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Issued: February 22, 2023 Preliminary Report RRD23MR005

This information is preliminary and subject to change.

Norfolk Southern Railway Train Derailment

with Subsequent Hazardous Material Release
and Fires
East Palestine, Ohio
February 3, 2023

On February 3, 2023, about 8:54 p.m. local time, eastbound Norfolk Southern
Railway (NS) general merchandise freight train 32N derailed 38 railcars on main track 1 of
the NS Fort Wayne Line of the Keystone Division in East Palestine, Ohio.1 (See figure.)
The derailed equipment included 11 tank cars carrying hazardous materials that
subsequently ignited, fueling fires that damaged an additional 12 non-derailed railcars.
First responders implemented a 1-mile evacuation zone surrounding the derailment site
that affected up to 2,000 residents. There were no reported fatalities or injuries. At the
time of the accident, visibility conditions were dark and clear; the weather was 10°F with
no precipitation.

(a) All times in this report are local time. (b) Train 32N was traveling from Madison, Illinois, to

Conway, Pennsylvania.

Figure. Aerial photograph of derailment site.

Train 32N comprised 2 head-end locomotives, 149 railcars, and 1 distributed

power locomotive located between railcars 109 and 110. The consist included 20
placarded hazardous materials tank cars transporting combustible liquids, flammable
liquids, and flammable gas, including vinyl chloride. 2 Train 32N was traveling about 47
mph at the time of the derailment, which was less than the maximum authorized
timetable speed of 50 mph. 3 Train movements near the derailment site are authorized
by cab signals and wayside signal indications with an overlaid positive train control
system and are coordinated by the NS Cleveland East train dispatcher located in
Atlanta, Georgia. The positive train control system was enabled and operating at the
time of the derailment.

Train 32N was operating with a dynamic brake application as the train passed a
wayside defect detector on the east side of Palestine, Ohio, at milepost (MP) 49.81. 4
The wayside defect detector, or hot bearing detector (HBD), transmitted a critical

(a) Vinyl chloride is a flammable petrochemical used in the manufacture of polymer polyvinyl
chloride, or PVC. When exposed to heat, vinyl chloride can undergo a rapid polymerization reaction,
an exothermic chemical process that can pose an explosion hazard. (b) Residues of some hazardous
materials are considered flammable liquids; in this case, two placarded tank cars contained benzene

The train crew was governed by the rules and instructions in the NS Pittsburgh Division,
Northern Region, Timetable No. 1.

On a diesel-electric locomotive, dynamic braking uses electric traction motors as generators,
slowing the train and dissipating mechanical energy as heat.

audible alarm message instructing the crew to slow and stop the train to inspect a hot
axle. The train engineer increased the dynamic brake application to further slow and
stop the train. During this deceleration, an automatic emergency brake application
initiated, and train 32N came to a stop. 5

On the Fort Wayne Line of the Keystone Division, NS has equipped their rail
network with HBD systems to assess the temperature conditions of wheel bearings
while en route. The function of the HBD is to detect overheated bearings and provide
audible real-time warnings to train crews. Train 32N passed three HBD systems on its
trip before the derailment. At MP 79.9, the suspect bearing from the 23rd car had a
recorded temperature of 38°F above ambient temperature. When train 32N passed
the next HBD, at MP 69.01, the bearing’s recorded temperature was 103°F above
ambient. The third HBD, at MP 49.81, recorded the suspect bearing’s temperature at
253°F above ambient. NS has established the following HBD alarm thresholds (above
ambient temperature) and criteria for bearings:

• Between 170°F and 200°F, warm bearing (non-critical); stop and inspect
• A difference between bearings on the same axle greater than or equal
to 115°F (non-critical); stop and inspect
• Greater than 200°F (critical); set out railcar

After the train stopped, the crew observed fire and smoke and notified the
Cleveland East dispatcher of a possible derailment. With dispatcher authorization, the
crew applied handbrakes to the two railcars at the head of the train, uncoupled the
head-end locomotives, and moved the locomotives about 1 mile from the uncoupled
railcars. Responders arrived at the derailment site and began response efforts.

On February 5, responders mitigated the fire, but five derailed DOT-105

specification tank cars (railcars 28–31 and 55) carrying 115,580 gallons of vinyl
chloride continued to concern authorities because the temperature inside one tank
car was still rising. This increase in temperature suggested that the vinyl chloride was
undergoing a polymerization reaction, which could pose an explosion hazard.
Responders scheduled a controlled venting of the five vinyl chloride tank cars to
release and burn the vinyl chloride, expanded the evacuation zone to a 1-mile by 2-
mile area, and dug ditches to contain released vinyl chloride liquid while it vaporized
and burned. The controlled venting began about 4:40 p.m. on February 6 and
continued for several hours.

While on scene, National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigators

examined railroad equipment and track conditions; reviewed data from the signal

An automatic emergency brake application is the full application of a train’s main air brakes.

An automatic emergency brake application can occur when a train experiences a separation that
disconnects the air brake hoses between railcars.

system, wayside defect detectors, local surveillance cameras, and the lead
locomotive’s event recorder and forward-facing and inward-facing image recorders;
and completed interviews. NTSB investigators identified and examined the first railcar
to derail, the 23rd railcar in the consist. Surveillance video from a local residence
showed what appeared to be a wheel bearing in the final stage of overheat failure
moments before the derailment. The wheel bearing and affected wheelset have been
collected as evidence and will be examined by the NTSB. The vinyl chloride tank car
top fittings, including the relief valves, were also removed and examined by the NTSB
on scene. The top fittings will be shipped to Texas for testing under the direction of
the NTSB.

The hazardous material tank cars have been decontaminated. NTSB

investigators returned to Ohio on February 21, 2023, to examine each hazardous
material tank car, document damage, and secure evidence for laboratory analysis.

The NTSB’s investigation is ongoing. Future investigative activity will focus on

the wheelset and bearing; tank car design and derailment damage; a review of the
accident response, including the venting and burning of the vinyl chloride; railcar
design and maintenance procedures and practices; NS use of wayside defect
detectors; and NS railcar inspection practices.

The NTSB is not involved in air monitoring, testing of water quality,

environmental remediation, or evacuation orders. Questions on environmental issues
should be referred to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Parties to the investigation include the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration, the Federal Railroad Administration, Ohio State Highway Patrol, the
Village of East Palestine, Norfolk Southern Railway, Trinity Industries Leasing
Company, GATX Corporation, the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen, the International
Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, and the International Association of Fire

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