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Preface President of MBOT .........................................................................................

Preface Chairman of TTAC ......................................................................................... v
Preface Registrar of MBOT and Director of TTAS
Board Members .......................................................................................................... vii
Former Board Members ............................................................................................ viii
TTAC Member ............................................................................................................... ix
Former TTAC Members .................................................................................................x
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................... xi
Technology and Technical Accreditation Secretariat (TTAS)............................... xii
Stakeholders ................................................................................................................xv
Abbreviation............................................................................................................... xvi
1.0 Technologists and Technicians Act 2015 (Act 768) .................................... 1
2.0 Introduction to MBOT ....................................................................................... 1
3.0 Technology and Technical Accreditation Council (TTAC) ........................ 3
4.0 TTAC Manual Philosophy................................................................................. 4
5.0 Accreditation Objective and Benefits .......................................................... 5
6.0 Operation Definition ........................................................................................ 6
7.0 Different Nature of Education Programme ................................................... 7
8.0 Programme Nomenclature ............................................................................ 9
8.1 Use of term ‘Technology’ ................................................................................ 9
8.2 Level of Programme ........................................................................................ 9
8.3 Programme Discipline ..................................................................................... 9
8.4 Programme Specialization (If any)................................................................ 9
8.5 General Guideline ........................................................................................... 9
8.6 Academic Programme with Collaboration................................................ 11
9.0 Requirements and Accreditation Criteria .................................................. 12
9.1 Criteria 1: Programme Design and Delivery............................................... 12
9.1.1 Education Provider Vision and Mission ............................................. 12
9.1.2 Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) .................................... 12
9.1.3 Programme Relation to EP’s Vision and Mission .............................. 12
9.1.4 Graduate Attributes (GA) .................................................................. 12
9.1.5 Technology / Technical Services ....................................................... 16
9.1.6 Programme Development, Design and Delivery ............................ 16
9.1.7 Non-Technologist Bridging Programme ........................................... 19
9.2 Criteria 2: Student Assessment ..................................................................... 20

9.2.1 Relationship between Assessment and Graduate Attribute ......... 21
9.2.2 Assessment Regulation and Policies ................................................. 21
9.2.3 Assessment Process ............................................................................. 21
9.2.4 Assessment Methods ........................................................................... 22
9.3 Criteria 3: Students Selection and Support Service ................................... 23
9.3.1 Students Selection ............................................................................... 23
9.3.2 Articulation Regulations, Credit Transfer and Credit Exemption .. 24
9.3.3 Student Support Services and Extra-Curricular Activities ............... 27
9.4 Criteria 4: Teaching and Support Staff ........................................................ 28
9.4.1 Teaching Staff ...................................................................................... 28
9.4.2 Technical Support Staff ....................................................................... 30
9.4.3 Administrative Support Staffs ............................................................. 31
9.4.4 Staff Development and Training ....................................................... 31
9.4.5 Staff Industry Engagement ................................................................. 31
9.4.6 Staff Evaluation .................................................................................... 31
9.4.7 Educators Certification ....................................................................... 31
9.5 Criteria 5: Educational Resources................................................................ 32
9.5.1 Physical Educational Facilities ........................................................... 32
9.5.2 Research and Development ............................................................. 33
9.5.3 Financial Resources ............................................................................. 33
9.6 Criteria 6 : Programme Management ......................................................... 34
9.6.1 Programme Governance ................................................................... 34
9.6.2 Programme Leadership ...................................................................... 34
9.6.3 Record Management ......................................................................... 35
9.7 Criteria 7: Quality Management System .................................................... 36
9.7.1 Quality Assurance................................................................................ 36
9.7.2 Stakeholder’s Engagement for Programme Review ...................... 37
9.7.3 Monitoring, Review and Evaluation .................................................. 37
9.7.4 Benchmarking ...................................................................................... 38
9.7.5 Continual Quality Improvement ........................................................ 38
10.0 Accreditation.................................................................................................. 39
10.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 39
10.2 Accreditation Process ................................................................................... 39
10.2.1 Provisional Accreditation.................................................................... 39
10.2.2 Full Accreditation and Re -Accreditation ........................................ 41

10.3 Accreditation Application ............................................................................ 47
10.4 The Accreditation Panel ............................................................................... 47
10.4.2 Conflict of Interest ............................................................................... 50
10.4.3 Members of the Panel of Assessors ................................................... 51
10.4.4 The Roles and Responsibilities of the Panel of Assessors ................ 52
10.4.5 The Accreditation Report ................................................................... 58
10.5 Role Of The Accreditation Officers .............................................................. 58
10.6 Accreditation Decision and Cycle .............................................................. 59
10.7 Continuing of Full Accreditation Programme ............................................ 64
10.8 Appeal Procedures........................................................................................ 64
10.9 Revision of Programme ................................................................................. 65
10.10 Conflict of Interest .......................................................................................... 65
10.11 Confidentiality ................................................................................................ 65
10.12 Expenses ......................................................................................................... 66
10.13 Publication of Accreditation Status ............................................................. 66
11.0 Manual Revision ............................................................................................. 66
12.0 Accreditation Document .............................................................................. 67
12.1 Provisional and Full Accreditation ............................................................... 67
12.2 The Documentation Required ...................................................................... 67
FORM B: PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION....................................................................... 72
FORM C: GENERAL CRITERIA ..................................................................................... 73
References .................................................................................................................. 86
Appendix .................................................................................................................... 87
Appendix A ................................................................................................................ 88
Appendix B ............................................................................................................... 113
Appendix C .............................................................................................................. 119
Appendix D............................................................................................................... 120
Appendix E ............................................................................................................... 121
Appendix F ............................................................................................................... 122

Preface President of MBOT

Preface Chairman of TTAC

Preface Registrar of MBOT and Director of TTAS

Board Members

Former Board Members

TTAC Member

Former TTAC Members


Technology and Technical Accreditation Secretariat (TTAS)



1.0 Technologists and Technicians Act 2015 (Act 768)

Technologists and Technicians Act 2015 (Act 768) was passed by the Parliament
of Malaysia and gazetted to take effect on Aug 1st, 2015. It was instigated by
the recommendation of the Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP), which has identified
the needs for setting up a professional body to register and recognise
graduates of skills and technology. In addition, Act 768 is the only act that
covers Technicians which is aimed at recognising them as professionals. This will
consequently elevate their status.

2.0 Introduction to MBOT

Technology as defined by Collins mean “methods, systems, and devices which

are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes”.
Meanwhile, Oxford defines technology as “the application of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry”. In a nutshell, based
on both definitions, Technologists can be viewed as professionals who practices
their knowledge based on the usage of tools and the implementations of

MBOT was officially formed in November 2016 as a professional body to award

Professional Recognition to Technologists and Technicians. This takes effect
after the Parliament of Malaysia gazetted the Technologists and Technicians
Act 2015 (Act 768) in 2015. It should be noted that, it is important to recognise
the roles and responsibilities of technologists and technicians in Malaysia, as the
nation gears towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Under section 21(1) and 22(1), Technologists are identified as any person with
a bachelor degree recognised by the Board while Technicians are
acknowledged as any person with a certificate or relevant qualifications
recognised by the Board. MBOT has opened membership registration for
technologists and technicians in two entry level categories namely Graduate
Technologist (GT) for Bachelor degree holders in Technology and Qualified
Technician (QT) for advanced diploma, diploma and skill certificate holders.

Technologists and technicians who register with MBOT will have the opportunity
to be recognised as a Professional Technologist or Certified Technician in
accordance to their expertise. Figure 1.1 illustrates MBOT’s continuous pathway
for technologists and technicians.

Under the section of 19 (Act 768), a Professional Technologist shall be entitled

to approve and certify the manner or conduct of technology services to be
carried out, and uses abbreviated title “Ts.” or P.Tech. Conversely, under the
section of 20 (Act 768), a Certified Technician shall be entitled to approve and

certify the manner or conduct of technical services to be carried out, and uses
abbreviated title “Tc.” or C.Tech. Both Ts. and Tc. are entiltled to use stamp as
determined by the Board.

The scope of services for the Technologists is spelled out in Section 16(b) which
involves any operations relating to product development, manufacturing,
testing, commissioning and maintenance. On the other hand, section 16(a)
outlines the scope of services for Technicians that includes any operations
relating to product testing, commissioning and maintenance.

The functions of MBOT are to

i. recognize Ts. and Tc. as professionals;

ii. keep and maintain the Register of Technologists and Technicians under
Section 17 of Act 768;
iii. provide facilities for the promotion of education and training as well as
to hold or cause to be held, professional development programmes for
registered persons to further enhance their knowledge relating to their
iv. conduct assessment or to create assessments to be conducted by an
institution approved by the Board for admission to the profession;
v. determine and regulate the conduct and ethics of the technologist and
technician professions;
vi. carry out all such acts and do all such things that as may appear
necessary to the Board to carry out the provisions of Act 768.

Figure 1.0 MBOT’s continuous pathway for technologists and technicians

3.0 Technology and Technical Accreditation Council (TTAC)

Section 6 (2) (g) of Act 768 mentions that the Board is empowered to set up a
council to evaluate the quality assurance for the programmes in Technology.
Thus, MBOT agreed to set up TTAC on 13th October 2016 to act as Joint
Technical Committee (JTC) to fulfil and complement Act 679 - Malaysian
Qualifications Agency Act 2007 under Section 51. (1).
The members of TTAC consist of:

 Chairman;
 Representative from MBOT;
 Representative from related Ministry;
 Representative from Learned Society;
 Representative from Malaysian Qualification Agency;
 Representative from the Industry;
 Academia; and
 Any representative to be determined by the council.

The main function of TTAC is to evaluate the quality assurance of technology

programmes offered by Education Providers. TTAC aims to uplift the respective
programme to be a professional programme which provides multiple benefits
to the graduates. The involvement of Industry and professionals from other
sectors is expected to close the demand and supply gap in all programmes
accredited by MBOT. The other functions of TTAC are to:

 establish and re-condition accreditation policies and criteria;

 acknowledge the extensive guidelines and processes for accreditation
 supervise the operational regulations and assign appraisal experts panel;
 accept assessment reports on Technology and Technical programmes
and indicate its accreditation evaluations;
 take note of any complaints or appeals with respect to the accreditation
procedure and to any changes in the proposal;
 monitor the evolution and operation of accreditation in other countries
and make recommendations to the Board accordingly;
 report accreditation operation as appropriate and recommend changes
to the Board's policy related to the accreditation;
 enhance positive developments and excellent practices in Technology
and Technical education;
 suggest public statements to the Board that are relevant to Technology
and Technical education; and
 become a Joint Technical Committee with the Malaysian Qualifications
Agency (MQA) pursuant to section 51 of the Malaysian Qualifications
Agency Act 2007 (Act 679) to coordinate the accreditation process for
the Technology and Technical programmes.

4.0 TTAC Manual Philosophy

TTAC Manual is a guide for Education Providers (EPs) in offering any technology
or technical education programmes. The Manual covers a broad spectrum of
education programmes either fully academically-inclined programmes, mix of
academic and practical-oriented programmes, or fully practical-oriented
programmes. Furthermore, the Manual represents aspirations of MBOT to
empower Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Malaysia
by providing the general guidelines for EPs to produce quality and
competence workforces to local or international stakeholders. The Manual is
prepared by taking into account the nature of future education such as
multidisciplinary based, organic curriculum and flexible education; therefore,
EPs are autonomous in designing their own programmes to meet the
stakeholders’ expectations.

A quality educational programme should have a proper curriculum structure,

learning processes and proven assessment mechanisms to ensure all the
intended outcomes and technology / technical services are met. A good
quality programme should produce graduates who are able to uphold the
dignity and reputation of their profession, as well as to execute their professional
skills to the best of their ability with integrity to safeguard the public interest in
the matters of safety and health. The system employed by any EPs should
ensure the implementation of good quality assurance throughout the
educational processes in an effort to maintain the highest quality graduates.
Continuous quality improvement should become a part of the culture for
sustainability of the programme as well as in keeping abreast with the real-life
technology advancement.

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5.0 Accreditation Objective and Benefits

Quality assurance is an open-ended process in which all parties involved are

accountable for it. Thus, it is important for MBOT to continuously review its quality
assurance practices in order to ensure their relevancy, reliability, adaptability
and efficiency to respond to the progressively changing higher education
environment. Accreditation is a status or an achievement as a result of the
quality assessment exercises conducted by MBOT with the objective to ensure
that the programme offered by EPs will meet the minimum requirement of
technology based education. Besides, accreditation will ensure that the
graduates for the accredited programmes comply with the attributes required
as professionals in the fields. There are two levels of programme accreditation,

 Provisional Accreditation; and

 Full Accreditation.

The main objective of the Provisional Accreditation is to validate the minimum

requirements to conduct a programme by an EP in relation to the nine aspects
of assessment, particularly the programme’s curriculum framework. Meanwhile,
a site visit may be conducted in order to affirm the appropriateness of the
facilities at the respective institution,. Also, in order for an institution to be
authorized in offering a programme, the report for the Provisional Accreditation
exercise is required.

The primary purpose of the Full Accreditation is to ensure that the programme
has achieved the set of standards as presented in the Code of Practice, which
are in line with the accreditation criteria outlined by MBOT and Malaysia
Qualification Framework (MQF). Full Accreditation is carried out by the external
and independent auditors who are the Panel of Assessors representing MBOT.
They perform audits on the Programme Information and Self-Review Report
provided by the institution. As such, Full Accreditation serves as a guarantee or
an assurance of the quality of academic programmes accredited by MBOT

The main benefit for a programme accredited by a professional body like MBOT
is the status of its professional programme. The graduates for the programmes
will be recognised by MBOT upon their graduation as GT or QT. The benefits of
having an academic programme being accredited among others are:

 Public Service Department (PSD) utilizes the status of the accreditation in

verifying the requirements in public services recruitment;
 Accreditation is used by professional bodies such as MBOT to acknowledge
graduates for an enrolment as a Ts. and Tc. as specified in Act 768;

 Students in the accredited programmes are eligible for loan or funding from
various organizations for example the National Higher Education Fund
(PTPTN) or Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA);
 Conferment of degree at higher institutions are legitimate and the
attainment of credit transfer is permissible, although the conclusive
decision depends on the corresponding institution;
 Graduates may gain employment in the public sectors. Apart from that,
employers in the private sectors also acknowledge accredited
programmes in selecting graduates for recruitment; and
 Institutions may franchise their accredited programmes to other institutions,
subject to definite conditions,

6.0 Operation Definition

In general, the operation definition for Technology are as follows:

 Cutting edge machinery or equipment or technique

 Created from systematic application of scientific and technical knowledge
for practical purposes including but is not limited to the modernization,
miniaturization, integration, and computerization of electronic, hydraulic,
pneumatic, laser, mechanical, robotics, nuclear, chemical,
telecommunication, and other technological applications
 Enhance productivity or way of life in areas including but not limited to
manufacturing, communications, medicine, bioengineering, and

Programme criteria for Technology and Technical offered by EP are:

 Structured learning or exercise

 Student’s exposure to use of high technology
 Produces high skilled and competent graduates who are competitive

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7.0 Different Nature of Education Programme

Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) was established in 2007 under the

Malaysian Qualification Agency Act 2007 (Act 679) to implement Malaysian
Qualification Framework (MQF). It should be noted that prior to being
approved for implementation, the MQF has been benchmarked against the
main qualifications framework worldwide such as those of England, Wales and
Northern Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Europe as well as United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) framework.
Therefore, MBOT as a professional body established under the Technologists
and Technicians Act 2015 (Act 768), takes it as the basis to acknowledge the
approved academic qualifications and levels as indicated in the MQF.

As stated in the MQF, “Qualifications are certificates, diplomas or degrees that

are awarded by any competent authority, having affirmed that one has been
successful in completing the study at the determined standard, and has
satisfied the determined level of achievement and is able to take on a role,
duty or work. Qualifications indicate positive achievement of learning
outcomes, not as compensation as a result of failure or coincidence”.
Moreover, MQF has also determined the eight levels of education pathways
that link qualifications systematically through a minimum student learning time
and credit hours system as well as the general expectations of learning

MBOT acknowledges the interest of EPs to introduce a hybrid programme

constitutes of a discipline-based and technology elements in their curriculum
structure. Based on the abovementioned MQF qualifications and levels, it
should be noted that MBOT would uphold the facts of pre-determined national
education system, therefore no different qualifications between the
programmes that offer pure discipline-based curriculum, hybrid discipline-
based and technology curriculum, or pure technology-based curriculum. For
that reason, all stakeholders should accept the facts that no substandard
treatment must be allowed for different implementation in curriculum structures
since the qualifications and levels are already pre-determined by the MQF.

In this case, MBOT puts a firm belief in the different implementations of the
curriculum structures which are meant for the different job scopes. Hence, a
programme should put emphasis in using cutting-edge machineries or
equipment or techniques in structured learning methodology in order to
produce highly skilled and competent graduates of the latest technology and
who are adaptable to the new and emerging technology.

For pure discipline-based programmes, the programmes should place a strong
emphasis on fundamental knowledge of science and mathematics. As the
approach to the programme mainly focuses on theoretical elements, it is
expected that students will develop a very strong fundamental knowledge of
science and mathematics in a way that they would build their expertise in the
design and development of products, processes or systems that may enhance
the living standards, productivity and quality of life.

On the other hand, hybrid discipline-based and technology programmes

require the application of scientific and fundamental knowledge and methods
within the discipline, combined with technical skills in support of the discipline-
based activities. As the concept applies, this type of programme is oriented
towards application, and it provides students with mathematics and science
courses as well as a qualitative introduction to discipline-based fundamentals
and applied sciences. Students are exposed to almost similar courses to those
of the pure discipline-based programme curricula but there will be a different
emphasis given on the distribution of theories and technical skills. In short, the
approach is typically application-oriented, but contains somewhat less
theoretical elements as compared to the pure discipline-based counterparts.

Finally, for pure technology-based programmes, the emphasis is placed on the

application of scientific knowledge and methods for practical purposes in
specified industry. It is expected that the nature of such programme is geared
towards product development, manufacturing, testing, installation,
commissioning and maintenance. Students are exposed to the theories and
technical skills to execute the tasks in the relevant sectors. The theoretical
components can either be stand alone or embedded within certain courses.
Typically, this type of programme is application-oriented, and it emphasises
techniques to function in executing profession-based task.

