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Ministry of Education and Sports

Directorate of Industrial Training

Assessment and Training


For a


Qualification Level: 1

Occupational Cluster: Physical Education

September 2020
Developed by: Funded by:

Qualifications Standards Department Government of Uganda

Directorate of Industrial Training
Assessment and Training Package

For a

Qualification Level: 1
Occupational Cluster: Physical Education
Directorate of Industrial Training
Plot 97/99 Jinja Road/ Corner 3rd Street,
P.O Box 20050, Lugogo, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 414 253 704; +256 312 279 344
E-mail: [email protected]

© Directorate of Industrial Training


ISBN: 978-9913-626-43-9

ISO: 9001:2015 Certificate No.: UG92580A

All rights reserved. No reproduction or copy transmission of this publication may be

made without written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act or under the terms of licence permitting limited copying issued
by the licencing agency in Uganda. Any person who does any unauthorised act in
relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Under BTVET Act, 2008, the functions of the Directorate of Industrial Training are:

(a) To identify the needs of the labour market for occupational competencies that fall
under the UVQF.
(b) To regulate apprenticeship schemes.
(c) To foster and promote entrepreneurial values and skills, as an integral part of the
(d) To secure adequate and sustainable financing for the efficient operations of the
(e) To accredit training institutions or companies as assessment centres.
(f) To determine fees payable under the Act.
(g) To develop, apply, expand and improve the purposeful application of Uganda
vocational qualifications defined in the UVQF.
(h) To assess and award Uganda Vocational Qualifications.
(i) To promote on-the-job training in industry for apprenticeship, traineeship and
indenture training and for other training such as further skills training and
(j) To prescribe the procedure for the making of training schemes.

Further to the above provisions, there is an established Uganda Vocational

Qualifications Framework (UVQF), under part V of the BTVET Act, 2008. It is stated that:

The purpose of the UVQF is to;

(a) Define occupational standards in the world of work.
(b) Define assessment standards.
(c) Award vocational qualifications of learners who meet the set standards of different
(d) Provide guidelines for modular training.

The UVQF shall follow principles of Competence Based Education and Training
(CBET) which include:
(a) Flexible training or learning modules.
(b) Positive assessment and Certification.
(c) Assessment of Prior Learning.
(d) Recognition of formal and non-formal training.
(e) Self-paced or individual learning.
(f) Work place learning.

UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

For award and recognition of certificates, the BTVET Act, 2008 provides that:

(1) The Directorate and other examination boards established under the Act shall
award certificates and diplomas for Business, Technical or Vocational Education
and Training under the UVQF.

(2) The Certificates and Diplomas to be awarded shall be in the form prescribed by
the Minister on the recommendation of the Industrial Training Council.

(3) The Certificates and Diplomas awarded under the Act shall be recognised in the
Uganda education system and by the labour market.

Under the TVET Implementation Standards 2020, the proposed new mandate of the
Directorate of Industrial Training shall be restricted to promoting the highest standards in
the quality and efficiency of industrial training in the country and ensuring an adequate
supply of properly trained manpower at all levels in the industry and the world of work.

The functions shall include:

(a) Regulating Industrial Training and Trainers.
(b) Developing Industrial Training Curricula.
(c) Harmonising Curricula and Certificates of competence.
(d) Assessing Industrial Training.
(e) Development of Occupational Standards and Assessment and Training
Packages (ATPs) for Trade Testing for the industry and world of work.
(f) Awarding certificates in that respect.

At operational level in the Directorate, the Qualification Standards Department performs

development tasks related to concepts, procedures and instruments for establishment of
the UVQF in close collaboration with both public and private stakeholders in vocational

In particular, the Department organises and coordinates the development of Assessment

and Training Packages for use in competence-based vocational training as well as
standards-based assessment and certification.

The Directorate has therefore produced this Assessment and Training Package for use
in implementing Competence-Based Education and Training mechanisms.

UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Word from Permanent Secretary .....................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Executive Summary ............................................................................................ vi
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................. viii
Abbreviations and Acronyms ........................................................................... ix
Key Definitions ...................................................................................................... x
1.0 ATP-PART I .................................................................................................. 1
Occupational Profile for a Rugby Practitioner.................................... 1
2.0 ATP-PART II ................................................................................................. 9
Training Modules for a Rugby Practitioner ......................................... 9
3.0 ATP-PART III .............................................................................................. 24
Assessment Instruments for a Rugby Practitioner ......................... 24
Written Test Items (Samples) ................................................................ 26
Performance Test Items (Samples)...................................................... 33
4.0 ATP- PART IV ............................................................................................. 39
Information on Development Process ................................................. 39

UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Word from Permanent Secretary

The Kajubi Report (1989) and the Uganda Government White Paper on Education
Review (1992) emphasised that the Uganda Secondary School Education should be

The World Bank Report on education in Uganda 2007 observed that although Uganda
was experiencing steady economic growth on one hand, the secondary education
curriculum was inadequately addressing the social and economic needs of the country
on the other. The Report further noted that it is not the very top academic cadres that
contribute most to the growth of the GDP but rather the competent middle level
technicians that are flexible and technologically literate that the economy needs in the
labour market at all levels.

Correspondingly, the NDP III 2020/21- 2024/5 highlights (i) low labour productivity (ii)
high youth unemployment (38%) (iii) low transition rates from training to employment
(35%) as some of the key challenges to Human Capital Development in Uganda.

In order to overcome these challenges, NDP III 2020/21- 2024/5, under objective 2
peaks the need to train the learners for the urgently needed skills and mainstream a dual
education and training system. This paved way for the development of the lower
secondary school vocational curriculum which supports both academic and vocational

The afore is in line with the Uganda Vision 2040. Under section 261, it emphasises that
learners will be accorded opportunities to excel in the skills areas they are placed into.
These will range from sports and cut to technical and vocational training. Hitherto,
section 262 clearly states that the entire education system will be changed to emphasise
practical skills, attitude and moral values.

Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Education and Sports rolled out the New
Lower Secondary Curriculum in secondary schools countrywide during the first term of
the academic year 2020. The overall goal of this curriculum is to produce graduates with
employable skills and who are competitive in the labour market. It should be emphasised
that vocational training will produce graduates who are employable. In the New
curriculum, emphasis will be on equipping learners with employable skills and
competencies. This will enable learners perform the requisite duties of the specified
occupations. This is the reason why the lower secondary school vocational curriculum
was tailored to the assessment requirements of the world of work.

UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Reading from the Curriculum Framework page 12, it is stated that the learners will be
assessed by DIT. Upon assessment and certification, the graduates will be employable
and competitive in the labour market. It’s against this background that DIT, within its
mandate vested in the BTVET Act, 2008 comes on board to take the lead in the
development of the requisite Assessment and Training Packages (ATPs) for the various
occupations that will be assessed under the Lower Secondary Curriculum.

The ATPs can be used by any training provider and/or those who wish to present
themselves for Occupational Assessment and Certification.

Herewith, the Directorate of Industrial Training presents the Assessment and Training
Package for training, assessment and certification of a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Finally, I thank all individuals, organisations and review partners who have contributed
and/or participated in the review of this noble document.

Alex Kakooza
Permanent Secretary

UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Executive summary
This Assessment and Training Package is a Competence-Based Education and Training
(CBET) tool and consists of three major parts:

0.1 PART I: The Occupational Profile (OP) of a RUGBY PRACTITIONER. This

Occupational Profile which was reviewed by Rugby practitioner practicing in the
world of work mirrors the duties and tasks that Rugby practitioners are expected to

0.2 PART II: Training Modules in the form of guidelines to train Rugby practitioners
both on the job as well as in training centres (or combinations of both venues of
learning). The Training Modules herein have been reviewed basing on the
Occupational Profile and hence are directly relevant for employment.

0.3 PART III: Assessment Instruments in the form of performance (Practical) and
written (theory) test items that can and should be used to assess whether a person
complies with the requirements of employment as a RUGBY PRACTITIONER.
These assessment instruments were reviewed jointly by job practitioners (Rugby
Practitioners) and instructors based on the occupational profile and training

0.4 While the Occupational Profile (OP) contained in PART I of this document provides
the information on WHAT a person is expected to do competently in the world of
work, the test items, - including performance criteria- of PART III qualify the HOW
and/or HOW WELL a person must do the job.

0.5 The modular format of the curriculum (PART II) allows learners to acquire job
specific skills and knowledge (i.e. competencies) module by module. A single
module can be accomplished within a relatively short duration allowing flexibility for
learners to move directly into an entry level job, go for further modules or advance
to higher levels of training. Modular courses allow more learners to access the
training system because training centres as well as companies can accommodate
more learners in a given period of time.

0.6 In addition to improved access, equity and relevance of BTVET, the UVQF will also
enable people who are convinced to have acquired competencies laid down in this
ATP through prior training and on-the-job experience to access assessment and
certification directly; be it on the basis of a single module, a group of modules or all
modules pertaining to the occupation at once. This achievement will facilitate
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

0.7 The parts of this Assessment and Training Package were sequentially reviewed as

i Part 1: Occupational Profile: August 2020

ii Part 2: Training Modules: August 2020
iii Part 3: Assessment Instruments (initial bank): August 2020

This ATP (or parts of it) may be periodically revised to match the dynamic trends in the
occupation and hence issued in different versions.

DIT takes responsibility of any shortcomings that might be identified in this publication
and welcomes suggestions for effectively addressing the inadequacies. The
suggestion can be communicated to DIT through P.O. Box 20050, Kampala or through
email [email protected].

Patrick Byakatonda
Ag Director

UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

The Qualifications Standards Department of DIT acknowledges the valuable
contributions to the review of this Assessment and Training Package by the following
persons, Institutions and organisations:

• Members of the DIT Industrial Training Council.

• The Director and staff of DIT.

• Ministry of Education and Sports.
• The practitioners from the world of work.
• Teachers and instructors of rugby practitioner from various secondary schools.
• Agriculture Curriculum Specialists from NCDC.
• Examination specialists from UNEB.
• The facilitators involved in guiding the development panels in their activities.
• The Government of Uganda for financing the development of this ATP.

UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Abbreviations and Acronyms

A&C Assessment and Certification
ATP Assessment and Training Packages
CBET Competency Based Education and Training
DIT Directorate of Industrial Training
ITC Industrial Training Council
GoU Government of Uganda
LWA Learning-Working Assignment
MC Modular Curriculum
MoES Ministry of Education and Sports
OP Occupational Profile
PEX Practical Exercise
PTI Performance (Practical) Test Item
QS Qualification Standards
RPL Recognition of Prior Learning
TIB Test Item Bank
TVET Technical, Vocational, Education and Training
UVQ Uganda Vocational Qualification
UVQF Uganda Vocational Qualifications Framework
WTI Written (Theory) Test Item

UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Key definitions
Assessment Assessment is the means by which evidence is gathered and judged to
decide if an individual has met the stipulated assessment standards or
not. Testing is a form of formal assessment.

Certification Certification is a formal procedure to issue a certificate (qualification) to

an individual that has demonstrated during formal assessment that
he/she is competent to perform the tasks specified in the occupational

Competence Integration of skills, knowledge, attitudes, attributes and expertise in

doing /performing tasks in the world of work to a set standard.

Competency (Occupational) competency is understood as the ability to perform tasks

common to an occupation to a set standard.

CBET Competence-Based Education and Training means that programs:

1. have content directly related to work
2. focus is on ‘doing something well’
3. assessment is based upon industry work standards, and
4. curricular are developed in modular form
Duty A duty describes a large area of work in performance terms. A duty
serves as a title for a cluster of related Tasks (see also: TASK).

