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Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129

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Micro-mechanical modelling of high cycle fatigue behaviour of metals

under multiaxial loads
C. Robert a,b,⇑, N. Saintier b, T. Palin-Luc b, F. Morel a
Arts et Metiers ParisTech, LAMPA, 2 bd du Ronceray, 49035 Angers Cedex, France
Arts et Metiers ParisTech, I2M – CNRS, Université Bordeaux 1, Esplanade des Arts et Métiers, 33405 Talence Cedex, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An analysis of high cycle multiaxial fatigue behaviour is conducted through the numerical
Received 2 March 2012 simulation of polycrystalline aggregates using the finite element method. The metallic
Received in revised form 26 July 2012 material chosen for investigation is pure copper, which has a Face Centred Cubic (FCC)
Available online 11 September 2012
crystalline microstructure. The elementary volumes are modelled in 2D using an hypoth-
esis of generalised plane strain and consist of 300 equi-probability, randomly oriented
Keywords: grains with equiaxed geometry. The aggregates are loaded at levels equivalent to the aver-
Multiaxial high cycle fatigue
age macroscopic fatigue strength at 107 cycles. The goal is to compute the mechanical
Finite element simulation
Polycrystalline aggregates
quantities at the mesoscopic scale (i.e., average within the grain) after stabilization of
Cubic elasticity the local cyclic behaviour. The results show that the mesoscopic mechanical variables
Crystal plasticity are characterised by high dispersion. A statistical analysis of the response of the aggregates
is undertaken for different loading modes: fully reversed tensile loads, torsion and com-
bined in-phase tension–torsion. Via the calculation of the local mechanical quantities for
a sufficiently large number of different microstructures, a critical analysis of certain mul-
tiaxial endurance criteria (Crossland, Dang Van and Matake) is conducted. In terms of
material behaviour models, it is shown that elastic anisotropy strongly affects the scatter
of the mechanical parameters used in the different criteria and that its role is predominant
compared to that of crystal plasticity. The analysis of multiaxial endurance criteria at both
the macroscopic and mesoscopic scales clearly show that the critical plane type criteria
(Dang Van and Matake) give an adequate estimation of the shear stress but badly reflect
the scatter of the normal stress or the hydrostatic stress.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tative Elementary Volume (REV). Although much of this

work has been focused on the monotonic mechanical
The numerical simulation of polycrystalline metal behaviour, studies dedicated to fatigue behaviour are
aggregates has seen increased used over the last twenty becoming more frequent. Bennett and McDowell (2003)
years (Meric and Cailletaud, 1991) to shed new light on have used several mechanical quantities (the maximum
the relationships between the mechanical properties of slip amplitude, an equivalent stress inspired by the Dang
polycrystalline materials at the scale of individual grains Van criterion (Dang Van, 1973) and an equivalent strain in-
and the overall response of the material within a Represen- spired by the Fatemi and Socie criterion (Fatemi and Socie,
1988)) computed at the scale of the grains in order to treat
the problem of high cycle fatigue crack initiation. The dis-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Arts et Metiers ParisTech, LAMPA, 2 bd du tributions of these mechanical quantities in polycrystalline
Ronceray, 49035 Angers Cedex, France. Tel.: +33 2 41 20 73 27; fax: +33 2 aggregates were analysed for two loading modes (tension/
41 20 73 20.
compression and shear) with or without mean stress
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Robert), nicolas.
[email protected] (N. Saintier). and at different load levels. To test the ability of these

0167-6636/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129 113


R macroscopic stress tensor sr resolved shear stress (see Fig. 1)

r mesoscopic stress tensor s shear stress vector (see Fig. 1)
n unit vector normal to the slip plane (see Fig. 1) soct octahedral shear stress
l unit vector in the slip direction (see Fig. 1) rn normal stress
m orientation tensor for a slip system

