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English Speaking Board

ESB Entry Level Certificate in ESOL International All Modes (Entry 3) (B1)

Contents of this Paper Section Number of Questions Listening Part One 10 Part Two 10 Reading Part One 10 Part Two 5 Use of English Part One 10 Part Two 10 Part Three 10 Part Four 5 Writing 1 The remaining 20% is for your speaking test. Weighting for Section 20%




Total time allowed: 2 hours. You should attempt all sections of this paper. The use of dictionaries, notes or any electronic device is not permitted in this examination. Answers for the Listening, Reading and Use of English are to be put on the OPTICAL MARK FORM. USE THE WRITING ANSWER BOOKLET for your answer to the Writing Section. This question paper WILL NOT BE MARKED.


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ESB Entry Three Listening (Part One) You are going to hear 10 passages. For questions 1 10, choose the correct answer A, B or C. You will hear each recording TWICE. You now have one minute to read the questions. 1. Why do Richard and Frank decide not to go swimming? A. B. C. They would have to go to another town. Richard has been sick all week. They decide to go to the cinema instead.


What did Anna and Christina enjoy most about their holiday? A. B. C. The expensive hotel. The markets. Camel riding.


What is the main reason why Aris is studying Spanish and English? A. B. C. To make more friends. To work abroad. To help him find a job.


Why does Jane NOT find a blue or green dress? A. B. C. She doesnt like the flowered patterns. Dresses in those colours are too short. Those colours are not in fashion this year.


Which perfume does the woman buy for her sisters birthday? A. B. C. Oriental. Peaceful. Love Story.


Which job does Martin NOT want to do? A. B. C. Footballer. Fire fighter. Doctor.

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What do the mother and son decide to do while waiting for a bus? A. B. C. Look for a mobile phone shop. Look for a restaurant nearby. Go to the caf at the bus station.


What doctors appointment does the man take? A. B. C. Friday at 6.00 pm. Friday at 2.25 pm. Monday at 10.30 am.


What kind of exercise do Lydia and Mary decide to do? A. b. C. Judo. Ballroom dancing. Salsa.


Which show do the man and woman decide to see? A. B. C. A ballet. An opera. A play.

Remember to transfer your answers onto the Optical Mark Form.

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ESB Entry 3 Listening (Part Two) You are going to hear someone describing the country of Peru. For questions 11 - 20, decide whether the sentences below are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). You will hear the recording TWICE. You have one minute to read the questions. Peru 11. Peru is one of the largest countries in South America. 12. The majority of people live in the cities. 13. All the people were originally either from Africa or Europe. 14. Some people still speak an ancient language in Peru. 15. In the coastal area, there is a lot of rain each year. 16. Temperatures can be very low in the highlands at night. 17. Tourists cause all the damage at archaeological sites. 18. The speaker thinks all Peruvian people love music. 19. At some festivals, people fight as part of the celebration. 20. Dancers have to wear special costumes for some dances. True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False True / False

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ESB Entry 3 Reading (Part One) You are going to read a text about tall buildings. For questions 21 - 24, match the headings below (A - G) with the paragraphs. There are TWO headings which you do not need. The first heading has been done as an example. A History Of Tall Buildings Example: G. The First Tall Buildings

Tall buildings have existed for centuries think for example of the Pyramids of Egypt or the huge churches and cathedrals of Europe. Large buildings were built for many reasons. They displayed the power and wealth of a country and honoured its kings and leaders. Buildings sometimes showed the religious beliefs of a nation or what its architects could achieve. In modern times, buildings have attracted visitors to many countries. 21. Tall buildings, or skyscrapers as we know them today, originated in the nineteenth century. In 1871, the city of Chicago was damaged by a terrible fire and parts of it had to be rebuilt. This rebuilding work was carried out very quickly and by the 1880s there was no more available land to build on. The simple solution was to build upwards rather than outwards and thus the skyscraper was invented. The development of the elevator in 1853 meant that people had a way of getting to the top of even the highest building. 22. Since the first skyscrapers were built, engineers and builders have tried to make them stronger, taller and lighter. They must be made from strong materials that can resist bad weather. Also, they must not be expensive to construct. Glass walls became increasingly popular after World War II because of these reasons. Glass is an important material because it protects the building against the wind and rain. It also provides a lot of light and is cheaper than other materials. 23. During the early twentieth century, companies started to build high buildings as a way of advertising themselves. For example, some of the earliest skyscrapers were the Bank of Manhattan (282 metres) and the Woolworth Building (241 metres). The race to build the worlds tallest building now began. The famous Empire State Building in New York, a popular place for tourists to visit, was the worlds tallest
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building for forty-one years until 1972 until it was replaced by The Sears Tower in Chicago. Until recently, the Tapei 101 in Taiwan (508 metres) stood as the highest building. 24. In July 2007, the builders of the Burj Dubai claimed that it had become the worlds tallest building even though it was unfinished. The tower was then 512 metres tall, four metres taller than Tapei 101. The Burj Dubai will be completed in 2009 and will reach 693 metres and will be one of the worlds most fantastic buildings. It will have over 160 floors with apartments, shops, swimming pools and even a hotel who could ask for more?

