Q3 Math 9 Module 5

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Quarter 3 – Module 5:
Triangle Similarity
Mathematics – Grade 9
Quarter 3 – Module 5: Triangle Similarity
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Region XI

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Nadia L. Magarang
Editors: Roman John C. Lara, Alcy Mae R. Gracia, Ma. Stella B. Caronan
Reviewers: Roman John C. Lara, Alcy Mae R. Gracia
Illustrator: -
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Quarter 3 – Module 5:
Triangle Similarity
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning at home. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage
and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

As a learner, you must learn to become responsible of your own learning. Take
time to read, understand, and perform the different activities in the module.
As you go through the different activities of this module be reminded of the
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let Us Try before moving on to the other activities.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are done.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone. We
hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let Us Learn
Your knowledge on the definition of Similar Polygons and your skill in
determining the scale factors is useful in dealing with similarity of triangles.

At the end of the module, you will be able to:

1. Prove the conditions for similarity of triangles. M9GEIIIg-h1

a. SAS similarity theorem
b. SSS similarity theorem
c. AA similarity theorem
d. right triangle similarity theorem
e. special right triangle theorems

Specifically, you are expected to:

a. Define SAS, SSS, and AA, triangle similarity theorem;

b. State the Right Triangle Similarity Theorem and Special Right Triangle
c. Show proofs of SAS, SSS, and AA similarity between triangles;
d. Determine similar triangles using similarity theorems;
e. Solve problems applying Triangle Similarity theorems and its special
properties; and Special Right Triangle Theorems

Let Us Try
As you begin your journey in this module, let us check your prior knowledge
about similar polygons and come up with a general idea so as to be ready with the
activities ahead.
You have learned from our previous lessons that two triangles are said to be
similar when their corresponding sides are in proportion and their same angles are
congruent. This time, we will use different methods to prove similar triangles. The
following activities will help you identify and prove that the two triangles given are

Activity 1: TRUE OR FALSE?

DIRECTION: For numbers 1-4, State TRUE or FALSE whether the given pair of
triangles is similar.

1. PQ = 24 2. PQ = 24
QR = 45 QR = 45
XY = 8 XY = 8
YZ = 15 YZ = 15

3. 4.

ÐJKL = 50° ÐM = ÐK
ÐJNM = 68° ÐO = ÐL

For items 5-6, state which property is used to prove similarity.

5. 6.
QW = 66
WE = 44
ÐZ = ÐV RT = 33
TY= 22

Guide Questions:

1. What are the factors to consider in proving that the two triangles are similar?
2. Are all triangles similar? If similar, what similarity theorems or definitions that
will support your answer?

Let Us Study

You may recall that if two objects are similar, corresponding angles are
congruent and their sides are proportional in length. Now you will learn to prove
triangles using the triangle similarity theorems:

Lesson 1: Triangle Similarity Theorems and Proofs

SAS Similarity theorem (Side-Angle-Side Similarity Theorem)

Two triangles are similar if an angle of one triangle is congruent to an angle of
another triangle and the corresponding sides including those angles are in

This theorem requires an exact order: a side, then the included angle, then
the next side. Here are two triangles, side by side and oriented in the same
way. △RAP and △EMO both have identified sides measuring 37 inches on △RAP and
111 inches on △EMO, and also sides 17 on △RAP and 51 inches on △EMO. Notice
that the angle between the identified, measured sides is the same on both
triangles: 47°.

If-then statement
If: !" !%
= #&
; ∠A ≅ ∠M
Then: △RAP ~ △EMO

!" #"
Is the ratio ###
the same as the ratio $#? Yes; the two ratios are proportional,
since they each simplify to 1/3. With their included angle the same, these two
triangles are similar.

Now, let’s take a look at the example below to prove that the two triangles
are similar using the Side-Angle-Side Similarity Theorem.


Given: ∠J ≅ ∠M; #) = #+
'* Proof:
• Construct X on MK such that XM = HJ

Prove: △JHI ~ △MKL • From X, construct XY parallel to KL
intersecting ML at Y.

