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Agilent SpectrAA

Software Installation Instructions

The following information assumes that you are working on a clean, empty hard disc. If you have
any other files on the PC hard disc, ensure that you make backups of these files before continuing.

NOTE Agilent will not assume responsibility for the loss of data files or third-party software.

If you are using a computer not supplied by Agilent, refer to the documentation supplied with
Microsoft Windows for instructions on installing the Windows operating system. It is the
responsibility of the customer to ensure that the Microsoft Windows operating system is installed
on the computer.
The Agilent SpectrAA version 5.5 and greater software is supported only on Microsoft Windows 10
Professional and Enterprise 64-bit operating systems.
The recommended and minimum computer specifications are listed in the SpectrAA Site
Preparation Guide and on our website,

Installation procedure overview

There are three software installation scenarios:

 Installing SpectrAA Base
 Installing SpectrAA Pro
 Upgrading SpectrAA Base and SpectrAA Pro
For instructions on how to install the SpectrAA CFR software, please see the SpectrAA Software
Installation Instructions for 21 CFR Part 11 Environments that came with your software.

Enabling Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Due to recent changes to Microsoft’s support of .NET Framework 3.5, additional installation steps
are now required to ensure Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 is installed and turned on to prevent
installation failure of your Agilent Spectroscopy software. If you have purchased an Agilent
computer and are installing your Agilent Spectroscopy software for the first time, Microsoft .NET
Framework 3.5 is already installed and enabled on your computer.

NOTE If your software has already been installed and you have encountered errors, Agilent recommends
following the uninstall procedure provided in the original software installation instructions that came
with your software, and then follow the instructions listed below.
Agilent SpectrAA Software Installation Instructions

Instructions are provided below on how to check if .NET is already enabled and how to enable the
.NET Framework 3.5 on computers that are connected to the internet and those that are offline.

Check if .NET Framework 3.5 is enabled

To check if .NET Framework 3.5 is enabled:
1 Log on to the instrument computer with Administrator privileges.
2 In the Microsoft Windows search bar, type “Turn Windows features on or off” without the
quotation marks.

NOTE The search may take longer when using the Microsoft Windows search bar for the first time.

3 Click Turn Windows features on or off.

4 If the checkbox next to .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) is already selected,
.NET Framework 3.5 is already enabled. Both a square or check are valid selections. Click
Cancel and then insert the software media (for example SpectrAA UFD) and follow the
installation instructions provided with your Agilent Spectroscopy software.
5 If the checkbox is not selected, follow either the online or offline scenario instructions.

Enable .NET Framework 3.5 when the computer is online (connected to the internet)
To enable .NET Framework 3.5 on a computer connected to the internet:
1 Select the checkbox named .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0). Both a square or
check are valid selections and then click OK.
2 If prompted to update Microsoft Windows files, ensure the computer can access the internet,
and then select Let Windows Update download the files for you.
3 Restart the computer.
4 Insert the SW media (for example SpectrAA UFD) and then follow the software installation
instructions that came with your Agilent Spectroscopy software.

Enable .NET Framework 3.5 when the computer is offline (not connected to the internet)
To enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 on a computer not connected to the internet:
1 Click Cancel to dismiss the ‘Windows Features’ dialog.
2 Insert your Microsoft Windows installation media and take note of the drive letter.
3 In the Microsoft Windows search bar, type “Command Prompt” without the quotation marks.
4 Right-click on the Command Prompt desktop app in the list and then select Run as
administrator. If a User Account Control dialog box appears, click Yes for ‘Do you want to allow
this app to make changes to your device’.
You should see “C:\Windows\system32>” instead of the current username.
5 Enter the following text, including the spaces, where the “X” within the “Source” command is the
drive letter from Step 2:
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:X:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess
6 Press ENTER and then wait for a few minutes.
A line of text stating “Enabling feature(s)”, and the progress as a percentage is displayed. When
this reaches 100%, a line of text stating “The operation completed successfully” is displayed.
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 is now enabled.
7 Restart the computer.
8 Insert the SW media (for example SpectrAA UFD) and then follow the software installation
instructions that came with your Agilent Spectroscopy software.

Agilent SpectrAA Software Installation Instructions

Installing the SpectrAA Base software

NOTE If you have an SPS 4 Autosampler and have plugged in the USB cable into the PC and autosampler,
remove it from the PC before installing the SpectrAA software.