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8.0 Programme Nomenclature

8.1 Use of term ‘Technology’

The term of ‘Technology’ shall be used in the programme nomenclature.

Programmes utilizing the terms of ‘Discipline-based & Technology” in the

programme nomenclature under the field of MBOT provision may apply
to TTAC MBOT for accreditation of the programmes, subject to
compliance with the requirements specified by MBOT.

The programmes which are classified within the pure-discipline-based

programme or that use other term than ‘Technology’ in the programme
nomenclature, can apply to TTAC MBOT for accreditation of the
programme, subject to compliance with the requirements specified by

8.2 Level of Programme

The level of programme refers to the level of an academic programme

offered by EPs based on MQF.

8.3 Programme Discipline

The programme discipline refers to the general area of academic

programme that reflects locally, internationally or work profession.

8.4 Programme Specialization (If any)

The programme specialization refers to the sub-fields of the academic


8.5 General Guideline

8.5.1 The title of a particular programme must take into consideration the
breadth of professional or employment requirements for the particular
title and/or descriptors.
8.5.2 Nomenclature can be based on broad-based or specialization
depending on the preferences of EPs based on the stakeholders’ input.
8.5.3 The EPs’ name should not be part of the programme nomenclature.
8.5.4 The programme nomenclature at level 6 MQF in Bahasa Melayu
preferable to use ‘Sarjana Muda’ rather than ‘Bacelor’ or ‘Ijazah’.
8.5.5 The term ‘Kepujian’ or Honours (Hons.) can only be used for the
programmes at level 6 MQF

8.5.6 The pure academic programmes shall possess disciplines such as
mechanical, electrical or, food
8.5.7 The broad-based programmes with single major, should comprise a
minimum of 70% of technology fields or technology competency for
example :

Table 1.0 Example of the programme nomenclature

Technology Technology field Technology Competency
IT Bachelor of Computer Bachelor of Artificial
Science Intelligence Technology
Diploma in Information Diploma in Networking
Technology Technology
Diploma in Software Diploma in Software Testing
Engineering Technology
Bachelor of Information Bachelor of Web
System Technology Development Technology
ME Bachelor of Manufacturing Bachelor of Machining
Technology Technology
Diploma in Mechanical Diploma in Metal Fabrication
Technology Technology
Bachelor of Mechatronics Bachelor of Robotics
Technology Technology
FT Diploma in Food Diploma in Food Processing
Technology Technology
AT Diploma in Automotive Diploma in Automotive
Technology Bodyworks Technology
EE Bachelor of Electrical Bachelor of Electrical Systems
Technology Maintenance Technology
Diploma in Electronics Diploma in Autotronics
Technology Technology
CM Bachelor of Applied Bachelor of Applied Science
Science Chemical Technology

8.5.8 The programmes with specialization, should comprise 25-30% of the

specialization courses and the specialization fields should be mentioned
in the bracket. For example; Bachelor of Computer Technology
(Software Development), Diploma in Electronic Technology

8.5.9 The programmes with double major disciplines should comprise 50% for
each component and should use the term ‘AND” to indicate the double

major discipline. For example; Bachelor of Computer Technology AND
Manufacturing Technology.

8.5.10 The programmes with major-minor discipline should comprise 25-30% of

the second discipline and should use the term ‘WITH’ to indicate the
major-minor discipline. For example; Bachelor of Computer Technology
WITH Biotechnology.

8.6 Academic Programme with Collaboration

For the collaboration programme, EPs should not use “in collaboration” or
in Bahasa Melayu “dengan kerjasama” in the nomenclature of
programme. The wording should be stated in the academic transcript.

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9.0 Requirements and Accreditation Criteria

9.1 Criteria 1: Programme Design and Delivery

9.1.1 Education Provider Vision and Mission

Programmes applying for accreditation through MBOT shall have a clear

statement of EP’s vision and mission. The purpose of having this clear
vision and mission is to ensure that the EP has a future direction and how
the EP defines its strategies and objectives to position itself in providing
the best education and training to the market.

9.1.2 Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEOs are broad statements that describe what the graduates ultimately
will become in their career and professional life after several years of
graduation. The PEOs are the specific goals of the programme and
should align with the EP’s vision and mission.

In addition, the establishment of PEOs must demonstrate the interest of

the programme’s stakeholders

Therefore, to ensure the effectiveness of the objective, EP must have a

clear key performance indicator (KPI) for each PEO, agreed through a
proper consultation with the stakeholders.

This is crucial to ensure that the programme is capable to produce

technologists or technicians, which meets the expectation of the

The programmes shall demonstrate mechanism to monitor and evaluate

the PEOs attainment.

9.1.3 Programme Relation to EP’s Vision and Mission

Programmes applying for technology or technical accreditation shall

have a statement illustrating their consistency with the EP’s Vision and
Mission. This statement is very important to ensure sustainability of the
programmes in line with the strategic move of the EP.

9.1.4 Graduate Attributes (GA)

The programmes shall have well documented graduate attributes to

describe the abilities that students should portray upon accomplishment

of the programme which covers body of knowledge and attitudes that
the future technologist or technician will achieve after going through the
respective programme.

The graduate attributes reflect the commonly known Programme

Learning Outcomes (PLOs) which become the minimal intended targets
of students’ competencies to perform upon completion of a

The programmes shall demonstrate some forms of mechanisms to

monitor and evaluate the GA attainment.

Table 2.0 shows the expected generic graduate attributes for students
to attain at the end of the programme to become a GT or QT with
respect to MQF.

EP shall publish all the intended GA to all stakeholders and consider

designing the programmes with adequate assessments so that it will be
transparent in meeting the expectation of stakeholders. Evidence of
stakeholders’ involvement shall be provided in generating the
programme GA.

It should be noted that based on Act 768 – Technologists and

Technicians Act, GT refers to a person who holds a bachelor’s degree
recognised by the Board upon meeting the criteria determined by the
Board. On the other hand, QT refers to a person who holds a certificate
recognised by the Board upon meeting the criteria as determined by
the Board. With respect to QT, MBOT has agreed to recognise Advanced
Diploma, Diploma and Certificate Level 3 MQF to be registered as QT
upon meeting the criteria as determined by the Board.

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Table 2.0 Generic graduate attributes of students upon completion of programme

Domain Graduate Technologist Qualified Technician

Bachelor Degree Advanced Diploma Diploma Certificate
PLO1 - Knowledge Apply the knowledge of Possess relevant Possess relevant Possess basic knowledge
(Cognitive Domain) technology fundamental knowledge of technology knowledge of technology of technology
to broadly-defined fundamentals on fundamentals on well- fundamentals on routine
procedures, processes, extended well-defined defined procedures and procedures and
systems and procedures and practices in the field of practices in the field of
methodologies in the field practices in the field of study. study.
of study. study.
PLO2 - Practical Skills Propose and employ Propose and employ Propose and employ Propose and employ
and High Technology current tools and current tools and current tools and current tools and
(Psychomotor Domain) techniques to resolve techniques to resolve techniques to resolve techniques to resolve
broadly-defined extended well-defined well-defined problems. routine problems.
problems. problems.
PLO3 – Analytical, Demonstrate deep Establish investigative Establish investigative Establish basic
Critical Thinking and investigative and and significant thinking and significant thinking investigative and
Scientific Approach significant thinking abilities to resolve abilities to resolve well- significant thinking
(Cognitive Domain) abilities to solve broadly- extended well-defined defined problems in the abilities to resolve routine
defined problems in the problems in the field of field of study. problems in the field of
field of study. study. study.
PLO4 - Communicate effectively Communicate and Communicate and Communicate and
Communication Skills and flexibly in oral and explain in details a wide explain clearly several describe simple tasks
(Affective Domain) written language for range of viewpoints for viewpoints for social, within familiar areas and
social, academic and social, academic and academic and the immediate needs.
professional purposes. professional purposes. professional purposes.

PLO5 – Social Illustrate the Illustrate the Illustrate the Illustrate the
Responsibility in understanding of understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
Society and corresponding issues issues related to the issues related to the issues related to the
Technologist related to the society and society and the society and the society and the
Community the subsequent subsequent subsequent subsequent
(Affective Domain) responsibilities to the responsibilities responsibilities responsibilities
broadly-defined appropriate to the appropriate to the appropriate to the routine
technology practices. extended well-defined extended well-defined technology practices.
technology practices. technology practices.
PLO6 - Lifelong Acknowledge the Acknowledge the Acknowledge the Acknowledge the
Learning and requirement of requirement of career requirement of career requirement of career
Information professional establishment and to establishment and to establishment and to
Management establishment and to employ independent employ independent employ continuing
(Affective Domain) employ independent continuing learning in continuing learning in learning.
continuing learning in specialized technical specialized technical
specialist technology. knowledge. knowledge.
PLO7 - Illustrate consciousness of Illustrate consciousness of Illustrate consciousness of Illustrate an
Technopreneurship management and management and management and consciousness of
and Management technopreneurship technopreneurship technopreneurship management and
Skills routine in real routine in real routine in real technopreneurship
(Affective Domain) perspective. perspective. perspective. routine in real
PLO8 - Ethics and Illustrate ethical Illustrate ethical Illustrate ethical Illustrate ethical
Professionalism awareness and awareness and awareness and awareness and
(Affective Domain) professionalism. professionalism. professionalism. professionalism.
PLO9 - Teamwork and Illustrate leadership Illustrate leadership Illustrate leadership Illustrate leadership
Leadership character, mentoring character and work character and work character and work
(Affective Domain) and work efficiently in efficiently in diverse efficiently in diverse efficiently in a technical
diverse teams. technical teams. technical teams. team.

9.1.5 Technology / Technical Services

Section 16 of Technologists and Technicians Act (Act 768) states that the
Board shall determine the provisions of the Technology and Technical
services under the Board. Table 3.0 outlines the key Technology / Technical
Services that need to be covered within each programme.

It is required for each bachelor degree programme which is at level 6 MQF,

denoting the minimum criteria of GT, to address 5 technology services.
Meanwhile, the programmes which are at level 3, 4 and 5 MQF, signifying
the minimum criteria of QT, should address 3 technical services. The
respective requirement is stipulated in Table 3.0.

Table 3.0 Technology / Technical Services

Technology / Technical Services

Technologist Technician
1. Development N/A
2. Manufacturing N/A
3. Testing 1. Testing
4. Commissioning 2. Commissioning
5. Maintenance 3. Maintenance

The technology and technical services listed in Table 3.0 serve as a guide
for EPs to provide the best competency and skills training with respect to
the specific field of technology and technical services, as agreed by
Technology Expert Panels (TEP) during the engagement sessions. The
services are expected to be included in the curriculum design. The EPs are,
however, given the flexibility to modify the curriculum with strong evidence
and justification, particularly with respect to technology advances and
coverage of the services, and supported by authorised, core industries /
agencies. Nevertheless, TTAC MBOT reserves the right to advice EPs and
make changes where appropriate. Refer to Appendix A.

9.1.6 Programme Development, Design and Delivery

The Programme development must effectively develop the following

processes (not limited to):

1. Market survey and analysis

Needs analysis must be carried out through surveys and data
analytics from respective agencies to ensure the programme meets

the demands of stakeholders and to guarantee its long-term
sustainability of the programme.

2. Engagement with stakeholders

Evidence of the stakeholders involvement in the curriculum design,
delivery and assessment is required to ensure the programme meets
the stakeholders’ expectations and to continuously improve the key
aspects of the programme.

3. Programme design and delivery

Technology or Technical programmes seeking for accreditation
must establish a clear process in designing, reviewing and evaluating
the programme structure. It is required for the content and structure
to continually keep abreast with the most current technology
advances, professional practices and international best practices in
the field, and with the needs of stakeholders.

It is also important for EPs to consider, design and offer programmes

which are corresponding to future-ready jobs.

EPs must ensure that each programme delivery adopts various teaching-
learning methods that are appropriate to ensure the achievement of the
programme GAs and TPs. The programme should demonstrate a proper
engagement between educators and students to ensure students take
responsibility for their own learning.

Prior to conducting the programme and throughout the delivery of the

programme, EPs must ensure adequate resources are in place to
guarantee the achievement of the programme GAs and TPs, as well as to
provide a conducive learning environment which nurtures scholarly,
creative and professional development.

Table 4.0 shows the minimum requirement of a programme structure of

Technologist or Technician with respect to the MQF levels.

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Table 4.0 Minimum requirement of a programme structure

Bachelor Diploma Certificate
Items Degree (Level 4 (Level 3
(Level 5
(Level 6 MQF) MQF) MQF)
Student Learning Time,
Minimum 120 Minimum 40 Minimum 90 Minimum 60
SLT-based Credit Hours++
Minimum 3 Minimum 1 Minimum 2 Minimum 1 ¼
Studies Duration
years year years years
Technology Component
Consists of Common
Core, Discipline Core, Minimum 80 Minimum 25 Minimum 60 Minimum 30
Final Year Project, credit credit credit credit
Industrial Training
related to field of study
Theory / Knowledge
 Technology
Minimum 40% Minimum 30% Minimum 20% Minimum 20%
Component only
 SLT / Credits
Practical Component
 Technology Minimum
Minimum 40% Minimum 60% Minimum 60%
Component only 60%
 SLT / Credits
General Component
Consists of MPU courses, The The The
The remaining
EP Compulsory courses remaining remaining remaining
and others. credit credit credit

++ An education programme which combines the components of “discipline-based & Technology”

programmes in its programme nomenclature is expected to have higher SLT-based credit hours and
extended tenure years compared to an education programme with “Technology”-based only.

All programmes at MQF level 4 and above is required to include Final Year
Project in its curriculum as a means for students to develop the capacity for
independent analyses and judgements. An industry-based project should
be prioritized in selecting the title for the Final Year Project. While doing the
project, students are expected to utilise the latest and relevant techniques
and tools practised in the industry.

All programmes shall have an Industrial Training component to expose the

students to the real industrial practice including the managerial, safety,
legal and ethical aspects at work. The type of industry and the duration of
industrial training should be appropriate to the needs of the programme.
Typically, 2 weeks per credit is allocated for the industrial training. A

minimum of 8 weeks of industrial training is allocated for students to gain
industrial exposures and experiences which consequently may enhance
their technical and soft skills. Nevertheless, it is highly recommended for the
duration of the industrial training for bachelor degree programmes (Level 6
MQF) to be around 1 semester or an equivalent to six consecutive months,
whereas for diploma programmes (Level 4 MQF) the recommended
duration is three consecutive months.

The industrial mode / Apprenticeship is where students are placed at

industries during the study period and they are expected to learn theories
through industry-guided real-life work learning activities. Programmes
adopting the industrial mode / apprenticeship must ensure that the
students’ placement is appropriate and their mentors at the industry are
well-trained so that the programme learning outcomes can be achieved.
The evaluation of the attainment of the outcomes should be conducted
via appropriate assessments. It is suggested that the credits allocated for
this mode to be at a range of 24 – 40 credits of student learning time (SLT)
per year or 48 – 60 credits SLT for 2 years implementation.

It is permitted for the EPs opting for the Industrial mode / apprenticeship to
conduct theoretical learning instructions and assessments on a weekly basis
or block modules for the students prior to attending the industry-guided
real-life work learning activities at industries. However, this has to be in
consideration of students’ welfare and learning processes in achieving the
intended learning outcomes.

9.1.7 Non-Technologist Bridging Programme

For non–technologist graduates who wish to obtain a recognition from

MBOT, they can go through a bridging programme through a technology-
based programme recognised by the MBOT as shown in Table 5.0:

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Table 5.0 Bridging programme structure for Non-technologist graduate

Non – Technologist MBOT Technology-based MBOT

Programme Programme Recognition
Bachelor Degree  Graduate Diploma (MQF Level 6)
Minimum 120 Credits recognised by the MBOT – Total 66
Eg: Bachelor Degree in Credits
Business Administration  Minimum 33 credits of Technology
 Minimum 40 % Practical
 Complies with 5 Technology /
Technical Services for the
Advanced Diploma or  Graduate Certificate (MQF Level
higher 6) recognised by the MBOT – Total
Minimum 40 Credits 36 Credits
Eg: Advanced Diploma  Minimum 18 credits of Technology Qualified
in Fashion Design, component Technician
Bachelor Degree in  Minimum 60 % Practical (QT)
Business Administration Component
 Complies with 3 Technical Services
for the programme
Diploma  Advanced Diploma (MQF Level 5)
Minimum 90 Credits recognised by the MBOT – Total 40
Eg: Diploma in Business Credits
Administration  Minimum 20 credits of Technology Qualified
component Technician
 Minimum 60 % Practical (QT)
 Complies with 3 Technical Services
for the programme

A Non Technologist Bachelor Degree Graduate can opt to take

Technology-based Graduate Certificate certified by MBOT but can only be
recognised as Qualified Technician (QT).

9.2 Criteria 2: Student Assessment

Assessment indicates various methods or tools utilized in evaluating,

measuring, and documenting the academic readiness, skill acquisition,
learning progress, or educational requirements of the students. The
assessments may be classified into two types which are Continuous

Assessment and Final Assessment. The final assessment shall be evaluated

9.2.1 Relationship between Assessment and Graduate Attribute

The assessment methods should be mapped to Graduate Attributes clearly

and precisely.

9.2.2 Assessment Regulation and Policies

The EPs shall clearly define the assessments’ regulation and policies such as
the mechanisms to provide feedback to the students’ achievement and
performance, the management of the final examination processes
including but not limited to vetting and moderation, input from External
Advisor, strong room regulations, grading systems, appeal mechanisms,
endorsement of results, and attainment of learning outcomes, an
academic regulation handbook, records reporting students’ assessments,
and students’ performance feedback.

9.2.3 Assessment Process

The EPs shall clearly describe the process of designing, implementation,

evaluation and review of the assessment methods as displayed in Figure
2.0. The process shall involve the respective internal and external
stakeholders . The EPs should clearly state the mechanisms to review the
assessment methods such as the appointment of respective committees,
data collection, analysis and documentation processes.

 Map assessments to Outcomes

(PEOs, PLOs and CLOs)
 Identify the weaknesses of  Adhere to the constructive
assessment methods Design alignment principles
 Plan for CQI

Review Implementation

 Include appropriate
Evaluation assessments in each course
 Measure the attainment of CLOs  Set attainment value/ score
 Provide feedback to students  Implement the process of
constructive alignment

Figure 2.0 : Assessment Development Process

The principles of constructive alignment should be adhered to in defining
learning outcomes and aligning the outcomes with assessments, teaching
strategies and learning activities.