'( '* Given
∠J ≅ ∠M; #) = #+
XY ǁ KL By Construction
∠MXY ≅ ∠MKL; ∠XYM ≅ ∠KLM Corresponding Angles of Parallel lines are
△MXY ~ △ MKL AA Similarity Theorem
34 73 74 Definition of Similar Polygons
= =
56 75 76
XM ≅ JH By construction
89 8:
75 76 Given

73 8: Substitution Property of Equality

75 76
'* #, '( #-
= #+ ; #) = #)
Transitive Property of Equality
JI = MY; JH = MX Multiplication Property of Equality
∠J ≅ ∠M Given
△JHI ≅ △MXY SAS Triangle Congruence Postulate
△JHI ~ △MXY Congruent Triangles are Similar
△JHI ~ △MKL Substitution Property

SSS Similarity theorem (Side-Side-Side Similarity Theorem)
Two triangles are similar if the corresponding sides of two triangles are in

The second theorem is Side-Side-Side, or SSS. This might seem like a big
leap that ignores their angles, but think about it: the only way to construct a triangle
with sides proportional to another triangle's sides is to copy the angles.

Here are two triangles, △FLO and △HIT. Notice we have not identified the
interior angles. The sides of △FLO measure 15cm, 20cm and 25 cm. in length,
respectively. While the sides of △HIT measure 30 cm, 40 cm, and 50 cm.

If-then statement

If: .+ +& .&

= =
(* */ (/
Then: △FLO ~ △HIT

Notice that the side FL corresponds to side HI, LO corresponds to IT and FO

corresponds to HT. Writing it ratios of corresponding sides it becomes:

!" %$ %" !
= = à they are proportional.
#$ &$ "$ %

They all are the same ratio when simplified. They all are 1/2. So even without
knowing the interior angles, we know these two triangles are similar, because their
sides are proportional to each other.

To further understand the concept about SSS Similarity theorem, the

following steps in proving two similar triangles is listed below. Study the given proofs
and prepare to answer the activities ahead.


01 1! 0! Proof
Given: ,/ = /& = ,&
• Construct X on YT such that YX ≅ NC

Prove: △CAN ~ △TOY • From X, construct XZ parallel to TO
T intersecting YO at Z. T

;< <> ;>
= =
4= =? 4? Given
XZ ǁ TO By Construction
∠YXZ ≅ ∠YTU; ∠XZY ≅ ∠TOY Corresponding Angles of Parallel lines are
△YXZ ~ △YTO AA Similarity Theorem
3A 43 4A Definition of Similar Polygons
= =
=? 4= 4?
XM ≅ JH By construction
;< <> ;>
= =
4= =? 4? Given
YX ≅ NC By construction

43 <> ;> Substitution Property of Equality

= =
4= =? 4?
1! -2 0! ,2
= /& ; ,&
= ,&
Transitive Property of Equality
CA =XZ; NA = YZ Multiplication Property of Equality
△CAN ≅ △XZY SSS Triangle Congruence Postulate
∠XYZ ≅ ∠TYO Definition of Congruent Triangles
34 3A 4A Substitution Property OF Equality
= =
34 3A 4A
△CAN ~ △XZY Definition of Similar Polygons
△CAN ≅ △TOY Transitivity

AA Similarity theorem (Angle-Angle Similarity Theorem)

Two triangles are similar if two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles
of another triangle.

The two triangles could go on to be more than similar; they could be identical.
For AA, all you have to do is compare two pairs of corresponding angles.

Here are two scalene triangles △JAM and △OUT. We have already marked two
of each triangle's interior angles with the geometer's shorthand for congruence: the
little slash marks. A single slash for interior ∠A and the same single slash for

interior ∠U mean they are congruent. Notice ∠M is congruent to ∠T because they
each have two little slash marks.

If-then statement
If: ∠A ≅ ∠U ; ∠M ≅ ∠T
Then: △JAM ~ △OUT

Since ∠A is congruent to ∠U, and ∠M is congruent to ∠T, we now have two

pairs of congruent angles, so the AA Theorem says the two triangles are similar.