quantities to reflect certain experimental observations, the terised by a Gumble type distribution, and converge with
authors establish a correlation between the distributions of this distribution, even for a small number of SVE (i.e., 25).
the initiation parameters obtained for alternating tensile Parallel to the development of these approaches, recent
loads and distribution of crack lengths observed on the work by Altus (2006), Morel and Huyen (2008) and Ponc-
surface of a ferrito-martensitic steel subjected to the same elet et al. (2010) have made it possible to take into account
loading type. The results are promising for the Fatemi and the role of microstructural heterogeneities in terms of mul-
Socie type parameter and for the parameter based on the tiaxial fatigue modelling. These models seek to account for
maximum slip amplitude. the effect of the variability of the mechanical behaviour at
Guilhem et al. (2010) continued the work of Bennett the scale of the microstructure, as simply as possible. For
and McDowell (2003) and enriched the crack initiation metallic materials, the fatigue crack initiation mechanisms
analysis by taking into account the effects of a free surface in the HCF regime result in isolated microcracks with no
and the anisotropic elastic material behaviour. The distri- interaction between neighbouring initiated cracks (Flace-
butions of the various parameters were studied, distin- liere et al., 2007). Moreover, when an isolated microcrack
guishing the position of the grains (i.e., in the thickness is not stopped by a microstructural barrier, it may lead to
or on the surface), their direction and the orientation of the final failure. To reflect this behaviour from a probabilis-
neighbouring grains. The authors find that the Dang Van tic point of view, the weakest link hypothesis (Weibull,
equivalent stress and the Fatemi and Socie equivalent slip 1939, 1951) is often used when it comes to deal with high
amplitude do not highlight the well know critical character cycle fatigue. Furthermore, Monchiet et al. (2006, 2008)
of the grains at the free surface when considering high cy- propose to extend the framework of crystal plasticity by
cle fatigue behaviour. computing damage at the grain scale. The proposed crite-
Bertolino et al. (2007) use the concept proposed by rion seems to be promising, especially for high hydrostatic
Dang Van, whereby elastic shakedown of the grains can pressure.
be seen as a limit for crack initiation. They therefore sought This study is undertaken in the context of understand-
to determine, using numerical models, the critical load ing the role of microstructural heterogeneities on the mul-
above which at least one grain does not elastically shake- tiaxial high cycle fatigue response via the numerical
down. This seems to give good predictions for alternating simulation of polycrystalline aggregates. In this work, the
uniaxial tensile loads but not for shear loads. Indeed, in this material investigated is pure copper.
case, the predicted fatigue limit is under estimated. The principal components of this work are:
Przybyla and McDowell (2010) have studied the inter-
action effects between different microstructures for the ex-  To investigate the role of the material behaviour (i.e.,
treme values of the Fatemi and Socie criteria. Several stress cubic elasticity and crystal plasticity) and the grain ori-
levels are studied for uniaxial loads. The authors analysed entation on the mechanical response under cyclic loads
these distributions for 25–100 Statistical Volume Elements at levels close to the average macroscopic fatigue limit
(SVE). They show that these distributions are well charac- at 107 cycles.

Fig. 1. The definition of certain quantities at the mesoscopic scale.

