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Engr. Eumarl Francis Abing

1. The section of a prestressed double-tee concrete floor joist. The prestressing force in each tee is
600 kN. Unit weight of concrete is 23.5 kN/m3 with a dead load of 2.5 kPa and live load of 6 kPa.
The properties of the double tee section are:
Area = 250,000 mm2 y2 = 285 mm
6 4
I = 1890 x 10 mm y3 = 90 mm
Simple span of L = 8.5m y1 = 65 mm b = 3.0 m
a. Determine the initial stress at the top and bottom fibers due to the prestressing force
b. Determine the stress at the top fibers due to service load and prestressing force at midspan.
Assume that there is a loss of prestress of 20% at service loads.
c. Calculate the additional load that can the floor carry so that the stress at the top fibers at
the midspan is zero.

2. The 6-meter-long prestressed cantilever beam shown in the figure carries a concentrated live
load of 18 kN at the free end and a uniform dead load due to its own weight. Unit weight of
concrete is 20 kN/m3. The strands are 12 mm in diameter with total prestressing force of 540 Kn
applied at an eccentricity “e” above the neutral axis of the gross section.
a. Determine the maximum stress (MPa) in the bottom fiber of the beam at the free end when
the eccentricity is e= 0?
b. Determine the stress in the top fiber of the beam at the fixed end when the e = 100mm?
c. Determine the required eccentricity “e” such that the stress in the top fiber of the beam at
the fixed end is zero?

3. A 300mm by 400mm concrete has a span of 6m. A post tensioned force of 640 kN was applied at
a point 70mm above the bottom of the beam. Assume concrete wont crack in tension.
f’c = 20.7MPa. unit weight of concrete is 23.5 kN/m3.
a. Compute the deflection due to prestresing force.
b. Compute the net deflection of the beam immediately after transfer.
c. Compute the safe uniform live load that maybe applied on the beam so that there will be a
net deflection upward of 5mm.

4. A T-shaped simply supported beam has the cross-section shown. It has a span of 11m, is loaded
with a gravity live load of 𝑤𝐿 = 36.5 kN/m, and is prestressed with twelve ½” diameter (12-12.7
mm diameter) seven-wire stress-relieved strands. Compute the concrete fiber stresses at service
load using basic concept method. Assume that the tendon eccentricity at midspan 𝑒 is 244 mm.

5. Consider the pretensioned simply supported beam as shown in the figure with a span length of
15 m. It is subjected to a live load of 25 kN/m and super-imposed dead load of 6 kN/m. Assume
normal weight of concrete with 𝛾𝑐 = 23.5 kN/m3 , 𝑓𝑐′ = 41.4 MPa and 𝑓𝑐𝑖′ = 31 MPa. Using 12-
1/2” diameter seven wire stress relieved tendons (Grade 270), check the stresses of concrete at
the midspan for the following stages:
a. immediately after transfer, and
b. at service load condition. Assume prestress losses of 18%.

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