Legendary Evil

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Legendary VIII

Legendary Evil

Sam Hing
Legendary VII:
Legendary Evil
Author: Sam Hing Introduction 2
Adderwhip 2
Additional Text: Perry Fehr Axe of Minos 4
Weapon Artist: Tamas Baranya Black Spider 5
Editors: Perry Fehr, Mark Gedak Bow of Swarms 7
Layout: Mark Gedak Brothar Hammer 8
Cranial Flail 10
Publisher: Purple Duck Games Dogfryer 11
Fyewackett Staff 13
Open Game Content: All text is Open Game Content. Fungal Bola 14
Ghost-Fire 15
Grasping Electrum 17
Griffon Claw 19
Grim Cutlass 21
Heartseeker 22
Hell Eye 24
Infernal Device 25
Infinity Edge 27
Leaden Spear 29
Liar Tongue 30
Linnorn Blade 32
Manticora 33
Saurian Armor Spikes 35
Slime Mace 36
Stonefist 37
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Open Game License 38
Publishing, LLC. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG
for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee
compatibility, and does not endorse this product. This
product uses material from the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Core Rulebook, Advanced Player’s Guide,
Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Magic.
Introduction Adderwhip
Records of the doomed empire of the nagas that once
We have all heard tales of the heroic young adventurer
who picks up a magical sword from a time long for- ruled the Freeport peninsula under the name of Valossa
gotten and grows in power and acclaim alongside the are fragmentary, to say the least. One fragment does
weapon until both reach their full potential. Legendary describe, in skin-crawling detail, how one Sskreth, a ser-
weapons have been proposed by a number of different vitor of the serpentfolk race, gained permission to craft
publishers in a number of different supplements. The a weapon to better subdue and control the hairy man-
crux of the design always seems to be that there must be minions that were their thralls. A collective moan went
a trade off for the power gained -- be it quest require- up when Sskreth emerged from the cave-forge where Ad-
ments, progression in a prestige class, or loss of other derwhip was brought to semiconstructed life. Decades
abilities. At my table we have used legendary weapons passed with the serpentfolk tyrant laid open the flesh of
for a number of years and we have found that this class the slaves of Valossa, and inflicted varied and interesting
punishment discourages characters from taking up poisons upon those unfortunate to cross Sskreth’s path.
legendary weapons because the cost is too great. For the The record is understandably cut short by the fall of
legendary weapons below I’m suggesting the following Valossa, and the ascendancy of warm-blooded human-
advancement. oids in their place. But a legendary weapon is all but
indestructible, and evil can wait- forever. The candidates
for the Salty Throne are often no candidates for saint-
Advancement hood, and it was one of these that found Adderwhip.
• All weapons have a base legendary weapon level that Chak Merachak had more than a little catfolk blood in
is usually a +1 weapon. him, and used his phenomenal reflexes to survive many
• The legendary weapons listed have requirements a sea-battle, and his charm to work his way into the
needed to attune them to the wielder. counsels of Freeport. He was also a thief. He stole the
• If by 4th level, the wielder of the legendary weapon odd-looking weapon from the collection of an ancient
has met the requirements to attune the weapon, it saurian philosopher, who may very well have been a
increases in power to its second weapon level. legitimate heir to the semi-living thing. The fire in his
• For every two levels of experience the wielder gains quarters that destroyed him ended that line of ques-
while using the legendary weapon, the weapon’s tioning, if Chak would have permitted it. In any case,
power level will increase by one level. Chak achieved the Salty Throne by his prowess with the
• Any spell-like abilities gained through the use of this weapon, and the confidence such an item confers.
legendary weapon are based on the wielder’s highest It is this period of Adderwhip’s use that has revealed
mental characteristic (Int, Wis, or Cha). the most about the weapon, as many naysayers heard
• Abilities that allow for saves that are not spell-like a sharp ‘snap’ and a hiss, immediately before being
are based on (10 + 1/2 wielder’s hit dice + highest “removed”, physically or politically. Chak may have
mental characteristic). become too enthralled by his own prowess, as he traded
• The caster level required for any effects of the legend- Adderwhip to an erkunae master medium for some se-
ary weapon are based on the wielder’s total Hit Dice. cret extraplanar procedure. The master medium left on
dragonback, and all that was found of Chak was several
Variant Rule - Jealousy: All legendary weapons are of his whiskers- driven into a bedpost like nails... and
jealous of the power they lend to their wielders. Once Adderwhip has not been seen since.
a wielder has met the requirements to use a legend-
ary weapon and unlocked its second-level abilities that Requirements
weapon forms a bond with the wielder. If the wielder To unlock the full potential of adderwhip, a character
uses another melee weapon in combat he suffers a -4 must fulfill the following requirements.
penalty on attack and damage rolls. Ranged weapon do
not provoke jealousy from legendary melee weapons, but Base Attack Bonus: +4
they will provoke jealousy in other ranged weapons. Feats: Weapon Focus (whip)
Proficiency: whip

Weapon Wielder Abilities equal to their Constitution modifier for 10 rounds. This
Level Level ability stacks with any existing natural armor bonuses
the wielder may have.
1st — +1 whip
2nd 4th Lethal Spit (Ex): In place of a normal attack, the adderwhip
3rd 6th Poison may spit its venom at one foe within 20 feet as a ranged
4th 8th +2 whip touch attack. The target gains a +2 to its initial save
5th 10th Scales against the whip’s poison, but must also make a Reflex
6th 12th Spit save or be blinded for 1d4 days.
7th 14th +2 speed whip
Summon Snakes (Su): Once per day the wielder of ad-
8th 16th Summon snakes derwhip may summon 4-8 venomous snake swarms (Bes-
9th 18th Venomous touch tiary 3). The snakes remain for one hour, or until slain,
10th 20th +3 speed whip and follow the commands of the wielder of adderwhip.

Lethal (Ex): Adderwhip’s long fangs deal lethal damage, Venomous Touch (Su): Adderwhip may apply its venom
no matter how well armored its target may be. to any inanimate object as a contact poison or liquid as
an ingested poison as a standard action.
Poison (Ex): Adderwhip injects a The poison remains active for one day per
wicked poison into those it bites. weapon level.
Every morning the wielder
chooses one physical ability Speed Weapon Property: When mak-
score. Adderwhip’s poison ing a full-attack action, the wielder of a
deals 1d4 points of dam- speed weapon may make one extra attack
age to the chosen score with it. The attack uses the wielder’s full
per round, with a cure base attack bonus, plus any modifiers ap-
of one Fortitude save. propriate to the situation. (This benefit is not
When adderwhip reaches cumulative with similar effects, such as a haste
5th level, its poison affects spell).
any two physical ability Aura moderate transmuta-
scores, chosen as above, and tion; Craft Magic Arms
requires 2 Fortitude saves and Armor, haste;
to cure. At 9th level, Cost +3 bonus
adderwhip’s venom
becomes so toxic
it can affect
any ability
score, dealing
1d6 points
of ability
damage, or
dealing 1d4
points to any 2 abil-
ity scores, chosen when
the poison takes effect.

Scales (Su): Three times per day

the adderwhip may be used to cover
the user in protective snake scales. They
gain a natural armor bonus to their AC
Axe of Minos Harsek the Short, grandson of Minos,
As dwarves have come to Por- was mighty with the strength-based
phyra from other worlds, many powers of the Axe, but so too was
clans found themselves having Karnath Brokentusk, employee
to establish colonies in foreign of the Elementalists. Though the
lands- when a clan depletes a orcs were victorious that day,
region, they must ‘tragk’ (mi- and the Argani were no more,
grate) to a new source of ores. both Stonefist and the Axe of
When the Argani clan did their Minos were lost in the deep
tragk to the Mountains of Wrath, caverns, an incredible martial
in western Ghadab, they found find, if so, unless some lucky,
veins of linite, large amounts of scaly hands have found them.
iron- and the labyrinthine lair of a
minotaur of semi-divine nature, not Requirements
one of the common bull-men from the To unlock the full potential of the axe
nearby Minotaur Highlands. Unable of minos, a character must fulfill the fol-
to stem their greed, the Argani set about lowing requirements.
establishing their colony, unmindful of the
two pairs of red eyes glowing in the darkness, Class: Barbarian, fighter, or ranger
watching them. One pair belonged to Suladed, Feats: Cleave, Power Attack
the fiendish minotaur, and the other to his Abyss- Strength: 18
forged axe, bearing its visage. The demon-bull
devised the best plan for slaying the intruders, and Weapon Wielder Abilities
set about it during a dwarven festival. It gathered Level Level
up a half-dozen dwarflings and bounded off to 1st — +1 greataxe
its nearby labyrinth. The Argani mobilized, and 2nd 4th Channeled might
brave dwarves followed the easy trail to the maze.
3rd 6th Great charge
Suladed and the demonic Axe picked off the
warriors that inevitably split off from the group, 4th 8th +2 greataxe
weakening the force inevitably. Dwarves are not 5th 10th Heart of the bull
so easily fooled in battle, however, and a dwarf 6th 12th Bullheaded
named Kruag and his three brothers set an am- 7th 14th +2 mighty cleaving greataxe
bush for the ambusher. When the beast came 8th 16th Mighty charge
for them, they burst out of hiding, gaining first
9th 18th Unstoppable force
strike. When the skirmish was over, Suladed did
not rise, and neither did Kruag’s brother, Minos. 10th 20th +3 mighty cleaving greataxe
The victorious dwarves named the Axe of Minos
for him- but did not follow the custom of burying Channeled Might (Su): The axe of minos delivers
the weapon with him. Their greed and desire for brutally powerful hits, enhancing the wielder’s
the legendary Axe was too great. With the trove strength as it bites through steel and flesh. At
in the minotaur’s lair, the clan grew rich-but not the axe’s 2nd level it doubles the user’s Strength
satisfied. The factions of the three brothers, vying modifier for the purposes of damage only. In ad-
for the Axe of Minos, weakened the clan, over dition it deals x4 damage on a critical hit. At 6th
time, and they had to resort to mercenary work, level it triples the wielders Strength modifier, and
roaming the land working for despots and bandit deals x5 damage on a critical. Finally at 9th level
kings. The last assignment of the Argani made for it quadruples the users Strength modifier, and
the last known resting place of the Axe of Minos- deals x6 damage on a critical hit.
for while smuggling arms for a Deist commando
group in the Sulgo Mountains, the Axe of Minos Great Charge (Su): The wielder of the axe of
came up against the legendary greatclub, Stonefist. minos gains a +4 to hit with a charge, and gains +4
to all bull rush or overrun maneuvers. evil, perfect for the multialigned stage of conflict that is
the Empire. Symael drew on dark forces, and stolen es-
Heart of the Bull (Su): As long as the axe of minos is sences of Heaven and the Abyss- incorporating them in a
held in hand, the wielder may never become lost, is im- blade capable of total corruption of the hand that carries
mune to maze spells, and will never be flat footed. it into battle, or simple back-alley assassination.
Not surprisingly, both the demon- and devil-backed
Bullheaded (Su): As long as the wielder has the axe of factions, as well as the Heavenly Host, were enraged at
minos in hand, he gains a +6 to Will saves. the placing at the new pawn on the playing field. Sy-
mael himself took out an enormous shemhazian demon,
Mighty Charge (Su): In addition to the effects of Great a one-demon destruction squad, stunning the other
Charge, the user may now make a disarm, sunder, or trip cadres enough for the dagger could be placed in the
attack as part of a charge, with a +4 bonus to the com- hands of a shadowy assassin known as “The Grey Hand”.
bat maneuver roll. They may also make a normal attack For years The Grey Hand worked among the infernal,
against any foe that they successfully overrun. celestial, necromantic and demonic factions, from Nod
to Genvha- even hiring out to mortal nations for special
Unstoppable Force (Su): If a target bearing any spells missions, notably the assassination of the Butcher-King
with the force descriptor is struck by the axe of minos, of Jheriak, Continuance Geinus, even while ‘he’ (she?)
that target makes a successful caster’s level check versus was supposedly thrown in a solitary cell. The Black
the attack roll. If the wielder of the axe wins, the force Spider has not been heard of in years, since an assassin
effect “shatters”, ending the spell and dealing 1d6 points calling himself The Grey Hand was put in Gulag Black-
of damage per spell level to the target. though a few strange deaths in Tuthon seem to indicate
the subtle activity of that legendary weapon.
Mighty Cleaving Weapon Property: A mighty cleaving
weapon allows a wielder using the Cleave feat to make Requirements
one additional attack if the first attack hits, as long as To unlock the full potential of black spider, a character
the next foe is adjacent to the first and also within reach. must fulfill the following requirements.
This additional attack cannot be against the first foe.
This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. Alignment: any evil
Aura moderate evocation; Craft Magic Arms and Ar- Skill: Craft (alchemy) 4 ranks, Stealth 4 ranks
mor; divine power; Cost +1 bonus Special: Sneak attack class ability