114 C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129

 To undertake an analysis of the distribution of the mes- The crystal plasticity material constitutive law used in
oscopic mechanical parameters (i.e., the shear stress on this work was introduced by Meric and Cailletaud (1991).
a slip plane, the resolved shear stress in a slip system, It is commonly used for the numerical simulation of poly-
the hydrostatic stress and the stress normal to a slip crystalline aggregates (Musienko et al., 2007; Barbe and
plane) for different aggregates and for different macro- Quey, 2011; Aubert et al., 2012).
scopic, fully reversed cyclic loads (i.e., tension, shear The constitutive relations are defined by Eqs. (1)–(6),
and combined in phase tension–shear). where cs represents the plastic slip within system s and
 To investigate the ability of the Crossland, Dang Van ms is the accumulated plastic slip in system s. The isotropic
and Matake multiaxial fatigue criteria to reflect certain hardening is defined in each slip system by the variable rs ,
trends observed in HCF under multiaxial loading condi- and the kinematic hardening by the variable xs . c and d are
tions through the results of the numerical simulations. parameters of the constitutive law.
Particular attention is given to the difference between The orientation tensor ms , which is computed for each
the macroscopic predictions and the mesoscopic results slip system s by the tensorial product of the normal to
of the aggregates for each criterion. the slip plane ns and the direction of slip ls , is used to com-
pute the resolved shear stress ss and the plastic strain rate
2. Numerical procedure tensor, e_ pl . The two material parameters, K and n, represent
the sensitivity to strain rate. Finally, the parameters r 0 , Q
This section discusses the different aspects of the mod- and b (and also the components hrs of the interaction ma-
elling approach. After describing the different material trix) are used to model the isotropic hardening.
behaviour models used, the finite element models are The material parameters used for the crystal plasticity,
presented. identified for a high-purity copper by Gérard et al.
(2009), are presented in Table 1.
2.1. Material behaviour models  s n
ks  xs k  r s
c_ s ¼ signðss Þ ¼ m_ s signðss Þ ð1Þ
In this work, four types of material behaviour, all asso- K
ciated with copper, are studied:
xs ¼ cas with a_ s ¼ c_ s  dm_ s as ð2Þ
 isotropic elasticity; X rs
 cubic elasticity; rs ¼ r0 þ Q h ð1  exp ðbmr ÞÞ ð3Þ
 isotropic elasticity + crystal plasticity;
 cubic elasticity + crystal plasticity.
ms ¼ ðns  ls þ ls  ns Þ=2 ð4Þ
For the case of isotropic elasticity, the elastic properties of
the material are identical in all directions and are charac-
s s ¼ ms : r ð5Þ
terised by Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio. Further- X
more, all grains are assumed to have the same properties. e_ pl ¼ c_ s ms ð6Þ
The cubic elasticity material constitutive law is character-
ised by 3 independent elastic constants. The elasticity coef-
ficients are the same for all grains (in their respective 2.2. Loading conditions
coordinate systems), and each grain has a different orienta-
tion, defined by three Euler angles. Crystal plasticity is con- The polycrystalline aggregates considered in this work
sidered in the classical manner, in which plastic slip occurs are subjected to load levels corresponding to the average
in a slip system defined by a plane and a direction in the macroscopic fatigue limit at 107 cycles, taken from the re-
planes of maximum atomic density. The crystal plasticity sults of Lukás and Kunz (1989). The fully reversed tensile
law includes combined non-linear isotropic and kinematic and torsional fatigue limit used are s1 ¼ 56 MPa and
hardening. Each grain has 12 slip systems (i.e., an FCC crys- t1 ¼ 36 MPa respectively. From these data the Crossland
tal structure) and all of the grains have a different orienta- criterion, which is defined below, is arbitrarily used to de-
tion. This plasticity model is described in details in the fine the equivalent multiaxial loading conditions in ten-
following section. sion, shear and combined in-phase tension–shear for all
One of the objectives of this work is to better under- analyses regardless of the criterion being investigated.
stand the effect of the choice of the material constitutive For all load conditions investigated, the load ratio used
law on the local distributions of the aforementioned is Rr ¼ rmin =rmax ¼ 1 and in the case of combined ten-
mechanical quantities. For this, the effect of cubic elasticity sion–shear, the biaxiality ratio is ra =sa ¼ 1. These fatigue
and crystal plasticity on the response at the mesoscopic limits are presented in Table 2.
scale (i.e., the scale of individual grain) are discussed.
For the case of isotropic elasticity, Young’s modulus is 2.3. The numerical model
50 GPa and Poisson’s ratio of 0.3 (C 11 ¼ 67:3 MPa,
C 12 ¼ 28:8 MPa and C 44 ¼ 38:5 MPa in Voigt notation). The generation of synthetic polycrystalline microstruc-
For cubic elasticity, the following constants are used: tures has been the subject of numerous studies (Groeber
C 11 ¼ 159 MPa, C 12 ¼ 121:9 MPa and C 44 ¼ 80:9 MPa (Mer- et al., 2008; St-Pierre et al., 2008; Bhandari et al., 2007;
ic and Cailletaud, 1991). Fritzen et al., 2009). Among the most widely used methods,
C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129 115

Table 1
Material parameters used in this work, taken from Gérard et al. (2009).
K (MPa sn ) n (–) r 0 (MPa) Q (MPa) b (–) c (MPa) d (–) h0 (–) h1 (–) h2 (–) h3 (–) h4 (–) h5 (–)
8 20 15 4 12 32,000 900 1 1 0.2 90 3 2.5

Table 2 nine configurations. The size of the 2D aggregate is

Tensile and shear stress amplitudes used for the different loading 0.5 mm  0.5 mm.
conditions. For the nine configurations studied, 10 loading cycles
Tension Shear Tension/shear were applied. The decision to simulate only 10 cycles is
discussed in Section 4. The microstructures and the finite
ra (MPa) 56 0 30
sa (MPa) 0 36 30 element mesh are periodic with respect to the two axes.
The different topologies and different orientations are
shown in Fig. 3. The different grain orientations are pre-
sented in the form of pole figures.
the simplest is to create grains of the same topology and to
Triangular (3 node) finite elements, with linear interpo-
duplicate them in order to fill the entire volume of the
lation, are used with an hypothesis of generalised plane
microstructure. This relatively simple method allows for
strain. Each grain contains approximately 400 linear ele-
the rapid generation of numerical microstructures, even
ments. An example of a meshed microstructure is shown
though they may have significant topological differences
in Fig. 4.
with real microstructures. This method is used for example
The boundary conditions consist of an imposed mean
by Bridier et al. (2009) with a hexagonal grains topology.
stress (i.e., imposed on the entire aggregate), with periodic
Many authors (e.g., Weyer et al. (2002); Zhang et al.
displacement conditions at the edges of the aggregate.
(2005); Luther and Könke (2009)) use Voronoi polyhedra
The ZeBuLoN finite element code is used. This software
to generate more realistic Microstructures. Groeber et al.
is developed by Mines ParisTech, Northwest Numerics and
(2008) have used several Voronoi polyhedra to define the
geometry of a grain. This results in a more realistic geom-
etry. Finally, even more sophisticated methods can be used
as per St-Pierre et al. (2008) or Bhandari et al. (2007) in or- 3. Multiaxial endurance criteria
der to model curved boundaries and to obtain more repre-
sentative microstructures. 3.1. Crossland criterion
In order to numerically generate polycrystalline aggre-
gate morphologies, the grains are initially approximated The Crossland criterion (Crossland, 1956) is based on a
by ellipses (with a randomly chosen minor to major axis macroscopic approach. It takes into account two mechani-
ratio of between 0.9 and 1). The ellipses are randomly posi- cal quantities, the magnitude of the octahedral shear stress
tioned and orientated but not superimposed. The Wa- soct;a and the maximum hydrostatic stress rhyd;max . It is for-
tershed algorithm (Fernand and Meyer, 1994) is then mulated as follows:
used to dilate the ellipses in order to fill the elementary soct;a þ ac rhyd;max 6 bc ð7Þ
volume. Finally, a CAD model is created by approximating pffiffi
t 1 s1 = 3
the grain boundary with Bezier curves, and a finite element where ac ¼ and bc ¼ t 1 are the criterion coeffi-
s1 =3

