Traps, Trammels & Triggers

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Publisher: Grim Press

Project Lead: Trevor Armstrong

Designer: Jeffrey Fischer
Editor: Anthony Rush
Artists: Bob Greyvenstein (cover), Justin Andrew Mason (traps)

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Traps, Trammels, and Triggers (v1.2) is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition compatible supplement designed as a resource for
game masters to use in their adventures. This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) located on the last page of
this product.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a,
Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue,
plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game
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Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this Grim Press product are
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Copyright © Grim Press 2021
raps are found throughout the realm
in a variety of forms, both creative and
sinister. Stepping in the wrong spot
may cause an adventurer to fall into
a pit lined with fouled spikes,
tampering with a lock may cause a
poisoned needle to spring forth, or
uttering a magical phrase may cause a whiplash of
arcane energies back unto the unwitting.

The most sinister traps are those designed to infect, poison, Some of the most devious of traps have a
maim or disfigure rather than kill outright. In some cases, disguise concealing another mechanism, adding a level of
multiple layers or combinations of traps may be set, such that complexity to the trap or device.
only the most cunning may overcome. Adventurers best be on Setting the Difficulty Class (DC) of a trap requires
their guard against traps of all kinds lest they be taken forethought on the part of the Game Master (GM). Intrinsic to
unaware. This book uses a variety of terms throughout, their very nature, traps should be difficult for hasty
which are defined for easy reference: adventurers to notice, but discerning players should be
Illaqueator (ill-a-quay-tor). Master trap setters, typically the rewarded! Each of the traps detailed in this supplement
ones looking to protect their riches or prized possessions. indicate a corresponding DC, but a GM may wish to alter a
concealment DC to be more or less obvious. To conceptualize
Mechanical Trap. These traps result in a physical impact on this, a GM might consider the level and skill set of the non-
the environment or an adventurer. player character (or monster) that is setting the trap. Are they
far beyond the capabilities of a typical adventuring party? If
Magical Trap. Are traps that initiate a mystical effect in so, surely they would set up a more inconspicuous trap than a
response to being triggered. lowly goblin. The Concealed Traps & Devices Detection
Alarm. While typically benign, these traps serve to alert an table can help to give some inspiration.
illaqueator that their goods are being tampered with by
Deterrent. These traps are designed to discourage or
mislead a creature from approaching an area or reaching
an object. Novice DC 10 Investigation or
DC 13 Passive Perception
Obstruction. Traps that inhibit or prevent a creature from Amateur DC 13 Investigation or
taking an action or reaching a location. DC 16 Passive Perception
Offensive. Usually deadly in nature, the intent of these traps Adept DC 16 Investigation or
is to maim or disfigure a creature when triggered. DC 19 Passive Perception
Expert DC 19 Investigation or
All traps consist of two basic components: a Trigger and an DC 22 Passive Perception
Effect. Both triggers and effects may be either physical or Master DC 22 Investigation or
magical in nature. Physical triggers rely on contact to DC 25 Passive Perception
activate, such as triplines, snares, or pressure plates. Magical
triggers on the other hand may be activated by voice or
command phrase, such as a wizard casting a spell in the Similar to concealment, a GM may wish to increase or lessen
vicinity of a spell trap, which causes a whiplash of magical the damage done by a trap. The Offensive Trap Damage
energies. As you pore through the pages of this book, please Scaling table highlights how to scale a trap by changing the
consider that any number of trigger and effect combinations die used for different levels of deadliness.
may be used in conjunction to build a trap.

Seldom are traps obvious, other than those deterrents an

illaqueator wishes to advertise. Most traps are concealed Trivial d4
through some clever mechanism or disguise, and hidden
from view. For example, a snare may be concealed by a layer Minor d6
of fallen leaves and debris, a spiked pit may be hidden by a Major d8
false floor, a flame-spitting orb may be hidden within the Traumatic d10
mouth of a statue, or a chest may be hidden behind an
illusory false wall. Devastating d12
Catastrophic d20

Brand (2) Barricade (3)
Cinnabar Dust (2) Corpse Wall (1)
Eye of the Magi (2) Corrupted Ground (3)
Farsight Portal (1) Covetous Compulsion (1)
Fireworks (3) Curse of Eternal Damnation
Godlike Visage Dead Man's Snare (1)
Invisible Sentry Doom Slide (3)
Night's Repose (2) Escape Tunnel (4)
Ringing Bell Tripline (1) False Ceiling (2)
Rusty Hinges (1) False Wall (1)
Sentry Raven (1) Field of Dreams
Shadowlord's Servant (1) Field of Etherealness (3)
Stone Fury (1) Grasp of the Dead (2)
Telepathic Ward (3) Grotto of Levitation (1)
Thieves's Curse (2) Hidden Portcullis (3)
Thunderclap Alarm (3) Ice Gyve (2)
Wailing Bolt (1) Mirror of Virtue (2)
Nature's Snare (2)
Phantasmal Wall (1)
Rockslide (2)
Adhesive (3) Shroud of Shadows
Arcanist's Volatile Lock (1) Sifting Sands
Aura of the False Idol (1) Silveron Web
Bloodlust Enchantment Twinned Plane Shifter (2)
Dampening Field (1) Vessel of Avarice (3)
Dazzling Lights (2)
Death's Breath Spores (3)
Effigy's Gaze (1)
Exploding Gem Billowing Stench (1)
Fallen Idol Bone Storm (1)
False Lock (1) Caustic Treasure
Frost Glaze (1) Coal Dust Explosives (2)
Gas Orbs (4) Deadfall (2)
Grease Coating (2) Exploding Corpse (1)
Illusory Wall (1) Eye of the Befouler
Mental Deflection Flametongue (2)
Neural Disruptor (1) Hall of Elemental Chaos
Peaceful Slumber (1) Machicolations (4)
Portent of Doom (1) Murder Holes (5)
Puzzle Box (3) Phylactery of Shadows (2)
Reliquary of Frost Pit (4)
Serpent's Maw (2) Plague Rat Trap (1)
Shadow's Embrace Pressure Plate Footspike (2)
Thieves' Counterpick (2) Quicksilver Looking Glass
Trespasser's Warning (3) Sanguis Curse (2)
Tumbler Counterbalance (2) Scorpion
Unholy Blessing (2) Shadow's Grasp
Veil of the Fallen (1) Simulacrum Magi (3)
Vitality Siphon (2) Spring Spear Trap (1)
Weakening Affliction (1) Spider's Gossamer Strands (2)
Writhing Runes (2) Spider's Fangs (2)
Zone of Complete Stillness (1) Swinging Log (1)
Trapper's Steel Jaws (1)
Whispering Scythes (1)
Wizard's Bane (1)

Mechanical trap, deterrent
Adhesive substances may be applied to coat a variety of
surfaces. A simple adhesive is boiled down from the sticky
sap of a pine tree, concentrated into a sticky amber-hued
resin that can slow the movement of a creature moving
through a coated area: floors coated with an adhesive are
considered difficult terrain. They also make operating knobs,
locks, mechanisms, and devices more difficult to use. For
example, a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check using thieves'
tools to pick an adhesive-coated lock are made with
disadvantage. As an added benefit, adhesives leave clear
patterns such as footprints, alerting nearby creatures that
others have passed through.
Adhesives made from pine sap appear as a shiny amber-
hued coating upon a surface, requiring a DC 11 Intelligence
(Investigation) check or a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check
to notice. An adhesive may be removed with the aid of an
alcohol-based solvent, taking 1 minute to clear a 5-foot area                '
of adhesive.                
Alchemist's Epoxy (Variant): A strong compound concocted
in a laboratory, the alchemist's epoxy is a clear adhesive that
is more difficult to notice, requiring a DC 13 Intelligence
(Investigation) check or a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check.
A creature that touches the alchemist's epoxy becomes
restrained and must succeed on a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) Magical trap (abjuration), deterrent
check to break free. Alternatively, the epoxy may be removed
with an oil-based solvent, taking 1 minute to clear a 5-foot Some illaqueators choose to use not physical locks, but
area of epoxy. rather conjure magical clasps of volatile energy that appear
as deep blue aether without a discernible opening
Corrosive Fixative (Variant): The result of an alchemist's mechanism or lock. These locks hum slightly, as though
tinkering, a corrosive fixative burns and scores leather and containing an electrical charge, noticeable to any creature
metal that comes into contact with it. Upon coming into within 5 feet of it. An arcanist's volatile lock may be
contact with nonmagical armor, the armor partly scorched or suppressed for 1 minute if a creature utters the correct
corroded, taking a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to password or phrase within 5 feet of the lock, allowing that
the AC it offers. The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces creature to touch and open the lock. After 1 minute has
its AC to 10 due to repeated exposure. A nonmagical weapon passed, the lock magically reforms. A successful DC 13
that contacts the corrosive fixative takes a permanent and Intelligence (Arcana) check will indicate that uttering an
cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to incorrect password will cause the energy held within the
-5 due to repeated exposure, the weapon is destroyed. volatile lock to spark and leap.
In addition to the fixative's effect on equipment, a creature If an incorrect password or phrase is spoken, any creature
that comes into contact with a corrosive fixative takes 3d6 within 15 feet of the arcanist's volatile lock must succeed on
acid damage (no save), plus an additional 1d6 acid damage a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 lightning
every round for 2d6 rounds unless it uses an action to wash damage. The lock can only be damaged by magical weapons
off the fixative with a large quantity of water. A corrosive (AC 15, 33 Hit Points). A creature that touches, attacks, or
fixative requires a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to tries to pick the lock takes 1d6 lightning damage (no saving
notice. throw). The lock can be suppressed by magical means, such
Spider's Glue (Variant): Collected from lairs where spiders as with a knock or dispel magic spell.
congregate by obtaining glands from giant spiders, spider's Arcanist's Repelling Lock (Variant): An arcanist's repelling
glue is dangerous to obtain. It is more difficult to detect when lock also requires a successful password or phrase to
coated on a surface, requiring a DC 15 Intelligence suppress it. Any creature that touches the lock must succeed
(Investigation) check or a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check. on DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check or be forcefully thrown
Spider's glue is a very potent adhesive. A creature that 10 feet away from the lock. If a creature within 15 feet
touches a surface coated with spider's glue is restrained. A attempts to open it with an incorrect password or phrase, a
creature restrained by the glue can use its action to make a wave of force is emitted outward from the repelling lock.
DC 15 Strength check. If it succeeds, it is no longer Each creature within 15 feet must succeed on a DC 15
restrained. Alternatively, the spider's glue may be wiped or Strength saving throw or take 1d10 force damage and be
washed away with a water-based solvent, taking 1 minute to thrown up to 20 feet away from the lock and are knocked
clear a 5-foot area of glue. prone.

Magical trap (enchantment), deterrent Mechanical trap, obstruction
An aura of false idol enchantment may be cast upon a statue, A simple barricade is an effective means to slow opposing
idol, or other item of worship with the intent of bewitching forces, hastily built from whatever debris is available —
those who gaze upon it. Each creature within a 30 feet of an available chairs, tables, and other furniture allow it to be
object enchanted with the aura of the false idol begins to feel constricted to any length and width. A barricade is
at peace. A creature that is at peace begins to have their considered difficult terrain to move through, and can be
wounds slowly heal at a rate of 1d4 hit points each round that destroyed (AC 11, 18 hit points). Alternatively, creatures may
they remain within the aura's area until they are fully healed. succeed on a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
However, each time after a creature is healed by the aura, it (Acrobatics) check to leap over the barricade.
must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or fall sleep.
A sleeping creature wakes up if it takes damage or another Flaming Barricade (Variant): A barricade may be lit on fire,
creature uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. If and will burn fiercely for 2 rounds before the barricade is
a creature remains asleep for 1 minute, it must succeed on a destroyed. A creature attempting to move through a flaming
DC 15 Constitution saving throw or will be unable to awake barricade must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking
unless through magical means, such as by a paladin's lay on 1d12 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
hands ability or a remove curse spell. on a successful save. 1 round after a flaming barricade has
The aura of the false idol appears as a faint golden nimbus been destroyed, the area is filled with hot embers. A creature
surrounding an affected idol, which may be removed with a that steps on the embers must make a DC 12 Dexterity
dispel magic spell. saving throw, taking 1d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half
as much damage on a successful save.
Aura of the Vampire Lord (Variant): An aura of the vampire
lord placed upon an idol drains hit points instead. An Sturdy Barricade (Variant): A sturdy barricade is reinforced
illaqueator that enchants an idol with this aura sets a with objects such as bookcases, desks, and wardrobes,
command word to activate or deactivate it. Once activated, making it taller, thicker, and can take more impervious to
each creature other than the illaqueator that is within 60 feet damage (AC 13, 40 hit points). A creature must make a
of the enchanted idol must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to climb over a
saving throw at the start of its turn. On a failure, the creature sturdy barricade. A study barricade can also be lit on fire,
takes 1d4 necrotic damage. The illaqueator gains hit points creating a flaming barricade that burns for 6 rounds before
equal to the necrotic damage done. being destroyed instead of 2.
The aura of the vampire lord appears as a faint crimson Siege Wall (Variant): A siege wall consists of two parts. The
nimbus surrounding an affected idol, which may be removed first is a 10-foot wide, 5-foot deep ditch lined with sharpened
with a DC 15 dispel magic spell. wooden spikes. The second is a reinforced wooden palisade
that is 5 feet tall (AC 15, 60 hit points) set just behind the
ditch. Designed specifically to withstand opposing infantry
and cavalry, a siege wall provides a formidable barrier. A
creature may attempt to jump over the ditch and grab on to
the wooden palisade, but must succeed on a DC 13 Strength
saving throw or fall backward into the ditch. A creature that
enters the ditch must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw.
If the creature attempted to jump over the ditch and failed, it
makes the Dexterity save with disadvantage. On a failure, a
creature takes 2d6 piercing damage, or half as much damage
on a success. A creature can climb out of the ditch with a
successful DC 11 Strength (Athletics) check and climb over
the wooden palisade with a successful DC 15 Strength
(Athletics) check.


Magical trap (conjuration), offensive Magical trap (evocation), alarm
The faint smell of sulfur indicates the presence of a billowing The brand enchantment may be placed upon levers, knobs, or
stench trap in the vicinity, noticed on a successful DC 13 door handles to ward them, and when triggered, alerts the
Wisdom (Perception) check. When triggered, a large amount illaqueator to the presence of an intruder. Fine tendrils of
of yellow, noxious, sulfur-smelling gas is released that fills a flame and faint shimmering of heat emanating from the
30-foot-radius sphere. Each creature within the affected area enchanted object indicate its presence, requiring a successful
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or spend DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check or a DC 15 Wisdom
its turn vomiting violently and unable to take any other (Perception) check to notice. Any creature that touches a
actions. At the end of each of its turns, a creature may make brand takes 1d4 fire damage as its hand is seared by the trap.
another DC 13 Constitution saving throw, and is able to stop Additionally, if the illaqueator who set the trap is within 500
vomiting and take action on a successful save. Creatures that feet of the brand when it is triggered, the illaqueator
are immune to poison or do not require air to breathe are magically knows of the location of the creature that triggered
immune to this effect. Vision within a billowing stench cloud it for the next hour. A brand trap can be dispelled with a
is heavily obscured, and creatures outside can only see 10 dispel magic spell.
feet into a billowing stench cloud. Ranged attacks made into
the billowing stench cloud are made with disadvantage. The Frostbrand (Variant): A filigree of ice and cooler
cloud disperses in 5 rounds, or more rapidly if a strong gust temperature can be used to identify a frostbrand ward,
of wind blows it away. requiring a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check or a
DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice. Any creature
Odorless Death (Variant): The faint hissing of gas is the touching a warded device will take 1d4 cold damage as its
only clue an odorless death trap has triggered, which requires hand goes numb. A creature that takes cold damage from this
a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice. trap must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On
Once triggered, each creature within a 30-foot-radius sphere a failure, a creature makes weapon attacks at disadvantage
centered on the trap must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution until it completes a short or long rest. This effect can be
saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute and take 3d10 removed by magical means, such as a paladin's lay on hands
poison damage. If a creature poisoned by the odorless death ability or a remove curse spell.
trap starts its turn in the area, it takes an additional 1d8 If the illaqueator who set the trap is within 500 feet of the
poison damage and must make another DC 13 Constitution frostbrand when it is triggered, the illaqueator magically
saving throw. In a failure, it must spend that turn vomiting knows of the location of the creature that triggered it for the
violently and is unable to take any other actions. The cloud next hour. A frostbrand trap can be dispelled with a dispel
disperses in 5 rounds, or more rapidly if a strong gust of wind magic spell.
blows it away.
Shockbrand (Variant): A faint hum and prickle of static
electricity denotes the presence of a shocker trap, requiring a
successful DC 11 Intelligence (Arcana) check or a DC 13
Magical trap (enchantment), deterrent Wisdom (Perception) check to notice. Any creature touching
A bloodlust curse may be placed upon any object. A creature an enchanted object will take 1d8 lightning damage. A
that touches the cursed object must succeed on a DC 13 creature that takes lightning damage from this trap must also
Wisdom saving throw or be cursed. A cursed creature see a succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned
phantasmal visage manifest itself around a random creature for 1 minute.
within 30 feet of the enchanted object, which becomes the If the illaqueator who set the trap is within 500 feet of the
phantasmal visage's host. Only the cursed creature can see shockbrand when it is triggered, the illaqueator magically
the phantasmal visage, which resembles a something deeply knows of the location of the creature that triggered it for the
offensive to its motivations or alignment, causing the cursed next hour. A shockbrand trap can be dispelled with a DC 15
creature to be overcome with rage and bloodlust. In this fury, dispel magic spell.
the affected creature must use its turn to move towards and
attack the phantasmal visage's host. The phantasmal visage
itself is not affected by attacks of any kind. The cursed
creature may repeat its saving throw after each successful
attack it makes against the phantasmal visage's host. The
curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell, or if the
cursed creature succeeds on its saving throw.

Magical trap (necromancy), offensive Mechanical trap, alarm
A necromantic curse cast upon skeletal remains, a bone A deep reddish pigment mined from deposits where volcanic
storm hurtles sharpened bone fragments at unsuspecting activity has occurred or from alkaline hot springs, cinnabar is
creatures when triggered. It may be cast either upon a typically used as a dye or coloring agent. However, its dust is
reanimated undead creature or naturally occuring skeletal also highly toxic, and coats the soles of creatures that pass
remains. If cast upon an undead creature, if the creature is through coated areas with a brilliant red color. Any
reduced to 0 hit points, its body will explode and each disturbances to dusted areas such as footprints or hand
creature within 20 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 marks are easily noticed with a successful DC 8 Wisdom
Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 piercing damage. (Perception) check. A creature that passes through a dusted
If placed upon skeletal remains, a creature that touches or area kicks the substance up into the air and must make a DC
otherwise disturbes the remains triggers the trap. Each 13 Constitution saving throw to avoid breathing in cinnabar
creature within 20 feet of the remains must succeed on a DC dust, taking 1d4 poison damage on a failed save. This saving
15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 piercing damage. A DC throw must be made for each round a creature remains in a
13 Intelligence (Arcana) check will reveal a faint necromancy dusted area. Objects that remain in a disturbed area for 3 or
aura upon affected remains. The trap may be removed from more rounds become stained red, and take 1 hour to wash
skeletal remains through magical means, such as with a clean.
bless, dispel magic, or remove curse spell. Any sudden gust of wind that stirs up cinnabar dust causes
it to accumulate into a cloud with a 30-foot-radius sphere,
Putrid Bone Storm (Variant): A bone storm trap may but coating creatures and objects in the area in red pigment. A
also be placed upon decaying and putrid remains. When creature that starts its turn in a cinnabar dust cloud must
triggered, the affected remains explode and each creature make a successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be
within a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on the remains must poisoned for 1 minute. A creature poisoned by a cinnabar
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 dust cloud takes 2d4 poison damage at the end of its turn.
piercing damage. Additionally, a creature that takes piercing Creatures are affected even if they hold their breath or don’t
damage from a putrid bone trap must succeed on a DC 13 need to breathe.
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour.
Hematite Filings (Variant) Obtained from mining iron ore,
hematite filings appear as fine crystalline silvery powder that
Mechanical trap, offensive is easily noticed. Creatures passing through areas dusted
with hematite filings leave tracks and marks, noticed with a
This trap consists of a number of coins, gems, or other successful DC 9 Wisdom (Perception) check. A creature that
valuable material placed within a container and coated or disturbs the dust must make a successful DC 13 Constitution
immersed in a small amount of a clear, nearly odorless liquid saving throw to avoid inhaling the dust, taking 1d4 piercing
that smells faintly bitter. The valuables become slippery to damage, breathing in the sharp metal filings on a failed save.
the touch, and the substance may be identified as caustic if a If a creature spends more than 2 turns in an area coated in
creature makes a successful DC 13 Intelligence hematite filings, it becomes coated in hematite and, due to
(Investigation) check. A creature that touches the coated the conductive nature of the filings, is vulnerable to lightning
treasure or the liquid in the container with exposed skin damage until it spends 10 minutes washing the filings off
begins to feel a burning sensation after 5 minutes and takes with water.
1d4 acid damage. If a creature ingests the caustic substance, Sawdust and Wood Shavings (Variant): Sawdust and wood
it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take shavings are extremely common, the result of woodcutting
2d6 acid damage at the start of each turn. The effect ends if and crafting, and can be used to create a simple trap. Areas
the affected creature receives healing of any kind. covered in sawdust are prone to catch fire: any spark or
If the caustic substance comes into contact with certain ignition source in an area coated in sawdust can cause a
nonmagical materials (such as a backpack or coin purse), it raging conflagration. If a sawdust coated area catches fire,
begins dissolving them. Cloth is destroyed within 5 minutes. any creature within that area must make a successful DC 13
Leather is destroyed within 10 minutes. Wood is destroyed Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 fire damage on a failed
within 15 minutes. The caustic liquid may be neutralized by save or half as much damage on a successful one.
an equivalent amount of acid or by washing away with large
excesses of water.