Learning- LWAs are simulated or real job situations / assignments that are suitable
Working for learning in a training environment (e.g. “small projects”).
(LWA) In a working environment, LWAs are real work situations.

Module Modules are part(s) of a whole curriculum. Modules can be considered

as “self-contained” partial qualifications which are described by learning
outcomes or competencies and which can be assessed and certified

Occupational An Occupational Profile is an overview of the duties and tasks a job

Profile (OP) incumbent is expected to perform competently in employment.

Occupational Profiles developed by practitioners from the world of work

enhance the relevance of training and learning to the requirements of
the world of work.

UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Occupational Profiles define what a person is supposed to do in

performance terms. It also contains generic information regarding
related knowledge and skills, attitudes/behaviour, tools, materials
and equipment required to perform as well as trends/ concerns in
the occupation.

Occupational Profiles are the reference points for developing

modular curricular and assessment standards.

Qualification A qualification is a formal reward for demonstrating competence,

based on formal assessment against set standards and provided to
the individual in the form of a certificate specifying the nature of the

Task Job tasks represent the smallest unit of job activities with a
meaningful outcome. Tasks result in a product, service, or decision.
They represent an assignable unit of work and have a definite
beginning and ending point. Tasks can be observed and measured.
(Also see: Duty)

UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Occupational Profile for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER
1.1 The OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE (OP) for “Rugby Practitioner” below defines
the Duties and Tasks a competent Rugby Practitioner is expected to
perform in the world of work (on the job) in Uganda and the East African
region today.

1.2 Since it reflects the skill requirements of work life, the Occupational Profile is
the reference document for the subsequent development of training modules
and assessment instruments (test items) which are directly relevant to
employment in Ugandan and the East African businesses and industries.

1.3 To ensure that the Occupational Profile is relevant for employment in

Uganda and East Africa, the DIT used the method of “occupational/job

This approach involves the brainstorming of a panel of 8 to 12 competent job

practitioners guided by trained and experienced facilitators. During a two-
day workshop the panellists defined the duties and tasks performed in
employment, as well as the prerequisite skills, knowledge, attitudes, tools
and equipment, and the future trends and concerns in the occupation/job.

1.4 The panellists, facilitators and coordinators who participated in developing

this Occupational Profile are listed on the following page.

1 The DACUM-method was used. DACUM is an acronym for ‘Develop a Curriculum’

1 ATP: Part I
[Occupational Profile]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER
Expert Panel
Wandera Besweri

Kasasa Yayiro
Uganda Rugby Association


Ministry of Education and Sports
Namilyango College

Tuheise Peter Directorate of Industrial Training

Ntare School

Makanga Kenneth
Entebbe S.S.S Occupational Profile
Bizimana Valence
Nabisunsa Girls’ School For a
Namisi Geofrey
Temper Benjamin
Ndejje University

Mutebi Ronald
Pirates Rugby Club

Butono Paul Developed by: Directorate of Industrial

Busoga College, Mwiri Training (Qualifications
Christopher Derrick Lubowa
Directorate of Industrial Training

Asiimwe Maureen
Directorate of Industrial Training
Dates of workshop: 21st – 25th September 2020
Elizabeth Ruth Mukyala
Directorate of Industrial Training

Funded by
Government of Uganda

2 ATP: Part I
[Occupational Profile]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER


Definition: A Rugby Practitioner is a person has competences of playing,

coaching, officiating rugby and managing its related activities


• Accountants PEERS LEVEL III • Fans
• Auditors • Footballers RUGBY • Financial
• Medical • Swimmers PRACTITIONER institutions
personnel • Netballers • Local
• Transporters
• Rugbyers government
• Cleaners • Media
• Security guards
• Athletes
• Table tennis • Insurance
• Secretary
players companies
• Receptionists
• Volley • Quality
• Managers
• Office clerks ballers
• Basket bodies
• Sports teachers LEVEL II
• Club managers ballers RUGBY • URSB
• Journalists • Hockey PRACTITIONER • Surveyors
• Ball boys players • Min. of lands
• Water boys • Gymnasts • Min. of Gender
• Gym operators • Cricketers • MoES/DIT/
• Electricians NCDC
• Rounders
• Lawyers • URA
• Score boys • Min. of Health
• Physiotherapists
• Badminton
players • Uganda Rugby
• Nutritionists Union
• Fitness LEVEL I
RUGBY • National Council
• Training

Internal Links Technical

Links External Links

Descriptions for the levels in the occupation of "Rugby Practitioner"

UVQ Level I Rugby Practitioner: Is a person who plays rugby competently and
performs game supporting activities.

UVQ Level II Rugby Practitioner: Is a person who has the competency of

officiating a rugby game.

UVQ Level III Rugby Practitioner: Is a person who has the competences of
coaching and managing the rugby game.

3 ATP: Part I
[Occupational Profile]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Duties and Tasks

A. ESTABLISH A1 Identify site A2 Select site A3 Clear site

A4 Level site A5 Plant grass A6 Water grass

A7 Mark A8 Demarcate A9 Place goals

boundaries pitch
A10 Place post

B. PLAY RUGBY B1 Prepare for B2 Take position B3 Kick ball

the game
B4 Pass ball B5 Run with ball B6 Tackle

B7 Contest ball B8 Form ruck B9 Secure ball

B10 Perform scrum B11 Form maul B12 Perform

B13 Score points B14 Take place B15 Perform cool
kicks down

C. COACH RUGBY C1 Draw training C2 Prepare D3 Train players

schedule training
C4 Appraise C5 Assess D6 Select team
players players
C7 Manage C8 Assign roles C9 Make training
player’s report

