Ecircular - 4024 - 2023 LEADER Challenge

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1 January 2023

All Agency Force of GELM

Dear Sir/Madam,

2023 LEADER Challenge

“Leaders become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower
others.” – John Maxwell

A brand new year comes with new evolution and excitement. In line with our theme for year
2023 - Breakthrough Beyond Limits, we want you to go the extra mile by breaking your
current records and to make them even greater than before.

To ensure the consistent momentum in each of our agency leaders throughout the entire
year, we are excited to announce that instead of the Quarterly Direct Group Sales
Challenge, we are launching the bi-monthly LEADER Challenge!

Rather than a quarterly-basis achievement, we want you to push forward and break through
your own record every 2 months! Be rewarded with up to 1% bi-monthly incentive and an
additional full year incentive of up to 3%, depending on the total number of qualified
periods. In summary, the total incentive payout is as high as 4%!

Adding on the excitement for this challenge, do not miss the chance to collect a personalized
trophy bi-monthly! These personalized designs maintain a meaningful acronym of “LEADER”,
in which every word symbolizes the trait of a true leader. All in all, collect the 6 trophies
altogether to complete a full series of ‘LEADER’!

L Lead
E Exemplary
A Aspiration
D Dedication
E Excellence
R Responsible
We certainly look forward to witnessing your new breakthrough as a revolutionary leader
through this challenge and to propel your team towards greater heights, creating amazing
milestones together!

Keep track of your production targets on ePartner: Circular > Contest “2023 LEADER
Challenge (Production Targets)”. Refer to the Appendix for more information on this

For further information, kindly contact your respective Senior Regional Agency Director
(SRAD) / Regional Agency Director (RAD) / Agency Director (AD) / Deputy Agency Director
(DAD) / Assistant Agency Director (AAD).

Breakthrough Beyond Limits

எல் லலக்கு அப் பாற் பட்ட சாதலை
Mengatasi Pencapaian Tanpa Batasan

Thank you.

Warmest Regards,

Koh Ken Yong

Chief Agency Distribution Officer
Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad
(This is a computer-generated letter that does not require any signature)

2023 LEADER Challenge Base Pay-out Rate

Jan-Feb / Mar-Apr / May-Jun /
Jul-Aug / Sept-Oct 2023 DG NB-ANP (Jan-Feb / Mar-Apr / May-Jun /Jul-Aug / Sept-Oct)
2022 DG NB-ANP Require
Min. 600,000
Base (Jan-Feb / Mar- d Below 80,000 - 150,000 - 300,000 - 450,000 -
Active and
Apr / May-Jun /Jul- Growth 80,000 149,999 299,999 449,999 599,999
Agents above
Aug / Sept-Oct) Rate
0 - 149,999 35% 0.50% 0.75% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
150,000 - 299,999 25% 0.75% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
300,000 - 449,999 20% 4 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
450,000 - 599,999 18% 1.00% 1.00%
600,000 and above 15% 1.00%

2023 LEADER Challenge Base Pay-out Rate

Nov-Dec 2023 DG NB-ANP (Nov-Dec)
Min. 250,000
2022 DG NB-ANP d Below 120,000 - 400,000 - 600,000 - 800,000
Active -
Base (Nov-Dec) Growth 120,000 249,999 599,999 799,999 and above
Agents 399,999
0 - 249,999 35% 0.50% 0.75% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
250,000 - 399,999 25% 0.75% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
400,000 - 599,999 20% 4 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
600,000 - 799,999 18% 1.00% 1.00%
800,000 and above 15% 1.00%

Direct Group - Full Year Growth Requirement Bonus Pay-out

Additional bonus pay-out for each qualifying period if they meet their full year growth target from
2021 / 2022 DG NB-ANP production base or achieve a minimum of RM320,000 of DG NB-ANP,
whichever is higher.