9.2.4 Assessment Methods

The assessment methods must signify the progress as well as the final
evaluation of each course. The combination of multiple evaluation
approaches must indicate the accomplishment of the learning outcomes.

For any group activities, the number of students shall not exceed 4 students
per group. Fairness mechanisms should be in place for any group activities
to encourage individual learning.

The assessment methods across the programme shall be evaluated


i. Examination
 Written examination such as quizzes, test, mid-term
examination, and final examination
 Oral examination
 Practical examination

ii. Coursework
 Assignments
 Report
 Case studies
 Laboratory
 Mini project

iii. Project (Individual and/or Group)

 Report
 Group Activities
 Presentation
 Final year project
 Capstone project

iv. Industrial Training

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9.3 Criteria 3: Students Selection and Support Service

Administration of student selection shall clearly be defined with

understandable and legitimate policies and procedures made available for
application and appeals.

EPs shall have a mechanism for academic advice where; counselling and
support services must be reachable and responsive to students’ requirement.
Support services for students should not be limited to only formal academic
requirements, but should also include extracurricular provisions for cultural,
sports and leisure and other appropriate activities.

9.3.1 Students Selection

Criteria and policy of students’ selection shall clearly be specified and

appropriate to the EPs and its respective programme. The EPs shall fairly
apply the students’ selection policy and well communicated with the

The minimum student entry requirement for technology programmes are as


Certificate in Technology or equivalent (Level 3 MQF)

i. Pass SPM/SPMV or its equivalent with at least ONE (1) credit in any
subject; or
ii. Pass UEC with at least Grade B in ONE (1) subject; or
iii. Pass O-level with at least Grade C in ONE (1) subject; or
iv. Pass SKM level 2 in related disciplines AND pass SPM; or
v. Other recognised qualifications or its equivalent.

Diploma in Technology or equivalent (Level 4 MQF)

i. Pass SPM/SPMV or its equivalent with at least THREE (3) credits in any
subject; or
ii. Pass SPM/SPMV or its equivalent with at least THREE (3) credits AND
pass pra-diploma with minimum SIX (6) months duration; or
iii. Pass UEC with at least Grade B in THREE (3) subjects; or
iv. Pass O-level with at least Grade C in THREE (3) subjects; or
v. Pass SKM level 3 in related disciplines; and
a. pass SPM with at least ONE (1) credit in any subject; and
b. ONE (1) semester of a bridging programme (if required); or
vi. Pass certificate of Kolej Komuniti or equivalent to level 3 MQF in
related disciplines; and
a. Pass SPM with at least ONE (1) credit in any subject; and

b. ONE (1) semester of a bridging programme (if required); or
vii. Pass certificate (level 3 MQF) in related disciplines with at least CGPA
2.00 and ONE (1) semester bridging programme (if required); or
viii. Pass SVM in related disciplines with at least CGPA 2.00; or
ix. Pass STPM or its equivalent; or
x. Pass STAM (Grade Maqbul) or its equivalent; or
xi. Pass a recognised TVET-related skills certificate with ONE (1) year of
relevant work experience; or
xii. Other recognised qualifications or its equivalent.

Advanced Diploma in Technology or equivalent (Level 5 MQF)

i. Pass Diploma in related disciplines with at least CGPA 2.00 or its


Bachelor of Technology or equivalent (Level 6 MQF)

i. Pass STPM or its equivalent with at least Grade C (NGMP 2.00) in TWO
(2) subjects; or
ii. Pass Matriculation / Foundation in any IPTA / IPTS / permitted
institutions to conduct foundation programmes with CGPA 2.00; or
iii. Pass Diploma in related disciplines with CGPA 2.00; or
iv. Pass Advanced Diploma in related disciplines with CGPA 2.00; or
v. Pass UEC with at least Grade B in FIVE (5) subjects; or
vi. Pass STAM (Grade Jayyid) or its equivalent; or
vii. Other recognised qualifications or its equivalent.

9.3.2 Articulation Regulations, Credit Transfer and Credit Exemption

The programme shall have well-defined policies, regulations and processes

of articulation practices, credit transfers and course exemptions. EPs shall
well communicate the policies, regulations and processes to the public. Student transfer

The EPs shall have well-defined policies and mechanisms to facilitate

students’ mobility which may include student transfer within and between
institutions. The related policies and mechanisms shall be well
communicated to the students and public. Department must ensure that
the incoming transfer students have the capacity to successfully follow the
programme structure. Credit Transfer

Recommended credit transfer practice is as below:

i. Credit transfer can be implemented in two categories as follows:

a. Vertical – credit transfer from a lower to a higher qualification

b. Horizontal – credit transfer from the same qualification level such
as from certificate to certificate / diploma to diploma / bachelor
degree to bachelor degree.

ii. Credit transfer must be based on course mapping (subject to subject

mapping) as follows:

a. Passing grade – minimum Grade C;

b. Credit value – equivalent to credit value for the recipient EP or if it
is from overseas, then it must be equivalent to the credit currency
(e.g. In Malaysia 1 credit is equivalent to 40 hours SLT whereas in
UK 1 CATS is equivalent to 10 hours SLT; 3 credits in Malaysia is
equivalent to 12 CATS in UK).
c. Course curriculum similarity – at least 80% course content or 80%
of equivalent cognitive based course outcomes; and
d. Credit transfer courses must be of accredited or recognised
programmes from the authorized bodies in the respective country.

iii. Vertical Credit transfer policy is based on the following situation:

a. Maximum of 30% credit transfer from certificate to diploma level is

b. Maximum of 30% credit transfer from diploma to bachelor degree
is allowed. If the programme curricula has been designed (home-
grown or through formal collaboration partners) to ensure
continuity, coherence and completeness from diploma to
bachelor degree, the maximum credit transfer allowed is 50% OR
subjected to latest credit transfer policy set by Quality Assurance
Policy Review MOE-MQA.
c. Maximum of 50% credit transfer from advanced diploma
qualification (also has diploma qualification) or equivalent to
bachelor degree is allowed.
d. Credit transfer from a higher (e.g. bachelor) to a lower
qualification level (e.g. diploma) is not allowed.

iv. Horizontal credit transfer policy is based on the following situation:

 Credit transfer is not allowed for a student who has a qualification

(e.g. Diploma in Computer Technology) and wish to pursue the

same programme (e.g. Diploma in Computer Technology) in the
same or different EP.
 Credit transfer is allowed for a student who wants to change to
another programme in the same field. If the change is within the
same EP, there is no credit transfer limit, but it is subjected to the
established credit transfer requirement. On the other hand, if the
change is at a different EP, the percentage of the credit transfer
is subjected to the student’s residential requirement (residential
 Credit transfer (including compulsory courses) is not allowed for a
student who has failed in the programme of study and plans to
pursue the study in other programme at the same level of
academic qualification.
 Credit transfer is allowed to any students who discontinue the
programme of study and plan to resume the study but in other
programme at the same qualification level.
 Credit transfer is not allowed for students who failed their study
and want to resume the study but in other programme at the
same qualification level.

If the programme is taken in the same EP, no credit transfer limit is

subjected to credit transfer requirement.

If the programme is taken in different EP, credit transfer is subjected to

students’ residential year requirement.*

As a guide, typically the currency of knowledge for a programme is

approximately 5 years.

* Residential year an institution that confers academic qualifications are

as follows:

 Bachelor Degree : 1 year

 Diploma and Certificate : 1 semester (Long Semester –
between 5 and 6 months) Course Exemption

i. If the exemption of the courses will result in inadequate credit

fulfilment , students will have to take additional courses with credits to
replace the exempted courses, subject to the courses to be of the
same programme level.

9.3.3 Student Support Services and Extra-Curricular Activities

Suitable and sufficient support services for physical, social, financial,

recreational, counselling and health should be provided by EPs to the
students. Appropriate arrangement should be made in order to stimulate
and increase students’ participation in extra-curricular activities organized
by clubs and societies.

The EP shall make available with easy access the personal or psychological
counselling of career planning and employment advisory services for
students. Student Support Services should be supported with adequate and
qualified administrative personnel. The provided support services should be
supervised and benchmarked against other similar institutions, where
essential strategies should be established to boost the quality of services. Student Representative

The EP shall have well-defined regulations and processes for students to

establish the representative organisation especially in those areas that
affect their interest and welfare.

Established students’ representation organisation shall function well to

provide basic managerial and leadership experiences as well as
character building among the students.

Each EP is encouraged to establish the Student Technologist Chapter

among the students to motivate them progressing towards the goal of
being technologists. Alumni

EPs shall have active linkages with alumni to support the development of
the programme, to review and to continually improve the programme.
The programme shall have access to an updated registry of alumni which
contains information related to their latest employment, continuing study
and professional activities. In term of students’ linkage with alumni,
opportunities should be provided via suitable facilities and organizational

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9.4 Criteria 4: Teaching and Support Staff

EPs shall show that the teaching, technical and administrative staff are
adequate both from the quantity and quality perspectives. The objective
should be to provide excellent professional teaching and learning
experiences to facilitate the students’ development according to the
standards of MBOT.

9.4.1 Teaching Staff Qualification

EPs should have a recruitment policy, criteria and other related processes
for teaching staff. The recruitment process has to ensure that the fields of
expertise of the teaching staff are relevant to the programme being
offered. The academic qualification of the teaching staff has to be from
the accredited programmes and/ or reputable institutions.

For Bachelor’s degree programmes, the level of academic qualification

for the teaching staff has to be at least a Master’s degree OR a Bachelor’s
degree with a minimum of 3 years of industrial experience and related skills
relevant to the programme. However, this category of staff should consist
of 30% and less out of the total academic staff.

For Diploma programmes, the level of academic qualification for the

teaching staff has to be at least a Bachelor’s degree OR a Diploma with
a minimum of 3 years of industrial experience with relevant skills related to
the respective programme. However, this category of staff should consist
of 30% and less out of the total academic staff.

EPs must ensure all academic staff have appropriate competency levels
for teaching practical–oriented course within the programme.

If the teaching staff do not meet the required level of expertise for
instance if they are from a different field or their competency is lower than
the requirement, EPs should prepare them with upskilling/ reskilling
programmes with professional certificates or competency training from
dedicated reputable institutions. Additionally, such teaching staff should
be mentored by a suitable personnel at the industry to increase their skills.
In this regard, a systematic buddy system should be established by the EPs.
However, this category of staff should consist of 5% and less out of the total
academic staff.

For the industrial based learning or programme conducted through the
Industrial Mode/Apprenticeship, EPs must have a proper mutual
agreement with the respective industry. There should be a suitable industry
mentor appointed to assist the students with experiential learning at the
industry. The industry mentor should be trained by EPs to ensure learning
takes place as well as to validate assessments for the outcome
attainment. Industrial Experience and Professional Qualification

In line with the emphasis on industry relevant teaching and learning, at

least 5% of the teaching staff must have a minimum of 1 year industrial
experience in related fields. If this requirement is not met, then the EPs must
have an industrial attachment scheme in place. The scheme should
demonstrate a proper plan for the staff industrial attachment in which
they have to accumulate a year of industry experience for continuous
teaching and learning industry relevant, specialisation needs.

EP should ensure all qualified teaching staff to register as GT or QT, and

they must have a proper registration with the Board. If this is not met, EPs
must ensure the academic staff have a proper competency training
relevant to the programme.

At least ONE (1) teaching staff of the programme must be a Ts. or Tc.
registered under MBOT. If this is not met, EPs must show effort towards
complying with this criteria. Research, Publication, Product Development and Consultation

For EPs offering bachelor degree programmes, a clear policy on research,

publication, product development and consultation should be in place.

For EPs offering diploma or certificate programmes, a clear policy to

encourage research, publication, product development and
consultation should be established. Staff Student Ratio

Staff to student ratio is an important component in the effort to produce

competent graduates. To start a programme, the programme shall has a
minimum of full time staff in the relevant field as follow:

i. For Bachelor’s degree programmes, staff to student ratio should be at

least 1:15 with a minimum of 6 full time teaching staff in the field of

programme. (Note: 80 credits technology course. For technology, 1 full
time teaching staff is equivalent to 15 credits. Minimum full time staff =
80 / 15 = 5.3  6 staff).

ii. For Advanced Diploma programmes, staff to student ratio should be at

least 1:20 with a minimum of 2 full time teaching staff in the field of
programme. (Note: 20 credits technology course. For technology, 1 full
time teaching staff is equivalent to 15 credits. Minimum full time staff =
20 / 15 = 1.25  2 staff).

iii. For Diploma programmes, staff to student ratio should be at least 1:20
with a minimum of 4 full time teaching staff in the field of programme.
(Note: 60 credits technology course. For technology, 1 full time
teaching staff is equivalent to 15 credits. Minimum full time staff = 60 /
15 = 4 staff).

iv. For Certificate programmes, staff to student ratio should be at least 1:20
with a minimum of 2 full time teaching staff in the field of programme.
(Note: 30 credits technology course. For technology, 1 full time
teaching staff is equivalent to 15 credits. Minimum full time staff = 30 /
15 = 2 staff).

For full time and part time staff ratio, at least 60% of the teaching staff is

9.4.2 Technical Support Staff

Technical support staff is classified as the staff who are not directly involved
in teaching students. Rather, they assist the teaching staff during the
teaching and learning activities to ensure effective delivery. Qualification

EPs shall have a recruitment policy and criteria for the technical support
staff. The qualification of the support staff should be relevant to the
intended job specifications. All qualified technical support staff in the
programme must be registered as QT under MBOT. If this is not met, EPs
must plan for the technical support staff to attend and complete a proper
competency training relevant to the job scopes. Facility Staffing

Each teaching facility has to be adequately staffed to enable its intended

function and compliance to safety requirement.

9.4.3 Administrative Support Staffs

Apart from the teaching and technical support staff, EPs must also allocate
a sufficient number of administrative support staff for the programme to run
smoothly. Qualification

EPs must have a recruitment policy and criteria for administrative support
staff. The qualification of the support staff should be relevant to the
intended job specifications.

9.4.4 Staff Development and Training

EPs shall have a mechanism for continuous staff development. In addition,

EPs shall have a mechanism for the career development of the technical
support staff.

9.4.5 Staff Industry Engagement

Industry engagement is an important exercise to ensure that teaching staff

stay relevant with the industry developments. EPs must provide a clear
guideline in encouraging industry engagement among both teaching and
technical support staff.

EPs shall have a continuous industry engagement to ensure teaching and

learning activities are industry-relevant.

9.4.6 Staff Evaluation

EPs must have in place an assessment system for the annual evaluation of
all staff. EPs should also have a system for the evaluation of teaching staff
by the students.

9.4.7 Educators Certification

All teaching and support staff who are directly involved in teaching and
learning must undergo a structured teaching and learning training prior to
engaging in teaching and learning activities. If this is not met, EPs must show
a proper planning and execution to ensure this has taken place.

It is highly encouraged for the teaching and support staff to obtain

teaching and learning training and/or certification from MBOT or other
respective body recognised by MBOT. Otherwise, structured internal
teaching and learning training is required to be conducted.

9.5 Criteria 5: Educational Resources

Educational resources are physical, research and development facilities, as

well as financial resources to support the delivery of a programme. The
programme shall have enough and appropriate educational resources to
ensure its effective delivery.

It is important that students utilize and benefit from the educational resources
made available. It is also compulsory that the safety, environmental,
sustainability, cultural, professional, ethical and legal factors are taken into
consideration in the planning and operation of the educational resources.

9.5.1 Physical Educational Facilities

Physical facilities are the structure in which learning activities take place.
This includes, but not limited to, classrooms, workshops, laboratories,
libraries, internet connections, software, and relevant equipment. The
programme should ensure the quality, availability, relevancy and utilization
of the facilities.

Adequate and suitable experimental and practical facilities should be

accessible since technology programmes acquire substantial practice-
oriented learning. This is to ensure that the students receive vital experience
in practice-oriented learning and in the understanding of and operating
the technology/technical apparatus/equipment as well as in designing
and performing experiments. The equipment should rationally illustrate the
modern technology practices preferably of High Technology (HT) and High
Value (HV).

The programmes shall have adequate physical facilities including:

1. Lecture Rooms (with good audio-visual resource);

2. Labs / workshops / studios (where essential and in line with the
requirements of the programme);
3. Modelling Lab;
4. Tutorial / Discussion Rooms;
5. Activity Rooms;
6. Library Facilities (containing online resources);
7. Internet Access;
8. Adequate access to appropriate software and hardware
corresponding to the needs of the programme;
9. General / Specialised components / equipment similar to the
industrial usage (1 set of apparatus should be provided to each
practical session for a group of not more than 4 students); and

10. Experimental laboratory for practical work should specialize the
technical fields within the programme.

In order to assist the students’ life on campus and to establish the

development of self-character, reinforced facilities such as hostels,
cafeteria, CCTV, sport and recreational centres, health centres, student
centres, and transportation should be satisfactory.

9.5.2 Research and Development

For EPs offering bachelor degree programmes, research and development

facilities must be in the structure in which research and development take
place. This includes having access to the latest technical publications,
dedicated laboratories to run controlled experiments and workshops for
development of activities.

The programme should ensure that research and development are part of
the learning ecosystem. The programmes shall have adequate research
laboratory and equipment relevant to the learning activities.

For EPs offering advanced diploma programmes and lower, research and
development facilities are encouraged and could be geared towards
cultivating the research and innovation culture.

9.5.3 Financial Resources

Financial resources includes all financial funds of the organization to

conduct the programme. There should be some allocations for the
operation and maintenance of the programme. The programme shall
demonstrate financial viability and sustainability for the programme.

The department must have a certain degree of responsibility and authority

in budgeting and distributing resource for smooth progress of the
programme. The department should also possess systematic procedures to
manage financial resources which are sufficient and effectively sustained.
EPs must demonstrate financial viability and sustainability for the

9.6 Criteria 6 : Programme Management

Programme management is the control of resources of the programme

including staff, financial and facilities for the purpose of achieving its
objectives. Programme management requires good governance, inspiring
leadership and detailed record management while adopting a work culture
that is professional, ethical, seeks continuous improvement and emphasizes
safety, environmental and sustainable factors.

