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Legendary Races:
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Legend of the Harpies 3
Harpy Physiology 3
Who to Blame
Habitat and Society 4
Writers: Josh McCrowell
The Civilized Harpy 5
Additional Writing: Perry Fehr, Sam Hing
Harpy Class Options 9
Development: Mark Gedak
Half-Harpy Race 13
Editors: Perry Fehr, Kurt Philips
Harpidite Feats 17
Cover: Lori Krell
Harpidite Adventurers 18
Civilized Harpy Art: Brian Brinlee
The Cult of Pazuzu 20
Harpidite and Idol Art: Ryan Rhodes
Archetypes 23
Layout By: Mark Gedak
Bestiary 25
Published By: Purple Duck Games
Harpy Equipment 30
Additional Spells 31

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requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo
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Introduction younger sister and wished to ruin the happiness that
Few creatures are as brazenly repulsive as the harpy. Siren had found. The goddess was disturbed at her
Their names have come to be synonymous with daughters’ fascination with Man, and was worried
wanton destruction, filth, and greed. What the harpy for their future with such a discordant creature. The
cannot hoard, they destroy. What they can hoard, Blinding Wind had heard the prophecies about the
they sully. Are there any monsters less lovely and wars, empires and sorrow that man was destined
less loved than the harpy? to bring into the world. She begged her daughters
to turn away from their perverse desires, but they
would not relent.
The Legend of the Harpies So, Ithreia decided to ruin Man and punish her
The harpy was not always as it is now. Legends say
wicked daughters. She gave her jealous children
that the first harpies were the daughters of the
everything they asked for: the forms and semblances
wind goddess, Ithreia (see The Gods of Porphyra
of women. But, whereas the young Siren had been
for more information on this deity). They took the
lovely, her older daughters were twisted and ugly
form of birds (since, in truth, all birds are children
creatures. Their jealousy had robbed them of any
of the goddess of wind) and, like winds themselves,
beauty they could have had. Their desire to ruin, not
they were without constraint. They blew themselves
to be loved, had become manifest.
across the world and nightly returned to their
Thus transformed, the daughters of the Blinding
mother’s home to tell him what they had seen.
Wind flew to the lands of man and despoiled them.
One night, when it was time for the harpies to give
They snatched away infants, stole ancient treasures,
their reports to Ithreia, the youngest harpy seemed
and gobbled up crops. They came to be called
troubled. The wind goddess spoke to her, saying,
Harpies, which meant “Snatchers” in a forgotten,
“What did you see, daughter, to make you fret?”
ancient tongue.
“Old Mother Owl,” she answered, “today I saw
In time, man found Woman and the race continued
a creature I had never before seen. He was very
on, forgetting both the tenderness of the sirens and
strange. I believe he is called ‘Man.’”
the raucousness of the harpies. Even so, ever after,
At this, the wind goddess was troubled, for she
the harpies have plagued the world and savagely
knew what the advent of the human race would
ruined those things that are good and clean.
mean for the world. However, she was also very
grateful to her daughter for telling her this news, so
she asked her daughter for her greatest desire, and Harpy Physiology
declared that if it was within the goddess’s power to Harpies tend to have the physical characteristics
give it to her daughter, she would. typical of women in a particular area. On average,
“Old Mother Owl,” she answered, “When I saw harpies stand about 5’2” tall and weigh about 90
this creature called man, I heard him sing. It was pounds. Their bones are hollow, like a bird to allow
beautiful. I thought, perhaps, if I could sing, he for better flight. These characteristics can fluctuate
might love me.” markedly where nearby human breeding stock tends
This was even more troubling to the wind goddess, to be shorter or taller.
but she had given her word. Therefore, she gave A harpy, for the most part, looks like a human
her youngest daughter a woman’s face and a voice female. Hair, skin, and eye color all vary according to
unparalleled in the entire world. Her youngest locale. Harpies typically have the same coloration,
daughter was named Siren. eye-shape and hair texture of the populations of
Siren flew to the creature named Man and sang to humans and demi-humans nearby, since harpies will
him. Man indeed was drawn to Siren, and lay with use these populations for breeding.
her. Siren had daughters from this union that were In the same way, the harpy’s avian characteristics
like her; birds with lovely faces and lovelier voices. tend to reflect the climate of their region. In
Seeing this, Siren’s sisters begged their mother for temperate seasonal climates, harpies may have the
similar presents. They asked for women’s faces, talons and wings of an eagle or vulture. In marine
women’s hands, women’s breasts, women’s voices. regions, the harpy may have gull or albatross
They cared for Man little, but were jealous of their characteristics. In tropical climes, they have even

been observed with the bright plumage of birds of be most comfortable in small groups where they can
paradise. pool their resources for more effective hunting and
All that said, most harpies ignore hygiene raiding.
completely, and so quickly become wretched and The harpy flock is typically made of several
unattractive. Their horrendous smell is legendary. harpies related (even if distantly) by blood. They
Their unwashed hair often knots itself together or are usually ruled by the eldest harpy matriarch. The
becomes matted. Their skin is oily and dotted with matriarch rules through cruelty and coercion. If the
pimples and pustules. Their faces and mouths are other harpies fear her, they may obey her and pay
often crusted with gore from their previous meals. her obeisance for a time. As the matriarch ages,
The back of their bird legs are caked with their however, the younger harpies will compete for the
droppings. chance to overthrow her. Inevitably, the older ruler
The only thing actually lovely about a harpy is its is put down by her children or nieces.
voice. Harpies have an amazing vocal range and the Harpies have no skill in crafting and must survive
capacity to create obviously inhuman tones, akin to wholly by raiding. Therefore, harpies always roost
birdsong. The song’s effect on those who listen to it within a short distance of a town, city, or trade
is distinct. Creatures caught by the lure of the song route. A harpy clan must make somewhat regular
move towards the harpy, their minds blanked by the forays into this civilization to obtain not only food,
song’s beauty. but potential mates. Of course, a harpy’s insatiable
Universally, harpies are females. As such, the harpy greed will ensure that a harpy not only takes what it
reproduces in an unorthodox way. A harpy will use needs, but whatever it can reach with its talons.
their power of captivating song to lure male humans It’s well known that harpies have a great love
and demi-humans into the lair and, as they are of beautiful things, and they often go out of their
entranced, mate with them. The process is, like most way to steal precious items, jewels, and other such
things a harpy does, messy. Harpies prefer strong treasure during their raids. Of course, the harpies
mates whenever possible. Common-folk will do in a have no practical purpose for these items; in truth,
pinch, but adventurers are prized in particular. harpies steal them because, in their false pride,
Usually, the harpy will kill the male and devour it they believe that such items make themselves more
immediately afterward. Reformed clerics of Pazuzu beautiful. A harpy’s lair is therefore often strewn
(who are forced to work with harpies) have said that with guano-covered gilded treasures.
harpies believe that drinking the blood of the father Harpy clans will fly from place to place as the
will ensure conception and produce strong, able harvests become scarce. If one particular town is
offspring. thoroughly despoiled, the harpies will move on to
Harpy young are just as vicious as their mothers, the next one.
though they lack many of their strengths. Their Though they will live like parasites wherever
carnivorous teeth are sharp, but they cannot make humanoid peoples are found, harpies particularly
the kills themselves. Harpy mothers are strangely enjoy marshlands, swamps, and forested areas. Such
kind to their young, sharing the most tender pieces dense, arboreal environments give them ideal places
of their kills – the eyes, the livers, the brains – with to create lairs and hide after raids.
their children. During the year that the juvenile Harpy dens are notoriously filthy affairs, reeking
harpy cannot fly, it will cling to its mother’s breast with droppings and the broken shards of once-
and hitch a ride. More than one adventure has beautiful crafts. Those more recent acquisitions that
hesitated running a harpy through because of the still have luster will be hoarded in a central location.
screeching babe clinging to it, and paid the price for Harpies will often be found pawing through their
their mercy when the harpy child launched itself favorite spoils, trying them on, and soiling them
into their face. so much so that they are soon to be discarded and
replaced with something else. Being good flyers,
Habitat and Society harpies will often trap the floors and doorways for
Harpies prefer to nest together in small families or protection, leaving the upper reaches of their lairs
clans. Though quarrelsome creatures, they tend to clear so they can fly about as normal.

Civilized Harpy tracking down fleeing criminals is the only time
As it has been said, harpies live like parasites on an urban harpy enjoys something akin to the thrill
the outskirts of civilization. True, some harpy clans of the hunt; some harpies become inquisitors
manage to hide in abandoned buildings, empty precisely for this reason. Harpies are sometimes
rookeries, or collapsed towers, but these are not employed as torturers or dungeon keepers, since
truly “urban” harpies; they are harpies who happen this provides them a legal outlet for their violent
to shelter in an urban environment. It is a rare harpy tendencies. Other times, a city might make use of a
indeed that breaks from its instincts and comes to harpy’s capacity for flight, hiring them as scouts or
be a city-dweller. It has happened, however, and watchmen.
bears mentioning in any thorough treatise on the A city-dwelling harpy must actually take better
species. care of their appearance than their wild kin, and
Most civilized harpies come to live amongst the many will put a great deal of effort into the daily
civilized humanoid races after some incident that bathing ordeal. Harpies will use many oils and
drove them away from their natural environment. perfumes on their hair to straighten and smooth it,
Some harpies are taken from their mothers when as well as overpower their natural musk. They take
they are very young in an attempt to save them care to keep their talons a manageable length. They
from their vile life. Some harpies are driven away bathe regularly to keep their feathers clean. And,
from the clan as adults by their rivals. Some harpies perhaps embarrassingly, civilized harpies must wear
sustain an injury, such as a broken wing or blindness, something akin to diapers, since – like birds - they
which makes it so they cannot survive in the clan as lack the ability to control when they mess.
normal. Whatever the specific reason, most harpies
who come to the city simply cannot return to the Civilized Harpy Race Class
habits and life they knew before. For players who want to run a civilized harpy
There are obvious difficulties with integrating a character, the harpy player class is presented here.
harpy into society. Even if they obey the local laws, The harpy class is meant to scale with PCs of similar
it’s a stretch to call any harpy truly benevolent. levels and therefore does not grant a PC the full
A harpy can suppress many of its destructive powers of the harpy described in the Bestiary but
tendencies, but remains on the whole greedy and instead a player character variant of them. This can
selfish. Indeed, a harpy who puts on the guise be thought of the harpy’s normal growth cycle, from
of ingratiating kindness is more disturbing than a young hatchling to mature adult. A harpy may
appealing: their sharp-toothed smile is off-putting multiclass between harpy and other classes as freely
indeed. as she desires. A harpy character always treats the
At the same time, the harpy has some natural harpy class as her favored class.
empathic tendencies and can understand others Role: The civilized harpy can be a sadistic and
very well. They can tell what parts of themselves remorseless monster. As such, she is likely to also be
they must suppress to achieve the level of such a deadly foe, for she makes many enemies. A
acceptance they desire, and what they can get away harpy can reduce charging foes into witless victims
with. Furthermore, they intuitively understand with her song, allowing her (or her allies) to pick off
the network of power and commerce in a city and the strongest first. She always chooses when and
can insinuate themselves into this web. This sense how she’ll fight, which is the key to her success.
allows harpies to be ruthless and successful business Alignment: Any
people. They can set their prices at precisely the Hit Die: d10
highest level people are willing to pay and intuitively
avoid being swindled themselves. Often, urbanite Class Skills: The harpy class skills are Bluff (Cha),
harpies are not liked, but at least they’re respected. Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Perception
This intuition aids harpies in a variety of other (Wis), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth
occupations. They make good thief-trackers, as (Dex), and Survival (Wis)
they can accurately negotiate the deceptions of the Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier
underworld and track down their quarry. Indeed,