1 Close down all Microsoft Windows applications.

2 Turn off all SpectrAA instruments.
3 Insert the SpectrAA Base UFD into your USB port. The installation program should start
automatically. If the program does not autostart, in Microsoft Windows Explorer, navigate to
the SpectrAA Base UFD and then double-click SpectrAABase.exe.
4 Click Yes on the User Account Control window to run the program.
5 Select the language from the drop-down menu to use during the installation of the SpectrAA
software. Click OK.
6 Review the License Agreement and then select I accept the agreement and then click Next or
‘Cancel’ if you do not accept the agreement. Clicking ‘Cancel’ stops the software installation.
7 Follow the prompts.
8 The SpectrAA User Information window is displayed. Check that the selections are correct, or
re-enter them, and then click Next.
9 Select either the National instrument GPIB driver or ADLINK USB GPIB driver, and then click
10 Follow the prompts.
11 Click Install.
12 From the ‘SpectrAA Instrument Configuration’ window, select Instrument #1 model, gasbox
type, and lamp system from the drop-down list. Then continue with Step 13.

NOTE If you are running a Duo system that includes an Agilent 55B AA instrument, the 55B AA MUST
be entered as Instrument #1 in the SpectrAA Instrument Configuration dialog box.
Do not configure the Duo settings for Instrument #2 at this time. It will be done later in the
Ensure that the Duo check box is not ticked.

13 If you are using any accessories, click the Accessories tab in the ‘SpectrAA Instrument
Configuration’ window. Select your GTA (Graphite Tube Atomizer), Flame Autosampler and /or
ETC 60 from the drop-down lists.
a If you select GTA 120, the option for high capacity racks is enabled. Select this option to
enable support for the optional high capacity carousel (130 x 1.1 mL samples and 5 x 10
mL standard/modifier solutions).
b If you select Agilent SPS 3 flame autosampler, click Edit COM port parameters to define
the COM port and the settings to be used for communicating with the autosampler. Refer
to the SPS 3 operation manual for details of the required communications parameters.

NOTE There may be two options for the SPS 3 autosampler if other Agilent software has been installed.
Select ‘SPS3 Autosampler’ for the SpectrAA software. Do not select ‘SPS3 Auto-sampler’.

If you have an SPS 4 autosampler, select it from the list. See ‘Configuring the SPS 4
Autosampler’ in the 240/280 Series AA User’s Guide for more instructions after the SpectrAA
Base and PRO (if purchased) installation is complete.

Agilent SpectrAA Software Installation Instructions

c If you are installing the ETC 60 and want to control this accessory from the SpectrAA
software, select the COM Port from the drop-down menu to be used to control this
14 Click OK. The NI-GPIB software (if selected) may take some time to install.
15 Click Next to install the Agilent SPS 4 driver and then Finish when prompted.
16 Once the entire installation is complete, click Finish.
17 A message may appear prompting you to install the QuickCam drivers. Click OK to dismiss the
message. Install the SpectrAA Pro and/or the GPIB Communications device first. The
QuickCam drivers are installed later in this procedure.
18 Click OK to install the SpectrAA Help.
19 Remove the SpectrAA Base UFD and then insert the SpectrAA Help UFD. The installation
program should start automatically. If the program does not autostart, in Microsoft Windows
Explorer, navigate to the SpectrAA Help UFD and then double-click install.exe.
a Select OK to start the installation.
b Click Yes on the User Account Control window to run the program.
c Click Install Help to start the SpectrAA Help and Videos installation.
d Click Finish or Close when the installation is complete.
Once the software installation procedure is done, the computer must be restarted before using the
NOTE SpectrAA Base software.

If there are any problems with the installation, follow the procedure in ‘Uninstalling the SpectrAA
NOTE software’, and then reinstall the SpectrAA software.

If you are installing SpectrAA Pro, go to the next section. Otherwise, go to “Installing the
Communications Hardware” section on Page 6.

Installing the SpectrAA Pro software

NOTE Installation of the SpectrAA Base must be completed before installing the SpectrAA Pro software.

The selections entered during installation of the Base software (such as User Information, Directory
NOTE Location) are used for the Pro installation.

If you are upgrading from SpectrAA Base to Pro, you must update the same version. For example,
NOTE SpectrAA Base version 5.5 must be paired with SpectrAA Pro version 5.5.

To install the SpectrAA Pro software:

1 Close down all Microsoft Windows applications.
2 Insert the SpectrAA Pro UFD into your USB port. The installation program should start
automatically. If the program does not auto-start, in Microsoft Windows Explorer navigate to
the SpectrAA Pro UFD and then double-click SpectrAAPro.exe. Select OK to start the
3 Click Yes on the User Account Control window to run the program.