Black Spider Weapon Wielder Abilities

The benighted land known as the Empire of the Dead Level Level
has existed for countless eons in the north of Porphyra, 1st — +1 dagger
uninterested, for the most part, in the affairs of the 2nd 4th Animate
lighted world. That is not to say that intrigue and 3rd 6th Be my eyes
contest are not present there, for the swirling conflicts of
4th 8th +2 dagger
the undying and the undead are beyond the understand-
ing of most mere mortals. With the coming of Digirn, 5th 10th Bite deep
the Celestial Bastion, and the further complication of 6th 12th Venom
the Aecryptian Summit, even immortals and the never- 7th 14th +2 nullifying dagger
dead had to accept a change in the agenda. To further 8th 16th Vampiric
covert goals, Black Spider was made- constructed, you 9th 18th Assassin
might say, as the fearsome dagger can animate on its
10th 20th +2 negating, nullifying dagger
own, as a construct of ruthless will. This will is said to
be directly the result of it creator, Symael the Apostate,
Animate (Su): The black spider is as much construct as
traitor-angel consigliore of the dhampir lord Dolmani of
weapon. When it animates, the smaller blades that stud
Omerta. Though of decidedly evil intent, the weapon is
the dagger twist and act as spidery legs. It acts upon its
designed to penetrate the defenses of all targets, good or
wielder’s commands to the best of its ability, and in the
most malicious way possible. If in danger of destruction, tims to heal its master, and itself. If the dagger is undam-
the dagger will flee, abandoning its wielder to their fate. aged, and used as a weapon, it heals the wielder the same
If reduced to 0 hp, the weapon gains the broken condi- amount of damage it deals, up to his total. If the dagger
tion and loses all of its legendary weapon abilities until is damaged, or animated, it heals itself.
a make whole is cast on it. As a legendary weapon it can
not be permanently destroyed. There is no sign of the Assassin (Su): The black spider gains the ability to make
dagger’s animation when it is wielded in hand. sneak attacks at its wielder’s level, and make death at-
tacks as a 10th level assassin.
Black Spider
CE Diminutive Construct Negating Weapon Property: A negating weapon briefly
Int +4; Senses darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +2 nullifies some forms of damage reduction when it
Defenses damages a creature. Whenever a negating weapon
AC 22, touch 14, flat footed 18 damages a foe with DR/chaotic, DR/evil, DR/
(+4 Dex, +8 size) good, DR/lawful, or DR/magic, it reduces the
hp 5 per weapon level value of that damage reduction by 5 points
Saves as wielder for 1 round. For example, a +1 negating lance
Hardness 6, Immune construct traits hitting a creature with DR 10/good and lawful
Offense reduces the creature’s DR to 5/good and lawful.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. If the creature has a component to its damage
Melee bite +8+1/weapon level (1d4) reduction other than the alignment types listed
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft. above, that component is unaffected. Thus, if
Statistics the +1 negating lance above hits a demon
Str 10, Dex 18, Con —, Int 14, Wis 15, with DR 10/good and cold iron, it would
Cha 17 leave the demon with DR 10/cold iron,
Feats 1 at 1st, 2 at 3rd, 3 at 5th, 4 at 7th, and DR 5/good for 1 round. The effects of
5 at 9th weapon levels; as chosen by the multiple negating weapons (or multiple hits
wielder from the same weapon) do not stack. This
Skills 4 ranks/weapon level typically taken ability can only be placed on melee weap-
in: Acrobatics, Climb, Perception, Stealth; ons.
Black Spider uses Dex for Climb and gains a Aura strong abjuration; Craft Magic Arms
+8 racial bonus and Armor, antimagic field; Cost +3 bonus

Be My Eyes (Sp): The wielder may use clair- Nullifying Weapon Property: This special
voyance/clairaudience on the dagger at will. ability can only be placed on melee weapons.
A nullifying weapon suppresses a creature’s
Bite Deep (Su): Black spider slashes an already spell resistance for a short amount of time.
deep wound with the razors that jut from its Anytime the weapon strikes a creature with
blade. The dagger gains a +3 critical modifier, spell resistance and the creature takes damage
and it uses d8’s for sneak attack damage. This from the weapon, the target’s spell resistance
ability only functions when the dagger is used as is reduced by 1 for 1 minute. On a confirmed
a weapon in the hand. critical hit, its spell resistance is instead reduced
by an amount equal to the weapon’s critical
Venom (Su): Black spider drips thick venom, multiplier. Multiple hits from a nullifying weapon
injecting it directly into its victim’s wounds. The stack.
venom is pulled directly from its wielder’s sweat, and the Aura moderate abjuration; Craft Magic Arms and
blood of its victims. Any living creature struck by black Armor, dispel chaos, dispel evil, dispel good, or dispel law;
spider must make a Fortitude save or take 1d3 Dexterity Cost +2 bonus

Vampiric (Su): The dagger drains the life-force of its vic-

Bow of Swarms Weapon Wielder Abilities
The caninoid anpur people of the Oliti River basin Level Level
are secretive and isolated, yet bits of their culture have 1st — +1 longbow
reached the outer world, who sees them mostly as fanati- 2nd 4th Phantom swarm
cal worshipers of the mysteries of Death, under Lord
3rd 6th Sting
Ankh, the Gatekeeper. One widespread story is that
of Amunet and Phiraf, high priestess of an apocalyptic 4th 8th +2 longbow
branch of Lord Ankh’s religion and her chief man-at- 5th 10th Swarm breaker
arms and bodyguard. Females seldom rise to ranks of 6th 12th Call swarms
power among the anpur, but Amunet’s will was such that 7th 14th +2 endless ammunition longbow
few could oppose her. To solidify her power, the artifi- 8th 16th Swarm master
cers of those desert people were paused in their efforts
9th 18th Antilife shell
for a time, to construct and ensorcel a weapon that used
the ubiquitous vermin of the sands to inflict pain and 10th 20th +3 endless ammunition longbow
suffering on her enemies. The product was the Bow of
Swarms, a gift for her trusted paramour, Phiraf. With Phantom Swarm (Su): Any target struck by an arrow
it, following her orders, he first suppressed any dissi- from the bow of swarms must make a Will save or be af-
dence among the jackal-folk, and then led a campaign of fected by a the distraction ability that swarms possess for
domination south, over the downtrodden zendiqi people one round per weapon level of the bow of swarms.
of the Deserts of Siwath, so recently defeated themselves
in the NewGod Wars. In that grim decade, the reputa- Call Swarm (Su): The bow of swarms can create an arrow
tion of death-stalking scavengers was more earned by the that acts as summon swarm at its impact site. At 6th level
anpur than their debased descendants, the gnoll race. the arrow can summon any swarm of the wielder’s CR or
“The Scorpion Years” is still talked of among the fierce less. At 8th level the arrow may act as creeping doom. The
desert people, waves of verminous swarms taking out wielder may use this ability once per day plus once for
whole rebel units in defiance of anpur rule. Kafir sorcery every point of her highest mental ability modifier.
was outlawed, and religion, that concept most filthy to
the elementalist zendiqi, was imposed, if only superficial- Sting (Su): The bow of swarms may be used as a melee
ly. The end result of anpur dominance was several odd- weapon—treated as a staff and dealing piercing damage
looking ziggurats, still used in Buktu and a few other from the stinger-like bow tips. These tips inject large
places, and the beginning of the resurgence of zendiqi scorpion venom with each strike (save Fortitude DC 18,
pride. An uncommon alliance of mahlani sorcerer and frequency 1/rd for 6 rnds, effect 1d2 Strength damage,
mahdi spiritualism created a vision, a sentient illusion of cure 1 save).
sorts, that appeared before Phiraf as he led his forces in
yet another purge. The epiphany that Phiraf saw broke Swarm Breaker (Su): The wielder may fire an arrow into
Amunet’s hold over him, and he left his cruel troops, any swarm, causing the swarm to make a Fortitude save
wandering into the desert. Amunet was butchered by or be dispersed, breaking down into its component crea-
camel lancers the following year. The Bow Of Swarms tures. There creatures are generally harmless, and scatter
rest somewhere in the desert, still, next to some pile of to hide. The swarm reforms in one minute per level of
gem-imprisoned genies, in the furnace called the Siwath. the bow of swarms.

Swarm Master (Su): The wielder may attempt to assume

Requirements control of any swarm that she can see that is her CR or
To unlock the full potential of the bow of swarms, a char-
lower. The swarm must make a Will save or become con-
acter must fulfill the following requirements.
trolled by the wielder. A successfully controlled swarm
may be directed as a free action each round. A magically
Feats: Far Shot, Point Blank Shot
summoned or controlled swarm uses the summoner’s
Skill: Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks
Will save to resist this effect. The control lasts until the
Special: must have been damaged by a swarm’s attacks
wielder dismisses it, the wielder loses consciousness, the
swarm is destroyed, or the wielder attempts to gain con-
trol of another swarm.

Antilife Shell (Sp): The wielder of the bow of swarms can

create an antilife shell centered on an arrow once per day
per point of her highest mental ability modifier.

Endless Ammunition Weapon Property: Only bows

and crossbows can be made into endless ammunition
weapons—firearms and other projectile weapons cannot.
Each time an endless ammunition weapon is nocked, a
single non-magical arrow or bolt is spontaneously cre-
ated by the magic, so the weapon’s wielder never needs
to load the weapon with ammunition.
If the wielder attempts to load the weapon with other
ammunition, the created arrow or bolt immediately
vanishes and the wielder can load the weapon as normal.
This ability does not reduce the amount of time required
to load or fire the weapon. The created arrow or bolt
vanishes if removed from the weapon; it persists only if
fired. Unlike normal bow and crossbow ammunition,
these arrows and bolts are always destroyed when fired.
Aura moderate conjuration; Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, minor creation; Cost +2 bonus

Brothar Hammer
Of all of the dwarves that arrived with the Landed
properties during The Calling, the Luhok Clan were
one of the oddest, and most xenophobic, rejecting even
the advances of other dwarven emissaries. They were
only ever seen lurking in cavern passages, hooded and
muffled- some mistook them for dark folk, though they
hated them, too. Living in a remote corner of the Bird-
man Mountains, the Luhok had powers to ‘chant away’
the omnipresent harpies, and mined with impunity in
the valley screes. The avaricious hill dwarves north of
the border, in Tuthon, envied these recluses, none more
than Brothar, a blacksmith forced to heat his forge with
peat, and clang away on demeaning farm tools. Pos-
sessed of no small leadership qualities, he boldly gath-
ered some like-minded thugs and crossed the border into
Luhok (and harpy) territory. Clutching their crossbows,
they made it to a run-down gold-panning site, and were
joyfully plundering it when a heavily clothed Luhok
came on the scene. They shot him down, and discovered
that he was extremely old, as dwarves figure. Following
his trail, they found what Brothar later figured was their
last holdfast, supporting maybe two dozen dwarves, the
last of the Luhoks. All ancient, it was a mercy, Brothar
thought, to put them to their rest, burned dwarves, all.
The dwindling culture seemed centered upon an amaz- Numbing Strike (Su): The concentrated vibrations of
ing stone; viridian green, vibrating and humming to it- the brothar hammer cause the limbs of those struck to
self- so much so that it drove some of his fellows out into become numb and shaky. Anyone damaged by the ham-
the light. Brothar was fascinated, and dragged the stone mer (including its painful touch ability) must make a
out on a sledge, his fellows happy with dusty trinkets of Fortitude save or take 1 point of Strength damage, and
gold, and some adamantine ore. He later traded all of drop anything held in their hands.
his shares in the clan coffers for the adamantine, spend-
ing ten years encasing the Stone in bands to deaden Ring the Bell (Su): When the hammer
its song, which Brothar sang, night and strikes a creature wearing metal armor
day. And singing, Brothar took the a vast ringing sound is created, caus-
hammer to his raid-mates, in their ing great suffering for the victim. The
sleep, for the sin of defiling the target must make a Fortitude save or
Stone’s resting place. The song be stunned one round and deafened
has been heard here and there, for 1d6 hours.
mostly in the northwest, but few
can sleep near it, so it is moved of- Soundwaves (Su): If held against a
ten... or whoever wields must move metal object weighing at least 10 pounds
it, surely. the brothar hammer may make destructive
soundwaves in a 20 foot burst around the
Requirements wielder. Once per round all creatures in range
To unlock the full potential of the brothar hammer, save the wielder take 3d6 points of damage,
a character must fulfill the following requirements. with a Fortitude save for half damage. The
wielder must make the save each round,
Feat: Bludgeoner, Power Attack with a cumulative +1 to the DC per round
Skills: Perform (oratory) 4 ranks to maintain the soundwaves. When the
save is failed, or the wielder chooses to
Weapon Wielder Abilities end the effect, he is instantly fatigued. At
Level Level the end of the effect the object must also
make the save or explode, dealing 3d6
1st — +1 warhammer
damage to all within 10 feet.
2nd 4th Distracting hum
3rd 6th Numbing strike Painful Touch (Su): The wielder may
4th 8th +2 warhammer command the hammer’s vibrations to
5th 10th Ring the bell reach a pitch so great that simply touching
6th 12th Soundwaves the head deals damage. The wielder may make a touch
attack, and if successful deals the hammer’s sonic dam-
7th 14th +2 vibrating warhammer
8th 16th Painful touch
9th 18th Deadly vibrato Deadly Vibrato (Su): Any creature suffering a critical
10th 20th +3 vibrating warhammer hit from the brothar hammer must make a Fortitude save
of DC 15 + the damage dealt or die, shaken apart by the
Distracting Hum (Su): The wielder of the hammer may, vibrations.
at will, cause it to make a loud and distracting humming
noise. The humming may be heard 50 feet away. Any Vibrating Weapon Property: A vibrating weapon deals
attempts at spellcasting within this hum’s range require an additional 1d6 points of sonic damage on a success-
a DC 25 Concentration check. Any skill checks that ful strike. This damage ignores the hardness of objects if
require fine concentration may also be subject to this used in a sunder attempt or to attack an object.
check, at the GM’s discretion. Aura moderate evocation; Craft Magic Arms and Ar-
mor, sympathetic vibration; Cost +1 bonus

