Intensitas Dan Magnitude Gempa

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Intensitas dan Energi Gempa

Pokok Bahasan
• Energi Gempa
– Magnitudo
– Momen
• Intensitas Gempa
– Efek gempa
The best way to quantify the size of an earthquake is to determine its seismic
moment, and the shape of the overall source spectrum.

By recovering the source time function from either body or surface waves >>
requires relatively complete modeling of the waveform in question.

Need a measure of earthquake size that is much simpler >> using

the amplitude of P wave

Limitation: thus different fault dislocation histories with the same seismic
moment can produce very different amplitude signals.

The concept of earthquake magnitude, a relative size scale based on

measurements of seismic phase amplitudes
• Ritcher magnitudes in their original form are
no longer used, but adopted to local
magnitude (ML ).

• Body wave magnitude (mb)

A =amplitude of ground motion in measured after the effect of

instrument is removed
T = wave period in seconds
Q = empirical term depending on the depth and distance
• Surface wave magnitude (Ms)

• The first form uses largest amplitude (zero to peak) of surface

wave in general
Magnitude limitations
• Magnitude is obtained by using only empirical
equations. Thus has no direct connection to
the physics of the Earth.
• Magnitude estimations vary noticeably with
azimuth, due to amplitude radiation patterns,
although this difficulty can be reduced by
averaging result.
• The different magnitude scales yield different
Momen Seismik
• Momen (M0)

µ is the rigidity modulus

Magnitude and Momen
• Momen magnitude

Mo in N-m or dyn-cm

• It gives the magnitude directly tied to

earthquake source processes that does not
Konversi magnitude

(PuSGeN Team, 2016)

Magnitude limitations
Contoh kerusakan akibat gempa

Distribusi Episenter aftershocks

17 Januari 1995 05:46 JST (16 Januari 20:46 UTC)
6.8 magnitudo momen
7.3 JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency)
Tremors 20 seconds
Kedalaman fokus 16 km
6434 jiwa korban meninggal
1 meter uplift at Awaji Island

Peta deformasi dari pengamatan

radar interferometry
Observation PGA
Kerusakan pada Bangunan
Gerakan tanah yg
berupa strain geser
menyebabkan kondisi
rumah condong
Kontsruksi beton yg kokoh masih
berdiri tanpa kerusukan struktural
Bahayanya berada di jalan
dimana banyak terjadi bangunan
yang runtuh
Kerusakan infrastruktur
Efek Gempa Bumi
• Direct efect: yg berkaitan secara langsung dengan
deformasi tanah
Pada umumnya terbatas pada wilayah dekat sumber dimana
sesar terekspos
• Secondary efect: tdk berkaitan langsung dengan
pergerakan sesar, melainkan yg diakibatkan oleh
penjalaran gelombang gempa
Mencakup wilayah yg lebih luas shg dapat menimbulkan
kerusakan yg lebih besar juga
Dapat berupa : getaran tanah, longsor, liquefaction, dll.
Faktor-faktor yg mempengaruhi efek
Gempa Bumi
• Faktor intrinsik gempa : magnitudo, tipe dan
lokasi gempa, dan kedalaman
• Faktor kondisi geologi : jarak sumber, jejak
gelombang seismik, jenis soil, saturasi air
dalam soil,
• Faktor kondisi sosial : kualitas konstruksi,
kesiapan, waktu terjadinya gempa
Intensitas Gempa
• In seismology a scale of seismic intensity is a way
of measuring or rating the effects of an
earthquake at different sites
• The Intensity Scale differs from the Richter
Magnitude Scale in that the effects of any one
earthquake vary greatly from place to
place measured from one earthquake
• Each earthquake, on the other hand, should have
just one Magnitude, although the several
methods of estimating it will yield slightly
different values
Intensitas Gempa
• rating the Intensity of an earthquake's effects does
not require any instrumental measurements
• Thus seismologists can use newspaper accounts,
diaries, and other historical records to make
intensity ratings of past earthquakes, for which
there are no instrumental recordings.
• Such research helps our understanding of the
earthquake history of a region, and estimate future
Intensity Observation
Intensity observations with or without
human interaction...

