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STEM School English Languages Unit/ Module Cycles

Grade 10

Cycle 4

Alternative Energy

THEME: Alternative Energy

Week Class Session 1 Class Session 2 Class Session 3 Independe
nt Work
Theme Intro. Check homework Lead in Structured
1 Lead in: Ex.1, p.52 Select one or two Requireme
Upstre Pre – reading: Discussion "The wind as an presentations to be v=LL-zer6-Rs0 nt:
am shown. Writing Extended
alternative energy."
U.4 " Lead in ENW. 1.4.3 Reading
Earth Listening, ENW. 1.2.2 20
ENL.1.5.1 Writing Academic English, p. 56: min/day.
is ENR.1.5.1
ENL.1.5.2 65Part 2: Writing an Essay, Chapter
dearer "The answer is blowing in the wind". P.53 EX. 3 Recomme
p.52 ex. 2b, p.54 ex.5, 4: From paragraph to essay nded list:
STEM than Sub skills  The three parts of an essay
p.52 ex. 2b, p.54 ex.5
Modu gold" -Skimming for new vocabulary.  The introductory paragraph
Sub skills:
le 4A -scanning for specific information. (funnel & attention getting
-Listening for specific Graded
-exploring alternatives. information. introduction & thesis

-Guessing meaning from context using textual -Making inferences.  Body paragraphs (logical idea
clues. Vocabulary division & thesis statement)
-Using dictionaries. ENV.1.2.2
- matching headings to paragraphs. Vocabulary& structure
p.54, ex.6(a), 7(a), 8,
Vocabulary & expressions ENV.1.1.4
9, (P.58 – 59), ex. 24, Punctuation Handbook, Appendix
25, 29, 30 B, p.88:96
Main Vocab
Sub skills ),( The comma
Fossil fuels, renewable energy, emit, climate -Prepositions. 4. Introducing word groups
change, alternative energy, coastline, arrays, wind -Phrasal verbs.
-Idiomatic HW
turbines, rotor blades, spin, Crisis, desperately,
contribute to expressions.
Run out, take advantage of, produce energy, -Idioms and fixed
damage the environment, take up. phrases.
Homework: Speaking
Speaking :suggested task : E.N.S.1.4.1
SS prepare a 5 minute presentation E.N.S.1.4.1
summarizing the reading text to be presented -Supporting ideas with
as a lead in for the next session. explanation.
, p. 60, 61, ex. 32 & 36
Speaking :suggested
Ss prepare short
videos talking about a
topic supporting their
ideas with explanation

Lead in: Lead-in Lead-in
Check homework. Check H.W Literature
Oliver Twist(ch5)
e- 2 Listening Unit 18 Earth Science
ENL.1.1.2 Energy resources and Ss do a game to revise the previously
ENL.1.4.2 fossil fuels given chapters
E- Sub skills: A video about fossil Reading
-Offering solutions to problems. fuels ENR:1.5.3
-Complaining https:// ENR:1.5.4
-Identifying intonations and stress.
Acade Sub Skills
Upstream unit. 9 watch?v=zaXBVYr9Ij0
mic p.60 &61, ex. 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40 Listening - Predicting.
writin Reading ENL.1.3.1 -Determine character motivation.
g+ E.N.R.1.5.4 Sub-skill: The three connections: to self, text, -
Oliver Sub skills: -Taking notes using any .and world
Twist -Reading critically. of the note-taking
-Determine causes and probable outcomes based methods. Homework:
on prior knowledge. Reading Critical thinking questions on Ch5
p. 64, ex. 46, P.65 ex.47 ENR.1.3.1.
Sub skill:
Writing -Inferring the purpose of
E.N.W.1.5.2 the texts.
p.65, ex. 49 -Understanding
Sub skills: diagrams and pie charts.
-Recognizing author’s point of view Vocabulary
-Author’s purpose. ENV.1.1.3
Homework: Sub skill:
Writing: suggested task: -Using online
Ss write an essay on……. dictionaries
Erosion, soggy,

moisture, swamp,
lignite, decompose,
spin, crystallization

Writing : e-stem unit 18
Gener 3 :Lead In Lead in: Lead in:
al !Hello .Acrostic poem about jobs TPS: what are the Graphic organizer: The students
Englis Unit .Ss start a whole class discussion reasons for world draw a tree and write the causes and
h 12,16, ENS. 1.2.1 hunger? effects of noise pollution.
Modu 18 ENS.1.1.1 Listening
le 4B ENV.1.2.1 Reading
' U.12 "People at work ENR.1.5.3
U.16 U.18 "A cleaner world"
Ss answer various exercises relevant to
employment "Today's World " an interview with a scientist" P.111 Problems" "Feeding ex.2,4
3/4/0/1/3401675/___employment.pdf the world", p.103 Sub-skills:
.Main Vocab Main Vocab & -listening for gist.
Resourceful, mature, neat, punctual, well Expressions -Guessing the meaning of unknown
groomed, occupation, qualification, profession Food production, words.
Occupations vocabulary- shortage, suitable, Reading
Personal qualities for different occupations- productive areas, ENR .2.2.3
Vocabulary related to Employment application - crops, store, ENV.1.1.1
Employment terms- agricultural lands,
"light pollution" P.113, Ex. 3
reclaimed, hectares,
Main Vocab.
Vocab &structure process,

.ENV.1.3.4 Kept up, population Air pollution, water pollution, light
growth, move out, pollution, artificial light,
Reported Speech, Grammar Way 3, unit 10 Speaking astronomers, prevent, reduce,
Direct & indirect statements - E.N.S.1.4.2 illuminate,
Direct & indirect questions- E.N.S.1.5.2
Homework: Structure
Watching for a purpose
Write a job proposal e-mail to an employer ENV.1.3.2, st
including your qualification, skills and
Grammar Way 3, unit
.experience 13, adjectives, v=NqBXpgGKr1Y
adverbs, comparisons Sub skills :
-Comparative & -Identifying implied main ideas in
superlative adjectives paragraphs; Finding important
Homework: Integrated task
Put the following The student groups deliver a 4
expressions in minute presentation about the
sentences of your causes of hunger of the six
own. continents, using the previous links &
Kept up, population others of their choice.
growth, move out,
Learning Outcomes Document

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