Magical trap (necromancy), obstruction
Magically constructed from the rotting and dismembered
remains of slain humanoids, a corpse wall of any length and
any height is bound together by foul swirling necromantic
energies. The corpse wall serves as a ghastly warning to any
who would pass. A creature seeking to climb a corpse wall
must make a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check.
                              Each 5-foot section of the wall can be destroyed (AC 12, 25
                               hit points), but doing so by physical means disrupts the
necromantic energies binding the corpse wall together. These
energies burst forth violently, requiring creatures within 10
feet of the corpse wall to make a DC 13 Intelligence saving
throw. A creature takes 2d10 necrotic damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The
corpse wall is vulnerable to fire damage and radiant damage.
Animated Corpse Wall (Variant): The animated corpse wall
is a further desecration of the dead. The limbs of the corpses
bound to the wall animate if the wall senses sentient
creatures within 30 feet of it. A creature may attempt to climb
the wall by succeeding on a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check,
but takes 1d6 piercing damage for every 5 feet it climbs. If a
creature ends its turn on the wall, it is grappled by the
animated corpse wall. A grappled creature can use its action
to attempt to break the grapple (escape DC 16).

Mechanical trap, offensive Magical trap (necromancy), obstruction

Coal dust is highly flammable and explosive, and can be Faint tendrils of necrotic energy twine and writhe along the
made into simple explosives that are treated as land mines. ground in a 30-foot-radius circle. This trap is sensed with a
They consist of a mass of coal dust loaded into a bag of thin successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check that reveals the
cloth or linen and used in a strategic location, occupying a 5- taint of corruption within the earth. This trap may be
foot square. Designed to sow chaos in besieging forces or dispelled with a dispel magic spell. While in the area, a good
disrupt a pursuit, an ignition source such as a flaming arrow aligned creature makes attack rolls with disadvantage and
or fire magic can be used to ignite a coal dust explosive. A takes 1d6 necrotic damage if it ends its turn while standing
creature may make a ranged attack against a bag of coal dust on the corrupted ground.
(AC 11). If ignited, A creature within a 15-foot-radius sphere
centered on the coal dust explosive must make a DC 15 Defiled Ground (Variant): Defiled ground is a 30-foot-radius
Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d12 fire damage on failed circle on the ground. Good aligned creatures standing upon
save or half as much damage on a successful one. If a the 30-foot-radius defiled ground make ability checks, attack
creature is standing in the 5-foot square occupied by the coal rolls, and saving throws with disadvantage. The defiled
dust explosive, it makes the save with disadvantage. ground is considered difficult terrain, and they take 1d10
Shrapnel-laden Coal Dust Explosives (Variant): Coal dust necrotic damage for every 5 feet they move within the area.
explosives may be laden with random blacksmith scraps, Desecrated Ground (Variant): Desecrated ground is a 30-
such as used nails, metal shards, or other debris. In addition foot-radius circle on the ground. Undead creatures standing
to dealing its normal damage as described above, a target area have advantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving
takes an additional 1d6 piercing damage from flying shrapnel throws.
if they fail their Dexterity saving throw.
Seeded Coal Dust (Variant): A room, passage, or area of Unholy Ground (Variant): Unholy ground is a 5-foot
any size may be littered with fine dust that, when disturbed, is necromantic square placed upon the ground. It is easily
cast into the air. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) noticed with a DC 12 Intelligence (Religion) check. The
check reveals the dust particulates before they are disturbed. unholy ground is activated when a living creature walks
An ignition source causes the disturbed coal particulates to within 15 feet of it, and remains active until destroyed. When
ignite, instantly causing a flash of flame. Creatures within the activated, and at the beginning of each round afterwards, a
disturbed area take 1d12 fire damage with no saving throw. A random incorporeal undead creature rises of CR 4 or less
gust of wind disperses the particulates. rises up from the unholy ground and attacks the nearest
living creature. Unholy ground can be destroyed by a creature
using an action to douse it in holy water.

Magical trap (enchantment), obstruction Magical trap (necromancy), obstruction
A covetous compulsion enchantment emanates in a 40-foot- Used to ward the lairs of necromantic illaqueators, the curse
radius sphere around an enchanted object. A strong urge to of the eternal damnation is found on undead beings such as
possess the object suggests the presence of this trap, which skeletons and zombies. An undead creature with this curse
may be identified with a successful DC 15 Intelligence that is slain will reanimate at the start of its next turn with
(Arcana) check. As a creature approaches the object, it feels a half of its maximum hit points. If slain again, it will reanimate
strong compulsion to touch it, and must succeed on a DC 13 one final time with one quarter its previous maximum hit
Wisdom saving throw or become enthralled and must use its points, but make attack rolls with disadvantage due to the
turn to move as close to the object as possible. When a physical trauma of being slain and rising again.
creature is within 5 feet of the object, it must succeed on a Undead creatures affected by this curse appear more
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or touch the object. Another robust and have a reddish hue to their eye sockets that may
creature can use its reaction to attempt to prevent an be identified with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana or
enthralled creature from moving towards the object with Religion) check. Creatures slain twice do not rise again, and
contesting Strength (Athletics) checks. undead beings affected by this curse become vulnerable to
A creature that touches the object will take it and guard it radiant damage if they are not already.
jealously. A creature holding the object will attack any
creature that moves within 5 feet of it, but otherwise takes no
actions. A creature holding the object can repeat the DC 15 Magical trap (abjuration), deterrent
Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on itself on a success and becoming immune to the A dampening field is an area 20-foot-radius sphere centered
object's effect for 24 hours. The effect is also be ended if an upon an enchanted magical object. All spells cast within the
enchanted creature takes 2d10 damage or with a dispel dampening field have a 50% chance of failing to manifest, but
magic spell. If two or more creatures touch the object, they still consume a spell slot. Spells that manifest do so at half
will attack each other in an effort to control the item. their normal effectiveness, dealing half of their normal
Vampiric Compulsion (Variant): Upon touching an damage or have their effects last only half the normal
enchanted object, a creature will feel the irresistible impulse duration.
to attack, using its turn to make a weapon attack against a A dampening field is identified with a successful DC 13
creature within range. It will also use its bonus action to Intelligence (Arcana) check. The enchanted object emitting a
make a bite attack the target. The affected creature has dampening field can be destroyed (AC 12, 20 hit points) but is
advantage on its bite attack, which deals 1d6 piercing immune to nonmagical damage. A successful DC 16 dispel
damage if successful. The effect lasts 1 minute or until the magic spell cast upon the enchanted object will also cause
affected creature takes 2d10 damage. the dampening field to dissipate. Upon destroying the
enchanted object or dissipating the field causes each creature
in the area must make a DC 13 Intelligence saving throw,
taking 4d6 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
                          Disruption Field (Variant): No magic may be cast within a
disruption field. Any spells cast into the affected area from
outside dissipate once they enter the affected area. Any
magical effects upon creatures entering the affected area are
removed. Magical abilities are negated, and the magical
nature of such weapons is halved (rounding up). For example,
a +2 weapon is only considered +1. The disruption field may
only be destroyed by physical attacks upon the enchanted
item, and destroying the object emits a disruption field that
causes each creature within 60 feet of it to make a DC 15
Intelligence saving throw, taking 6d6 psychic damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Magical trap (illusion), deterrent
A simple enchantment commonly bestowed upon treasure
chests or books. When triggered by opening an enchanted
object, a blinding light pours out of the open object. Any
creature within 20 feet when the object is opened must
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be blinded
for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, an affected target
may make another Constitution saving throw, with a
successful saving throw ending the effect. The trap may be
identified with a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana)
check, and removed with a dispel magic spell.                       
Disorienting Lights (Variant). In addition to affected
creatures within 20 feet of the object being blinded, if a
creature fails its Constitution saving throw, it must spend its
turn moving a random direction and can use no other
Neural Shock (Variant): The light emitted from an opened Mechanical trap, obstruction
chest is of a specific wavelength that disrupts neural
pathways. Creatures that fail their Constitution saving throw The dead man's snare resembles a snare for small game
are blinded for 1 minute and also take 2d6 psychic damage creatures, but designed for medium-sized humanoids. A thin
as the neural pathways in their brain are interrupted. loop of woven steel wire is attached to a heavy
counterbalance, both of which are hidden with underbrush or
debris. The wire is hung over a sturdy branch or other similar
Mechanical trap, offensive counterpoint. When triggered, a creature must succeed on a
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or its leg becomes entangled
A deadfall trap consists of a heavy object such as a boulder or as it steps through the snare, pulling on the wire causes the
log precariously angled and held by a constructed and counterbalance to fall, rapidly lifting the creature by the leg
camouflaged frame. When a creature disturbs the frame or and suspending the target upside down. The thin wire is
triggers a tripwire, the object falls upon the creature below. A detected with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) or DC 15 check or a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check. The snare
Wisdom (Perception) check is required to notice the trigger may be disarmed with a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight
mechanism. The DC can be increased by 2 if the trap is well of Hand) check.
camouflaged. When triggered, creatures within a 5 foot radius A creature caught in the snare and suspended vertically is
below the deadfall must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving considered restrained, and can't move until it is cut down. If
throw or take 3d10 bludgeoning damage. the creature remains suspended for 1 minute, it must
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or fall
Acid Splatter Deadfall (Variant): A large and full vessel of unconscious. If successful, the creature must make another
acid is placed below the deadfall. When triggered, the deadfall Constitution saving throw at the start of each turn it is
crushes the acid, causing it to spray outward in a 20-foot- ensnared, with a cumulative +1 increase to the saving throw
radius sphere. Creatures within this area must make a DC 15 DC each round.
Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 acid damage from the The snare can be cut (AC 8, 10 hit points), or broken with a
spray on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful DC 17 Strength check.
successful one. Dead Man's Noose (Variant): Rather than the snare being
Sloped Deadfall (Variant): The deadfall trap is constructed camouflaged and on the ground, the noose is suspended in a
over a naturally or constructed slope, such as a hillside or dimly lit area at neck height. This trap is easier to spot,
sloped ditch. After the suspended heavy object falls, it will roll requiring a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation)
down the slope. Any creature in its path must succeed on a check or Wisdom (Perception) check. When triggered, a
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 bludgeoning creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
damage and be knocked prone. On a successful save, a the noose wraps around its neck and it becomes suspended
creature jumps out of the way of the heavy object and must 10 feet above the ground. The wire slices into the neck of the
move to an unoccupied space within 15 feet of their current creature, causing 1d6 slashing damage per round, as the
location. creature thrashes about in the noose. A suspended creature
will automatically lose consciousness if it is suspended at the
end of its next turn, and will strangle to death in 1 minute if
not released. The creature cannot make any verbal sounds
while suspended, and is restrained.
The snare can be cut (AC 10, 12 hit points), or broken with
a successful DC 17 Strength check.

Mechanical trap, deterrent Mechanical trap, obstruction
Fungi are found ubiquitously throughout any ecosystem. Constructed as a means of entertainment for powerful and
While many have medicinal or nutritious properties, others nefarious individuals, a doom slide is either a solid steep
are toxic and produce poisonous spores. slide, linear or spiral, that is camouflaged at the top of the
Death's breath fungi may be found on decaying logs and slide or appears as a solid floor. It is triggered by a lever, with
fallen trees. While naturally occurring, these fungi can also pressure of greater than 100 lbs, which causes the slide top
be seeded intentionally. They appear as unremarkable to give way. The slide can be identified with a successful DC
mushrooms to the untrained eye, but a successful DC 15 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check or DC 15 Wisdom
Intelligence (Nature) check will reveal their identity. When (Perception) check. When triggered, a creature on the top of
mature, the death's breath fungus will periodically release a the doom slide must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to
puff of toxic spores, which also occurs if they are physically leap clear of the slide. On a failed save, the creature slides
disturbed by a creature moving through a seeded area. Any uncontrollably down the steep incline (up to 50 feet below).
creature within 5 feet of a disturbed mature Death's Breath Once the creature hits the bottom of the slide, it takes 1d8
fungi must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or bludgeoning damage from the impact caused by the
inhale its spores, taking 1d6 poison damage and becoming creature's momentum. The typical landing spot at the bottom
poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this manner, a of a doom slide is a 20-foot cube pit, with the exit to the doom
creature spends its turn coughing uncontrollably. The poison slide 10 feet above the pit's floor. A creature may climb out of
can be cured through natural or magical means. However, the pit and up the doom slide with a successful DC 17
even after it is cured, the creature's immune system becomes Strength (Athletics) check.
weakened and it makes Constitution saving throws with
disadvantage until it completes a long rest. Ravenous Fate (Variant): In the 20-foot cube pit at the
bottom of the doom slide, 1d8 poisonous giant snakes await
Madcap Spores (Variant): Madcap mushrooms are creatures as they exit the doom slide.
speckled, pale blue fungi identified with a successful DC 13
Intelligence (Nature) check. If disturbed, they release spores Watery Grave (Variant): The pit below is filled with water 10
into a 5 foot radius. A creature within this radius must feet deep. A successful DC 19 Strength (Athletics) check is
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or begin to required to climb out of the slippery, brackish pit.
hallucinate until it completes a short or long rest. A Pit of Impalement (Variant): The pit at the end of the doom
hallucinating creature can be cured through natural or slide is lined with sharpened stakes of wood or bone. Upon
magical means. While hallucinating, a creature acts exiting the doom slide, a creature must make a DC 17
randomly on its turn determined by rolling a d4: Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 piercing damage on a
1: The creature laughs uncontrollably and hysterically failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
2: The creature moves its maximum movement in a random
3: The creature makes a melee attack against a random
nearby creature
4: The creature takes no action at all.     '
Sleeper's Touch Spores (Variant): The sleeper's touch
fungus has a broad, deep brown head that is identified with a
DC 13 Intelligence (Nature) check. A creature within 5 feet of
a disturbed sleeper's touch must make a DC 13 Constitution
saving throw or fall unconscious for 1 minute. An
unconscious creature can't be slapped or shaken awake, but
can be awoken by taking more than 10 hit points worth of
Ghast's Toadstool (Variant): Appearing in underground
environments as a sickly looking greenish moss, ghast's
toadstool can be identified with a DC 12 Intelligence (Nature)
check. A creature within 5 feet of a disturbed ghast's
toadstool must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
inhale its spores and be paralyzed for 1 minute.
Additionally, when the paralysis fades from an affected
creature, it still remains sluggish, making Dexterity saving
throws with disadvantage until it completes a long rest.

Mechanical trap, obstruction
An escape tunnel is used by illaqueators as a means to
retreat rapidly from threats invading their lairs or hideouts.
They are camouflaged to avoid detection, allowing more time
for a creature to flee and designed to make passage through
the escape tunnel difficult if a creature is unfamiliar with it.
An escape tunnel varies in length, anywhere from is 20 feet to
200 feet long and typically only 3 to 4 feet in height. The
tunnel is considered difficult terrain for Medium or larger
Obstructions such as roots and rocks jut out of the tunnel's
entrance and exit, helping to camouflage its location.                                  '
Detection requires a successful DC 15 Intelligence                                  
(Investigation) check or DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check to
Collapsing Escape Tunnel (Variant): A collapsing escape
tunnel has simple wooden braces holding up a 10 foot
section at a point within the tunnel. These can be knocked Magical trap (transmutation), deterrent
down as an escaping creature passes. Alternatively, a pursuer
must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw for every 10 feet The effigy's gaze is an enchantment placed upon a statue,
they move through the tunnel. On a failed save, they knock painting, or other effigy of a humanoid creature. Commonly
down a wooden brace, causing debris to fall upon them and used as a prank played by the mischievous upon the
block the tunnel. A creature below a collapsing section of an unwitting, any creature meeting the gaze of the effigy must
escape tunnel takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage, and is succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be transformed
knocked prone beneath the debris. A successful DC 15 into a creature according to the theme of the effigy (decided
Strength (Athletics) check allows a creature to dig itself out, by the GM). For example, a creature peering into the eyes of a
or another creature can pull a buried creature out with a painting depicting a farm scene may be transformed into a
successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check. Clearing a chicken, or a creature examining the gothic statue may be
collapsed section the escape tunnel takes 1 minute per 5-foot transformed into a raven. This effect lasts for 1 hour, or until
cube. dispelled by magical means.
An effigy's gaze enchantment is revealed by a successful
Demon's Tunnel (Variant): The walls of a demon's tunnel DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check or a detect magic spell
are lined with sharpened wooden stakes, metal shards, or cast upon the effigy, which reveals an enchantment placed
spikes. A creature passing through must succeed on a DC 13 upon the effigy. Avoiding the effigy's gaze or casting a dispel
Dexterity saving throw every 10 feet they move through a magic spell will nullify the enchantment.
demon's tunnel, taking 1d6 slashing damage on a failed save. While transformed, the target retains its alignment and
personality, but takes on the characteristics of it's new form
Poison Plume Tunnel (Variant): The walls of a poison including hit dice, abilities, and actions it may perform. The
plume tunnel are covered in lined fungi that releases target's statistics are replaced by that of it's new form. When
poisonous vapors when disturbed. The fungus is noticed with the target reverts back to it's true form, it returns to the same
a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check and can be identified as number of hit points it had before the transformation. Any
poisonous with a DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) check. A damage taken while transformed carries over to the target's
creature passing through must make a DC 12 Dexterity reverted state. The transformed creature cannot speak or
saving throw every 10 feet they move through a poison plume cast spells, nor take any action requiring speech or the use of
tunnel. On a failed save, the creature disrupts the fungi and hands for the duration. All equipment carried by the target is
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take melded into its new form, and reverts to it's true form once
2d4 poison damage and become poisoned until it is able to the transformation ends.
breath fresh air continuously for 1 minute (such as after
exiting the tunnel). Medusa's Gaze (Variant): Found specifically on effigies of
female humanoids, any creature meeting the eyes of the
Rat Tunnel (Variant): In a rat tunnel, several cages each effigy must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
contain a number of starving rats or other vermin. As an have its skin begin turning to stone. If the saving throw fails
escaping illaqueator flees, it releases 1d4 giant rats from by 5 or more, the creature is instantly petrified. Otherwise, a
their cages into the tunnel behind it. The starving rats attack creature that fails the save begins to turn to stone and is
any creatures that come through the tunnel. restrained. The restrained creature must repeat the saving
throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified on a
failure or ending the effect on a success. The petrification
lasts until the creature is freed by the greater restoration
spell or other magic.