USGS Community Internet Intensity Map CISN ShakeMap

Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) Scale

I People do not feel any Earth movement.

II A few people might notice movement if they are at rest and/or on the upper floors of tall
III Many people indoors feel movement. Hanging objects swing back and forth. People outdoors
might not realize that an earthquake is occurring.
IV Most people indoors feel movement. Hanging objects swing. Dishes, windows, and doors rattle.
The earthquake feels like a heavy truck hitting the walls. A few people outdoors may feel
movement. Parked cars rock.
V Almost everyone feels movement. Sleeping people are awakened. Doors swing open or close.
Dishes are broken. Pictures on the wall move. Small objects move or are turned over. Trees
might shake. Liquids might spill out of open containers.
VI Everyone feels movement. People have trouble walking. Objects fall from shelves. Pictures fall
off walls. Furniture moves. Plaster in walls might crack. Trees and bushes shake. Damage is slight
in poorly built buildings. No structural damage.
VII People have difficulty standing. Drivers feel their cars shaking. Some furniture breaks. Loose
bricks fall from buildings. Damage is slight to moderate in well-built buildings; considerable in
poorly built buildings.
VII Drivers have trouble steering. Houses that are not bolted down might shift on their foundations.
Tall structures such as towers and chimneys might twist and fall. Well-built buildings suffer slight
damage. Poorly built structures suffer severe damage. Tree branches break. Hillsides might crack
if the ground is wet. Water levels in wells might change.
Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) Scale

IX Well-built buildings suffer considerable damage. Houses that are not bolted down move off their
foundations. Some underground pipes are broken. The ground cracks. Reservoirs suffer serious
X Most buildings and their foundations are destroyed. Some bridges are destroyed. Dams are
seriously damaged. Large landslides occur. Water is thrown on the banks of canals, rivers, lakes.
The ground cracks in large areas. Railroad tracks are bent slightly.
XI Most buildings collapse. Some bridges are destroyed. Large cracks appear in the ground.
Underground pipelines are destroyed. Railroad tracks are badly bent.
XII Almost everything is destroyed. Objects are thrown into the air. The ground moves in waves or
ripples. Large amounts of rock may move.
The MMI Intensity of the Oct. 17, 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake

• isoseismal map, as one draws contour

lines to enclose locations having higher
• Intensities typically increase close to
an earthquake's epicenter
• Note the locations of unusually high
intensities (up to IX) far north of the
earthquake's epicenter, near San
Francisco Bay. During this earthquake,
soft and water-saturated soils near the
Bay amplified the effects of the
• It is also possible to estimate
the Magnitude of an earthquake from
the area of the map enclosed by
isoseismal contours of certain
Magnitude / Intensity Comparison

The following table gives intensities that are typically observed at locations near the
epicenter of earthquakes of different magnitudes.