9.6.1 Programme Governance

Governance is the structure, policy and procedures that governs a

programme. The programme shall have a formal governance structure in
which a programme is supported by the staff or committee performing
various function.

A collection of policies, principles, rules, and guidelines are designed or

adapted by the programme to achieve its long-term objectives. The
policies must be advertised and be readily accessible. Procedures are
defined as the specialized approaches engaged to articulate policies in
action in day-to-day operations of the programme. In order to regulate all
major decisions and actions, the department shall possess formalized
policies and procedures.

9.6.2 Programme Leadership

Leadership at departmental level is required to provide guidelines and

directions as well as to manage finances and other resources. The
leadership is also vital to ensure the programme stays aligned to its mission,
identity and the requirement of stakeholders. Programme leadership
acquires a person who may conduct all the essential curriculum supervision
and analyses towards a new establishment in the field. The department
shall have a dedicated leader in related field. The criteria for selection of a
programme leader is as follows:

Certificate and Diploma

Bachelor’s Degree in related field with THREE (3) years of relevant
academic experience, preferably with a PT (Ts.) or Diploma in related field
with FIVE (5) years of relevant academic experience, preferably with a CT

Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree in related field with THREE (3) years of relevant academic
experience, preferably with a PT (Ts.) or Bachelor’s Degree in related field

with FIVE (5) years of relevant academic experience, preferably with a PT

9.6.3 Record Management

Record management denotes a set of activities for efficient monitoring of

the creation, distribution, usage, maintenance, and disposition of recorded
information declared as a documentation of the programme activities and
transactions. The department shall maintain the students’ records related
to their admission, performance, completion and graduation and preserve
these records for future references.

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9.7 Criteria 7: Quality Management System

EPs shall have systematic and coordinated activities in place to achieve its
educational objectives. Elements of quality management system includes
governance and institutional supports, stakeholders’ involvement, curriculum
review, as well as facilities planning and management.

9.7.1 Quality Assurance

Governance and institutional support shall be sufficient to protect and

improve the programme quality to satisfy the needs of stakeholders. Governance Support

Governance which reflects leadership of the EP shall emphasise

excellence and scholarship.

Leadership at a departmental level should portray clear-cut procedures

and directions, develop relationships among distinguished stakeholders in
relation to collegiality and clarity, manage finances and other resources
with responsibility, simulate partnership with significant stakeholders in
educational delivery, research and also consultancy.

EPs should also abide by the policies and practice good governance in
accordance to the institutional acts.

Adequate autonomy shall be granted to the department to carry out its

responsibility effectively. Institutional Support and Resources

Adequate resources including institutional services, financial support, and

staff (both administrative and technical) shall be provided to meet the
needs of the programme.

These resources must be adequate to draw attention to, maintain, award

and administer the continued professional establishment of the staff.

Available resources should be adequate to acquire, maintain, and

operate infrastructures, facilities, and equipment suitable for the
programme, and to create an environment where students’ outcomes
can be accomplished.

9.7.2 Stakeholder’s Engagement for Programme Review

Feedback from stakeholders including students, alumni, employers,

professional bodies, teaching staff, and informed citizens shall be obtained
to continually improve the quality of a programme.

In order to institutionalise the feedback mechanism, EPs should establish at

least the following committees;

i. Programme advisory committee

ii. Student representatives
iii. Examination body Programme advisory committee

A Programme advisory committee shall comprise of professionals, industry

representatives, external academic evaluators, subject-matter experts,
alumni and other relevant stakeholders. Student Representatives

Currently enrolled students shall provide feedback on the quality of

programmes and any other issues at least once in a semester.

9.7.3 Monitoring, Review and Evaluation

Programmes shall continually be monitored, reviewed and evaluated.

Aspects of programme to be monitored, reviewed and evaluated includes
the EP’s governance, institutional processes, curriculum components
(outcomes, content, delivery and assessment), as well as students and
graduates achievement.

The department shall monitor, review and evaluate curriculum structure

and processes, students’ performance and graduates’ employability.
Mechanisms shall be in place to monitor and evaluate the graduates
learning outcomes. Examination Committee

The Examination Committee shall monitor, evaluate and review

performance of students in each programme.
The committee shall meet at the end of every semester to review the
students’ achievement and performance.

9.7.4 Benchmarking

Benchmarking process on the quality management system should be

employed by EPs in order to ensure that the programme offered is of
comparable quality to that of good standing education institutions.

9.7.5 Continual Quality Improvement

The programme shall regularly and systematically be assessed and

evaluated for continual improvement.

EPs shall provide evidence on the efforts in keeping abreast with latest
technological changes and stakeholders’ needs. These must be presented
by, but not restricted to:

i. A comprehensive curriculum and core courses review at least once

every programme cycle;
ii. Quality evaluation by external advisor at least once in every 2 years;
iii. Quality evaluation by industry advisor at least once in every 2 years;
iv. Progressive evaluation of practical and industrial attachment
practices and records;
v. Preventive maintenance/maintenance/calibration of equipment at
regular intervals;
vi. Linkages and involvement with industry;
vii. Dialogue sessions with stakeholders at least once every programme
viii. Presentations by either local or international keynote speakers
possessing relevant expertise ;
ix. Active academic staff participations in relevant
conferences/seminars/workshops/short courses;
x. Organisation of conferences/seminars/workshops.

(The rest of this page is intentionally left blank)

10.0 Accreditation

10.1 Introduction

Programme accreditation is carried out through three stages of evaluation,

namely Provisional Accreditation, Full Accreditation and Re-Accreditation.
Each stage has a different quality focus depending on the state of
development, delivery and progression of the programme.

Provisional Accreditation emphasises on the design of curriculum and the

preparatory arrangements for the programme delivery. Full Accreditation
verifies the delivery of the programme and the availability of the support
systems, while New Cycle Accreditation examines the programme
sustainability based on the quality maintenance and enhancement.

10.2 Accreditation Process

There are differences between the three stages of accreditation although

they possess many common processes. The differences are illustrated in the
following description of the process and timeline.

Once the EP submits the corresponding documents for evaluation purposes,

TTAC then analyses the documents to ensure that it is complete. TTAC then
assigns an Accreditation Panel (AP) and performs the evaluation exercise
corresponding to the designated timeline and process.

10.2.1 Provisional Accreditation

When the application is thought-out as complete for Provisional

Accreditation of a programme from the EP, TTAC will then conduct the
assessment procedures. Once the completion of the assessment process is
considered successful, TTAC will then award the Provisional Accreditation
to the programme. The flow chart of the Provisional Accreditation process
is illustrated in Appendix C.

A conventional timeline for a Provisional Accreditation process is illustrated

in Table 6.0.

(The rest of this page is intentionally left blank)

Table 6.0 Typical Timeline and Process for Provisional Accreditation

Week Activities and Responsibilities

1  EP hands over a complete application to TTAC

- files the application
- determines the specific programme out of the 23 MBOT
field technology and technical programmes
- forwards the application to the corresponding officer
- determines if the information handed over is complete and
informs the EP that the assessment procedure will take
2  TTAC:
- assigns members of accreditation panel (AP)
- submits the application to the AP
3–6  AP then assembles the evaluation report
(a coordination meeting is arranged between TTAC, EP and
the AP if necessary)
 AP submits the evaluation report to TTAC
7–8 (A site visit is conducted at this point if it is acquired)
(Coordination meeting between EP, TTAC and the AP, is
conducted if necessary)
 Chairman of the AP:
- panel members then sorts out the collection of the reports
- hands over the assessment report to TTAC
- TTAC verifies the assessment report and hands it over to the
9–10  EP then provides feedback regarding the evaluation report to
11–14  TTAC submits the feedback to the Panel Chairman
 Chairman then assesses the feedback provided.
 TTAC Vetting Committee will then inspect the report before it
is ready for submission to the Accreditation Committee
 TTAC prepares the report and make suggestions to the
Accreditation Committee Meeting
15  TTAC:
- notifies the EP of the decision of the Accreditation
Committee to grant or deny Provisional Accreditation

10.2.2 Full Accreditation and Re -Accreditation

When the first cohort of students reaching their final year, an application for
Full Accreditation is conducted. Full Accreditation requires a site visit by the
AP. The Full Accreditation procedure can be categorized into three
fundamental categories which includes before, during and after the site
evaluation visit. A flow chart for Full Accreditation process is provided in
Appendix C.

Re-Accreditation is divided into two stages, namely New Cycle

Accreditation and Continuing Accreditation. New Cycle Accreditation
applies a process similar to Full Accreditation. Its evaluation focuses on the
relevancy and sustainability of the accredited programmes. Continuing
Accreditation process is when EP do not complete 5 or 6 years full
accreditation, in which they need to apply for Continuing Accreditation
based on conditions provided below. The flow chart for Continuing
Accreditation process is illustrated in Appendix D.

i. Rubric for accreditation forwarding to complete 5 Years / 6 Years of

full Accreditation after obtaining a full Accreditation of the new
cycle applies to a programme that has been accredited.
ii. EP must apply for accreditation forwarding to obtain full
Accreditation 6 months before expiry of accreditation period or with
the approval of TTAC.
iii. EP has to submit the compliance feedback to the terms and
recommendations of the previous accreditation improvement.
iv. MBOT will appoint one of the panels (The Chairman of the previous
accreditation assessment is prioritized) to conduct the compliance
assessment and improvement.
v. The appointed panel will produce a pre - visit report and
recommend to the TTAC of the MBOT assessment audit requirements
either desktop audit or audit visit.
vi. MBOT has the right to determine the accreditation forwarding
evaluation method and the appointed panel will need to prepare a
report of the proposal for the extension or rejection of accreditation
vii. Any delays need to be approved by TTAC.
viii. Accreditation forwarding application can only be applied once. Before the Evaluation Visit

Table 7.0 describes the preparatory stage before the evaluation visit.

Table 7.0 Typical Timeline prior to Evaluation Visit

Activities and Responsibilities
8-7  EP submits a complete Full Accreditation/ Re-Accreditation
application to TTAC
- records the application
- determines the specific programme out of the 23 MBOT field
technology and technical programmes
- forwards the application to the corresponding officer
- determines if the information handed
over is complete
- informs the EP that the evaluation process will be

Note: TTAC will notify EP to submit the application for Re-

6  TTAC:
- assigns the members of the AP
- sends out the application to the AP
5-1 - APs prepares the initial evaluation report
- TTAC, EP and the APs decide on a date for evaluation visit
to the EP
- APs holds a preparatory meeting
- APs sends the preliminary evaluation report to TTAC

The Panel of Assessors Preparatory Meeting

A Preparatory Meeting with the AP is administered preferably two weeks

before the visit upon accepting the initial report from each panel
members. In this meeting, the AP will:

i. share each other’s point of views regarding the EP’s documents;

ii. signify the fundamental issues for evaluation purpose;
iii. analyse the assessments’ processes;
iv. seeks for any additional information, clarification or documentation
required from the EP; and
v. analyse the itinerary for the programme’s evaluation visit.

Following the Preparatory Meeting, if necessary, TTAC will seek for any
additional information, clarifications or request for specific
documentations from the EP.

42 During the Evaluation Visit

The primary objective of the site evaluation visit by the AP is to verify the
statements, descriptions and conclusions to be suggested for improving
the activities as presented in the PSRR as well as to obtain additional insight
of the programme's operations via first-hand investigation and personal
interaction. A visit verifies a qualitative evaluation of those factors that are
not smoothly documented in a written form and this may include facilities

Visits can be conducted from two to three days subject to the scope of
the visit. Table 8.0 demonstrates a typical 2-day visit schedule.

Table 8.0 Typical Schedule for an Evaluation Visit

Visit Day 1 date to be determined)

Time Activity Location
The institution picks Administration
0800 up the panels from will inform the -
Hotel location/
Briefing to the
panel / discussion
session /
examine the
materials given for EPs will inform Panel
0830 – 0900
reference the location. members only
(such as the project
reports and
The host organizes
a welcoming
ceremony. The
Institution is usually
EPs will inform members,
0900 – 1000 represented by a
the location. host and
Senior University
liaison staff
representative, for
example the VC or
1000 - 1015 Morning Break EPs will inform University will

the location. insert the
Meeting with the University will
EPs will inform
1015 - 1100 Course insert the
the location.
Coordinators attendees
Meeting with the
teaching staff University will
EPs will inform
1100 - 1230 together with the insert the
the location.
casual teaching attendees
Meeting with the University will
EPs will inform
1230 - 1300 students’ insert the
the location.
representative attendees
EPs will inform
1300 - 1400 Break -
the location.
Meeting with the University will
EPs will inform
1400 - 1530 students and insert the
the location.
graduates attendees
Campus Tour (Labs,
Computer Lab, University will
EPs will inform
1530 -1700 Library, teaching / insert the
the location.
learning / work attendees
spaces as relevant
1700 End of first day visit
Visit Day 2 (date to be determined)

Time Activity Location
The institution picks Administration
0800 -
up panels from Hotel will insert the
0830 – 0900 AP Meeting members
will insert the
University will
EPs will inform
0900 – 1100 Document Review insert the
the location.
Meeting with Attendees to
Programme Team, EPs will inform be inserted
1100 - 1300
Counsellors and the location. by
Other Support Staff University

(If necessary)
EPs will inform
1300 - 1400 Break -
the location.
EPs will inform
1400 - 1530 AP finalises findings members
the location.
Exit Meeting at EPs will inform
1530 - 1630 programme
programme level the location.
owner (two
Exit Meeting at EP EPs will inform host and
1630 - 1700
level the location. liaison staff
(one way
End of Visit Administration
1700 -
Accreditation will insert the
The itinerary arranged complies with the specific audit priorities, issues and
availability of evidences as agreed by TTAC, AP and EP.

EP provides background information on the institution and programme

during the opening meeting.
In order to resolve issues regarding the efficiency of the programme in
accomplishing its objectives, the panel perform interviews with staff,
students and other corresponding stakeholders.

The main objective of the site visit is to obtain in-depth information with
regards to the administrative and educational aspects of the programme
to be audited. The first stage of the visit is the opening meeting in which
the top management of the EP, the faculty/ department offering the
programme as well as those of relevant departments will be present. They
will provide background information on the institution, details on the
respective faculty and the programme to be audited. It should be noted
that prior to having the opening meeting, all panels will have a brief
discussion to establish a common understanding of the programme and
to agree on the activities throughout the visit.

After the opening meeting, interviews will be conducted with various
parties to clarify any issues related the programme. They include the
academic staff, the support service staff, current students, alumni and
student representatives. All related supportive documents provided by the
EP will also be scrutinised. These include, but not limited to, records of
minutes of meetings, external evaluators’ reports, assessments processes
and procedures, and examinations papers. Evaluations of facilities like
classrooms, labs, library, strong room, etc. are also conducted during the
site visit.

The Oral Exit Report at Programme Level

During the exit meeting at programme level, the chairperson provides

feedback to the programme owner orally. The feedback comprises the
findings of key information such as the programme’s areas of strengths,
the areas of concern and any opportunities for improvement. Also, the
members of the meeting representing the EP are allowed to give
clarifications in response to the feedback given by the chairperson during
the exit meeting. Further information gathered during the exit meeting will
also be considered for inclusion in the Final Evaluation written report by
the chairperson.

The Oral Exit Report at Institutional Level

During the exit meeting at institutional level, the chairperson provides brief
feedback to the EP orally. The feedback comprises the findings of key
information such as the programme’s strengths, area of concerns and
opportunities for improvement. This exit report normally conducted in one
way feedback since the details has been discussed at the programme
level and the details of feedbacks will be covered in final report. After the Evaluation Visit

Table 9.0 describes the activities undertaken after the evaluation visit.

Table 9.0 Typical Timeline for Post Evaluation Visit

Weeks Activities and Responsibilities
1-2  An individual report is produced by each assessor. The
report will be then sorted by the chairperson of the AP and
presented to TTAC.
3-4  For the verification of facts, TTAC submits the final
evaluation report to the EP.

5-6  EP gives feedback on the final evaluation report to TTAC.

7-10  The feedback to chairperson/assessor is sent to TTAC.

 The feedback is then evaluated by the
 The report is then reviewed by TTAC Vetting
Committee which is then ready for submission to the
Accreditation Committee.
 TTAC finalizes the report and recommends decisions to the
Accreditation Committee.
11-12 • TTAC:
- The decision of the Accreditation Committee is notified to
the EP.

Note: These timelines exclude additional time that may occur as a result
of several factors, e.g. visit arrangements, delay in gaining feedback, etc.

The Draft Evaluation Report

The report is prepared by the chairperson in full consultation and

cooperation of all the panel members to make sure that it reflects an
overall view of the AP. The draft will be sent to the EP for feedback before
the report is concluded. The EP then verifies on the credible matters of the
draft which is then returned to TTAC within a particular time frame.

The Final Evaluation Report

At the end of the visit, the panels may reach conclusions of the running of
the programme as evident from the interview data, the related
documents and observations. The panels will provide a report consisting
of commendations of the programme, feedback to the areas of concern,
and recommendations for improvement.

10.3 Accreditation Application

The EP should apply for programme accreditation as per the requirements of

Section 9 of the TTAC Manual. The processes demonstrating Application for
Accreditation and Approval of Technology and Technical Programmes are
shown in Appendices B-E.

10.4 The Accreditation Panel

For the purpose of either obtaining a Provisional Accreditation, Full

Accreditation or Re – Accreditation of programmes, EPs will make
submissions to TTAC through MQA. Assessment for Provisional Accreditation,

Full Accreditation and Re - Accreditation depend on the information given
in SRR, respectively. These assessments also depend on other documents
submitted, which are additionally supported by observation, written and oral
evidence, as well as personal interactions during the evaluation visit by
assessors assigned by TTAC.

Programmes are fundamentally assessed or evaluated for the accreditation

or maintenance of accreditation purpose. In this section, the terms of
assessment and evaluation are utilized correspondently.

In general, the respective EP and its relevant departments are expected to

have mechanisms in place for verification and also to be able to
demonstrate to the APs that the procedures are effectively utilised and that
there are plans to refine any shortfalls.

The main task of the APs is to certify that the policies and standards are in
agreement, and that the processes, mechanisms and resources are suitable
for the efficiency of the programme delivery. Verification involves assessment
of the efficiency of the quality assurance procedures. The assessors
investigate the executions of these procedures in relation to the
accomplishment of the expected programme learning outcomes.