mesh is generated using Gmsh (Geuzaine and Remacle, cients and can be identified from the fully reversed tensile
2009). All of these steps are shown in Fig. 2. and torsional fatigue limits (s1 and t 1 ).
For all of the loading conditions studied here, three The amplitude of the octahedral shear stress is defined
microstructural topologies containing 300 equiaxed grains by:
were used. In addition, for each topology three sets of ran-
soct;a ¼ J 2;amp ðrÞ ð8Þ
dom grain orientations are studied. This results in a total of

Fig. 2. The principal steps used to generate the mesh of the finite element models of the polycrystalline aggregates.
116 C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129

Fig. 3. (a)–(c) Pole figures (100) showing the three different grain orientations and (d)–(f) the three different topologies investigated.

Fig. 4. The finite element mesh of a periodic aggregate with 300 grains and approximately 120,000 elements.

where J 2;amp ðrÞ is determined from the smallest hyper- 3.2. Dang Van criterion
sphere circumscribing the loading path in the deviatoric
space associated with the tensor r. More precisely The Dang Van multiaxial criterion (Dang Van, 1973) is
J 2;amp ðrÞ is the radius of this hypersphere when the norm valid in the high cycle fatigue domain and is a multi-scale
J 2 is used. J 2 is the second invariant of deviatoric stress: approach based on the concept of elastic shakedown.
The Lin–Taylor hypothesis (Taylor, 1938; Lin, 1957) is
J2 ¼ Sij Sij ð9Þ used for the scale transition from mesoscopic to macro-
2 scopic quantities. The criterion can be summarised by the
and S is the deviatoric stress tensor defined by: following statement: ‘‘Microscopic fatigue crack initiation
does not occur if the material achieves an elastic shake-
1 down state at both the macroscopic and mesoscopic
S ¼ r  tr ðrÞI ð10Þ
3 scales’’. Mathematically the criterion is represented by
I is the second order unit tensor. Eq. (11)
C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129 117

Fig. 5. Evolution of the accumulated equivalent plastic strain at the end of each cycle for the tensile loading condition using the cubic elasticity + crystal
plasticity material constitutive law.

   3.3. Matake criterion
max max  b
s ðn; tÞ  þ adv rb hyd ðtÞ 6 bdv ð11Þ
t n

The Matake criterion (Matake, 1977) is based on a crit-

where r b hyd ðtÞ and r
b ðtÞ are time functions of the hydro-
ical plane approach. It takes into account two mechanical
static stress and the stress tensor after elastic shakedown
quantities: the shear stress amplitude sa and the maxi-
given by:
mum normal stress rn;max . The criterion is formulated as
1 follows:
rb hyd ðtÞ ¼ rb ij ðtÞ ð12Þ
maxðsa Þ þ am rn ;max 6 bm ð13Þ
and bs ðn; tÞ is the mesoscopic shear stress after shakedown n

on a plane defined by its normal vector, n.

adv ¼ t1ss 1 =2
1 =3
and bdv ¼ t 1 are two criterion coefficients where n is the normal to the slip plane for which the shear
that can be identified from the fully reversed tensile and stress amplitude ðsa Þ is maximum. The two criterion coef-
torsional fatigue limits (s1 and t1 ). ficients, am ¼ 2 st1
 1 and bm ¼ t1 can be identified from
118 C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129

Fig. 6. Evolution of the accumulated equivalent plastic strain at the end of each cycle for the fully reversed shear loading condition using the cubic
elasticity + crystal plasticity material constitutive law.