Given: ∠A ≅ ∠D; ∠B ≅ ∠E C F

Prove: △CAB ~ △FDE D

∠A ≅ ∠D; ∠B ≅ ∠E Given
m∠A ≅ m∠D; m∠B ≅ m∠E Definition of Congruent Angles
m∠A + m∠B ≅ m∠D + m∠B Addition property of Equality
m∠A + m∠B ≅ m∠D + m∠E Substitution Property of Equality
m∠A + m∠B + m∠C = 1800 The sum of the measures of the three
m∠D + m∠E + m∠F = 1800 angles in a triangle is 1800
m∠A + m∠B + m∠C
= m∠D + m∠E + m∠F Transitive Property of Equality
m∠A + m∠B + m∠C
= m∠A + m∠B + m∠F Substitution Property of Equality
m∠C = m∠F Subtraction Property of Equality
△CAB ~ △FDE AAA Similarity Postulate

Right Triangle Similarity Theorem (RTST)

If the altitude is drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle, then the two triangles
formed are similar to the original rectangle and to each other.

Given: ∆ABC is a right triangle;

altitude CD is drawn to hypotenuse AB.



∆CBD ~ ∆ABC, ∆ACD ~ ∆ABC, ∆CBD ~ ∆ACD

Notice that CD is the longer leg of ∆CBD and the shorter leg of ∆ACD. When
you write a proportion comparing the legs lengths of ∆CBD and ∆ACD, you can see
that CD is the geometric mean of BD and AD.

Prove: ∆CBD ~ ∆ABC, ∆ACD ~ ∆ABC, ∆CBD ~ ∆ACD

Plan for proof:

First prove that ∆CBD ~ ∆ABC. Each triangle has a right triangle and each
includes ÐB. The triangles are similar by the AA Similarity Postulate. You can use
similar reasoning to show that ∆ACD ~ ∆ABC. To show that ∆CBD ~ ∆ACD, begin by
showing that ÐACD @ ÐB because they are both complementary to ÐDCB. Then you
can use the AA Similarity Postulate.

Special Properties of Right Triangles

When the altitude is drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle,
1. the length of the altitude is the geometric mean between the segments of
the hypotenuse; and;
2. each leg is the geometric mean between the hypotenuse and the segment
of the hypotenuse that is adjacent to the leg.

m p

s n

B w
m p
p o
C o D
s D
• From the given, altitude o is the geometric mean between s and n

% &
For ∆CBD and ∆ACD: &
= '
à o2 = sn à o = √&'

• For triangles ∆ACD and ∆ABC, side m is the geometric mean between s and
( )
= * à m2 = sw à m = √')
• For triangles ∆CBD and ∆ABC, side p is the geometric mean between n and
( +
= , à p2 = nw à p = √&)

Example 1:

1. Altitude EK is drawn in a triangle ∆TEN. Find a, b, and c given side TK = 4

and KN = 10

a. Draw a picture. c
a b

T 4 K 10 N

b. Form three triangles out of

the given figure. c
a b a
b 10 c
• TK = 4 and KN = 10

Solution 1:

!" !$ E G
a. Find the value of a = à = à cross- multiply
!# !" FG E
a2 = 14 • 4
a2 = 56 à extract the root
√J3 = √56
a = 2√14 à the value of a.

Solution 2: Geometric Mean

Formula: a = 7(9:)(9<)
a = 7(4)(14)
a = 2√14

Solution 1:

!$ "$ G M
= à = à cross- multiply
"$ $# M FN
b. Find the value of b b2 = 4 • 10
b2 = 40 à √J3 = √40 à extract the root

b = 2√10 à the value of b.

Solution 2: Geometric Mean

Formula: b = 7(9:)(:<)
b = 7(4)(10)
b = 2√10
Solution 1:

"# $# Q FN
= Q
à cross- multiply
c. Find the value of c.
c2 = 14 • 10
c2 = 140 à extract the root
√R 3 = √140
c = 2√35 à the value of c.

Solution 2: Geometric Mean

Formula: c = 7(:<)(9<)
c = 7(10)(14)
c = √140
c = 2√35

Example 2: Real Life Problem

A roof has a cross section that is a right triangle. The diagram shows
the approximate dimensions of this cross section.

a. Identify the similar triangles.

b. Find the height h of the roof.