D. OFFICIATE D1 Inspect pitch D2 Inspect teams D3 Inspect

RUGBY GAME equipment
D4 Start game D5 Oversee D6 Enforce rules
and restart tossing
D7 Manage time D8 Manage D9 Communicate
discipline technical
C10 Confirm score C11 Stop game C12 Prepare game

4 ATP: Part I
[Occupational Profile]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

E. PERFORM E1 Draw activity E2 Procure tools E3 Mobilise funds

ADMINSTRATIVE plan and equipment
E4 Organise E5 Prepare E6 Organise
competitions budgets meetings

E7 Maintain E8 Remunerate E9 Train staff

records workers
E10 Coordinate E11 Perform E12 Motivate staff
and supervise capacity
activities building
E13 Provide

F. PERFORM F1 Perform F2 Insure rugby F3 Prepare first aid

OCCUPATIONAL routine players kit
HEALTH, medical check
F4 Identify sick F5 Perform F6 Observe
players physical nutritional
PROTECTION fitness guidance
F7 Perform F8 Wear F9 Manage waste
firefighting protective gear

F10 Disinfect a
rugby facility

G. PERFORM G1 Brand rugby G2 Advertise G3 Perform

MARKETING rugby customer care
G4 Maintain fun G5 Sell rugby G6 Perform
base items and corporate social
accessories responsibility

G8 Perform G9 Partner with

invitational media

H. MAINTAIN PITCH H1 Prepare H2 Trim grass H3 Refill holes

H4 Remark lines H5 Repair H6 Replace
equipment equipment

H7 Improvise

5 ATP: Part I
[Occupational Profile]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Additional Information

Generic Knowledge and Skills

1. Tools and equipment usage 16. Interpersonal relations
2. Negotiation skills 17. Customer care
3. Records keeping 18. Training skills
4. Analytical skills 19. Problem solving skills
5. Standard measurements and 20. Safety, health and environment
specifications 21. Public relations
6. Marketing skills 22. Time management
7. First aid administration 23. Physiotherapy
8. Waste management 24. Climatic changes
9. Communication skills 25. Physical education
10. Information and Communication 26. Anti-doping regulations
Technology 27. Games calendar
11. Firefighting 28. Sports nutrition
12. Store management 29. Competition manuals
13. Human resource management 30. Terminologies in rugby
14. Entrepreneurship skills 31. Fitness components
15. Environmental awareness and

Tools, Equipment and

Materials 17. Sanitiser dispensers 33. Jersey
1. Head gear 18. Dust bins 34. Boots
2. Tape measure 19. Ice coolers 35. Stockings
3. String 20. Recovery coolers 36. Knee support
4. Rope 21. Ball pump 37. Ankle support
5. Goal posts 22. Weighing scale 38. Slashers
6. Scrum machine 23. Temperature gun 39. Trolley
7. Whistle 24. Water dispenser 40. Overall
8. First aid kit 25. Cones 41. Gym equipment
9. Kicking tee 26. Training bibs 42. Marking trolley
10. Score numbers 27. Timber 43. Mouth guard
11. Stretchers 28. Post pads 44. Lime/paint/ash
12. Computer 29. Tag belts 45. Benches and chairs
13. Stationery 30. Corner flags 46. Bottle carriers
14. Pens 31. Pens
15. Score cards 32. Match book
16. Score board

6 ATP: Part I
[Occupational Profile]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Attitudes/Traits/Behaviour Future Trends and Concerns

1. Self-motivated 1. Inadequate facilities and
2. Time management equipment
3. Patient 2. Perception of the sport by the
4. Observant public
5. Trustworthy 3. Professionalisation of the sport
6. Honest 4. Anti-doping
7. Tolerant 5. Advancement in technology
8. Hard working 6. Depression
9. Customer care 7. Alcohol abuse
10. Disciplined 8. Attrition rates
11. Committed 9. Financial constraints
12. Flexible 10. Limited government support
13. Result oriented 11. Commercialisation of sports
14. Innovative 12. Age cheating
15. Diligent 13. Match fixing
16. Confidentiality 14. Popularisation of the game
17. Sportsmanship
18. Responsible
19. Physically fit
20. Knowledgeable
21. Good hand-eye coordination
22. Respectful
23. Intelligent
24. Trainable
25. Creative
26. Sharing skills
27. Quality of output
28. Resilient
29. Integrity
30. Passionate
31. Equity and equality
32. Team work
33. Gender sensitivity
34. Dignity

7 ATP: Part I
[Occupational Profile]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Training Modules for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER
2.1 A curriculum is a “guide / plan for teaching and learning” which provides a
guide to teachers, instructors and learners. In the envisaged system of
competence-based or outcome-oriented education and training (CBET),
curricular are no longer the benchmark against which assessment is
conducted. It is rather the Occupational Profile and the related Test Items
that provide the benchmark for assessment as well as for curriculum

2.2 This modular format of the curriculum allows learners of the Rugby
practitioner occupation to acquire job specific skills and knowledge (i.e.
competencies) module by module. A single module can be accomplished
within a relatively short duration allowing learners to move directly into an
entry level job, do further modules and advance to higher levels of training.
Modular courses allow more learners to access the training system
because training centres as well as companies can accommodate more
learners in a given period of time.

2.3 The modules were developed jointly by both instructors from training
centres and job practitioners. They were developed using the Occupational
Profile as a reference point and taking into account the specifications of
training and learning outcomes in the form of Test Items described in Part

2.4 The modules contain “Learning-Working Assignments” (LWAs) and related

“Practical Exercises” (PEXs) as key elements.

LWAs are simulated or real job situations / assignments that are suitable for
learning in a training environment (e.g. “small projects”). In a working
environment, LWAs are real work situations.

PEXs are therefore sub-sets of a LWA.

2.5 In principle, and following the philosophy of Competence-Based Education

and Training (CBET), the modules can be used as a guide for learning in a
training centre or at the work place; or combinations of both.