Mechanical trap, offensive Magical trap (evocation), deterrent
The corpses of deceased creatures may be seeded with Crystalline matrices of gems and crystals can be used to
fungal and microbial accelerants that increase the rate of the contain arcane power, such as the arcane focus of many
natural putrefaction process that naturally follows death. wizards, and such, exploding gems were created
This accelerated decay causes a seeded corpse to retain (accidentally) as apprentice illaqueators tried to contain
noxious gases that violently explode if slightly disturbed. The magical spells within the lattice of gemstones. Now, these
corpse of any creature may be used to create this trap — exploding gems are created on purpose, and stored amoungst
livestock or recently slain humanoids being most common. A other valueables; treasure chests containing gems and jewels
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check will indicate that may have a few exploding gems mixed in to deter thieves
the bowels of an exploded corpse are severely bloated, from their greedy looting.
volatile, and ready to explode. Any creatures in a 10-foot- While they look like any other precious stone to the
radius sphere of an exploding corpse that has been disturbed mundane observer, those with training in magical arts may
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, notice a slight vibration within the gem as though some
a creature takes 2d8 piercing damage from shards of bone energy within was trying to escape. Exploding gems have an
bursting forth from the corpse, or half as much damage on a inner arcane light that may be identified with a DC 13
successful one. Intelligence (Arcana) check. Due to their fragile nature, the
careless treatment of an exploding gem (AC 10, 1 hit point)
Putrid Exploding Corpse (Variant): If left to putrefy further, will cause it to release the energy bound within. The energy
a corpse may also emit poisonous and noxious gases when within can be dispelled with a dispel magic spell, but when
disturbed. Any creatures caught in a 20-foot-radius sphere of doing so there is a 50% chance that the gemstone itself is
a triggered putrid exploding corpse must succeed on a DC 13 destroyed. The following describes different exploding
Constitution saving throw, taking 1d8 poison damage and gemstones and what happens when they are dropped or
becoming poisoned for 1 minute. otherwise handled poorly:
Flaming Gem: A gem of flame (ruby) releases a fiery inferno.
                         Each creature within 10-foot-radius sphere centered on the
                           gem must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A target
takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. The fiery inferno ignites
nonmagical flammable objects in the area.
Freezing Gem: A gem of frost (aquamarine) sucks in all
ambient heat from the surrounding area and then
explodes. A creature within 5 feet of a gem must succeed
on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d6 cold
damage and becoming frostbitten on a failure. A frostbitten
creature makes Dexterity ability checks, attack rolls, and
saving throws with disadvantage until it completes a long
Shocking Gem: A shocking gem (sapphire) discharges a
massive electrical shock. Each creature within 10-foot-
radius sphere centered on the gem must succeed on a DC
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 1d10 lightning
damage and is stunned for 1 round on a failure.
Blinding Gem: A blinding gem (topaz) emits a massive burst
of holy light. Each creature within 20-foot-radius sphere
   centered on the gem must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity or
      be blinded for 1d6 rounds. A target that is of evil alignment
makes the saving throw with disadvantage and also takes
3d8 radiant damage on a failed save.
Booming Gem: A booming gem (jade) emits a sudden boom
as though a thundercloud were contained within. Each
creature within 30-foot-radius sphere centered on the gem
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
take 2d8 thunder damage and be deafened for 1d6 rounds.
Creatures up to 500 feet away can hear the explosion of a
booming gem.

Magical trap (evocation), offensive Magical trap (divination), alarm
Preserved in embalming fluids and preservatives, the eyes of Used by illaqueators to ward their libraries and lairs, the eye
a mythical creature can be enchanted to gaze upon and target of the magi is a summoned eyeball that telepathically alerts
any movement in front of it. While not as potent as it was in its summoner to the presence of any sentient creature that
life, a preserved eye nevertheless possesses powerful magic approaches within 30 feet of the eye. Once triggered, the
and follows any movement it detects. illaqueator is able to use an action to peer through the eye
The eye is large, unblinking, and suspended in a vat of and may see anything within 60 feet of the eye. The eye itself
bubbling fluids. Covering the eye will prevent it from casting is immobile, and may be set into a door or placed on a desk.
its gaze about, or it may be destroyed physically (AC 12, 30 It resembles a disembodied eyeball that follows movements
hit points). The eye has an aura of magic resistance dictated by its summoner, and may be noticed with a
surrounding it 5 feet in radius; the eye and the vessel in successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) or DC 15
which it is held are resistant to all forms of magical damage. Wisdom (Perception) check. The eye may be destroyed (AC
The eye will instantly fixate upon movement it detects 10, 5 hit points). If destroyed while the illaqueator is peering
within a 60-foot cone, causing any two of the following effects through it, the illaqueator takes 1d4 psychic damage.
to affect a creature in the area (roll a d6 to determine the
effect, rerolling duplicates). If there is more than one target in Spectral Eye of the Magi (Variant): The spectral eye of the
eye's gaze, targets are selected randomly: magi is capable of peering through walls and can observe
anything within 60 feet of it. As it is spectral in nature, only a
1. Telekinetic gaze - The targeted creature must succeed on a faint illusory shimmering denotes its presence, noticeable
DC 15 Strength save or move 30 feet in a random with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana or
direction. Once it has moved, the target is restrained for 1 Investigation) check. Additionally, the spectral eye of the magi
minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end can sense magic if a spell is cast within 120 feet of it. The
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. spectral eye may be destroyed (AC 16, 4 hit points). If
2. Paralyzing gaze - The targeted creature must succeed on a destroyed while the illaqueator is peering through it, the
DC 15 Constitution save or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The illaqueator takes 4d4 psychic damage.
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its Magi's Flaming Eye (Variant): A magi's flaming eye, is
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. bloodshot, lidless, and wreathed in flame, as though
3. Slowing gaze - The targeted creature must succeed on a extracted from a hideous demonic creature. In addition to
DC 15 Dexterity save or have its speed halved for 1 minute. peering through solid surfaces and being able to sense magic,
Additionally, the target can’t take any reactions, and it can any target gazing into it must make a successful DC 15
only make either an action or a bonus action on its turn but Wisdom saving or be frightened for 1d4 turns. The flaming
not both. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end eye may be destroyed (AC 10, 12 hit points), but explodes
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. when done. Each creature with a 30-foot-radius sphere
centered on the eye must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity
4. Sleep gaze - The targeted creature must succeed on a DC saving throw or take 2d8 fire damage. If the eye is destroyed
15 Wisdom save or fall asleep and remain unconscious for while the illaqueator is peering through it, the illaqueator
1 minute. The target awakens if it takes damage or another takes 1d4 psychic damage.
creature uses its action to awake the target. This has no
effect on undead or constructs.
5. Fear gaze - The targeted creature must succeed on a DC
15 Wisdom save or be frightened for 1 minute. The target                         
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,                            
ending the effect on itself on a success.
6. Petrification gaze - The targeted creature must make a DC
15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must repeat the
saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success, the
effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified until freed
by the greater restoration spell or other magic.

Magical trap (necromancy), deterrent Mechanical trap, obstruction
The fallen idol is a magically enchanted statue that bewitches Often found in dungeons or cavern systems, the false ceiling
those that gaze upon it. This trap may be found in a tomb, consists of a carefully disguised ceiling bearing heavy debris,
crypt, or catacomb and is surrounded by humanoid skeletons usually rocks. If a vertical beam supporting the false ceiling is
— the remains of its victims. The idol (AC 12, 80 hit points) is knocked aside, the debris collapses, blocking the passage.
resistant to all nonmagical damage. The necromantic This may be done manually, such as by a guard knocking a
enchantment may be removed with a successful DC 15 dispel support beam with a sledgehammer, or by an unwary
magic spell. creature accidentally knocking the support. A false ceiling
A creature within 60 feet of the idol that gazes upon it must may be up to 100 square feet (10 by 10 feet or 20 feet by 5
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by feet), and may hold up to 1000 lbs of debris. Blocked
the idol. A charmed creature must use its turn to move within passages take 1 hour per 5 feet of debris to clear. The
20 feet of the idol, and once there, the creature will protect supports holding a false ceiling may be recognized as such
the idol from harm to the best of its ability. The creature can with a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check or
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. The false ceiling may
the effect on itself on a success and becoming immune to the be avoided by not disturbing support beams, or a creature
idol's charm for 24 hours. If a creature's saving throw is may shore up the false ceiling with a pony wall, requiring a
successful, it takes 2d8 necrotic damage, and the idol is successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to do so.
healed for the amount of necrotic damage done. Additionally, If a creature is caught beneath a false ceiling when it
whenever the idol is healed, it rolls a d6. On a score of 6, 1d8 collapses, the target must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
skeletons are animated in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet throw, taking 3d10 bludgeoning damage and is knocked
of the idol. prone on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Ajar Door (Variant): A smaller, 5 square foot false ceiling
bearing 250 lbs of debris may be supported by a partially ajar
door carefully positioned to support it. If the door is
disturbed, the false ceiling collapses directly onto the 5-foot
area below, blocking passage through this area. The debris
takes 20 minutes to clear. A creature underneath this space
must make a successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking
2d8 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half on a
successful one.
Insect Shroud (Variant): Rather than debris, light cloth
curtains, shrouds, or drapes may be littered with stinging
insects or vermin such as scorpions, snakes, or other
venomous or deadly vermin. The movement of such vermin is
  noticeable with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
check. Disturbing the shroud causes the vermin to fall onto
the area below. The vermin must be destroyed.


                              Magical trap (divination), alarm
The presence of a sentient creature in a warded lair
telepathically alerts an illaqueator, which may prompt the
opening of a farsight portal. This small portal allows the
illaqueator to check on an area it is familiar with and can
clearly visualize. The portal can't be used to peer into an area
the illaqueator has not seen, cannot clearly visualize, or is
somewhat unfamiliar with. The farsight portal has a range of
500 feet. The use of a farsight portal viewing an area can be
Mechanical trap, deterrent noticed by a creature in that area with a successful DC 17
The false lock is a simple ruse designed to trick a would-be Intelligence (Arcana) check. Additionally, the portal can be
thief into thinking a lock can't be picked. Usually found on a used in reverse - a creature can peer back through the portal
thief's chest, the false lock contains all the components of a and gather information from the illaqueator's location. The
standard, complex lock. However, the tumbler mechanism is portal closes after 30 seconds, and cannot be dispelled.
intentionally milled incorrectly, meaning the lock cannot be Farspeak Portal (Variant): The illaqueator can both see and
picked and opened. A lockpicker will be able to identify this speak through the farsight portal, allowing it to communicate
false mechanism with a successful DC 17 Intelligence with any beings within a 500 foot radius of the portal. Highly
(Investigation) check. Rather than the lock itself being the trained magical spellcasters can also cast spells through the
mechanism to open the chest, a false bottom on the chest, portal.
with putty-filled screws holding a false bottom on the chest
may be identified if the initial Intelligence (Investigation)
check succeeds by 5 or more. This false bottom, once
identified, requires a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight of Mechanical trap, obstruction
Hand) check to open. A DC 19 Strength check may also be Some of the best defenses are those that require no disguise
made to pry open the door on the chest, but success on this and are natural obstructions. To the unwary, the field of
check will result in a 50% chance that both the chest and its dreams appears as nothing more than a meadow of brightly
contents are damaged. colored blue flowers. However, the field of dreams is a
Spring-loaded False Lock (Variant): The spring-loaded cultivated meadow of a flower whose pollen induces
false lock is a minor modification in which a spring-loaded hallucinations if inhaled in sufficient quantity. The field of
mechanism on a locked chest snaps a thief's tools, breaking dreams can be identified with a successful DC 15
them. A successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check Intelligence (Nature) check, and is identified not only by the
by the lockpicker is required to identify and avoid the spring iconic bright blue flowers, but also by an absence of wildlife
mechanism. The lock itself is a ruse and cannot be opened, such as birds in the field only the faint hum of insects may
and the chest can only be opened through its disguised false be heard.
bottom. Creatures passing through the field of dreams must make a
successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw for every turn
spent in the field, or start hallucinating. Hallucinating
creatures will take action based on a 1d4 roll:
Mechanical trap, obstruction
1. An affected creature will have minor visions in the distance
The false wall is a cleverly disguised door or barricade placed and does nothing on its turn.
in front of an opening. Identifying a false wall depends on its
complexity and attention to detail, requiring a successful DC 2. An affected creature will wander 15 feet aimlessly in a
15 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check random direction.
for a creature to notice something amiss - an unusual seam, a 3. An affected creature lashes out against an imaginary foe
beam of light coming through a crack or some similar within 5 feet of it.
identifying feature. False walls can be destroyed (AC 8, 10 hit
points). Alternatively, most have a mechanism to open the 4 An affected creature will perceive a random nearby
wall itself - a hinge, lever, or similar mechanism located creature as a threat and attack it.
nearby. On its turn, any creature remaining in the field of dreams
False Door (Variant): A favorite of tricksters, nothing is may make another Constitution saving throw to shake off its
found behind a false door - only a wall. False doors are often effects. However, failing three Constitution saves means the
employed to slow creatures down, and are themselves often creature falls into a deep slumber from which it may only be
locked and perhaps even trapped. A false door is roused 2 hours after being removed from the field of dreams.
indistinguishable from a regular door in all respects. Any The field is easily avoided or can be destroyed with fire-
locks or traps associated with a false door must be picked or based magic such as burning hands spell.
disarmed accordingly.

Magical trap (transmutation), obstruction
A field of etherealness is a trap where the barriers between
the corporeal and incorporeal worlds have been weakened. A
creature can make a DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check to
deduce its nature. This field is a 50-foot-radius circle. A
creature that starts its turn inside the area must make a DC
13 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
takes 1d8 psychic damage. On a successful save, the creature
becomes incorporeal until the end of its next turn. While
incorporeal, the creature is able to pass through walls and
solid objects as though they were difficult terrain. If an
incorporeal creature ends one of its turns within a solid
object a creature will take 2d10 force damage.
A field of etherealness is a permanent weakening between
corporeal and incorporeal states and cannot be dispelled by
anything short of a wish spell.
Blink Field (Variant): While within a blink field, there is a
50% chance when a creature ends its turn in the area that it
will be teleported to an unoccupied space 30 feet outside of
the field.
Field of Spirits (Variant): While within a field of spirits,
there is a 10% chance when a creature ends its turn in the Magical trap (illusion), alarm
area that it will see the ghostly visage of a loved one from its
past. Until the start of the creature's next turn, it is unable to A creature entering an area or touching an item enchanted by
take reactions. a fireworks alarm causes a series of illusory fireworks to
Planar Phasing Field (Variant): While within a planar ascend high into the air, creating a noisy and colorful display
phasing field, there is a 25% chance per turn that a creature that alerts nearby creatures within 600 feet. A faint illusory
is teleported to another random plane of existence for 1 shimmer indicates the presence of a fireworks alarm,
minute. After 1 minute, the creature will phase back into the requiring a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check to
field in an unoccupied space within 10 feet of its original identify. This simple illusion may be disarmed with a
location. successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, though failure
on this check will also set off the alarm. Alternatively, a dispel
magic spell will also remove the alarm.
Dazzling Fireworks (Variant): A modification of the basic
fireworks alarm, dazzling fireworks only ascend 100 feet into
                           the air, but have a strobing effect that affects creatures within
                         100 feet. Each creature within range that can see the
dazzling fireworks must make a DC 14 Constitution saving
throw. On a failure, a target with less than 40 hit points is
stunned until the end of its next turn.
Deafening Fireworks (Variant): A deafening fireworks
alarm in an enclosed space such as a cavern or room can
have a deafening effect on nearby creatures. Each creature in
a 30-foot-radius sphere must succeed on a successful DC 15
Constitution saving throw or take 1d8 thunder damage and
be deafened for 1 minute.
Explosive Fireworks (Variant): Rather than being directed
skyward, the illusory fireworks are imbued with a fiery
evocation that fires directly at any nearby creatures. When
triggered, the explosive firework shoots out in a 60-foot line in
a random direction. Each creature in the area must succeed
on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage.
The explosive firework ignites flammable objects in the area
that aren't being worn or carried.

Magical trap (evocation), offensive Magic trap (transmutation), deterrent
The flametongue trap is often hidden within the mouths of A frost glaze is a spell that is triggered by either a pressure
statues of dragons or gargoyles that guard an illaqueator's plate, a creature touching an enchanted object, or even the
sanctuary. When a creature of Small or larger size enters a presence of a creature entering a trapped area. The air in an
20-foot cone in front of the statue's line of sight, a sheet of area under the influence of a frost glaze trap is cool and
flame from the mouth of a statue's mouth to engulf the crystalline, with a surreal stillness upon the air - noticeable
creatures before it. A successful DC 15 Investigation (Arcana) with a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check. Surfaces within
or DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check will reveal a faint the area have a minor amount of condensation upon them,
reddish glow, as though from a still hot ember, in the eyes and similar to a condensation forming on a cold glass. A
mouth of the statue that indicate the presence of a successful DC 19 Intelligence (Arcana) check will indicate
flametongue trap within. the presence of a crystalline lattice that is drawing heat unto
Various trigger mechanisms may exist for a flametongue itself.
trap other than being within its line of sight. The trap may be Once triggered, the ambient heat is drawn into a crystalline
triggered by a creature reading an inscription on the statue or orb (AC 10, 10 hit points), triggering the rapid cooling and
by a creature stepping on a pressure plate in front of the crystallization of the condensation on surfaces within the
statue. area, turning it to ice. Each creature within a 20-foot-radius
Once triggered, the evocation within the flametongue is sphere takes 1d4 cold damage (no save). The floor of the area
released and dissipates. The trap may also be dispelled with becomes slippery, and is considered difficult terrain. Objects
a successful dispel magic spell. coated in frost require a successful DC 13 Dexterity check to
If triggered, the flametongue trap spews forth a sheet of use without dropping; fragile items will shatter when
flame in a 20-foot cone in front of it. Each creature within the dropped.
area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, The trap may be disarmed with a dispel magic spell cast
it takes 4d6 fire damage, or half as much damage on a upon the crystal orb, or by destroying the orb. Destroying the
successful one. orb causes it to explode, releasing all the ambient heat it has
stored. Each creature within a 10-foot-radius sphere centered
Dragon's Breath (Variant): Found in the mouths of draconic on a destroyed orb takes 1d8 force damage (no save) from the
statues, the dragon's breath trap spews white hot flames in a rapid release of pressure contained within the orb. Ice
10-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 18 coating on objects and surfaces will melt within 10 minutes,
Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, it takes 10d6 fire or more rapidly if exposed to a source of warmth.
damage, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Ice Pool (Variant). The frost glaze orb may also be placed in
Black Dragon's Breath (Variant): The black dragon's breath an area with significant amounts of water around it, such as a
trap releases a spray of highly corrosive acid in a 30-foot cone shallow pool or sewer system. When triggered, it causes all
originating from the statue's mouth. Each creature in the area water within a 20-foot-radius sphere to freeze solid, encasing
must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, anything within it in ice. Each creature within the area must
it takes 4d8 acid damage, or half as much damage on a make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it
successful one. Additionally, any nonmagical weapons or takes 1d12 cold damage, or half as much damage on a
armor hit by the black dragon's breath becomes pitted and successful one. If the creature is standing in the water when
corroded. Affected weapons suffer a -1 penalty to damage it turns to ice, it automatically fails the save, and takes twice
rolls, and armor has its AC reduced by 1. These weapons can as much cold damage. It also becomes restrained until the
be repaired by a capable blacksmith. ice is melted. A creature restrained by ice in this manner can
use its action to make a DC 17 Strength check, freeing itself
on a success


Mechanical trap, deterrent Magical trap (illusion), alarm
Clever illaqueators have concocted any number of volatile An illusory, godlike apparition that is triggered by a creature
compounds to affect creatures that inhale them. These entering a warded. The appearance of the visage is
illaqueators have also devised a means in which to store dependent on the alignment of the intruder:
liquids in glass orbs that may be flung (30/120 ft. ranged
weapon attack), dropped from above, or stepped on. They Good. Creatures of good alignment behold a pious angel.
may also be incorporated into locks, keyholes, and drawers Neutral. Creatures of neutral alignment behold a tranquil
such that they shatter when the object is opened. archdruid.
When shattered, the volatile compound creates a 10-foot-
radius sphere of gas. The gas lasts for 1 minute or until a Evil. Creatures of evil alignment behold a hideous demon.
strong wind disperses it. If the area is tightly enclosed, such The godlike visage issues a short but dire message in a loud,
as a confined passageway or narrow cavern, the gas lasts for booming voice to creatures in the area, warning them not to
10 minutes. Any creatures that do not require air to breathe enter the area. Any creature within 600 feet of the visage is
are unaffected by the contents of gas orbs. alerted to the presence of the intruders, though the trap may
The most common gas orb contains a compound that, be muted with a silence spell. The message will repeat every
when released, forms a poisonous gas. Each creature within round.
the 10-foot-radius sphere must succeed on a successful DC A successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) or DC 17
15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A Wisdom (Perception) check is required to identify the visage
creature poisoned in this manner is also lethargic and moves as an illusion, and the trap visage will fade after 10 minutes,
at half its normal movement speed for the duration. If a or may be dispelled with a dispel magic spell. Physical
poisoned creature voluntarily moves during its turn, it must interaction with the godlike visage will reveal it to be an
succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw at the end of illusion.
that turn, falling unconscious for the duration of the poison
on a failure.
Acidic Gas (Variant): The acidic gas orb fills a 20-foot-radius
sphere when broken. A creature that starts its turn in the
area or enters it for the first time must succeed on a DC 13
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it takes 4d4 acid
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. The acidic gas lasts for 10 minutes and can't            
be dispersed by strong wind.             
Hallucinogenic Gas (Variant): Any creature inhaling the
gaseous contents of an orb containing a hallucinogenic gas
must make a successful DC 14 Constitution saving throw or
begin to hallucinate. The hallucinations last for 1 minute, and
are determined by rolling s d4:
1. The creature uses its action to laugh hysterically at some
entertaining visage.
2. The creature uses its action to attack a hallucination within
5 feet of it in a random direction.
3. The creature becomes frightened of a hallucination before
it, and will move its maximum movement speed in a
random direction away from its hallucination.
4. The creature spends its turn yelling and shouting at a
perceived hallucination in a random direction.
Variant: Noxious Gas: Any creature inhaling the gas
released from a noxious gas orb must make a successful DC
15 Constitution saving throw, or spend its turn retching and
vomiting that it remains in the cloud of noxious gas.
Variant: Slumber Gas: Any creature breathing in slumber
gas must make a successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw
or be rendered unconscious for 1d4 rounds.