Class Features Fly (Ex): A harpy can fly with average
The following are class features of the civilized maneuverability. At first level, their fly speed is 40 ft.
harpy. This increases by 10 ft. every level thereafter. Harpy
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A civilized harpy characters wearing medium or heavy armor cannot
is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the fly.
longbow, shortbow, and net. Urban harpies are Harpy Song (Su): A harpy can use Perform (song)
proficient with light armor, but no other type of to create magical effects on those around her.
armor or shield. She can use this ability a number of rounds per
Harpy Racial Traits (Ex): At first level, the harpy day equal to 4 + her Charisma modifier. At each
gains a number of racial traits detailed below: level after 1st a harpy can use her harpy song for
+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Int: Harpies are agile 2 additional rounds per day. Each round, she can
combatants and persuasive orators but they are not produce any one of the types of song that she has
as intelligent as typical humans. mastered, as indicated by her level.
Medium: Harpies are Medium creatures and have Starting a harpy song is a standard action, but
no bonuses or penalties due to size. it can be maintained each round as a free action.
Birdlike Gait: The harpies’ legs are birdlike and Changing a harpy song from one effect to another
are not suited to walking on land. They have a base requires the harpy to stop the previous song and
speed of 20 ft. Because of their gait, their land speed start a new one as a standard action. A song cannot
is affected by armor and encumbrance. be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the harpy
Darkvision: Harpies can see in the dark to a range is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious,
of 60 ft. or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to
Terrifying to Goblins: Goblins are terrified of maintain it each round. A harpy cannot have more
harpies, who are their age-old foes. A goblin coming than one song in effect at one time.
within 120 ft. of the harpy can smell them and must Targets must be able to hear the harpy for the
make a DC 15 Will save or flee for 1 round. A goblin song to have any effect. A deaf harpy has a 20%
that successfully saves is not subject to this effect chance to fail when attempting to use a song. If she
for another 24 hours. This is a scent-based, mind- fails this check, the attempt still counts against her
affecting fear effect. daily limit.
Talons: A harpy has long talons on its feet, granting If a harpy character later takes levels in the bard
it two natural secondary attacks. A harpy’s talons do class the bardic performance ability is subsumed in
1d3 damage each. the harpy song ability with harpy levels and bard
Weapon Familiarity: A harpy treats any weapon levels stacking.
with the word “harpy” in its name as a martial Fascinating Song (Su): At 1st level, a harpy can sing
weapon, when they gain access to martial weapons. and cause all those nearby to become fascinated
Languages: Harpies begin play speaking Common by its song. Each creature within a 300 ft. spread
and Auran. Harpies with high Intelligence scores can (except for other harpies), must succeed on a Will
choose from the following: Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, save DC 11 + ½ the harpy class level + Cha bonus
Gnoll and Goblin. or become fascinated. If a character successfully
saves against this effect, the harpy cannot attempt

Level Base Attack Fort Ref Save Will Special

Bonus Save Save
1 +1 +0 +2 +2 Fly 40 ft., harpy racial traits, harpy song
(fascinating song)
2 +2 +0 +3 +3 Fly 50 ft., Flyby Attack,
3 +3 +1 +3 +3 +1 natural AC, fly 60 ft.
4 +4 +1 +4 +4 Fly 70 ft., scythe talons
5 +5 +1 +4 +4 Fly 80 ft., harpy song (captivating song)

to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its appropriate for a civilized harpy class so we have
saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and made a few substitutions with the removal of Climb,
observes the performance for as long as the bard Ride and Swim and the addition of Bluff, Perform and
continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target Sense Motive. As an urban harpy or civilized harpy
takes a –4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, it is more likely for them to possess training in social
such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to skills over physical skills.
the target allows the target to make a new saving
throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such
as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or
Faith Demon cult of Pazuzu
aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks
Homeland Birdman Mountains
the effect.
Female harpy 5/oracle 3
Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion),
CE Medium monstrous humanoid
mind-affecting ability. Fascinate relies on audible
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
components in order to function.
Captivating Song (Su): At 5th level, the harpy’s
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12
song has the power to infect the minds of those
(+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural)
that hear it, calling them to the harpy’s side. When
hp 53 (5d10+3d8+8)
a harpy sings, all creatures aside from other harpies
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +7
within a 300-foot spread must succeed on a Will
save DC 11 + ½ the harpy class level + Cha bonus
Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
or become captivated. A creature that successfully
Melee +1 broken spear +8 (1d8, x2), 2 talons +4
saves is not subject to the same harpy’s song for 24
hours. A victim under the effects of the captivating
Ranged broken net touch +7 (entangle)
song moves toward the harpy using the most
Special Attacks harpy song (15 rounds, captivating
direct means available. If the path leads them into
song, fascinating song; DC 15)
a dangerous area such as through fire or off a cliff,
Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
that creature receives a second saving throw to
1st (5/day) – alter winds, compel hostility, doom,
end the effect before moving into peril. Captivated
forbid action, inflict light wounds
creatures can take no actions other than to defend
0th (at-will) – detect magic, detect poison, read
themselves. A victim within 5 feet of the harpy
magic, resistance, spark
simply stands and offers no resistance to the harpy’s
Mystery wind
attacks. This effect continues for as long as the harpy
sings and for 1 round thereafter. This is a sonic mind-
Str 14, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 17
affecting charm effect.
Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 22
Flyby Attack (Ex): At 2nd level, a harpy gains the
Feats Death From Above, Dodge, Flyby AttackB,
Flyby Attack feat as a bonus feat.
Mobility, Wind Stance
Natural Armor (Ex): At 3rd level, a harpy’s feathers
Skills Bluff +11, Fly +10, Handle Animals +3 (+5
and crusted gore provide enough protection to grant
birds), Intimidate +4, Knowledge (religion) +5,
it +1 natural armor.
Perception +6, Perform (song) +11, Sense Motive +6;
Scythe Talons (Ex): At 4th level, a harpy’s talons
SQ revelation (air barrier, invisibility)
elongate even more, becoming like the blades of
Traits bully, lover of birds
a scythe. The damage for a harpy’s natural attacks
Languages Auran, Common
increases to 1d6.
Gear chain shirt, +1 spear, acid (1 flask), tacky
Purple Duck Note: Traditionally, a monstrous
jewelry, unholy symbol of pazuzu
humanoid has access to nine skills as possible
class skills. They are: Climb, Craft, Fly, Intimidate,
Wrecker Curse (Ex): The destructive power of the
Perception, Ride, Stealth, Survival, and Swim.
Abyss and its teeming hordes of demons seeps
However, some of these do not feel thematically
from your very pores and into your belongings

and surroundings. Held objects gain the broken Harpy Class Options
condition when you use or equip them but regain Below is a selection of class options for players using
their actual condition if employed by anyone else. the harpy racial class as their primary class.
If a held item is restored to unbroken condition, it
becomes broken again the following round. Disable Harpy Alchemist Discoveries
Device becomes a class skill for you and you can The following alchemist discoveries can be taken by
make Disable Device checks to destroy nonmagical harpies.
traps as a move action without the need to use tools Charming bomb: When the alchemist creates a
or take any action beyond simply touching it. bomb, she may have it give off a sweet smelling
smoke that works its way into the minds of its
Some of the harpies in the Birdman Mountains have targets. Any target directly hit by the charming
seen the miracles that Ithreia has performed and bomb must make a Will save or be charmed by the
wondered if they should not return to her worship. alchemist. Anyone within range of splash damage
Nothing causes more disgust and rage for the must make a Will save as well, with a +3 bonus. The
oracle Carsheik. Leader of a small flock (consisting smoke lasts for a single round.
of herself, her younger sister, and their twelve Diseased bomb: Any target that suffers a direct
children), Carsheik abhors the notion of returning hit from one of these foul bombs must make a
to the Owl Mother. She devoutly follows the demon Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. In
lord Pazuzu and firmly supports his positions in the addition the target must make a Fortitude save or
intertribal conflicts that arise between the harpies, contract blinding sickness, filth fever, or slimy doom.
strixes, or halflings that share her mountaintop The disease is chosen when the bomb is created.
home. The target must make a new save every round, until
Given her fanaticism, Carsheik is not a popular the remnants of the bomb is washed off, requiring
figure. Still, many other smaller harpy clans fear to a full round action, and at least a gallon of water.
cross her, lest they risk angering Pazuzu. It is only The alchemist must be at least 8th level to take this
a matter of time, however, before Carsheik draws discovery.
the attention of one of the elder harpy matrons.
Whether they will look on her aggressive diabolism
kindly or not is another question.
Harpy Rage Powers
The following rage powers can be taken by harpies.
Razor feathers: When raging, the harpy’s feathers
Regional Trait become stiff and sharp. She may make two wing
Lover of Birds (Birdman Mountains): Birds of all slashes as natural attacks, dealing 1d6 points of
types and all kinds nest in the Birdman Mountains. slashing damage. Any creature grappling the harpy
You have learned their calls and their habits. You while she is raging takes 1d4 points of slashing
gain a +2 trait bonus on Handle Animal checks damage every round.
related to birds. You can make Handle Animal checks Screech: Once per rage, the harpy can let out a
with birds even if you are not trained in the skill. nearly subsonic scream in a 20 foot burst centered
on her. Creatures other than the harpy within the
Purple Duck Note: Carshiek is built as a player burst take 1d4 points of sonic damage for every
character using the heroic array. She has harpy as two levels of barbarian the harpy possesses, with a
her favored class and used the favored class bonus Fortitude save for half damage.
to provide herself with a few more skill ranks. Race
classes may only select their own race as their
favored class.
Harpy Bard Perfomances
The following bard performances can be taken by
Inspire bloodlust: The bard can sing of the glory
of war, and inspire her allies to greater heights in
battle. Affected allies must be able to hear the bards
song to receive its benefits. The bard’s allies get a +1

to hit rolls and AC, and a +2 on damage rolls. At fifth she gains a +8 to her Fly skill. At 8th level she may,
level and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus as a standard action give a great flap of her wings,
increases by +1, to a max of +4 to hit and AC and and send a current of air at her foes, corresponding
+6 to damage at 17th level. This is a mind affecting to the spell gust of wind. Using this ability requires
effect that replaces the bard ability inspire courage. the use of one ki point. At 12th level, the monk can
spend 2 ki points and create a wind wall as a full
Harpy Druid Options round action. At 16th level the monk may create a
The following options are available to harpy druids. whirlwind equal to that of an elder air elemental.
Nature Bond: A harpy may include Charm and This requires a full round action and the expenditure
Madness in their choice of Domains. of 6 ki points. At 20th level, the monk may summon
Diseased Touch (Su): The druid may make a touch an elder air elemental as a full round action. This
attack as a standard action. If successful, she may costs 10 ki points to use. Wind soul replaces the
inflict the disease of her choice on the target, with a monks high jump and slow fall abilities.
Fortitude save DC equal to 10+ half her druid levels,
plus her Constitution modifier. The druid is also Harpy Oracle Mystery
immune to all diseases. The ability replaces venom Harpy oracles may select the filth mystery at 1st
immunity. level.