the fully reversed tensile and torsional fatigue limits (s1 point of the FE mesh. It can be seen that the most plastified
and t 1 ). grains, in terms of accumulated equivalent plastic strain,
during the first cycles remains the most plastified through-
4. Results out the following cycles. Moreover, a strong variation of
this quantity (or large heterogeneity) is observed between
This section presents the cyclic response for the differ- the different grains. Regarding the influence of the loading
ent material behaviour models and the three loading type, the intensity of the accumulated equivalent plastic
modes. Firstly, Figs. 5–7 highlight the spatial evolution of strain after cycling is greater for shear loading (Fig. 6) com-
the accumulated equivalent plastic strain (ccum ), during pared to the tensile load case (Fig. 5). Also, for the shear
the first 10 cycles, for the cubic elasticity + crystal plastic- load case there are more grains for which this quantity is
ity material constitutive law, and for the three loading high. As for the combined tension–shear load case (Fig. 7)
modes studied. Note that these values are not values aver- the intensity of the maximum accumulated plastic defor-
aged in the grains but are the values at each integration mation is in between the tensile and shear cases. In shear
C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129 119

Fig. 7. Evolution of the accumulated equivalent plastic strain at the end of each cycle for the tension/shear loading condition using the cubic
elasticity + crystal plasticity material constitutive law.

17% of grains have ccum > 0:5ccummax compared to the tensile The macroscopic scale represents the average behaviour
loading case for which 10% of grains have ccum > 0:5ccum max of the complete aggregate. The mechanical quantities are
and for the tension/shear loading case 15% of grains have computed from the stress tensor, associated with the im-
ccum > 0:5ccum
max . This is also experimentally observed (Ag- posed load. The macroscopic stress is referred to as R.
bessi et al., 2011). The maximum mesoscopic (or grain The mesoscopic scale represents the behaviour in a
averaged value) of ccum is 0.032 for the shear loading case, grain. The mechanical quantities are the volumetric aver-
0.021 for the tensile loading case and 0.026 for tension/ age in the grain of each component of the stress tensor.
shear. Also in tension/shear the grains for which the plas- Elements having at least one node on the grain boundary
ticity is well developed are identical to the shear load case. are excluded from the averaging process. Hence, stress
concentrations at grain boundaries are not taken into
4.1. Mechanical response of the polycrystalline aggregates account.
Note that, all of the mechanical quantities reported at
The results are presented for both the mesoscopic and the mesoscopic scale are averaged quantities within the
the macroscopic scale. grains so that the linear interpolation of three nodes ele-
120 C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129

loop is obtained for each loading mode. The CPU time for
each simulation is approximately 60 h on an Intel Xeon
X5677 processor at 3.47 GHz with 64 Gb of RAM.

4.2. The Crossland criterion

The Crossland diagrams, shown in Fig. 10 are plotted for

the three different loading conditions and the four differ-
ent material constitutive laws. The mechanical quantities
are computed for the last cycle. For the mesoscopic scale,
the quantities soct;a and rhyd;max are shown for each grain
of the nine microstructures studied. At the macroscopic
scale these quantities are computed from the stress tensor
averaged over the total volume of the aggregate. The crite-
rion prediction at the macroscopic scale is given by the
black point which falls on the solid line representing the
Crossland macroscopic criterion threshold at 107 cycles
Fig. 8. Cyclic stress–strain behaviour at the macroscopic scale (in black) for a failure probability of 0.5. The cloud of gray dots shows
and the mesoscopic behaviour (in gray) for a simulation using the cubic
the results at the mesoscopic scale. In these figures, the
elasticity + crystal plasticity material constitutive law.
maximum on the cycle (over time) of the hydrostatic stress
for the last cycle is always positive, even for the loading in
shear. This implies that no grains are loaded in compres-
sion/compression. Fig. 10(a) shows the results for the iso-
tropic elastic material constitutive law. As expected, for
the three loading cases, the mesoscopic criterion predic-
tions for each grain are identical to the macroscopic