Magical trap (necromancy), obstruction
The grasp of the dead is used by vile illaqueators to magically
seal a spellbook, grimoire, or journal. A
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check will
reveal the presence of necromantic warding a book
enchanted with this trap.
The trap is triggered by the presence of a living creature
within 5 feet of the enchanted book. A spectral apparition
depicting a rotting humanoid hand appears with an open
palm, as though offering to clasp an offering. The Mechanical trap, deterrent
enchantment requires a creature to place its hand into the
spectral apparition open palm, which will then open the The faint sheen of a slippery, greasy liquid coating a handle,
book. A creature other than the illaqueator that joins hands lever, button, or surface can be identified with a successful
with the spectral apparition is able to open the book with its DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation) check or a DC 13 Wisdom
free hand and read the pages within, assuming it continues to (Perception) check. This liquid is typically an oil that makes
hold the spectral apparition's hand. However, when the the surface of a coated object more difficult to grasp. Any
creature first opens the book, and then once at the start of actions performed with objects coated in oil are made with
each minute afterwards, the creature must succeed on a DC disadvantage. A floor coated in oil turns it into difficult
15 Wisdom saving throw or take 2d8 psychic damage. The terrain, and a creature that enters the area or ends its turn
grasp of the dead enchantment may be dispelled through there must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or fall
magical means, such as a DC 17 dispel magic spell. prone.
The illaqueator who created the spectral apparition Any surface coated in grease coating is flammable. Any 5-
automatically succeeds on the saving throw, as the spectral foot square of oil exposed to fire burns away in 1 round,
apparition gently caresses the hand of its reading master dealing 1d8 fire damage to any creature that starts its turn in
instead. the fire.
Grasp of the Vampire (Variant): Rather than simply Base Coating (Variant): Basic compounds such as lime are
grasping the hand of a target, the spectral apparition grapples often slippery to the touch. Coating an object with a base
a creature and drains its life force. A creature that joins coating causes a creature to take 1d4 acid damage if the
hands with the spectral apparition becomes grappled and creature's skin is exposed. Actions made with objects coated
takes 1d10 necrotic damage at the start of each turn that it with a base are made with at disadvantage. The presence of
remains grappled. A grappled creature can use its action to the base can be noticed with a DC 13 Intelligence
make a DC 15 Strength check. If it succeeds, it is no longer (Investigation) check, noted by giving off an alkaline scent. As
grappled. an action, a 5-foot square containing a basic coating may be
The cumulative amount of necrotic damage done to a washed away with water.
creature while it is grappled is granted to the illaqueator as Hallucinogenic Coating (Variant): Rather than coating a
temporary hit points when the grapple ends. surface with a greasy or basic substance, a handle, lever, or
The grasp of the vampire enchantment may be dispelled button is coated with a hallucinogenic fungal extract
through magical means, such as a DC 16 dispel magic spell. dissolved in an oil-based solvent. If the coating is contacted
Death's Embrace (Variant): When a creature comes within with bare skin, it is rapidly absorbed into a creature's
5 feet of a book enchanted by the death's embrace trap, the bloodstream. The creature must succeed on a DC 15
ground in a 20-foot square centered on the book becomes Constitution saving throw or begin hallucinating for the next
saturated with numerous grasping spectral hands reaching hour. A hallucinating creature can’t take the use bonus
up from the ground. The spectral hands remain as long as a actions, take reactions, and must roll a d4 to determine how
living creature is within 5 feet of the enchanted book. For the it will use its actions for the duration:
duration, the area becomes difficult terrain. A creature that
ends its turn in the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity 1. The creature uses its action to laugh hysterically.
saving throw or take 2d8 necrotic damage. The death's 2. The creature uses its action to attack a hallucination within
embrace enchantment may be dispelled through magical 5 feet of it.
means, such as a DC 18 dispel magic spell.
The illaqueator who created the trap automatically 3. The creature becomes frightened of a hallucination and
succeeds on saving throws while in the area. uses its action to move half of its movement speed in a
random direction.
4. The creature uses its action yelling and shouting at a
A hallucinating creature can be cured by magical means. The
hallucinogenic coating may be identified with a DC 15
Intelligence (Nature) check, and washed or wiped away as an

3. The air turns frigid. A creature standing in the 5-foot
square must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw,
Magical trap (transmutation), obstruction taking 2d8 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. If the saving throw fails by 5
Found in underground caverns and lairs, the cavern of or more, the creature suffers one level of exhaustion.
levitation appears as an unremarkable 50-foot squared grotto
with a 20-foot entrance. Flecks of quartz glitter on its ceiling 4. A clap of thunder roars from above. A creature standing in
and walls inside. However, the ceiling is illusory, appearing as the 5-foot square must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
a smooth surface 30 feet above, but is actually 25 feet high throw, taking 2d8 thunder damage on a failed save, or half
with sharp, 5-foot stalactites jutting downward. A creature as much damage on a successful one. If the saving throw
succeeding on a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check notices fails by 5 or more, the creature flung up to 10 feet in a
inconsistencies of the illusion inside the grotto, and a DC 15 random direction, possibly triggering another trap in the
dispel magic spell removes the illusion, revealing the hallway.
stalactites. With a roll of 20 or greater on their Intelligence 5. Necrotic energy seeps from the floor. A creature standing
(Arcana) check, a creature will notice the grotto is affected by in the 5-foot square must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
the levitate spell. saving throw or take 8d6 necrotic damage.
A creature that steps into the grotto of levitation and ends
its turn in the area is instantly levitated 30 feet into the air 6. A blast of energy hits this space. A creature standing in the
and must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure 5-foot square must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw,
it takes 2d10 piercing damage, or half as much on a taking 1d12 force damage on a failed save, or half as much
successful one, as it is levitated into the illusion-covered damage on a successful one. If the saving throw fails by 5
stalactites. A levitating creature that takes damage from the or more, the creature flung up to 10 feet in a random
stalactites falls back down to the ground, taking 3d6 direction, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage and possibly
bludgeoning damage. triggering the trap in the 5-foot square it lands on.
The levitate enchanting the grotto spell may be dispelled A successful DC 20 dispel magic spell will remove the magic
with a successful DC 20 dispel magic spell. flowing through the hall of elemental chaos.
Piercing Cavern (Variant): Both stalactites and
stalagmites are in a piercing cavern. When the trap resets
every round, creatures must make a Dexterity saving throw to         
avoid stalactites as well as the stalagmites on the floor of the
groot, taking 2d10 piercing damage on any failed saving

Magical trap (evocation), offensive

The hall of elemental chaos hums with magical energy that
randomly crackles forth from the one wall to another. It is
identified with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana)
check. The hall itself is 50 feet long and 10 feet wide, with
glyphs and symbols glowing on all surfaces, which channel
magical energy.
A creature stepping into the hall of elemental chaos is
subject to its effects. Every 5 feet travelled in the hallway has
a 25% chance to trigger a random effect as a creature passes
through it. If the random effect is triggered, it will take place
in the 5-foot square where the triggering creature is standing.
When triggered, roll a d6 to determine the effect:
1. A pillar of flame erupts from the ground. A creature
standing in the 5-foot square must make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 4d8 fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.
2. The air crackles and leaps with static electricity. and a
series of small fingers of lightning burst forth from the
adjacent wall. A creature standing in the 5-foot square must
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10
lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
on a successful one. A creature wearing metal armor
makes its saving throw with disadvantage.

Mechanical trap, obstruction Magical trap (transmutation), obstruction
A portcullis consists of large, heavy iron bars lowered into Upon touching an enchanted object, a creature must make a
place from above that prevents passage past a gateway or successful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or be grappled
chokepoint. In dungeons and castles, some are hidden from (escape DC 14) by ice gyves (AC 14, 10 hit points). While a
view and used to trap invaders within a confined space. creature is grappled in this manner, it must use an action to
Creatures may identify the presence of a portcullis with a attempt to free itself, shattering the ice gyves on a success.
successful DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check or a DC When the ice gyves are shattered, each creature within a 15-
13 passive Perception. The portcullis itself is lowered foot-radius sphere centered on the ice gyves must succeed a
manually by creatures operating a winch mechanism, or if DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 cold damage.
unlocked, can be raised with a successful DC 20 Strength The presence of an ice gyve trap is suggested by an icy chill
(Athletics) check. Alternatively, the portcullis may be surrounding an object. This trap ay be identified with a
destroyed (19 AC, 27 hit points). More than one portcullis successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, and dispelled
may be used to trap creatures in a confined space, such as with a dispel magic spell.
within a narrow hallway with murder holes above to
eliminate would-be invaders. Shackles of the Mind (Variant): Upon touching an
enchanted object, a creature must make a successful DC 15
Heavy Medal Portcullis (Variant): This portcullis is made of Intelligence saving throw or its mind is shackled by a
a stronger metal, such as steel. Lifting it may be done with a shackles of the mind (AC 12, 30 hit points) until it breaks
successful DC 22 Strength (Athletics) check, or the bars free. While a creature's mind is shackled in this manner, it is
destroyed (21 AC, 31 hit points) paralyzed. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Locking Portcullis (Variant): The locking portcullis has a When the effect ends on a creature, the creature suffers
weighted lock mechanism above that prevents it from being disadvantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain
lifted. The portcullis must be destroyed or its bars bent to concentration while concentrating on a spell or magical
allow creatures to pass through. ability until the creature completes a long rest.
Trickster Portcullis (Variant): The portcullis has been Ethereal Chains (Variant): Upon touching an enchanted
magically enchanted so that it lowers and locks when a object, a creature must make a successful DC 16
creature is within 10 feet of it. If there is no creature within Constitution saving throw or be shackled by ethereal chains
10 feet of a lowered trickster portcullis, it unlocks and slowly (AC 20, 12 hit points) until it breaks free. While a creature is
raises over the course of 1 minute. shackled by ethereal chains, its movement speed is halved, it
makes Dexterity saving throws with disadvantage, it can't use
reactions, and it may only use an action or a bonus action on
its turn but not both. A creature can repeat the saving throw
at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
Abyssal Hooks (Variant): Upon touching an enchanted
        object, a creature must make a successful DC 18 Wisdom
      saving throw or be shackled by burning abyssal hooks (AC 12,
30 hit points) until it breaks free. While a creature is
shackled by abyssal hooks, it takes 2d8 fire damage at the
start of its turn. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of its turns, breaking the hooks and ending the
effect on itself on a success. After 1 minute, if the creature
has not broken free of the abyssal hooks, they explode. Each
creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on the creature
must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a
creature takes 6d6 fire damage, or half on a successful save.


The machiolation is made of reinforced stonework (AC 10,
50 hit points) and is immune to piercing and slashing
Magical trap (illusion), deterrent damage.
The illusory wall is a simple magical disguise covering a Box Machicolation (Variant): A smaller version of the
opening that an illaqueator wishes to conceal. Physical standard machicolation, the box machicolation (AC 8, 25 hit
interaction with the disguise reveals it to be a illusory in points) can only carry half the payload of its larger version.
nature. Creatures and objects can pass through it easily. A The affected area beneath a box machicolation is a 5-foot
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom square. When activated, a creature in the area must make a
(Perception) check reveals the illusion's faint shimmer, DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes
indicating its presence. The stronger the illusion spell used to 2d8 bludgeoning damage, or half as much damage on a
create the illusory wall, the more complex its image is and the successful one.
more difficult it is to discern from a real wall (identifying
illusory walls made by more talented illaqueator can increase Scalding Sand (Variant): Scalding hot sand is poured from
DC). Complex details of an illusory wall could include the machicolation. When activated, each creature in a 10-foot
flickering torches held in sconces or insects crawling up it. square immediately below it must make a DC 13 Dexterity
saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 3d8 fire damage
Force wall (Variant): The force wall is a magical illusion that and 3d8 bludgeoning damage, or half as much damage on a
is solid in nature, but can be destroyed (AC 16, 20 hit points). successful one. The area covered by the trap becomes
The force wall has immunity to force and psychic damage, difficult terrain for 10 minutes after the trap is triggered.
and appears real but sounds that reflect off it echo oddly
(revealed by a DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check. It Boiling Water (Variant): Boiling water is poured from the
may be dispelled with a dispel magic spell. machicolation. When activated, each creature in a 20-foot
square immediately below it must succeed on a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage.
Magical trap (conjuration), alarm Hot Oil (Variant): Hot oil is poured from the machicolation.
When activated, each creature in a 10-foot square
Illaqueators may summon invisible sentries to patrol an area. immediately below it must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
The invisible sentry is bound to an area within 90 feet of a throw. On a failure, a creature takes 3d8 fire damage, or half
central point it has been summoned to ward, and is as much damage on a successful one. Additionally, a creature
telepathically linked to the illaqueator if they are within 1- that fails the saving throw is scolded by the oil, taking 1d8 fire
mile. The invisible sentry is bound by a simple command, damage at the start of each of its turns for 1 minute.
such as "alert me if any creature enters this room", but can't The area covered by the trap becomes coated in oil, and is
take any actions of its own. The presence of an invisible flammable. Any 5-foot square of oil exposed to fire burns
sentry is subtly felt by a creature, and is deduced with a away in 1 round, dealing 2d4 fire damage to any creature that
successful DC 19 Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom starts its turn in the fire.
(Perception) check, which indicates an invisible semi-sentient
presence patrolling an area. The invisible sentry is
incorporeal, and a single point of damage dissipates its
presence. Magical trap (enchantment), deterrent
The mental deflection enchantment is very subtle, often
undetectable. Any creature that approaches within 10 feet of
Mechanical trap, offensive an item enchanted with a mental deflection enchantment
must succeed on a successful DC 15 Intelligence saving
Machicolations are openings in the floor of battlements throw or become ambivalent for 1 minute. An ambivalent
between supporting corbels, through which large pots creature decides that the area near the enchanted object is of
holding solid objects or liquid are dumped on to invaders little interest, and will actively move away. An ambivalent
below. Illaqueators use machicolations to guard vulnerable creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
sections of a fortress from ground assault. turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Machicolations must be manned by at least two humanoid If a creature succeeds on the saving throw and approaches
creatures, one of which uses the Help action on its turn to the area, an ambivalent creature with 30 feet will use its
assist the other, who uses its action to unload the reaction to distract or dissuade an unaffected creature from
machiolation's payload upon attackers. Both creatures must the area. An unaffected creature may notice an ambivalent
use an action to reload an empty machiolation. creature acting differently with a successful DC 18 Wisdom
The standard payload of a machicolation is a large (Insight) check. Ambivalent creatures will not behave
container of stones dropped, which is dropped on creatures aggressively, but rather are convinced the area is simply of no
below. When activated, each creature in a 10-foot square interest.
immediately below it must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw. On a failure, a creature takes 5d8 bludgeoning
damage, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the
save fails by 5 or more, the creature is knocked prone.

Mirror of Avarice (Variant): A mirror of avarice is a full
length mirror with a masterfully crafted wooden frame. When
Magical trap (illusion), obstruction a creature stands in front of the mirror and meets the gaze of
its reflection, the reflection reaches into its pocket and pulls
Used to safeguard the entrances of the holiest temples and out a large gemstone (500 gp in value). The reflection's hand
shrines, the mirror of virtue appears as a large flowing silver reaches out through the mirror and offers the gemstone to
mirror encased in a stone frame lined with gold. A creature the creature. If the creature takes the gemstone, it must
must meet the eyes of their reflection to pass through the succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the
mirror. Upon doing so, the creature's alignment dictates the creature takes 4d10 psychic damage, or half as much damage
effect: on a successful one. If the amount of damage done to the
Lawful Good. The creature gains the effect of the bless spell creature is 15 or greater, the gemstone crumbles to dust and
for 24 hours, regains any lost hit points, and is cured of is worthless.
poison or disease. The mirror of avarice can only be used once in this manner
per day, recharging at dawn. If the mirror has not recharged,
Neutral Good. The creature has advantage on Wisdom and the mirror remains blank. A successful DC 16 dispel magic
Charisma ability checks and saving throws. spell will crack the mirror, removing this enchantment.
Chaotic Good. The creature is immune to being frightened
for 24 hours.
Lawful Neutral. The creature gains 2d10 temporary hit
True Neutral. There is no effect on the creature.
Chaotic Neutral. The character feels compelled to repeat a
specific activity over and over for 24 hours, such as
repeating short phrases or counting coins.
Lawful Evil. The creature gains the effect of the bane spell
for 24 hours. This effect can be removed by magical
Neutral Evil. The creature's movement speed is reduced by
half until it completes a short or long rest.
Chaotic Evil. The creature suffers 1d4 levels of exhaustion.
Once affected, a creature can then step through the mirror. In
addition to the alignment-based effect, a creature that steps
through the mirror must make a DC 12 Charisma saving
throw. Good-aligned creatures make the save with advantage.
Evil-aligned creatures make the save with disadvantage. On a
failure, a creature takes 3d8 radiant damage. On a success,
the creature gains the effect of the protection from evil and
good spell for 1 hour.
The mirror of virtue is immune to all damage. If attacked,
the attacker takes 3d8 radiant damage. The enchantment
placed on a mirror of virtue can be suppressed for 1 minute
by with a successful DC 20 dispel magic spell.
Mirror of Penance (Variant): A mirror of penance is a
perfectly crafted shimmering mirror framed in finely wrought
silver. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check will
reveal its magical nature. A creature meeting the eyes of its
reflection takes 1d12 psychic damage for every creature it
has killed in the past 24 hours (no saving throw). A creature       
cannot be killed by the mirror of penance. If it takes damage         
that would reduce it to zero hit points, it is instead reduced to
1 hit point and suffers 1d4 levels exhaustion as a penance for
killing others.
A mirror of penance (AC 10, 12 hit points) is immune to
non magical weapon attacks. It is resistant to magic damage
and effects. A successful DC 15 dispel magic spell will crack
the mirror, removing this enchantment.

Mechanical trap, offensive Magical trap (transmutation), obstruction
Murder holes are small holes in the ceiling of a dungeon, A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana or Nature) check
bridge, or causeway through which glass vials of some will reveal that an affected area is affected by a transmutation
noxious substance may be poured. enchantment placed upon the flora therein. This trap is often
Noticable as small holes in the ceiling, approximately 1 used to slow creatures from entering or passing through a
inch in diameter, with 20 murder holes a 5-foot square area. protected forbidden area, such as a sacred glade or secret
They are difficult to camouflage, thus requiring a successful grove.
DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) When a creature enters the enchanted area, a nature's
check to notice. They may be plugged if a creature can reach snare trap causes plant growth to become rapidly accelerated
the ceiling, taking 1 minute per 5-foot square to plug them. in up to a 30-foot square area. The undergrowth bursts free
The murder holes can also be unplugged by a creature above, and attempts to entangle any creatures within the affected
using a pole or similar iteme. area. The area is considered difficult terrain. A creature that
A number of noxious substances can be poured throught enters the area for the first time or starts its turn there must
he murder holes from above: succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or become
grappled (escape DC 15).
Alchemist's Fire: Vials of alchemist's fire can be poured The plants are flammable. A 5-foot square of plants
through the murder holes. Any creature below must exposed to fire burns away in 1 round, dealing 2d4 fire
succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 fire damage to any creature that starts its turn in the fire. The
damage at the start of each of its turns for 1 minute on a plants may also be cut away in a 5-foot square (AC 8, 5 hit
failed saving throw. A creature can use an action on its turn points). The trap may also be dispelled with a successful DC
to extinguish the flames. 17 dispel magic spell.
Noxious Gas: Vials of noxious gas are dropped through the The nature's snare plant growth lasts for 10 minutes, after
murder holes, shattering upon reaching the ground. These which time the plants rapidly become yellowed, sickly, and
vials release a nauseating gas that spreads throughout the begin to wither away.
room below in a 20-foot-radius sphere. A creature that Devil's Snare (Variant): Similar to nature's snare, but if the
enters the area or starts its turn there must succeed on a creature fails a DC 15 Strength check to break free, the
DC 13 Constitution saving throw or spend its turn devil's snare vines constrict the target. At the start of a
vomiting. The area is lightly obscured. Creatures that do grappled creature's turn, the DC to break free increases by 2,
not require air to breath automatically succeed on the and the target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage. The vines of
saving throw. the devil's snare are also harder (AC 12, 15 hit points in a 5-
Caltrops: Often used during sieges, caltrops may be dropped foot square of growth) and immune to fire.
from the murder holes and fill a 5-foot square on the
ground. Noticing the presence of caltrops requires a Venomous Vines (Variant): Similar to nature's snare, but
successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check. Any creatures grappled by the venomous vines undergrowth take
creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 1d6 piercing damage and 1d6 poison damage from sharp
Dexterity saving throw or stop moving and take 1 piercing thorns on the vines. If a creature remains grappled for 1
damage. Until the creature regains at least 1 hit point, its minute, it becomes poisoned until it completes a short or
walking speed is reduced by 10 feet. A creature moving long rest.
through the area at half speed doesn't need to make the
saving throw. Caltrops may be swept away, taking 1 turn to
clear a 5-foot square.
Acid: Vials of acid may be dropped from murder holes,
shattering upon impact with the ground. A creature in the                        '
5-foot square below must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity                         
saving throw or take 1d6 acid damage.
Hot Sand: During a siege, hot sand or boiling
water may be poured through the murder
holes. A creature in the 5-foot square
below takes 1d4 fire damage.
The area becomes difficult
terrain until the sand
cools, which takes
10 minutes.

