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Tech Evaluation Form

Subject: (NOT the technology tool)

ELA/ Social Studies Core Class

Grade Level:

Lesson Topic: (NOT the technology tool)

Local History
Learning Goal(s): (NOT the technology tool)

I can make a short film by researching the history of a place around me.

How will technology play a role in meeting the learning goals?

Technology is required to make the movie.
Materials Needed for Lesson (tech and non-tech) Phones or video cameras Set up you tube accounts

What do you need to do to get the technology ready? (setting up accounts, differentiating, etc.)

Engagement in the learning 0=No 1=Somewhat 2=Yes

The technology allows students to focus on the assignment/activity/goals with less distraction (Time on Task). ☐ ☒ ☐
The technology motivates students to start the learning process. ☐ ☐ ☒
Tech Evaluation Form

☐ ☒ ☐
The technology causes a shift in the behavior of the students, where they move from passive to active social learners
(through co-use or co-engagement).

Enhancement of the learning goals 0=No 1=Somewhat 2=Yes

The technology tool allows students to develop or demonstrate a more sophisticated understanding of the learning goals or
content (using higher-order thinking skills). ☐ ☒ ☐
The technology creates supports (scaffolds) to make it easier to understand concepts or ideas (e.g. differentiate, personalize
or scaffold learning)
☐ ☐ ☒
The technology creates paths for students to demonstrate their understanding of the learning goals in a way that they
could not do with traditional tools. ☐ ☐ ☒
Extending the learning goals 0=No 1=Somewhat 2=Yes

The technology creates opportunities for students to learn outside of their typical school day. (24/7 connection) ☐ ☐ ☒
☐ ☐ ☒
The technology creates a bridge between students school learning and their everyday life experiences (connects
learning goals with real life experiences).

The technology allows students to build authentic life soft skills, which they can use in their everyday lives. ☒ ☒ ☐
Tech Evaluation Form
● 1318 Points: Exceptional connection between learning goals and tool TOTAL
● 712 Points: Some connection between learning goals and tool
● 6 Points or below: Low connection between learning goals and tool

Triple E Framework by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Tech Evaluation Form

UDL Guidelines (select all that apply)

Provide multiple means of Engagement Provide multiple means of Representation Provide multiple means of Action & Expression
Affective Networks Recognition Networks Strategic Networks
The “WHY” of Learning The “WHAT” of Learning The “HOW” of Learning

Provide options for Recruiting Interest (7) Provide options for Perception (1) Provide options for Physical Action (4)
☒Optimize individual choice and autonomy (7.1) ☒Offer ways of customizing the display of information ☒Vary the methods for response and navigation (4.1)
☒Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity (7.2) (1.1) ☐Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies
☐Minimize threats and distractions (7.3) ☒Offer alternatives for auditory information (1.2) (4.2)
☐Offer alternatives for visual information (1.3)
Provide options for Sustaining Effort & Persistence (8) Provide options for Expression & Communication (5)
☐Heighten salience of goals and objectives (8.1) Provide options for Language & Symbols (2) ☒Use multiple media for communication (5.1)
☐Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge ☐Clarify vocabulary and symbols (2.1) ☒Use multiple tools for construction and composition
(8.2) ☐Clarify syntax and structure (2.2) (5.2)
☒Foster collaboration and community (8.3) ☐Support decoding of text, mathematical notation, and ☐Build fluencies with graduated levels of support for
symbols (2.3) practice and performance (5.3)
☐Increase mastery-oriented feedback (8.4) ☐Promote understanding across languages (2.4)
☒Illustrate through multiple media (2.5) Provide options for Executive Functions (6)
Provide options for Self-Regulation (9) ☐Guide appropriate goal-setting (6.1)
☐Promote expectations and beliefs that Provide options for Comprehension (3) ☐Support planning and strategy development (6.2)
optimize motivation (9.1) ☐Activate or supply background knowledge (3.1) ☐Facilitate managing information and resources (6.3)
☐Facilitate personal coping skills and strategies (9.2) ☐Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, ☐Enhance capacity for monitoring progress (6.4)
☐Develop self-assessment and reflection (9.3) and relationships (3.2)
☐Guide information processing and visualization (3.3)
☐Maximize transfer and generalization (3.4)

UDL Guidelines from

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