Cranial Flail Weapon Wielder Abilities
Though one associates the dominance of the grim gal- Level Level
lery of the more powerful undead, liches, grave knights, 1st — +1 flail
vampires and the like with the Empire of the Dead, 2nd 4th Belch
some have spread from their necropolitic homeland.
3rd 6th Kiss
An obscure corner of the Northlands, beneath the Red
King’s notice, fell under the sway of a grave knight fallen 4th 8th +2 flail
from the host of the dragon-ogre king’s trusted lieuten- 5th 10th Grinding bite
ants. It pleased the corpse-lord to dominate the mortals 6th 12th Moan
living in his territory, and he felt no force among their 7th 14th +2 ominous flail
ranks could oppose him. 8th 16th Spoken words
In this benighted land a shining hope came forth, a
9th 18th Undead song
paladin by the name of Matheson the Sterling. Low
born, he was blessed by noble Toma Thule to battle the 10th 20th +3 ominous flail
grave night that ruled his homeland. He fought his way
through foul undead, defended the common folk, and in Belch (Su): The wielder may command the cranial flail
time, rode to confront the grave knight himself, swearing to give off a rotting belch when it strikes a target. The
to end its reign of evil. victim must make a Fortitude save, or be nauseated for
He failed. When the grave knight rode to scour 1d6 rounds.
Matheson’s village from the map, it whirled a horrify-
ing flail above the dark helm of its blasphemous armor. Kiss (Su): On a successful hit, in place of dealing dam-
The ball of the flail was created from the still-gibbering age the wielder may have the cranial flail kiss the victim.
head of Matheson the Sterling. The babbled accounts The victim of a kiss takes 1d4 Strength damage, with a
of the few survivors to the surrounding area served to Will save, for half damage.
expand the grave knight’s power. The moaning Cranial
Flail became the symbol of the foolishness of opposing Grinding Bite (Su): The wielder of the cranial flail may
the dark knight of the undead. The skill of the Flail’s make a grapple check after a successful hit. A successful
construction, by cold, dead hands unknown, increased hit indicates that the head has locked its teeth into the
the power of its wielder so much, in fact, that it lead to target and deals automatic damage every round. It re-
the eventual, grudging notice of the suzerain of the land, mains locked until the user commands it to release, dies,
who ground his war machine the grave knights way, not or the victim makes a successful grapple check, tear-
out of any devotion to light, but to restore his reputation ing away and doing 1d4 points of damage. The wound
as a despot. In a distressingly long campaign, the grave bleeds for 1d2 points of damage ever round until a DC
knight was defeated, and his gutted castle became the 15 Heal check or magical healing is applied.
site of the dire prison Gulag Black. Rumors persist that
the Cranial Flail is the personal weapon of the Warden Moan (Su): As a swift action the cranial flail may let out
of the gulag, but others also insist that the only breakout a haunting moan audible for one hundred feet. All living
from “The Black Hole” was also accompanied by the creatures hearing the moan must make a Will save or be
theft of the legendary weapon. panicked. Undead hearing the moan are compelled to
seek its source, with no save.
Requirements Spoken Words (Su): The cranial flail chants along with
To unlock the full potential of the cranial flail, a charac-
any spells with the evil or necromancy descriptor within
ter must fulfill the following requirements.
a twenty foot radius. These spells are treated as if they
had the Maximize Spell feat applied to it, and as if the
Feats: Iron Will
caster was 3 levels higher. The flail cannot use this ability
Skills: Heal 4 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks
on any round in which it uses another of its abilities.

Undead Song (Su): The cranial flail may be ordered to

sing an unearthly dirge, as a standard action. All mind-
less undead within hearing distance will automatically Dogfryer
follow the commands of the wielder. Intelligent undead Once, long ago, there was a goblin named Zaggle. He
will gain a Will save each round to avoid this effect. Any was a typical goblin, save for two things: he was a shock-
creature that dies within hearing range of the song rises ingly good natural weaponsmith, and he was even more
as a zombie within a single round. obsessed with fire than most of his kind. He spent hours
at the hearth and anvil, and, when he would remember,
Ominous Weapon Property: An ominous weapon he would even work on making weapons for his tribe.
trails a shadowy haze behind every stroke, and moans a Legend claims that Zaggle somehow summoned a spirit
menacing dirge in battle. An ominous weapon adds its of elemental fire, which promised him a weapon of great
enhancement bonus on Intimidate checks made by the power in return for a sacrifice. Zaggle agreed without
wielder. In addition, when an ominous weapon con- question, and shortly thereafter Zaggle’s tribal home
firms a critical hit, the target is shaken for 1 minute (DC burned down, killing all within. The few goblins that
13 Will negates); if the weapon’s critical multiplier is had been out scavenging returned to discover Dogfryer
greater than x2, this condition lasts 1 additional minute gleaming amidst the ashes.
per multiple over x2. A creature that gains the shaken Since that time, Dogfryer has passed from one set of
condition from an ominous weapon cannot gain that goblin hands to another, spreading fire and chaos wher-
condition again from the same weapon for 24 hours. ever it goes. If the weapon becomes common knowledge
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and within a goblin’s tribe, the bearer suddenly finds itself
Armor, doom or scare; Cost +1 bonus cast into the role of tribal hero, generally against its
Users of Dogfryer enjoy the benefits of being a pyro-
maniac without risk to themselves. If they survive long
enough to become skilled with the weapon, they become
masters of elemental fire.

To unlock the full potential of dogfryer, a character must
fulfill the following requirements.

Feats: Dog-Sniff-Hate, Skill Focus (Perception)

Skills: Use Magic Device 4 ranks
Race: Goblin

Weapon Wielder Abilities

Level Level
1st — +1 dogslicer
2nd 4th Resist fire 5
3rd 6th Sustenance
4th 8th +1 flaming dogslicer, resist fire 10
5th 10th Transformation
6th 12th Destroy writing, resist fire 15
7th 14th +2 flaming dogslicer
8th 16th Resist fire 20, smoke and mirrors
9th 18th Firelord
10th 20th +3 flaming burst dogslicer, resist
fire 25

Fire Resistance (Su): Dogfryer grants its user resist fire 5. Flaming Burst: A flaming burst weapon functions as
This increases as indicated on the chart above. a flaming weapon that also explodes with flame upon
striking a successful critical hit. The fire does not harm
Sustenance (Su): Dogfryer acts as a ring of sustenance the wielder. In addition to the extra fire damage from
while it is carried by its user. If a new user gains dogfryer, the flaming ability, a flaming burst weapon deals an
the blade must be carried for a week before the ability extra 1d10 points of fire damage on a successful critical
takes effect. hit. If the weapon’s critical multiplier is ×3, add an extra
2d10 points of fire damage instead, and if the multiplier
Transformation (Su): While in hand, dogfryer may be is ×4, add an extra 3d10 points of fire damage. Even if
transformed into a horsechopper or back as a move ac- the flaming ability is not active, the weapon still deals its
tion. It retains all of its properties in horsechopper form. extra fire damage on a successful critical hit.
Aura strong evocation; Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Destroy Writing (Su): The wielder of dogfryer may at- flame blade, flame strike, or fireball; Cost +2 bonus
tempt to destroy writing within 30 ft. One page of non-
magical writing is instantly destroyed per ranged touch
attack. Magical writings receive a Will save to resist the
effect. This is used to target random pages in opponent’s

Firelord (Su): The wielder of dogfryer may become a

Small fire elemental at will as elemental body I. While
in this form he gains the following additional spell-like
abilities: burning hands, flare, and pyrotechnics at will,
and fireball and wall of fire once per day.

Smoke and Mirrors (Su): Dogfryer may give off dense

smoke every round, creating one 5 foot square per round
if the weapon is held stable; combat or movement faster
than walking speed prevents it from functioning. The
created smoke remains stationary; with each new 5 foot
square appear at the edge of the current cloud as decided
by the wielder. All creatures within the cloud gain total
concealment, but must make a Fortitude save or be
nauseated for that round due to intense coughing. The
wielder may see through the smoke normally, and is im-
mune to the coughing effect. The smoke persists for 1d4
rounds after the wielder ceases creating it.
Opponents see phantom movements that look like
goblins flitting through the smoke. The phantoms are
immune to attacks, and serve to distract and delay at-
tackers. If the wielder is attacked, treat him as having
1d4 mirror images around him at all times.

Flaming Weapon Property: Upon command, a flaming

weapon is sheathed in fire that deals an extra 1d6 points
of fire damage on a successful hit. The fire does not harm
the wielder. The effect remains until another command
is given.
Aura moderate evocation; Craft Magic Arms and Ar-
mor, flame blade, flame strike, or fireball; Cost +1 bonus
Fyewackett Staff Weapon Wielder Abilities
The wizard Darson was well known for both his cold Level Level
mind and selfish nature. As his powers grew, so did his 1st — +1 quarterstaff, bond
casual disregard for the well-being of others—a likely 2nd 5th familiar form
reason for his exile from Vinterre, and subsequent
3rd 10th +2 quarterstaff
relocation in the wild of the northern Halfling Nations.
While his exploits were most often against beings more 4th 15th Summon dire familiar
evil than he, he took no note of the collateral damage 5th 20th +3 spell storing quarterstaff
caused by his battles, and demanded harsh tribute from
the frontier-dwelling small folk near his dark tower of Bond (Su): The wielder of the fyewacket staff must bond
iron. her familiar with the staff in a ritual that takes one hour
After Darson took to riding in a black coach drawn by per level of the spellcaster. The familiar becomes an
undead horses, the enraged halflings and gnomes pooled adamantine statue attached to the top of the staff. The
their resources and hired a mercenary company to de- master of the staff gains all the granted abilities of her
stroy him. They failed, and were slain to a man, but they familiar as she goes up in levels, channeled through the
nearly managed to slay Fyewackett, Darson’s beloved staff. The familiar is considered to be able to see and
familiar. Fyewackett was a winged cat of intrepid nature, hear with its normal senses while in staff form. The bond
and was the only creature the wizard trusted. Darson effect may only be broken with a wish or miracle spell,
subsequently spent years and untold wealth to ensure or the casters death. If the staff is broken, the bonded
the safety of his only friend. He created a magical staff familiar is destroyed.
of sacred ash, geared towards the protection of a wizard’s
familiar, freezing it in adamantine for its own safety. Familiar Form (Su): Three times per day the wielder of
Fyewackett didn’t seem to mind, and later legends tell of the staff may take on the form of her familiar, taking on
a tiger-like form of the winged familiar enthusiastically the exact appearance of the creature. This spell acts as
consuming those whom his master disliked. polymorph, except that only the form of the familiar may
Darson’s life, darkly successful though it was, had to be taken. The familiar will nearly always attempt to pos-
come to an end at some point, and it is said that he sess the user at this time, requiring a Will save, DC 10
successfully made the transition to lichdom, with the + the half the wielder’s level + the familiar’s Intelligence
now-freed Fyewackett at his side eternally, whatever pact modifier. Failing the save indicates that the familiar has
between them having been fulfilled. The user of the Fye- control of the shapeshifted body, and acts normally,
wackett Staff gains the ability to ensure the safety of their often attempting to flee the area, or do things that it
familiar, while keeping its abilities at the ready. Many would normally enjoy, such as chasing mice, or eating.
familiars balk at being frozen in time, and some serious The familiar remains in control until the full duration
negotiation may need to take place! As for the legendary expires.
staff, the now-empty plain pole of rough ash awaits in
some forgotten room of Darson’s old, abandoned tower, Summon Dire Familiar (Su): Once per day, the user
to continue a dark bond between wizard and familiar. may summon a version of the familiar with both the
Advanced Creature and Giant Creature templates. The
Requirements summoned creature serves loyally for one hour per
To unlock the full potential of the fyewacket staff, a char- weapon level or until dismissed or slain.
acter must fulfill the following requirements.
Spell Storing Weapon Property: A spell storing weapon
Feat: Familiar Spell allows a spellcaster to store a single targeted spell of up
Skill: Diplomacy 4 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks to 3rd level in the weapon with a casting time of 1 stan-
Special: must have a familiar dard action. Anytime the weapon strikes a creature and
the creature takes damage from it, the weapon can im-
mediately cast the spell on that creature as a free action if
the wielder desires. Once the spell has been cast from the
weapon, a spellcaster can cast any other targeted spell of
up to 3rd level into it. The weapon magically imparts to
the wielder the name of the spell currently stored within Fungal Bolas
it. A randomly rolled spell storing weapon has a 50% In the verdant jungles of Californ, life is rampant- so
chance of having a spell stored in it already. This special much so that it tends to feed upon itself, creating a
ability can only be placed on melee weapons. sometimes murderous circle of life. The bizarre creations
A spell storing weapon emits a strong aura of the evo- that nature has wrought are exemplified by such beings
cation school, plus the aura of the spell currently stored. as the xesa, hybrid children of carnivorous plants and
Aura: strong evocation; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, a long-lost, decadent human civilization. The xesa live
creator must be a caster of at least 12th level; Cost +1 productive lives among the ruins of the Pax’esan cities,
bonus though some renegade clans live primitive, bloodthirsty
lives in the deep jungles, living in trees and caves as need
be. One such clan, nameless to red-bloods, lives in the
shadow of the Menhir, vast monolith of copper on the
east coast of their sub-continent. Bereft of the sun, they
dwell among fungus and mushroom, even more debased
than their jungle kin. Their tribal leader carries the
Fungal Bolas, a weapon vastly feared by the savannah-
dwelling humans of western Californ. The xesa barbar-
ians seem to have the weapon at their vanguard at many
conflicts with humans, and their shamans assure them
that there is only one- they hope. An alliance of city-xe-
sa and humans is underway to ambush the Fungal Bolas’
carrier, and it is hoped that the temptation to wield it
will not affect the first to pick up this legendary weapon,
once and if the raid is successful.

To unlock the full potential of the fungal bolas, a charac-
ter must fulfill the following requirements.