Magical trap (enchantment), deterrent Magical trap (enchantment), alarm
A subtle tingling and electrical buzz suggests the presence of The night's repose trap is a subtle and nearly undetectable
a neural disruptor trap as a creature approaches it within 20 warding cast upon an object, used to alert an illaqueator to
feet. It may be detected and identified with a successful DC the presence of intruders and then weaken them prior to any
19 Intelligence (Arcana) check, and is triggered by a creature confrontation. Only the faintest traces of magical energy
touching an enchanted object, usually a wizard's tome, a suggest an object is warded, requiring a successful DC 20
warlock's grimoire, or other such book of knowledge. Intelligence (Arcana) check to reveal, which manifests as a
When the enchanted object is touched, a wave of psychic slow moving psychic energy. The ward's true nature is not
energy blasts outward in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on revealed.
the object. Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC A creature that touches the warded object must succeed on
15 Wisdom saving throw fall unconscious for 1d6 rounds. a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or become cursed. A
When an unconscious creature regains consciousness, it acts cursed creature suffers no immediate effects. However,
confused at the start of its next turn and must roll a d6 to whenever the creature attempts to take a long rest, it has a
determine its behavior for that turn: disturbed and restless slumber. It does not receive the
benefits of a long rest, and instead suffers one level of
1. The creature uses all its movement to move in a random exhaustion.
direction (roll a d8, with each direction assigned to a die In addition to causing disturbed rest, the illaqueator of the
face), and cannot take an action on its turn. night's repose trap marks the affected creature. It knows the
2. The creature is stunned for its turn. creature's whereabouts if it is within 100 miles.
An object warded with night's repose may be removed with
3. The creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a successful DC 15 dispel magic. A cursed creature can be
a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is cured with a remove curse spell.
no creature within its reach, the creature does nothing this
turn. Night's Terror (Variant): A creature that touches the warded
4. The creature can move and act under its own control. object must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or
become cursed. Whenever a cursed creature attempts a long
5. The creature becomes frightened of a randomly rest, it falls into a deep but disturbed slumber. The creature's
determined creature it can see and must use its turn to dreams are so vivid and disturbing that any creature that
move away from that creature. attempts a long rest within 50 feet of the creature does not
gain the benefits of a long rest.
6. The creature doesn't move or take actions this turn. An object warded with night's terror may be removed with
The neural disruptor may be dispelled by a successful DC 15 a successful DC 16 dispel magic. A cursed creature can be
dispel magic spell. If a creature fails to dispel the neural cured with a remove curse spell.
disruptor with a dispel magic spell, it takes 2d8 psychic Death's Repose (Variant): A creature that touches the
damage and triggers the trap. warded object must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving
Neural Sear (Variant): A neural sear trap is an enchantment throw or become cursed. Whenever a cursed creature
similar to a neural disruptor, except when triggered, each attempts a long rest, it falls into a deep, death-like slumber.
creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on the object The creature's breathing rate decreases to 2 breaths per
must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or take 4d8 minute and the creature becomes cool to the touch. Its
psychic damage and become incapacitated for 1d4 rounds. metabolism slows and its heartbeat decreases to 10% of its
Additionally, if a creature in the area that fails its saving normal rate. The affected creature cannot be roused unless it
throw is a spellcaster, it must succeed on a Constitution either takes damage equal to half its maximum hit points or
saving throw each time it attempts to cast a spell (DC is equal the curse is cured with a remove curse spell.
to 10 + the spell's level) or the spell has no effect and the spell An object warded with death's repose may be removed with
slot is lost. This effect remains until the spellcasting creature a successful DC 16 dispel magic spell.
successfully completes a short or long rest.


Magical trap (enchantment), deterrent
A simple enchantment that wards peaceful areas associated
with safety, such as peaceful glades, holy temples, or
cavernous nooks. Any creature entering an area enchanted
with a peaceful slumber trap will immediately feel at ease
with a sense of peace, as though they are being watched over
by some benign omniscient presence that promises
sanctuary. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check
will reveal this sensation to be magical in nature, and moving
outside the warded area will remove the effect.
Any creature that spends more than 10 minutes in the
affected area must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw
or become cursed and fall unconscious. A cursed creature
will not awaken for 16 hours unless they take damage. If      
allowed to sleep for the duration, a cursed creature will        
receive all the benefits of a long rest. However, upon waking,
they will make all ability checks, attack rolls, and saving
throws with disadvantage until the curse is removed with
magical means, such as a remove curse spell.
A peaceful slumber enchantment on an area may be
removed with a successful DC 15 dispel magic spell.
Siren's Song (Variant): In addition to a feeling of peace and Magical trap (illusion), obstruction
drowsiness, a cursed creature hears faint music that tugs at
the edges of its dream. Upon awakening from the slumber A phantasmal wall is an illusory image projected from a
induced by the slumber, a siren's song trap also causes a small enchanted object directly into the mind of a creature
creature to become more vulnerable to suggestion. While that can see it. A creature that looks in the direction of the
cursed, the creature makes Charisma skill checks and saving object must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or
throws with disadvantage. see what appears to be a normal wall of any size blocking its
view, complete with details as required - flickering candles,
water dripping down a rock face or similar features. This
phantasm is complete with any sounds or stimuli required to
convince an affected creature of its reality. Creatures that
succeed on their Intelligence check see past the phantasmal
wall as though it did not exist. Non-sentient creatures do not
perceive the phantasmal wall.
Any creature affected by the phantasmal wall perceives the
image as real and behaves accordingly. Should it attempt to
interact with the wall (by walking through it, for example), the
creature would flinch and take 1d6 psychic damage, but be
able to pass through the illusion.
The phantasmal wall may be dispelled with a successful
DC 15 dispel magic spell. If a creature can't perceive the
phantasm, it cannot remove the trap.
Phantasmal Flames (Variant): A creature approaching an
area warded by phantasmal flames must make a successful
DC 15 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the
creature perceives a raging inferno roaring into existence,
complete with the sound of roaring flames and the feeling of
heat. The phantasmal flames may block an area 5 feet wide
by 20 feet long and 10 feet high.
If a creature that perceives the wall approaches within 10
feet of it, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw or take 1d12 psychic damage. If the creature
passes through the phantasmal wall, it must succeed on a DC
17 Wisdom saving throw or take 2d12 psychic damage.
The phantasmal flames may be dispelled with a successful
DC 17 dispel magic spell. If a creature can't perceive the
phantasm, it cannot remove the trap.

Phylactery of Mist (Variant): This phylactery is carved of
Magical trap (necromancy), offensive fine wood and inlaid with bloodstone gems that pulse with
Carved of obsidian and inlaid with silver filigree runes, a inner light. Abyssal runes are carved within the wood. Faint
phylactery of shadows occasionally jostles and vibrates of its tendrils of mist surround the phylactery. A DC 15 Intelligence
own accord. Faint screams of rage can be heard from within. (Religion) check will reveal the presence of a sentient being
A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check will indicate within. A creature that touches the phylactery must succeed
the presence of necromantic magic upon the phylactery, and on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 2d8 necrotic
a roll of 18 or more on this check will reveal the presence of damage, and the creature's maximum hit points are reduced
one or more sentient beings within. by the amount of necrotic damage done until it completes a
If a creature touches the phylactery, it must succeed on a long rest. If opened, the phylactery releases a specter that will
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 1d12 necrotic damage attack nearby creatures. The phylactery (AC 12, 20 hit points)
and become frightened of it for 1 minute. If the phylactery is is immune to the following damage: cold, lightning, necrotic,
opened, 1d4 shadows are released and attack nearby poison; and bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
creatures. These shadows are enraged by their nonmagical attacks, but vulnerable to radiant damage. If it is
imprisonment, and have advantage on all attack rolls made destroyed, the specter emerges with half its maximum hit
against other creatures, but creatures also have advantage on points.
attack rolls made against the shadows. Phylactery of Dread (Variant): A wraith has been confined
The phylactery of shadows (AC 12, 25 hit points) is within this finely wrought platinum vessel. A DC 15
immune to the following damage: cold, lightning, necrotic, Intelligence (Religion) check will indicate the presence of an
poison; and bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from undead creature within it. The wraith may only be released if
nonmagical attacks, but vulnerable to radiant damage. the phylactery is opened, and if opened all creatures within a
If the phylactery is destroyed without releasing its contents, 30 foot radius must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
the shadows within are also destroyed. However, each throw or be stunned for 1 round. The wraith bursts forth from
creature within a 30-foot-radius sphere around the phylactery the phylactery and attacks any living creature it can see.
must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d10 The phylactery (AC 13, 25 hit points) is immune to the
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on following damage: cold, lightning, necrotic, poison; and
a successful one. bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks,
but vulnerable to radiant damage. If destroyed, creatures
within a 30-foot-radius sphere must succeed on a DC 15
Constitution saving throw or take 2d8 necrotic damage.

Demon's Maw (Variant): In a demon's maw, not only the
floor is lined with sharpened spikes, but their number is
Mechanical trap, offensive more plentiful and they are also embedded into the walls. A
creature falling into a demon's pit takes 3d10 piercing
One of the simplest and most effective (if labour intensive to damage, in addition to any falling damage. The walls of a
construct) traps is a simple pit. A typical simple pit is demon's maw climbed more easily due to the hand and
constructed by digging a hole 10 feet deep and of a certain footholds provided by the spike-embedded walls, requiring a
radius into the earth or constructed as part of a dungeon or successful DC 13 DC Strength (Athletics) check. However,
fortress. Alternatively, many pits are naturally occuring, such failing the check will result in a creature falling back into the
as in a cave. The pit may then be camouflaged, using pit and being impaled again, taking an additional 2d10
materials such as a woven carpet, shoddily constructed piercing damage.
floorboards, or twigs covered in debris littering a forest floor.
A hastily hidden pit may be noticed with a successful DC 13
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check,
whereas a better camouflaged pit would require a higher
check DC (15 or 17) to detect. Alternatively, pits may also be
covered in simple illusions that can be similarly identified.
A creature falling into a pit must make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10 feet                                  
fallen on a failed save, or half as much damage on a                                
successful one.
Pits are often avoided by simply travelling around them. In
some cases, the pit is constructed or occurs at a choke point,
in which case a creature must jump across. For pits greater
than 10 feet in diameter, a rope may be affixed to either swing
across or climb down one side of the pit and back up the
other side (depending on the depth of the pit). Specialized
equipment, such as grappling hooks may be required, and
crossing a pit using this method requires a successful DC 15
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
If a creature falls into the pit, it can climb out with a Mechanical trap, offensive
successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. Vermin are often carriers of communicable diseases,
Metal Spiked Pit (Variant): Many pits are lined with particularly when they live in close proximity with each other.
sharpened spikes of iron on the ends of poles, impaling In many cases, disease carriers have become immune to the
creatures unlucky enough to fall in. A creature falling into the pathogens they carry. While normally they shy away from
pit takes 3d10 piercing damage from the spikes in addition to larger creatures such as humanoids, starving and diseased
any falling damage. rats will voraciously attack and devour any nearby food
source, passing on their diseases in the process.
Foul Spiked Pit (Variant): Some spiked pits contain the Plague rats may inhabit the bottom of pits, be kept in cages
remains of creatures that have fallen in. These corpses are ready for release, or dropped onto unsuspecting victims from
befouled by rotting flesh and fluids. Alternatively, the spikes murder holes or machicolations. If a creature encounters a
within the pit may be smeared with excrement, which can cage or other vessel containing plagued rats, a successful DC
cause infection in creatures pierced by coated spikes. In 15 Intelligence (Nature) check will indicate their behavior is
addition to taking bludgeoning damage from the fall and abnormal and notice a foul stench is emitted from the vessel.
being pierced by the spikes (3d10 damage), a creature that A swarm of plague rats has the game statistics of a swarm
takes piercing damage from the spikes must also succeed on of rats. A creature that is bitten by the swarm or starts its
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become diseased. A turn in a space occupied by the swarm must succeed on a DC
diseased creature recovers only half of its hit points when 13 Constitution saving throw or become diseased. A diseased
healed for resting and suffers disadvantage on saving throws. creature gains one level of exhaustion. Additionally, the
A diseased creature can be cured with a lesser restoration creature takes 2d4 poison damage every time it completes a
spell or similar magic. short or long rest and does not gain the effects of the rest.
The disease lasts until cured, such as with a lesser
Swampy Pit (Variant): In swampy areas, pits fill with several restoration spell or by a paladin's lay on hands ability.
feet of putrid water. The walls of such a pit become difficult to
climb, requiring a successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) Fever Frenzy Rat Trap (Variant): Rats with fever frenzy
check to do so. If a creature starts its turn in the pit, it must have been cursed with vile magic. They have the game
make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 1d10 poison statistics of a swarm of rats. A creature that is bitten by the
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a swarm or starts its turn in a space occupied by the swarm
successful one. must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become
cursed. At the start of a cursed creature's turns, it must
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain one
level of exhaustion. The curse lasts until removed by the
remove curse spell or other magic.

Magical trap (enchantment), deterrent Mechanical trap, offensive
The portent of doom is a subtle psychic warning that enters The pressure plate footspike uses the weight of a creature's
the mind of any creature that approaches within a 25-foot- footstep to depress a spring mounted floorboard or pressure
radius sphere, centered on an enchanted object. The object plate 2 inches down. This causes the plate to sink below the
itself emits a very subtle magical aura, detected with a level of a number of sharpened spikes that are driven into the
successful DC 19 Intelligence (Arcana) check. underside of the creature's foot. The pressure plate is only
A creature that enters the area feels a subtle pressure on depressed when 50 lbs or more of mass is placed on the
its mind, as though a mild headache is building. The creature plate.
must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the The pressure plate itself is level with the surrounding floor.
headache passes and the creature suffers no other effects. The holes through which the spikes protrude when the plate
On a failed saving throw, the creature begins to experience is depressed are disguised, covered in painted wax or loose
gradually increasing anxiety. The creature will slowly become debris. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check
certain that some calamitous future awaits it and its allies. is required to identify the camouflage. The trap itself may be
The anxiety grows steadily, as follows: avoided or jammed with a sturdy but thin piece of wood or
metal blocking the springs from depressing, an action that
1 Round (after entering the area). The creature is only able requires a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
to move at half its normal movement speed while within check. Failure on this check results in the jam being
the affected area. unsuccessful, and the trap is not disabled.
2 Rounds (after entering the area). The creature will spend A creature that steps on the pressure plate footspike must
its turn discouraging any nearby allies, telling them that succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8
certain calamity awaits. piercing damage. A creature that takes piercing damage from
the trap suffers disadvantage on Dexterity skill checks and
3 Rounds after (entering the area). The creature will begin saving throws until it completes a short or long rest.
to panic and use its turn to attempt to shove another
creature out of the area, moving towards its target if Detaching Footspike (Variant): The footspikes may detach
necessary. upon puncturing a creature's foot. A creature that takes
4 Rounds (after entering the area). The creature is piercing damage from a footspike will have the footspike
frightened for 1 minute, and will use its turn to move out of lodged into their foot. A creature that starts its turn with an
the area. While frightened, the creature will use its enlodged floorspike takes 1d4 piercing damage. A creature
reactions to make a melee or ranged attack any creature may use its action to remove the floorspike a successful DC
that moves into the area. On each of its following turns, the 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check. If the check fails, the creature
frightened creature will use its action to make a melee or takes an additional 1d4 piercing damage.
ranged attack against any creature that discusses moving Poisoned Footspike (Variant): The footspikes may be
into the area, moving towards its target if necessary. The poisoned. A creature that takes piercing damage from a
frightened creature will not willingly enter the affected footspike must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
area. throw or take an additional 2d4 poison damage and become
The enchantment on the object may be removed with a poisoned for 1 minute.
successful DC 16 dispel magic spell. The enchanted object
may also be destroyed (AC 16, 2 hit points). If the object is
destroyed while enchanted, each creature within a 25-foot-
radius sphere of it must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw,
taking 4d6 psychic damage on a failed saving throw, or half
as much damage on a successful one.
Portent of Terror (Variant): Similar to the portent of doom,
except that the intensity of a portent of terror is more
substantial. If the creature fails the initial DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw upon entering the area, it is cursed. A cursed
creature falls prone and is restrained by a feeling of immense
dread. The cursed creature can't articulate what is happening,
and uses its turns to ramble about an unfathomable doom    
that awaits everyone. A creature can repeat the saving throw      
at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a    
success. However, for each failed saving throw after the initial
one, the DC increases by 2. If a creature's saving throw is
successful or the curse is removed by the remove curse spell
or other magic, the creature is immune to the portent of
terror for the next 24 hours.

Mechanical trap, deterrent                                
A puzzle box is a cleverly designed and constructed container
used for storing small valuables such as gems, fragile items,
or critical documents. Simple puzzle boxes require only a
single move or adjustment to open a spring loaded
mechanism, which can be done with a successful DC 13
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check is required to open a
simple puzzle box.
More complicated puzzle boxes require a series of moves,
each dependent upon the success of a prior move to open the
box. The first Sleight of Hand check still requires a DC 13 for
success, with each additional adjustment increasing the DC
by +2. A failed check sets the puzzle box back to its original
state. Destroying a puzzle box has a 50% chance to also
destroy its contents as well.
Secret Box (Variant): Within a puzzle box, an additional
hidden compartment can be used to hide a small item of even
greater value. An item of lesser value is used as a decoy.
Some creatures may simply discard a puzzle box after
pilfering its decoy contents, leaving the real valuable behind.
A successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals
the presence of the additional hidden compartment within
the secret box, which in turn requires a successful DC 18
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to open.
Poisoned Puzzle Box (Variant): A poisoned puzzle box Magical trap (transmutation), offensive
contains small needles throughout the device, detected with a
DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check. A creature A quicksilver looking glass appears as would any normal
attempting to open the puzzle box that fails its Sleight of finely crafted mirror. The frame of the looking glass is of
Hand check by 2 or more is pricked by one of the needles, finely wrought gold, silver, or brass. A creature that gazes into
taking 1 poison damage and becoming poisoned for 1 the mirror sees only its own reflection. A successful DC 15
minute. Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that the surface of the
looking glass shifts and appears to flow slightly, as though it
Trapped Puzzle Box (Variant): Some of the most clever is liquid — the mirrored surface is in fact made of
puzzle boxes have several choices of action required before transmuted quicksilver, which requires a successful DC 17
opening. A successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) Intelligence (Arcana) check to deduce.
check is required to select the correct move. Failing this When a creature picks up a quicksilver looking glass, the
check results in a creature making an incorrect move, quicksilver flows out of its frame and downward toward the
causing a glass orb containing acid to be pierced by a spring- hand of the creature holding the mirror. A successful DC 15
loaded needle. Each creature in a 10-foot-sphere around the Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check is required to drop the
box must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take quicksilver looking glass before it coats the hand of the
1d6 acid damage. Additionally, if the contents of a trapped creature holding it. If the creature fails this saving throw, the
puzzle box are fragile or delicate, there is a 50% chance they quicksilver flows over its body.
will be destroyed by the acid. A creature that makes contact with the quicksilver must
make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. If the saving throw
fails by 5 or more, the creature is instantly petrified.
Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn to
stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat
the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming
petrified on a failure or ending the effect on a success. The
petrification lasts until the creature is freed by the greater
restoration spell or other magic.
While the quicksilver is in the mirror, it may be rendered
inert with a successful DC 15 dispel magic spell, hardening it
and creating a mundane looking glass.