9 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER


Rugby Practitioner Level 1 is a person who plays rugby competently and

performs game supporting activities.


Average duration
Code Module Title
Contact hours Weeks

UE/RG/M1.1 Establish a Rugby Pitch 320 8

UE/RG/M1.2 Play Rugby Game 640 16
Maintain Tools, Equipment
UE/RG/M1.3 240 6
and Materials
Perform Entrepreneurship
UE/RG/M1.4 240 6
Summary 4 Training modules 1440 hours 36 weeks

Note: Average duration is contact time but NOT calendar duration

It is assumed that:
• 1 day is equivalent to 8 hours of nominal learning and
• 1 month is equivalent to 160 hours of nominal learning.

Information given on the average duration of training should be understood as a

guideline. Quick learners may need less time than indicated or vice versa.

At completion of a module, the leaner should be able to satisfactorily perform the

included Learning Working Assignments, their Practical Exercises and attached
theoretical instruction, as the minimum exposure.

Prior to summative assessment by recognised agencies, the users of these Module

Guides are encouraged to carefully consider continuous assessment using
samples of (or similar) performance (practical) and written test items available in
part 3 of this ATP.

10 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Code UE/RG/M1.1

Module title M1.1: Establish a Rugby Pitch

Part of:
Related Qualification Uganda Vocational Qualification
(Rugby Practitioner UVQ1)
Qualification Level 1
At the completion of this module, a trainee shall be able
Module purpose
to establish a safe rugby pitch.
Learning-Working LWA 1/1: Prepare Site
Assignments (LWAs) LWA 1/2: Demarcate Pitch
LWA 1/3: Perform Occupational Health, Safety and
Environment Protection Practices
1. The learning exercises may be repeated until the
trainee acquires targeted competence
2. The trainer is advised to deliver relevant theoretical
instruction with demonstrations as required to
perform each Learning Working Assignment.
Related Practical LWA 1/1: Prepare Site
Exercises (PEXs) PEX 1.1: Identify site
PEX 1.2: Clear site
PEX 1.3: Level site
PEX 1.4: Plant grass
PEX 1.5: Water grass
PEX 1.6: Trim grass
LWA 1/2: Demarcate Pitch
PEX 2.1: Take measurements
PEX 2.2: Mark lines
PEX 2.3: Mark technical area
PEX 2.4: Fix goal posts
PEX 2.5: Fix corner flags
LWA 1/3: Perform Occupational Health, Safety and
Environment Protection Practices
PEX 3.1: Place post pads
PEX 3.2: Clean pitch
PEX 3.3: Remove obstacles
PEX 3.4: Wear protective gear

11 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER
PEX 3.5: Manage waste
PEX 3.6: Administer first aid
PEX 3.7: Maintain general hygiene
Occupational health Precautions, rules and regulations on occupational
and safety health, safety and environmental protection, included in
the listed related knowledge should be observed and
demonstrated during LWAs and PEXs.
Related knowledge/ For occupational theory suggested for instruction/
theory demonstration, the trainer is not limited to the outline
below. In any case, related knowledge/ theory may be
obtained from various recognised reference materials
as appropriate:
• Standard measurements and dimensions of a pitch
• Marking equipment
• Laws of the game
• Operating grass trimming equipment
• Environment safety laws
• Entrepreneurship skills
• Pitch maintenance, and usage of too
Average duration of 320 hours (40 days) of nominal learning suggested to
learning include:
• 10 days of occupational theory and
• 30 days of occupational practice
Suggestions on The acquisition of competencies (skills, knowledge,
organisation of attitudes) described in this module may take place at a
learning training centre or its equivalent provided that all
equipment and materials required for this module
training are in place.
Assessment Assessment to be conducted according to established
regulations by a recognised assessment body using
related written test items from item bank.
Minimum required slashers, tape measure, string, rope, goal posts, scrum
tools/ equipment/ machine, score numbers, score cards, score board,
implements or sanitiser dispensers, dust bins, marking trolley,
equivalent benches, chairs, corner flags, boots, buckets, overall,
rakes, brooms, official flags
Minimum required lime/paint/ash, water, strings, power, masks, soap,
materials and sanitiser.
consumables or

Special notes Cater for people with special needs and age difference

12 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Code UE/RG/M1.2

Module title M1.2: Play Rugby Game

Part of:
Related Qualification Uganda Vocational Qualification
(Rugby Practitioner UVQ1)
Qualification Level 1
On completion of this module, a trainee shall be able to
Module purpose
competently play rugby game.
Learning-Working LWA 2/1: Prepare Team
Assignments LWA 2/2: Kick off Game
LWA 2/3: Perform Ruck
LWA 2/4: Perform Scrum
LWA 2/5: Perform Maul
LWA 2/6: Perform lineout
LWA 2/7: Score Points
LWA 2/8: Perform Fair Play
LWA 2/9: Conclude Game
LWA 2/10: Perform Occupational Health, Safety and
Environmental Protection Practices
1. The learning exercises must be repeated until the
trainee acquires a targeted competence.
2. The trainer is advised to deliver relevant theoretical
instruction with demonstrations as required to
perform each learning working assignment.
Related Practical LWA 2/1: Prepare Team
Exercises (PEXs) PEX 1.1: Perform medical assessment
PEX 1.2: Perform warm up
PEX 1.3: Perform team talk
PEX 1.4: Wear rugby attire
LWA 2/2: Kick off Game
PEX 2.1: Take position
PEX 2.2: Kick off ball
PEX 2.3: Chase ball
PEX 2.4: Receive ball
PEX 2.5: Pass ball

