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Human Resource Management

Course Code-HRM 402

Submitted To; Submitted By;

Dr. Phyo Dr. Aung Min Nyo

Submission Date
5th April, 2022

Case Study Questions:

HRM is the utilization of people to achieve organizational objectives. Every

manager completes tasks with the efforts of others. Therefore, they must concern

with HRM. What functions does a manager need to perform to be an effective


Suppose you are the manager or owner of a small business facing a difficult

situation. Imagine how you might manage the human resource of your business.


1. Introduction
2. Human Resource Management
3. Functions of Human Resource Management
4. Case Problem
5. Problems Solving Skills
6. My Management Style
7. Conclusion
8. Recommendation
9. Reference

1. Introduction

Nowadays, the world is becoming more smaller and smaller because of the
growth of technology. There was also more diversity in age, gender, ethnicity,
religion, disability, sexual orientation, education and national origins. Greater in the
diversity, greater the need of human resource management. People are the most
important component of any business or organization. This people of an organization
can also refer to customers and state holders. And also, to the employees. Employees
are internal customers. In modern world, we need to use the new techniques in human
resource management. Decades ago, the role of Human Resource Management was
limited to labor, hire and payroll management but tomes have changed. This process
now includes a range of activities and functions. Human Resource Management leads
the employment life cycle and regards people as a company’ most important asset.

2. Human Resource Management

Human Resource – the people who work for a company or organization.

Human Resource Management – is the function of the organization that relates with
the management of the organization’s personal.

The primary role of Human Resource Management is to develop employee

performance. Human Resource department has both operative and managerial
functions. Over the past year, the role of Human Resource Management has
developed conspicuously. Today’s Human Resource specialists do a lot more than
recruit, hire and manage a company’s personnel. Human Resource specialists serve as
strategic partners, counselors and leaders of the change. The purpose of Human
Resource Management is to balk the issues in the first place and increase the
company’s performance by investing in the right people. Depending on the
organization, Human Resource Management responsibilities include:

 External and internal recruitment

 Candidate selection
 Employee on boarding and training
 Employee performance assessment

 Employee compensation
 Organization development
 Compliance with labor laws
 Labor and employee relations
 Employee recognition and engagement
 Career Development

The objectives of Human Resource Management are directly connected to an

organization’s missions and goals. The activities involved in this process nature
human talent and supply employee welfares which can lead to business growth.
Human Resource managers play a key role in strategic decision making. Their
responsibility is to find highly skilled people, reduce employee absenteeism and turn
over rates. Some professionals say that ‘The Human Capital Management’ is the new
name for Human Resource Management. The oldest name in an ancient time is
‘Health and Happiness Crews’.

3. Functions of Human Resource Management

Only the effective Human Resource Management can lead the organization into
the final target or goal. Human Resource Management of the organization must be
ethical, strong, justice, clear, practical and also have a human resource goal for the
organization. The effective human resource management is important for the
organization because there is always the need for better hiring and selection process,
best employee on boarding, development programs, engagement, motivation
programs, attraction plans, retention and reduction turn over. That is why effective
strategies for effective function of human resource management is vital for the
organization’s success. Human Resource functions are extremely important for an
organization’s growth and development. Job design and analysis, recruitment or
hiring and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits,
performance management, managerial relations and labor relations are some of the
key functions of Human Resource Management.

Every manager should have 9 competencies in concern with Human Resource

Management. They are –

1. Communication
2. Relationship Management
3. Ethical practice
4. Human Resource expertise
5. Business acumen
6. Critical evaluation
7. Global and culture effectiveness
8. Leadership and navigation
9. Consultation

Human Resource knowledge is only important not only for Human Resource
Department but also for all managers and leaders. Human Resource Management is
important to everyone ho lead or rule the human in the organization

Functions that need to perform for a manager to be an effective Human Resource

Management are

 Planning
 Organizing
 Directing
 Controlling


A manager must plan to finish the daily process, targets and goals of the
department and organization by his or her subordinates. Planning supports in
completing the best procedures to finish, reach and catch the goals of the organization.
Some managers devote their time in planning to be effective for the organization.
They invest themselves in the organization. With regard to the Human Resource
Development, planning is part of the role determining the personal procedures that
can support to completing the organization’s goals. These procedures are the hiring
the needs of organization, planning jobs requirements, descriptions, and determining
the sources of recruitment.


After the human resource manager builds the objectives and grows plans and
programs to complete them, the manager needs to shape and develop the
organization’s structure to get the different procedures and operations. Developing the
structure of the organization includes:

 Team building of personal activity into functions or positions

 Delegating different groups of activities to different individuals
 Assigning authority according to the tasks performed and responsibilities
 Coordinating activities of different employees


The human resource manager can design plans, but implementing the plans
effectively depends on how motivated the people are. The directing functions of
Human Resource Management include motivating people to work willingly and
perfectly to complete the goals of the organization. The directing functions of Human
Resource Management include guiding and motivating people to achieve the personal
programs. The Human Resource Management can motivate the employees through
career planning and salary compensation by increasing the employee’s morale,
developing relationships, supplying safety needs and searching employees’ felt needs.


