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Information Sheet 7.1.


The field of occupational health and safety sets standards to mandate the elimination, mitigation, or
substitution of jobs hazards. OHS programs also conclude processes and procedures to minimize the
consequences of workplace incidents. Occupational health and safety is a very broad umbrella.

Occupational safety and health, also commonly referred to as occupational health and safety,
occupational health, or occupational safety, is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health
and welfare of people art work.

The enjoyment of these standards is a basic human right that should be afforded to each and every
worker, regardless of the nature of their work. With OHS standards in place, workers are able to carry
out their responsibilities in a safe and secure working environment, free from hazards. The best part is
that you don’t even have to hire someone new to do the job. You can invest in occupational health and
training for your current staff.

The OHS Law provides that each Filipino worker is protected against injury sickness, death through safe
and healthful working conditions and that employers must promote strict but dynamic, inclusive, and
gender-sensitive measures in the formulation and implementation of policies and programs related to
occupational safety and health.

It applies to all establishments, projects, sites, including Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)
establishments, and all other workplaces. The exposure to safety and health hazards is the basis for
having High Risk Establishments, Medium Risk Establishments, and Low Risk Establishments.

Each workplace must have an OSH committee to oversee the overall management of the OSH Program.
An OSH Officer must be present in a workplace at all times to ensure the enforcement of the OSH

The DOLE requires all safety and health personnel to undergo mandatory training on basic OSH for
safety officers. It also requires all workers to undergo the mandatory 8-hour safety and health seminar
that must have a point employer-employee orientation.
Information Sheet 7.1.2


The 8 Elements

There are eight elements that will help to protect workers in their work place.

1. Management Leadership And Organizational

2. Hazard Identification And Assessment
3. Hazard Control
4. Ongoing Inspections
5. Qualification, Orientation and Training
6. Emergency Response
7. Incident Investigation
8. Program Administrator

Element 1: Management And Leadership

Organizational Commitment Management needs to show that they are on board for this safety system
for it to run smoothly. They need to be committed to making a workplace safer. You should write up
Health and Safety Policy that includes the responsibilities of management as well workers, the goals and
objectives of the Health And Safety System, and a written copy of the agreement pf the commitment to
the Health and Safety Sytem.

Element 2: Hazards Identification and Assessment

In order to fix a problem you have to know what the problem is. You have to identify the source of the
issue and then asses everything could have or did happen.

Element 3: Hazard Control

Now that you know the problem is you can start to take action of it and prevent it from happening
again. There are three methods of controlling a hazards. Engineering which removes the hazard
completely, Administrative which is used when a hazard cannot be removed, it lessens the exposure of
a hazards ton workers and Personal Protective Equipment which is the least effective but id the easiest
to put in place.

Element 4: Ongoing Inspections

Inspection are conducted to ensure that the hazard controls are working effectively. The inspections are
also to make sure that workers are properly using hazard controls.

Element 5: Qualifications, Orientation and Training

Orientation and Training Workers need the knowledge to do their job properly and safely. Any visitor to
the workplace need to have an orientation so they know where it is safe to be and where it’s not.
Element 6: Emergency Response

An emergency response procedure is put in place for the point of making sure you have all the safely
possible. If an accident does happen, you should know what to do in case such an event should happen.

Element 7: Incident Investigation

When an accident occurs it’s need to be looked over in detail to find out why the incident happened and
maybe make changes to the procedure of how a certain machine may be run to prevent this incident
from happening again.

Element 8: Program Administration

This s making sure that all records of the Health and Safety System are kept to review what happened
and why. This can serve as an overall inspection to the Health and Safety System and if there need to be
any changes.
Information Sheet 7.1.3


Prioritizing OHS at your business has several key, benefits, including: Reduced risk or accidents or
injuries by identifying and mitigating hazards. Improved efficiently and productivity due to fewer
employees missing work from illness or injury.

An OHS Policy is a statement of a company’s commitment to the health and safely of it’s employees.
Each segment of a policy must clearly cover the philosophy, values, and goals of a company’s OSH
program. It must also include details about the company’s tangible efforts to keep employees safe.
Self-Check 7.3-3

Direction: Read each statement carefully.


Identification: Read the questions carefully and answer them on a clean sheet of paper.

1. What does occupational Health and Safety (OHS) mean?

2. What does Safeopedia Occupational Health an Safety (OHS) mean?
3. When is President Richard Nixon signed the occupation Safely and Health Act in to a law?
4. How to Stay Safe on the Job?
5. What does PPE mean?


Enumeration: Enumerate the OSHA Compliance 8 steps to getting started.










Identification: Read the questions carefully and answer them on a clean sheet of paper.

1. What is an occupational health and safety (OH&S) program?

2. What is a policy statement?
3. What are the programs elements?
4. What are individual OH&S responsibilities?
5. What are examples of the responsibilities of workers?



1.) Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) is a branch of public health aimed at improving workplace
health and safety standards.
2.) The field occupational health and safety sets standards to mandate the elimination, mitigation,
or substitution of jobsite hazards.
3.) December of 1970
4.) - Appropriate use of PPE
- Safe operation of the work equipment
-Maintaining hydration
-Good bodily movements

5.) Personal Protective Equipment


1. Create an HCP
2. Provide PPE
3. Get a first aid kit
4. Display an OSHA poster
5. Clean spills and declutter
6. File reports
7. Devise a fire plan and provide fire safety training
8. Create an emergency action plan and provide OSHA compliance training


1.) A health and safety program is a definite plan of action designed to prevent incidents and
occupational diseases.
2.) An organization’s occupational health and safety policy is a statement of principles and general
rules that guides action.
3.) While organizations will have different needs and scope for specific elements required in their
health and safety programs.
4.) Responsibility maybe defined as an individual’s obligation to carry out assigned duties.
5.) Following safe work procedures.

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