Alignment: any evil

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Skills: Knowledge (dungeoneering) 4 ranks

Weapon Wielder Abilities

Level Level
1st - +1 bolas
2nd 5th Fungus
3rd 10th +2 bolas
4th 15th Fungal burst
5th 20th +3 bolas, seed fungus

Fungus (Su): Any creature struck by, or bound in the

fungal bolas must make a Fortitude save or contract a
fungal infection. If the target is infected, they take 1d2
Constitution points per round until they make a success-
ful save, or receive a cure disease or greater healing magic
spell. Any creature that is reduced to 0 Constitution

sprouts 1d4 violet fungi in 1d4 rounds. Ghost-Fire
The lands of the Lotus Blossom Steppes have been
Fungal Burst (Su): When a target is struck by the fungal inhabited for longer than most of Porphyra, and some
bolas, it releases a cloud of fungal spores in a 5 ft. radius. of the beings there have been mysterious, even to the
All creatures within the cloud are affected by the fungus, scholars of the planet’s history. One who was fascinated
as well as the effects of a stinking cloud. by ancient mysteries, and even more ancient tombs, was
the archaeologist-adventurer, Xin Chan Mai, from Three
Seed Fungus (Su): Once per day, the user may spin the Pillars.
bolas above their head seeding 1d6 violet fungi spores Xin Chan Mai was a warrior scholar well known for
in a 10 ft. radius. The fungi grow to full size in a single daring raids on undead infested tombs. He was assisted
round, and attack anything nearby, possibly including by a small army of retainers, including a ratfolk sorcerer
the user. and rogue named Myung-Sung. Their party was stymied
deep within a tomb by a door of singular design, cast
from rare metals and inlaid with thousands of glyphs
of protection and warning. Myung-Sung begged his
master to turn away, but Xin was greedy for both gold
and fame, and with great effort battered the door down.
The room was the prison of the specter of a powerful
half-rakshasa warlord, who fell upon the party with glee.
The group was decimated before they finally put the
dark spirit to its rest, with their leader among the dead.
Myung-Sung pulled Xin Chan Mai’s body away, before
crudely replacing the protective door, and waited. When
Xin began to rise as a specter in his own right the ratfolk
focused all his sorcery and trickery into his poi, some-
how capturing his master’s essence within the flaming
weapon. The flames guttered an unnatural green-blue,
and Myung-Sung fled into the night. Ghost-Fire cannot
be extinguished short of being placed within an anti-
magic field.
Though Myung-Sung babbled his story to any that
would listen, it was a year or more before a brave soul
ventured back to the half-plundered tomb to see if his
words rang true. A southlander monastic student, less
superstitious than those that knew of Xin Chan Mai’s
fate, was brave enough to seek the whispered weapon
‘Ghost Fire’. Kavena the Liosan was his name, big and
blond and bluff, and he strode alone into the tomb halls.
There Ghost Fire burned, and in its light Kavena could
see the fragments of minor tortured spirits in its glow.
He seized it, made it his, and sought the sunlight above.
He left his studies then, becoming something less than
man and more than ghost, in between the world of the
living and the dead, driven by voices that he couldn’t tell
from which side they came. He destroyed spirits both
baneful and benign, and until his disappeared into the
Shadowlands of the Last Kingdom, his time after finding
Ghost Fire was called “The Years of Quiet Ancestors.”
Kavena’s lesson may be that the power to defeat death
might be more evil than death itself...
Requirements score damage may be active at once.
To unlock the full potential of the ghost-fire, a character
must fulfill the following requirements Leeching Flame (Su): Any creature struck by ghost-fire
takes 1d4 points of Charisma damage in addition to
Skill: Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks whatever physical damage it deals. The wielder gains
Wisdom: 14+ those points for 1 hour. A Will save to resist. Only one
type of ability score damage may be active at once.
Weapon Wielder Abilities
Level Level Spirit Walk (Su): Once per day the wielder of ghost-fire
can designate up to her highest mental ability modi-
1st — +1 battle poi
fier in creatures that stand within the glow of the poi to
2nd 4th Dire glow become incorporeal for 1 round per level of ghost-fire.
3rd 6th Wheel of fire
4th 8th +2 battle poi Ghost Touch Special Property: A ghost touch weapon
5th 10th Physical malaise deals damage normally against incorporeal creatures,
6th 12th Spiritual malaise regardless of its bonus. An incorporeal creature’s 50%
7th 14th +2 ghost touch battle poi reduction in damage from corporeal sources does not ap-
ply to attacks made against it with ghost touch weapons.
8th 16th Leeching blow
The weapon can be picked up and moved by an incorpo-
9th 18th Spirit walk real creature at any time. A manifesting ghost can wield
10th 20th +3 ghost touch battle poi the weapon against corporeal foes. Essentially, a ghost
touch weapon counts as both corporeal and incorporeal.
Dire Glow (Su): The poi gives off a glow equal to that of Aura moderate conjuration; Craft Magic Arms and
a torch at all times. Any invisible or out of phase crea- Armor, plane shift; Cost +1 bonus
tures that enter the glow are revealed.

Wheel of Fire (Su): By whirling ghost-fire in circles

around her body, the wielder create one of the following
effects: protection from energy, protection from good, or
sanctuary. This effect lasts for as long as the wielder spins
the poi.

Physical Malaise (Su): On a successful hit, ghost-fire

deals 1d4 points of Strength damage in addition to
whatever physical damage it deals. The wielder gains
these points for 1 hour, and the victim gets a Will save
to resist. Only one form of ability score damage may be
active at once.

Spiritual Malaise (Su): A victim struck by ghost-fire

takes 1d4 Wisdom damage in addition to whatever
physical damage it deals. The wielder gains those points
for 1 hour. A Will save to resist. Only one type of ability

Battle Poi
Battle Poi are one-handed melee weapons.
Cost: 5 gp; Dmg (S): 1d3 fire; Dmg (M):
1d4 fire; Critical: x2; Ranged: —; Weight: 2
lbs.; Type: fire

Grasping Electrum Requirements
Those who are different often are inspired to greatness, To unlock the full potential of grasping electrum, a char-
and Belzarakas was different, indeed. Belzarakas bore acter must fulfill the following requirements.
no clan name from his dwarven mother or his gnomish
father. They fled in shame, and he was given his name in Skill: Appraise 4 ranks
a dwarven alms-hall, meaning “crazy-looking”. A sparse Special: Must possess 100 gp and 100 sp per weapon
green beard, oddly colored eyes, scrawny legs, bulky level, on their person, for powers to work or Skill Focus
arms. There among the bestial sharukhs, dwarflings (Profession)
addled by their mothers’ addiction to fire ale, and other
cast-offs, Belzarakas knew he was destined for greatness- Weapon Wielder Abilities
and wealth. He craved wealth with the avarice of the Level Level
hidden dwarven soul, and craved the means to achieve 1st — +1/+1 meteor hammer
it with the graspingness of the gnomish spirit. It was 2nd 4th Motes
wealth that got him free, a stolen gem from a mine-face,
3rd 6th Grasping
secreted in a cut in his leg.
With his mixed bag of quietly observed knowl- 4th 8th +2/+2 meteor hammer
edge, and the freakish combination of heritage, Belzara- 5th 10th Ignite
kas found, ironically, that he had no lack of legitimate, 6th 12th Fearful strike
gainful employment. A strange case where working beat 7th 14th +2 good dragon bane/+2
theft- and more safe. He settled into the occupation of good dragon bane meteor
gold and silversmith, one of the best in the Consortium hammer
of Blix; Pult, to be exact. The inherent greed in Blix 8th 16th Greedy augury
suited Belzarakas, and here, his appearance was not ques-
9th 18th Teleport
tioned, as long as his work was sound. There was only
one small problem: Belzarakas was completely insane. 10th 20th +2 flaming burst good
There are reasons that dwarves and gnomes forbid inter- dragon bane/+2 icy burst-
marriage, and a prevalent chance of total lunacy is one. good dragon bane meteor
Belzarakas’s delusion was that the he was destined to be- hammer
come... a metallic dragon. It bothered him that he could
not decide whether he would be a gold or silver dragon, Motes (Su): On command grasping electrum create small
and he would talk at length to... no one in particular glowing motes around each orb, with the motes match-
about it. Thus he fashioned his glorious weapon/tool, ing the color of its parent. These orbs are controlled and
the meteor hammer Grasping Electrum, referring to the move as if they were dancing lights; the golden motes
smith’s mixture of electrum, a combination of gold and shine as bright as a torch, and may be commanded to
silver- why guess which destiny, combine a weapon for touch a target, bursting as if the victim was targeted by a
both! flare spell. The silver motes shine as brightly as a candle,
Having completed the beautiful weapon, Belz- and may be commanded to touch a target, bursting as if
rakas set out to capture one of the majestic draconians, the victim was targeted by a chill touch spell. Touching
and force it to divulge the secrets of becoming a dragon. a target destroys that mote. The grasping electrum may
That he was a middle-aged dwarf-gnome who made create a number of motes per day equal to its level plus
jewelry limited his success. His natural proclivity filled the user’s highest mental ability modifier, and the wielder
his pockets for a time, but that also became his down- may create up to the maximum number at once, choos-
fall. Long before he could try Grasping Electrum on a ing which orb is affected.
dragon, he was trailed, killed, and robbed of his beauti-
ful weapon. His madness and greed betrayed him in the Grasping (Su): The wielder of grasping electrum can de-
end. Dwarves and gnomes are drawn to the weapon, as tect gold or silver (not at the same time) by grasping the
are those who are greedy. What do the noble dragons matching orb. It works like detect evil, but corresponding
feel about it? No one knows, but if the tengu ronin to the specific metal, quantities of it, and so forth.
samurai who wields it now wants to try his luck, may the
Twenty-Seven have mercy on his dark little soul.
Ignite (Su): Any creature struck by the golden orb Flaming Burst Weapon Property: A flaming burst
becomes surrounded by a nimbus of flames, taking 1d4 weapon functions as a flaming weapon that also explodes
points of fire damage per round for 1d4 rounds. Any with flame upon striking a successful critical hit. The fire
creature struck by the silver orb takes 1d4 points of cold does not harm the wielder. In addition to the extra fire
damage per round for 1d4 rounds. At 7th level this dam- damage from the flaming ability, a flaming burst weapon
age increases1d6 points, and the effect lasts 1d6 rounds. deals an extra 1d10 points of fire damage on a successful
At 10th level this effect lasts 1d8 rounds. The effect on critical hit. If the weapon’s critical multiplier is ×3, add
a target can be ended with a targeted dispel magic, or an extra 2d10 points of fire damage instead, and if the
by touching the victim with the opposite orb from the multiplier is ×4, add an extra 3d10 points of fire dam-
effect. age. Even if the flaming ability is not active, the weapon
Alternatively, this ability may be used as a potent still deals its extra fire damage on a successful critical hit.
defense. The orb used in fortress mode grants the wielder Aura strong evocation; Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
fire shield. (golden for warm, silver for chill) for as long flame blade, flame strike, or fireball; Cost +2 bonus
as fortress mode is used. The power may only be used
offensively or defensibly at a time, never both. Icy Burst Weapon Property: A icy burst weapon func-
tions as a frost weapon that also explodes with frost upon
Fearful Strike (Su): Grasping electrum strikes fear in its striking a successful critical hit. The frost does not harm
hated foes. If the golden orb strikes a gold, bronze, or the wielder. In addition to the extra frost damage from
brass dragons, it must make a Will save or be panicked the frost ability, a icy burst weapon deals an extra 1d10
for 1d10 rounds. The silver orb strikes with the same ef- points of frost damage on a successful critical hit. If the
fect on any silver or copper dragon it strikes. weapon’s critical multiplier is ×3, add an extra 2d10
points of frost damage instead, and if the
Greedy Augury (Su): The wielder of grasping elec- multiplier is ×4, add an extra 3d10
trum may ask a question to both the furtive points of frost damage.
gods of theft and avarice simultaneously, Even if the frost ability is
once per week. The answer to the ques- not active, the weapon
tion is generally vague or in the form still deals its extra frost
of a riddle, yet is always honest. damage on a success-
ful critical hit.
Teleport (Sp): Once per day, grasp- Aura strong evoca-
ing electrum may teleport itself and tion; Craft Magic
any beings touching it to anywhere Arms and Armor;
on the planet currently containing chill metal, or ice
more than 10 lbs of refined gold or storm; Cost +2 bonus

Bane Weapon Property: A bane

weapon excels against certain foes.
Against a designated foe, the weapon’s
enhancement bonus is +2 better
than its actual bonus. It also
deals an extra 2d6 points
of damage against such
Aura moderate
conjuration; Craft
Magic Arms and
Armor, summon
monster I; Cost +1
Griffon Claw Weapon Wielder Abilities
The origin of the legendary weapon Griffon Claw is no Level Level
mystery to those with a knowledge of history, as it is 1st — +1 war rake
depicted in the tapestries of the Landed nation known 2nd 4th Rally
as the Lotus Blossom Steppes. The eponymous Grif-
3rd 6th Painful maneuver
fon Clan used it as their totemic standard, and the cruel
weapon was carried by none other than their chief war- 4th 8th +2 war rake
lord. The Griffon Clan was always held to be the most 5th 10th Harsh dismount
dangerous and savage member of the Clan system, but 6th 12th Drag
were usefully directed during the sweeping wars in the 7th 14th +2 furyborn war rake
new territory held by the half-rakshasa tyrants, a greater 8th 16th Cripple
evil for the Griffons to direct their malice towards. The
9th 18th Gash
elite cavalry of the Smoke Tigers, infernally powerful, fell
to the ripping talons of the Claw, and the half-rakshasa 10th 20th +3 furyborn war rake
retreated in dismay. After that battle, the Infernal Tigers
usually sent their centaur-like polkan thralls against units Rally (Su): The wielder may hold griffon claw aloft,
of the Griffon Clan, and those hearty slaves fell in great where it catches the light and the war rake lets out an
numbers, only slightly blunting the purpose of the Claw. eagle’s shriek. All allies gain a +1 morale bonus per weap-
The eagle’s scream emitted by the weapon was often on level to their attack and damage rolls for 2d6 rounds.
enough to encourage the defenders to surrender their The wielder may use this ability a number of times per
defenses and move to greener pastures. The name of day equal to his highest mental ability modifier.
Griffon still evokes a shiver of mane and withers among
the polkan people. Painful Maneuver (Su): Griffion claw deals its normal
In stories such as these, the usual twist in the tale is damage on a successful disarm or trip attack.
that the beleaguered opponents wrested the cruel stan-
dard away from the maleficent, that it disappeared with a Harsh Dismount (Su): On a successful hit, if the target
recalcitrant hero, that it lies in some forgotten tomb- but is elevated above the wielder or is mounted, griffon claw
not so with the Griffon Claw. When the Lotus Blos- many make a free trip attack to pull the target down. If
soms fell and the land was pacified, the half-rakshasa successful the target takes an additional 1d6 points of
subdued and absorbed into the body politic, it was then damage, and lands prone.
that the Khans of the new nation called the Griffons to
the throne, and requested the Claw as tribute to the new Drag (Su): As a full-round action, griffon claw may be
monarch. The insurrection was immediate, and bloody, used to drag a successfully hit foe that is no more than
and required a hastily decided new monarch. To stanch one size larger than the wielder up to the wielders reach
the memory of mutiny, the name of the Griffon Clan closer. The wielder needs to make a combat maneuver
was retired, but the Griffon Claw still hangs behind check to drag the victim. This ability does not provoke
the Throne of Carpets, except on certain occasions of attacks of opportunity to the wielder or victim.
use, when some flint-eyed cavalryman takes it for some
deadly purpose on the deadly arena of the Steppes. Cripple (Su): Griffon claw may be used to rake along
an opponent’s limbs as a full-round action, laying the
flesh open, and rendering them weak. The victim must
Requirements make a Fortitude save, DC 18 + the damage done, or be
To unlock the full potential of griffon claw, a character
unable to use the targeted limb. It the target is an arm, it
must fulfill the following requirements.
becomes useless, and the victim takes 1d6 Strength dam-
age. If it is a leg, the victim may only move at half speed.
Feats: Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (war rake)
These effects last until the wound is healed. On a suc-
Skills: Handle Animal 4 ranks, Ride 4 ranks
cessful critical hit, the muscles and tendons are mangled
beyond mundane repair. Even if the damage is healed, it
takes a heal or greater magic to restore the limb’s func-
Gash (Su): The wickedly curved blades of griffon claw
cut deep wounds that gush blood, dealing 1d4 points of
Constitution damage per round. Treat this as bleed dam-
age, except that the DC for the Heal check is 10 + half
the wielder’s level + the wielder’s Strength modifier.