A. The Building With Everything B. How To Build A Cheap Skyscraper C. Why A City Had To Build Upwards D. The Competition To Build The Highest Building E. What Is Used To Build Skyscrapers? F. Which Will Be The Next Tallest Building? G. Example: The First Tall Buildings

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For questions 25 - 30, decide whether the following items are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F), according to the text.

25. Many old buildings have a religious meaning.

True False

26. Skyscrapers were built because of a shortage of land.

True False

27. The first elevator was invented after the first skyscraper.

True False

28. Glass is used to build skyscrapers because it is a cheap material.

True False

29. Companies have always used skyscrapers to advertise themselves. 30. The worlds tallest building is a hotel.

True False

True False

Remember to transfer your answers to the Optical Mark Form.

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ESB Entry 3 Reading (Part Two) You are going to read a text about shopaholics. For questions 31 - 35, choose the correct answer A, B, C, D according to the text. Shopaholics Shopaholics are people who love shopping. In fact, they cannot stop themselves from spending money in their favourite shops. The subject is often laughed about on television programmes and in magazines. However, a true shopaholic may have very little self-control. Previous studies have suggested 90% of shopaholics are women, but now psychologists have found almost no difference between the sexes with the problem affecting 6% of women and 5.5% of men.

Today, in some countries, many people see shopping as a kind of hobby and weekends are often spent in large shopping centres. Some shoppers may buy things they cannot afford and then regret this the following day. Does this mean they have a problem? Not necessarily. Shopaholics, on the other hand, do not shop because they enjoy it but for other complex reasons. For example, one girl bought so many t-shirts she could not open her bedroom door. Many of the t-shirts were still unwrapped and remained unworn. So why do people shop like this?

Often, they shop when emotionally upset and use shopping as a way of making themselves feel better. However, this eventually makes them feel worse as many have acquired large debts during their uncontrolled shopping trips. Some may even lose their jobs or families as the pressure becomes too great.

Obviously, this is a serious problem, so what can be done to help? The first piece of advice is never to use credit cards or cheques. Shopaholics should only use cash. Secondly, shopaholics should never buy on impulse they should always have a waiting period of two or three days to see if they really need the item. They should also make a budget, to spend a certain amount of money each month. Finally, if all else fails, they should contact an organisation that can help them to deal with this or see a doctor to discover the real causes of their behaviour.

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31. A. B. C. D.

According to the text, shopaholics go shopping only for pleasure. shopaholics find shopping amusing. shopaholics are not in control of themselves. most shopaholics are men.

32. A. B. C. D.

Shopaholics are people who only buy things they do not need. only buy things they can afford. think shopping is a hobby. shop for complicated reasons.

33. A. B. C. D.

One shopper may have bought many t-shirts because she likes to wear lots of t-shirts. has emotional problems. has a large bedroom. wraps them up as presents.

34. A. B. C. D.

The writer thinks shopping makes depressed people feel happy. is a family activity. makes people feel upset. can cause serious money problems.

35. A. B. C. D.

The writer says shopaholics should decide carefully what to buy. use credit cards carefully. always see a doctor for help. never go shopping.

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ESB Entry 3 Use of English (Part One) For questions 36 - 45, complete the sentences below by choosing the correct answer A, B, C, D. 36. I was playing the guitar when the doorbell __________. A. B. ringing rang C. D. rung rings

37. Have you seen that new horror film? It is very __________. A. B. scared frightened C. D. afraid frightening

38. We __________ to Athens five years ago. A. B. moved have moved C. D. move are moving

39. If she __________ a lot of money, she would buy a car. A. B. has won wins C. D. won was winning

40. There is too __________ salt on my potatoes. A. B. few many C. D. any much

41. Have you __________ lunch yet? A. B. ate eat C. D. eaten eating

42. __________ she was late, we still arrived on time. A. B. Although However C. D. Unless Because

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43. The train always __________ at 6 o clock every evening. A. B. is leaving will leave C. D. leaves has left

44. I did not like that book because it __________. A. B. has bored. is bored. C. D. was boring. was bored.

45. The Mona Lisa __________ by Leonardo da Vinci. A. B. is painted was painted C. D. had painted was painting

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ESB Entry 3 Use of English (Part Two) For questions 46 - 55, complete sentences below by choosing the correct answer A, B, C, D. 46. I did not want to go to the cinema but my friend __________ me to. A. B. persuaded offered C. D. insisted demanded