The members of the AP are nominated depending on the type, level and
discipline of the programme to be assessed, as well as the availability,
suitability, expertise, experience and neutrality of the prospective panel
members. Personal and General Attributes of Assessors

Assessors should be proficient, open-minded, possess high level of

maturity, good speakers as well as good listeners. They must also have fair
intuition skills, analytical skills and they should be diligent and able to
perceive situations in a common sense way, acknowledge the complex
operations from a broad perspective, and value the roles of individuals in
the organization.

The descriptions of assessors as such mean that they will:

i. Gain and evaluate objective evidence equitably;

ii. be honest towards the intention of the assessments’ exercise;
iii. evaluate the observations and personal interactions during the visit
iv. consider the concerns of the institution in such a way that will
definitely accomplish the objective of the evaluation;

v. give thorough attention and supports the evaluation procedures
without being bias;
vi. react professionally in offensive situations;
vii. reach general objective and conclusions based on the rational
considerations; and
viii. remain persistent in the final decision even though the pressure to
change the decision is extremely high.

Nevertheless, it may not be necessary for all panel members to possess all
the characteristics and experiences required on an assessor, but as a
group, the panels must possess the qualities which should be inclusive of
some or all of the following attributes outlined below:

i. Higher education qualification or further education and training

aspects which includes:

a. Reasonable subject knowledge and teaching experiences

b. Knowledge on the curriculum design and delivery
c. Programme leadership or management experience
d. Knowledge of higher education or further education and
training, which include the understanding of responsibilities and
requirements related to the programme and organisational
e. Experiences in research and scholarly activities

ii. Quality evaluation aspects:

a. Understanding of the context as well as the environment in which

the department operates
b. Commitment towards the principles of quality including the
quality assurance in higher education
c. Knowledge in quality assurance, methods as well as
d. Experiences and skills in reviewing and accreditation procedures
e. Capability in describing procedures to outputs as well as
f. Ability to communicate efficiently
g. Competence in assessing quality assurance processes and
techniques, and proposing good practices and methods for
h. Capability to work in a team

iii. Personal aspects:

a. Integrity
b. Diplomacy
c. Timeliness
d. Breadth and depth of perspective
e. Commitment and diligence Responsibilities of the assessors

Assessors are responsible for:

i. Abiding with the assessments’ requirements;

ii. Communicating and certifying assessments’ requirements;
iii. Carrying out the responsibilities effectively and efficiently;
iv. Recording all observations;
v. Reporting the evaluation outcomes;
vi. Conserving the documents pertaining to the accreditation
vii. Protecting the confidentiality of the documents;
viii. Handling Confidential? information with caution; and
ix. Assisting and supporting the Chairperson.

Assessors should:

i. stay within the scope of the programme accreditation;

ii. exercise objectivity;
iii. sort and analyse evidences that are related and adequate
enough to make conclusions related to the quality system;
iv. stay alert to any indications of evidences that may influence the
results and possibly require further assessment; and
v. respond in an ethical manner at all times.

10.4.2 Conflict of Interest

Prospective assessors will have to acknowledge their interest in the

institution. If the potential assessor has a direct interest, TTAC can expel
him/her from being considered to be an assessor. Additionally, the EP may
register its objections to the appointment. If the EP does not agree with the
potential assessor, the reasons and justifications for its objection must be
provided. Note that, the final decision on the selection of a particular
person as an assessor depends on TTAC.

Conflict of interest can be classified as either personal, professional or

i. Personal conflict consists of animosity or close relationship between

the assessor and the Chief Executive Officer or other senior
managers of the EP, or being connected to one, or being a
graduate of the programme, or having a close relative in the
programme, or if an assessor is extremely biased for, or against, the
EP due to some previous occasions.
ii. Professional conflict may occur if the assessor used to fail a position
applied for at the EP, or is a current applicant or a candidate for a
position at the EP, or is a senior advisor, examiner or consultant to the
EP, or is recently attached to an EP that is competing with the one
being assessed.
iii. Ideological conflict is based on the differences in world views and
value systems. An example of this type of conflict would be such that
the assessor is lack of sympathy to the style, ethos, type or political
inclination of the particular EP.

10.4.3 Members of the Panel of Assessors

Possible members of the AP are elected from the TTAC Register of Assessors.
The selection criteria of the assessors depend on the type of the
programme, the features of the EP, and the panels who have relevant
background and experiences

It is important that the members of the AP work together in a team, and do

not make assumptions on the programme being assessed, nor appear to
be prejudice of their own specialty and/ or the practices of their respective
EP. All communications between the EP and members of the panel must
be made through TTAC. The Chairperson

The chairperson is the main person in the accreditation process and must
have experiences as an assessor or evaluator. It is the Chair’s responsibility
to bring an atmosphere in which intellectual, professional discussions may
take place, such that opinions or discussions may be liberally and
considerately exchanged, and in which integrity and transparency
succeed. Generally, the success of the accreditation exercise depends
on the chairperson’s capability in facilitating the panel to perform their
tasks as a team rather than as individuals, as well as to reveal the best in
those whom the panel meets.

The chairperson is also responsible to assure that the oral exit report
summarises precisely the findings of the visit and is persistent with the
reporting framework. The chairperson then demonstrates the oral exit
report which outlines the tentative outputs of the team to the
corresponding EP. The chairperson also possesses a major role in the
construction of the written report and in assuring that the oral exit report is
not prepared differently from the final report.

The chairperson is expected to sort out the reports of the panel members
and to work closely with them to complete the draft report within a
particular time frame. The chairperson is also responsible in arranging the
contributions from other team members and to assure that the overall
report is evidence-based, standard-referenced, coherent, logical and
internally persistent. The Panel Members

Panel members are elected based on the expertise and the experience
in enabling the accreditation processes to be conducted efficiently.
In assessing the EP’s application for Provisional, Full Accreditation or Re –
Accreditation of a programme, the panel members must:

i. evaluate the programme to ensure the compliance with the MQF,

recent policies, programme standards and the seven criteria of
assessment, as well as against the educational goals of the EP and
the programme objectives and findings;
ii. certify and evaluate all information regarding the programme sent
by the EP, and the suggested improvement plans;
iii. point out issues related to the Programme Self-Review Report (if
applicable) which requires attention that would help in its effort
towards continuity of the quality improvement; and
iv. achieve a judgment.

10.4.4 The Roles and Responsibilities of the Panel of Assessors

The related documents sent by the EP to TTAC for the application of

Provisional or Full Accreditation, or Re-Accreditation of a programme will
be circulated to the members of the AP. The roles and responsibilities of AP
in assessing the programme and preparing a final report may be
distinguished by application, i.e., Provisional or Full Accreditation, or Re-

52 Provisional Accreditation

AP is responsible to evaluate the proposed programme in terms of the

MQF, Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation, programme
standards, programme learning outcomes, programme educational
objectives and compliance with existing policies.

The assessment focuses on the soundness of the curriculum and the

readiness of the EP to offer it. A visit by APs to the EP to examine facilities is
needed for professional programmes and where acquired by the
programme standards. The evaluation report must summarise the
strengths and weaknesses of the suggested programme and propose
recommendations and suggestions for its approval or rejection. Full Accreditation or Re-Accreditation

The roles and responsibilities of AP in assessing a programme and

preparing a final report may be classified into a few stages which consists
of prior to the site visit, preparatory meeting, during the site visit and after
the site visit.

i. Prior to the Site Visit

Prior to the site visit, the panels are required to scrutinise the
information in the documents submitted by EP, which include the
programme information and the programme self-review report
(SRR). This is an important step by the panels to start familiarising
with the policies, processes and any issues related to the EP with
regards to the programme to be accredited.

The panels will examine the information presented in the

documents including the quality management systems and the
plans of the programme in achieving its objectives. This is to allow
the panels to mould their views with objectivity. They will then
analyse the SRR to determine the extent of the quality of the self-

An assessor's analysis of the Programme Information and the SRR

must yield:

a. an understanding in the main characteristics of the EP and

department related to the programme evaluation;
b. the description of the matters for investigation which arise from
these characteristics or aspects; and the explanation of other

relevant ideas regarding the strengths, concerns, quality system
and suggestions for improvements to the programme.

In preparation for the site visit, the panels may require the EP to:

i. provide additional information or clarification given in the SRR,

ii. supply all information required during the site visit particularly if
the amount is large,
iii. prepare responses related to aspects that can be of concern,
iv. determine the relevant persons or groups to be interviewed.

Each assessor is required to prepare an initial evaluation report to

be sent to TTAC and to be distributed among panel members at
least a week before the site visit. The report basically will address
major topics or concerns determined by the assessors. Having the
report earlier will allow for the preparatory meeting during the site
visit to focus on the issues identified throughout the reading of the
initial evaluation report.

ii. During the Site Visit

The first process during the site visit is to hold a Preparatory Meeting
among the panel of assessors. Panel members will share their views
of the reading, discuss the areas of concerns and outline the extra
information required to be supplied by the respective department.

The main purposes of the Preparatory Meeting is to:

a. comprehend the purpose, context and parameters of the

programme or department;
b. sort out and certify issues, aspects and concerns;
c. determine the extra information or documentation required;
d. allocate any particular responsibilities of AP during the visit; and
e. revise the audit plan in accordance to the needs of the

At the Preparatory Meeting, certain issues or aspects may have

been raised or could have been resolved ahead. However, if there
occur differences in views or issues, it can be resolved at the end of
the evaluation visit. Note that, it is crucial that the assessors maintain
their professionalism since this may acquire some debate among
the assessors. This is to prevent a public presentation of the

unanimity lack as well as to prevent wasting the short time available
for interaction with members of the department and the EP.

In group discussions, panel members must work with and through

the Chair without being extra formal. Members must be respectful
towards the agenda agreed by the panel for various meetings, and
stand by the chairperson as he counterpart the pace of the
meeting according to the size of its agenda.

During the interviews with members of the department, the panel

must certify aspects and find explanations, justifications and more
information. It is crucial to demonstrate an atmosphere for genuine
dialogue. All questioning must be accurate, fair and persistent.
Specifically, panel members should:

a. investigate discrepancies between written and verbal outputs;

b. look for interpretation and validation when necessary;
c. listen as well as ask;
d. focus more on major compare to minor issues;
e. take part in a collaborative behaviour;
f. be mindful that the dynamics of the panel and its relation to
the staff of the department changes accordingly and
developed during the visit; and
g. put interviewees at ease to assure their thorough and active

Panel members can also offer occasional recommendations where

necessary, without shifting into the role of a consultant. The panel
must try their best to unearth and consider all information related to
the audit. The panel utilises various questioning styles to collect the
information it acquires, ranging from discursive to directive.

To attend a specific issue, the panel should start by collecting

information via open-ended questions, and then examines the
issue further by penetrating via other questions depending on the
answers to the first question. This will lead to the usage of closed
questions, and finally to affirm the impression obtained.

The panel takes into consideration of both quantitative and

qualitative data, seeks for particular strengths or areas for
improvement and points out examples of good practices. The work
of the panel depends on well-chosen samples obtained within the
scope of the evaluation or assessment. The samples selected
occurs at two levels. The first appears from the assessors' analyses

of the programme information and PSRR. At this level, specific areas
can be determined as crucial or problematic and therefore is
selected for further investigation. This process is sometimes known
as scoping.

On the other hand, at the second level, the panel then make
decisions on what documentary or oral evidence is necessary to be
sampled within these areas. Some sampling may be conducted to
verify information which has already been demonstrated in the
PSRR. If this clarifies the information, the panel can then use the
remaining of the report with confidence in its correctness and
completeness, and prevent the repetition of collection of
information that is already available in the EP's written documents.

Even though a panel may not cover all issues thoroughly, it still
merges into some issues via a process denoted as tracking or
trailing. This form of sampling concentrates on specific issues and
attends it thoroughly via few layers of the organisation. For
example, to determine that procedures are being applied, a
selection of reports related to a specific programme may be
desired, and the way an issue is addressed in them would be
traced. Apart from that, another instances would be the
determination of a system-wide issue, for example the way in which
students’ assessments of teaching are managed. A department
should be notified in advance of the areas in which this method is
to be utilised so that sufficient documentation and personnel are
readily available to the panel. Note that, some materials are
acquired to be supplied in advance of the visit.

Triangulation is a method of investigation of an issue by considering

information from sources of distinguished types such as examining
the approaches held about it by different individuals in the
organisation. For example, certain policies and their application
can be reviewed with the senior management, with other staff and
with students to determine if the various opinions on, and
experiences of, the policy and its workings are persistent.

Aspects of a programme can be determined via committee

minutes, courses and teaching assessments, programme reviews,
reports of external accreditation, external examiners and external
advisors. The panel must figure out where inconsistencies are
crucial and are detracting from the accomplishment of the
programme’s objectives. The panel can also make effort in
detecting the reasons for such inconsistencies. If an interviewee

makes a particular criticism, the panel must certify if this is a general

Panel members must then plan and concentrates their questions

and must avoid:

a. inquiring multiple questions;

b. using too much preamble to questions;
c. utilising anecdotes or making speeches;
d. outlining the situation in their own organisation; and
e. giving advice (recommendations for improvement and
examples of good practice elsewhere may be included in the
Evaluation Report).

The questioning and discussion should always be unbiased and

polite. It should, however, be accurate and concise, as the
Evaluation Report should demonstrate the panel’s view of the
programme with respect to both strengths and weaknesses, and
not only outline a well-constructed facade.

The panel should also gather convincing evidence during the

evaluation visit. The evidence-gathering process must be thorough,
accurate and precise.

The panel must achieve a clear and well-founded conclusions

within the terms of reference of the programme accreditation.

Note: To assist AP during the evaluation visit, TTAC officer usually

accompanies AP throughout the visit.

iii. After the Evaluation Visit

Panel members must then make contribution, read and comment

on the drafts of the Evaluation Report prepared by the chairperson
as soon as after the evaluation visit. Panel members must be
satisfied with the Evaluation Report in terms of its accuracy and
balance. It is also advisable for the AP to complete the Evaluation
Report at the end of the evaluation visit. TTAC will then perform an
assessment of efficiency of the AP upon the submission of the
Evaluation Report. The Report will be then sent to the TTAC
Accreditation Committee.

10.4.5 The Accreditation Report

The Accreditation Report states the outcomes, commendations and areas

of concern of the AP. The panel reaches its conclusions via its interpretation
on the specific evidence that has been collected where the seriousness of
the areas of concern is determined by the evidence.

The Accreditation Report should not consists of ambiguous or debateable

statements. Firm views are categorically stated, avoiding extravagant
delicacy. The Report should not make any comments on individuals nor
appeal to unimportant standards.

The outcomes obtained from the panel contains the identification of

commendable practices observed in the EP and the department, and the
Report concentrates on these. The Report discusses all the related areas
without extra details or trying to list all possible strengths. In writing the
conclusions and areas of concern, the following factors are addressed:

i. It must be short, brief and precisely on the point.

ii. It must address issues, not only provide details of the processes.
iii. It must be prioritised to give direction to the department.
iv. It must consider the department’s own plans of improvement, make
recommendations for improvement in those elements not attended
by the SRR, and make productive comments on plans to improve the
programme that will then push the department and the EP towards
accomplishing its goals and objectives.

10.5 Role Of The Accreditation Officers

The Director of TTAS is responsible for the whole accreditation process whom
then gives the fundamental liaison among the Institution and the TTAC via
assigned staff which are capable in managing the accreditation visit

For every accreditation visit, the Director appoint Accreditation Officers to

help the work of the Panels. The Accreditation Officers provide resources to
the Panels, and will usually also participate as a Panels member in
contributing to the assessment processes where the qualifications and
background of the incumbent are necessary.

The Accreditation Officers are also responsible for preparing the visit report
representing the Panels.

Other than that, the Administration Officers are also accountable for all the
logistics in regards to the visit.

10.6 Accreditation Decision and Cycle

Accreditation Decision depends on the recommendation of the final

assessment report where the AP may suggest on the graduating cohort in
one of the following:

Table 10.0 Accreditation Decision and Cycle

No Provisional Full Cycle

o Grant theo Grant the Continue

Provisional Accreditation Accreditation
i Accreditation with/without with/without
conditions conditions based
with / without
based on MBOT on MBOT
conditions accreditation accreditation
rubric rubric
Grant theo Grant the
Provisional Accreditation
ii Accreditation after conditions
after conditions are fulfilled
are fulfilled based on MBOT
o Denial ofo Denial ofo Withdrawal of
Provisional Accreditation Accreditation
iii Accreditation (with reasons) (with reasons)
(with reasons) based on MBOT based on MBOT
accreditation accreditation
rubric rubric

A Provisional Accreditation decision or outcome depends on the final result

following from the TTAC meeting and the decision will be submitted to the
MQA, with copies to MBOT.

A Full Accreditation programmes which possess major deficiencies are given

approval of less than six years accreditation. The EP may take essential
actions to verify the deficiencies, and resubmit the information on corrective
actions taken. If it is assessed as sufficient, the balance period of the
accreditation will be provided by the TTAC. A desktop audit or future visits
will be then performed to verify the findings of the remedial actions, given
that it is essential to do so. Failure to address the deficiencies cause cessation
of the accreditation at the end of the period. The TTAC is capable in

deferring its decision on accreditation provided that certain conditions are
met to provide the EP adequate time to accomplish the requirements that
are enforced by the TTAC.

The TTAC’s decision will be then hand over to the EP through the MQA, with
copies to MBOT. The accreditation will be awarded to corresponding
programmes, location and mode.

Accreditation Cycle is given to programmes for a maximum time of six years.

The EP will then have to re-apply for a Re-Accreditation in not less than six
months before the expiry of the accreditation timeframe. Accreditation
Cycle is awarded on a full programme cycle basis which provides the
number of years, which follows from the MBOT accreditation rubric provided
in Table 11.0.

Table 11.0 Accreditation Period

No Scale Details Usage

1 Accreditation i. Does not meet the qualifying Full Accreditation

Denied requirement of the minimum quality Provisional Accreditation
standard; and
ii. Does not meet quality standard
criteria requirements

2 Delay i. Meet all / part of quality standard Full Accreditation

criteria requirements and require Provisional Accreditation
time to complete specific
requirements; and
ii. Does not take action or take part /
whole of the Temporary
Accreditation Terms (if applicable);
iii. Does not complete the specific
requirements of the Full
Accreditation that has been set;
iv. Does not complete the proposed
Full Accreditation improvement
proposal; and
v. Pending improvement process
through internal governenace and
external PPT (if applicable); dan
vi. The maximum suspension for
accreditation assessment may be

granted up to 6 months from the
date of approval; and
vii. PPT needs to reapply for
accreditation and reimburse the
accreditation costs; and
viii. The provision of accreditation
suspension is not a PPT right but at
TTAC discretion.