Furyborn Weapon Property: This special ability can

only be placed on melee weapons. A furyborn weapon
draws power from the anger and frustration the wielder
feels when battling foes that refuse to die. Each time the
wielder damages an opponent with the weapon, its en-
hancement bonus increases by +1 when making attacks
against that opponent (to a maximum total enhance-
ment bonus of +5). This extra enhancement bonus goes
away if the opponent dies, the wielder uses the weapon
to attack a different creature, or 1 hour passes.
Aura moderate enchantment; Craft Magic Arms and
Armor; rage; Cost +2 bonus

War Rake
The war rake is a two-handed exoitc
weapon. It can be wielded one-handed by a
proficient, mounted wielder.

Cost: 14 gp
Damage (S): 1d8
Damage (M): 1d10
Critical: x4
Range: —
Weight: 12 lbs.
Type: Slashing
Special: Disarm, trip

Grim Cutlass Requirements
That a villainous, notorious legendary weapon should To unlock the full potential of the grim cutlass, a charac-
have its origin in the infamous Haunted Sea should sur- ter must fulfill the following requirements.
prise no one. Sorcery, dark gods, and military prowess
are all part of the bloody piratical mix of that ill-famed, Alignment: any evil
mobile archipelago. When Jules Aneth, a Skill: Intimidate 4 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 4 ranks,
pirate femme fatale out of Port Calist sought Profession (sailor) 4 ranks
to join the disparate fleets in the islands,
it is sure that the dark and bloody gods Weapon Wielder Abilities
smiled upon her. And at her subsequent Level Level
death by cannon-fire, her dying pledge to 1st — +1 cutlass
be joined with her favorite cutlass, which 2nd 4th A pirate’s life
she called Grimm, was honored by the
3rd 6th Sea legs
often-at-odds gods Nise and Rajuk
Amon-Gore. 4th 8th +2 cutlass
Finding a gleaming, magical cutlass 5th 10th Deathly crew
floating on the waves should have been 6th 12th Raise galleon
a warning sign to the half-medusa 7th 14th +2 unholy cutlass
bosun of the Kraken’s jolly-boat. She 8th 16th Refused by the sea
soon found she could rule the roost, so
9th 18th Storm of vengeance
to speak, on her ship, dominating the
crew, perfectly at home on the seas, and 10th 20th +3 unholy cutlass
able to move up the ladder of command;
over her snake-haired fellows. When A Pirate’s Life (Su): The wielder of the grim cutlass gains
the next battle came, the foes that fell to a +1 per weapon level on Bluff checks to feint, Intimi-
the blade of Lithia (the ambitious half- date, and combat maneuver checks to perform dirty
medusa) rose as undead, following her tricks.
bidding, and immune to the petrification
powers of her sisters. Hearing, or sensing Sea Legs (Su): The wielder treats being on board a ship
the word “Grim...” in her mind, she clept as favored terrain, as per the ranger class ability.
the weapon her Grim Cutlass, and
made the Kraken her own, with just Deathly Crew (Su): When the grim cutlass slays a foe,
a few mates among the living; the the wielder may choose to raise the victim to join the
rest the unliving undead. wielder’s crew. This acts as animate dead, save that the
Lithia’s downfall was that she wielder controls 8 HD of undead per level. At 7th level
was reluctant to trade the whole- the wielder may cast create undead instead. At 9th level
some Kraken for a true ghost the wielder may cast create greater undead instead.
ship, and required at least a token
group of the living beside her. This is Raise Galleon (Sp): If the wielder is on or near the sea,
where Nise’s partner, dread Rajuk Amon- she may call up a galleon from the ocean floor. This
Gore had his awful way, and arranged counts as a sailing ship from Ultimate Combat, except
for a ragtag shipload of his Dancers, Black and the waterlogged wood is considered magically treated,
otherwise, to intercept Lithia’s Kraken... she still lives, and has resist fire 10. The ship requires a crew to be
they say, a concession for Nise against Rajuk, though the utilized properly.
twice sunken Kraken, now several hundred years old,
will not let her die, a punishment for her reluctance to Refused by the Sea (Su): As long as the grim cutlass is
explore the full powers of the Grim Cutlass, which passes on the wielder’s person, the wielder treats water as solid
from undead hand to hand, on the sea, and occasionally land. The wielder cannot sink below the surface, and at-
for missions on the misbegotten lands of the Haunted tempts to pull the wielder down may result in bludgeon-
Sea. ing damage instead. Creatures below the surface may
attack the wielder normally. Heartseeker
With the hobgoblin ascension on the plains of Parl
Storm of Vengeance (Sp): Once per week, the wielder Pardesh, and the consistent power of the maritime em-
may call up a supernatural storm. This acts like a storm pire of Karkoon, war with the elves was inevitable. Both
of vengeance spell, except that the clouds seem filled with sides paid lip service to the Elemental lords and had
ghastly howling spirits. The wielder and her crew are superficial treaties; the elves fawning on the outside but
immune to the effects of the storm, retaining full vision rebellious in the deepest heart of the wood, the hobgob-
and taking no damage. If the wielder is aboard the gal- lins sneering and reluctant on the face of negotiations,
leon raised by the grim cutlass, there is no danger of the but eager to please to gain more power from the Four.
ship sinking, regardless how high the waves. In the decades preceding The Calling, the elves tried to
make peace through the influence of the orcish nations-
Unholy Weapon Property: An unholy weapon is im- a poor decision, as the warlike orcs make poor diplo-
bued with unholy power. This power makes the weapon mats. The orcs pulled back to Azagor and informed each
evil-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding dam- side that whoever won the next battle would be their
age reduction. It deals an extra 2d6 points of damage ultimate ally. Each side scrambled to prepare for the
against all creatures of good alignment. It bestows one showdown, and the hobgoblins, for their part, invested a
permanent negative level on any good creature attempt- great deal of their borrowed and stolen magic in creating
ing to wield it. The negative level remains as long as the a legendary weapon for their champion, the Third Ger-
weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is ath. Their arcane crafters focused on making a weapon
no longer wielded. This negative level cannot be over- that would literally take the ‘heart’ out of the enemy- the
come in any way (including restoration spells) while the result was Heartseeker. A horrifying weapon, the ac-
weapon is wielded. counts of its effects in a small plains skirmish shocked
Aura: Moderate evocation; Craft Magic Arms and the elven king, Tythiran. Third Gerath ate the hearts he
Armor, unholy blight; Cost +2 bonus stole, and swore to feast on Tythiran’s and make a gift of
Heartseeker to the orc high-chief, to solidify the alliance.
Cutlass With the hobgoblins approaching, Tythiran retreated
The cutlass is a one-handed, martial weapon favored by to his tree-palace with many spellcasters- some said to
pirates and privateers. have been banished centuries before. The king emerged,
hidden by a palanquin, and was borne off to the battle-
Cost: 12 gp field. The elves met the hobgoblin host halfway be-
Damage (S): 1d4 tween Est’arden and Ush’naar. The orcish delegation
Damage (M): 1d6 watched from a nearby hill, ready to join the victor.
Critical: 19-20 Heralds of the elves proposed a meeting of champions,
Range: — winner take all., and Third Gerath accepted with a
Weight: 3 lbs. laugh, licking the blood from Heartseeker. He mounted
Type: Piecing/Slashing his mawgriff and set to meet the ‘weak’ elf, who rode a
Special: A cutlass fitted with a basket hilt grants a +2 unicorn and bore legendary weapons of his own. Gerath
circumstance bonus on the wielder’s Combat Maneuver charged, enraged, and transfixed the elven king on the
Defense against disarm attempts. first pass. No blood flowed from the pale king, and he
removed one of Gerath’s ears with a swipe of his sword.
A desperate stab of Heartseeker made true its name,
hitting Tythiran’s chest. Gerath only stared as Tythiran
snatched the weapon from his hands, and removed his
head. He pitched the head and the spear into a brackish
creek, and rode to the orcish embassy. The orc high-
chief challenged the elven king; “Where is my spear?” to
which he replied, “Perhaps this gift will be a better one,
since Gerath could not give it to you,” In a small box
Tythiran gave him, was his still-warm heart. Those that
find Heartseeker had best not brag of it in earshot of the
descendants of the Mummy King. Heartfelt (Su): As a swift action, Heartseeker may revisit
the damage it inflicted on a target that it dealt a critical
Requirements hit upon. The target takes the same damage originally
To unlock the full potential of heartseeker, inflicted, bypassing damage resistance. This ability may
a character must fulfill the following only effect a victim once, no matter how many critical
requirements. hits were inflicted before the victim was targeted by
the ability. Once the victim has taken the damage,
Alignment: Any non-good if heartseeke gains another critical hit upon him, he
Feat: Weapon Focus (long spear) may again be the target of the ability.
Skill: Knowledge (geography) 4 ranks,
Survival 4 ranks Bleeder (Su): Heartseeker leaves deep wounds that
bleed deeply, because of both the wicked blade and
Weapon Wielder Abilities the evil magic within it. Victims wounded by the spear
Level Level take 2d4 points of bleed damage a round. Attempts to
use the Heal skill to stop the bleeding are at DC 20
1st — +1 long spear
due to the many
2nd 4th Hunter torn blood vessels.
3rd 6th Collapsible
4th 8th +2 long spear Burnt Offerings (Su): Any creature slain by a criti-
5th 10th Heartseeker cal hit from heartseeker has its heart burst into flame
6th 12th Heartfelt and be reduced to ashes in a single round. That
creature is forever dead, and may only be
7th 14th +2 cunning long spear
raised by a wish or miracle spell. The wielder
8th 16th Bleeder of heartseeker gains a number of temporary
9th 18th Burnt offerings hit points equal to the HD of the slain
10th 20th +3 cunning long spear creature.

Hunter (Su): Heartseeker may be commanded to Cunning Weapon Property: This special
point in the direction of a specific creature type ability allows a weapon to find flaws in a
as a full round action. It gives no indication of the foe’s defenses using the wielder’s knowledge
amount, distance, or power of the target, and points of the target. Whenever the weapon’s attack is
to the closest creature of that type. a critical threat, the wielder gains a +2 bonus
on the confirmation roll if she has 5 or more
Collapsible (Su): Heartseeker may become a spear or ranks in a Knowledge skill that is related to
short spear upon command. Changing sizes is a move the target’s creature type (such as Knowledge:
action. planes for an outsider opponent).
Aura moderate divination; Craft Magic
Heartseeker (Su): Heartseeker is designed both mechani- Arms and Armor; true strike; Cost +1 bonus
cally and magically to remove a victim’s still- beating
heart from their body. Heartseeker grants a +4 to confirm
all critical hits and all 1’s rolled for damage on a success-
ful critical hit are treated as 2’s. At 9th level, any critical
hit rolled by heartseeker are automatically confirmed,
and the target must make a Fortitude save, DC 10 + half
the wielder’s level + the wielders Strength modifier or
be slain. The barbed hooks on heartseeker blade pull out
the heart of any creature slain by heartseeker, depositing
it within the bowl of the blade. Creatures that have no
heart, or that would be unaffected by the loss of their
heart, are immune to this ability.
Hell Eye Current rumors of its whereabouts point to a third race,
A swaggering tiefling named Aestwu was the first to a half-elf with twistborn tendencies, putting Hell Eye
carry this terrible, beautiful weapon, on the dusty plains to the ancient profession of banditry, which probably
of Parl Pardesh, before the dominance of the hobgoblins. amuses the infernal patrons of the handsome weapon to
He would brag before victims in the money-changing no end... eternally.
temples of small villages that his ‘father’ had given it to
him, a father with far larger horns than he. Then he Requirements
would say, “Time to dig,” bullets would fly, and men To unlock the full potential of hell eye, a character must
would die. Aestwu could not be brought down by any fulfill the following requirements.
ambush, but did not live to enjoy the bits of gold that
Hell Eye brought him, as though the weapon itself was Alignment: LE, LN, or NE
dissatisfied with the purpose to which it was put. The Skills: Knowledge (planes) 4 ranks, Perception 4 ranks
gun was found beneath a satiated moonflower, with Special: Grit class feature, or Amateur Gunslinger feat
Aestwu’s boot sticking out of its craw. It was the per-
sonal weapon of a long line of sheriffs operating out of Weapon Wielder Abilities
the now-extinct town of Dyingwood, though the justice Level Level
it served was rough, in the extreme, and the weak soon 1st — +1 pistol
found themselves bereft of Hell Eye’s protection. 2nd 4th Dark sight
Then, the hobgoblins came, and the time of men
3rd 6th Luck of the gun
ended on the Plains of Parl, with nary a one to be found
from the Erkunae’s Graveyard to the Green Sea. The 4th 8th +2 pistol
militaristic and law-loving hobgoblins were excellent 5th 10th Gaze of the bullet
servants of the gun, though the greed and envy for the 6th 12th Gnawing shot
powerful, legendary weapon caused it to change hands 7th 14th +2 axiomatic pistol
many times. It is a testament to either its insensate intel- 8th 16th Supreme shot
ligence or the machinations of lower-echelon hobgoblins
9th 18th Hellfire bullet
that it never fell into the hands of the ruling class of
Ush’ta’hai. Too few challenges at that level, probably. 10th 20th +3 axiomatic pistol
The elves of the East have a particular hatred for the
engraved firearm, as it has sent many of their number to Dark Sight (Su): By viewing a living creature through
the Hill of Boots, for those who will never wander again. the sights of hell eye, the wielder gains knowledge of their

