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Don Carlos Polytechnic College

Purok 2, Poblacion Norte, Don Carlos, Bukidnon

College of Teacher Education

Semester of A.Y. 2021-2022


We begin our study with fluid statics, the study of fluids at rest in equilibrium
situations. Like other equilibrium situations, it is based on Newton's first and third
laws. We will explore the key concepts of density, pressure, and buoyancy. Fluid

dynamics, the study of fluids in motion, is much more complex; indeed, it is one of
the most complex branches of mechanics. Fortunately, we can analyze many
important situations using simple idealized models and familiar principles such as
Newton's laws and conservation of energy. Even so, we will barely scratch the
surface of this broad and interesting topic.

Intended Learning Outcomes

A. Identify different physical properties of a fluid;

B. Determine the variation of pressure in a fluid at rest; and
C. Calculate densities and pressures in fluids.


Fluids play a vital role in many aspects of everyday life. We drink them, breathe them,
and swim in them. They circulate through our bodies and control our weather. Airplanes fly
through them; ships float in them. A fluid is any substance that can flow; we use the term for
both liquids and gases. We usually think of a gas as easily compressed and a liquid as nearly
incompressible, although there are exceptional cases.

We begin our study with fluid statics, the study of fluids at rest in equilibrium situations.
Like other equilibrium situations, it is based on Newton's first and third laws. We will explore the
key concepts of density, pressure, and buoyancy. Fluid dynamics, the study of fluids in
motion, is much more complex; indeed, it is one of the most complex branches of
mechanics. Fortunately, we can analyze many important situations using simple idealized
models and familiar principles such as Newton's laws and conservation of energy. Even so,
we will barely scratch the surface of this broad and interesting topic.

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An important property of any material is its density, defined as its mass per unit
volume. A homogeneous material such as ice or iron has the same density throughout. We
use p (the Greek letter rho) for density. If a mass m of homogeneous material has volume V,
the density ρ is

Two objects made of the same material

have the same density even though they
may have different masses and different
volumes. That's because the ratio of mass to

volume is the same for both objects (Fig.


The SI unit of density is the kilogram per cubic meter (1 kg/m3). The cgs unit, the gram per

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cubic centimeter ( 1 g/cm3), is also widely used: 1 g/cm3 = 1000 kg/m3

The densities of several common

substances at ordinary temperatures are
given in Table 14.1. Note the wide range
of magnitudes (Fig. 14.2). The densest
material found on earth is the metal
osmium (ρ = 22,500 kg/m3), but its
density pales by comparison to the
densities of exotic astronomical objects
such as white dwarf stars and neutron
The specific gravity of a material
is the ratio of its density to the density of
water at 4.0 °C, 1000 kg/m3; it is a pure
number without units. For example, the
specific gravity of aluminum is 2.7.
"Specific gravity" is a poor term, since it
has nothing to do with gravity; ''relative

density" would have been better.

The density of some materials
varies from point to point within the
material. One example is the material of
the human body, which includes low-
density fat (about 940 kg/m3) and high-
density bone (from 1700 to 2500 kg/m3).
Two others are the earth's atmosphere
(which is less dense at high altitudes)
and oceans (which are denser at greater depths). For these materials, Eq. (14.1) describes
the average density. In general, the density of a material depends on environmental factors
such as temperature and pressure.
Measuring density is an important analytical technique. For example, we can
determine the charge condition of a storage battery by measuring the density of its
electrolyte, a sulfuric acid solution. As the battery discharges, the sulfuric acid (H 2SO4)
combines with lead in the battery plates to form insoluble lead sulfate (PbSO4), decreasing
the concentration of the solution. The density decreases from about 1.30 X 103 kg/m3 for a
fully charged battery to 1.15 X 103 kg/m3 for a discharged battery.
Another automotive example is permanent-type antifreeze, which is usually a solution
of ethylene glycol (ρ = 1.12 X 103 kg/m3) and water. The freezing point of the solution
depends on the glycol concentration, which can be determined by measuring the specific
gravity. Such measurements can be performed by using a device called a hydrometer,
which we'll discuss in Section 14.3.

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Deadline of submissions is October 21, 2021, send me copy of your answer through this email
[email protected] or through messenger.

1. Search what are the differences with these systems of units:

a. SI system
b. CGS system
c. MKS system
d. FPS system

2. Fill in what is asked in the box. (What is the unit of the measurement in every system?)

Dimension CGS units MKS units FPS Unit SI units

Length (L)
Mass (M)
Time (T)
Force (F)


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3. What do you think will happen if all fluids have the same densities?

4. You purchase a rectangular piece of metal that has dimension 5.0 𝑥 15.0 𝑥 30.0 𝑚𝑚 and
mass 0.0158 kg. the seller tells you that the metal is gold. To check this, you compute
the average density of the piece. What value do you get? Were you cheated?

5. A cube 5.0 cm on each side is made of a metal alloy. After you drill a cylindrical hole
2.0 cm in diameter all the way to the perpendicular to one face, you find that the
cube weighs 7.50 N. (a) what is the density of this metal? (b) what did the cube weigh
before you drilled the hole in it?


Fluid Mechanics
Section: Date:

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Resources and Additional Resources

 University Physics 12th Edition. Pearson Education, Inc. 2008.

 Melenab R.G. Simplified Physics. Rex Book Store, Inc.

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