3 1 Year i. Meet the full set of quality standard Full Accreditation

criteria; and
ii. Take the whole action from
Temporary Accreditation Terms (if
iii. Take action on some of the specific
requirements of Full Accreditation;
iv. Does not complete the proposed
Full Accreditation improvement
proposal; and
v. Pending improvement process
through internal governance and
external PPT (if applicable); and
vi. PPT needs to apply for continuation
of accreditation by submitting a
report in compliance with previous
terms and reimbursement of
accreditation costs; and
vii. MBOT has the right to set the
balance of accreditation period
based on the compliance with the
4 2 - 4 Years i. Meet the full set of quality standard Full Accreditation
criteria; and
ii. Take the whole action of the
Provision Accreditation Terms (if
applicable); and
iii. Take action on some of the specific
requirements of Full Accreditation;
iv. Take action on some of the
proposed Full Accreditation
improvement proposals; and

v. Take some parts of actions or fail to
complete the process of
improvement through internal
governance and external PPT (if
applicable); and
vi. PPT needs to apply for continuation
of accreditation by submitting a
report in compliance with previous
terms and reimbursement of
accreditation costs; and
vii. MBOT has the right to set the
balance of accreditation period
based on compliance with the

5 5 Years i. Meet the full set of quality standard Full Accreditation

criteria; and
ii. Take the whole action of the
Temporary Accreditation Terms (if
applicable); and
iii. Take action to all specific
requirements of Full Accreditation;
iv. Take action on some of the
proposed Full Accreditation
improvement proposals; and
v. Take the whole action or part of the
improvement process through
internal governance of PPT (if
applicable); and
vi. Pending improvement process
through external governance of PPT
(if applicable); and
vii. PPT needs to submit a compliance
report in advance; and
viii. MBOT has the right to set the
balance of accreditation period
based on compliance with the

6 6 Years i. Meet the full set of quality standard Full Accreditation
criteria; and
ii. Take the whole action of the
Temporary Accreditation Terms (if
applicable); and
iii. Has taken action on the entire
specific requirements of Full
Accreditation; and
iv. Has taken action on the proposed
Full Accreditation improvement
proposal; and
v. Completion of process through
internal and external governance
of PPT.

Table 12.0 Summarize of Accreditation Period

Internal External
Accreditation Full Suggestions
Accreditation Criteria Governance Governance
Requirement Accreditation for
Period Standard (if (if
(if Requirement improvement
applicable) applicable)
Delay O X X X X

1 year / / O X X X

/ O
2 – 4 years / / O X
/ O
5 years / / / O

6 years / / / / / /

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10.7 Continuing of Full Accreditation Programme

Continuing Accreditation is only applicable for EP whom did not complete 5

or 6 years full accreditation cycle. EP needs to resubmit for Continuing
Accreditation 6 months before the accreditation ends. In the case where an
EP fails to maintain the quality of an accredited programme, the
accreditation status of the programme may be revoked and EP needs to
apply for a new Full Accreditation.

Continuing accreditation will be given a maximum of remaining years of the

cycle subjected to the compliance of the previous condition.

The Documentation Required

EPs are required to submit SRR03 for the Continuing, acquires:

EP verifies if the information and evidence given are correct and have been
endorsed by its management.

The Compliance Status of Full Accreditation Conditions

Feedback with evidence for each of the particular full accreditation
conditions imposed by TTAC must be provided by EP. Cancellation of
accreditation status may be imposed as a result of failure in complying with
these conditions.

EP’s management must endorse all evidences and ensure that all evidence
sent are reliable. Upon possessing more than one evidence for a specific
item, all the evidence must be appended together.
The template for SRR03 is available on the TTAS Portal:

10.8 Appeal Procedures

A request outlining the basic of the disagreement can be handed over to

the Society’s Chief Executive Officer 2 weeks later when the Society officially
informs the Institution regarding the accreditation results provided that an
institution disagrees with the result of the accreditation assessment of a
programme. The request will then be handed over to the top rank who
handles the decision making in the Society, who then assigns a sub-
committee to investigate the issue which will, if essential, perform additional
evaluation visit.

The final decision will be then performed by the Society’s top rank who
handles the decision making procedure following from the report of the sub-

committee. Any extra expenses acquired will be borne by the EP. The
decision and outcome yielded from the Appeals Committee will be
submitted to the EP and MQA within 3 months upon receiving completed
documents. The decision made by the Appeals Committee is considered

Conditions for appealing procedure are usually restricted to flaws with

respect to facts or breaches in the Policy, Criteria and/or Procedures written
in the paperwork.

10.9 Revision of Programme

Any changes made to an accredited programmes must be advised to the

TTAC by the EP. Also, failure in doing so will cause the TTAC to withdraw the
accreditation. If that occurs, re-accreditation of the revised programmes will
be necessary to be applied by the EP.

10.10 Conflict of Interest

Membership of the Accreditation, Assessment, as well as the Appeal

committees unavoidably create circumstances that might lead to conflicts
since education is a competitive industry. Conflict of interest or debate
regarding the impartiality on the policies and procedures of the
accreditation are mostly repetitious. All members must continuously take
note of this condition to reveal any genuine or hidden conflict of interest, to
disengage from any circumstances or activities which may cause conflicts,
and in general to perform themselves in regards to the Code of Ethics of the

In a similar situation, the Institution with regards to the accreditation must

inform the Society of any feasible conflicts of interest.

10.11 Confidentiality

Panel members, Society Officers and members of the Accreditation

Committee are acquired to acknowledge decisively the confidentiality of
the facts gained from the report handed over and via meetings with the staff
and students from the educational institutions, and staffs from the industry
partners of the institution. Accreditation visit details are classified among the
Accreditation Committee, the Society and the corresponding Institution, and
must acquire permission from the particular institution in order to advertise
the details. The report must be completely duplicated where the Society and
the corresponding Institution must be informed if the document is acquired

to be revealed for a certain intention. Fragments extracted from the context
are not approved.

10.12 Expenses

The EP shall be in charge of all the costs that arises from conducting the
activities in conjunction with the approval and accreditation of the
programmes (Full Accreditation and Re-Accreditation)

10.13 Publication of Accreditation Status

The Society manages the list of accredited programmes on a continual basis

which is updated regularly on its website. Every programme is provided with
a nominated term of accreditation including a detailed completion date.
The term of accreditation contains all first intakes of students for the year of
the completion date.

Educational institutions are allowed to advertise the statements to the extent

that some of the programmes are accredited by the Society. An institution is
accountable to ensure the precision of the assertion, specifically to prevent
assertions that may signify that some programmes are accredited when it is

11.0 Manual Revision

MBOT reserves the right at any time to make any amendments to the manual. Any
recent amendments will be communicated to all EP prior enforcement.

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12.0 Accreditation Document

This part is outlined in order to the EPs in the preparation of its submission for
Provisional and Full Accreditation, and Re- Accreditation of a programme.

12.1 Provisional and Full Accreditation

All the seven criteria of assessment with illustrative examples are covered in
the Provisional and Full Accreditation submission guidelines. Related
information with evidence that supports and best justify their specific case is
required from the EP. Apart from that, any additional information that are not
specifically justified in these guidelines but are found to be useful for the
assessment purpose should also be provided by the EP.

All the information given by the EP for its submission should be honest and

12.2 The Documentation Required

EPs must submit the documents listed below in order to apply for Provisional
or Full Accreditation. For Provisional Accreditation, the EP must submit the
SRR01 which requires for:

Form A: General Information regarding the Eps which is an institutional profile

of the EP.

Form B: Programme Description Form B of the SRR01 which acquires the EP to

supply information regarding the Technology and Technical Programme
Accreditation Manual 2019. The information acquired consists of the name
of the programme based on nomenclature MBOT, the MBOT technology
fields, National Education Code, the MQF level, the graduating credits, the
duration of study, mode of delivery and the awarding body.

Form C: General Criteria of the SRR01 which acquires the EP to supply

information on all the standards in the seven criteria of evaluation for quality
assurance of the programme to be accredited.

The EP must submit the SRR02 form in order to obtain Full Accreditation which
contains the updated information of Form A, B, and C. However, Form C in
SRR02 requires a self-review exercise using the evaluation instrument. The Self-
Review Report generated through the evaluation instrument should include
the following in each of the seven criteria of evaluation:

i. Strength/Commendation;
ii. Steps taken to maintain and enhance the strength/current
iii. Areas of Concern/Weakness/Condition;
iv. Steps taken to address the problem areas.

Submissions for both Provisional and Full Accreditation must be

accompanied by relevant attachments, appendices and supporting
documents as indicated in the submission template.

EP can use Appendix B as checklist for self assessment in applying the

accreditation under MBOT.

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Self-Review Report 01/02

for the

<Program Name>
<Nama Program>

<University Name>




The information supplied in this Self-Review Report is for the confidential use of
TTAC and its authorized agents and will not be disclosed without authorization of
the institution concerned, except for summary data not identifiable to a specific



Name of the EP :

Date of establishment:

VC / CEO :

Email :

Address :
Correspondence (if
different from above) :
Tel :

Website :

1. Provide the latest organisational chart of the EP.

2. Number of overall academic staff:

Number of Staff
Status Academic Qualification
Malaysian Non- Malaysian Total

Doctorate (Level 8)

Masters (Level 7)
Full-time (all
types of Bachelors (Level 6
including - including professional qualification)
those on 1
year contract Diploma (Level 4)
or more)


Doctorate (Level 8)

Masters (Level 7)

Bachelors (Level 6

Part-time - including professional qualification)

Diploma (Level 4)




3. Number of students past 3 years:

Number of students
Year Disabled
Local International Total
Past 1 year
Past 2 years
Past 3 years

4. Student attrition rate:

Number of
Total Attrition
students Main reasons Rate (%)
Year students
leaving without for leaving
(A) (B/A)*100
graduating (B)

Past 1 year

Past 2 years

Past 3 years

5. Contact person for study information

i. Name and Title :

ii. Designation :
iii. Tel :
iv. Fax :
v. Email :


1. Name of the programme (as in the scroll to be awarded):

2. MBOT Technology Fields :

3. National Education Code (NEC):

4. MQF level:

5. Graduating credit:

6. Type of award (e.g., single major, double major, etc.):

7. Language of instruction:

8. Type of programme (e.g., home grown, collaboration etc.):

9. Awarding body (e.g., own/others (with a evidence of collaboration)):

10. Mode of study (e.g., full-time/part-time):

11. Teaching Method (e.g., lecturer, laboratory, tutorial, project etc.):

12. Mode of offering: (please (/) where appropriate)

Undergraduate Programme
Industry Mode (2u2i)

13. Mode of delivery (please (/) as appropriate):

Open and Distance learning (ODL)

14. Duration of study:

Full-time Part-time

Long Short Long Short

Semester Semester Semester Semester

No. of Weeks
No. of
No. of Years


Criteria 1 : Programme Design And Delivery

1. Vision and Mission Statement of EP

Vision Statement
Mission Statement

2. List of new PEOs with respective KPI, monitoring and evaluation


Statement KPI Evidence of


Description of
PEO evaluation

3. Statement of Relation between PEO and EP’s vision and mission

between PEO
and EP’s vision
and mission

4. List of new PLOs with respective KPI, monitoring and evaluation



Description of
PLO evaluation

5. Mapping of new Learning Outcomes and Learning Domains

a. Mapping of PEO and PLOs


b. Mapping of EP’s PLO vs. MBOT’s PLO (if any)



c. Table curriculum review indicating percentage of changes

d. Mapping Course-PLO with respect to Learning Taxonomy (Bloom’s,
Simpson’s, Krathwohl's or equivalent)

Course1 C3 P2 A3
Course2 C5 A4
Course3 P3 A2

6. New Curriculum Structure & Compliance to Technology Components

a. Refer Table 13.0 – Curriculum Structure

7. Mapping Courses - Technology/Technical Services

a. Refer Table 14.0 Mapping Course –Technical Services - Example:

Biotechnology (BT) – Diploma below.

b. Refer Table 15.0 Mapping Course –Technology Services - Example:
Biotechnology (BT) – Bachelor Degree below.

8. Detail of Teaching Plan

9. Description of learning outcome attainment evaluation mechanisms

10. Description of procedures on programme design, review and evaluation

11. Description of adoption of various teaching-learning methods

12. Final Year Project

13. Industrial Training / Apprenticeships (Including agreement)

14. Market Survey and Need Analysis (Eg : Industry Need, ILMIA, TalentCorp

15. Reports on engagement with stakeholders

Table 13.0 – Curriculum Structure

Face-to-Face / Guided Learning DL, IG and IL

Theory / Industry Mode
Year Semester Code Course Name Component Knowledge Component
Hours Practical
Related (State mode
Component 2u2i,WBL, etc)
1 1 DUBXXX2 Pengajian Malaysia General 2 N/A N/A
1 1 DUEXXX2 Communicative English 1 General 2 N/A N/A
1 1 DBMXXX3 Technology Mathematics 1 Technology 3 56 42
1 1 DBSXXX2 Technology Science Technology 2 14 56
1 1 DETXXX3 Electrical Technology Technology 3 42 56
1 1 DETXXX2 Electrical Wiring Technology 2 14 56
1 1 DEEXXX2 Measurement Technology 2 14 56
Year 1 Semester 1 Total Credit 16
1 2 DUAXXX2 Sains Teknologi General 2 N/A N/A
1 2 DUBXXX2 Nilai Masyarakat Malaysia** General 2 N/A N/A
1 2 DRSXXX1 Sukan General 1 N/A N/A
1 2 DRBXXX1 Unit Beruniform 1 General 1 N/A N/A
1 2 DBMXXX3 Enginering Mathematics 2 Technology 3 28 70
1 2 DETXXX3 Electrical Circuit Technology 3 56 42
1 2 DEEXXX3 Semiconductor Devices Technology 3 28 70
1 2 DEEXXX4 Digital Electronic Technology 4 70 70
1 2 DECXXX2 Fundamental Programming Technology 2 14 56
Year 1 Semester 2 Total Credit 21
Year 1 Total Credit 37
2 1 DUEXXX2 Communicative English 2 General 2 N/A N/A
2 1 DRKXXX2 Kelab/Persatuan General 2 N/A N/A
2 1 DRBXXX2 Unit Beruniform 2 General 2 N/A N/A
2 1 DEEXXX3 Electronic Circuits Technology 3 56 42
2 1 DEEXXX3 Electronic Equipment Repair Technology 3 42 56

2 1 DEPXXX3 Communication System Technology 3 28 70
2 1 DETXXX3 Power System Technology 3 56 42
Year 2 Semester 2 Total Credit 18
2 2 DUEXXX2 Communicative English 3 General 2 N/A N/A
2 2 DBMXXX3 Electrical Technology Mathematics Technology 3 56 42
2 2 DECXXX3 Computer Networking Fundamentals Technology 3 28 70
2 2 DECXXX2 Embedded System Application Technology 2 42 56
2 2 DEJXXX3 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Technology 3 28 70
& Automation
2 2 DEEXXX2 Interactive Mutimedia Applications Technology 2 30 78
Year 2 Semester 2 Total Credit 15
Year 2 Total Credit 33
3 1 DUAXXX2 Komunikasi & Penyiaran Islam General 2 N/A N/A
3 2 DPBXXX2 Entrepreneurship General 2 N/A N/A
3 2 DEEXXX2 Project 2 Technology 2 14 56
3 2 DEEXXX3 Cmos Integrated Circuit Design Technology 3 56 42
3 2 DETXXX3 Electrical Machine Technology 3 42 56
3 2 DETXXX3 Power Electronics Technology 3 28 70
3 2 DEEXXX2 Circuit Analysis Technology 2 14 56
Year 3 Semester 1 Total Credit 17
2 12 DUTXXX0 Industrial Training Technology 12 56 42
Year 3 Semester 2 Total Credit 12
Year 3 Total Credit 29

Theory Practical
Courses Clasification Credit Hours EP
Compenent Compenent
General Component 22 912 1422
Technology Component 77 39% 61%
Total Credit Hours 99

Table 14.0 Mapping Course –Technical Services - Example: Biotechnology (BT) – Diploma

Expected Technology Competency Course Code Courses Topics SLT

Test selection and planning (procedure)

Testing procedure
Diagnosis procedure
Commissioning Planning
Handover planning / process (checklist)
Verification & Calibration

Planning of maintenance schedule

Maintenance Maintenance process (checklist)

Improvement planning for product

Table 15.0 Mapping Course -Technology Services - Example: Biotechnology (BT) – Bachelor Degree

Technology Expected Technology Course

Courses Topics SLT
Profiles Competency Code

Problem identification

Development Propose Solution

Experimental design
Risk analysis
Proof of concept/prototype
Quality approach concept
Test selection and planning
Testing Testing procedure
Diagnosis procedure
Commissioning Planning
Commissioning Handover planning / process
Verification & Calibration
Planning of Maintenance
Maintenance schedule
Maintenance process (checklist)
Improvement planning for
product maintenance

Criteria 2 : Student Assessment

1. Relationship between Assessment and Graduate Attribute

2. Description of assessment regulation and policies including:

a. Feedback mechanism on student performance

b. Vetting of final examination.
c. External advisor input.
d. Strong room regulation.
e. Grading system.
f. Appeal mechanism.
g. Endorsement of results.
h. Attainment of learning outcomes.
i. Handbook on academic regulations.
j. Handling of students’ assessment record.

3. Process on development of assessment method:

a. Process to ensure construction alignment.

b. Mapping of CLO, PLO, and PEO.
c. CLO assessment methods and KPI.
d. CQI on CLO, PLO, and PEO.