13 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER
PEX 2.6: Run with ball
PEX 2.7: Support ball carrier
PEX 2.8: Tackle opponent
LWA 2/3: Perform Ruck
PEX 3.1: Present ball
PEX 3.2: Convert ball
PEX 3.3: Secure ball
PEX 3.4: Contest ruck
PEX 3.5: Drive over ruck
PEX 3.6: Play ball from ruck
LWA 2/4: Perform Scrum
PEX 4.1: Take position
PEX 4.2: Engage opponent
PEX 4.3: Throw the ball
PEX 4.4: Contest ball
PEX 4.5: Play ball from the scrum
LWA 2/5: Perform Maul
PEX 5.1: Receive ball
PEX 5.2: Present ball
PEX 5.3: Support maul
PEX 5.4: Drive maul
PEX 5.5: Play ball from the maul
LWA 2/6: Perform Lineout
PEX 6.1: Take position
PEX 6.2: Throw ball
PEX 6.3: Contest ball
PEX 6.4: Receive ball
PEX 6.5: Play ball from lineout
LWA 2/7: Score Points
PEX 7.1: Make a try
PEX 7.2: Perform a conversion
PEX 7.3: Take a penalty
PEX 7.4: Perform a drop ball
LWA 2/8: Perform Fair Play
PEX 8.1: Play safe
PEX 8.2: Honour opponent
PEX 8.3: Congratulate opponent

14 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

LWA 2/9: Conclude Game

PEX 9.1: Perform cool down
PEX 9.2: Perform team talk
PEX 9.3: Perform medical assessment
PEX 9.4: Change attire
PEX 9.5: Secure kit, tools, equipment and materials
LWA 2/10: Perform Occupational Health, Safety and
Environmental Protection
PEX 10.1: Maintain personal hygiene
PEX 10.2: Manage waste
PEX 10.3: Wear protective gear
PEX 10.4: Perform drug test
PEX 10.5: Manage injury
PEX 10.6: Observe nutrition guidance
PEX 10.7: Consent players
Occupational health Precautions, rules and regulations on occupational
and safety health, safety and environmental protection included in
the listed related knowledge should be observed and
demonstrated during LWAs and PEXs.
Related knowledge/ For occupational theory suggested for instruction/
theory demonstration, the trainer is not limited to the outline
below. In any case, related knowledge/ theory may be
obtained from various recognised reference materials as
• Laws of the game
• First aid administration
• Usage and maintenance of equipment
• Hygiene and sanitation
• Drills for practicing the basic skills of rugby
• Physical fitness and conditioning
Average duration of 640 hours (80 days) of nominal learning suggested to
learning include:
• 25 days of occupational theory and
• 55 days of occupational practice
Suggestions on The acquisition of competencies (skills, knowledge,
organisation of attitudes) described in this module may take place at a
learning training centre or its equivalent provided that all
equipment and materials required for this module training
are in place.

15 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Assessment Assessment to be conducted according to established

regulations by a recognised assessment body using
related practical and written test items from item bank.
Minimum required head gear, goal posts, scrum machine, whistle, kicking
tools/ equipment/ tee, score numbers, stretchers, score cards, score
implements or board, sanitiser dispensers, dust bins, ice coolers,
equivalent recovery coolers, ball pump, weighing scale, medical kit,
temperature gun, dispenser, cones, bottle, carriers,
training bibs, water dispenser, post pads, tag belts,
corner flags, match book, playing boots, stockings, knee
support, ankle support, mouth guard, benches and
chairs, technical board.
Minimum required
materials and sanitiser, water, energy drinks, drugs, pens, paper, first
consumables or aid kit, jersey.
• Improvise where necessary
Special notes • Cater for people with special needs
• Take consideration for age difference (kids)

16 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Code UE/RG/M1.3

Module title M1.3: Manage Rugby Pitch and Equipment

Part of:
Related Qualification Uganda Vocational Qualification
(Rugby Practitioner UVQ1)
Qualification Level 1
On completion of this module, a trainee shall be able to
Module purpose
maintain rugby pitch and equipment.
Learning-Working LWA 3/1: Acquire Tools and Equipment
Assignments (LWAs) LWA 3/2: Maintain Equipment
LWA 3/3: Maintain Pitch
LWA 3/4: Perform Occupational Health, Safety and
Environmental Protection Practices
1. The learning exercises must be repeated until the
trainee acquires a targeted competence.
2. The trainer is advised to deliver relevant theoretical
instruction with demonstrations as required to
perform each learning working assignment.
Related Practical LWA 3/1: Acquire Tools and Equipment
Exercises (PEXs) PEX 1.1: Identify tools and equipment
PEX 1.2: Purchase tools and equipment
PEX 1.3: Keep inventory
PEX 1.4: Prepare store
PEX 1.5: Store tools and equipment
LWA 3/2: Maintain Equipment
PEX 2.1: Prepare maintenance schedule
PEX 2.2: Identify faulty equipment
PEX 2.3: Repair equipment
PEX 2.4: Replace equipment
PEX 2.5: Service equipment
PEX 2.6: Improvise equipment
PEX 2.7: Clean equipment
PEX 2.8: Keep maintenance records

17 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

LWA 3/3: Maintain Pitch

PEX 3.1: Replant grass
PEX 3.2: Refill holes
PEX 3.3: Trim grass
PEX 3.4: Remark lines
PEX 3.5: Re-paint poles
LWA 3/4: Perform Occupational Health, Safety and
Environmental Protection Practices
PEX 4.1: Maintain personal hygiene
PEX 4.2: Manage waste
PEX 4.3: Wear protective gear
PEX 4.4: Administer first aid
PEX 4.5: Perform firefighting
Occupational health Precautions, rules and regulations on occupational
and safety health, safety and environmental protection included in
the listed related knowledge should be observed and
demonstrated during LWAs and PEXs.