47. The boss __________ to increase her salary so she left her job. A. B. agreed wanted C. D. refused arranged

48. After she left hospital, she __________ quickly. A. B. discovered recovered C. D. cured injured

49. It was difficult to drive because the road was very __________. A. B. short broad C. D. tiny narrow

50. Chicken curry is usually quite__________ and spicy. A. B. hot wet C. D. cold warm

51. Tennis is played with a __________ and ball. A. B. bat racket C. D. baton club

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52. When you book a holiday, you sometimes have to pay a __________. A. B. deposit receipt C. D. price refund

53. Jill has got __________. The wedding will be next year. A. B. married divorced C. D. engaged widowed

54. Christina always looks nice. She is very __________. A. B. attractive unattractive C. D. handsome unnatural

55. Frank felt __________ because he had failed his exams. A. B. surprised satisfied C. D. happy depressed

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ESB Entry 3 Use of English (Part Three) For questions 56 - 65, read the following text about fast food. Decide whether the underlined words or phrases are grammatically correct or incorrect. The first one is done for you as an example. Choose CORRECT (C) or INCORRECT (I). FAST FOOD Fast food is the name given to food that (0) can be prepared and served very quickly, usually because the customer has very little time to stop and eat. The term "fast food" (56) was first recognised in a dictionary in 1951. The modern history of fast food restaurants began in the United States with the Automat in New York. Many Automat restaurants were quickly built around the country and (57) was remaining popular throughout the 1920s and 1930s, with the idea that fast food meant less work for mother. As cars (58) became more popular and affordable following the Second World War, drive-in restaurants were introduced. Today the number of fast food restaurants has increased dramatically. In 2006, the global fast food market (59) has grown by 4.8% and reached a value of 102.4 billion dollars. In India alone, the fast food industry (60) is increasing by 40% a year and this is true everywhere. The worlds most famous fast food restaurant, McDonalds, (61) was located in approximately 120 countries and has 30,000 restaurants around the world. However, the fast food industry (62) has been criticised in recent years for producing unhealthy meals and for encouraging people to eat a diet that is not good for them. People (63) began to think more about their health such as eating more fruit and vegetables. As a result, Macdonalds (64) have started offering salads and fresh fruit juices on their menus. Will these new menus be successful? No one is sure, but with its catchy slogans and advertising, McDonalds and other fast food restaurants (65) will remain popular with children for a long time to come. 65. 64. 63. 62. 61. 60. 59. 58. Correct / Incorrect Correct / Incorrect Correct / Incorrect Correct / Incorrect Correct / Incorrect Correct / Incorrect Correct / Incorrect Correct / Incorrect 57. Correct / Incorrect 56. 0. Correct / Incorrect Correct / Incorrect

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ESB Entry 3 Use of English (Part Four) For questions 66 - 70, choose the sentence, A, B, C, D which is closest in meaning to the sentence given. 66. A. B. C. D. 67. A. B. C. D. 68. A. B. C. D. 69. A. B. C. D. 70. A. B. C. D. Danny has always enjoyed playing tennis. Danny only enjoyed playing tennis when he was younger. Danny played tennis when he was young and he still enjoys playing. Danny only started enjoying playing tennis in recent years. Danny used to enjoy tennis but he doesnt anymore. Terry has not owned a car since he learnt to drive. Terry has bought many cars. Terry owns a lot of cars. Terry does not like driving. Terry does not have a car. I like going to the cinema but my favourite hobby is swimming. I like the cinema and swimming equally. I like to go swimming after going to the cinema. I prefer to go swimming than to watch films. I prefer watching a good film to swimming. I would help you move house if I were not going on holiday. I cannot help you move because I will not be here. I would really like to help you move house. I am not going on holiday so I will help you move. I do not like helping people to move house. Jill is prettier and taller than Cleo, but she is not as slim. Cleo is better-looking than Jill. Cleo is taller than Jill. Jill is fatter than Cleo. Jill and Cleo are the same weight.

Remember to transfer your answers onto the Optical Mark Form.

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ESB Entry 3 Writing Choose ONE of the following options. Write between 120 150 words in English. USE THE SEPARATE WRITING ANSWER BOOKLET. 1. Write a letter to your friend who has recently moved away from your home town asking what they have been doing in their new town and school. Tell your friend what has happened in your life. (You do not need to write your address.)

2. Write a story which begins: I couldnt believe the bus had left. I was only two minutes late and now I would be late for the job interview which was the most important thing in my life. I was about to cry when 3. People should not be allowed to take part in dangerous sports such as bungee jumping and boxing. Write an article for your school magazine on the subject of dangerous sports. State which sports you consider to be the most dangerous and why.

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