4. Assessment of student course performance:

a. Final assessment
b. Coursework
c. Project (max. 4 students in a group)
d. Final year project (max. 4 students in a group)
e. Capstone project (max. 4 students in a group)
f. Industrial training

Criteria 3 : Students Selection And Support Service

1. Policy and procedures on application/ student selection.

2. Programme entry requirement(s)

3. Programme entry requirement in Bahasa

4. Estimated date of first intake: month/year (applicable for provisional


5. Projected intake and enrolment: (applicable for provisional


Year Intake Enrolment

Year 1 e.g.:100 e.g.: 100
Year 2 e.g.:100 e.g.: 200
Year 3 e.g.:100 e.g.: 300
Total e.g.:300 e.g.: 300

6. Total student enrolment (applicable for full accreditation):

Year Intake Enrolment

Year 1 e.g.: 60 e.g.: 60
Year 2 e.g.: 70 e.g.: 130
Year 3 e.g.: 90 e.g.: 220
Total e.g.:220 e.g.: 220

7. Communicating criteria and policy on students selection to the public.

8. Description of policy and procedures on appeals.

9. Description of policy, regulations, procedures and students/public

awareness on articulation/ student transfer.

10. Description of policy, regulations and procedures on credit transfer.

a. Vertical
b. Horizontal
c. Residential year

11. Description of policy, regulations and procedures on course exemption.

12. List of support services provided for students.

13. Evidence on adequate and qualified staff in providing counselling for

14. Evidence on student participation in extra-curricular activities.

15. Description of regulations, processes and functions of student

representative organization.

16. Establishment/effort on establishing Student Technologist Chapter.

17. Linkages to alumni and activities involving alumni.

Criteria 4 : Teaching And Support Staff

1. Description of recruitment policy, criteria & process of teaching staff.

2. List of academic staff with academic qualifications & industrial


3. Industry mentor for industrial based programme.

4. Description of policy on research, publication, product development and


5. Description of recruitment policy and criteria for technical support staff.

6. List of technical support staff with academic, skills, professional

qualifications (QT, GT-MBOT) and industrial experience.

7. Adequate technical staff with respect to number of teaching facility.

8. Recruitment policy and criteria for administrative support staff.

9. List of administrative staff with academic and professional qualifications.

10. Adequate administrative staff to support the programme.

11. Mechanism of continuous and career development for staff. (Academic,

Technical Support, Administrative)

12. Industry engagement involving teaching staff.

13. Annual staff performance evaluation system.

14. Evaluation of teaching staff by students.

15. Structured teaching and learning training for new teaching staff.

16. Educators Certification

Criteria 5 : Educational Resources

1. List of physical facilities for teaching and learning activities.

2. List of equipment of HT and HV.

3. Maintenance of facilities and equipment.

4. List of facilities provided for well being of students e.g. hostel, café, CCTV,
sport and recreational, health center, student center and transportation,
among others.

5. List of research and development facilities.

6. Incorporation of research and development in the learning ecosystem.

7. Allocation for operation and maintenance of programme.

8. Responsibilities and autonomy of department in budgeting and resource


9. Description of procedures in managing financial resources, viability and

sustainability of programme.

Criteria 6 : Programme Management

1. Description of governance structure of programme.

2. Description of policies, principles, rules and guidelines on programme


3. Qualifications of programme leader

4. Description of policy or procedures in managing students records on:

a. Admission
b. Performance
c. Completion
d. Graduation.

Criteria 7 : Quality Management System

1. Description of governance structure of EP.

2. Description of leadership at departmental level.

3. Description of policies and relationships between department with
stakeholders in:

a. Collegiality and clarity.

b. Finance management.
c. Other resources.
d. Programme delivery.
e. Research.
f. Consultancy.

4. Description of governance aspect in institutional acts.

5. Description of department autonomy.

6. Resources to attract, maintain, award and administer continued

professional establishment of staff.

7. Resources to acquire, maintain and operate infrastructures, facilities and


8. Description of stakeholders (students, alumni, employers, professional

bodies, teaching staff and informed citizens) engagement/ feedback to
improve programme.

9. Programme advisory committee comprise of professionals, industry

representatives, external academic evaluators, subject-matter experts,
alumni and other relevant stakeholders.

10. Student representative feedback.

11. Report on the monitoring, review and evaluation of:

a. Governance.
b. Institutional process.
c. Functions and report of examination committee.
d. Curriculum outcomes, content, delivery and assessment.
e. Students performance (PLO attainment).
f. Graduates achievement (PEO attainment).

12. Benchmarking on QMS conducted.

13. Components of continual quality improvement:

a. Curriculum and core courses review at least once every programme

b. External advisor report at least once in 2 years.
c. Industry advisor report at least once in 2 years.

d. Progressive evaluation of practical and industrial attachment
e. Preventive maintenance/maintenance/calibration of equipment at
regular intervals.
f. Linkages and involvement with industry.
g. Dialogue session with stakeholders at least once every programme
h. Keynote speech in relevant field.
i. Active academic staff participations in conference/ seminar/
workshop/ short course.
Organisation of conference/ seminar/ workshop.

(The rest of this page is intentionally left blank)


Accreditation Agency Specialized in Accrediting Degree Programs in

Engineering, Informatics, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN)
ASIIN (2015). Criteria for the Accreditation of Degree Programmes – ASIIN
Quality Seal (Engineering, Informatics, Architecture, Natural Sciences,
Mathematics, individually and in combination with other Subject Areas.
Available : <

Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea (ABEEK)

ABEEK (2015). Criteria For Accrediting Engineering Programs (KEC2015).
Available : <>

Australian Computer Society (ACS)

ACS (2016). Professional Level and Advanced Professional Level Programs.
Available :

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)

ABET (2018). 2019-2020 Criteria for Accrediting Programs.
Available :

Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)

MQA (2018). Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation, Second Edition

Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia

KPT (2009 – 2017) Kompilasi Dasar Jaminan Kualiti Pendidikan Tinggi 2009-2017
(Edisi Kedua)

Schall, S. O. (2017). Engineering the accreditation process. American Society

for Engineering Education. Paper ID#20279.


Appendix A - Technology and technical competencies for the 23 MBOT

technology fields

Appendix B - TTAC MBOT Checklist of Documents For Accreditation of


Appendix C – Flow Chart Provisional Accreditation

Appendix D - Flow Chart Full Accreditation

Appendix E - Flow Chart Continuing Full Accreditation

Appendix F - Flow Chart Transition Accreditation

Appendix A
The following are the expected technology and technical competencies for the MBOT technology fields:

1. Biotechnology Technology Profiles

Biotechnology is the use of living system to develop, modify or make products which consist of healthcare, agriculture and
Industrial / Manufacturing.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
BIOTECHNOLOGY Development  Problem identification
TECHNOLOGY  Propose solution
 Experimental design
 Risk analysis
Manufacturing  Proof of concept/Prototype
 Quality approach concept
Testing  Test selection and planning Testing  Standard Testing
(procedure)  Data Collection
 Testing procedure  Standard Diagnostic
 Diagnosis procedure
Commissioning  Commissioning Planning Commissioning  Installation
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
 Verification & Calibration
Maintenance  Planning of maintenance schedule Maintenance  Perform Maintenance Task
 Maintenance process (checklist)  Pre/Post for Operation
 Improvement planning for product  Complete service report

2. Chemical Technology Profiles
Chemical technology is the use of a organic and inorganic material to develop, modify, service or make products which consists
of commodity and specialty/fine chemical.

Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields Expected Technology Competency
Profiles Profiles Competency
CHEMICAL Development  Problem identification
TECHNOLOGY  Propose solution
 Experimental design
 Risk analysis NOT APPLICABLE

Manufacturing  Proof of concept/Prototype

 Quality approach concept
Testing  Test selection and planning Testing  Standard Testing
(procedure)  Data Collection
 Testing procedure  Standard Diagnostic
 Diagnosis procedure
Commissioning  Commissioning Planning Commissioning  Installation
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
 Verification & Calibration
Maintenance  Planning of maintenance schedule Maintenance  Perform Maintenance Task
 Maintenance process (checklist)  Pre/Post for Operation
 Improvement planning for product  Complete service report

3. Food Technology Profiles
Food Technology is the application of food science in the selection, preservation, packaging, processing, distribution and use of
safe foods.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
FOOD Development  Concept Generation and
TECHNOLOGY selection
 Proof of concept/prototype
 Food Sampling
 Consumer Testing
 Cost Analysis NOT APPLICABLE
 Shelf life testing
 Scale-up
Manufacturing  Processing monitoring
 Preservation monitoring
 Plant layout design
Testing  Chemical analysis Testing  Chemical testing
 Physical Analysis  Physical testing
 Microbiological analysis  Microbiological testing
 Sensory Evaluation  Sensory Evaluation
Commissioning  Raw material specification Commissioning  Raw Material handling
 Product and process specification  Food processing
 Process monitoring system  Food preservation
 Packaging Design  Packaging
Maintenance  Food quality programmes (QA, Maintenance  Food quality programmes
QC, Halal) (QA, QC, Halal)
 Food safety programmes (GMP,  Food safety programmes
 Product storage management  Product storage/movement

4. Agro-Based Technology Profiles
Agro-based Technology involves the process and technique of cultivating, breeding and processing of the agro produce.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
AGRO-BASED Development  Develop agricultural production
TECHNOLOGY systems for new crops and/or new
farm animals
Manufacturing  Configure new crops and/or new
farm animal production system NOT APPLICABLE
based on field trials and product
commissioning data.
 Monitor production data for
further improvements
Testing  Design field trials for new Testing  Carry out fields trials as
agricultural production system for prescribed
new crops and/or farm animals  Collect data from fields trials
 Analyse data from field trials (sampling/ measurements/
 Reconfigure trial parameters to lab test)
improve the production systems
Commissioning  Plan and prepare production Commissioning  Prepare production system
system for full scale production for full scale production
 Finalize production parameters for
the new production system at full
scale production level based on
trial data
Maintenance  Plan maintenance schedule for Maintenance  Perform maintenance of
agricultural machinery and agricultural machinery and
equipment equipment

 Monitor maintenance process
 Analyse and improve on
maintenance process

5. Automotive Technology Profiles

Automotive Technology is an application, method and process of automotive industry which involves design, development,
manufacturing, marketing, maintenance and servicing.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
AUTOMOTIVE Development  Concept Generation and Selection
TECHNOLOGY  Sketching
 Drawing
Manufacturing  Geometry, Dimensioning, Tolerance
 Fabricate/Prototype
Testing  Test selection and planning Testing  Standard Testing
(procedure)  Data Collection
 Testing procedure  Standard Diagnostic
 Diagnosis procedure
Commissioning  Commissioning Planning (Site) Commissioning  Installation
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
Maintenance  Planned Maintenance schedule Maintenance  Perform Maintenance
 Maintenance process (checklist)  Reporting
 Analysis & Improvement planning

6. Aviation & Aerospace Technology Profiles
Aviation and Aerospace Technology is the practical application of aeronautic design, development, production, operations,
maintenance processes and use of aircraft including its component and various system.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
AEROSPACE & Development  Product Design
AVIATION  Product Configuration
TECHNOLOGY  Stress Analysis
 Fatigue & Damaged Tolerance
 Tooling Design
Manufacturing  CAD/CAM
 Process Control
 Production Planning
 System Integration
 Quality Assurance
Testing  Assembly, Integration & Testing (AIT) Testing  Assembly, Integration &
 Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Testing (AIT)
 Non-Destructive Test (NDT)
Commissioning  Commissioning Planning (Site) Commissioning  Installation
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
Maintenance  Equipment Maintenance Maintenance  Equipment Maintenance
 Tooling Maintenance  Tooling Maintenance
 Facility Maintenance  Facility Maintenance

7. Transportation & Logistic Technology Profiles
Transportation and Logistic Technology is a method and technique to carry or move people or goods by various modes using
land, sea and air.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
TRANSPORTATION Development  Concept generation and selection
& LOGISTIC  Sketching & Modelling
TECHNOLOGY  Cost and Benefit Analysis
 Feasibility Study (Transport NOT APPLICABLE
Environmental Impact Assessment)
 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Manufacturing  Prototyping
Testing  Test selection and planning Testing  Standard Testing
(procedure)  Data Collection
 Audit and Quality Control  Standard Diagnostic
Commissioning  Commissioning Planning Commissioning  Installation
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
Maintenance  Planned Maintenance schedule Maintenance  Perform Maintenance
 Maintenance process (checklist)  Evaluation & Reporting
 Analysis & Improvement planning

8. Maritime Technology Profiles
Maritime Technology involves the technique and method used in operation, maintenance, manufacturing, navigation and
control system of ships and related marine vessel including technology and technique used in ports, oil rigs and other marine

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
MARITIME Development  Conceptual Design of Ship
TECHNOLOGY  Ship Scantling
 Ship System Drawing & Modelling
 Analyse of Ship (Simulation)
 Cost Analysis, Shipyard Project &
Risk Management

Manufacturing  Ship Building/Ship Repair

 Ship Production Planning
 Ship Resistance and Powering
Testing  Hull and Marine Machinery Test Testing  Hull and Ship Machinery
selection and planning (SOP) Standard Testing
 Diagnostic procedure  Test Data Collection
 Technical Report  Standard Diagnostic and
 Quality Management Report
 Quality System
Commissioning  Machinery System Commissioning Commissioning  Shipyard Safety Regulation
and Planning  Ship system Installation
 Ship Delivery and Handover  Reporting
planning/process (checklist)
 Safety Regulation and

Maintenance  Planned Ship Maintenance/Repair Maintenance  Perform Maintenance/Repair
schedule Task
 Maintenance process (checklist)  Reporting
 Analysis, Report & Improvement

9. Information & Computing Technology Profiles

Information and Computing Technology is a method of using computer technology that involves hardware and/or software to
produce meaningful information or outcome.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
INFORMATION & Development  User Requirement
COMPUTING  Analysis
 User Manual Documentation
 Technical Documentation
Manufacturing  Software & Hardware production
 Application structure and
programming process
Testing  Test Script Testing  Software and hardware test
 Test SOP  Acceptance test
 User Acceptance Test
Commissioning  Installation & Configuration, Commissioning  Infrastructure preparation
 Commissioning Report
Maintenance  Plan maintenance schedule Maintenance  Product support
 Continuous Quality Improvement  Troubleshooting

10. Cyber Security Technology Profiles
Cyber Security Technology is an applied body of knowledge in the process, practice, design and technique to protect
information, data and networks in preserving the CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability).

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
CYBER SECURITY Development  Risk identification
TECHNOLOGY  Best practices
 White paper
 Security standards

Manufacturing  Developing policies

 Developing procedures NOT APPLICABLE
 Configuration setting
 Access control list
 Secure network architecture
 Public Key Infrastructure
 Documentation
 Business continuity
Testing  Vulnerability assessment Testing  Data collection
 Penetration testing  Red team exercise
 Common criteria evaluation
 Test
Commissioning  Common criteria certification Commissioning  Installation
 Information security management  Reporting
system certification
 Payment card industry/Data
security standard certification
Maintenance  Log review Maintenance  Perform Maintenance

 Audit  Technical Report
 Incident handling
 Management review
 SIEM operation

11. Art Design & Creative Multimedia Technology Profiles

Art Design and Creative Multimedia Technology involves the process, technique and application of technology to produce
creative content.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
ART DESIGN & Development  Concept Generation and
CREATIVE Selection
MULTIMEDIA  Design Research
TECHNOLOGY  Design Process
 Sketching
 Drawing
 Modelling
Manufacturing  Building Supervision
 Product Determination
 Content Planning
 Content Development
 Shooting
 Editing
 Building
 Content Design
Testing  Supervision Testing  Installation
 Programming  Programming
 Technical Run  Operation

 Quality Assurance  Preview
Commissioning  Performance (show time) Commissioning  Performance (show time)
 Screening  Product Delivery
 Product Delivery  Technical Check
Maintenance  Log review Maintenance  Technical Report
 Product review
 Product Report

12. Electrical & Electronics Technology Profiles

Electrical and Electronic Technology involves the process, technique and application of any electrical and electronics related

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
ELECTRICAL & Development  Concept Generation and Selection
ELECTRONICS  Benchmarking
 Modelling
 Proof of Concept (POC) NOT APPLICABLE
 Prototyping
 Technical Documentation
Manufacturing  Geometry, Dimensioning, Tolerance
 Fabricate
Testing  Test selection and planning Testing  Standard Testing
(procedure)  Data Collection
 Testing  Standard Diagnostic
 Diagnostic and troubleshoot
(Diagnostic more to system,

troubleshoot more to focused
 Verification
Commissioning  Commissioning Planning (Site) Commissioning  Installation
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
Maintenance  Planned Maintenance schedule Maintenance  Performance Maintenance
 Maintenance process (checklist)  Reporting
 Analysis & Improvement planning

13. Telecommunications & Broadcasting Technology Profiles

Telecommunication and Broadcasting Technology involves the process, technique and application to enable production and
transmission of content.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
TELECOMMUNICAT Development  Concept Generation and Selection
IONS &  Benchmarking
TECHNOLOGY  Modelling
 Proof of Concept (POC) NOT APPLICABLE
 Prototyping
 Technical Documentation
Manufacturing  Geometry, Dimensioning, Tolerance
 Fabricate
Testing  Test selection and planning Testing  Standard Testing
(procedure)  Data Collection
 Testing  Standard Diagnostic

 Diagnostic and troubleshoot
(Diagnostic more to system,
troubleshoot more to focused
 Verification
Commissioning  Commissioning Planning (Site) Commissioning  Installation
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
Maintenance  Planned Maintenance schedule Maintenance  Performance Maintenance
 Maintenance process (checklist)  Reporting
 Analysis & Improvement planning

14. Manufacturing & Industrial Technology Profiles
Manufacturing and Industrial Technology involves the process and technique of producing a component or product or an
assembly of components.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
MANUFACTURING Development  Product Drafting and Specification
& INDUSTRIAL  Sketching
 Modelling
 Analyse FEA
 Prototype
Manufacturing  Geometry, Dimensioning, Tolerance
 Manufacturing Process
 Quality Control
 Production Instruction
 Production Planning and Control
 risk Assessment
Testing  Quality Assurance Testing  Standard Testing
 Testing Procedure  Data Collection
 Production Standard  Standard Diagnostic
Commissioning  Commissioning Planning (Site) Commissioning  Installation
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
Maintenance  Planned Maintenance schedule Maintenance  Performance Maintenance
 Maintenance process (checklist)  Reporting
 Analysis & Improvement planning