level, any conditions they may have, and their status, as Infernal Device
if under the effect of a deathwatch spell. The Infernal Device was unearthed in the vast ruin that
is known as Falden Town- usually nicknamed ‘Fall-
Luck of the Gun (Su): Anyone holding or carrying hell Down Town’, in the north of The Bulwark of the Hal-
eye cannot be surprised, and gain both the evasion and fling Nations. Various tribes of kobolds and goblins
improved uncanny dodge abilities. This ability some- fought over it, as it played its part in the shifting power
times fails, at the gun’s whim (and GM’s option). struggles in the otherworldly ruins. An adventuring par-
ty of intrepid halfling treasure-hunters brought the De-
Gaze of the Bullet (Su): Living targets that see hell vice to the light of civilized eyes, prying the nightmarish
eye being aimed at them must make a Will save or be gadget from a kobold shaman’s dead claws. Though only
shaken. At 5th level the victim becomes frightened three adventurers made it out alive, and two of them met
instead. At 8th level the victim becomes panicked. This with mysterious accidents in the weeks that followed,
ability is a mind-affecting fear effect, and can only target the now-famous, “Four Fingers” Lenous Longtooth,
one creature per round. alchemist ‘troubleshooter’ extraordinaire is its owner and
expert on its nature. He casually comments on its likely
Gnawing Shot (Su): The wielder of hell eye may use manufacture in the pits of Abbadon, and merrily chuck-
a tooth as a bullet, and that single shot gains the bane les as he describes its daemonic properties- but not the
special ability against creatures of the same type as the purposes and experiments to which the Infernal Device
tooth came from. Upon striking its target the tooth has been put toward.
crawls through the victim’s body, dealing its damage
every round. The tooth may be extracted by a DC 30
Heal check, or by heal or greater magic. A fired tooth
To unlock the full potential of the infernal device, a char-
that misses its target is destroyed, and one that strikes a
acter must fulfill the following requirements.
different creature type deals only normal damage.
Feat: Deft Hands
Supreme Shot (Su): The wielder of hell eye may take
Skills: Disable Device 4 ranks
1d4 points of Wisdom damage to gain true strike as an
Language: Infernal
swift action.

Hellfire Bullet (Su): Once per day per point of her Weapon Wielder Abilities
highest mental ability modifier, the wielder of hell eye Level Level
may summon a flamestrike wherever the bullet strikes. 1st - +1 device
This ability cannot be combined with any other ability. 2nd 4th Toxic
If the bullet successfully struck a creature, that target gets 3rd 6th Hacker
no save against the flamestrike. 4th 8th +2 device
5th 10th Targeted toxin
Axiomatic Weapon Property: An axiomatic weapon is
infused with lawful power. It makes the weapon law- 6th 12th Eyes on target
aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage 7th 14th +2 stalking device
reduction. It deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against 8th 16th Clone
chaotic creatures. It bestows one permanent nega- 9th 18th Soul eater
tive level on any chaotic creature attempting to wield 10th 20th +3 stalking device
it. The negative level remains as long as the weapon is
in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer Device (Ex): The infernal device is not a single weapon,
wielded. This negative level cannot be overcome in any but reconfigures into several forms. On its own it oper-
way (including by restoration spells) while the weapon is ates as a buckler. The wielder may command a blade to
wielded. slide out of the jaw end of the skull, making it a short
Aura moderate divination; Craft Magic Arms and Ar- sword. The device may fire a dart out of the jaw as if the
mor, order’s wrath; Cost +2 bonus user threw it. These darts vanish after firing, returning
to whatever pocket dimension exists within the device.
Lastly the device may extend a foot long needle. time it is used, and the clones are
This needle is treated as a dagger, and may be used always imperfectly created, miss-
to aspirate or inject fluids. A wielder using ing a finger or some similar de-
the needle may inject poisons with no fect. These defects grow pro-
risk of poisoning themselves. When gressively more serious with
in weapon form, it no longer gives each cloning, until such
AC bonus as a buckler. a time that the cloning
would leave the wielder
Toxic (Su): The infernal device with a Constitution of
can store three different poi- 0. A wielder that acti-
sons, with 3 different doses of vates the cloning process
each, to be injected through with a Constitution score
its needle. The wielder cannot of 1 dies, leaving a mass of
change poisons until one supply bubbling flesh.
is completely exhausted. The
user decides which poison is used Soul Eater (Su): Creatures
for each dose, and must supply it that are slain by the infernal
to the device. device have their souls siphoned to
Abbadon, to be tortured and devoured.
Hacker (Su): While wearing the These poor souls may only be returned to
infernal device, the user receives a life by resurrection or greater magic. A wielder that is
+10 circumstance bonus to Disable slain while in contact with the Infernal Device suffers the
Device checks. same fate.

Targeted Toxin (Su): When using Stalking Weapon Property: The longer the wielder
the needle, the wielder may choose of a stalking weapon studies a target, the more effective
to deal 1 point of damage less, to her strike. As a standard action, a character wielding a
suck up some of the target’s blood stalking weapon can command it to study a creature
or ichor. One full round later the within 60 feet. The wielder must have line of effect and
blood becomes a potent toxin, line of sight to that target. When the wielder attacks the
dealing 1d4 points of damage to the studied creature, on a successful hit the stalking weapon
ability score of the user’s choice, with 2 deals +1d6 points of bonus damage per consecutive
Fort saves to end the effect. Each time the needle aspi- round spent studying a target, up to a number of bonus
rates blood, it makes one dose of toxin. If the toxin is dice equal to the stalking weapon’s enchantment bonus.
injected into a creature other than the blood donor the This bonus damage is precision damage and only applies
victim must make a Fort save or be nauseated for one to the first successful hit against that creature.
round. If the wielder attacks a creature other than the stud-
ied creature, commands the weapon to study a different
Eyes on Target (Su): The infernal device grants a +4 creature, or ends her turn more than 60 feet from the
bonus to hit on sneak attacks and to confirm critical studied creature, the weapon loses all bonus damage dice
hits. The device must be used as a weapon to get these against the previously studied creature.
bonuses. Aura: moderate divination; Craft Magic Arms and
Armor; hunter’s eye, true strike; Cost +2 bonus
Clone (Sp): If so commanded, the infernal device can
prepare a clone of the wielder. The wielder dies one
round after issuing the mental command. The device
then waits, sensing when it is left alone, and begins to
grow the clone, over the course of 2d4 hours. The clon-
ing follows the same rules as the spell clone, except that
the effect costs the character 1 Constitution point each
Infinity Edge Weapon Wielder Abilities
The Solimati wizard Morani Tek had a wizard’s tower Level Level
as beautiful as those around it, but he seldom appreci- 1st — +1 scythe
ated that beauty, or the view of the Fourlands beyond 2nd 4th Unbreakable
the city. It was too contained, too ‘finite’. Tek dreamed
3rd 6th Gory end
of contemplating infinity itself, to embrace the subtle
difference between zero and nothing, to add “1” to the 4th 8th +2 scythe
largest number possible. To that end he traveled the 5th 10th Hidden damage
planes, searching at the event horizons at the deaths of 6th 12th Wicked sunder
entire worlds and demi-planes. His myriad experiences, 7th 14th +2 vorpal scythe
unsurprisingly, changed him in inhuman ways, colder, 8th 16th Razor thin
more alien, clinical in his contemplation of the solidity
9th 18th Slicer
of matter. Some said he was worse than evil, beyond
evil, beyond emotions that fuel simple evil. Hundreds 10th 20th +3 vorpal scythe
of partners and allies died in his quests, and Morani Tek
himself barely escaped utter destruction on several occa- Unbreakable (Su): Any attempt to sunder infinity edge
sions—he merely recorded his impressions of the lurking instead deals damage to the object or weapon used in the
abyss of nothingness and carried on. sunder attempt, as if it was sundered by infinity’s edge.
The Solimati forced him out of the city, and he moved
to the dusty wastes, in a towering needle of iron in the Gory End (Su): Infinity edge slices not only through
slat flats visited only by the nomadic So’cha. In the limbs, but entire bodies, and creatures slain by it fall into
desolation there, he put his blasphemous knowledge to bloody pieces. All opponents viewing such an end must
work, designing a weapon to embody the strained par- make a Will save, or panic for 1d6 rounds.
ticles of existence at the point of Infinity. As he was said
to have muttered before he shut himself away, “Death Hidden Damage (Su): Infinity edge causes wounds so
is infinity in it’s own right,”. Why he chose the final fine that the victim feels no pain, and often believes that
product, Infinity Edge, to be a scythe is anybody’s guess. the weapon missed. These unfortunate souls often fight
That it is, in Solimati culture, as well as many others’, a on, not understanding the amount of damage they have
symbol of the Reaper of Death, is as good a supposition taken until they die. Creatures wounded by infinity’s edge
as any. Morani Tek was fond of ‘loaning’ the weapon must make a Heal or Perception check, DC 30 minus
to one champion or another, to observe its effects on the damage taken, to notice they are injured. The GM
different targets- and then taking Infinity’s Edge back, keeps the victim’s damage total secret, making note of
often by use of the weapon itself. Today the weapon is total hit points; the victim may not use susch abilities as
in the hands of various Tellers of Rolterra, the goddess ferocity, or be the target of status or deathwatch spells for
of revolution; as they see it as a useful tool of subjuga- a period of 1 hour after first being struck by the infinity
tion, rather than a macabre experiment in obtaining the edge.
unreachable infinite.
Wicked Sunder (Su): Infinity edge deals +1d6 damage
per 3 wielder levels to all its sunder attempts.
To unlock the full potential of infinity edge, a character
Razor Thin (Su): The edge of the scythe is so fine that it
must fulfill the following requirements.
ignores half of the target’s armor bonus, slicing through
seams in both armor and thick hides with ease.
Alignment: any neutral
Feat: Improved Initiative
Slicer (Su): When infinity edge deals damage to a crea-
Skill: Heal 4 ranks, Knowledge (planes) 4 ranks
ture, the target’s armor or natural armor bonus is also
reduced by the weapon’s enhancment bonus. Damage
dealt to natural armor in this way heals at a rate of 1
point per day. Armor reduced to 0 points gains the bro-
ken condition. Another hit will destroy the armor.
Vorpal Weapon Property: This potent
and feared ability allows the weapon to
sever the heads of those it strikes.
Upon a roll of natural 20 (followed by
a successful roll to confirm the critical
hit), the weapon severs the opponent’s
head (if it has one) from its body. Some
creatures, such as many aberrations and
all oozes, have no heads. Others, such as
golems and undead creatures other than
vampires, are not affected by the loss of
their heads. Most other creatures, how-
ever, die when their heads are cut off. A
vorpal weapon must be a slashing melee
Aura: Strong necromancy and trans-
mutation; Craft Magic Arms and Armor;
circle of death, keen edge; Cost +5 bonus