Magical trap (evocation), deterrent
Under normal circumstances, reliquaries are vessels used to                           
contain holy relics of deities long dead. However, such vessels                            
can also be used as containers for magic. The reliquary of
frost is a container etched in symbols and runes. It is also
covered in a layer of ice, which drains the heat from nearby
surroundings. The reliquary of frost affects a 30-foot-radius
sphere centered on it. Tendrils of cold mist swirl upon the
floor within this radius. Creatures will notice this effect with
a DC 10 passive Perception.
A creature in the area 20 feet or further away from the
reliquary of frost will notice a chill overtake their body,
characterised by a baited frosty breath.
A creature that moves closer than 20 feet towards
reliquary of frost must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
saving throw for every 5-foot square they move or take 1d6
cold damage. A creature that takes cold damage from the
reliquary of frost has its movement speed halved until it Mechanical trap, alarm
completes a long rest. This trap consists of a simple tripline attached to a series of
A creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the reliquary ringing bells. Commonly used to ward campsites and access
of frost must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or points, the trip wire is set 3-4 inches above the ground and is
be restrained by the misty tendrils. A creature that starts its tied taut between two anchor points, such as trees or
turn restrained by the reliquary of frost takes 2d8 cold columns. The line is thin, such as a catgut or fishing line, and
damage at the start starts its turn. A creature can use its requires a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation)
action to make a DC 15 Strength check to try to free itself check to notice.
from the icy tendrils. Triggering the alarm causes the bells to ring. The sharp
Should a creature touch the reliquary, it shatters with sound alerts creatures within 100 feet that can hear.
explosive force. Each creature within a 15-foot-radius sphere The ringing bell tripline may be disabled as an action by
centered on the reliquary must make a DC 15 Dexterity removing an anchor point and slowly lowering the bells to the
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d8 cold ground, which requires a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight
damage, or half as much damage on a successful one. The of Hand) check to accomplish. Failing this check results in
remains of the reliquary are revealed and unaffected by the the trap being triggered. A creature may also simply avoid the
enchantment placed upon its vessel. line once detected.
The magic placed upon the reliquary may be dispelled with
a successful DC 14 dispel magic spell. Razorwire Tripline (Variant): Rather than using a simple
trip line, razor wire may be used to set the trap instead. Razor
wire is thinner and more difficult to disable, requiring a
successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to
disable. Failure on this check triggers the trap, and the
creature attempting to disable the trap takes 1d4 piercing
Any creature triggering the trip line not only causes the
   alarm to sound, but also takes 1d4 piercing damage.

Mudslide (Variant): In areas with significant rainfall, small
reservoirs of water may be constructed along water channels
Mechanical trap, obstruction that run down hillslopes. When the dam bursts, the flood of
water causes the collapse of a hillslope, which triggers a
A rockslide may be a naturally occuring obstruction or mudslide.
intentionally set as a trap to block a crevasse, a mountain A path covered in a mudslide takes 15 minutes per 5-foot
pass, or narrow paths. While a rockslide may be an square to clear for vehicles and mounts to pass through. A
inconvenience for lone travellers afoot, it effectively prevents creature caught in a mudslide must succeed on a DC 15
horse-drawn wagons and caravans. A pair of rockslides on Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 bludgeoning damage
either side of a caravan effectively pins it in place and allows from debris in the mudslide. A creature that fails the saving
raiders and vagabonds an ambush opportunity. throw by 5 or more is pushed up to 20 feet in the direction
In the case of constructed rockslides, a sturdy wooden that the mudslide is travelling and knocked prone. The area
frame is used to hold a large quantity of rocks in place (500 - of the mudslide is considered difficult terrain.
2500 pounds of rock). This frame is constructed above a
larger slope of loose rock or scree such that releasing it
causes additional debris to fall: for every 25 feet the slope,
the mass of falling rocks doubles. A supporting wedge is used Mechanical trap, alarm
to keep the frame upright. The trap is triggered when the
wedge support is knocked out of the frame, which requires a A simple yet effective alarm, rusty hinges are difficult to
successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check. This causes the notice and commonly overlooked. While rust is usually the
frame to collapse and the rocks to fall. unintentional result of poor maintenance, it can still cause
From a distance the rockslide may appear as simply a hinges on a door or chest to make screech when opened, and
collection of precarious rocks. A successful DC 15 at times rust is intentionally left on hinges for this reason.
Intelligence (Investigation) check indicates the debris may be As creatures seldom consider the potential that hinges may
at risk of causing a rockslide. A check that succeeds by 5 or make noise, identifying rusty hines requires a DC 17
more allows a creature to discern a frame holding the Intelligence (Investigation) check to notice. A successful DC
rockslide. 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check is required to carefully
A rockslide will double in size every 25 feet, and cover a and slowly open a door with rusty hinges, or if the hinges are
predefined area on the path below with the mass of rocks accessible, a creature use an action to apply a coat of oil to
(based on the above calculation). 1000 pounds of rock them, which will remove the audible screech when the door
requires 1 hour to clear so vehicles and mounts may pass. is opened.
Creatures on foot may climb over the rockslide with a If a door with rusty hinges is opened, each creature within
successful DC 8 Strength (Athletics) check. 30 feet of the door with a passive Perception of 10 or greater
A creature caught directly in the path of a rockslide must is alerted to the sound.
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d10 Shrieking Doors (Variant): While rusty hinges are often the
bludgeoning damage. If a creature takes bludgeoning damage result of poor housekeeping, some clever individuals
from the rockslide, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength expanded on the idea, attaching a series of iron nails
saving throw or be knocked unconscious. An unconscious carefully angled to scrape along a slate stone inlaid into the
creature is buried by the rockslide and must be freed by other floor behind the door. Careful inspection of the bottom of the
creatures, which takes 4d8 minutes. A buried creature is door will reveal the presence of these nails and the slate floor,
suffocating and can hold its breath for a number of minutes requiring a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 check. The trap is circumvented by opening the door very
seconds). slowly, requiring a DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
When a creature runs out of breath or is choking, it can If a door with iron nails is opened normally, each creature
survive for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution within 60 feet of the door with a passive Perception of 8 or
modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it greater is alerted to the sound.
drops to 0 hit points and is dying, and it can't regain hit points
or be stabilized until it can breathe again.
Logslide (Variant): Rather than boulders, logs may also be
held in a frame for release down a slope. Up to twenty-four
500-pound logs may be held in the frame. 2d12 logs will
block a path or road, with the remaining logs travelling
harmlessly past or not blocking the area. Each log blocking
a path requires 5 minutes and successful DC 15 Strength
(Athletics) check to move.
If a creature is caught in the path of a log slide, it must
succeed on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check leap over the oncoming logs. A creature
that fails the ckill check is hit by 1d8 logs, each one dealing
1d10 bludgeoning damage. If the creature fails the skill check
by 5 or more, it is also pushed up to 15 feet in the direction
the logs are travelling and knocked prone.                             

Magical trap (necromancy), offensive Mechanical trap, offensive
The sanguis curse is a necromantic enchantment placed Rather than a single large ballista or crossbow firing quarrels
upon the valued items and relics of those who worship at a target, a scorpion consists of dozens of smaller darts
forbidden blood magics, such as tomes or sacrificial altars. fitted into a firing mechanism controlled by a single trigger
Such objects are often caked in dried blood, faintly smell of behind an 6-foot tall armored front (AC 18, 25 hit points). The
iron, and have twisted runes in Abyssal or other demonic scorpion may be triggered with a mechanical switch, such as
languages scribed upon them. These objects are identified a tripline or pressure plate noticed with a successful DC 15
with a DC 13 Intelligence (Arecana, Religion or History) Intelligence (Investigation) check, or fired manually by a
check that is required to notice something foul is at play, but creature operating it as an action. The scorpion is often used
does not reveal the presence of a curse. to thwart sieges at gateways, chokepoints or in narrow
The sanguis curse creates a magical bond between the tunnels with no place to dodge incoming darts, but is slow to
illaqueator and a creature touching the cursed object. If a reload (requiring 1 minute to do so). However, it can decimate
creature touches a cursed object, it must succeed on a DC 15 a large number of incoming foes.
Wisdom saving throw or become cursed. While cursed, any When fired, the scorpion shoots its darts in a 60-foot line
piercing or slashing damage taken by the cursed creature that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must succeed on
that draws blood, such as the slash from a sword, heals the a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 4d4 piercing damage.
illaqueator who placed the curse for an amount equal to the The scorpion itself is made of a wooden frame but armored
amount of damage done to the cursed creature. Hit points with iron plates on its front. It may be climbed over as an
gained in this manner cannot exceed the illaqueator's action, requiring a DC 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The
maximum hit points. scorpion provides three-quarters cover to a creature hiding
The sanguis curse lasts until removed by the remove curse behind it.
spell or other magic. The cursed object may be destroyed (AC The scorpion's ammo may be augmented with an
14, 10 hit points) and is vulnerable to radiant damage, but additional property, as described below:
immune to necrotic damage and damage from nonmagical
weapon attacks). Bloodrot. The scorpion may be loaded with darts enchanted
with necrotic magic. A creature that takes piercing damage
Cruor Curse (Variant): The cruor curse is placed by an from the scorpion must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution
illaqueator on an object. When a creature touches a cursed saving throw or become infected with a disease. It takes
object, it must succeed on a DC 16 Intelligence saving throw 2d4 hours for bloodrot’s symptoms to manifest in an
or become cursed. The curse creates a psychic bond between infected creature. The infected creature only restores half
the illaqueator and the cursed creature. Each time the as many hit points as normal from magical healing, when
illaqueator who placed the curse takes damage from any spending hit dice during a short rest, or after taking a long
source, the cursed creature takes psychic damage equal to rest. At the end of each long rest, an infected creature must
the damage dealt to the illaqueator. The cruor curse lasts make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. After 3
until removed by the remove curse spell or other magic. successful saving throws, the creature recovers from the
Amovere Curse (Variant): The amovere curse is placed by
an illaqueator on an object. When a creature touches a Fouled. The scorpion bolts are coated in excrement or rotting
cursed object, it must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving flesh. A creature takes piercing damage must succeed on a
throw or become cursed. The curse creates an ethereal bond DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become infected with
between the illaqueator and the cursed creature. As a bonus disease. One day after infection, the creature’s vision starts
action, the illaqueator who placed the curse can magically to become blurry. The creature takes a 1 penalty to attack
teleport the cursed creature if it is within 120 feet of it, rolls and ability checks that rely on sight. At the end of each
causing the creature to appear in an unoccupied square long rest after the symptoms appear, the penalty worsens
within 5 feet of the illaqueator. The amovere curse lasts until by 1. When it reaches −5, the infected creature is blinded
removed by the remove curse spell or other magic. until its sight is restored by magic such as lesser
restoration or heal.
Paralytic: Darts fired from a scorpion may also be coated in
a substance that causes paralysis. A creature takes
piercing damage must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution
saving throw or be paralysed for 1 round.
Venomous. The scorpion may be loaded with darts dipped in
poison. A creature that takes piercing damage from the
venomous scorpion must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
saving throw or take an additional 2d4 poison damage and
        become poisoned for 1 minute.

Mechanical trap, deterrent
The serpent's maw consists of a small tunnel with a diameter
slightly wider than that of a humanoid arm and slightly
shorter than the same. At the end of the tunnel and just
within reach is a hidden item or mechanism such as a lever
to open a nearby door. The walls of the tunnel are lined with
sharpened fire hardened stakes of bone or wood (the "teeth"
        or the maw), angled toward the end of the tunnel. Any
        creature reaching into the serpent's maw must succeed on a
DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage
as they reach into the maw. Grasping the object or
mechanism at the end of the maw requires the creature to
close its fist, an action that increases the diameter of its hand
as it tries to withdraw it. To withdraw its limb, a creature
must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check
or take 1d8 slashing damage, inflicted as it withdraws its
arm. The "teeth" of the maw may be removed, with each
"tooth" requiring an action to do so (taking 1 hour to
The teeth of a serpent's maw may be coated with an
additional property, as described below:
Mechanical trap, alarm Caustic Teeth. The maw's teeth are coated in acid. A
creature takes an additional 1d6 acid damage each time a
Not all alarms and traps require construction or magical creature takes piercing damage from the teeth.
prowess. The sentry raven is a clever bird that has been well Paralytic Teeth. The maw's teeth are coated in a substance
trained by a illaqueator, proficient in animal handling. The that causes paralysis. A creature that takes piercing
raven possesses keen eyes and has been trained to issue damage from the maw's teeth must succeed on a DC 15
distinct calls in response to perceived threats — armed Constitution saving throw or be paralysed for 1 minute.
visitors result in a single urgent call per visitor, for example.
After a brief interval, the calls will become much more rapid Rotten Teeth. The maw's teeth are coated in a substance
as the intruders approach. The raven, through subtle magical that infects blood with a deadly disease. A creature that
abjurations cast upon it, is able to discern the mystical auras takes piercing damage from the maw's teeth must succeed
of beings, similar to a detect magic spell and can relay this on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be infected by
information to its trainer. Any creature within 300 feet can disease. Symptoms develop within 1d4 days. An infected
hear the distinct calls of a sentry raven. creature suffers 1 level of exhaustion. While exhausted, the
A sentry raven has the same statistics as a raven. It may be creature begins to intermittently cough up small amounts
distinguished from its untrained brethren with a successful of blood. At the end of each long rest, the creature must
DC 17 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Animal Handling) succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 2d6
check, and a roll that succeeds by 5 or more will allow the necrotic damage and gain 1 level of exhaustion. The
creature to distinguish the meanings of the sentry raven's disease remains until removed by magic such as lesser
distinct calls. restoration or heal.
Raptor Sentry (Variant): Rather than a raven, a raptor such Demon's Maw (Variant): Rather than sharpened bone or
as an eagle, a hawk, or an owl may also be trained as a sentry. wooden stakes, the demon's maw is lined with jagged metal
These keen-eyed raptors patrol from high above, out of a teeth that are spring loaded and withdrawn into hidden
creature's undiscerning eyeline. Upon identifying a threat, the nooks lining the maw. The nooks and teeth are noticeable
sentry will rapidly stoop and call to their illaqueator, relaying upon a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
information as they track intruders into their master's At the end of the maw, a treasure or other valuable sits on a
domain. A successful DC 19 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom pressure plate. The pressure plate is detected with a
(Animal Handling) check will indicate the unusual behavior of successful DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check. When
a patrolling sentry raptor. the item is removed from the pressure plate, the spring
If they should stoop to attack, sentry raptors are trained to loaded metal teeth spring outward into a creature's limb
rake at an opponent's eyes and rapidly maneuver away from within the maw, dealing 1d8 piercing damage (no save). A
threats. The first attack roll a sentry raptor makes in combat creature that takes piercing damage can withdraw its limb,
has advantage. Additionally, the sentry raptor has the flyby but takes an additional 3d8 piercing damage when doing so
ability, thus able to move away from another creature without unless a mass roughly equal to the original object is placed
provoking opportunity attacks. A creature that takes damage onto the pressure plate (thus retracting the teeth). A creature
from the sentry raptor will suffer disadvantage on skill that takes 10 or more piercing damage from the demon's
checks related to sight until the creature completes a long maw suffers disadvantage on attack rolls or ability checks
rest. made with the limb until it completes a long rest.

Magical trap (illusion), deterrent Magical trap (conjuration), alarm
Shadows dance and move on the walls of a room containing Summoned forth to guard illaqueator liars and dens, the
a shadow's embrace trap. When a creature moves into such a shadow servant is a spectral force that is telepathically linked
room, a shadow manifests itself and mimics the creature's to its master (range of 1 mile). The servant may move about
own shadow. A successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) freely within a 100-foot-radius of wherever it was summoned,
check indicates the shadow is acting independently of a and will alert its master of any intruders telepathically. If its
creature's actions. If noticed, the shadow swirls around its master is outside its telepathy range, the servant will merely
target, embracing it. The targeted creature must succeed on a observe the intruders and relay this information back to its
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded by darkness for 1 master when possible. Creatures with a passive Perception
hour. The target's sclera and pupil become solid black. After of 18 may observe a shadow faintly moving of its own accord,
the effect ends, the creature still makes all attack rolls and or they may make a successful DC 19 Intelligence
saving throws or checks that require sight with a -2 penalty (Investigation) check.
until they complete a long rest. A blinded creature's sight can The shadow servant (AC 15, 10 hit points) is immune to
be restored by a lesser restoration spell or equivalent. the following damage types: cold, necrotic, poison;
The shadow may be dispelled with a dispel magic spell or bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks.
driven away with a light source, such as a bonfire or a light While the shadow servant can't attack other creatures, a
spell. Small light sources, such as torches, have no effect on creature that touches the servant must succeed on a DC 13
the shadow. Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 force damage.
The shadow itself is illusory and will dissipate once it has The shadowlord's servant may be dispelled with a
attacked its target. More than one shadow may be in an area. successful DC 14 dispel magic spell.
Shadowlord's Guardian (Variant): A shadowlord's guardian
will alert its master of intruders, and also attempt to deter or
Magical trap (illusion), offensive intimidate them while remaining undetected if possible. The
An incantation to the shadowy beings that inhabit the darkest guardian can cast the following cantrips at will: gust, mage
recesses of one's mind, the shadow's grasp is a dark illusion hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation, and thaumaturgy, and
placed upon an object. When a warded object is touched or will use these cantrips in an attempt to lure intruders away
opened, an inky cloud of magical darkness descends upon an from its master's valuables through confusion and deception.
area 60-foot-radius sphere around the object. Only creatures The shadow guardian has the game statistics of a shadow
that can see through magical darkness can see in the area, and makes Dexterity (Stealth) checks with advantage. A
and neither magical nor non magical light can illuminate it. A creature that touches the guardian must succeed on a DC 15
creature standing in the area hears random whispers and Constitution saving throw or take 4d4 force damage and be
mutterings coming from all directions, but can't discern their pushed up to 10 feet away from the guardian. The
location or source. At random, bolts of red static electricity shadowlord's guardian can not be dispelled.
flash within the cloud.
A creature that starts its turn in the area must roll a d20.
On a roll of 1, a phantasmal flayed humanoid hand dripping
with illusory blood reaches forth from the shadows grabs the
target, grappling it. A grappled creature can use its action to
break free (escape DC 14). If a grappled creature rolls a 1 at
the start of its next turn, another phantasmal humanoid hand
grabs the creature, increasing the escape DC by +2.        '
The magical darkness can be dispelled with a successful         
DC 15 dispel magic spell. The trap itself is only identifiable
with a successful DC 19 Intelligence (Arcana) check that
reveals both necrotic and illusory magic placed upon a
warded object.
Wraith's Prevalence (Variant): The wraith's prevalence is a
smaller, but more sinister magical darkness trap. When a
warded object is touched or opened, an inky cloud of magical
darkness descends upon an area 20-foot-radius sphere
around the object. An affected creature’s speed is halved in
the area, and when the creature enters the area for the first
time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a DC 17
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes
3d8 necrotic damage from malevolent spirits floating in the
darkness. On a successful save, the creature takes half as
much damage.

Magical trap (illusion), obstruction Magical trap (transmutation), obstruction
The shroud of shadows appears as a black curtain gently The sifting sands trap is either a naturally occuring
swaying as though ruffled by a gentle breeze, even if no wind quicksand site or an area enchanted with transmutation
is present. Creatures can faintly see terrain through the magic that affects a 20-foot-radius, 40-foot-deep cylinder area.
shroud, as though it is a sheer curtain that can simply be A DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check will identify naturally
pushed aside and passed through. occuring quicksand, or a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) will
A successful DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check is required identify an area enchanted with transmutation energies to
to identify that the shroud is illusory in nature, with a roll that similar effect.
succeeds by 5 or more informing that passing through the The area of the trap is difficult terrain. Any mass greater
curtain will lead to an otherworldly location. than 100 pounds that enters the 20-foot-radius circle on the
A creature that passes through the shroud enters a surface will immediately sink 2 feet deep into the cylinder. A
shadowy plane that has an area equal to a 20-foot cube. sinking creature that ends its turn in the area must succeed
Creatures entering the shadowy plane have their vision on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or sink an additional 2d6
limited to a distance of 5 feet, even if they possess the ability feet into the sand.
to see in the dark. The shadowy plane can't be illuminated by A creature that sinks below the surface is restrained and
magical or nonmagical light sources, which are engulfed by can't breath if it requires air to do so. After 1 + (creature's
the shroud of shadows. Faint disembodied whispers can be Consitution bonus) minutes of holding its breath, it falls
heard muttering from all directions, uttering ominous unconscious and its hit points fall to 0 but it is stable. The
random phrases. A creature can move through the shadowy creature can then survive for a number of rounds equal to its
plane at ease, but must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). After that, the
throw or become disoriented and move in a random direction creature begins making death saving throws.
on their next turn.
The walls and ceiling of the shadowy plane are made of
jagged obsidian. A creature that touches a wall or ceiling Magical trap (enchantment), obstruction
must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6
slashing damage. A spell cast in the shadowy plane has no A finely crafted weaving of thin, flexible metal strands of a
effect, but has its spell slot consumed. magically-infused alloy that includes silver and platinum, a
The shadowy plane itself has two 5-foot shrouds of sheer silveron web is both strong and capable of absorbing magical
black silk at opposite ends, which connect it to the material energies. It can be cast over creatures to bind them and
plane at predetermined locations that can be any distance contain any magical energies within, or used as a barrier to
apart. A ceature standing within 5 feet of a shroud can see prevent magic from passing through.
into the area beyond the shadowy plane. A creature passing The silveron web consists of metal fibers 0.1 inches thick,
through either shroud is teleported out of the shadowy plane, and woven approximately 2 inches apart (AC 13, 10 hit points
but must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 per 5-foot-square area). A creature that touches the web
(4d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much becomes restrained (escape DC 16). If a spell is cast at a
damage on a successful one. silveron web, the web absorbs the energy and disperses it
The shroud can be dispelled with a successful DC 18 across the web, energizing it. The web can only absorb one
dispel magic spell, centered one of the shoud's curtains spell at a time. Additional spells cast on the web have no
before entering or after exiting the shadowy plane. Doing so effect. The spell slot used to cast a spell on the web is
causes the shadowy plane to collapse. Each creature outside consumed, but otherwise has no effect.
the shadowy plane that is within a 30-foot-radius sphere of a A creature that touches an energized silveron web must
dispeled curtain takes 6d6 necrotic damage and it is pushed succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 2d8
away 30 feet from the curtain (no saving throw). Over the next force damage, is pushed 10 feet away from the web, and
1d6 minutes, nonmagical vegetation in this area begins to knocked prone. The web is no longer energized once this
wither and die. New vegetation will not grow in this area for occurs.
10d10 years. A creature inside the shadowy plane when a If a creature is restrained by silveron web, and the web is
curtain is dispelled falls to 0 hit points but is stable. The targeted by a spell, the web becomes energized. The
creature is teleported outside the shadowy plane to the restrained creature automatically fails its saving throw, taking
original location of the curtain through which it entered, but the damage, but is not pushed away from the web. Instead,
suffers no other effects. the creature remains restrained and is stunned for 1d4
rounds. If more than one creature is restrained by a web that
is targeted with a spell, the effect happens to each creature.