2023 LEADER Challenge (Full Year Growth Requirement) Bonus Pay-out

FY2021 / FY2022 DG NB-ANP
Full Year Required Growth Rate Pay-out Rate
Base (whichever higher)
0 - 699,999 35% or Min 320,000 DG ANP
6 Qualified Periods – Additional
700,000 - 1,299,999 25% 3% on Qualified Periods
5 Qualified Periods – Additional
1,300,000 - 1,999,999 20%
2% on Qualified Periods
2,000,000 - 2,999,999 18% 4 Qualified Periods – Additional
1% on Qualified Periods
3,000,000 and above 15%

Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-Jun Jul-Aug Sept-Oct Nov-Dec
Assumed qualified DG NB- Total
RM500,000 Nil RM500,000 Nil RM500,000 RM500,000
ANP production
Bi-monthly pay-out 1% : 5,000 0 1% : 5,000 0 1% : 5,000 1% : 5,000 20,000
*Full year reserve pay-out 1% : 5,000 0 1% : 5,000 0 1% : 5,000 1% : 5,000 *20,000
*Payable upon achieving Full Year Growth requirement
Full Eligible for
Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-Jun Jul-Aug Nov-Dec Year Full Year
2023 Bonus Pay-out

Example 1 √ X √ X √ √ √ √

Example 2 X X √ √ √ √ √ √

Example 3 X X X X √ √ √ X

Please refer below for pay-out explanation of Example 1-3.

Example 1:
 Ms GAM’s 2022 Jan-Feb NB-ANP production base was RM100,000. She needs to achieve at
least RM135,000 DG NB-ANP in order to qualify for a cash reward of RM675 (base reward of
0.5% x RM135,000 = RM675).
 She also achieved her DG full year growth target with 4 qualifying periods, so her total Jan-
Feb reward will be entitled for an additional 1% bonus reward on her Jan-Feb DG NB-ANP
production. Her total Jan-Feb reward will be RM2,025 (base reward of 0.5% x RM135,000 =
RM675 + bonus reward of 1% x RM135,000 = RM1,350).

Example 2:
 Mr GM does not qualify in Jan-Feb and Mar-Apr.
 His 2022 May-Jun NB-ANP production base was RM250,000 and he has achieved the 25%
growth rate required with 2023 May-Jun DG NB-ANP production of RM350,000. His May-Jun
cash reward is RM3,500 (1% x RM350,000).
 Mr GM subsequently qualified in Jul-Aug & Sept-Oct. His 2022 Jul-Aug & Sept-Oct NB-ANP
production base was both RM100,000 and he has achieved the 35% growth rate required with
2023 Jul-Aug & Sept-Oct DG NB-ANP production of RM140,000. His Jul-Aug & Sept-Oct cash
reward is RM700 for each period (0.50% x RM140,000).
 Mr GM also qualified in Nov-Dec. His 2022 Nov-Dec NB-ANP production base was RM400,000
and he has achieved the 20% growth rate required with 2023 Nov-Dec DG NB-ANP production
of RM500,000. His Nov-Dec cash reward is RM5,000 (1% x RM500,000).
 Mr GM also achieved his DG full year growth target with 4 qualifying periods, so he will be
entitled for 1% bonus reward for each qualified period. His bonus reward is RM11,300.
 In total, Mr GM total cash reward is RM21,200 (RM9,900 + RM11,300).
Simplified calculation for Example 2 as below:
DG NB-ANP Required
2023 DG
Period Bi-monthly base min. Qualification Reward
(2022) growth
Jan-Feb 100,000 120,000 No 0
Mar-Apr 100,000 120,000 No 0
312,500 RM 350,000 x 1.00% =
May-Jun 250,000 350,000 Yes
(25%) RM 3,500
135,000 RM 140,000 x 0.50% =
Jul-Aug 100,000 (35%) 140,000 Yes
RM 700
135,000 RM 140,000 x 0.50% =
Sept-Oct 100,000 (35%) 140,000 Yes
RM 700
480,000 RM 500,000 x 1.00% =
Nov-Dec 400,000 500,000 Yes
(20%) RM 5,000

Total Cash Reward (Bi-monthly) RM9,900

Jan-Feb: NIL

2021 2022 Mar-Apr: NIL

Full year 2023 FY
production sales 2023 May-Jun: RM 350,000 x 1%
base requirement achievement = RM 3,500
(2021/2022 Jul-Aug: RM 140,000 x 1%
whichever 1,312,500 1,370,000 = RM 1,400
higher) (25%)
Sept-Oct: RM 140,000 x 1%
1,000,000 1,050,000
= RM 1,400
Nov-Dec: RM 500,000 x 1%
= RM 5,000

Total Cash Reward (Bonus) RM11,300

RM9,900 + RM11,300 =
Total Cash Reward (Bi-monthly + Bonus)

Example 3:
 Ms UM’s 2022 Sept-Oct and Nov-Dec NB-ANP production base was RM150,000. She achieved
RM250,000 DG NB-ANP in both months and is eligible to receive cash reward of RM3,750
(cash reward of 0.75% x RM250,000 = RM1,875 x 2 periods).
 She also achieved her DG full year growth target. She is not eligible to receive any additional
cash reward as she did not meet the minimum 4 qualifying periods to receive the bonus Full
Year pay-out.