Agilent SpectrAA Software Installation Instructions

4 Select the language from the drop-down menu to use during the installation of the SpectrAA
software. Click OK.
5 Select Next to start the installation.
6 Review the License Agreement and then select I accept the agreement and then click Next or
‘Cancel’ if you do not accept the agreement. Clicking ‘Cancel’ stops the software installation.
7 Follow the prompts, selecting Yes, Next, or OK on each page.
8 A dialog box appears asking for confirmation of the installation destination for SpectrAA
Pro.exe. Click Yes to install into the previously created SP100\Run folder and then click Next.
9 Click Install to begin the installation.
10 The SpectrAA Instrument Configuration window is displayed again. Check that the selections
are correct and click OK.
11 During installation, you may be asked to delete the files ‘Workgrp.ini’ and ‘User.ini’. These are
created if you opened the SpectrAA software after installing SpectrAA Base but before
installing SpectrAA Pro. Select ‘Delete this file’ (recommended) for both dialog boxes.
12 Click Finish.
13 Click ‘Yes’ to install the SpectrAA Help if you skipped that step during the SpectrAA Base
installation or ‘No’ to cancel the Help installation if it has already been completed.
14 Once the software installation is complete, restart your computer.
If there are any problems with the installation, follow the procedure in ‘Uninstalling the SpectrAA
NOTE software’, and then reinstall the SpectrAA software.

To ensure the SpectrAA software launches, add a file exclusion in Microsoft Windows Defender.
Otherwise, go to “Installing the Communications Hardware” section on Page 6.
To do this:
1 In the Microsoft Windows search bar, type ‘Windows Defender Firewall’ without the quote
2 Select Windows Defender Firewall.
3 Click Allow an app or feature through the Windows Defender Firewall.
4 Click Change settings and then Allow another app.
5 Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Agilent.
6 Select SpectrAABase.exe and then click Add.
7 Repeat Step 6 for SpectrAAPro.exe (if installed).

Upgrading SpectrAA Base and Pro Software

There is no upgrade pathway for SpectrAA software when changing from Microsoft Windows 7 64-
bit SP1 to Windows 10 operating systems. Follow the steps in the ‘Installing the SpectrAA software’
To upgrade SpectrAA Base and Pro (if required) for Windows 10 Pro 64-bit SP1, refer to
‘Uninstalling SpectrAA Base and Pro’.

Agilent SpectrAA Software Installation Instructions

Installing the Communications Hardware

Once the software installation is complete, you need to install the communications hardware: USB-
GPIB-HS converter.
Reboot your PC and then plug the USB GPIB-HS converter to a USB port on the PC.

Installing the Tube CAM-Furnace Camera Driver

After installing the SpectrAA software or performing a software upgrade, you must install the Tube-
CAM Furnace driver from the Tube-CAM Furnace driver installation disc.
See the Tube CAM Furnace Video Option Software Installation Instructions that came with the
Tube CAM installation disc.

Configuring an Agilent AA Spectrometer Duo System

Once the communications installation step is complete, if you have a Duo system, you must then
connect both instruments to the PC and then configure the IEEE address settings. For
configuration instructions, refer to the “Connecting and configuring an Agilent AA spectrometer
Duo system” section in the 240/280 Series AA User’s Guide or the SpectrAA Help.

Agilent SPS 4 Autosampler Configuration

If you have an SPS 4 Autosampler, refer to the section “Configuring the SPS 4” in the 240/280
Series AA User’s Guide.

Uninstalling SpectrAA Base and Pro

To install a new version of SpectrAA Base and Pro (if required):

1 Log on to the instrument computer with Administrator privileges.
2 Click Start > Settings > Apps & Features.
3 Select SpectrAA Base Version 5.x and then select Uninstall.
4 If installed, select SpectrAA Pro Version 5.x and then select Uninstall.
5 Select National Instruments Software or ADLINK GPIB driver and then select Uninstall/Change.
6 Select SpectrAA Help, click Change/Remove and follow the prompts.
7 Delete all files in the ‘Run’ and ‘Workgrp.&’ folders including any subfolders. Do not delete your
data files.

Agilent SpectrAA Software Installation Instructions

The “Workgrp.&” folder is a ‘hidden’ folder. To access it type ‘hidden folder’ into the search bar.
NOTE Select ‘Show hidden files and folders’. Select ‘Show hidden files, folders, and drives’. The
C:>ProgramData>Agilent>sp100>Workgrp. & folder and C:>Program Files (x86)>Agilent>SP
100>Run folders can now be accessed.

8 Shut down the computer. Remove the National Instruments or ADLINK USB-GPIB-HS
connector from the USB port on the computer, and then restart the computer.
9 Insert the application software UFD and follow the instructions in the previous section.

Agilent SpectrAA Software Installation Instructions

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© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2022

*G8497-90028* Edition 09/22 Agilent Technologies Australia [M] Pty Ltd
G8497-90028 Issue 2 679 Springvale Road
DE31383897 Printed in USA Mulgrave, VIC 3170, Australia

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