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ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 042098 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/4/042098

Internet of things application in mechanical learning in

automotive engineering

R Kurnia*, B Mulyanti and I Widiaty

Postgraduate School, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229,
Bandung 40154, West Java, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract. Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that uses an internet network that allows
control and communication between many objects. The purpose of this paper is to determine the
advantages and disadvantages of using the current Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the
development of the IoT concept in the automotive field. The method used is a systematic
literature review by reviewing journals that discuss IoT-based digital learning media in the
automotive field from 2014 to 2019. The results show that IoT-based digital learning media can
be used easily in automotive engineering education as a reference for researchers about the
application of instructional media engaged in automotive engineering education.

1. Introduction
Given that this IoT is a sophisticated technology that is able to transfer data over a network with easy
interaction, the future of its development is very promising. Everyday human life can be optimized and
made easy with smart sensors and internet-based smart equipment. IoT can help people in the integration
of communication, control, and information processing in various existing transportation systems. The
application of IoT is indeed continuously expanding to various aspects of the transportation system. Not
only the engine technology, namely vehicles, but also infrastructure, and alluding to the function of the
driver / user. The dynamic interactions that occur between the components come from a transportation
system. The system allows inter-and intra-vehicle communication, more effective traffic control because
it is classified as smart, smarter parking, logistics and fleet management, vehicle control, and also related
to safety factors and road assistance.
Automotive is the study of land transportation using machines, especially cars and motorbikes.
Automotive began to develop as a branch of science along with the creation of car engines. In its
development, cars are increasingly becoming a complex means of transportation consisting of thousands
of components belonging to dozens of systems and subsystems. Automotive engineering is a branch of
mechanical engineering that studies how to design, manufacture and develop land transportation
equipment that uses machinery, especially motorcycles, cars, buses, and trucks. Automotive engineering
combines elements of knowledge of mechanics, electricity, electronics, safety, and the environment as
well as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and management. Branches of automotive
engineering include Planning (product or design), Development (development), Production
(manufacturing) and Maintenance (maintenance). In Indonesia, currently, a very developing branch is
maintenance and is generally about car and motorcycle maintenance [1].

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 042098 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/4/042098

The purpose of this paper is to determine the advantages and disadvantages of using the current
Internet of Things (IoT) technology and the development of the IoT concept in the automotive field. The
method used is a systematic literature review by reviewing journals that discuss IoT-based digital
learning media in the automotive field from 2014 to 2019.

2. Method
At this stage selected scientific articles related to IoT Application in Mechanical Learning in Automotive
Engineering is published in journals indexed in the Scientdirect database and Google Scholar. Other
searches were made through the Elsevier, IEEE, IET Journal, Routledge or Taylor, and Francis Online,
Springer, and Online Wiley Library databases. A literature search was performed using the keyword
"IoT Application in Mechanical Learning in Automotive Engineering". These articles were searched
from 2014 to 2019. Based on the search strategy, 20 articles were taken and entered into citation
management software such as Mendeley. By doing the PRISMA method, the next step is the automatic
removal of duplication by the software. The deletion of duplicates is done, where the same 5 articles
have been deleted. Finally, 15 articles remaining after the stage.

3. Results and discussion

Findings from the results of the analysis and synthesis of related articles are presented in this section.
Based on systematic reviews and the results of meta-analysis data, IoT is found. Therefore, studies that
meet the requirements regarding IoT Application in Mechanical Learning in Automotive Engineering is
summarized and classified as follows. This is based on various categories considered in our study for
Table 1. Applications IoT in automotive.
No IoT IoT function
1 Teknologi WSN [2] The IoT application has a large number of smart sensors that
can sense objects/objects and the environment. These sensors
communicate with the digital world, collecting raw data and
forwarding it to the base station. The base station monitors
environmental conditions such as temperature, vibration,
pressure, and movement and produces information to make
important decisions such as controlling the movement of
vehicles, military services, traffic monitoring, agriculture,
2 RTS [2] In IoT, context-aware physical objects sense the environment
around them and interact with one another. Objects can
respond with information used for real-time decision making
such as changing lanes safely while driving, automatically
turning off lights in a room when no one is around and so on.
3 RFID [2] IoT services are expected to guarantee the security, privacy,
and integrity of information and user confidentiality. So the
identification and authentication technology needs to be
convergent and operated.
4 Smart Parking [3] Smart parking with the help of sensors embedded in cars and
city infrastructure can reduce deadlock in parking problems
and provide the best quality of service and benefits for
citizens. However, several aspects of the design must be
properly investigated and analyzed before implementing the