Pre-requisite modules None

Related knowledge/ For occupational theory suggested for instruction/

theory demonstration, the trainer is not limited to the outline
below. In any case, related knowledge/ theory may be
obtained from various recognised reference materials as
• Use of protective gear
• Maintenance of equipment
• Safety precautions
• Record keeping
• Rules of the game
Average duration of 240 hours (30 days) of nominal learning suggested to
learning include:
• 10 days of occupational theory and
• 20 days of occupational practice
Suggestions on The acquisition of competencies (skills, knowledge,
organisation of attitudes) described in this module may take place at a
learning training centre or its equivalent provided that all
equipment and materials required for this module training
are in place.
Assessment Assessment to be conducted according to established
regulations by a recognised assessment body using
related practical and written test items from item bank.
18 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Minimum required buckets, rugs, brooms, dusters, head gear, trolley, torch,
tools/ equipment/ safety gloves and shoes, stock cards, first aid kit, fire
implements or extinguisher, printer, computer, air conditioner, rakes,
equivalent spades, wheelbarrows, mowers,
Minimum required
materials and detergents, soap, sanitiser, paint/ash/lime, oil, water,
consumables or disinfectant, pens, books, paper,

Special notes

19 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Code UE/RG/M1.4

Module title M1.4: Perform Entrepreneurship Tasks

Part of:
Related Qualification Uganda Vocational Qualification
(Rugby Practitioner UVQ1)

Qualification Level 1

On completion of this module, the trainee shall be able to

Module purpose
establish a Rugby enterprise and market the sport

LWA 4/1: Establish Rugby Enterprise
Assignments (LWAs)
LWA 4/2: Market Rugby
LWA 4/3: Perform Occupational Health, Safety and
Environmental Protection Practices
1. The learning exercises may be repeated until the
trainee acquires targeted competence;
2. The trainer is advised to deliver relevant theoretical
instruction with demonstrations as required to
perform each Learning Working Assignment.

Related Practical LWA 4/1: Establish Rugby Enterprise

Exercises (PEXs) PEX 1.1: Conduct feasibility study
PEX 1.2: Set up an organisation structure
PEX 1.3: Make budget
PEX 1.4: Mobilise resources
PEX 1.5: Recruit staff
PEX 1.6: Register enterprise
PEX 1.7: Design enterprise logo
PEX 1.8: Procure tools equipment and material
PEX 1.9: Keep records
LWA 4/2: Market Rugby
PEX 2.1: Advertise rugby
PEX 2.2: Brand sport
PEX 2.3: Organise exhibitions
PEX 2.4: Carryout community outreaches
PEX 2.5: Partner with corporate bodies and sponsors
PEX 2.6: Network with peers

20 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

PEX 2.7: Perform customer care/manage fun base

PEX 2.8: Form clubs
PEX 2.9: Sell rugby items and accessories
LWA 4/3: Perform Occupational Health, Safety and
Environmental Protection Practices
PEX 3.1: Wear personnel protective equipment
PEX 3.2: Observe personal hygiene
PEX 3.3: Manage waste
PEX 3.4: Sanitise equipment
PEX 3.5: Administer first aid
Precautions, rules and regulations on occupational
Occupational health health, safety and environmental protection, included in
and safety the listed related knowledge should be observed and
demonstrated during LWAs and PEXs.
For occupational theory suggested for instruction/
demonstration, the trainer is not limited to the outline
below. In any case, related knowledge/ theory may be
obtained from various recognised reference materials as
• Marketing strategies
Related knowledge/ • Financial management
theory • Communication skills
• Tourism dynamics
• Currency exchange rates
• Packaging materials
• Human resource management
• Requirements for establishing an enterprise
240 hours (30 days) of nominal learning suggested to
Average duration of include:
learning • 10 days of occupational theory and
• 20 days of occupational practice
The acquisition of competencies (skills, knowledge,
Suggestions on attitudes) described in this module may take place at a
organisation of training centre or its equivalent provided that all
learning equipment and materials required for this module
training are in place.

21 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Assessment to be conducted according to established

Assessment regulations by a recognised assessment body using
related written test items from item bank
Minimum required
tools/ equipment/ computer, calculator, printer, photocopier, camera, smart
implements or phones, radio and television
Minimum required
paper, cartridge, pencils, masks, gloves, rubber,
materials and
software, sketch book, masking tape, sanitiser, the
consumables or
Internet services.

Special notes

22 ATP: Part II
[Training Modules]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER


Assessment Instruments for a RUGBY

3.1 Assessment of occupational competence is the procedure by which

evidence is gathered and judged to decide if an individual (candidate) has
met the stipulated assessment standards or not. In this ATP the standards
to assess occupational competences are reflected in the form of the
Occupational Profile and related Test Items.

3.2 Assessment of occupational competence should comprise both practical

(performance) testing and written (theory/knowledge) testing.

3.3 Based on the Occupational Profile, a combined panel of job practitioners

and instructors developed a substantial number of test items for assessing
(practical) performance as well as items for assessing occupational
knowledge (theory) all stored in an electronic Test Item Bank (TIB) at
Directorate of Industrial Training.

3.4 Performance (Practical) Test Items (PTI) are closely related to typical work
situations in Ugandan business and manufacturing enterprises. They
comprise a test assignment for candidates and assessment criteria and/or
scoring guides for assessors’ use.

3.5 Written Test items (WTI) for written testing of occupational theory,
(knowledge) are presented in different forms which include:
• Short answer test items,
• Multiple choice test items and,
• Matching test items.

These WTIs herein focus on functional understanding as well as trouble-

shooting typically synonymous with the world of work.

3.6 Composition of assessment / test papers will always require good choices
of different types of WTI in order to ensure the assessment of relevant
occupational knowledge required of candidates to exhibit competence.

3.7 The test items contained in the Test Item Bank may be used for continuous
/formative assessment during the process of training as well as for
summative assessment of candidates who have acquired their
competences non-formally/or informally.

