?
Whose work is the winner?

8) Why
a asking a reason Why did you come late again?
Why should we come before 7?
Why was that?

A. Make questions using the bold words as the answers

Statements Questions
1 I came late because my motorbike was
broken down.
2 It is five thousand rupiahs for each
3 Sheila is a smart and pretty girl.
4 My classmates are doing their assignments
in the classroom
5 The blue jacket on your table is Harry’s
6 It took me around seven hours from Malang
to Yogyakarta by night bus.
7 I think we are leaving for Jakarta the day
after tomorrow.
8 We are leaving for Jakarta by train the day
after tomorrow.
9 Susi speaks English very fluently.
10 I went to the painting exhibition with my
11 The best in our team is Lita.
12 Father is 1.67 metres tall.
13 My mathematic score was very bad.
14 Father is going to build a house for my sister
next month.
15 I read Jawa Pos before I go to campus.
16 The little girl cried because she lost her ring.
17 Bob Dylan sang the song very well.
18 Father married mother someday in 1975.
19 Lily passed the job interview last month.
20 Kelly swims twice a week.

B. Translate the following sentences below into English

No Indonesian English
1 Kenapa kamu datang terlambat lagi?
2 Pukul berapa pesawat kalian akan
3 Siapa mengajar kalian Bahasa Inggris di
semester ini?
4 Kapan Jeff datang dari Jakarta?
5 Bulan apa kamu datang?
6 Yang mana adikmu?
7 Pukul berapa kita harus menyerahkan
pekerjaan kita?
8 Berapa ekor lembu dipelihara pamanmu?
9 Dimana kamu membeli laptopmu?
10 Seberapa baik dia berbicara Bahasa
11 Dengan siapa Jack pergi ke Jakarta?
12 Pukul berapa kamu sampai di kampus?
13 Dimana anda kuliah?
14 Kenapa ayahmu mengundurkan diri?
15 Berapa hari kamu tinggal di Jogja selama
liburan yang lalu?
17 Berapa harga handphone mu?

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