Harpy Figher Options FILTH MYSTERY

The following options are available to harpy fighters. Deities: Rajuk Amon-Gore, Shade, Vortain
Winged Warrior: Starting at 3rd level, you start to Class Skills: Add Appraise, Intimidate, Knowledge
become a mistress of fighting on the wing. You gain (nature), and Survival to her class skills.
a +2 to your Fly checks, and +1 to all attacks and Bonus Spells: grease (2nd), summon swarm (4th),
damage while flying. Every four levels thereafter stinking cloud (6th), black tentacles (8th), cloud
these bonuses increase by +1 each, to a maximum kill (10th), repulsion (12th), creeping doom (14th),
of +8 to Fly checks and +5 to attacks and damage at finger of death (16th), energy drain (18th)
19th level. This ability replaces armor training. Revelations: An oracle with a filth mystery may
Harpy Inquisitor Options choose from any of the following revelations:
The following inquisitor judgements are available to Armor of Filth (Su):A thick, greasy crust can be
harpy inquisitors. called to cover the oracle’s flesh, granting her a +1
Converting: The glory of their god fills the natural armor bonus for every two levels of oracle
inquisitor. Any intelligent creature struck by the she possesses. The bonus also applies to her CMD
inquisitor’s weapons must make a Will save ((DC vs grapple checks. The oracle may use this ability for
10 + one-half the inquisitor’s level + her Wisdom one hour per oracle level per day. This duration does
bonus) or view the inquisitor as a trusted friend and not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in
ally for 24 hours. Any creature that resists the effect one hour increments.
is immune to that inquisitors converting judgment Breath of Pestilence (Su):The oracle may, as a
for 24 hours. standard action, breathe out a 60 foot line of foul
Thorns: The inquisitors weapons crackle with diseased air. The oracle may infuse her breath with
energy that runs in white-hot spirals around it. The any disease she is familiar with, and the DC for the
weapon deals half again its rolled damage before disease is equal to 10+ half her oracle levels, plus
adding any bonuses. This extra damage is not her Charisma modifier. The oracle may us this ability
doubled on a critical hit. a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma
Harpy Monk Options Create Offal (Su):The oracle causes thick offal to
The following option is available to harpy monks. rise from the ground, and rain from the sky. She may
Wind soul: The winged monk is mystically affect one 10 foot square per oracle level. These
connected to the air element, and can channel her squares are considered difficult terrain, are treated
ki to control the very air around her. At 4th level as if they are under the effects of a grease spell, and

any living creature other than the oracle entering day + her Charisma modifier.
the area must make a DC 17 Fortitude save or be Shambling Rot (Su):The oracle may even infect
nauseated for as long as they remain in the affect the undead with the ravages of disease. Corporal
area. The oracle may us this ability once per day + undead creatures take the full effect of any disease
her Charisma modifier. inflicted by the oracle’s spells or abilities. Diseases
Disease Familiarity (Ex):Due to her knowledge that deal Constitution effects target the undead’s
and exposure to all forms of disease, the oracle is Charisma. At 15th level the oracle can extend this
immune to all mundane diseases and the sickened effect to incorporeal undead.
condition. At 9th level she is immune to magical Ten Thousand Eyes (Su):The oracle may call upon
diseases, and the nauseated condition. You must be legions of insects to grant her sight similar to
at least 5th level before selecting this revelation. clairvoyance. At 1st level she see a location up to
Filthy Wounds (Su):The oracle may cause any a mile away in any one direction. Changing views
weapon she wields, including her natural weapons, requires a full round action. At 10th level she may
to be coated in a thick, germ-filled pus. Creatures see a location up to five miles away. At 15th level
wounded by the oracle must make a Fortitude save she may see everything around her, for up to
with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 her oracle levels, plus one mile away. Every round the oracle views her
her Charisma modifier or contract slimy doom. In surroundings in this way, she must make a DC 17
addition the wounds inflicted by the oracle’s attacks Will save or be stunned for 1d10 rounds. The DC
won’t heal until the disease is cured. The oracle may of this save goes up by one every round, until the
us this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + oracle fails a save, or ends the effect.
her Charisma modifier. You must be at least 7th level Vermin’s Call (Sp):The oracle can call forth
before selecting this revelation. creatures that share her love of filth and decay. At
Mental Pox (Su): The oracle may attempt to control 1st level she may summon a swarm of maggots to
the fevered minds of those she has spread her filth serve her. At 5th level she may summon 1d4 giant
too. Any creature currently affected by a disease flies or giant cockroaches instead. At 9th level she
caused by the oracles spells or special abilities must may summon an ooze mephit, or 2 lesser creatures
make a Will save, DC equal to 10+ half her oracle of her choice. At 13th level she may summon a
levels, plus her Charisma modifier or be considered fiendish otyugh, or 1-3 lesser creatures. At 15th
under the effect of charm monster. At 12th level this level she may summon a black pudding, or two
effect becomes Dominate monster. The oracle may fiendish otyughs, or 1d6 lesser creatures. The oracle
us this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + may use this ability once per day + her Charisma
her Charisma modifier. modifier. Using this ability requires one round of
Ruining Touch (Su):The oracle may cause 5 pounds concentrating.
of food, or a 5 foot cube of water per 3 oracle levels Final Revelation: At 20th level, a filth oracle is a
to become foul and useless. At 8th level the oracle mistress of disease and rot. She may cast animate
may cause 10 foot cube of earth for every 3 oracle dead at will, always creating plague zombies. She
levels she possesses to become barren and unable may use contagion once per round at will. The oracle
to support plant life. At 12th level, the oracle may gains regeneration 5 for as long as she is in contact
cause a twenty foot cube of air per three oracle with an area containing offal, rotting garbage, or
levels to become stale. Any mundane fires within other filth. The oracle may, as a full round action,
the area go out, any magical fires within the area create a new disease that melds the effects of any
have their duration shortened by a half, or deal two diseases known to her, and deliver it through
half damage if they are of instant duration, and any any of her spells or abilities that cause disease.
creatures within or entering the area must hold their
breath or begin to suffocate. The effect of ruining Harpy Ranger Options
touch is permanent on food, earth, and standing The following option is available to harpy rangers.
water or trapped air. Free flowing water or open air Favored Terrain (aerial): Harpy rangers almost
is affected for 10 minutes per oracle level before always choose aerial as their first favored terrain.
dispersing. The oracle may us this ability once per

Combat style (aerial): This combat style combines make make a touch attack against a living target,
the freedom of flight, with ranged attacking power. requiring them to make a Will save DC 10+1/2 her
The ranger may choose from the following feats: sorcerer levels + her Charisma modifier. Creatures
Hover, Precise Shot, Wing Buffet, or Wingover, At 6th failing this save will follow the commands of the
level, the ranger adds Alertness and Improved Wing sorcerer, to the best of their ability, for a number
Buffet to the list. At 10th level, she adds Greater of rounds equal to the sorcerers Charisma modifier.
Wing Buffet and Shot on the Run to the list. The sorcerer must be able to communicate with the
creature, and any commands that would lead to
Harpy Rogue Talents direct harm to the target ends the effect.
The following rogue talents can only be taken by Harpy Spawn (Ex): At 3rd level, the sorcerer
harpies. becomes immune to nonmagical diseases, and gains
Pluck: While flying, the rogue rips at the wings of a +4 racial bonus against charm effects.
her foes. As a standard action, she rolls her CMB Reach the Sky (Ex): At 9th level, the sorcerer may
against her foe’s CMD. If successful, the target gains sprout a pair of greasy, feathered wings for one hour
a cumulative -5 penalty to its Fly skill for one hour. If per day per point of Charisma modifier. The wings
the targets Fly skill reaches 0, it falls. The rogue must grant a fly speed of 60 feet, and must be used in one
be at least 10th level to take this talent. hour increments.
Wing Blade: The rogue has a knack for concealing Captivating Song (Su): At 15th level the sorcerer
blades within her feathers, and flicking them at gains the use of a harpy’s captivating song ability
the unsuspecting. A harpy rogue may hide two once per day per point of Charisma modifier. The DC
daggers per wing, and may throw them with a flap of this ability is equal to 10+1/2 her sorcerer levels +
of her wings, with a -3 penalty per dagger on the her Charisma modifier.
attack roll. The rogue may choose to throw only the One of the Flock (Su): At 20th level, faint feathers
daggers concealed within one wing, but all daggers grow in the characters hair, and on her arms. The
so hidden are thrown at one time. If the rogue rolls character is immune to charm effects. Once per day
a successful Bluff check against her target, she gains she may change any spell of the charm subschool
sneak attack damage to this attack. she casts into a song, with a 60’ radius, affecting
all creatures within the area of effect. The spell
Harpy Sorcerer Bloodline becomes a sonic mind-affecting charm effect.
The following sorcerer bloodline is for characters
with strong ties to the harpy race. Harpy Summoner Options
The following eidolon evolutions can only be taken
by harpies.
HARPY BLOODLINE Plaguebearer (2 point evolution): Your eidolon
Class Skill: Perform (sing) carries a disease, chosen when the evolution is
Bonus Spells: charm person (3rd), death knell (5th), taken. Choose one attack. Whenever the selected
fly (7th), charm monster (9th), dominate person attack hits, the target must make a Fortitude save,
(11th), mass suggestion (13th), insanity (15th), mass DC equal to 10 + ½ the eidolon’s HD + the eidolon’s
charm monster (17th), dominate monster (19th) Constitution modifier or contract the disease. The
Bonus Feats: Acrobatic, Alertness, Dodge, Fly-by disease may not be used more than one per round.
Attack, Great Fortitude, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Swarmform (4 point evolution): The eidolon may
Will, Skill Focus (Bluff); break down into a swarm of Tiny versions of itself.
The eidolon gains all the abilities and limitations of
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever the sorcerer casts a a swarm of its size. Each time this evolution is taken
spell from the charm or compulsion subschools, she the eidolon may become a swarm the next size
may increase the spell’s DC by +2; smaller. The eidolon loses all its special attacks in
this form, has an effective Strength of 1, and loses
Bloodline Powers the ability to use most of its physical skill and feats
Touch of Compulsion (Sp): At 1st level she may at the GM’s discretion.

Harpy Witch Hexes different than others of its ilk is unknown. Perhaps
The following witch hexes can only be taken by it is some mercy from the wind goddess, her rage
harpies. tempered by eons. Perhaps it is a more natural
Razor feather: This hex allows the witch to turn anomaly, akin to an intersex disorder. Whatever the
one of her feathers into a +1 dagger for one hour reason, a harpy will sometimes give birth to a child
per witch level. At 8th level the feather becomes a that is neither completely human, nor completely
+2 short sword, and at 14th level it becomes a +3 harpy. These are called half-harpies, or more
bane short sword of the witch’s choice. commonly, harpidite (har-pih-DY-tee).
Singing Skull: The witch can enchant a skull with A harpidite is hermaphroditic, having no definite
the ability to use her captivating song. She may sex characteristics. In appearance, they look
set one of the following triggers for the song: If a androgynous, seeming to be either beautiful young
Small or larger creature comes within 30 feet, if men or somewhat masculine women. A harpidite
the skull is touched, or if magic is used within 50 is sterile, and cannot reproduce with a harpy, a
feet of the skull. Targets of the song move with all human, or another half-harpy.
speed to where the skull sits, and wait there until Harpidite only occur when harpies mate with
the song is finished. The song lasts for 1 round per humans. Again, the reason why this is is not entirely
level of the witch that enchanted it. The captivating understood. Alexander the Younger theorized in
song is treated as if the witch was the singers, for Histories Natural and Preternatural that humans
the purposes of the DC of the song, and the witch are the harpy’s ideal mating partner, since harpies
cannot use her song until the skull sings, or until lusted after mankind in the early days of their race
she concentrates while holding the skull for one full and, as such, could produce superior children with
round. If the skull is destroyed before it’s song is them. Jain of Lastland wrote a famous letter of
triggered, the witch must make a DC 17 Will save or rebuttal to Alexander the Younger, loudly decrying
be stunned for 1 round. The witch must be at least Alexander’s attempt to pass off harpidite as “more
10th level before taking this major hex. perfect” harpies, and stated that the ancient legend
of the harpy’s origin was nothing but mythological
Harpy Wizard Options bunk. The scholar Jain argued that harpidite are
The following option can only be taken by harpy what occurs when the male gender tries to assert
wizards. itself in the wholly female species. The Venerable
Singing spell: Harpies learn to channel their verbal Fonafar, hundreds of years later, put forth his own
components directly into their compelling song, theory about the superiority of the human race
without stopping their singing. Once per day per compared to the other demi-humans, and theorized
point of the harpies Intelligence modifier, she may that their blood was strong enough to overpower
cast any spell with a casting time of 1 standard the weak harpy’s. Most modern scholars consider
action or less at any point while she sings. This this little more than racist eugenic rambling, and
replaces Scribe Scroll at first level. the discussion of the human/harpy half-breeds
continues into modern day.
Harpidite tend to take more from their father
Half-Harpy Race (Harpidite) than their mother, as each harpidite is possessed
The moniker half-harpy is, perhaps, misleading. All with the human’s capacity to adapt and expand.
harpies mate with other humanoids to produce These traits serve them well, as harpidite are almost
further generations because the harpies have no universally shunned by civilization. Seen as bizarre
males of their own species. In some sense, all monstrosities, a harpidite’s life is a long hard road.
harpies are half-harpies. Even so, harpidite have natural gifts that allow them
However, not all born from the union of harpy to survive and even thrive with the lot that nature
and surrogate male are born full harpies. Perhaps has dealt them.
one harpy child in a thousand is born as a strange Physical Description: Harpidite look mostly
crossbreed between a human and a throwback to human, with a few notable exceptions. They tend
the harpy’s more noble roots. They are a mutation. to be androgynously beautiful, with none of the
An anomaly. The reason why this child is born