Sketch the three similar right triangles so that the corresponding angles and
sides have the same orientation. Mark the congruent angles.

a. Based on the markings in the illustrations above, we identified the

corresponding angles and its proportional sides. Therefore, the three triangles
are similar.
∆CDE ~ ∆DFE ~ ∆CFD

Use the fact that ∆CDE ~ ∆CFD to write a proportion

= Corresponding side length are in proportion
h 3.1
= substitute
5.5 6.3

6.3h = 5.5(3.1) cross product property

h ≈ 2.7 RSTUV WSX ℎ

The height of the roof is about 2.7 meters

Lesson 2: Special Right Triangles

450-450-900 Right Triangle Theorem

In a 45-45-90 right triangle:
√" √"
• each leg is times the hypotenuse; and l = (h)
" "
• the hypotenuse is √2 times each leg h = √2(leg)

2. A square has a diagonal with length 10, what are the lengths of the sides?

a. Draw a picture.

b. We know half of a square is a Solution:

45-45-90 triangle. h = √2(leg) à substitute the value of h.
10 = √2 (s) à sides are represented by s.
45 √7
• Hypotenuse - 10 units √7
V à divide both sides by √2.
• h = √2(leg)
45 √7
S= • à rationalize the denominator by
√7 √7
multiplying both numerator and
denominator by √2.
S= à Simplify

s = 5√2 à length of the sides

c. An isosceles right triangle has legs measure √W cm. each, find the measure
of the hypotenuse.

a. Draw a picture. h=?


b. We know that an isosceles
right triangle is also a 45-45- h = √2(leg) à Formula
90 triangle. h = √2 (s) à sides are represented by s.

h = √2 • √6 à substitute the value of l.

h = √12 à Simplify by looking for factors
• Legs - √6 cm. that have a perfect square
• h = √2(leg) h = √4 • 3 à Simplify
h = 2√3 à measure of the hypotenuse

300-600-900 Right Triangle Theorem
In a 300-600-900 right triangle:
# √%
• the shorter leg is the hypotenuse h or times the longer leg;
" %
# √"
s = " Z or s = "
• )*+,-. )-,

• the longer leg l is √3 times the shorter leg s; l = √3s

• the hypotenuse h is twice the shorter leg; h = 2s

1. Find the lengths of the other two sides of a right triangle if the length of
the hypotenuse is 12 inches and one of the angles is 60°.

a. Draw a picture. 12 in.


b. Find y. Solution:
Given: y = "Z
y= • (12) à substitute the value of the h.
• h = 12 inches 7

• Since y is the shorter leg of the triangle y= • (12) à multiply and then simplify
and it is half the measure of the
hypotenuse, we will use the formula: 47
y= 7
y = "Z y = 6 inches à the measure of the shorter leg

a. Find x. Solution:
l = √3s
• h = 12 inches
• Since x is the longer leg of the triangle, we l = √3(6) à substitute the value of the
will use the formula: shorter leg from the solution
l = √3s
l = [√\ à length of the longer leg
10.39 inches

2. Given the 30-60-90 right triangle, find the hypotenuse if the longer side
measures 10 cm.

a. Draw a picture.
h =?

300 A
N 10
a. This time, we cannot solve Solution:
directly the value of h using
l = √3s
the given value of the longer
leg. So, we need to find the 10= √3(s) à substitute the value of the
value of the shorter leg first. longer leg
&' √(
Find the value of the s. = s à divide both side by √3
√( √(
&' √(
s= • à rationalize
√( √(
• leg = 10 cm
• l = √3s s=
cm. à length of the shorter leg

Find the value of the h. Solution:

b. Since we already have the h = 2s

value of s, we can now solve h =2s à substitute the value of s.
the h. 45√8
h=2( 9
) à multiply and simplify
&'√% h= (
cm à length of the hypotenuse
• Shorter leg = cm
( or
• h = 2s h ≈ 11. 55 cm

Let Us Practice
Now that you have studied this lesson, you are able to define and identify
similar figures, and you can describe the requirements for triangles to be
similar (they must either have two congruent pairs of corresponding angles, two
proportional corresponding sides with the included corresponding angle congruent,
or all corresponding sides proportional.

Activity 2: WHAT AM I?

Direction: Identify the theorem that proves the similarity between triangles.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

Activity 3: FIND MY VALUE!

Direction: Using the figure below, solve for the unknown values and show your solution
inside the table. Hint: Concept about the Right Triangle Similarity Theorem.

Altitude PN is drawn in a triangle ∆KIN. Find PN, IN, and KN given side PK = 15
and PI = 4

5 I

a. Study the given figure. 15

b. Form three triangles out of
the given figure.