Magnitude Typical Maximum

Modified Mercalli Intensity
1.0 - 3.0 I
3.0 - 3.9 II - III
4.0 - 4.9 IV - V
5.0 - 5.9 VI - VII
6.0 - 6.9 VII - IX
7.0 and higher VIII or higher
JMA Seismic Scale
Shindo Number
(Shindo Effects on Indoor Outdoor Ground and Peak ground
Residences Other buildings Lifelines
Number in people situations situations slopes acceleration[11]
/Meter reading
Buildings will
Not felt by all or Indoor objects Less than
0 (0) / 0–0.4 not receive
most people. will not shake. 0.008 m/s²
Upper sections
Felt by only Objects may of multi-story
1 (1) / 0.5–1.4 some people swing/rattle buildings may
0.025 m/s²
indoors. very slightly. feel the
Homes and
Felt by many to apartment
Hanging objects No buildings
most people buildings will 0.025–
2 (2) / 1.5–2.4 such as lamps receive
indoors. Some shake, but will 0.08 m/s²
swing slightly. damage.
people awake. receive no
Buildings may
receive slight
Houses may damage if not
Felt by most to Objects inside shake strongly. earthquake-
Electric wires
all people rattle Less resistant. None
swing slightly. No services are
3 (3) / 2.5–3.4 indoors. Some noticeably and earthquake- to very light 0.08–0.25 m/s²
People can feel affected.
people are can fall off resistant houses damage to
it outdoors.
frightened. tables. can receive earthquake-
slight damage. resistant and
JMA Seismic Scale
Shindo Number
(Shindo Effects on Indoor Outdoor Ground and Peak ground
Residences Other buildings Lifelines
Number in people situations situations slopes acceleration[11]
/Meter reading
Hanging objects
resistant homes Other buildings
Many people can suffer slight can receive
considerably Electric wires
are frightened. damage. Most slight damage.
and dishes in a swing
Some people homes shake Earthquake-
cupboard rattle. considerably. Electricity may No landslides or
4 (4) / 3.5-4.4 try to escape strongly and resistant 0.25–0.80 m/s²
Unstable People outside go out shortly. cracks occur.
from danger. small cracks structures will
ornaments fall can notice the
Most sleeping may appear. survive, most
occasionally. tremor.
people awake. The entirety of likely without
Very loud
apartment damage.
buildings will
People notice Cracks are A safety device
electric-light formed in walls can cut off the
Hanging objects
Most people try poles swing. of less gas service in
swing violently. Less Cracks may
to escape from Occasionally, earthquake- some
Most unstable earthquake- appear in soft
danger by windowpanes resistant residences.
items fall. resistant homes ground, and
5-lower (5弱) running are broken and buildings. Sometimes,
Dishes in a and apartments rockfalls and 0.80–1.40 m/s²
/ 4.5-4.9 outside. Some fall, Normal and water pipes are
cupboard and suffer damage small slope
people find it unreinforced earthquake damaged and
books fall and to walls and failures take
difficult to concrete-block resistant water service is
furniture pillars. place.
move. walls collapse, structures interrupted.
and roads receive slight Electricity can
suffer damage. damage. be interrupted.
JMA Seismic Scale
Shindo Number
(Shindo Effects on Indoor Outdoor Ground and Peak ground
Residences Other buildings Lifelines
Number in people situations situations slopes acceleration[11]
/Meter reading
resistant houses Many walls
will collapse or collapse, or at Occasionally,
be severely least are gas and water
damaged. In severely mains are
Trees can fall some cases, damaged. Some damaged.
Impossible to Most heavy and down due to highly less (Electrical Cracks can
keep standing unfixed violent shaking. earthquake- earthquake- service is appear in the
6-upper (6強)
and to move furniture moves Bridges and resistant resistant interrupted. ground, and 3.15–4.00 m/s²
/ 6.0–6.4
without and becomes roads suffer residences are buildings Occasionally, landslides take
crawling. displaced. moderate to heavily collapse. Even gas and water place.
severe damage. damaged. highly service are
Multi-story earthquake- interrupted
apartment resistant over a large
buildings will buildings suffer area.)
fall down severe damage.
partially or
The ground is
In most considerably
Most or all
buildings, wall distorted by
tiles and Most or all large cracks and
Most furniture collapse or
Thrown by the windowpanes buildings (even Electrical, gas fissures, and
moves to a receive severe
7 (7) / 6.5 and shaking and are damaged earthquake- and water slope failures Greater than
large extent damage, no
up impossible to and fall. In resistant ones) service are and landslides 4 m/s²
and some matter how
move at will. some cases, suffer severe interrupted. take place,
jumps up. earthquake-
reinforced damage. which can
resistant they
concrete-block change
walls collapse. topographic

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