Harpidite Operatic Singer

harpy’s ugliness evident. However, when they smile, their hated foe. Dwarves and gnomes, since they
a row of needle sharp teeth appear behind their lips. live underground, have less experience with harpies,
Harpidite tend to be lithe with light bodies, as if and so may look on harpidite with somewhat less
adapted for flight. However, flight is a gift denied prejudice.
them; the wings on their back are small and Of all the intelligent races, it is other half-breeds
vestigial. They may move their wings, but they who may accept harpidite most. Half-orcs, in
are far too small to generate any sort of lift. Many particular, understand the struggle for identity that
harpidite bind their wings down behind their back, comes when having one monstrous parent.
in an attempt to appear more human. Alignment and Religion: Harpidite raised amongst
A harpidite has light, downy feathers over much harpies typically embrace the evil, chaotic forces
of its body, particularly on its legs and around its that those creatures worship and are initiated into
face. Unlike its harpy parent, however, the harpy the cult of Pazuzu. Harpidite who are raised in
has a generally human gait, and stands straight. civilization typically have a chaotic bent. Since the
It is harder to conceal its long, clawed feet than society at large customarily rejects them, they have
its wings, though, and harpidite must either have a hard time integrating into the more orderly side of
specially made oversized shoes or cloak them with their culture. However, they still tend to assimilate
illusions like Aellomone does when performing. the values of the culture, and may be either good or
The harpidite inherits the same ethnic traits of its evil aligned, depending on the land in which they are
father, but (obviously) has the same avian features raised.
as its mother. If the mother was vulture-like, so too Adventurers: Harpidite are not offered many
is the harpidite vulture-esque. Harpidite also carry legitimate opportunities, so many turn to
the vague scent of harpy musk on them, which they adventuring as a means to support themselves.
may try and conceal with heavy perfumes. Either Harpidite adventurers seek the wealth, respect,
way, a harpidite can expect to have a robust smell: or identity they could not have in traditional
either their musk, or an overpowering perfume. occupations. A harpidite adventurer may prove its
Society: Harpidite have no society or culture of virtue by way of good deeds and heroic actions. At
their own. A few harpidite who survive infancy the same time, a harpidite may brazenly declare
manage to live with clans of harpies, taking on itself a true monster by using its talents to oppress
the wild ways of their mothers. Other harpidites others.
are driven away from the nest and are found by
neighboring civilizations, who may take the harpidite Harpidite Racial Characteristics
in. These foundlings are forced to live with constant Half-harpies are defined by character class levels and
reminders of their monstrous blood. As such, they the following racial characteristics.
often try as hard as possible to appear fully human. +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution:
A very few harpidite are actually born of a “civilized” Harpidite inherit their mother’s light structure but
harpy and are raised in a city environment. These also their frail bones. Additionally, they inherit a
harpidite may wear their heritage on their sleeve, natural talent with music and a natural melodious
openly inviting others to challenge them. A well- voice.
connected harpy mother insinuated into a society Medium: Harpidite are Medium creatures and
is nothing trivial, and young harpidite will rely on have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
a powerful parent to protect them from would-be Normal Speed: Harpidite have a base speed of 30
threats. feet.
Relations: Few people look on harpies with any Darkvision: Harpidite can see in the dark up to 60
kindness, and these dim views carry over to the feet.
harpy’s offspring. Humans, halflings and elves Mildly Empathic: Harpidite have good intuition
have long suffered from incursions from harpies about the emotions and thoughts of other people,
and look upon harpidite with disgust mixed with tapping into their moods. They receive a +2 racial
pity. They almost cannot help expecting wanton bonus on Sense Motive skill checks due to this minor
destruction from a creature that looks so much like empathy.

Birdsong Voice: The harpidite’s voice is an also a class skill for you.
instrument itself, being able to command an High Plains Avian: From above, the prey fear your
incredible range and melt even the hardest of shadow. You suffer half the penalty to Perception
hearts. Half-harpies receive a +2 racial bonus on DCs based upon your distance from creatures or
Perform (sing) skill checks. objects.
Enthralling Song: Half-harpies add +1 to the DC of Rainbow Avian: You are prone to fits of inspiration
spells they cast with the sonic descriptor or spells of and glamor. Once per day, you may add a +4 trait
the charm subschool. In addition, half-harpies with a bonus to a single Charisma-based skill or ability
Charisma of 12 or higher may use enthrall twice per check.
day as a spell-like ability (caster level is equal to the Waveflyer Avian: You have much in common with
half-harpy’s character level). The DC for Enthrall is the gulls that skim the waves. You only need to eat
equal to 12 + the half-harpy’s Charisma modifier. half as much food as normal. Additionally, you gain a
Harpy Blood: Harpidite count as both humans and +2 racial bonus to resist fatigue due to travel.
harpies for any effect related to race.
Weapon Familiarity: Harpidite treat any weapon Purple Duck Note: The race trait Memories of the
with the word “harpy” in its name as a martial Sky from Fehr’s Ethnology: Dragonblood could also
weapon. be selected by harpidite with GM permission.
Languages: Half-harpies begin play speaking
Common. Harpidite with high Intelligence scores Alternate Racial Characteristics
can choose any languages they want (except secret The following racial characteristics may be selected
languages, such as Druidic). instead of existing half-harpy racial characteristics,
but of course you cannot exchange the same racial
Vital Statistics – Age characteristic more than once. Consult your GM
Adulthood Martial Spontaneous Studied before selecting any of these new options.
Classes Casters/ Casters Engorged Wings: The harpidite’s vestigial wings
Psionics are larger and stronger than normal, though still
15 +1d6 +1d4 +2d6 generate no lift. This racial characteristic does not
impart the ability to fly if the half-harpy has no Fly
speed, but if the harpidite ever gains the ability to
Middle Age Old Venerable Maximum
fly, its Fly speed increases by +10 feet. Furthermore,
35 53 79 70+2d20 the harpidite gains a +4 racial bonus to the Fly skill.
years This replaces birdsong voice racial characteristic.
Hoarder: Not all half-harpies inherit their mother’s
Vital Statistics - Height, Weight empathic tendencies; some inherit their bizarre
Base Base Modifier Weight obsession with shiny objects. Harpidite with this
Height Weight Multiplier trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks and
4 ft. 8 in. 70 lbs. 2d10 x3 lbs. Perception checks to find hidden objects (including
traps and secret doors). This replaces the mildly
Race Traits for Harpidite empathic racial characteristic.
These traits are specifically designed for Harpidite Self-Hatred: The harpidite blames its mother and
and Harpy player characters, but usable only by her cursed blood for most of its problems. Harpidite
other races at the GM’s discretion. with this trait receive a +1 bonus to attack and
Boreal Avian: Ithreia, the Blinding Wind, no longer damage rolls against creatures of the monstrous
rejects you. You do not suffed the +2 DC penalty to humanoid type. This replaces the mildly empathic
Perception checks due to inclement weather. racial characteristic.
City Aspirant: You have turned from the wilderness Song of Winds: The harpidite displays affinities
early in life and learned the ways of the city. You that tie him to the god of winds and birds. It may
gain a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (local) and use wild empathy on birds as if a druid equal to its
Knowledge (nobility) checks. One of these skills is class level. This replaces the mildly empathic racial

characteristic. Glide
Sweet Tongue: The harpidite channels his Given a height to jump from, you can almost
empathic abilities towards saying exactly what the emulate the flight of your harpy parent.
other wants to hear. The harpidite receives +2 racial Prerequisite: Harpidite, Flutter
bonus to Bluff skill checks. This replaces the mildly Benefit: From a height, you can fly in a straight line
empathic racial characteristic. for twice the distance of the height from which you
Talons: Typically, a harpidite’s feet are elongated have launched in a single round. This movement can
and obviously birdlike, but not really what you be used as a charge. You also gain another use of
could call a weapon. The harpidite gains talons on Flutter per day.
their feet that deal 1d3 points of damage on a hit.
This is a primary attack, or a secondary attack if Solace of the Soiled
the harpidite wields a manufactured weapon. This You can use your infamous smell as a defense
replaces the birdsong voice and mildly empathic against those who would track you down.
racial characteristics. Prerequisite: Harpidite
Taste for Blood: A taste for humans and elves, the Benefit: Creatures cannot use the scent ability to
harpy’s favorite meals, remains with you. Harpidite track you, and though they can still detect your odor
with this trait receive a +1 bonus to attack rolls at half the normal distance, its putridness gives
against humanoid creatures of the human or elf them a -2 penalty on Perception checks. Normal
subtype due to genetic memory. This replaces the tracking actions work normally on you.
enthralling song racial characteristic.
Snatcher’s Gift
Harpidite Feats Using claws and hands, you can get what you desire
Below is a selection of feats designed for use with from those who oppose you, even taking their
both harpies or harpidite characters. With GM weapons!
permission they may be allowed for other classes. Prerequisite: Harpidite, Sleight of Hand 3 ranks
For the purpose of these feats, the requirement Benefit: You gain +2 on Steal and Disarm combat
‘harpidite’ includes both races. maneuvers while flying. You still provoke attacks
of opportunity with these actions unless you
Extra Enthralling Song also possess Improved Disarm or Improved Steal
You are able to use the enthralling song more often respectively.
than your average half-harpy.
Prerequisite: Cha 15, harpidite, enthralling song Wing Buffet
racial characteristic. When any dare to set hands on you, they will be in
Benefit: You gain an additional two uses per day of for a surprise!
your enthrall spell-like ability. Prerequisite: Harpidite, base attack bonus +3
Benefit: During a grapple, you can choose to make
Flutter an extra slam attack with your vestigial wings,
You have been practicing with your vestigial wings, dealing 1d6 points of damage plus one-half your
and can manage to hold your body weight, if you are Strength bonus.
Prerequisite: Harpidite
Benefit: You can slow your fall to a walking pace, as
effective as the feather fall spell (but non-magical),
once per day. This effect persists until you land
safely on a solid surface.