4.2.1. The effect of the elasticity model (isotropic and cubic)

Fig. 10(c) and (d) highlights the influence of the elastic-
ity model used in combination with crystal plasticity, on
the results of the Crossland criterion. For cubic elasticity,
large dispersion of the variables is observed at the meso-
scopic scale. For the simulations using isotropic elastic-
ity + crystal plasticity, the difference between the
macroscopic and mesoscopic scales is relatively small. This
is because in this case where fatigue limits are close to the
macroscopic yield limit, the ratio between plastic strain
Fig. 9. Cyclic stress–strain behaviour over all cycles at the macroscopic and elastic strain is small.
scale for a simulation using the cubic elasticity + crystal plasticity
material constitutive law. 4.2.2. The effect of crystal plasticity
Fig. 10(b) and (d) highlights the influence of crystal
plasticity used in combination with cubic elasticity. In both
ments as a little effect on the average values specially as of these figures, the scatter of the two mechanical variables
stress gradient are relatively low. of this criterion is of the same order of magnitude. Hence,
Fig. 8 shows the stress–strain curves computed at the crystal plasticity has less effect than the change from iso-
mesoscopic and macroscopic scales for different loading tropic to cubic elasticity.
conditions, for the cubic elasticity + crystal plasticity mate- For the different load modes studied, the macroscopic
rial constitutive law. The gray zone in these figures corre- result falls within the range of the mesoscopic quantities.
spond to the superposition of the average stress–strain
curves for each of the grains. The extent of this gray zone 4.3. Dang Van criterion
represents the range of values determined at the meso-
scopic scale in the elementary volume. The black curve This criterion at the grain scale is discretized on the dif-
represents the behaviour at the macroscopic scale. It can ferent slip systems which correspond to the possible phys-
be seen that there are significant variations in the values ical planes for crack initiation in a given grain. However at
of the maximum stress and strain in the grains, which the scale of the aggregate, all the possible planes are con-
are much higher than the values obtained at the macro- sidered (as in the continuum space discretization proposed
scopic scale. Note also that the hysteresis loops are gener- by Dang Van) since the grain orientation distribution con-
ally centred around zero at the mesoscopic scale. sidered in this work is uniform, and that sufficient number
It can be seen from Fig. 9 that after having applied 10 of grains are considered for each loading type. The angles
cycles a stabilized macroscopic stress–strain hysteresis H and U (Fig. 14) defining the unit normal vector of the slip
C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129 121

Fig. 10. The prediction from the Crossland criterion at the macroscopic scale (in black) and mesoscopic scale (in gray).

sponds to the macroscopic value of the criterion by taking

into account all possible physical planes. The Dang Van cri-
terion threshold line, computed from the macroscopic fati-
gue limits, is given by the solid line. Fig. 12(a) shows the
results obtained using the isotropic elastic material consti-
tutive law. The hydrostatic stress is identical at both scales.
The shear stress on the slip planes, computed at the meso-
Fig. 11. Illustration of all the considered slip planes within all the scopic scale varies from zero to the value obtained at the
aggregate (spherical coordinates of the unit normal vector to the macroscopic scale. For the combined tension–shear load-
considered planes).
ing mode, the macroscopic point is slightly above the crite-
rion threshold line because the loading conditions are
defined from the Crossland criterion.
planes are shown in Fig. 11. The norm of shear stress (sðtÞ)
is used. It can be noted that the ratio ssma is small, where sm
and sa are the mean and amplitude of the shear stress, cal- 4.3.1. Comparison with Crossland criterion
culated using the smallest circle circumscribing the load In terms of cubic elasticity (Fig. 12(b)) the cloud of gray
path of the tenth load cycle. points representing the mesoscopic results is very dis-
The maximum values of sðtÞ þ adv rhyd ðtÞ, as a function persed. In addition, some grains have a critical value of this
of time, determined during the last cycle are computed criterion that is beyond the macroscopic endurance thresh-
for each slip plane and the corresponding values of s, old. As per the Crossland diagram, the difference between
rhyd are plotted in gray in Fig. 12. The black dot corre- the mechanical quantities used in this criterion, at the
122 C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129

Fig. 12. The predictions from the Dang Van criterion at the macroscopic scale (in black) and the mesoscopic scale (in gray).

two scales, is very significant for the simulations using the be seen that for the isotropic elasticity constitutive law,
cubic elasticity material constitutive law. Also, the maxi- without crystal plasticity, the maximum values at the mes-
mum shear stress on all slip planes at the mesoscopic scale oscopic scale for each time step are equal to those at the
is greater than the maximum value of macroscopic shear macroscopic scale. For the case of cubic elasticity, the cloud
stress for this type of behaviour. Regarding the influence of points representing the mesoscopic scale is very dis-
of the crystal plasticity, its role seems limited to a slight in- persed but globally has the same shape as the macroscopic
crease in the dispersion of the averaged mesoscopic hydro- load path. The crystal plasticity has less impact than cubic
static stress for the simulations using isotropic elasticity elasticity on the overall shape of the mesoscopic loading
and a reduction in the maximum shear stress for the case path.
of cubic elasticity (which however remains greater than Note that the black line illustrates the load path on the
that computed at the macroscopic scale). In addition, the Dang Van critical plane, while the gray points correspond
maximum observed shear stress in the calculations with to all the slip planes of the aggregates.
cubic elasticity is higher than that for the case of isotropic
elasticity. 4.3.3. Critical plane analysis
Fatigue crack initiation is highly dependent on the ori-
4.3.2. The effect of the material constitutive law on the loading entation of slip planes. In a 3D coordinate system the ori-
path entation of the normal to the slip planes can be defined
Fig. 13 represents the temporal evolution of the two using a spherical coordinate system. The normal can be de-
variables used in the Dang Van criterion, at the mesoscopic fined by two angles: the angle h between the z axis and the
scale (in gray) and the macroscopic scale (in black). It can xy plane of the macroscopic coordinate system and the an-
C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129 123