Controlling is all about disciplinary activities in order to the plans produced

structured on the objectives of the organization. This is the fourth function of Human
Resource Management and complete the cycle. A manager must correct any
deviations that might appear. Controlling is one of the important functions of Human
Resource Management because it supports the manager estimate and handle the
performance of the development with regard to different operative functions. It also
involves appraisals, audits, statistics, etc.

4. Case Problem

The Global Light, The Internet Company, located in Tachileik, Eastern Shan
State, has been in business for 5 years. It also has many branch offices in Eastern
Shan State. Head office is in Tachileik. In Head Office, it has many departments;
Human Resource and Admin Department, Finance Department, Sale and Marketing
Department, Technology Department and Business Development Department. All
departments have their own problems in different ways. Lots of problems need to
solve to become a structural organization. First in Human Resource and Admin
Department, there was no head of department as a Human Resource and Admin
Manager. There was only Human Resource Assistant Manager and Admin Assistant
Manager. They both have no theoretical knowledge in associated with their positions.
They have been working their job descriptions and specifications by following their
background knowledge. They didn’t try to build new procedures, structure, steps of
process and policy. That was all leading to become the internal conflicts between
departments. Even Human Resource Assistant Manager could not handle the
problems because he was also the part of problem caused reasons. Daily activities
need to pass and come down from that department and then so every day is passing by
problems solving not for work but for personal cases. And also, for Sale and
Marketing Department, it also did not have a head of department, Sale and Marketing
Manager. There was only a Sale and Marketing Assistant Manager. Although she had
lots of theories and strategies about sale and marketing, she could not follow her steps
and strategies that what she created. Sale rates became lower in monthly. Eventually
there was no Sale Targets for this department and lost of performance. Even made
new promotions and lucky draws for customers but not get the good feedback from
customers to company. As for Business Development Department, this team wanted
to make the development of the processes of the company. This team was trying to
upgrade the rules, regulations, strategies, policies, process and flows of the
organization. But heads of departments did not participate in upgrading system. In
Technology department, technical manager biased to the employees not to company.
Always faced problems concern with compensation, benefits and allowance between

employees and the company. In Finance department, problems based on employees’
mind sets and attitudes. That made the Finance Manager difficult to handle.

5. Problem Solving Skills

There are many skills that support managers completely lead and improve
their teams within the organization. Problems solving as a manager is important
because it supports a company and its employees succeed. Manager who can conquer
obstacles efficiently can upgrade their own productivity. Managers must have the
skills like leadership, detail-oriented, communication and adaptability.


Suppressing your leadership skills can create trust between you and your team,
which makes it easier to help them solve problems and defeat obstacles together.


Being detail-oriented let you to find details that others may not notice. With
these details, you can understand the barriers and more easily build solutions that help
your company stay on track with project and production deadlines.


Communication skills are useful when communicating possible barriers and

answers to your team. Problem-solving with your team is typically more efficient than
problem solving alone.


As you solve problems in the workplace, you may learn extra information that
changes how you understand the problem of our solution. This becomes adaptability
important for you to develop your problem-solving skills. You may need to improve
our ideas suddenly, change it completely or let someone take charge, and excellent
adaptability skills can help you succeed in each of the situation.

6. My Management Style in Solving the Human Resource of My

As a general manager or owner of the company, I would like to restructure the

human resource of all departments in order to become ‘Right Person, Right Place ‘.
For Human Resource and Admin department, I would like to hire professional
manager in relative field with strong experience and need to have theoretical skills.
For Sale and Marketing department, I would like to hire a skillful manager to control
and direct the department. As for an assistant manager, training and development
programs need to give her to become better performance. For Business development
department, I would like to make peace between heads of departments and this team.
Just by following new standard policies and rules in steps-by-steps procedure. For
Technical department, I would like to council with the Technical Manager about
compensations and benefits which I could allow or not. For Finance Department,
training like career development and personal development what this department
needed to learn from the Finance Manager.

7. Conclusion

For every group, organization and business environment, effective Human

Resource Management is essential to control, motivate, help and develop the
employees. And then, next step is to develop the entire organization. It is really hard
to control the human resource of the organization. Human are difficult to handle in
nature because of having different mindsets and characters. More diversity can result
more complexity in managing. The most important thing is in choosing right person in
right place and then so this may lead to complete the related job description and job
specification, later this will result the department development and finally become the
organization development. That is why the knowledge of human resource
management is the essential key point of the organization development. Recruitment
and selection process is the most important first key step in entire process.

8. Recommendation

According to my opinion, if I am in role of an authorized person of the entire

organization, I will build the strongest human resource structure for my organization.
I will build the company’s policy, the human resource policy and the essential rules
and regulations to get the strong fundamental structure. This may lead to prevent the
internal conflicts, compensation problems, discrimination problems, legal problems
and others cases that based on human resources. When I can manage the resource of
human, it may easier to manage the other resources of the organization like Financial
Resource, Physical Resource and Information Resource. Finally, I would like to
present that when you can fully manage the human resource of the organization, your
organization might lead to the final goals and objectives without hesitation.

9. Reference

 (n.d.). Retrieved from -for-effective-

 (n.d.). Retrieved from
 (n.d.). Retrieved from
 (n.d.). Retrieved from
 (n.d.). Retrieved from


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