Magical trap (evocation), offensive
A simulacrum magi - ignis trap is a powerful illusory
presence of a wizard contained within a perfectly carved ruby.
A creature that approaches within 50 feet of the ignis ruby
triggers the formation of a simulacrum, which appears as a
red-bearded wizard clad in crimson robes. The simulacrum               
challenges a creature with a riddle requiring a password or                
phrase. If a creature answers the riddle successfully or moves
outside the 50-foot-radius circle, the simulacrum will
disappear back within its ruby and take no action. A creature
that touches the ignis ruby while it is projecting a
simulacrum must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw,
taking 3d8 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.
If a creature answers incorrectly or fails to answer the
riddle within 1 minute while remaining in the area, 1d4
additional simulacrums will appear at equidistant locations
in the area, each within 50 of the ignis ruby. The simulacrum
will speak in unison, repeating the challenge. If the challenge
is failed again, the simulacrum will engage the creatures in
the area. At initiative order 20 (losing all ties), the ignis ruby
will cast one of its prepared spells, as though it were in the
space of one of the simulacrums. A DC 18 passive Perception
reveals that the ignis ruby is the source of the power,
otherwise the spell appears to be cast by a simulacrum. A
simulacrum takes no damage from attacks or spells, but may
be dispelled with a successful DC 15 dispel magic spell. If all
of the simulacrum are dispelled, the ignis ruby's magic goes
inert, taking 1d10 days to recharge.
The simulacrum magi - ignis ruby has the following spells
prepared: (at will): firebolt; 3/day: magic missile, scorching
ray; 1/day: fireball
The ruby has (17 AC, 30 hit points) is immune to fire
damage and damage from nonmagical weapons. If the ruby is
destroyed, any active simulacrums dissipate.
Simulacrum Magi - Glacies (Variant): This simulacrum is
contained within a sapphire. It operates in the same way as a Mechanical trap, offensive
simulacrum magi - ignis, except that it deals cold damage
upon being touched, and has the following spells prepared: The spring spear trap consists of a springy, flexible sapling
(at will): ray of frost; 3/day: fog cloud, magic missile, slow; branch tied to a hair trigger, tripline, or another sapling.
1/day: ice storm. Attached to the sapling are one or more sharpened wooden
stakes. This rudimentary trap is often camouflaged with
Simulacrum Magi - Interitus (Variant): This simulacrum is leaves and debris, but a successful DC 13 Intelligence
contained within a shard of obsidian. It operates in the same (Investigation or Nature) check will reveal its presence. The
way as a simulacrum magi - ignis, except that it deals necrotic triggering mechanism can be removed as an action requiring
damage upon being touched, and has the following spells a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, which
prepared: (at will): chill touch; 3/day: bane, inflict wounds, releases the tension of the spiked sapling and disarms the
magic missile; 1/day: blight. trap.
If triggered, the tension held in the sapling is violently
Simulacrum Magi - Tempestas (Variant): This simulacrum released, causing the stakes to whip toward a target. A
is contained within a diamond. It operates in the same way as creature that triggers the trap must succeed on a DC 15
a simulacrum magi - ignis, except that it deals lightning Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 piercing damage.
damage upon being touched, and has the following spells
prepared: (at will): shocking grasp; 3/day: gust of wind, magic Barbed Spring Spear (Variant): A creature that takes
missile, thunderwave; 1/day: lightning bolt. piercing damage from a spring spear may also be infected
with barbs affixed to the spear. A successful DC 15
Intelligence (Medicine) or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check
is required to remove the barbs, or the impaled target will
take an additional 1d6 slashing damage as the barbed stake
is removed.

Mechanical trap, offensive Mechanical trap, offensive
Designed by illaqueators who live in close proximity or even A favorite of spider-worshipping denizens that live
worship arachnids, the spider's gossamer strands appear as a underground, the spider's fangs trap consists of a pair of
finely interwoven web of spidersilk. To the untrained eye they sharpened bone, wood, or even steel curved "fangs" that
appear as little more than a thick collection of cobwebs in a spring from the ceiling or walls of a low tunnel or cavern
forgotten tunnel, though a successful DC 15 Intelligence system. These fangs are spring loaded and connected by a
(Investigation) check will reveal them to seen unnatural, and tight wire to a pressure plate or tripline, which can be noticed
a roll that succeeds by 5 or more will reveal that several with a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check. The
strands disappear into smaller side tunnels throughout the mechanism may be disarmed with a successful DC 14
cave. Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
Disturbing the spider's gossamer strands sends a vibration If the trigger is tripped, the spring-loaded spider's fangs
through the strands and into a series of separate parallel descend in an arc toward the targeted 5-foot square area. A
caverns on either side of the main tunnel. Pulling and further creature within the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
disturbing the strands unlatches a series of trap doors saving throw or be impaled by the fangs, taking 1d10 piercing
separating the parallel caverns from the main tunnel, damage. If the saving throw is successful, the creature jumps
releasing a number of spiders into the tunnel that have been out of the way, into an unoccupied space of its choosing
enraged by the frequency of the vibrations caused by within 5 feet.
disturbing the strands. This trap can call forth 1d4 swarms of The spider's fangs may be bypassed by avoiding or
spiders. disarming the trigger mechanism.
The spider's gossamer strands have been constructed with
a path through it that allows medium sized creatures to pass Spidersilk tripline (Variant): Rather than a simple tripline
through if they know the route. A successful DC 17 or pressure plate, a spidersilk tripline may be used as a
Intelligence (Investigation or Nature) check will allow a trigger mechanism. The spidersilk tripline is more difficult to
creature to determine the path through. Failure on this roll notice, requiring a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check to
results in the incorrect path being chosen. To pass through, a detect.
creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) Spider's Envenomed Fangs (Variant): The spider's fangs
check. may be coated with a thin layer of virulent spider venom. If
The webs are flammable. Any 5-foot cube of webs exposed impaled, the target must succeed on an additional DC 13
to fire burns away in 1 round, dealing 2d4 fire damage to any Constitution saving throw or take an additional 1d8 poison
creature that starts its turn in the fire. damage and be poisoned for 1 hour.
Alarmed Gossamer Strands (Variant): Should the spider's
gossamer strands be further intertwined with an alarm
system, such as bells or other devices, creatures within 100 Magical trap (transmutation), alarm
feet that can hear will be alerted when the web is disturbed.
Burning alarmed gossamer strands triggers the alarm The ramparts and inner walls of castles are littered with
mechanism but does not release the spider's from their stone carvings of dragons, griffons, or gargoyles. The stone
containment, and a DC 17 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check is fury is one such statue that has been imbued with a life force
required to pass through without triggering the alarm. of its own, similar to a golem. Acting as sentries in castles,
Spider's Alarm (Variant): A simpler version of the spider's crypts, and temples, the stone fury will remain motionless
gossamer strand, a series of interwoven spidersilk strands until a sentient being approaches within 50 feet of it. A
are tied to a distant alarm. The strands are unusually woven, magical aura on the stone statue may be noticed with a
suggesting they have been tied together by humanoid hands, successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check. The stone fury
which requires a successful DC 15 Intelligence may telepathically communicate with its master up to 10
(Investigation) check to discern. If the woven series of strands miles away, and at its master's behest it may animate as a
is disturbed, the vibrations pass through the strand up to 100 gargoyle. The animation happens on initiative order 20
feet away through the spidersilk, causing a bell or other (losing all ties), before which time attacks against the
alarm system to be tripped and alerting creatures within 60 gargoyle are made with advantage.
feet of the alarm. Due to the distance between the alarm and The transmutation magic on the stone fury may be
the spidersilk tripline, creatures that have triggered the trap dispelled with a successful DC 16 dispel magic spell, or
remain unaware it has been triggered unless they succeed on destroyed in its inanimate form (AC 15, 30 hit points). In its
a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. inanimate state, it is immune to the following damage types:
cold, necrotic, poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks.
Stone Behemoth (Variant): The stone behemoth is a larger
sculpture, often of a humanoid carved of granite. Often found
in temples, crypts, and places of worship, the stone behemoth
animates as a stone golem, and is more aggressive toward

Mechanical trap, offensive Magical trap (enchantment), alarm
The swinging log trap consists of a hewn log tied to sturdy A successful Arcana check (DC 15) is required to identify the
branches at either end and suspended at a high point in the presence of a part of another magic user's consciousness in
canopy of a forest. When released, the swinging log trap an area protected by a telepathic ward. This trap is triggered
swings downward in an arc with a significant amount of force by the presence of an sentient creature entering an 10-foot-
as would a pendulum. The log is at least 10 feet long, and is radius circle in which an illaqueator has bound a part of its
set to hit its targets as they pass through the lowest point of consciousness.
the swing. A creature entering the warded area must succeed on a
This trap is often released by creatures hiding in successful DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be telepathically
camouflaged blinds hidden amongst the treetops that may be linked to the illaqueator for 1 hour. Both the affected target
noticed with a DC 17 passive Perception, or a successful DC and the illaqueator are aware of the link, and may
15 Intelligence (Nature) check. The trap may also be released communicate telepathically if they are within 1 mile of each
by triggering a tripline along the forest floor, which may be other. A successful saving throw results in the illaqueator
identified with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) knowing the ward has been activated, but no other
check and disarmed with a successful DC 13 Dexterity information may be gleaned. The target, having succeeded on
(Sleight of Hand) check. its Wisdom saving throw, observes no effect. This trap may
When released, any creatures in a 10-foot-cube area at the be dispelled with a successful DC 14 dispel magic spell or if
bottom of the pendulum swing are along the path of the the illaqueator chooses to end the link early as an action.
swinging log trap and must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw or take 3d10 bludgeoning damage and are Warden's Bond (Variant): The warden's bond is similar to
knocked prone. If a creature takes 20 or more bludgeoning the telepathic bond, except the telepathic link between the
damage, it must make an additional DC 15 Constitution target and illaqueator is stronger. As an action on its turn, the
saving throw or be stunned for 1d6 rounds. illaqueator may make a ranged spell attack against the linked
creature. On a hit, the target is paralyzed until the end of its
Spiked Swinging Log (Variant): Wooden stakes may be next turn.
affixed to a swinging log. A creature that takes bludgeoning
damage from the swinging log trap takes an additional 1d8 Warden's Fury (Variant): The warden's fury allows the
piercing damage. illaqueator of the enchantment to psychically attack a
telepathically linked target. As an action on its turn, the
illaqueator may make a ranged spell attack against the linked
creature. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 psychic damage.
                            Warden's Malice (Variant): The warden's malice allows the
illaqueator of the enchantment to telepathically opress a
linked target. For the duration of the telepathic link, each
time the target creature attempts to cast a spell, it must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw where the DC is
equal to 10 + the spell's level. On a failure, the spell has no
effect but still consumes the spell slot used to cast it. If the
target creature successfully casts a spell that requires
concentration, it must succeed on the Constitution saving
throw at the start of its turns.


Mechanical trap, deterrent Magical trap (evocation), alarm
Devised by cunning illaqueators to protect their ill-gotten A thief's curse is a simple enchantment placed upon an
gains, the thieves' counterpick consists of a thin glass orb object of a illaqueator's choice. The thief's curse acts as both
containing a highly corrosive acid that is in close proximity to an alarm and a deterrent, as the enchanted object appears to
the tumbler mechanism of a lock. If a burglar isn't sufficiently have a faintly glowing violet nimbus upon it, revealed by a
knowledgeable, careful, and precise when opening a lock successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
with their thieves’ tools, they may accidentally pierce the Should a creature touch an object enchanted with a thief's
glass, causing the acid to quickly leak out into the tumbler curse, the violet aura jumps from the affected object to the
mechanism. The acid rapidly fuses the thieves' tools into the creature, which itself is engulfed in a bright shimmering
lock, destroying them, rendering the lock unable to open, and violet aura noticeable to any who gaze upon the creature. The
leaving evidence of tampering by the would-be thief. cursed creature has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
The thieves' counterpick, due to its small size and checks and cannot turn invisible. Attacks made against a
integration within the tumbler mechanism, is difficult to cursed creature are made with advantage. Further, the
detect, requiring a successful DC 17 Intelligence illaqueator that created the thief's curse is telepathically
(Investigation) check. Picking the lock requires a successful aware of the cursed creature's location at all times.
DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check using thieves' tools. If another creature touches the cursed target, that creature
A failed check results in the trap being triggered and the lock must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or also
being fused shut. If the thieves' counterpick trap goes become cursed, as the curse spreads to the new creature.
undetected, a successful DC 19 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) To touch the enchanted object, a creature must clearly
check is required to pick the lock without triggering the utter a password or phrase to nullify the curse while within
counterpick. 10 feet of the object. The thief's curse may also be dispelled
No illaqueator would willingly eliminate their ability to with a dispel magic spell. The creature remains cursed until
access their treasure - the small quantity of acid only the curse if removed by the remove curse spell or other
damages the tumbler mechanism of the lock without seeping magic.
into the contents of a chest or door. Many locks protected by
a thief's counterpick therefore contain alternative ways of Curse of Clumsiness (Variant): This variant of the thief's
opening the chest (such as a false bottom), or the chest may curse causes the cursed creature to be bathed in an orange
be opened through magical means or forced open with a aura. A cursed creature becomes clumsy, and makes attack
successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. rolls and ability checks with disadvantage. The cursed
creature also has disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks
Diplomat's Safety (Variant): A larger orb of acid is present and cannot turn invisible, and the illaqueator that created the
that, if pierced, dissolves the contents of the chest before it curse of clumsiness is telepathically aware of the cursed
can be opened. For example, letters detailing an creature's location at all times.
assassination plot could be destroyed in the event of a thief
tampering with a lock, removing all evidence of the plot. A Feeblemind Curse (Variant): A creature affected by the
diplomat's safety mechanism is more easily noticed than a feeblemind curse is bathed in a yellow aura, finds itself
thieves' counterpick, requiring a successful DC 15 unable to speak coherently, and has disadvantage on Wisdom
Intelligence (Investigation) check, but is also more difficult to and Intelligence skill checks. The illaqueator that created the
pick, requiring a successful DC 16 Dexterity (Sleight of feeblemind curse is telepathically aware of the cursed
Hand) check using thieves' tools once identified. creature's location at all times.
Fool's Bane (Variant): The fool's bane contains a large orb Forgetfulness Curse (Variant): A creature affected by the
of acid under a pressure mechanism next to the lock. It meandering curse is bathed in a green aura, and suffers from
requires a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) partial amnesia. The creature knows who it is, but doesn’t
check to notice and a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of recognize other people or remember anything that happened
Hand) check using thieves' tools to open. Failure on the check before it was cursed. The illaqueator that created the
to pick the lock or any other physical attempt to open the lock forgetfulness curse is telepathically aware of the cursed
such as by force will cause the pressure mechanism to cause creature's location at all times.
acid to spray in a 10-foot cone in front of the lock. Each
creature within the area cone must make a DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 4d4 acid damage on a failed save, or half
as much on a successful one.

Magical trap (evocation), alarm                              
A thunderclap alarm may be triggered by a creature entering
a warded 5-foot-square area. An area warded by a
thunderclap alarm has traces of evocation magic that may be
detected with a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
When triggered, each creature within 100 feet of the trap
that can hear it is assaulted by a sudden thunderous boom,
and must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
take 2d6 thunder damage. A creature that fails its save by 5
or more is knocked prone.
A faint noise as though thunder were rumbling in the
distance may be noticed by creatures within 1 mile with a DC
15 passive Perception.
The thunderclap alarm may be dispelled by a successful
DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check. The area may also be
muted with a silence spell cast over an object warded by the
thunderclap alarm.
Echoing Thunderclap (Variant): If cast within a canyon, a
mountain pass, or a cavern that acoustically echoes, the
range of creatures affected by the echoing thunderclap alarm
is extended to 500 feet. Mechanical trap, offensive
Rockslide Thunderclap (Variant): When triggered, the Trapper's steel jaws are often employed when hunting large
rockslide thunderclap alarm may cause the collapse of a false and dangerous game such as bears, large cats, or similar
ceiling, a scree slope, or loose rubble along a mountainside. creatures. They are equally dangerous to any creature that
This not only alerts nearby creatures, but also blocks the steps on them. Steel jaws consist of a pair of spring-loaded
path. Debris from a rockslide thunderclap takes 1 hour per 5 jaws with sharp serrated steel teeth held apart by a locking
feet to clear. spring mechanism. Stepping on a pressure plate at the center
of the trapper's steel jaws releases the spring mechanism,
Thunder and Lightning (Variant): A creature that takes causing the jaws to snap shut upon the arm or leg of a
thunder damage from a thunderclap alarm trap also takes creature triggering the trap. Often steel jaws are baited with a
2d6 lightning damage. If they fail their saving throw by 5 or piece of meat for a predator, or more enticing items such as
more, they are knocked prone, and are blinded and deafened gold for humanoids.
until they complete a short or long rest. Steel jaws are often hidden underneath debris such as
fallen leaves. Keen eyes are able to elucidate the presence of
the trapper's steel jaws with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation or Nature) check, its presence often indicated
by abnormal patterns in the ground cover.
A creature that steps on the pressure plate causes the steel
jaws to snap shut. The creature must succeed on a DC 13
Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 piercing damage. If it fails
its saving throw by 5 or more, its movement speed is halved
until it completes a short or long rest.
The trap itself can be triggered by a rock or other mass
thrown onto the pressure plate from a distance with a
successful ranged attack (AC 10), or the spring mechanism
may be disarmed with a successful DC 13 Dexterity (Sleight
of Hand) check. Failure on a check to disarm the trap triggers
Foul Steel Jaws (Variant): Intentionally or not, the teeth on
the steel jaws are smeared in excrement or rotten gore from
a previous victim. A creature that takes piercing damage from
the trap must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
or contract a blood borne illness that causes the target to
regain only half its hit hit points by natural means during any
short or long rest. Hit points regained by magical means are
unaffected. This effect persists until the creature completes a
short or long rest.