Leaden Spear Requirements
“A leaden heart makes a Leaden Spear/ To unlock the full potential of the leaden spear, a charac-
For the poisoned point of a poison will/ ter must fulfill the following requirements.
A heart of lead sheds a bitter tear/ and
a poisoned wound makes the strong Feat: Endurance, Great Fortitude
heart still...” -Lay of the Spear, Fudi Skill: Perform (dance) 4 ranks
troubadour song
Weapon Wielder Abilities
For such a weapon as the Leaden Level Level
Spear, to come from a nation as 1st — +1 spear
vaunted for its heroics as Iffud, puzzles 2nd 4th Weight
many. But Iffud is known as a land of
3rd 6th Poisoning
passion and passionate people, and there
is always a price to pay for passion. Thus, 4th 8th +2 spear
a simple Fudi hedge-witch named Marilda 5th 10th Slow
bore a passionate, unrequited love for a bard 6th 12th Toxic touch
named Cartney. She was skilled, but plain 7th 14th +2 vicious spear
and dirty, and he was handsome and popular. 8th 16th Befoul
The more she lavished her powers on him, the
9th 18th Spreading Plague
more he took her for granted. She turned her
alchemical powers towards an object that be 10th 20th +3 vicious spear
sure to win his heart- a Philosopher’s Stone! She
made a supposedly working model, and Cartney Weight (Su): The leaden spear’s weight is such that it
took a small interest... but alas, not only did it deals one die greater damage than a weapon its size,
not turn lead into gold, it turned his gold coins to 1d10 at Medium size.
lead! He laughed at Marilda, and turned to leave.
She grabbed at him, and he struck her with the flat Poisoning (Su): The metal of leaden spear is
of a spear he used as part of his act. She recoiled, infused with powerful toxins that taint all it
stunned, and he looked at the marks her dirty hands touches. It deals 1d2 points of Constitution and
made on his spear, and threw it away. Wisdom damage per strike. This slow poison-
Marilda lost her mind, a little, and her talkative ing acts like a disease, requiring a new save each
raven familiar told the tale of her melting down her week, or the damage is taken again. A suc-
hoard of gold, and plunged the soiled spear in the cessful save ends the poisoning. At 5th level,
gold. Then, with the last of her flawed “Philosopher’s the spear deals 1d4 points of Constitution
Stone”, she turned the golden spear to gray lead, creat- and Wisdom damage, and the saves become
ing a sinister toxin. The spindly witch not only poi- daily, and two successful saves are required
soned Cartney to death with it, she killed the entire to purge the toxin from the victim’s system.
town, those that did not flee, and for years sat in the When the spear reaches 9th level, it deals
heart of a poisoned waste, mad as a quicksilvered hat- 1d4 points of Constitution and Wisdom
ter. When a band of druids purged the unnatural toxin, drain, and three successful saves are re-
the Leaden Spear was found thrust into a hideously quired to end the effect. A being applying
poisoned tree, and all the druids could do was assign neutralize poison to the victim must make
a stone golem to carry it into Avandrool, beyond the a caster level check vs. the spear’s cur-
Yellow Gate, hoping that the poisoned land there would rent save DC or the spell fails. A heal
cancel it out. There it still remains, some say, a legacy to or greater magic will remove the toxin
a leaden heart, but not Marilda’s. without a check.
Anyone using the leaden spear for a
week or more must make a Fortitude
save weekly or suffer 1 point of Wis-
dom drain. The user slowly descends
into madness, becoming increasingly paranoid, then Liar Tongue
suffering from frequent hallucinations and becoming The origin and ultimate purpose, if any, of the mysteri-
lethargic until they finally collapse and die. The wielder ous legendary weapon known as Liar Tongue, is not
is remains unaware of their madness until the end. known, and divination, even commune has revealed
very little. The short sword has been claimed by neither
Slow (Sp): Targets struck by the leaden spear must make the Deist forces of the Landed Gods, nor the remnants
a Will save or be slowed for one round per weapon level of the Elementalist forces, which speaks to the fact that
of the spear. neither faction has been able to use its powers to further
their aims. The sword rejects magical influence in a way
Toxic Touch (Su): Once per day per the highest mental that would seem almost sentient, depending on its own
ability modifier the leaden spear may be used to make a powers of suggestion to create chaos and strife. Sages
touch attack, inflicting its toxin as if it had successfully suggest that the sword is a pawn of some third power
wounded the target. emerging on Porphyra, that seeks to enter the conflicted
stage- in between the defeated Elementalists and the
Befoul (Su): Any container of liquid touched by the rapidly inter-fractious New Gods.
leaden spear for a minute becomes tainted. Any creature One of the best (or worst) examples of the insidious
that touches the liquid must save as if they had been infection of Liar Tongue is the story of Bekaa White-
struck by the spear. Any creature drinking the fluid tip, a tengu of the northern land of The Lotus Blos-
makes its save at -2. Tainted liquid remains toxic for one som Steppes. A lower caste among his people due to
day per weapon level of the spear. his mottled coloration, Bekaa found Liar Tongue while
scavenging in the ruins of a cyclops encampment. He
Spreading Plague (Su): Targets under the effect of the soon supplanted his nest leader, and convinced his nest-
leaden spear’s toxin begin to spread it to other creatures mates to raid any and all caravans traveling through the
by skin to skin contact. Living creatures the target eastern Steppes. Their raids defied logic, striking ships at
touches must make a Fortitude save at the original DC sea just barely in range of flight, of delegations of undead
or suffer the effects of the toxin, as well as spreading it from the Empire of the Dead, of suicidal forays into the
themselves. Wyrm’s Quarter... the end result was the disappearance
of Liar Tongue for some decades, sudden unexpected
Vicious Weapon Property: This special ability can only wealth in The Nest region of eastern Lotus Blossom
be placed on melee weapons. When a vicious weapon Steppes, and a lingering mistrust of tengu, that still con-
strikes an opponent, it creates a flash of disruptive energy tinues in some circles. Liar’s Tongue is known as much
that resonates between the opponent and the wielder. for its legacy as its martial destruction.
This energy deals an extra 2d6 points of damage to the Though it resists and opposes the ‘will of the gods’, it
opponent and 1d6 points of damage to the wielder. is strange—or possibly not so strange considering the
Aura: moderate necromancy; Craft Magic Arms and perverse nature of the legendary weapon—that those of
Armor; enervation; Cost +1 bonus divine devotion attempt to bend it to their will as often
as they have. For a short time after Bekaa’s tenure, there
even existed an anti-paladin cult and a paladin sect that
fought over the possession and control of Liar Tongue,
one to exploit it and the other to, supposedly, redeem
it. Unsurprisingly, they ended up destroying each other.
The weapon is at its worst in urban areas, and its current
whereabouts is said to be G’sho’laa’n’rr, the Endless Halls
of the erkunae people of Erkusaa. When used (or using)
a people as duplicitous as the erkunae, the extent of cor-
ruption should be vast, indeed.

Requirements or monstrous humanoids that view it to make a Will
To unlock the full potential of the liar tongue, a character save or be affected by an effect similar to charm person.
must fulfill the following requirements. Creatures already affected by this power have it renewed
upon seeing the presented blade with no save.
Feat: Deceitful
Skills: Bluff 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks Venomous Oration (Su): A victim of the the liar
Special: May not posses any levels in prepared caster tongue’s suggestion carries it like a disease, inflicting the
classes. same suggestion to other targets that she speaks to. The
victim has the urge to spread the wielder’s words to
Weapon Wielder Abilities those not already traveling with him, spreading the
Level Level suggestion to as many targets as the wielder’s high-
est mental ability modifier. The targets get a Will
1st — +1 short sword
save, at the same DC as the original suggestion,
2nd 4th Forked tongue and if they fail, they also gain the ability and
3rd 6th Mindblade desire to spread the suggestion. In this way, the
4th 8th +2 short sword wielder of the liar tongue can rapidly take over
5th 10th Cut the ties modest sized groups or towns.
6th 12th Bleak symbol
7th 14th +2 toxic short sword Glory of the Heart’s Desire (Su): Once per
week, the wielder of the liar tongue may grant
8th 16th Venomous oration
another’s wish. This wish is twisted in the most
9th 18th Glory of the heart’s desire malicious possible way, and inevitably ends
10th 20th +3 toxic short sword in the victim losing what they desire or love
Forked Tongue (Su): As long as the wielder is
touching the liar tongue, he gains the ability to Toxic Weapon Property: Targets damaged by
make a suggestion once per round as the spell. In a toxic weapon gain the sickened condition
addition at the start of each round, the wielder for a number of rounds equal to the weapon’s
may choose to gain a +1 per weapon level bo- enhancement bonus.
nus to either their Bluff or Sense Motive skill. Aura moderate necromancy; Craft Magic
Arms and Armor, poison; Cost +1 bonus
Mindblade (Su): The wielder of the liar
tongue may choose to have the blade deal
its base shortsword damage to the victim’s
Wisdom score in place of their hit points,
unmodified by Strength bonus. This ability
must be chosen before the attack roll is made,
and is useable 1 + the wielder’s highest mental
ability modifier times per day. The victim receives
a Will save for half damage.

Cut the Ties (Su): A divine spellcaster struck

by the liar tongue must make a Will save or
lose one spell slot of the highest level spells
they can cast. Lost spell slots are regained in 24

Bleak Symbol (Su): The wielder may affect the minds

of those viewing the blade. By holding the liar tongue up
as a full round action, the wielder causes all humanoids
Linnorm Blade Requirements
The glacial tarns of The Slab, largest glacier on To unlock the full potential of the linnorm blade, a
Porphyra, are remarkable ecosystems of the North- character must fulfill the following requirements.
lands. Algae and plankton fed by fresh water, sun-
light and air particles are at the bottom of a food Alignment: Any nongood
chain that include a type of freshwater shrimp, Skill: Intimidate 4 ranks
silver-scaled fish, and even a subspecies of seal. At Languages: Draconic
the top of this food chain is the tarn linnorm, a
type of primal dragon, and the fiercest of these Weapon Wielder Abilities
was Uzrantha. This ur-linnorm resided in the Level Level
largest glacial tarn on The Slab, and, as is a true 1st — +1 bastard sword
mercy of all of the oldest dragonkind, spent a 2nd 4th Acid resistance 5
great deal of his time asleep. The plentiful food
3rd 6th Least curse
supply supported Urzantha, and his time awake
was relatively non-destructive- relatively. If 4th 8th +2 bastard sword, acid
Urzantha was looking for some exercise, the resistance 10
surrounding communities, even those of the 5th 10th Freedom of movement
fire and frost giants, typically found somewhere 6th 12th Lesser curse
else to be. 7th 14th +2 corrosive bastard
After a few centuries of this, a group of sword, acid resistance 15
southlander adventurers found unlikely em- 8th 16th Breath weapon
ployment by the local fire giant king ( a lo-
9th 18th Death curse
cality uninterfered with by the Red King) to
eliminate Uzrantha. The fire giants thought 10th 20th +3 corrosive burst bastard
they were being very clever, as they knew of the sword, acid resistance 20
linnorm’s curse upon its killer, and believed the
adventurers did not. They did, and circumvent- Acid Resistance (Sp): The wielder of the lin-
ed the deadly curse by using summoned efreeti norm blade gains resists acid 5. At 4th level and
to deal the death blows- which laid the enmity every three levels thereafter the acid resistance
of both the elemental spirits and the unsatis- increases by 5.
fied spirit of the linnorm. Perhaps it was their
influence, or a spiteful nature, but the leader of Least Curse (Su): The wielder of the linnorm
the southlanders, a dwarf named Karllos, made blade may choose to make a curse attack in place
the linnorm’s most prominent claw into a fine of a normal hit. A curse attack is a touch attack,
sword of metallic material, and called it, un- inflicting bestow curse in place of damage. The
originally, the Linnorm Blade. Karllos be- victim may make a Will save, to resist the curse.
lieved that the reason his clan received the The wielder of the blade suffers the same ef-
contract, the death curse of the linnorm, fect as the victim, with no save.
would be transferred to the Linnorm
Blade, and it was. What he did not Freedom of Movement (Sp): While in
count on was the wrath of the fire giants, hand the linnorm blade grants freedom of
named anathema by their erstwhile elemen- movement as the spell. This effect cannot be
tal lords, who made an uncharacteristic journey dispelled.
to the Birdman Mountains to wipe out the small,
startled clan, curse or no. The descendants of Lesser Curse (Su): The wielder of the linnorm
that fire king still hold the Linnorm Blade, and blade may choose to inflict a curse of non-healing
still bear the curse, seen by the fire humanoids as on a target with a successful hit that deals at least
a badge of honor- no need of healing, when you one point of damage. The victim cannot be af-
bear this legendary weapon. fected by magical healing, and does not heal by
natural means for 2d6 rounds. The victim may
make a Will save to resist the curse. The wielder of the Manticora
blade suffers the same effect as the victim, with no save. The southern seas of sand between the Pyynian jungles
and the Scrubland borders of the Great Green are vast,
Breath Weapon (Su): Three times per day, while the and haunted by many harrowing beasts and races. One
linnorm blade is in hand, the wielder may breathe out a of the most threatening, by reason of their high degree of
30 foot line of acid. This potent brew deals 8d6 points of organization, are the winged tiger-men known as asher-
damage, with a Reflex save for half damage. ake. In their flying, sorcerous ships, they fly the airways
of the south, intruding into borderlands on a regular
Death Curse (Su): If the linnorm blade is in use, and the basis. Their most feared tactic- dropping worn-out
wielder is slain in combat, the creature that killed him is slaves on prospective targets, wreaking havoc, damage,
subjected to the linnorm’s curse. The victim cannot be and intimidation on their enemies.
affected by magical healing, and does not heal by natural The asherake live by the efforts of slaves in all save
means. The victim may make a Will save to resist the a few things, the main being armoring and weapon-
curse. smithing. The caste of clerics, among them, are typically
excluded from this, as their direction of the worship of
Corrosive Weapon Property: Upon command, a cor- Kamus, the Slaver, precludes them from serious battle,
rosive weapon becomes slick with acid that deals an and the asherake concept of glory. Deacon Terragt was
extra 1d6 points of acid damage on a successful hit. The an exception, though, a cleric who lusted for battle,
acid does not harm the wielder. The effect remains until and he found a way to use his powers AND gain the
another command is given. weaponry he sought. He made a dark pact with infer-
Aura moderate evocation; Craft Magic Arms and Ar- nal powers to change the next powerful beast he gained
mor; acid arrow; Cost +1 bonus power over to become the powerful weapon he desired.
He bided his time, and chose wisely, casting a charm
Corrosive Burst Weapon Property: A corrosive burst monster spell on a fearsome manticore flying in the wake
weapon functions as a corrosive weapon that explodes of his black sorcerer-ship. Leaping from the deck of his
with searing acid upon striking a successful critical hit. ship, Terragt grasp the new, cruelly-spiked weapon, even
The acid does not harm the wielder. In addition to the as it fell from the sky. He lovingly stroked it, naming
extra acid damage from the corrosive special ability, a it Manticora, even as his home-ship was sucked into an
corrosive burst weapon deals an extra 1d10 points of Infernal maelstrom; the price of his weapon of power
acid damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon’s was the souls of all aboard the asherake craft...
critical modifier is x3, add an extra 2d10 points of acid Now just Terragt, the asherake apostate soon started
damage instead, and if the modifier is x4, add an extra a band of raiders, and a fortified territory of his own.
3d10 points. Even if the corrosive ability is not active, With Manticora in his hand, he was master of the skies-
the weapon still deals its extra acid damage on a success- it is said that he bore four sets of wings when he wished,
ful critical hit. giving him a maneuverability and speed unmatched by
Aura moderate evocation; Craft Magic Arms and Ar- any other flier. He could devastate targets with fly-
mor, acid arrow; Cost +2 bonus ing spikes- far more precise than falling bodies. In the
hinterlands of the Cities of the Dead, near the toxic Sea
of Almuut, Terragt and Manticora dominated the land
for leagues around, with a band of derhii, gargoyles, and
harpies, a bizarre and deadly motley crew. Information
is sparse coming out of that blighted land, but Ter-
ragt would now be nearly a hundred years old now, not
completely out of the ordinary for asherake, but far more
than most of their competitive race live. Whether one of
his derhii lieutenants, or a vengeful boatload of the race
he betrayed has hold of spiked Manticora now, remains
to be seen. Perhaps a white-muzzled Terragt is waiting
to swoop down for one more devastating raid, one more
swing of Manticora.
Requirements Explosive Spike (Su): On a successful critical hit, the
To unlock the full potential of Manticora, a character spikes of manticora explode outward when striking the
must fulfill the following requirements. target, dealing 10d6 points of damage to the target,
and requiring a Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d10
Skill: Fly 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks rounds.