Solution 1: Solution 2:

c. Find the value of PN.

Solution 1: Solution 2:

d. Find the value of IN.

Solution 1: Solution 2:

e. Find the value of KN.

Let Us Practice More

This time, apply your knowledge in proving and solving as you go along with
the following activities involving Triangle Similarity. Enjoy answering and assess
what part of the lesson you need to review in order for you to answer the assessment.

Activity 4: PROVE ME RIGHT!

: ;< 3> 3
A. ∆USN ~ ∆ISR E. ;3
= 3= = 9> → 9

B. SAS Similarity Theorem F. Vertical Angle Theorem I. ÐNSU @ ÐRSI

*+ +-
C. AA Similarity Theorem G. ÐSNU @ ÐSRI J. =
+, +.

D. ÐACB @ Ð ECD H. SSS Similarity Theorem

A. Supply the correct statement from the given choices in the dialog box

Given: AC ≅ CE

Prove: ∆ECD ~ ∆ACB

Hints Statements Reasons
Write in a proportion the
A. ratios of two 1. Given
proportional sides ___________________
B. Describe included angles 2. 3.
of the proportional sides __________________
C. Conclusion based on the ∆ECD ~ ∆ACB 4.
simplified ratios __________________

B. Supply the correct statement from the given choices in the dialog box

0/ 0$ $/ E L 20 A
Given: = !% = %+

Prove: ∆NET ~ ∆APL

24 12 8 16
Hints Statements Reasons

a. Verify proportionality by 5. By Computation

substituting the lengths
of sides and then ___________________
b. Conclusion based on the 6.
simplified ratios ∆NET ~ ∆APL __________________

C. Supply the correct statement from the given choices in the dialog box

Given: ÐSNU @ ÐSRI N

Prove: ∆USN ~ ∆ISR S
Hints Statements Reasons

a. Congruent angles with 7. Given

markings _________________________
Congruent angles because Vertical Angles are
b. they are vertical 8. Congruent
c. Conclusion based on 9. 10.
statement A & B _____________________ __________________

Activity 5: Trivia!

Direction: Solve for the unknown values of the triangles below and find the answers in
the dialog box by putting (X) mark in it. The remaining letters will reveal the name of
the person being described in the passage who gave a significant contribution in
geometry. Write the remaining letters consecutively from left to right inside the small
circles below.

Figure Formula If Then

Hyp. = √12
(h) Leg l = ________
l l "
Hyp. = 30
450 h = √2(leg) Leg l = _________
Leg l = √10 Hyp. h = _______

P #
s = " Z or Shorter leg s = √8 Leg l = _________
Hyp. h = _______
300 s = √"
• )*+,-. )-,
h Hypotenuse h = 16 Leg s = _________
l = √3s Leg l = __________

600 h = 2s
T O Longer leg l = 30 Leg s = _________
Hyp. h = _______

P. 12 A. 9√2 C. 3√2 J. 4√2 L. 4

Q. 8 E. 15√2 H. 2√5 A. 2√8 K. 2√6

R. 20√3 S. 7√2 I. 10√3 B. 8√3 O. √6

He was a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, philosopher, writer

and Catholic theologian. He wrote a significant treatise on the subject of projective
geometry at the age of 16. He was also an inventor of the early digital calculator.

Let Us Remember

AA Similarity Theorem: If two angles in one triangle are congruent to two angles in
another triangle, then the two triangles are similar.

SAS Similarity Theorem: If two sides in one triangle are proportional to two sides
in another triangle and the included angle in both are congruent, then the two
triangles are similar.
SSS Similarity Theorem: If all three pairs of corresponding sides of two triangles
are proportional, then the two triangles are similar.

Right Triangle Similarity Theorem: If an altitude is drawn from the right angle of
any right triangle, then the two triangles formed are similar to the original triangle
and all three triangles are similar to each other.
Geometric Mean: The geometric mean of two positive numbers a and b is the
/ 0
number x, such that = or x2= ab and x = √ab
0 1

Special Properties of Right Triangles

When the altitude is drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle,

1. the length of the altitude is the geometric mean between the segments of the
hypotenuse; and;
2. each leg is the geometric mean between the hypotenuse and the segment of
the hypotenuse that is adjacent to the leg.