Other Terms and Conditions:

1) Contest period:
 Jan-Feb starts from 1 January 2023 to 28 February 2023, both dates inclusive,
 Mar-Apr starts from 1 March 2023 to 30 April 2023, both dates inclusive,
 May-Jun starts from 1 May 2023 to 30 June 2023, both dates inclusive,
 Jul-Aug starts from 1 July 2023 to 31 August 2023, both dates inclusive,
 Sept-Oct starts from 1 September 2023 to 31 October 2023, both dates inclusive,
 Nov-Dec starts from 1 November 2023 to 31 December 2023, both dates inclusive, and
 Full Year starts from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, both dates inclusive.
2) Open for Direct Group of GM / GAM and UM / AM rank only.
3) DG NB-ANP requirement is based on Direct Group new business regular premium insurance
plans of Investment-linked (BIP) and Traditional of GELM that in-force in 2023 (regardless of
submission date); excluding the following:
 SmartInvest Premier Insurance 3 and SmartInvest Growth Insurance.
 Others: Investment-linked plans – IL EduSaver, Great Saver Rider (GSR), Balancer and
Single Premium Top Up, Traditional plans – loaded premium are also NOT counted for this
 Annuity Plan.
4) For the eligible insurance plans (ILP or Traditional) with regular premium payment term of less
than ten (10) years, the NB-ANP will be weighted as 50% sales contribution.
5) Active Agent refers to agents that in-force minimum 2 NOC’s (GELM “MNOC24_B”) per 2-
month period. Direct Group leader will not be included in the count of active agent.
6) Leaders can monitor their own production progress from DCMS Online Enquiry in ePartner:
 NB-ANP is calculated as (APRM24_B plus IL_APREM_R) minus (TWP_TR_50 plus
7) Qualifying NB-ANP for product Great Flexi Wealth & Great Flexi Plus will be weighted as
50% sales contribution for this contest. If the eligible Great Flexi Wealth & Great Flexi Plus
plans with regular premium payment term of five (5) years, the final qualifying NB-ANP will
be weighted as 25% sales contribution. Illustration as per below:
GFW & GFP Qualifying NB-ANP Calculation

Agent B
Agent A
(In-force within contest period)
5 years
Premium Payment Term 10 years
25% weightage
50% weightage
Sales contribution RM2,500

8) All qualified GMs/GAMs/UMs/AMs must maintain their rank (excluding elevation to GM/GAM)
at the point of the cash reward pay-out. Any qualifier who is terminated or relegated for
whatsoever reasons from their initial GM/GAM/UM/AM rank, the cash reward will be forfeited.
9) All GMs/GAMs/UMs/AMs are eligible to participate in this challenge, where their DG NB-ANP
production base will be adjusted accordingly taking into consideration of agency elevation,
relegation and agency movement updated as of 2023.
 Production base / target will be also adjusted twice [(i) 31 March 2023 and (ii) 30 June
2023], which may be necessary due to agency movement (if any).
10) Any 2023 in-force policy which is free-looked or terminated with refund of premium within the
contest period or during the first policy year shall be adjusted from the sales production
accordingly. This adjustment is necessary to ensure qualifiers status remains consistent in
order to qualify for the cash reward pay-out.
11) Transfer of new business cases (if any) from one agent (any rank) to another will not be
considered for the contest, as the new business cases shall consider remain with the original
Issuing Agent.
12) All qualifiers will be subject to a post contest review. In the event whereby a qualifier whose
final persistency requirement on 2023 in-force business for DG drops below 90%, Company
has the right to claw back the cash reward in 2025 or earlier date if necessary for below:
 Bi-monthly / Full Year Cash Reward: Qualified leaders whose final 2023 in-force DG
business drops below 90%, the Company has the right to claw back the cash reward.
13) The Company reserves the absolute right to amend, waive, and/or substitute the
abovementioned incentive, criteria and conditions in part or in total at its sole discretion, in the
manner and time it deems appropriate.
14) In the event of any dispute, the decision of the Company is final.

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