Weapon Wielder Abilities Impact Special Property: This special ability can only
Level Level be placed on melee weapons that are not light weapons.
An impact weapon delivers a potent kinetic jolt when it
1st — +1 morningstar
strikes, dealing damage as if the weapon were one size
2nd 4th Fling category larger. In addition, any bull rush combat ma-
3rd 6th Beast’s Flight neuver the wielder attempts while wielding the weapon
4th 8th +2 morningstar gains a bonus equal to the weapon’s enhancement bonus;
5th 10th Intimidator this includes all bull rush attempts, not only those in
6th 12th Glory of the beast which a weapon is used, such as Bull Rush Strike, Shield
7th 14th +2 impact morningstar Slam, or Unseat .
Aura moderate transmutation; Craft Magic Arms and
8th 16th Impale
Armor, bull’s strength, leaded strike, righteous might, or
9th 18th Explosive spike giant form I; Cost +2 bonus
10th 20th +3 impact morningstar

Fling (Su): The wielder may fling 1d4 spikes at a single

target as a ranged attack. The spikes deal 1d6 points of
damage plus the wielder’s Strength bonus. Manticora
never runs out of spikes.

Beast’s Flight (Su): The wielder may grow a pair of

powerful leathery wings. These wings allow a flight speed
of 40, for one hour per point of the wielder’s highest
mental ability modifier. This time may be broken up in
one minute intervals.

Intimidator (Su): Anyone openly wielding manticora

receives a +1 bonus to Intimidate checks per weapon
level of Manticora.

Glory of the Beast (Su): Once per day manticora may

grant the user bear’s endurance and bull’s strength. Both
spells affect the user simultaneously.

Impale (Su): Each strike of manticora leaves 1d4 spikes

impaled in the victim’s body. These spikes are painful,
dealing 1d4 points of damage each time the victim at-
tempts to move faster than walking speed, or otherwise
engages in physical activities. Each round of combat
deals 1d4 points of damage at the end of the victim’s
turn. Removing the spikes deals 1d4 points of damage
and results in 1 point of bleed damage per spike removed
unless the person removing them makes a DC 20 Heal
Saurian Armor Spikes if they were one size larger then they are.
Expeditions into the Eternal Jungle of Californ typically
end in one of two results; tragic disappearance, or enig- Saurian Tail (Su): At will, the wielder can grow a mus-
matic wealth. When the sage Cyrus Bleq of Belle Ville cular tail, studded with spikes. The wielder may make
sent a party of fallen Codionic Knights to the destina- one attack per round at his highest attack bonus with
tion on a map he had discovered, the result was definite- the tail, dealing a base 1d6 points of damage at Medium
ly mixed. Only three of the twelve returned, the other size. The user may not attack with the saurian armor
nine fallen in battle, as well as previous morals. Some spikes on the same round as he makes a tail attack.
fell to pestilence, others to the poison of debased xesa
barbarians, but five fell to the occupant of the ziggurat Grayflame Weapon Property: This weapon responds
that they penetrated, and undead reptilian humanoid of to channeled positive and negative energy. When the
unknown species. The fallen paladins contemptuously wielder spends a swift action to channel energy through
gave Bleq some crumbling codices, and kept the other the weapon, it ignites with a strange gray flame that
strange treasures for themselves, after forcing the sage sheds light as a torch, increases the weapon’s enhance-
to identify them. Their leader, Reks Malus, kept only ment bonus by +1, and deals +1d6 damage (as the divine
a set of spikes cut from the moldering carapace of the power from flame strike) to creatures struck by the weap-
dark creature. Reks Malus henceforth became one of the on. This flame lasts for 1 round for every d6 of damage
most notorious anti-paladins of the eastern continent, or healing the channeling normally provides. When
spreading chaos and evil on the frontiers of so-called charged with positive energy, the flame is a silvery gray,
civilized society, delighting in close grappling contact. A good creatures are immune to the weapon’s extra dam-
cadre of reptilian outcasts and outlaws from the cultures age, and the weapon counts as a good and silver weapon
of the ophiduans, lizardfolk and nagaji used to follow for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. When
Malus around, trying vainly to earn his attention or charged with negative energy, the flame is an ashen gray,
praise- which was rarely, if ever given. evil creatures are immune to the weapon’s extra damage,
Reks Malus has not been seen for several years, though and the weapon counts as an evil and cold iron weapon
raids by mixed bands of reptilians have not decreased in for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. This
the southeastern desert fringes. It is not known whether special ability can only be placed on melee weapons.
his would-be followers have taken Malus’ Saurian Armor Aura moderate transmutation; Craft Magic Arms and
Spikes, or whether he is undergoing some fell necroman- Armor, Channel Smite, align weapon; Cost +1 bonus
tic change into something even more dire.

To unlock the full potential of the saurian armor spikes, a
character must fulfill the following requirements.

Feats: Improved Unarmed Attack, Medium Armor

Languages: Draconic

Weapon Level Wielder Level Abilities

1st — +1 armor spikes
2nd 4th Oversized
3rd 8th +2 armor spikes
4th 12th Saurian tail
5th 16th +2 grayflame
armor spikes

Oversized (Ex): The saurian armor spikes deal damage as

Slime Mace
There are strange and lonely creatures in the Alignment: any evil
strange and lonely expanse of the swampy Feat: Deceitful
Reedlands in the southern district of the Skill: Knowledge (dungeoneering) 4 ranks
Fenian Triarchy. Slimes, oozes, reptiles,
tentacled things that should not crawl Weapon Wielder Abilities
the surface of Porphyra, but have not Level Level
been informed of their wrongness. 1st — +1 heavy mace
That Big Martta still crawled and hun- 2nd 4th Slime mimic
gered- and may yet still- is a tragedy 3rd 8th +2 heavy mace
that needs correcting. A witch with
4th 12th Fling ooze
powers as deadly as her iron-hard talons
and teeth, she was far too cantankerous to 5th 16th +3 mimetic
be invited to a coven, and so found her own heavy mace
friends, to clean up the scraps of unwary Reed-
landers and dire crocodiles alike. Being quite Slime Mimic (Su): For 1 minute per day per
enamored of slimes and oozes, beings that could weapon level, the wielder can cause the slime
not argue with her and required her respect, Big mace to turn black and viscous, like a black pud-
Martta retired to her cypress-tree cave and cre- ding, doing 2d6 damage per strike and inflict-
ated, over some period of time, a dire cudgel, a ing corrosion on the target, as a black pudding
Mace of Slime, that could take on the properties would. Taking fire damage while using the
of her obsession, without the messy housebreak- mimic power causes the effect to end.
ing required.
With Slime Mace, Big Martta could command Fling Ooze (Su): Once per day, the wielder of
the respect of other great powers in the Reed- the slime mace may release a gray ooze as a full
lands, but she never took it on hunting trips. attack, flinging it up to 20 feet as a ranged touch
Prey taken down with it were in no condition to attack. A successful hit indicates the ooze now
be eaten. She always had it nearby, though, and occupies the square of its target, and gets a free
some say an elemental familiar spirit carried for attack. Treat a miss as a grenade-like weapon.
her, a gift from the subversive Elemental Lords
for her continued harassment of Deist forces in Mimetic Weapon Property: This special ability
control of the Fenian Lands. She slew Feadigan, can only be placed on melee weapons. Each time
the Green Paladin with it, and a brace of bralani the wielder damages a creature using a mimetic
azatas sent to purge her noxious presence. She weapon, he gains resistance 10 to one energy type
drove away many Greenlander forces with the that the creature is resistant or immune to for
vile weapon, and her lands were eventually 1 round (if the creature damaged has multiple
declared off-limits and taboo. Some mercy has types of resistance, the wielder chooses one of
come from the situation lately, as Slime Mace those resistances to take). This resistance stacks
has been stolen, by a tiny halfling named Barti- with itself, to a maximum of 30 points of resis-
gal Frostpie, hired by the burghers of MacCool, tance against a given energy type, but not with
to some crowing over the capital people. Barti- other sources of energy resistance. The creature’s
gal has not shown up to claim his reward, after own resistances and immunities are unaffected.
drinking in a Reedlander simi parlor- it is hoped Aura faint abjuration; Craft Magic Arms and
that Slime Mace is in civilized hands, and not... Armor, resist energy; Cost +1 bonus
slimy ones.

To unlock the full potential of the slime mace, a
character must fulfill the following requirements.

Stonefist Weapon Wielder Abilities
Life for the orc tribes of Azagor has never been easy, Level Level
before or after The Calling, and Karnath Brokentusk’s 1st — +1 greatclub
position as warchief did not exempt him from the duty 2nd 4th Punishing blow
of procuring catapult ammunition. Something made
3rd 6th Tremor
him climb a volcanic peak, where he found a thick gray
boulder that seemed... different. He struck it with his 4th 8th +2 greatclub
greataxe, and after the weapon shivered to pieces, he 5th 10th Ultimate sunder
found that the strangely glistening boulder had broken 6th 12th Hurling blow
as well- to reveal a massive club of stone topped with a 7th 14th +2 planar greatclub
hand that looked similar to Karnath’s own, clutching the 8th 16th Crushing blow
world itself. Karnath did not care about the ongoing
9th 18th Power of beasts
antics of The Calling, which undoubtedly brought the
stone, but took the greatclub back to camp, where he en- 10th 20th +3 planar greatclub
sured that he would never have to go rock-picking again.
The reasons why Karnath was not included in the Punishing Blow (Su): Any creature struck by stonefist
vanguard of the orc-elf forces are myriad; the orcs of must make a Fortitude save or be knocked prone.
Porphyra are somewhat more noble than those of other
worlds in the Multiverse, but cruelty comes easy to them Tremor (Su): The wielder may, as a full round action,
in al realities, and Karnath Brokentusk had more than strike stonefist against the ground. This causes a tremor in
his share. He led raiders across the southwestern conti- a 20 foot radius, causing all creatures except the wielder
nent in the name of ‘orcish primacy’, claiming allegiance to make a Reflex save, DC 10 + half the wielder’s level
to whatever side, Deist or Elementalist suited him at + the wielder’s Strength modifier or fall prone. At 8th
the moment. The awesome power of the otherworldly level the wielder may create an earthquake as per the spell
greatclub, named Stonefist, assured him personal victory, once per day.
if not always regimental success. Enemies flew without
wings, angels and genies fell like cloven wheat. Even- Ultimate Sunder (Su): Stonefist deals x3 damage on a
tually even the fortifications of his opponents were no successful sunder attempt, and the being holding the
match for Karnath and Stonefist. sundered item takes half the damage dealt to the object.
The ironic twist in the tale for this mighty weapon of
stone was in victory, not defeat. When Karnath’s band Hurling Blow (Su): Any Large or smaller creature struck
was nominally hired by the Elementalists to root out by stonefist is hurled through the air by the force of the
dwarves supplying arms in the Sulgo Mountains, Kar- blow, landing prone a distance away. A Large creature is
nath and Stonefist came up against The Axe of Minos, knocked back 10 feet by the blow, a Medium creature 20
wielded by the last King of the Argani, Harsek the feet, a Small creature 30 feet, and so on. The victim takes
Short. In a titanic clash of legendary weapons, epic in 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet they fly when
its ferocity, Karnath fell to the red-eyed Axe of Harsek. they impact the earth.
The dwarf let out his death-cry, and both wielders of
the legendary weapons fell dead. Whether Stonefist still Crushing Blow (Su): A strike from stonefist deals triple
rests there is a question for the ages. damage to structures and Medium or larger objects.

Power of Beasts (Sp): The wielder may cast mass bull’s

Requirements strength three times per day.
To unlock the full potential of stonefist, a character must
fulfill the following requirements.
Planar Weapon Property: A planar weapon is effec-
tive against all types of extradimensional beings, able
Base Attack Bonus: +4
to pierce their resistance to physical harm. When used
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Sunder
to attack outsiders, a planar weapon ignores 5 points of
Strength: 15+
their damage reduction.
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic
Arms and Armor, plane shift; Cost +1 bonus OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.

1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark own-

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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a no-
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the
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5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original mate-

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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such

provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.


Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax
and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Author: Paizo Publishing, LLC.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and
Skip Williams.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Wil-
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide. © 2010, Paizo Publishing,
LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason
Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and
Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Brian J. Cor-
tijo, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Richard A. Hunt, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson,
Tom Phillips, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Equipment. © 2012 Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J. Cortijo,
Ryan Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy Hurley, Matt James,
Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kenway, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Owen
KC Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Companion: Adventurer’s Armory. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing,
LLC; Authors: Jonathan Keith, Hal Maclean, Jeff Quick, Christopher Self, JD Wiker,
and Keri Wiker.
Anger of Angels. © 2003, Sean K Reynolds.
Book of Fiends. © 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors: Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona,
Chris Pramas, Robert J. Schwalb.
The Book of Hallowed Might. © 2002, Monte J. Cook.
Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed. © 2003, Monte J. Cook.
Path of the Magi. © 2002 Citizen Games/Troll Lord Games; Authors: Mike McAr-
tor, W. Jason Peck, Jeff Quick, and Sean K Reynolds.
Skreyn’s Register: The Bonds of Magic. © 2002, Sean K Reynolds.
The Book of Experimental Might. © 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with
Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale,
Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from
Legendary VIII: Legendary Evil © 2013, Purple Duck Games; Author Mark Gedak

Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder

Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are
trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Compatibility License. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for
more information on the compatibility license.


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