Harpidite Adventurers kindred will almost certainly be a part of the cult of
Half-harpies are children born into a conflict of two Pazuzu, and as a cleric will wield malicious powers of
natures. One parent is one of the most despised that demon lord. Elsewhere, a harpidite cleric may
monsters in existence, and after a lifetime of being find more noble spiritual traditions, perhaps even
treated as one of these beasts, it would be easy to connecting back to their ancient progenitor Ithreia
give into one’s bestial natures. However, the other (see Gods of Porphyra for more information on
parent instills a sense of limitless achievement and Ithreia).
individual distinction. If the harpidite is tempted Druid: A harpidite has a strange connection to
towards bitterness and savagery, it always has the natural world, having some instincts that would
something in the back of its mind saying: “You can allow it to live well outside the bounds of civilization.
be more than this.” Some druids revere harpidite as being closer to the
In truth, a harpidite has talents that allow it to world of animals, and so offer half-harpies a place of
pursue a variety of paths. Though not physically acceptance.
strong, harpidite possess bloodthirstiness in battle Fighter: Half-harpy fighters have the quickness and
that rivals even half-orcs, so some become fighters lightness necessary to be untouchable fighters and
and monks. This allows them an outlet for any excellent archers. On the battlefield, they can blend
murderous rage they inherited from their mother. beautiful grace with bloodshed in a way that’s very
Others prefer the thrill of pursuit, and will become satisfying to both sides of their nature.
rangers and inquisitors, tracking people no matter Gunslinger: The new workings of firearms tend
where they hide. And, of course, the harpidite to frustrate and baffle the simple instincts of the
possesses some of the musical talents of its mother, harpidite. Still, no half-harpy can deny their efficacy.
so they can easily excel at any occupation that Inquisitor: The harpidite’s slight empathic abilities
allows it to perform. make them excellent torturers, inquisitors, and
Alchemist: Though not known for being a pursuers, being able to understand just how to get
particularly scholarly lot, harpidite nevertheless under somebody’s skin. Many harpidite become
have much to gain by pursuing the studies of the inquisitors to put these talents to the service of a
alchemist. By the alchemist’s study, a half-harpy may god or organization that will take care of them.
increase its own strength with mutagens and create Magus: The power of the magus, which combines
swaths of destruction with bombs – a worthy reward martial and arcane capabilities, tends to lure the
for dutiful learning. harpidite more than other purely scholarly pursuits.
Barbarian: If a harpidite inherits more of its Monk: Some harpidite will become monks to
mother’s share of bloodthirst than is good for try and overcome their less human side through
it, it may easily find an outlet for its destructive introspection and discipline. Others will see it as
tendencies as a barbarian. Half-harpy barbarians a natural path to combat superiority, using their
revel in their baser instincts, creating ruin as swiftness and talons.
effectively as any full-blooded harpy ever did. Ninja: Harpies rarely stray into the mysterious
Bard: With their lovely voices, many harpidite East where ninja training is more common place
take the role of the bard as a way to prove that they (they are driven out by their rivals, the Tengu), but
can be creators of great art and beauty. Combined when harpidite do find their way to where they can
with their natural grace, harpidite bards are quickly receive ninja training, their natural dexterity and
recognized as being more than monsters. charisma compliment the lifestyle well.
Cavalier: A harpidite may have a hard time gaining Oracle: Sometimes the god of air or the demon
acceptance among the noble, civilized ranks of a Pazuzu calls on the half-harpy to become its
cavalier, but that is all the more reason for many messenger. Harpidite who become so blessed (or
harpidite to try and pursue this career. Half-harpy cursed) are fanatics, unstoppable as the storm. This
cavaliers are very effective at rallying and aiding is a common path for many half-harpies, as they
their companions on the battlefield with their clear, have a closer connection to these deities than others
sharp voices. do.
Cleric: A half-harpy raised amongst its mother’s Paladin: Though an uncommon sight, some

harpidite feel that they will never gain the Favored Class Options
recognition they deserve unless they devote Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit
themselves wholly to the cause of righteousness. point whenever they gain a level in a Favored Class,
These half-harpies must hold themselves to a higher half-harpies have the option of choosing from a
standard if they are to win the respect of their number of other bonuses, depending upon their
community. Favored Classes. The following options are available
Rangers: With predatory instincts, a preternatural to all half-harpies who have the listed Favored Class,
knack for understanding others, and a tie to the and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each
natural world, many harpidite take on the role of time you select the listed Favored Class reward.
the ranger. Being quick on their feet, they make Bard: Add +1/2 to the saving throw DC of the
excellent scouts. bard’s fascinate ability.
Rook: Harpidite who adventure in the path of the Cavalier: Add +1/4 to the cavalier’s banner bonus.
rook are most often drawn to the Demagogue and Fighter: Add +1/2 to the fighter’s CMB when
Glamerspex schism. These schisms feed naturally attempting to Dirty Trick or Steal.
into the harpidite’s need for constant attention. Inquisitor: Add +1/2 on Intimidate and Sense
Rogue: Some harpidite take to the path of the Motive checks.
rogue out of desperation, as they must steal to eat Ranger: Choose a weapon from the following
and live. Others find solace in the shadows, hiding list: longbow, light crossbow, heavy crossbow, or
themselves from the world that mocks and pities any weapon with “harpy” in its name. Add a +1/2
them. Whatever their reasons, a half-harpy rogue is circumstance bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls
a dangerous creature indeed. with that weapon (maximum bonus of +4). This
Samurai: Almost no half-harpies choose the path bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.
of the samurai, because almost no great lord is Witch: Treat the witch’s level as +1/2 higher for
willing to trust their pointed-tooth smile enough to the purpose of determining the effects of the witch’s
offer them the chance to take the oaths. hexes.
Sorcerer: Magic is a rare gift for a harpidite,
but when it manifests, few can question their
power. Half-harpy sorcerers can force others to Sample Half-Harpy Character
acknowledge their existence with the power of the AELLOMONE
arcane. Faith Eshsalqua
Summoner: Some harpidite feel an amount of Homeland Iffud
kindred with monstrous forces, and take delight in Harpidite bard (celebrity) 1
calling them forth to their service. A few half-harpies N Medium humanoid (harpy, human)
even become synthesist summoners, molding their Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
eidolon over their bodies to gain some of the bestial DEFENSE
shapes that were denied them by their human AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10
heritage. (+3 Dex)
Witch: Many half-harpies naturally gravitate hp 8 (1d8)
towards the strange magics of the witch, preferring Fort +0; Ref +5, Will +1
the potency of their hexes to the study of the OFFENSE
wizard or summoner. A half-harpy witch is indeed Speed 30 ft.
a fearsome sight, and is often shunned entirely by Melee rapier +0 (1d6/18-20)
civilization – which suits the harpidite just fine. Ranged short bow +3 (1d6/x3)
Wizard: Though not common, a harpidite wizard Special Attacks bardic performance 7 rounds/day
wields potent power. They tend to sing their magic (standard action, countersong, distraction, fascinate)
incantations and weave their spell notes into long Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
and beautiful ballads for easier memorization. 2/day – enthrall (DC 15)
Many harpidite wizards gravitate towards elemental Bard Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
schools of study, particularly that of Air. 1st (2/day) – disguise self, moment of greatness

0th (at-will) – ghost sound (DC 13), haunted fey scriptures, and rituals are secrets to all except those
aspect, prestidigitation, resistance initiated into the cult. Pazuzu’s name is held in
STATISTICS uttermost respect – it is said that the Prince of Air
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 17 can look into the heart of whoever speaks his name.
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13 Giving the unholy gift of his name to new aspirants
Feat Flutter is typically the first step down a dark road; once
Skills Bluff +7 (+9 to lie), Diplomacy +7, Intimidate aspirants speak the name of Pazuzu, he can look into
+7, Perception +3, Perform +9, Sense Motive +5; their minds and learn how to ruin them.
Racial Modifiers +2 Sense Motive, +2 Perform (sing) Almost all harpies are initiated into the Cult of
Traits Gift of the Master Gambler, Rainbow Avian Pazzu and are held in high esteem by the other
Languages Common cultists. Pazuzu will often test and torture mortal
SQ bardic knowledge, enthralling song, famous worshippers, making sure that they are completely
(Iffud), weapon familiarity loyal. He drives them to the very brink of their sanity
Gear rapier, shortbow, studded leather armor, to bend their minds into the twisted shapes that he
disguise kit, backpack, artisan’s outfit most desires. A harpy is already a creature of perfect
Born to the harpy Aello, a civilized harpy in the city Harpies often take leadership roles in the cult.
of Berton, Aellomone (a name meaning “Aello’s They may become demoniacs and perform the
daughter”) had a strange childhood. Aello was Obedience of Pazuzu. They may take on cleric roles,
a mid-level crime boss who sacrificed almost shepherding others down the path of darkness.
everything she had to make sure that her daughter They may even become summoners or wizards and
had a fair chance in the big city. unleash demons into the material realm. All these
Aellomone was accepted as a student at the opera tasks are seen as laudable within the cult and win
house and quickly became a rising star. Aellomone’s the harpies prestige.
androgynous beauty allowed her to play both male The following are a variety of things that harpies or
and female roles, or even shift between roles with other cultists of Pazuzu may encounter during their
small costume changes and well-placed Disguise Self devotion to the demon lord of wind.
As Aellomone became well-known in her district of
the city, she began to dream of the wider world and
King of the Wind Demons
opportunities outside of the city walls. Armed with
CE male demon lord of the sky, temptation, and
her training and some fame, she has set out to make
winged creatures
a much larger name for herself.
Unholy Symbol: image of Pazuzu with right hand
Gift of the Master Gambler (Eshalqua): Eshsalqua
has seen fit to gift you with the power of
Domains:* Animal, Chaos, Trickery
obfuscation. Gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff checks to
Subdomain:* Demon, Feather, Pazuzu
tell lies.
Temple: cliffside cathedrals, desert ruins,
mountaintops, towering spires
The Cult of Pazuzu Worshipers: antipaladins, harpies, tengus
Like many other evil monsters of the air, harpies Minions: fiendish flying creatures, perytons,
worship the demon lord Pazuzu. Though harpies swarms, vrocks
are feral, the Cult of Pazuzu connects them to many Obedience: String up the intestines of a freshly
other forces of evil: manticores, wyverns, mortal killed creature somewhere that will attract the
demon-worshippers. Their shared allegiance in the attention of hungry birds (such as the branches of a
cult turns these potential foes into allies. The cult is tree or the crenellations of a tower), then meditate
the harpy’s main opportunity to become involved in on the offering. Gain a +4 profane bonus on all
projects larger than themselves. saving throws against effects from flying creatures
The Cult of Pazuzu is a mystery cult. The tenets, and compulsion effects.

An Idol of Pazuzu

BOONS Cult Feats
1: Whispers on the Wind (Sp) charm person 3/day, The following feats assist harpies and others show
enthrall 2/day, or fly 1/day their devotion to their demonic masters
2: Possession (Sp) You can cast magic jar once per
day as a spell-like ability. You can use a holy symbol Demonic Obedience
of Pazuzu or a statue of Pazuzu as your receptacle— You physically defile yourself, others, or holy objects
if you do so, you can determine the exact creature in order to prove your blasphemous devotion to a
type and position of all potential life forces you’re demon lord and gain special boons.
capable of possessing. This ability is the equivalent Prerequisites: Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks, must
of a 7th-level spell. worship a demon lord.
3: True Temptation (Sp) If any creature speaks Benefit: Each demon lord requires a different
Pazuzu’s name aloud three times with a single obedience, but all obediences take only an hour to
breath, and that creature is within 60 feet of you, perform. Once the obedience has been performed,
you can cast quickened charm monster on that you gain the benefit of a resistance to some element
creature as an immediate action. You can use this or attack associated with your demon lord, as
power up to three times per day. Creatures with fly indicated in the “Obedience” entry for the demon
speeds take a –4 penalty on saves against this effect. lord.
If a creature that fails its save against this effect has If you have at least 12 Hit Dice, you also gain
protection from evil or a similar effect activated, that the first boon granted by your demon lord upon
effect is immediately and automatically dispelled. undertaking your obedience. If you have at least
You can use this ability against a creature that 16 Hit Dice, you also gain the demon lord’s second
has not invoked Pazuzu’s name, but if you do so, boon. If you have 20 Hit Dice or more, you also gain
it functions as a normal (non-quickened) charm the demon lord’s third and final boon. Unless a
monster spell that does not dispel protection from specific duration or number of uses per day is listed,
evil effects. This ability is the equivalent of a 9th- a boon’s effects are constant.
level spell. If you ever fail to perform a daily obedience, you
lose all access to resistances and boons granted by
PAZUZU SUBDOMAIN this feat until you next perform the obedience.
Associated Domain: Chaos
Replacement Power: The following granted power Cult Leader
replaces the touch of chaos power of the Chaos You initiate your followers into the cult of your
Domain. demon lord, exalting in their cries of agony as they
Pazuzu’s Sting (Su): You grow a barbed scorpion realize the consequences of the path they’ve chosen.
tail. You may attack with your tail as a secondary Prerequisite: Demonic Obedience, Leadership
attack, dealing 1d4 points of damage, and inflicting Benefit: Your followers and your cohort become
poison as per a medium giant scorpion. At 9th level members of your demon lord’s cult, if they were
the damage becomes 1d6 and the poison deals Con not already. Your cohort (though not your followers)
damage. You may grow your tail once per day per gains the fiendish template, as long as this would
point of Constitution modifier, and the tail lasts for not place his CR more than 2 levels below yours. If
one minute per cleric level you possess. the fiendish template would cause your cohort to be
only 1 level below your own, he does not gain the
Purple Duck Note: On Porphyra, Demon Lords template until you gain a level.
only have access to three domains and up to Additionally, your leadership level raises by 1 with
three subdomains as listed above. In the extended your special title of cult leader.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules Pazuzu should
grant access to the Air, Chaos, Evil and Trickery
domains and probably the Deception, Demon and
Wind subdomains.