15. Green Technology Profiles
Green Technology involves the process and technique of applying sustainable and environmental friendly approach in any
human activities.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
Development  Concept generation and selection
TECHNOLOGY Manufacturing  Prototyping/Fabrication
Testing  Develop procedure Testing  Standard Testing
 Testing  Data collection
 Diagnosis procedure  Standard diagnostic
 Inspection on installation
Commissioning  Commissioning planning (site) Commissioning  Installation and auditing
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
 Verification of report
Maintenance  Planned maintenance schedule Maintenance  Performance
 Maintenance process Maintenance
 Analysis and improvement planning  Reporting

16. Building & Construction Technology Profiles
Building and Construction Technology involves the process, method and technique used in the construction of building and civil

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
BUILDING & Development ● Drawings & Survey
CONSTRUCTION ● Feasibility
TECHNOLOGY ● Analysis & Design
● Estimating & Scheduling
● Specifications and Contractual
Manufacturing ● Risk Identification & Safety
● Project Management (Work
Scheduling & Reporting,
Procurement & Coordination of
Labour & Equipment)
● Inspection & Supervision
Testing ● Equipment Selection Testing ● Standard Testing
● Testing Planning & Management Operations
● Testing Equipment Operations ● Data Collection &
● Standards & Specifications Reporting
Compliance ● Supervision & Inspection
● Verifications
Commissioning ● Management, Supervision & Commissioning ● Supervision on
Inspection Commissioning
● Standards & Specifications ● Inspection of Installation
● Reporting
Maintenance ● Defect Liability Period Maintenance ● Defect Liability Period

● Maintenance Scheduling & ● Perform Maintenance
Operations ● Reporting
● Analysis & Improvement Planning

17. Resource Based, Survey & Geomatics Technology

Resource Based, Survey & Geomatics Technology is an application and technique to identify, measure, use and preserve natural
resources and to process spatially referenced information or data.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
RESOURCE BASED, Development  Concept Generation and Selection
SURVEY &  Sketching
TECHNOLOGY  Modelling (Not applicable for
 Analyse FEA (Not applicable for
Manufacturing  Geometry, Dimensioning, Tolerance
Testing  Test selection and planning Testing  Standard Testing
(procedure)  Data Collection Standard
 Testing procedure Diagnostic
 3 Diagnosis procedure
Commissioning  Commissioning Planning (Site) Commissioning  Installation
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
Maintenance  Planned Maintenance schedule Maintenance  Perform Maintenance
 Maintenance process (checklist)  Reporting
 Analysis & Improvement planning

18. Atmospheric & Environmental Science Technology Profiles
Atmospheric Science and Environment Technology involves the technique, study, process or application of related
components in physics and chemistry to the earth’s atmosphere and environment.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
ATMOSPHERIC & Development ● Identification & Evaluation
ENVIRONMENTAL ● Analysis & Design
SCIENCE ● Prevention & Control
TECHNOLOGY ● Regulatories
Manufacturing ● Management (Work Scheduling, NOT APPLICABLE
Reporting, Procurement,
Coordination of Labour &
● Inspection & Supervision
Testing ● Equipment Selection Testing ● Equipment Inspection and
● Testing Planning & Management Maintenance
● Testing Equipment Operations ● Laboratory & Field
● Regulatory Compliance Standard Testing’s
● Verifications ● Data Collection
● Regulatory Compliance
Commissioning ● Management, Supervision & Commissioning ● Installation
Inspection ● Reporting
● Regulatory Compliance
Maintenance ● Maintenance Scheduling & Maintenance ● Perform Maintenance
Operations ● Reporting
● Analysis & Improvement Planning

19. Marine Technology Profiles
Marine Technology involves process and technique used in studying, conserving, exploring, protecting and intervention of the
marine environment.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
MARINE Development ● Design Features & Operative
TECHNOLOGY Mechanism of Machineries
● Machineries & Operations NOT APPLICABLE
Planning & Manage Management
Manufacturing ● Plan And Schedule Operations
Testing ● Operations, Surveillance, Testing ● Use of Tools & Measuring
Performance Assessment & Safety Instruments
of Plant & Machinery ● Characteristics & Selection
of Materials of Equipment
● Interpretation of Drawings
& Handbooks
Commissioning ● Operation, Surveillance, Commissioning ● Regulatory Compliance
Performance Assessment & Safety ● Procedures & Equipment
of Plant, Machineries ● Measures of Prevention,
● Human Resource Management & Control & Protection
Safety ● Equipment Operations
Maintenance ● Operations and Maintenance of Maintenance ● Maintenance & Repair of
Machineries & System Machineries & Equipment
● Safety Measures

20. Oil & Gas Technology Profiles
Oil and Gas Technology involves the technology, process and technique used and implemented in oil and gas production.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
OIL & GAS Development  Identify, detect and understand
TECHNOLOGY system or plant failure
 Perform measurement and analysis
 Prepare technical specification,
Drawing and schematic diagram
 Identify and understand regulatory
 Compliance with safety guideline NOT APPLICABLE
 Conduct technology development
and advancement
Manufacturing  GMP/Standard Compliance
 Fabricate/prototyping
 Prepare technical specification,
characterization of product
Testing  Test selection and planning Testing  Standard Testing
(procedure)  Data Collection
 Testing procedure  Standard Diagnostic
 Diagnosis procedure
Commissioning  Commissioning Planning (Site) Commissioning  Installation
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
 Mitigation plan
Maintenance  Planned Maintenance schedule Maintenance  Perform Maintenance
 Maintenance process (checklist)  Reporting

 Analysis & Improvement planning  Standard Monitoring
 Predictive/preventive/unplanned
 Reverse engineering
 Condition based monitoring

21. Nuclear & Radiological Technology Profiles

Nuclear and Radiologic Technology involves the process and technique of the use of nuclear reaction and radiation in
medicine, healthcare and human activities.

Technology Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Fields Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
NUCLEAR & Development  Identify, detect and understand
RADIOLOGICAL system or plant failure
TECHNOLOGY  Perform measurement and analysis
 Prepare technical specification,
Drawing and schematic diagram
 Identify and understand regulatory
 Compliance with safety guideline NOT APPLICABLE
 Conduct technology development
and advancement
Manufacturing  GMP/Standard Compliance
 Fabricate/prototyping
 Prepare technical specification,
characterization of product
Testing  Develop procedure/protocol with Testing  Perform checklist
compliance to safety  Data collection

 Develop checklist  Adherence to safety
 Data analysis and reporting procedures
Commissioning  Develop operation manual Commissioning  Operation
 Develop emergency preparedness  Reporting
and response  Adherence to safety
 Evaluate and revised effectiveness procedures
of commissioning and emergency
 Identify risk and environmental
 Conduct safety culture activities
Maintenance  Develop maintenance schedule Maintenance  Perform maintenance with
and checklist checklist
 Data analysis, reporting and  Reporting
improvement planning  Adherence to safety
 Conduct safety culture activities procedures

22. Material Technology Profiles
Material Technology involves a method or technique used to process, synthesize and produce material in specific shapes and
forms for specific application.

Technology Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Fields Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
MATERIAL Development  Concept Generation and Selection
TECHNOLOGY  Sketching
 Drawing
 Analyse FEA
Manufacturing  Geometry, Dimensioning, Tolerance
 Fabricate/Prototype
Testing  Test selection and planning Testing  Standard Testing
(procedure)  Data Collection
 Testing procedure  Standard Diagnostic
 Diagnosis procedure
Commissioning  Commissioning Planning (Site) Commissioning  Installation
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
 Mitigation plan
Maintenance  Planned Maintenance schedule Maintenance  Perform Maintenance
 Maintenance process (checklist)  Reporting
 Analysis & Improvement planning  Standard Monitoring
 Predictive/preventive/unplanned
 Reverse engineering
 Condition based monitoring

23. Nano Technology Profiles
Nano Technology is the method or application that manipulate the individual atom and molecule of a matter to build
microscopic (nanoscale) devices / service and products.

Technology Expected Technology Technical Expected Technical

Technology Fields
Profiles Competency Profiles Competency
Development  Modelling include concept, sketch,
NANO drawing
 Identification Through Nano
 Proses Flow
Manufacturing  Geometry, Dimensioning, Tolerance
 Fabricate/Prototype
Testing  Test selection and planning Testing  Standard Testing
(procedure)  Data Collection
 Testing procedure  Standard Diagnostic
 Diagnosis procedure
 Control procedure
Commissioning  Commissioning Planning (Site) Commissioning  Installation
 Handover planning/process  Reporting
Maintenance  Planned Maintenance schedule Maintenance  Perform Maintenance
 Maintenance process (checklist)  Reporting
 Analysis & Improvement planning  Standard Monitoring

Appendix B


Provisional Full Continuing

Please select:
Accreditation Accreditation Accreditation

Name of Programme :
MBOT Ref. No. :
MBOT Field :
Education Provider & Address :
Name of Faculty/School/Dept. :
Mode of Study :
Duration of Study :
EP Website :
Name of Liaison Officer & :
Phone Number


Requirement/Criteria Compliance Location of

*Cross where applicable (Yes/No) Evidence in SRR
Qualifying Requirements
1. Minimum total credits (min. technology
Bachelor Degree: 120 (80)
Advanced Diploma: 40 (20)
Diploma: 90 (60)
Certificate: 60 (30)
Bridging: 66(33)/ 36(18)/ 40(20)*
2. Minimum duration of study
Bachelor Degree: 3 years
Advanced Diploma: 1 year
Diploma: 2 years
Certificate: 1 ¼ years
3. Final year project (MQF Level 4 and above)
4. Minimum period of industrial training
Bachelor Degree: 8 weeks / 6 months
Advanced Diploma: 8 weeks
Diploma: 8 weeks / 3 months
Certificate: 8 weeks

Requirement/Criteria Compliance Location of
*Cross where applicable (Yes/No) Evidence in SRR
5. Minimum number of full time teaching staff in
the relevant field
Bachelor Degree: 6 full time staff
Advanced Diploma: 2 full time staff
Diploma: 4 full time staff
Certificate: 2 full time staff
6. Minimum staff : student ratio
Bachelor Degree: 1:15 or better
Advanced Diploma: 1:20 or better
Diploma: 1:20 or better
Certificate: 1:20 or better
7. At least one (1) teaching staff must be a Ts. or
Tc. registered under MBOT or efforts towards
complying the criteria
8. External advisor’s report
9. Industry advisor’s report
Criteria 1: Programme Design and Delivery
1. Vision and mission of EP
2. List of PEOs with respective KPI, monitoring and
evaluation mechanism
3. Relation between PEO and EP’s vision and
4. List of PLOs with respective KPI, monitoring and
evaluation mechanism
5. Address the technology/technical services
6. Market survey and need analysis
7. Reports on engagement with stakeholders
8. Procedures on programme design, review and
9. Adoption of various teaching-learning
10. Final Year Project
11. Industrial Training / Apprenticeships (Including
Criteria 2: Student Assessment
1. Mapping of assessment to PLO
2. Assessment regulation and policies, including:
 Feedback mechanism on student
 Vetting of final examination.
 External advisor input.
 Strong room regulation.
 Grading system.
 Appeal mechanism.
 Endorsement of results.
 Attainment of learning outcomes.
 Handbook on academic regulations.

Requirement/Criteria Compliance Location of
*Cross where applicable (Yes/No) Evidence in SRR
 Handling of students’ assessment record.
3. Process on development of assessment
 Process to ensure construction alignment.
 Mapping of CLO, PLO, and PEO.
 CLO assessment methods and KPI.
 CQI on CLO, PLO, and PEO.
4. Assessment of student course performance:
 Final assessment
 Coursework
 Project (max. 4 students in a group)
 Final year project (max. 4 students in a
 Capstone project (max. 4 students in a
 Industrial training
Criteria 3: Student Selection and Support Service
1. Policy and procedures on application/ student
2. Entry requirement for the programme.
3. Communicating criteria and policy on students
selection to the public.
4. Policy and procedures on appeals.
5. Policy, regulations, procedures and
students/public awareness on articulation/
student transfer.
6. Policy, regulations and procedures on credit
 Vertical
 Horizontal
 Residential year
7. Policy, regulations and procedures on course
8. List of support services provided for students.
9. Evidence on adequate and qualified staff in
providing counselling for students.
10. Evidence on student participation in extra-
curricular activities.
11. Regulations, processes and functions of
student representative organization.
12. Establishment/effort on establishing Student
Technologist Chapter.
13. Linkages to alumni and activities involving
Criteria 4: Teaching and Support Staff
1. Recruitment policy, criteria & process of
teaching staff.

Requirement/Criteria Compliance Location of
*Cross where applicable (Yes/No) Evidence in SRR
2. List of academic staff with academic
qualifications & industrial experience:
Bachelor Degree: At least Master OR
Bachelor with min. 3 yrs. relevant industrial
experience/ skills certification (max. 30%
Advanced Diploma to Certificate: At least
Bachelor OR Diploma with min. 3 yrs.
relevant industrial experience/ skills
certification (max. 30% staff).
Min. 5% of teaching staff with at least 1 yr.
industrial experience.
Staff competence for practical oriented
3. Industry mentor for industrial based
4. Policy on research, publication, product
development and consultation.
5. Recruitment policy and criteria for technical
support staff.
6. List of technical support staff with academic,
skills, professional qualifications (QT-MBOT) and
industrial experience.
7. Adequate technical staff with respect to
number of teaching facility.
8. Recruitment policy and criteria for
administrative support staff.
9. List of administrative staff with academic and
professional qualifications.
10. Adequate administrative staff to support the
11. Mechanism of continuous and career
development for staff. (Academic, Technical
Support, Administrative)
12. Industry engagement involving teaching staff.
13. Annual staff performance evaluation system.
14. Evaluation of teaching staff by students.
15. Structured teaching and learning training for
new teaching staff.
Criteria 5: Educational Resources
1. List of physical facilities for teaching and
learning activities.
2. List of equipment of HT and HV.
3. Maintenance of facilities and equipment.
4. List of facilities provided for well being of
students e.g. hostel, café, CCTV, sport and

Requirement/Criteria Compliance Location of
*Cross where applicable (Yes/No) Evidence in SRR
recreational, health center, student center
and transportation, among others.
5. List of research and development facilities.
6. Incorporation of research and development in
the learning ecosystem.
7. Allocation for operation and maintenance of
8. Responsibilities and autonomy of department
in budgeting and resource distribution.
9. Procedures in managing financial resources,
viability and sustainability of programme.
Criteria 6: Programme Management
1. Governance structure of programme.
2. Policies, principles, rules and guidelines on
programme governance.
3. Qualifications of programme leader:
Bachelor Degree & Advanced Diploma:
Master in related field with 3 yrs. academic
experience OR Bachelor in related field with 5
yrs. academic experience.
Diploma & Certificate: Bachelor in related field
with 3 yrs. academic experience OR Diploma
in related field with 5 yrs. academic
4. Policy or procedures in managing students
records on:
 Admission
 Performance
 Completion
 Graduation.
Criteria 7: Quality Management System
1. Governance structure of EP.
2. Leadership at departmental level.
3. Policies and relationships between department
with stakeholders in:
 Collegiality and clarity.
 Finance management.
 Other resources.
 Programme delivery.
 Research.
 Consultancy.
4. Governance aspect in institutional acts.
5. Department autonomy.
6. Resources to attract, maintain, award and
administer continued professional
establishment of staff.

Requirement/Criteria Compliance Location of
*Cross where applicable (Yes/No) Evidence in SRR
7. Resources to acquire, maintain and operate
infrastructures, facilities and equipment.
8. Stakeholders (students, alumni, employers,
professional bodies, teaching staff and
informed citizens) engagement/ feedback to
improve programme.
9. Programme advisory committee comprise of
professionals, industry representatives, external
academic evaluators, subject-matter experts,
alumni and other relevant stakeholders.
10. Student representative feedback.
11. Report on the monitoring, review and
evaluation of:
 Governance.
 Institutional process.
 Functions and report of examination
 Curriculum outcomes, content, delivery and
 Students performance (PLO attainment).
 Graduates achievement (PEO attainment).
12. Benchmarking on QMS conducted.
13. Components of continual quality
 Curriculum and core courses review at least
once every programme cycle.
 External advisor report at least once in 2
 Industry advisor report at least once in 2
 Progressive evaluation of practical and
industrial attachment practices.
 Calibration of equipment at regular interval.
 Linkages and involvement with industry.
 Dialogue session with stakeholders at least
once every programme cycle.
 Keynote speech in relevant field.
 Active academic staff participations in
conference/ seminar/ workshop/ short
 Organisation of conference/ seminar/

Appendix C



Provisional Accreditation Application

through Malaysian Qualification Agency

Application to Malaysia Board of

Technologist (MBOT) for MBOT
compliance with the MQA Act 2007 (Act MQA
679) Section 50-55 and Technologists and
Technicians Act 768 (Section 5 (e))

Accreditation Process

Approval from Technology and Technical TTAC MBOT

Accreditation Council (TTAC) Meeting




Notification to Malaysia Board of

Technologist (MBOT) MBOT

MQA Approved

Pass ?

Notification of Decision to MQA and EP


Appendix D



Full Accreditation Application through

Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) EP

Application to Malaysia Board of

Technologist (MBOT) for MBOT MQA
compliance with the MQA Act 2007 (Act
679) Section 50-55 and Technologists and
Technicians Act 768 (Section 5 (e)

Accreditation Process EP/TTAS MBOT

Approval from Technology and Technical

Accreditation Council (TTAC) Meeting TTAC MBOT


Approval of Malaysia Board of MBOT
Technologist (MBOT)

Pass ?

Notification of Decision to MQA and EP TTAS MBOT


Appendix E



Application continuing for Full EP


Panel appointment/nomination

Proposal audit desktop/ audit visit TTAS MBOT

Visit (if necessary) TTAS MBOT

Compliance report EP/TTAS MBOT

Approval from Technology and Technical

Accreditation Council (TTAC) Meeting



Approval of Malaysia Board of MBOT

Technologist (MBOT)

Pass ? No


Notification of Decision to MQA and EP TTAS MBOT

End 121
Appendix F




Submission transition of accreditation EP

programme and payment of administrative fee

Open file, MBOT reference code and

notification to EP

Panel appointment /nomination/ assignation


Programme evaluation

Review of accreditation Technical committee

meeting (JTA)

Approval from Technology and Technical

Accreditation Council (TTAC) meeting TTAC MBOT

Transition decline and
Status notification to EP for
Programme improvement


Notification of decision to MBOT




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