45-45-90 Right Triangle Theorem

In a 45-45-90 right triangle:
√" √"
• each leg is "
times the hypotenuse; and l = "
• the hypotenuse is √2 times each leg h = √2(leg)

30-60-90 Right Triangle Theorem
In a 30-60-90 right triangle:
# √(
• the shorter leg is "
the hypotenuse h or (
times the longer leg;
• the longer leg l is √3 times the shorter leg s; and
• the hypotenuse h is twice the shorter leg

Let Us Assess
In the following problems, you will assess your knowledge of Triangle
Similarity Theorem to verify that some shapes are similar.

Activity 6: JUST-TEA-AND-PIE!

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer:

For items no. 1-4, determine whether each pair of triangles is similar. Justify
your answer.


A. ∆`abis not similar to ∆cde. Corresponding angles are not the same.
B. ∆`ab~∆cde because the corresponding angles of each triangle are congruent. The
ratio of the corresponding sides is 1.
C. ∆`ab is not similar to∆cde . The ratios of the corresponding sides are not the
D. ∆`ab~∆cde because the corresponding angles of each triangle are congruent.
The ratio of the corresponding sides is 2.

A. No; sides are not proportional.

B. yes ∆a`b~∆cde; by SSS Similarity
2. C. yes ∆a`b~∆ced; by SSS Similarity
D. yes∆a`b~∆dce ; by SSS Similarity

A. No; the sides are not congruent.

3. B. yes ∆a`b~ced; by SSS Similarity
C. yes ∆a`b~ced ; by ASA Similarity
D. yes ∆a`b~ced; by SAS Similarity

A. Yes, ∆a`b~∆ced by AA Similarity

B. Yes, ∆a`b~∆dce by AA Similarity
4. C. Yes, ∆a`b~ced by ASA Similarity
D. No, there is not enough
information to determine similarity

For items 5-7, Find x and the measures of the indicated parts.

A. x=5, AB=14, BC=8

B. x=-1.6, AB=0.8, BC=1.4
5. C. X=5, AB=6, BC=2
D. X=-1.6, AB=7.2, BC=4.6

A. X=9, BC=12, AC=18

B. X=3, BC=6, AC=10
C. X=9, BC=12, AC=10
D. X=3, BC=6, AC=12

7. Find x so that

A. 12 5 15
B. 15
C. 19
D. 21 X +5

8. In a diagram below, ∆LMK ~ ∆PMN. Based on the relationship between triangles,

which of the following proportions is true?

23 52 35 52
A. 43
= 64 C. 34
= 64

23 64 35 64
B. 43
= 52 D. 34
= 52

9. Rectangle LMNO ~ rectangle ABCD, as shown in the diagram below. The area of
rectangle ABCD is 12 square centimeters. Based on the dimensions in the diagram,
what is the length of ON?

A.9cm C.10cm
B.15 cm D.24cm

D 6cm C

10. Write a similarity statement for the triangles.

A. ∆CDE ∼ ∆FHG
B. ∆CED ∼ ∆FGH
C. ∆CDE ∼ ∆FGH
D. ∆EDC ∼ ∆FGH

11. Justify by triangle similarity theorems if the triangles formed are similar and
find the value of x.

A. ggg ; 5 #( C. gdg ; 13 #(
B. dd ; 13 #( D. dd ; 5 #(

12. Campsites F and G are on opposite sides of a lake. A survey crew made the
measurements shown on the diagram. What is the distance between the two
campsites? The diagram is not to scale.

A. 42.3 M C. 73.8 M
B. 47.4 M D. 82.8 M

13. Use the information in the diagram to determine the height of the tree to the
nearest foot.

A. 80 ft C. 60 ft
B. 264 ft D. 72 ft

14. In a 30-60-90 right triangle, the hypotenuse is 18 units, what is the value of a?

A. 9 units C. 9.5 units

B. 9.25 units D. 9.75 units

15. Quilt squares are cut on the diagonal to form triangular quilt pieces. The
hypotenuse of the resulting triangles is 10 inches long. What is the side length of
each piece?

A. 5 B. 5√2 C. 5√3 D. 10√2

16. In triangle JHI, ∠H is a right angle and m∠I = 45°. Find JI. If your answer is not
an integer, leave it in simplest radical form.