Racial Archetypes monster ability. At 8th level, this chance increases
Below is a selection of archetypes for harpy and to a 70% chance. Whether the eidolon is successful
harpidite characters. They may be available to other or not, one use of the spell-like ability is considered
races with GM permission. expended.
Infernal Taint (Su): At 20th level, you become
tainted by the powers you have so long called
Goetic Summoner (Summoner Archetype) upon. You gain immunity to acid, cold and
Many summoners touch distant planes, both
electricity. You gain spell resistance equal to your
celestial and infernal, binding the creatures she finds
hit dice + 5 (maximum 30) and darkvision 60 ft.
there to her will. The goetic summoner intentionally
and if you already have darkvision, your range of
draws on the Abyss and looses the fiends there,
darkvision is increased by 30 ft. In addition, all
freeing them to do their evil in the world. Yes, they
creatures summoned by the goetic summoner do
serve her…but she in turn serves the darker powers
an additional +2d6 profane damage on all attacks
of the planes.
against good or lawful creatures. This ability
Alignment: Any evil
replaces twin eidolon.
Goetic Mastery (Sp): Starting at 1st level, a goetic
summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-
like ability a number of times per day equal to Black Pit Corruptor (Antipaladin Archtype)
3 + his Charisma modifier. He can cast this spell The antipaladin is so haunted by his dark choices
as a standard action that provokes an attack of that he can find solace only by spreading his black
opportunity and the creatures remain for 1 minute gospel. A black pit corruptor is often a servant of
per level (instead of 1 round per level). a demon lord and an initiated into a demonic cult.
At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the He uses his knowledge of religious institutions to
power of this ability increases by one spell level, infiltrate and subvert them in the name of his new
allowing him to summon more powerful creatures abyssal lord. The black pit corruptor takes delight in
(to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level). tearing down good religious enclaves and initiating
At 19th level, this ability can be used as gate or new converts into his own cult.
summon monster IX. If used as gate, the goetic In Sheep’s Clothing: At 3rd level, the antipaladin
summoner must pay any required material gains the spell undetectable alignment as a spell-
components. These summon spells are considered like ability as a constant effect. This ability replaces
to be part of his spell list for the purposes of spell plague bringer.
trigger and spell completion items. In addition, Abyssal Aura: At 8th level, the antipaladin’s aura
he can expend uses of this ability to fulfill the hampers extra-dimensional travel by good outsiders.
construction requirements of any magic item he The aura extends 20 feet from the antipaladin.
creates, so long as he can use this ability to cast the Good outsiders attempting to use abilities such as
required spell. dimension door, plane shift, or teleport to leave
Additionally, if you summon an evil monster with or enter the aura must succeed at a Will save (DC
this ability, your caster level is considered 1 higher. 10 + ½ the antipaladin’s level + the antipaladin’s
This ability replaces summon monster I and shield Charisma modifier); failure means the ability does
ally. not function, as if the outsider were affected by
Superior Summoning: At 3rd level, the goetic dimensional anchor.
summoner receives Superior Summoning as a bonus The aura functions only while the antipaladin
feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. This conscious, not if he is unconscious or dead.
ability replaces bond senses. Alternatively, as an immediate action, the
At 6th level, the summoner’s eidolon may attempt antipaladin can expend one use of his smite good
to utilize his master’s summon monster spell-like ability to target a good outsider within 30 feet with
ability. Like a demon, the eidolon only has a certain dimensional anchor. A targeted dimensional anchor
percent chance to summon a monster successfully persists even if the antipaladin is unconscious or
and is restricted to the evil alignment. The eidolon dead. This ability replaces aura of despair.
has a 50% chance to successfully use the summon

Dedicated to the Dark: At 11th level, the IDOL OF PAZUZU
antipaladin gains partial access to one of the Aura strong conjuration; CL 13
domains granted by his evil god or demon lord. Slot none; Price 36,000 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
The domain spells are added to the antipaladin’s DESCRIPTION
spell list. The antipaladin does not gain domain These idols in the shape of Pazuzu are a common
slots, but is otherwise is treated as a cleric 10 levels enough sight in many of the demon prince’s
lower than his antipaladin level. For example, an temples. They are given to the cult leaders by the
antipaladin who selects the Death Domain at 11th Pazuzu’s lieutenants, the Aerial Lords, as a way to
level gains the first granted power of the Death solidify their power over their congregation. The
Domain (Bleeding Touch) and will gain the second idols are actually bound with a vrock demon within
granted power at his 19th antipaladin level. them, which can be summoned forth with a short
This ability replaces aura of vengeance. prayer.
When the idol is held and the command word
Magic Items spoken, the bound vrock is summoned for 13 rounds
Below is a selection of harpy themed magical items per day. The vrock obeys the idol holder for the
for inclusion in your games. duration. The rounds need not be consecutive.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, summon
Aura moderate conjuration and evocation; CL 7
Slot none; Price 32,322 gp; Weight 1 lb.
During the great wars of the Abyss, Pazuzu strode Aura strong abjuration; CL 20
against many other fiendish forces. When he called Slot bracer; Price 108,500 gp; Weight 7 lbs.
his harpy servants to aid him in a campaign against DESCRIPTION
the devils, a dedicated flight of harpies answered In Pazuzu’s long struggle against Lamashtu, he has
his summons. They plucked their feathers from their had to be creative. Heaven has many more resources
bodies, coated them in silver, and offered them to that are better suited to taking on members of
the dread Prince of Air. Pazuzu’s own kind than he has. To simulate some
These weapons appear to be silver daggers, with of the powers that the forces of good use against
the blade itself shaped like a harpy’s pinion. The hilts demons, Pazuzu has crafted the Manacles of the
are inscribed with blasphemous and awful prayers Black Angel.
declaring victory for Pazuzu. These rare minor artifacts are manacles forged of
The blades made from these feathers are lillend and vrock bone. They are designed to take
something of a legend in hell, especially within the an outsider creature captive. While bound by the
Cult of Pazuzu. A few still remain after the great manacles, the outsider is trapped as though bound
wars, and may be found in temples to Pazuzu or in by a magic circle against good or evil (as applicable)
places where the abyssal realms touch close to the with a constant dimensional anchor on the victim.
material plane. Though they are of demonic make, The captive is also under a constant suggestion
they are powerful tools against devils, and so may effect (DC 20) to keep it from attempting to escape.
see use amongst good and holy adventurers. As these fit over the forearms, they suppress the
This +1 silver dagger is both anarchic and devil- powers of any bracers worn (if any) on the trapped
bane. It normally deals 1d4 damage, but deals 2d6 outsider.
damage against lawful targets. The dagger counts as
a +3 dagger against devils, who take a total of 4d6
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
summon monster I, chaos hammer, Cost 16,000 gp

Bestiary (1d4)
Below is a collection of variant harpies and variant Special Attacks feasting song, feats of strength,
harpy rules for use against player characters. harpy murder
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +10)
Purple Duck Note: As written in the Bestiary, harpies 3/day – crushing despair, stinking cloud
have a bit of a glass jaw when it comes to combat. STATISTICS
Their captivating song is a good ability but they are Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 10 Cha 15
weaker in every other respect with compared to the Base Atk +8; CMB +8; CMD 21
typical CR 4 monster. Feats Dodge, Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude,
Harpies in legend were terrible creatures who Toughness
people fled from. I think harpies need to have a bit Skills Fly +14, Perception +11, Perform (song) +10
of an upgrade. The sight of a murder of harpies Languages Common
should cause people to run for cover. All harpies ECOLOGY
on Porphyra will have the following variant ability. Environment any land or underground
Civilized harpies do not gain this ability. Organization solitary, pair or murder (7-12)
Treasure standard
Harpy Murder (Ex) Harpies travel in murders. While SPECIAL ABILITIES
in a murder, an individual harpy gains a morale Disease (Ex) Aggressive Bubonic Plague: Claws—
bonus to her attack rolls, weapon damage, ability injury; save Fortitude DC 14; onset 1 hour; frequency
checks, skill checks, and saving throws equal to 1/hour; effect 1d4 Con damage and 1 Cha damage
the one-half the number of harpies in the murder and target is fatigued; cure 2 consecutive saves.
(maximum +6 for 12 members). As members of the Feasting Song (Su) A feasting harpy’s song causes
murder are dispatched or separated from the pack overwhelming hunger within those that can hear it.
by 100 ft. the bonus is lost immediately. When a famine harpy sings, all creatures aside from
other harpies within a 300 ft. spread must succeed
Purple Duck Note: All harpies below are designed on a DC 16 Will saving throw or suffer a -3 morale
to be very tough for their CR. Its time player’s feared penalty to AC and must make a further DC 16 Will
harpies again. save or may act aggressively against the harpy but
must seek out food instead. Creatures who fail this
second save three successive times must attack the
Harpy, Famine nearest living thing to kill it and eat its flesh. This
This disgusting creature resembles a diseased effect persists for 1 round after the harpy finishes
woman with clawed hands and the talons and wings singing or is killed. The save DC is Charisma based.
of a vulture. Her skin is a pale green color and is Feats of Strength (Ex) Twice per day as a free action,
pocked with lesions and sores. the famine harpy can lose 6 hit points to gain a +6
bonus to its Strength. This bonus lasts for 5 minutes.
HARPY, FAMINE (CR 5; 1,600 XP)
CE Medium monstrous humanoid In the dark aftermath of the NewGod Wars of
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11 Porphyra, as many died from disease, hunger, and
DEFENSES exposure as were killed in the clash of combatants.
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 Naturally, many monsters profited from this, even
(+3 Dex, +4 natural) adapting their very nature for the grim near-
hp 52 (8d10+8) apocalypse that swept the world. One of the worst
Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +6 examples of this is the famine harpy, harbinger of
Immune ability drain, cold, disease, negative energy, starvation and disease, haunter of dead and dying
paralysis, poison, sleep lands. Famine harpies have, since those bad old
OFFENSE days, learned to thrive on the hunger and pestilence
Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average) of others, so much so that no other being but those
Melee 2 claws +8 (1d6 plus disease), 2 talons +3 of their own race can tolerate their presence. Their