Magical trap (enchantment), deterrent Mechanical trap, deterrent
The trespasser's warning is a glowing illusory script that The tumbler counterbalance is an ingenious mechanism
appears when a sentient creature approaches within 30 feet within the tumbler of a lock. While typical locks require a
of it. The warning consists of a simple, one or two sentence specific combination of fitted notches on the blade of the key,
message, often in the form of a riddle, that warns creatures a tumbler counterbalance requires a specific precisely-crafted
away and promises a gruesome fate for any who fail to heed key to be inserted in the correct orientation.
its words. The script itself is clear, and may be written in a If a creature attempts to pick a lock with a tumbler
creative fashion - blazing text, blood red runic script, eerie counterbalance, the mechanism trips, the lock rotates its
swirling pale blue words. It is written in whatever language orientation, and the tumbler is reset. The tumbler
the illaqueator chooses, as long as it understands that counterbalance mechanism may be recognized with a
language at the time of casting the ward. successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check. If not
A creature that reads the text aloud must succeed on a DC recognized, the lock may not be opened; if the lockpicker
15 Wisdom saving throw or take 1d6 psychic damage. recognizes the mechanism, they require an additional pick to
The trespasser's warning fades once creatures move 30 maintain the tumbler orientation, which requires a third hand
feet away from it, or is dispelled with a DC 15 dispel magic and a second creature.
spell. To pick the lock without the specific precisely-crafted key,
the primary lockpicker must make two consecutive
Trespasser's Ward (Variant): A trespasser's ward not only successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks, and the
warns away potential trespassers, but also alerts the second creature must make a successful DC 13 Dexterity
illaqueator to the presence of sentient creatures reading its (Sleight of Hand) check. If any of these checks fail, the
script. The illaqueator is able to communicate telepathically tumbler is reset.
with creatures who have read the script aloud if it is within 1
mile. Double Pinned Tumbler (Variant): A double pinned tumbler
contains an unusual pin combination that is not commonly
Trespasser's Curse (Variant): A creature that ignores the found on a lock. Attempts to pick a lock with a double pinned
script of a trespasser's curse spell must make a successful tumbler are made with disadvantage.
DC 15 Wisdom save or be cursed. A cursed creature takes an
additional 1d8 necrotic damage when they take damage for Greased Tumbler (Variant): A greased tumbler contains a
any source. The curse lasts until removed by a remove curse precise combination of teeth and notches along with a finely
spell or other magic. opened mechanism, but also coated in a layer of grease.
Attempts to pick a lock with a double pinned tumbler are
Trespasser's Doom (Variant): A creature that ignores the made with disadvantage. Each failed skill check increases the
script of a trespasser's doom must make a successful DC 15 required DC by +2, as grease is pushed inside the tumbler
Wisdom saving throw or become cursed. A cursed creature while it resets.
makes attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws with
disadvantage. The curse lasts until removed by a remove
curse spell or other magic


Magical trap (transmutation), obstruction Magical trap (necromancy), deterrent
A pair of identical and seemingly mundane objects such as a An unholy blessing is a necromantic curse placed upon a
cup or book, a twinned phase shifter is used by creatures to chalice or drinking vessel, usually stone or some precious
phase into an incorporeal state and back again. This trap is metal, filled with water or wine. A DC 15 Intelligence
often used to prevent would-be intruders from gaining access (Arcana) check will reveal the vessel is enchanted, and will
into the sealed inner sanctum of a illaqueator. refill with liquid should it be spilled or drunk. If the roll
An object that has this spell cast upon it emits a subtle succeeds by 5 or more, the faint presence of necromancy
magical aura that can be noticed with a successful DC 15 magic is noticed.
Intelligence (Arcana) check. Touching one of the twinned A creature drinking from the cursed vessel regains 1d4 hit
objects allows a creature to make a DC 13 Intelligence saving points with a small sip. With a deep drink, a creature is
throw. On a successful check, the creature will become restored to its maximum hit points, and gains a +2 bonus to
incorporeal. On a failed check the creature takes 1d8 psychic attack rolls, ability checks, and saving rolls it makes within
damage, the result of it attempting to become incorporeal but the next hour.
failing. The incorporeal creature remains so until it touches One hour after drinking, a creature must succeed on a DC
either of the identical twinned objects, which are often placed 15 Constitution saving throw or become cursed. A cursed
with a solid physical barrier such as a wall between them. An creature has disadvantage on any attack rolls, ability checks,
incorporeal creature travelling through a solid object treats and saving throws checks.
this as difficult terrain, and if it ends its turn within a solid Two hours after drinking, a cursed creature must succeed
object it takes 1d10 force damage. on another DC 16 Constitution saving throw or begin to
The twinned phase shifter may be dispelled with a vomit blood and suffer severe abdominal pains, taking 1d10
successful DC 17 dispel magic spell or if the twinned objects necrotic damage.
move more that 100 feet apart. Three hours after drinking, a cursed creature must
succeed on a final DC 17 Constitution saving throw or will
Twinned Teleporter (Variant): A creature touching an object vomit a copious amount of blood, taking 2d10 necrotic
that is twinned with a teleportation spell cast upon it instantly damage. Within the vomit, a small bloody homunculus begins
travels to the location of its twin. Once teleported the to move and writhe, rapidly growing within seconds. The
creature must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw homunculus communicates telepathically with the illaqueator
or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. that cast the unholy blessing, alerting its master to its victim's
whereabouts before attacking the creature from which it was
Randomized Teleporter (Variant): Up to four identical born. The unholy blessing curse ends once the homunculus
objects are imbued with a teleportation spell. When a is slain.
creature touches an enchanted object it instantly teleports The unholy blessing curse may be ended early with the
randomly to the location of another enchanted object. Once blessing spell or similar holy ability, such as a Paladin's lay on
teleported the creature must succeed on a DC 13 hands ability, or with a remove curse spell.
Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of its
next turn. Blessing of the Night (Variant): After drinking from a
Due to the physical strain required to teleport frequently in cursed vessel, within one hour an affected creature must
a short period of time, a creature must make progressively make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be deafened. A
more difficult saving throws after each teleportation. Each second hour passes before the cursed creature must succeed
time after the first time a creature teleports without on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded, and on
completing a long rest, the DC increases by +2. A creature the third hour, a cursed creature must succeed on a final DC
that is stunned also takes 1d10 psychic damage. 15 Constitution saving throw the cursed creature will fall
unresponsive into a coma for 24 hours. When the creature
regains consciousness it is weakened, making attack, ability,
or save rolls with disadvantage until it completes a long rest.
The blessing of the night may be removed with a remove
curse spell, lesser restoration spell, or its equivalent. Saving
throws are made independently as the blessing progresses,
thus the effects may occur independently.
Magi's Blessing (Variant): After drinking from a vessel
cursed with a magi's blessing, a creature's spellcasting is
affected. When the creature attempts to cast a spell, the spell
slot is expended, but instead of the spell effect taking place,
the creature must make a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw,
taking 6 (1d12) psychic damage on a failed saving throw, or
half as much damage on a successful one. The magi's
blessing may be removed with a remove curse spell, lesser
restoration spell, or its equivalent.

Magical trap (illusion/necromancy), deterrent Magical trap (transmutation), obstruction
A gray, opaque spectral veil that shrouds a passage and The vessel of avarice is a magically enchanted stone bowl,
distorts a creature's sight of what lies beyond, the veil of the chalice, or other vessel that is intricately carved and
fallen is a mysterious curtain that hangs as though a door enchanted with a simple transmutation spell that requires the
into the realms of the departed. Ever shifting as though by addition of a certain mass of gold, equivalent to 100 gp, to
some breeze, even though none may be present, creatures elicit a response. The vessel of avarice is used to control a
approaching within 30 feet begin to hear whispers and cries magical barrier, such as a physical wall of force or an illusory
from the veil as though tormented souls are urging them barrier that creatures are otherwise unable to pass through.
away. The sight of what lies in the area beyond the veil may A creature will identify the vessel as being magical with a
be illusory — not accurately depict what actually lies beyond, successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, though a roll of
or be real with the veil acting as a portal to another plane of 18 or greater is required to identify that a mass of gold must
existence. be added to the vessel to elicit a response. The illusory
A creature that moves within 10 feet of the veil must barrier or wall of force linked to the vessel of avarice is nearly
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or suffer perfect in nature, and may only be noticed with a successful
disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving DC 19 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
throws for 1 hour. At this distance, the whispers from beyond The runes carved in the vessel may be of any language, and
the veil grow more urgent and the temperature of the area bear the words "If ye seek passage, ye must pay the price" or
drops significantly. another similar statement.
A creature that touches the veil takes 1 cold damage, as it If the 100 gp of gold is placed within the vessel, it
feels a sudden drop in temperature as though ice water were disappears and the illusory barrier or wall of force linked to
poured upon it, but can't otherwise interact with the veil. If the vessel of avarice is lowered.
the creature ends its turn within 5 feet of the veil, spectral The transmutation magic upon the vessel of avarice is
hands grab it, restraining the creature (escape DC 15) and powerful and may not be dispelled, however if the illusory
pulling it through the veil. barrier or wall of force linked to the vessel is identified, it may
A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check will reveal be dispelled with a successful DC 17 dispel magic spell.
that the veil itself is enchanted by both illusion and
necromantic magics. It can be dissipated if the veil takes a Vessel of Blood (Variant): The vessel of blood is designed to
single point of radiant damage, or by a successful DC 15 weaken creatures that attempt to pass through, and must be
dispel magic spell. filled with blood before allowing a creature to pass through a
blood-red opaque wall of force. The vessel of blood is carved
Death's Veil (Variant): A creature approaching a death's veil of stone, with inlaid bloodstones and runes carved in a
experience the same effects until they touch the veil. Passing demonic language. To pass, a creature must offer its own
through teleports a creature into a cubic shadow pocket blood, losing 2d6 hit points to fill the vessel with a sufficient
dimension that is a 30-foot cube with walls of polished black amount of blood to pass through a magical barrier. Each
stone. A creature must make a successful DC 13 Constitution creature attempting to pass through a magical barrier must
saving throw or be blinded while in the pocket dimension. offer its own blood. Once the vessel of blood is filled, it is
Each round a creature remains in the pocket dimension, it magically siphoned off and disappears.
must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. It takes 1d8
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on Vessel of Magic (Variant): The vessel of magic requires a
a successful one. After a creature has been in the pocket magical item to be placed within to pass through a barrier.
dimension for 4 rounds, it is teleported outside the veil and The item is destroyed before lowering a magical barrier and
gains 1 level of exhaustion. allowing creatures to pass. The barrier remains lowered for 1
hour, and creatures may pass back through the barrier
unhindered to proceed forward again requiring an additional
Altar of Sacrifice (Variant): The altar sacrifice requires the
ritualistic sacrifice of a living creature, be it flora or fauna, as
How does a Game Master integrate a long as it is challenge rating 1/2 or creature. A living creature
into their campaign? Passing through the veil
could reveal a dastardly illusion made to misdirect,
must be placed upon the altar, and by uttering the ritualistic
or it could be a glimpse of events forthcoming.
words inscribed upon the altar, the altar drains the organism,
Whatever lies beyond, the main premise of this dealing 3d8 necrotic damage per round until it is reduced to
"trap" is to provide a way to expand your world 0 hit points, when it withers and dies. In exchange for the
through storytelling show your players a sacrifice, a linked barrier is lowered for 1 hour, allowing
glimpse without the consequence of action. creatures to pass through. A creature that is sacrificed in this
manner may be returned to life through magical means.

Magical trap (necromancy), deterrent
This trap may be used as a deterrent to deter creatures from
using an item or object by stealing and storing their vitality.
An illaqueator enchants a ruby gemstone with a vitality
siphon and attaches it onto an item. The gemstone acts as a
vessel for the storage of vitality.
Identifying the enchanted gemstone requires a successful
DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, which manifests itself Mechanical trap, alarm
with a faint red aura. A creature that touches an object
infused with a vitality siphon gemstone, or is holding it at the While a relatively common trap uses a trip line or pressure
start of its turn, must make DC 15 Constitution saving throw. plate to trigger a crossbow bolt being shot at would-be
The creature takes 4d8 necrotic damage on failed save, or intruders, this doesn't alert nearby creatures of potential foes.
half as much damage on a successful one. The amount of The wailing bolt is a specially designed carved crossbow bolt
necrotic damage done is stored as hit points in the enchanted that whistles and wails as it passes through the air. Aimed
gemstone. into the sky, a wailing bolt alerts all creatures that can hear
The enchanted gemstone can hold a maximum of 30 hit within a 200 feet that it has been fired. The tripping
points worth of drained vitality. If the illaqueator is within mechanism may be identified with a successful DC 15
120 feet of the gemstone-infused item, it may release all of Intelligence (Investigation) check, and the trigger mechanism
the stored hit points in the enchanted gemstone as a bonus for the crossbow may be disarmed with a successful DC 13
action, which heals the illaqueator for the full amount. If the Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
illaqueator is healed to its maximum total hit points, it gains
any additional hit points stored in the enchanted gemstone as Banshee's Bolt (Variant): The banshee's bolt is similarly
temporary hit points instead. designed to a wailing bolt, however it creates a more piercing
A gemstone enchanted with a vitality siphon may be sound that resembles a banshee's wail that frightens unaware
dispelled with a successful DC 15 dispel magic spell. Any hit creatures. The banshee's bolt alerts creatures in a 400 foot
points currently stored by the enchanted gemstone are lost. radius. A creature that can hear the banshee's bolt must
succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened
Arcane Siphon (Variant): A creature that touches an object for 1 minute.
infused with an arcane siphon gemstone, or is holding the
object at the start of its turn, must succeed on a DC 15
Intelligence saving throw or lose 1d4 spell slots. The target Magical trap (necromancy), deterrent
loses its highest level of spell slots first. The lost spells are
stored within the enchanted gemstone. Touching an object such as a door handle, chest, or other
The enchanted gemstone can hold up to a maximum of 6 object hexed with a weakening affliction causes black
spell slots of any level. If the illaqueator is within 120 feet of energies to swirl around the hand of a creature when
the enchanted gemstone, it may release all of the stored triggered. The creature must succeed on a DC 13
spells in the enchanted gemstone as a bonus action, which Constitution saving throw or the limb that touched the hexed
replenish the illaqueator expended spell slots. If the object will go numb. Any attack rolls or ability checks made
illaqueator does not have an expended spell slot at the level using the affected limb are made with disadvantage
that it is attempting to replenish, or it does not possess that The effect of the weakening affliction hex lasts for 24
spell slot level, it regains an expended spell slot of the next hours. The affliction may be removed early with lesser
highest level that it has expended. Stored spell slots in the restoration spell or other magic.
enchanted gemstone are lost if the illaqueator has no The hexed object may be identified with a successful DC
expended spell slots to regain. 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check and dispeled with a successful
A gemstone enchanted with an arcane siphon may be DC 14 dispel magic spell.
dispelled with a successful DC 17 dispel magic spell. Any
spell slots currently stored by the enchanted gemstone are Revolting Affliction (Variant): A creature touching an object
lost. hexed with a revolting affliction spell must succeed on a DC
13 Constitution saving throw or take 2d8 poison damage and
Stability Siphon (Variant): A creature that touches an object be poisoned until cured. Further, the skin on the affected
infused with a stability siphon gemstone, or is holding the region breaks out into painful revolting blisters and pustules.
object at the start of its turn, must succeed on a DC 13 Any attack rolls or ability checks made using the affected
Intelligence saving throw or have its Strength score reduced limb are made with disadvantage.
by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. The effect of the revolting affliction hex lasts until cured.
Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a short The affliction may be removed early with lesser restoration
or long Rest. spell or other magic.
A gemstone enchanted with a stability siphon may be The hexed object may be identified with a successful DC
dispelled with a dispel magic spell. 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check and dispeled with a successful
DC 14 dispel magic spell.

Mechanical trap, offensive Magical trap (transmutation), offensive
The whispering scythe trap consists of a series of sweeping While many practitioners of magical arts are particularly
scythes that descend from pendulums down toward an astute and wary of magical traps, the wizard's bane is
unsuspecting target. Once triggered, the scythes descend, and specifically designed to deceive them into triggering a
at their equilibrium position (approximately 2 seconds after nonmagical trap.
the trap is triggered), counterbalances at the end of the At the end of a narrow hallway or corridor, an object of
pendulums trigger a gear mechanism that causes an value levitates two feet above the ground. A successful DC 13
additional two pairs of scythes to swipe horizontally 1-foot Intelligence (Arcana) check will reveal this is due to an
above the floor, both 5 feet in front and behind the pendulum unending levitation spell cast upon the object. However, as
scythes. part of the trap, also levitating is a 10-foot-cube column
This trap may be triggered by a creature pulling a lever to inserted into the ceiling. The ceiling column is revealed if the
release the pendulum scythes, or by an unsuspecting initial Intelligence (Arcana) check succeeded by 5 or more.
creature stepping on a pressure plate that releases the The ceiling column is well camouflaged, but a DC 20
pendulums. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check Wisdom (Perception) check reveals abnormalities in the
is required to notice the pressure plate. ceiling construction. When the levitating object is touched or
A creature within a 10-foot wide, 5-foot long area that is in the levitation spell holding the object is disrupted (such as
line with the pendulum scythes must succeed on a DC 15 with a dispel magic spell), the column held in the ceiling
Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 slashing damage on a releases, falling on a 10-foot square centered on the object
failed save. On a successful save, the creature is able to below.
dodge the pendulums, moving into any unoccupied space Creatures caught underneath the collapsing ceiling column
within 5 feet of its current position. Upon moving to this must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 4d8
space, the creature must make a second DC 13 Dexterity bludgeoning damage. A successful save allows a creature to
saving throw to dodge the horizontal scythes, taking 3d6 jump out of the way of the falling column, landing in an
slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on unoccupied space 5 feet outside of the area. The falling
a successful save. column crushes the original object used in the trap's creation.
The pressure plate that triggers the whispering scythes Sorcerer's Folly (Variant): In addition to the falling
may be jammed with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of column, if a creature with the ability to cast spells touches the
Hand) check to wedge a piece of debris and prevent the levitating object, it must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence
pressure plate from releasing the pendulums. saving throw or be stunned for 1 round.
Bridge of Blades (Variant): The bridge of blades is found on
a narrow stone or wooden bridge that passes over a fast
moving stream or river. A waterwheel linked to a series of
gears such that, when the wheel is unlocked by a creature
across the stream or by a creature inadvertently pulling a
tripline connected to the waterwheel brake. Once triggered, a
series of blades spin through narrow gaps in the bottom of
the bridge.
The spinning blades are affixed to the gears below the
bridge at random spacings, making them appear at regular
intervals depending on the strength of the current driving the
trap - 6 second intervals for fast moving currents to 18
seconds for slower currents. Two blades spin from below
every 5 feet along the bridge. A creature attempting to cross
the bridge of blades must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity
saving throw for every 10 feet of bridge travelled, taking 7
(2d6) slashing damage on a failed save. The DC increases
depending on the strength of the river's current (DC 13 for a
slow current, DC 15 for a strong current).
The bridge of blades may be disarmed by blocking the
waterwheel at its source, requiring a successful DC 15
Strength (Athletics) check to jam the wheel, or by blocking
the gears beneath the bridge.



Magical trap (evocation), deterrent. Magical trap (illusion), deterrent

A magical inscription made upon a wall, door, or other object, A zone of complete stillness manifests in an up to 30-foot-
writhing runes are demonic inscriptions written in illusory radius sphere. This trap is often used to ward the lair of an
flames that are unmistakably vile in meaning. The script may illaqueator's that prefers silence and the company of
be written in any language. If a creature reads them aloud, themselves. Within this sphere, no sound can be created
flaming coils lash out from the runes and attempt to wrap within nor pass through the sphere. All creatures within the
around it. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity zone of complete stillness are immune to thunder damage
saving throw or take 3d8 fire damage and become grappled and are deafened.
by the coils. A grappled creature can use its action to attempt A creature that enters the area for the first time must
to break free (escape DC 15). On a failed attempt, the succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned
creature takes 3d8 fire damage, but on a success, the flaming until the start of its next turn. A creature that succeeds on the
coils retract and runes become inert. After 1 minute, the saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours and can
runes regenerate and become functional. enter the area as it wishes.
The runes may be dispelled with a successful DC 15 dispel A creature in the area takes 1d10 psychic damage if it
magic spell. moves more than half of its movement speed inside the area
Runes of Frost (Variant): Pale blue runes shimmering in during its turn. Additionally, a creature in the area that
illusory ice. A creature that examines the runes of frost with attempts to communicate telepathically or cast a spell that
5 feet of them must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving does not require verbal components must succeed on a DC
throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion. Reading the runes of frost 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 2d10 psychic damage.
aloud causes them to shatter outward in a 20-foot-radius Zone of Radiance (Variant): Zones of radiance smite the
sphere. Each creature in the area must make a DC 15 wicked. When a creature of evil alignment enters the area for
Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8 cold damage on a failed the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
takes 3d8 radiant damage. On a successful save, the creature
Runes of Lightning (Variant): Arcing bright blue runes takes half as much damage.
spark with illusory lightning. A creature that examines the
runes of lightning with 30 feet of them must succeed on a DC
15 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 lightning damage.
Each creature within 10 feet of another creature that takes
lightning damage must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving    
throw or take 2d8 lightning damage, as the lightning arcs   
around the room.
Runes of the Damned (Variant): These vile runes depict
tales of torture and suffering. A creature that moves within 10
feet of the runes of the damned must succeed on a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 hour.
Reading the runes aloud causes a creature to become cursed.
A cursed creature is blinded, deafened, and becomes ethereal.
1 minute after a creature become ethereal, a wraith appears
in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the cursed creature.
The wraith guards the area, attacking any living creatures it
sees. The wraith disappears when it is slain, and the curse is
removed from the cursed creature.

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2 - The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that System Reference Document 5.0. Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
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