A. 5 B. 5√6 C. 6√5 D. 6√10 3√10

H 45°
For items 17-18, refer to the figure at the right. I

17. Determine the distance across the lake.

A. 9 km. C. 15 km.
B. 12 km D. 18 km.

18. Find the hypotenuse of the smallest triangle.

A. √13 C. 3√13
B. B. 2√13 D. 13√2

19. What is the perimeter of a 30-60-90 triangle whose hypotenuse is 30 in.

A. 15 B. 15√2 C. #7
D. 15√3

20. Given: △ABD with AC⊥DB and ∠DAB is a right angle. What theorem justifies
that △CBA ≅ △ ABD?
1. Given
△ABD with AC⊥DB and ∠DAB is A. SSS Similarity
a right angle.
2. ∠DCA and ∠ACB are right Definition of perpendicular lines Theorem
B. SAS Similarity
3. ∠DAB ≅ ∠DCA ≅ ∠ACB All Right angles are congruent
4. ∠D ≅ ∠D Reflexive Property of
Congruence C. AA Similarity
5. ∆ 678 ≅ ∆ 798 AA Similarity Postulate Theorem

6. B≅∠B Reflexive Property of D. None of these

7. △CBA≅△ABD
8. △CAD≅△CBA Transitive Property of

Let Us Enhance
By working through activity, you’re now able to draw similar triangle and
mathematically prove it using the theorems. Your learning will now be enhanced by
doing the Hands-On activity. Just follow the instructions below and answer the
questions that follow. After doing the activity, paste your output in a short bond
paper and put it in your portfolio.

Activity 7: Similarity in Right Triangles

1. Draw one diagonal on a rectangular sheet of paper. Cut the paper on the
diagonal to make two congruent right triangles.

2. In one of the triangles, use paper folding to locate the altitude to the
hypotenuse. Cut the triangle along the altitude to make two smaller right

3. Label the angles of the three triangles as shown.

4. Compare the angles of the three triangles by placing the angles on top of
one another.

Guide Questions:
1. Which angles have the same measure as ∠1?
2. Which angles have the same measure as ∠2?
3. Which angles have the same measure as ∠3?
4. Based on your results, what is true about the three triangles?
5. Use the diagram at the right to complete the similarity statement.
∆kg9 ~ ∆____? ~∆______?

Let Us Reflect
On this activity, share your insights, thoughts and significant learning from
the lesson. Write your answers in the space provided.

Activity 8: Like, Heart and Sad Reacts

On the Like React, write two things that you have learned about the lesson.
On the Heart React, write one real-life situation where you can apply the concept of
triangle similarity and Pythagorean Theorem.
On the Sad React, write one question that you want to ask about the topic.

______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________


Activity 5
Let Us Practice
Act. 4
1. J.
2. D
3. F
4. B
5. E
6. H
7. G
8. I
9. A
10. C
Activity 3
Let Us Practice
Act. 2
1. SSS
2. SAS
3. SAS
4. AA
5. SSS
6. SSS
7. SAS
8. SSS
9. SSS
Let Us Try!
5) AA
6) SAS
Key , Answer
Let Us Assess Let Us
1. B 11. C Enhance
2. C 12. A
3. D 13. C
4. A 14. A
5. A 15. B
6. D 16. C
7. C 17. A
8. A 18. B 4. They are
9. B 19. D
10.C 20. C
5.∆kgE ; ∆gE9

Foundation, CK-12. 2020. www.ck12.com. October 30. Accessed January 11,

2020. https://www.ck12.com.

Mathematics Learner’s Material 9. First Edition, 2014. Printed in the Philippines by

Vibal Group, Inc. Department of Education-Instructional Materials Council
Secretariat (DepEd-IMCS). 5th Floor Mabini Building, DepEd Complex. 386 –

n.d. garrettmhs.weebly.com. Accessed January 23, 2021.


n.d. Quizziz.com. Accessed January 18, 2021. http://www.quizziz.com.

2020. www.quizziz.com. October 30. Accessed January 11, 2020.


2020. www.study.com. October 30. Accessed January 11, 2020.


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Davao City Division
Elpidio Quirino Ave., Poblacion District, Davao City, 8000 Davao del Sur

Telefax: (082) 224-3274, (082) 222-1672

E-mail Address: [email protected]


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