Previous research examines the IoT in the automotive field as in the first study discussing market and
technical trends towards Autonomous Vehicles, the evolutionary stage of the car to be fully autonomous,
the importance of IoT in driving this industrial ecosystem, the advantages and disadvantages of
Autonomous Vehicles, the main problems, and challenges faced by industry, standard activities around

ICIEVE 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 830 (2020) 042098 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/830/4/042098

this industry and finally the use case of deployment [4]. Second, present a new system that integrates
in-vehicle CAN / OBD networks and IoT networks from wireless devices with an Intelligent Transport
System deployed following standards issued by ETSI in the Technical Committee at ITS [5]. Third,
discussing low-power automotive technology in the Indonesian Internet of Things (IoT) community,
where interaction between cloud information, real-time recognition and control vehicles are the keys
[1]. Fourth, real-time monitoring systems that use IoT-based sensors, big data processing, and hybrid
prediction models. The proposed model is expected to help managers monitor the status of the assembly
line process and to identify errors in the process, thus unexpected losses caused by errors can be
prevented. Through this research, we show that integrating IoT-based sensors with large data processing
systems is effective for processing and analyzing large numbers of sensor data in real-time. The large
data processing system developed in this study uses Apache Kafka, Apache Storm, and NoSQL
MongoDB [6].
Fifth, discuss community-based information exchange (CIS) mechanisms to motivate all objects to
be involved in sharing traffic events. Specifically, the message processing algorithm and the message
generator an algorithm is proposed to handle incoming messages originating from other objects and to
share new traffic events with others, respectively. Since CIS only uses personal information, e.g.
location data, locally, the proposed the mechanism also ensures the privacy of all objects during
information sharing [7].
This Literature Review is designed to review the application of IoT in the automotive field. Previous
research has noted the use of IoT in the automotive field, but several articles have examined the extent
of the role of the IoT in the automotive field. As a result, this review can be seen as one of the most
valuable studies in reviewing IoT used in the automotive field. In this review, 10 articles that apply
various IoTs can be identified and reviewed from 2014 to 2019.

4. Conclusion
Internet of Things (IoT) helps smooth the connectivity of all vehicles, which not only helps get a better
insight into driver behavior but also helps in monitoring the health of the fleet from any device. The
increasing demand for fleet safety and data management coupled with the increasing need to reduce
total cost of ownership (TCO) and achieve anticipated fuel efficiency to drive the adoption of IoT
technology in automotive transportation.

[1] Yamauchi T, Kondo H and Nii K 2015 Automotive low power technology for IoT society IEEE
Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Digest of Technical Papers T80–T81
[2] Gawali S K and Deshmukh M K 2019 Energy autonomy in IoT technologies Energy Procedia.
Elsevier B.V. 156 222–226
[3] Al-Turjman F and Malekloo A 2019 Smart parking in IoT-enabled cities: A survey Sustainable
Cities and Society 49
[4] Krasniqi X and Hajrizi E 2016 Use of IoT Technology to Drive the Automotive Industry from
Connected to Full Autonomous Vehicles IFAC-PapersOnLine. Elsevier B.V. 49(29) 269–274
[5] Carignani M. et al. 2015 A prototype bridge between automotive and the IoT IEEE World Forum
on Internet of Things WF-IoT 2015 - Proceedings 12–17
[6] Syafrudin M. et al. 2018 Performance analysis of IoT-based sensor, big data processing, and
machine learning model for real-time monitoring system in automotive manufacturing,
Sensors (Switzerland) 18(9)
[7] Liu Q et al. 2015 ‘CIS: Community-based information sharing mechanism for automotive IoT
IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2015 – Proceedings 138–142

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