Part 1

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Wave Mechanics

Advent of the QUANTUM Mechanics………

The Classical mechanics is not able to explain following-
1. Photo electric effect
2. Black body radiation
3. Compton effect

The most outstanding development in modern science was the

conception of the New type of Physics, known as Quantum

Quantum Mechanics is highly successful in explaining the

behavior of atoms, molecules and nuclei.
Quantum Mechanics
Max Planck in 1900 proposed that the Energy of
black body radiator is distributed in the small
packets (quanta) of Energy.

This was the start of the revolution of Physics i.e.

the start of Quantum Mechanics.

Quantum Mechanics is a branch of science that

deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy
called quanta as described by the Quantum
Main Points of Quantum Theory

There are five main ideas represented in Quantum Theory:

 Energy is not continuous, but comes in small but discrete
units (Quanta) h
 The elementary particles behave both like particles and
like waves.
 The movement of these particles is inherently random.
 It is physically impossible to know both the position and
the momentum of a particle at the same time.
 The atomic world is nothing like the world we live in.

The Planck's constant (h) characterizes Quantum Physics.

h  6.625  1034 Joule.sec
Photo Electric Effect
The emission of electrons from a metal plate when illuminated by
light of suitable wavelength is called photoelectric effect. The
emitted electrons are called ‘photo electrons’ and current so
produced is called photo-electric current.

tube Metal Collecting
plate plate

^^^^^^^^ A
Compton Effect; Prof. A. H. Compton 1921-23
When a monochromatic beam of X-rays is incident on a material, then in
addition to the scattered electron, two type of radiations are observed-
1- Original incident radiation (unmodified radiation)
2- A radiation of higher wavelength or lower energy (modified radiation)
This phenomenon is known as Compton Scattering.

h ' E '  h ' scattered

sin 
c photon
E  h
photon 
 mv cos  h '
cos 
h electron c
p v
mv sin  recoiled electron
From Theory of Relativity, total energy of the recoiled electron
with v ~ c is
E  mc 2  K  mo c 2
K  mc 2  mo c 2
mo c 2
K  mo c 2

1 v c2 2

 1 
K  mo c 2   1
 1  v c
2 2
Similarly, momentum of recoiled electron is
mo v
mv 
1 v c 2 2
Now from Energy Conversation
 1 
h  h ' mo c 
 1 (i)
 1  v 2 c 2 
From Momentum Conversation
h h ' mo v
 cos   cos  (ii) along x-axis
c c 1 v c
2 2


h ' mo v
0 sin   sin  (iii) along y-axis
c 1 v2 c2
Rearranging (ii) and squaring both sides
 h  h '  m 2 2
  cos    cos 2
 (iv)
 1 v c
2 2
 c c
Rearranging (iii) and squaring both sides
 h '
2 2
 mv
 sin    sin 
2o (v)
 1 v c
2 2
 c
Adding (iv) and (v)
2 2
 h   h '  2h  '
2 2 2
     cos   o
 c   c  c 2
1 v c 2 2

From equation (i) (Energy Conservation equation)

h h ' mo c
  mo c 
c c 1 v2 c2
On squaring, we get
2 2
 h   h '  2h  ' 2 2 2
     mo c 
2 2
 2hmo (  ' )  o

 c   c  c 2
1 v c 2 2

Subtracting (vi) from (vii)
2h  '
 2
(1  cos  )  2hmo (  ' )  0
2h 2 '
2hmo (  ' )  2
(1  cos  )
h '
mo (  ' )  2 (1  cos  )
c c
But  and  ' So,
 '
1 1 h
mo c    (1  cos  )
   '   '
  '  h
mo c  (1  cos  )
  '   '
 '    (1  cos  )
mo c
 is the Compton Shift.
It neither depends on the incident wavelength nor on the
scattering material. It only on the scattering angle i.e. 
h is called the Compton wavelength of the electron
mo c and its value is 0.0243 Å.
Experimental Verification
photon Bragg’s X-ray
Monochromatic Spectrometer
X-ray Source


1. One peak is found at same

position. This is unmodified radiation
2. Other peak is found at higher
wavelength. This is modified signal of
low energy. 
3.  increases with increase in  .
Compton effect can’t observed in Visible Light
  (1  cos  )  0.0243 (1- cosθ) Å
mo c
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is maximum when (1- cosθ) is maximum i.e. 2.

0.05 Å

So Compton effect can be observed only for radiation having

wavelength of few Å.

For   1Å  ~ 1%
For   5000Å
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~ 0.001% (undetectable)
Pair Production
When a photon (electromagnetic energy) of sufficient energy
passes near the field of nucleus, it materializes into an
electron and positron. This phenomenon is known as pair

Nucleus (+ve) e

In this process charge, energy and momentum remains

conserved prior and after the production of pair.
The rest mass energy of an electron or positron is 0.511 MeV
(according to E = mc2).
The minimum energy required for pair production is 1.02
Any additional photon energy becomes the kinetic energy of
the electron and positron.
The corresponding maximum photon wavelength is 1.2 pm.
Electromagnetic waves with such wavelengths are called
gamma rays ( .)
Pair Annihilation
When an electron and positron interact with each other due
to their opposite charge, both the particle can annihilate
converting their mass into electromagnetic energy in the
form of two  - rays photon.

e e  
 

Charge, energy and momentum are again conversed. Two

 - photons are produced (each of energy 0.51 MeV plus half
the K.E. of the particles) to conserve the momentum.
Pair production cannot occur in empty space
From conservation of energy
h  2mo c 2

here mo is the rest mass and   1 1 v2 c2


 p cos  p
h c  p cos 
In the direction of motion of the photon, the momentum is
conserved if
 2 p cos 
h  2cp cos  (i)
Momentum of electron and positron is
p  mo v
Equation (i) now becomes
h  2mo cv cos 
h  2mo c    cos 

But v 1 and cos   1
h  2mo c 2
But conservation of energy requires that

h  2mo c  2

Hence it is impossible for pair production to conserve both

the energy and momentum unless some other object is
involved in the process to carry away part of the initial
photon momentum. Therefore pair production cannot occur
in empty space.

Einstein postulated the existence of a particle called a photon, to
explain detailed results of photoelectric experiment. Photon has
zero rest mass, travels at speed of light.
E p  h 

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