Fig. 13. Temporal evolution of the two variables used in the Dang Van criterion at the macroscopic scale (in black) and the mesoscopic scale (in gray).

gle U between the x axes of the macroscopic coordinate

system and the plane defined by (n, z) (see Fig. 14).
The coefficient of danger for the Dang Van criterion, for
a given slip plane, can be written as follows:
sðtÞ þ arhyd ðtÞ
D ¼ max ð14Þ
t b

The coefficient of danger normalised with respect to the

microstructure can then be defined by:
Dn ¼ ð15Þ
where Dmax is the maximum value of the coefficient of dan-
ger for all computed slip planes of the microstructure. Fig. 14. Spherical coordinate system defining the unit normal vector to a
This normalised coefficient of danger is plotted in slip plane, where (x, y, z) are linked to macroscopic coordinate system.

Fig. 15, in terms of the two angles ðh; UÞ, for all simulated
slip planes of the polycrystalline aggregates. (Values lower In terms of orientation, very little variation of the distri-
than 0.6 are not plotted.) bution of the coefficient of danger is seen for the isotropic
124 C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129

Fig. 15. Normalised coefficient of danger for the Dang Van criterion as a function of the orientation of the normal to the slip plan (values less than 0.6 are
not plotted).

elasticity constitutive law, with and without crystal plas- For the simulations using the isotropic elastic material
ticity. For the case of cubic elasticity, some orientations constitutive law (see Fig. 16(a)), good correspondence is
have a coefficient of danger that is much higher than oth- observed between the point representing the macroscopic
ers. Also, the critical plane orientation scatter is much prediction and the upper part of the envelope of the mes-
higher compared to the case of isotropic elasticity. oscopic points, for which the shear stress amplitude is a
maximum. This implies that the number of slip system in
4.4. Matake criterion the aggregate is sufficient to be representative of the num-
ber of slip planes in the physical space.
Fig. 16 shows the resolved shear stress amplitude as a
function of the maximum normal stress determined from 4.4.1. Effect of the material behaviour on the mechanical
the totality of the modelled slip systems. The results of variables of the criterion
the different loading modes and the different material con- Regarding the influence of the type of material behav-
stitutive laws are shown. As before, the cloud of gray iour at the mesoscopic scale, Fig. 16(b) shows that cubic
points shows the mesoscopic result for the different slip elasticity strongly influences the resolved shear stress
systems. The black point shows the macroscopic result amplitude as well as the maximum normal stress. The im-
and the solid line is the Matake criterion threshold line. pact of crystal plasticity combined with isotropic elasticity
C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129 125

Fig. 16. The predictions from the Matake criterion at the macroscopic scale (in black) and the mesoscopic scale (in gray).

(see Fig. 16(c)) is low when considering the maximum va- From a constitutive point of view at the mesoscopic
lue of the resolved shear stress amplitude. However it in- scale, for the case where the fatigue limit is close to the
creases the maximum normal stress by several percent. macroscopic yield stress, crystal plasticity has relatively
In terms of the effect of crystal plasticity combined with little effect on the mesoscopic response. However, cubic
cubic elasticity (see Fig. 16(d)), a slight decrease is ob- elasticity (or local anisotropic elasticity) has a considerable
served in the maximum resolved shear stress amplitude influence on the dispersion of the mesoscopic values.
and maximum normal stress. In the case of a local stress approach, the two criteria
investigated (i.e., Dang Van and Matake) also highlight
5. Discussion the dispersion of the variables computed at the mesoscopic
scale. In terms of behaviour, crystal plasticity combined
Thanks to the preceding investigation of different high with isotropic elasticity has little effect on the maximum
cycle multiaxial fatigue criteria, the dispersion of the shear stress as well as the amplitude of the maximum re-
mechanical quantities at the mesoscopic scale has been solved shear stress compared to the case of isotropic elas-
highlighted. ticity, without plasticity. In terms of hydrostatic stress and
The use of the Crossland criterion, based on a macro- maximum normal stress, a dispersion of a few percent is
scopic approach, shows that the macroscopic point is lo- observed. However, for these two criteria, the critical val-
cated roughly in the middle of the cloud of gray points ues obtained at the mesoscopic scale are very close to
representing the mesoscopic predictions. The use of this those associated with the macroscopic scale. For this type
criterion therefore results in a macroscopic prediction of criteria, cubic elasticity has a strong influence on the re-
which corresponds to the ‘‘average’’ mesoscopic behaviour. sults. The maximum shear stress and the amplitude of the
126 C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129