inimical nature ensures their low numbers, as they 3/day – ghoul touch, spectral hand
must capture humanoids with which to reproduce, 1/day – animate dead
the same as their standard cousins, though without Spells (CL 7th; concentration +10)
the same attractive song. 4th - contagion
Famine harpies are the least territorial of the 3rd – call of the underworld, ray of exhaustion
greater race, having to keep moving to ensure a 2nd – false life, limp lash, touch of bloodletting
good food supply and the escape the pursuit of 1st – awaken the dead I, cause fear, chill touch,
skilled avengers. Though they have much in the way mage armor, ray of enfeeblement
of defenses, they are somewhat cowardly, and have 0th (at-will) – bleed, blood will tell, disrupt undead,
been known to quickly infect a target, and wait in a touch of fatigue
roost until it weakens. Surprisingly, -or perhaps it STATISTICS
is part of their nature- famine harpies do not seem Str 10, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 15
to need to eat very much, and can even be found Base Atk +10; CMB +10; CMD 22
underground in desolate, gloomy caves. Famine Feats Dodge, Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved
harpies can be found nearly everywhere, and one of Initiative, Mobility
their kind invading a city can set off both a mad riot Skills Bluff +12, Fly +19, Knowledge (religion) +13,
and a dangerous pandemic. Perception +13, Perform (oratory) +12, Perform
Large flocks of these creatures have sometimes (song) +12, Stealth +15
(especially with the presence of a strong leader) Languages Common
been bought off from entering a local domain, with ECOLOGY
trinkets and food, or directed to another’s territory Environment temperate hills, marshes and
for a price. This willingness to bargain with these underground
loathsome beings usually results in night raids, Organization solitary, murder (2-8) or solitary plus
anyway, and nothing to show for negotiation but 7-12 wights
plague and hunger. Treasure standard
Create Spawn (Su) Any humanoid that is slain by a
Harpy, Feaster feaster harpy becomes a wight itself in 1d4 rounds.
A gaunt monstrous woman with dark blue skin dives
Spawn are under the command of the feaster harpy
out of the clouds. Her black wings are tipped with
that created them and remain enslaved for as long
dried blood and her eyes are wild with hunger.
as the harpy lives.
Horror Song (Su) A feaster harpy’s song is a
HARPY, FEASTER (CR 6; 2,400 XP) terrifying thing with absolutely no sonorous
LE Medium monstrous humanoid (evil) qualities. It strikes fear in the living and gives
Init +6; Senses darkvision; Perception +13 strength to the dead. The feaster harpy can activate
DEFENSE this song as a move action and maintain it as a free
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 action. All living things within 300 ft. must make a
(+2 Dex, +8 natural) Will save DC 17 or become panicked for 4d4 rounds.
hp 55 (10d10); siphon healing 5 All undead creatures in the area are bolstered by
Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +7 the song and receive a +4 morale bonus to attack,
OFFENSE damage and saving throw rolls. The save DC is
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) Charisma-based.
Melee 2 claws +10 (1d6 plus energy drain), 2 talons Siphon Healing (Su) Feaster harpies possess a
+5 (1d4) variant form of fast healing that only functions
Special Attacks create spawn (wight; 1d4 rounds), when other living creatures are within 30 ft. of it.
energy drain (1 level, DC 17), harpy murder, horror Any time the feaster harpy regains hit points, the
song nearest living creature – friend of foe – must make
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +12) a Fortitude save DC 17 or suffer 5 points of damage.
At-will – cause fear, chill touch The harpy heals regardless of the result of the save.

The save DC is Charisma-based. Feaster harpies are HARPY, REAVER (CR 5; 1,600 XP)
immune to the siphon healing themselves. CN Medium monstrous humanoid
Spells: A feaster harpy casts spells as a 7th level Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
wizard. They favor necromancy spells. DEFENSES
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16
Their flight a frightening shadow in the sky, their (+2 Dex, +6 natural)
song a cruel mockery of birdsong, the monstrous hp 60 (8d10+16)
and rapacious beings now being known and revealed Fort +4; Ref +8, Will +6; +4 vs. fear
as feaster harpies are a fast-spreading plague on the DR 5/—; Immune disease, electricity, stunning
lands. Feaster harpies are foul tools of dark cults, OFFENSE
who frequently escape their would-be masters to Speed 20 ft.; fly 80 ft. (good)
set up blighted little empires of their own, populated Melee cutlass +13 (1d6+4/18-20), 2 talons +8
with the life-draining animated corpses of the (1d6+2 plus berserk)
victims. The presence of a feaster harpy, whether in Special Attacks harpy murder, mourning song
a cultic cell or independent, will deplete populations STATISTICS
in a dismayingly short time and are difficult to root Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 15
out due to their high degree of mobility, their array Base Atk +8; CMB +12; CMD 24
of magical skills, and their increased power when Feats Ability Focus (berserk), Flyby Attack, Weapon
gathered in numbers. Focus (cutlass, talons)
The black-robed and cruelly artistic Rajuki, Skills Fly +17, Perform (sing) +13, Perception +11
followers of Rajuk Amon-Gore, the Last Dancer, Languages Common
have engineered this appaling race from captured, ECOLOGY
magically-distorted harpy stock, and propagate Environment any ocean or seaside
their numbers in harrowing ceremonies involving Organization solitary, pair, or flight (3-12)
feasters lured to a grim mountain altar, and a cultist Treasure standard
protected with strong magic. Needless to say, the SPECIAL ABILITIES
‘father’ rarely survives such an ordeal. Berserk (Su) Creatures struck by a stormmaiden
Feaster harpies are highly intelligent, and use their harpies talons must succeed at a DC 18 Will save or
wight-spawn to test and probe enemies who come suffer the effects of feeblemind and rage for 1d4+4
to wipe them out, knowing full well that those who rounds. Berserk victims attack the nearest creature,
come to eradicate them are likely to become their friend or foe, while the stormmaide retreat to safety
new slaves in undeath. Even their loot and personal to watch the carnage. The save DC is Charisma-
items becomes a draw for another group of would- based.
be heroes, who would inevitably fall under the spell Mourning Song (Su) Stormmaiden harpies are
of the feasters. The relationship between feasters consumed by a sense of eternal betrayal. They
and cultists is typically a very rocky one, as the constantly sing a mourning song that causes all
former wish to serve no master, but the latter have creatures within 300 ft. who can hear them to be
skills, resources (and males capable of surviving the shaken. The effect continues for 1 round after the
mating act) that the feasters lack. harpy has been killed or driven off. There is no save
for this sonic, mind-affecting charm effect.
Harpy, Reaver
A mournful song fills the air as the sky above the Though the foul and dangerous race of harpies
sails is darkened by a flight of avian women descend are known to venture out to sea, there are certain
from above. Their cultasses gleam in the sunlight breeds which excel at dominating this environment,
and reflect the profound loss that is etched upon and make a habit of bedeviling those who would
their faces. travel the ocean heedlessly. Reaver harpies,
sometimes known as The Stormmaidens, have
specialized themsleves into this niche. Like their
cousins, the vortex harpies, they revel in storms and

are rarely hurt by them. They have a chaotic goddess Feats Alertness, Death From Above, Dodge, Flyby
as a sponsor as well — Nise the Stormmaiden, the Attack
Lady of Pain. Skills Fly +9, Perception +9; Perform (sing) +11,
Nisian boat-priestesses of an evil bent brought Sense Motive +9
about the reavers, possibly to combat elementalist Languages Common
forces such as the seafaring frost giants, or possibly ECOLOGY
to augment the female-dominant powers of the Environment temperate or warm lands and islands
harpy race. In any case, reaver harpies reproduce Organization solitary, pair, murder (7-12)
through parthenogenesis, requiring no males. Treasure double
Though this might seem a frightening prospect SPECIAL ATTACKS
for those who ply the seas, reaver harpies fight Disease (Su) Blood of Ul’Ul: Claws—injury; save
constantly amongst themselves for dominance of Fortitude DC 18; onset immediate; frequency 1/
the flock, and often attack ships so recklessly that round; effect confusion as per the spell; this is not
overpopulation is not a factor. More naturally- considered mind-affecting as it a supernatural
oriented harpies dislike them, and even like-aligned disease that moves through the bloodstream; cure 2
vortex harpies will fight with them over territory. consecutive saves. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Reaver harpies lair on ships whose crews they have Insanity Song (Su) A vortex harpy’s song has the
destroyed, or sometimes on storm-wracked isles in power to infect the minds of those that hear it,
dark seas. Some evil Nisian priestesses persuade a forcing them into a spiral of madness similar to
few to come inland to act as tools of vengeance, or their mistress Ul’Ul. When a vortex harpy sings, all
temple guards, but they are ill-suited to the work creatures aside from other harpies within a 300 foot
and must be totally dominated to be of any use. spread must succeed on a DC 18 Will save or suffer
They typically arm themselves with weapons stolen 1d3 points of Wisdom damage and fall under the
from victims, replacing them when they rust and effects of confusion (as per the spell) for 1d6 days. A
break. creature that successfully saves is not subject to the
same harpy’s song for 24 hours. Creatures confused
for than four consecutive days will suffer nightmares
Harpy, Vortex for an additional 1d6 days affect the confusion
This avian humanoid is beautiful beyond measure.
clears. This is a sonic, mind-affecting charm effect.
Her form is flawless from the tips of her multicolored
The confusion can be cured by a greater restoration
wings to ends of her bronze talons. A fiery malice
spell. The save DC is Charisma-based.
darts from her maddened eyes.
The harpy race has always been perniciously attuned
HARPY, VORTEX (CR 4; 1,200 XP) to both the environment and the gods, but no harpy
CE Medium monstrous humanoid more so than the dangerous breed known as the
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9 vortex harpy. Vortex harpies love nothing more
DEFENSE than being buffeted violently in a storm. Nothing,
AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 that is, except for the mad capering victims of their
(+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural) madness-inducing abilities. Vortex harpies are very
hp 52 (8d10+8) fond of participating in a mad dance with those
Fort +3; Ref +8; Will +6 affected, but the dance always ends when those
Immunities disease, mind-affecting, sleep affected by confusion or insanity clear their minds
OFFENSE enough to direct their aggression against their
Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average) tormentors. Then, the combat begins in earnest,
Melee 2 claws +8 (1d4 plus disease), talons +3 (1d6) with the losers frequently forming a feast for the
Special attacks harpy murder, insanity song cackling wretches. Vortex harpies will eat fruit, and
STATISTICS especially love coconuts, but will also use them as
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 18 impromptu missile weapons, the only weapons that
Base Atk +8; CMB +8; CMD 21 this breed are known to use.

Though the more stable adherents of the storm Languages Undercommon
goddess Ul’Ul plead prejudice when vortex harpies ECOLOGY
are nominated as servants of Her will, the fact that Environment underground
Ul’Ul is known as ‘The Vortex’ probably seals the Organization solitary, pair or cloud (3-12)
matter. Vortex harpies please the Mad Maiden Treasure standard
and many of her wilder devotees, and storms SPECIAL ABILITIES
ridden by the wild creatures are indicators of Her Mournful Song (Su) As a standard action, a zotz
wrath. It is from these devotees that vortex harpies can sing a mournful, wordless song. All non-harpies
frequently choose their mates, or pirates marooned within a 300-foot spread must make a DC 13 Will
or captured by one of the mad creatures that take a saving throw or be dazed for 1d3 rounds. Once a
fancy. Pirates in their island haunts call this ‘Riding creature has suffered this effect, or successfully
the feather wind’, and a salt that survives the saved against it, they may not suffer it again for 24
experience need never buy drinks again in his life. hours. This is a sonic mind-affecting effect. The save
There are slight differences in appearance DC is Charisma-based
and behavior of island-hopping and land-bound
vortex harpies, the oceanic type being slightly less It is known that the harpy has the characteristics of
malicious, and sometimes useful as indicators of a bird typical of the region in which it is found. Still,
inclement weather. Vortex harpies on land are it is a strange sight to glimpse a zotz – a harpy with
extremely difficult to reason with, and attack with no bat-like characteristics rather than bird. Whether
provocation. Both like to lair near water, in hollow they are a true species of harpy or merely a creature
trees or other high places, and always in places that of similar appearance is unknown.
offer no shelter from the storm. Zotz are more feral than harpies, being deprived
of true civilizations to mockingly emulate (as a
harpy does). They dwell deep underground, picking
Harpy, Zotz off stray goblins or dwarves as they can. Hunting is
A near ceaseless, high-pitched chattering comes
difficult for a zotz, and the cavern roof often forbids
from a creature resembling an albino human female
them from making a clean escape. Therefore, they
with tattered and membranous leathery wings
dwell in the most inhospitable of underground
emerging from its back.
regions, sheltering in stalactite forests.
A zotz seems to have a sad quality about it. They
HARPY, ZOTZ (CR 3; 800 XP) use a form of echolocation to navigate the darkness
CE Medium monstrous humanoid that sounds like weeping. Their song is particularly
Init +3; Senses blindsense 120 ft.; darkvision 60 ft.; sad, and can paralyze those who hear it with sorrow.
Perception +6 Sages say that the zotz is mourning for the sky that it
DEFENSE dearly misses.
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 A zotz has mostly human characteristics, though
(+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural) it is an albino. Its eyes are a bright pink and its hair
hp 33 (6d10) and skin a bleached white. Instead of bird wings, it
Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +6 has ragged bat wings. Its legs terminate in wicked
OFFENSE claws that allow it to cling to the ceiling.
Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Melee club +8 (1d6+2), 2 claws +3 (1d6+1)
Special Attacks harpy murder, mournful song
Str 15, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 22
Feats Dodge, Flyby Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth)
Skills Fly +10, Perception +8, Stealth +6, Perform
(song) +4