Fig. 17. Comparison of the maximal shear stress (a) between isotropic elasticity (Iso. E.) and cubic elasticity (Cub. E.). and (b) between cubic elasticity (Cub.
E.) and cubic elasticity + crystal plasticity (Cub. E. + CP).

maximum resolved shear stress increase significantly with to hardening. Lower dispersion is also observed (i.e.,
respect to the isotropic elasticity case (even if crystal plas- ‘‘smoothing’’ effect of the microplasticity).
ticity tends to decrease them). In terms of the hydrostatic The maximum resolved shear stress (or the maximum
stress, the maximum is more than 20 MPa greater than shear stress) increases significantly for a behaviour includ-
the maximum value obtained with an isotropic elastic ing cubic elasticity at the mesoscopic scale. To further
behaviour, for the three studied load cases. Crystal plastic- investigate this particularity, apparent Schmidt factors
ity does not appear to influence these maximum values. are analysed in the following. These factors are defined
For the case of cubic elasticity, it is clear that the meso- using the following equation:
scopic hydrostatic stress is not equal to the macroscopic  
hydrostatic stress, as assumed in the Dang Van criterion.
sr ðtÞ
F S ¼ max ð16Þ
These differences have a significant impact on the max-
t RI ðtÞ
imum value of the Dang Van coefficient of danger, but in where RI is the largest principal stress at the macroscopic
terms of critical planes orientations, the maximums are scale.
not strongly modify by cubic elasticity. In terms of the Fig. 18 shows the accumulated apparent Schmidt factor
maximum normal stress, its maximum value also increases density, considering all slip systems computed for the nine
by the same order of magnitude as the hydrostatic stress. microstructures, for the different loading modes and for
The maximum shear stress for each slip plane, deter- the four material constitutive laws studied. It can be ob-
mined for the last cycle, is plot in Fig. 17(a) for the case served that the majority of slip systems have an apparent
of isotropic elasticity and cubic elasticity. The gray points Schmidt factors with a lower intensity for the cubic elastic
are plotted for the same slip plane. The solid line repre- case (with or without crystal plasticity). However, for this
sents perfect agreement between isotropic elasticity and type of behaviour, the maximum values are much higher.
cubic elasticity. Large dispersion is observed, which is Globally, crystal plasticity tends to reduce the maximum
globally centred on the solid line. The largest dispersion value.
is observed for the highest values of the shear stress for To better understand these curves, the maximum
the tensile loading condition. This is not the case for the apparent Schmidt factors are plotted as a function of the
other two loading types. percentage of the total number of systems (see Fig. 19).
The maximum shear stress for each slip plane, deter- The 100th percentile corresponds to all of the simulated
mined for the last cycle, is plot in Fig. 17(b) for the case slip systems and 90th percentile corresponds to the 90%
of cubic elasticity and cubic elasticity + crystal plasticity. of systems with the lowest apparent Schmidt factors. For
The gray points are plotted for the same slip plane, and the 90th percentile the tendencies, with respect the type
the solid line represents perfect agreement between the of elasticity, are inverted compared to 100th percentile.
two behaviour types. It can be seen that crystal plasticity The apparent Schmidt factors are lower for cubic elastic
tends to reduce the highest values of the shear stress due behaviour. Crystal plasticity, has a relatively small effect,
C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129 127

Fig. 18. Density of the apparent accumulated Schmidt factors for the different material constitutive laws studied.

but never-the-less tends to decrease the maximum values, crease in the apparent Schmidt factors as a function of
for all the loading modes and the two types of elasticity the coefficient of anisotropy (2C 44 =ðC 11  C 12 Þ). He noted
studied. For the case of uniaxial tension, it goes from that with a coefficient of anisotropy of 3.26 the maximum
0.44 to 0.43 for isotropic elasticity and from 0.40 to 0.39 apparent Schmidt factor is 0.43. In our work, for the cubic
for cubic elasticity. elasticity, without plasticity case (i.e., coefficient of anisot-
For the case of uniaxial tension Sauzay (2007) studied ropy equal to 4.36), the maximum apparent Schmidt factor
the effect of the free surface using cubic elasticity on the is 0.71 taking into account all grains and becomes equal to
maximum values of the apparent Schmidt factors. Poly- 0.40 for the 90th percentile. For the case of isotropic elas-
crystalline aggregates with grains modelled using an ex- ticity, these factors are 0.5 and 0.44 respectively. The major
truded hexagonal geometry, surrounded by an isotropic difference, with respect to Sauzay’s work (Sauzay, 2007) is
homogeneous matrix were considered. He obtained a de- the 3D geometry which takes into account the free surface.
128 C. Robert et al. / Mechanics of Materials 55 (2012) 112–129

Fig. 19. Apparent Schmidt factors as a function of the percentile. (Cub. E. = cubic elasticity, Iso. E. = isotropic elasticity, CP = crystal plasticity.)

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