Harpy Chick will usually cling to its mother’s breast, holding on
This crying, squawking infant is a terrible excrement with its sharp little fingers tightly throughout the
covered miniature version of the harpy. battle. However, it can also dislodge and fly about
on its own if absolutely necessary. Harpy chicks
sometimes even join the battle if the mother is
HARPY CHICK (CR ½; 200 XP) significantly injured. They love to leap into the
CE Small monstrous humanoid faces of adventures, biting, tearing, and defecating
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1 everywhere.
DEFENSE A harpy chick is just as vicious as its mother. They
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 11 are hateful, disgusting, and lack the capacity to love.
(+3 Dex,+1 dodge, +1 natural) If they are adopted by well-meaning adventurers,
hp 7 (1d10) the adventures may very well live to regret trying to
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +3 take care of a little ball of talons and excrement. In
OFFENSIVE time, however, as a harpy chick grows and begins to
Speed 10 ft., fly 20 ft. (average) learn language, it may learn that the best way to get
Melee 2 talons +1 (1d4-1) what it wants isn’t through tantrums and violence.
Special Attacks guano mess
Str 8, Dex 17, Con 8, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 17 Harpy Equipment
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 13 Below is a selection of equipment known to be
Feats Dodge made by harpies, for harpies or from harpies
Skills Fly +5, Perception +5, Perform (song) +4 Harpy Talon Bow: Talon bows are specially
Language Common (can’t speak) designed for use by flying creatures with semi-
SPECIAL ABILITIES functional lower limbs; a blockier span, and a
Guano Mess (Ex) A new hatchling has a very delicate deeper groove for holding arrows. A harpy, or
constitution. When upset, it spews white, smelly similar creature can hold a loaded bow and fire it
guano everywhere. A harpy chick can spray a 5-foot while holding other items, even another bow in
line of this foul excrement once every 1d4 rounds. their upper arms. Talon bows must be loaded by
When the harpy chick wishes, she may make a articulate hands, though they stay loaded until fired.
ranged touch attack (+4 to hit). If the target is hit, Harpy Bola: Harpy-made bolas are especially
it must make a DC 9 Fortitude save or be sickened designed for use from the air, and the range given
for 1 minute (or until the target spends a full-round is for when used with flight; but non-fliers have
action with a body of clean water to wash off the found they still maintain their range if thrown from
filth). The save DC is Constitution based a cliff or other height, or even while standing on
ECOLOGY horseback, as some expert horsemen do. The bolas-
Environment temperate marshes weights are shaped like a sharp discus with a hole
Organization solitary or pair (always in the care of in the center, facilitating longer flight and slashing
others) damage.
Treasure incidental

Harpy chicks are fresh hatchlings that must be

constantly cared for by their mothers. A harpy chick
Name Cost Damage Damage Crit. Range Weight Type Special
(S) (M)
Harpy 40 gp 1d6 1d8 x2 50 ft. 3 lbs. P see above
Talon Bow
Harpy 20 1d3 1d4 x2 20 ft. 4 lbs. S Trip

Guano Bomb: One of the nastiest weapons in a HARPY WING GLIDER
harpy’s arsenal is a guano bomb, which is a ball of Large air vehicle
the harpy’s own droppings compacted tightly and lit Squares 4 (10 ft. by 10 ft.); Cost 350 gp
aflame. This simple and reeking device is similar to DEFENSE
alchemist’s fire, but lacks splash damage and burns AC 12; Hardness 0 (takes double damage from acid
less hot. However, even though it does less damage, attacks)
because the sticky guano adheres to its target, it is hp 15 (7)
very difficult to put a victim of a guano bomb out. Base Save +1
Treat an attack from a guano bomb as a ranged OFFENSE
touch attack with an increment of 10 feet. Lighting Maximum Speed 90 ft.; Acceleration 15 ft.
a guano bomb is a move action. A hit with a guano CMB +1; CMD 15
bomb deals 1d3+1 points of fire damage and sets Ramming Damage 1d8
the target on fire. On the round following the hit and DESCRIPTION
every round thereafter until extinguished, the target Propulsion current (air; four squares of wings, which
takes 1d6 points of fire damage. The target or an serve as the majority of the vehicle, hp 15)
adjacent ally may attempt to extinguish the flames, Driving Check Fly or Acrobatics +10 to the DC
which requires a full-round action. It is a DC 20 Forward Facing the point of the glider’s wings
Reflex save to try and extinguish someone covered Driving Device rigging
in burning guano. Rolling on the ground provides a Driving Space any single square directly below the
+2 bonus to this save. Leaping into a body of water sail part of the glider
or extinguishing the flames magically automatically Decks 1
smothers the fire.

Name Cost Weight Additional Spells

Below is a selection of 3PP spells that have appeared
Guano Bomb 40 gp 1 lbs. in the various statblocks in this tome.
Harpy Wing Glider: When a snake’s head is severed,
it can still bite. The workings of its muscles and fangs AWAKEN THE DEAD I
still make it a threat, even when separated from its School necromancy; Level cleric 1, rook 1, sorcerer/
body. When a harpy’s wings are severed, they may wizard 1
still continue to thrash and beat. Clever (if grisly) Components V, S, F/DF (a corpse candle)
tinkers have learned to transform these thrashing Casting Time 1 round
wings into a glider that can create lift with only a Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
running start, avoiding the jump that is normally Effect one created undead creature
needed to ride gliders. A harpy wing glider may take Duration 1 round/level (D)
flight after 30 ft. of movement in a straight line. Saving Throw None
However, the wings will invariably degenerate Spell Resistance No
in usefulness as they decompose, making this
investment a temporary one. A harpy wing glider, This spell awakens an undead creature and calls it
though smeared with embalming unguents, will only forth from its twilight hell (typically from the ground
last about four weeks from its creation. After that, or from out of the shadows). It appears where you
the glider will suffer 1 HP of irreparable damage designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It
every day, until it is broken and unusable. The attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If
craftsman must find a buyer, quickly, or the return you can communicate with the creature, you can
on his investment shall be small indeed. direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies,
or to perform other actions.
The spell calls forth one of the creatures from
the 1st-level list. You choose the kind of undead to
awaken, and you can change that choice each time

you cast the spell. LIMP LASH
A created creature cannot call, summon, or School necromancy; Level sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
otherwise conjure another creature, nor can it use Casting Time 1 standard action
any teleportation or planar travel abilities. Creatures Components V, S, M (a dead wasp)
cannot be created within an environment that Range 20 ft.
cannot support them. Target one creature
Duration special (see below)
1st Level: Human zombie, Bugbear skeleton, Hyena Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
zombie, Orc zombie, Leopard zombie, Wolf zombie
You create a dark whip-shaped field of energy that
BLOOD WILL TELL wraps around an enemy’s neck, leaving everything
School necromancy; Level cleric 0, rook 0, sorcerer/ except his head paralyzed until you let go of the
wizard 0 whip or it is destroyed. You must make a ranged
Casting Time 1 minute touch attack with this spell. If you strike your target,
Components V, S he takes a 1d6 penalty to his Strength, Dexterity,
Range touch and Constitution each round. This penalty cannot
Target blood from a living creature reduce any attribute to less than 1, and once any of
Duration instantaneous these attributes reaches 1 the target collapses and
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no his body, except his head, becomes paralyzed. While
paralyzed in this way, the target retains full use of
With this spell, the caster is able to detect different his senses, including the ability to feel pain, and
things by tasting the blood of a target. He can taste can speak (including casting spells with only verbal
if the target has a disease, is affected by poison or components). The whip has a maximum length of
even what race he actually is. The caster cannot be 20 feet, 15 hit points, and a hardness of 5. The spell
affected by the blood, no matter how potent the ends immediately if you let go of the whip or it is
poison or dangerous the disease. destroyed. When the spell ends, all penalties the
The blood must be fresh for this spell to have any target took from this spell also end.
CALL OF THE UNDERWORLD School necromancy; Level antipaladin 2, cleric 1,
School necromancy [evil]; Level sorcerer/wizard 3, druid 1, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
witch 3 Casting Time 1 standard action
Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S
Components V, S Range touch
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target creature touched
Target a living creature Duration 1 round/level
Duration 1 round/level Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
This spell causes any existing wounds that the
As you point your finger, dark strands of energy target possesses to bleed profusely. If the creature’s
emerge from the ground surrounding your target. current total hit points are less than its maximum,
You must make a ranged touch attack to hit. If this spell causes the creature to take 1 point of bleed
successful, every time the target attempts a saving damage each round and become exhausted for the
throw against a necromancy spell or spell-like ability, duration of the spell. A successful DC 15 Heal check
he throws two dice, taking the lowest result. or any spell that cures hit point damage negates the
effects of this spell.

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OPEN GAME LICENSE VERSION 1.0A material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
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COMPLETIST CHECKLIST • Legendary Races: Rakshasa
Below is checklist of Purple Duck Games products • Memorable Townsfolk
compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. • Monsters Unleashed V.1
• Monsters Unleashed V.2
• Monsters Unleashed V.3
4C SUPERHEROES • Monsters Unleashed V.4
• Monsters Unleashed V.5
• Heroic Moments #1: Crash Landing • Monstrous Races
• Heroic Moments #2: The Informant • Monstrous Races: Second Horde
• Monstrous Races: The Third Party
Volume 1 (Published by Highmoon Games) • More Random Encounters Remastered
• Heroic Moments #1: My Favorite Charity • Otyughnomicon: Flensing Otyugh
• Heroic Moments #2: Unregistered Mutant • Otyughnomicon: Northern Waste Otyugh
• Heroic Moments #3: St. Patrick’s Day Parade • Otyughnomicon: Typhon-Kissed Otyugh
• Heroic Moments #4: Easter Mayhem • Otyughnomicon: Wyvern Spawn Otyugh
• Heroic Moments #5: SEPULCHRE Strikes • Random Encounters Remastered
• Heroic Moments #6: Dreams and Nightmares • Purple Mountain I: Temple of the Locust Lord
• Purple Mountain II: Ruins of the Dwarven Delve
• The Gods of Porphyra
• AL 1: Bone Horde of the Dancing Horror
Trouble Slurks Around
Every Corner in Purple
• 80 Awesome Feats ... And 2 Crappy Ones
• A Score of Trapped Chests
• Antipaladin Feats
• Blue Dragon Tile Set
• Encounter Pages
• Even More Random Encounters Remastered
• Fehr’s Ethnology: Dragonblood
• Fehr’s Ethnology: Erkunae
• Fehr’s Ethnology: Hhundi
• Fehr’s Ethnology: Ith’n Ya’roo
• Fehr’s Ethnology: Xesa
• Forgotten Encounters: Forests
• Forgotten Encounters: Underground
• Forgotten Encounters: Urban
• Horrors of the GOW
• Legendary I: Legendary Blades
• Legendary II: Legendary Weapons
• Legendary III: Legendary Items
• Legendary IV: Legendary Shields
• Legendary V: Eastern and Exotic Weapons
• Legendary VI: Legendary Armor
• Legendary Classes: The Rook

Legendary Races: Cyclops
Legendary Races: Harpy
Slurk image by Mark Hyzer
• Legendary Races: Medusa


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