3.8 In this document, the following samples of test items for assessing both
performance (practical) and occupational knowledge (theory) of a RUGBY
PRACTITIONER are included:

24 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

3.9 Overview of test item samples included:

No Type of test items Numbers included

1 Written (theory) –short answer 3

2 Written (theory)- multiple choice 2

3 Written (theory)- matching with cause and effect 1

4 Written (theory)- matching with work sequences 1

5 Written (theory)- matching with generic 1

6 Performance (practical) test item 2

Total 10

25 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER


Test Item Database

DIT/ QS Written (Theory) Test Item- no. 1
Occupational Title: Rugby Practitioner
Competence level: Level 1
Code no. UE/RG/M1.4
Short answer √
Multiple choice
Test Item type: Cause- Work-
Matching item Effect sequence

Complexity level: C2
Date of OP: September 2020
Related module: M1.4
Time allocation: 2 minutes

Test Item State three ways of formulating rugby brand.

(i) ………………..…….………………….…….
Answer spaces (ii) ……………………………………………….
(iii) ……………………………………………….

(i) Designing a logo

(ii) Creating posters
(iii) Designing banners and fliers
Expected answers
(iv) Creating slogans
(v) Designing jerseys
(vi) Using players for advertisement

26 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Test Item Database

DIT/ QS Written (Theory) Test Item- no. 2
Occupational Title: Rugby Practitioner
Competence level: Level 1
Code no. UE/RG/M1.2
Short answer √
Multiple choice
Test Item type: Cause- Work-
Matching item Effect sequence

Complexity level: C2
Date of OP: September 2020
Related module: M1.2
Time allocation: 3 minutes

Test Item List two ways of re-starting a game in rugby after a foul.

(i) …………………………………………..…….
Answer spaces
(ii) ………………………………………….…….

(i) Form a scrum

Expected answers
(ii) Take a penalty
(iii) Take a free kick

27 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Test Item Database

DIT/ QS Written (Theory) Test Item- no. 3
Occupational Title: Rugby Practitioner
Competence level: Level 1
Code no. UE/RG/M1.2
Short answer
Multiple choice √
Test Item type: Cause- Work-
Matching item Effect sequence

Complexity level: C2
Date of OP: September 2020
Related module: M1.2
Time allocation: 2 minutes

Which of the following actions comes first in the formation

Test Item of a lineout?

Distractors and A. Receive ball

correct answer B. Contest ball
C. Throw ball
D. Take position

Key (answer) D

28 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Test Item Database

DIT/ QS Written (Theory) Test Item- no. 4
Occupational Title: Rugby Practitioner
Competence level: Level 1
Code no. UE/RG/M1.2
Short answer
Multiple choice √
Test Item type: Cause- Work-
Matching item Effect sequence

Complexity level: C2
Date of OP: September 2020
Related module: M1.2
Time allocation: 1 minute

Test Item ……. is the least applicable protective gears in rugby


Distractors and A. Mouth guard

correct answer B. Knee pads
C. Shin guard
D. Shoulder pads

Key (answer) C

29 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Test Item Database

DIT/ QS Written (Theory) Test Item- no. 5
Occupational Title: Rugby Practitioner
Competence level: Level 1
Code no. UE/RG/M1.1, UE/RG/M1.2, UE/RG/M1.3
Short answer
Multiple choice
Test Item type: Cause- Work-
Matching item Effect sequence

Complexity level: C2
Date of OP: September 2020
Related module: M1.1, M1.2, M1.3
Time allocation: 3 minutes

Test Item Match the following tools and equipment to their uses

Column A (Tools and equipment) Column B (Uses)

1 Rake A Officiating
2 Cones B Kicking ball
3 Tee C Cleaning pitch
4 Trolley D Demarcating area
5 Whistle E Marking pitch
F Trimming grass
G Levelling ground

Key(answer) 1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-E, 5-A.

30 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Test Item Database

DIT/ QS Written (Theory) Test Item- no. 6
Occupational Title: Rugby Practitioner
Competence level: Level 1
Code no. UE/RG/M1.2
Short answer
Multiple choice
Test Item type: Cause- Work-
Matching item Effect sequence

Complexity level: C2
Date of OP: September 2020
Related module: M1.2
Time allocation: 3 minutes

Match the following rugby infringements to their

Test Item respective penalties

Column A (Infringements) Column B (Penalties)

1 Delay in drop out A Penalty
2 Ball runs to touch B Free kick
3 Returning ball to ruck C Scrum
4 Unplayable ball in a ruck D Line out
E Ruck
F 22 meter kick

Key(answer) 1-F, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C

31 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Test Item Database

DIT/ QS Written (Theory) Test Item- no. 7
Occupational Title: Rugby Practitioner
Competence level: Level 1
Code no. UE/RG/M1.2
Short answer

Multiple choice
Test Item type: Cause- Work-
Matching item Effect sequence

Complexity level: C2
Date of OP: September 2020
Related module: M1.2
Time allocation: 3 minutes

Column A
Column B (work steps) in wrong chronological order
1st A Secure ball
2 B Present ball
3rd C Tackle opponent
4th D Play ball

5th E Contest ruck

Key (answer) 1-C, 2-B, 3-E, 4-A, 5-D.

32 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER


Test Item Database

DIT/ QS Practical Test Item- No. 8
Occupational Title: Rugby Practitioner
Competence level: Level 1
Code no. UE/RG/M1.2
Test Item: Working with a group of six players that include four
attackers and two defenders, perform the following
activities of a ruck
a). Run with the ball to the defenders and after being
tackled, present the ball
b). With an opposing player tackled by one of your
teammates, turnover the ball
c). With one of your teammates tackled and, on the
ground, arrive to form a ruck and secure the ball
d). With one of your teammates tackled and, on the
ground, arrive to drive over the defenders.
Complexity level: P3
Date of OP: September 2020
Related module: M1.2
Related skills and • Laws about the game
knowledge: • First aid application
• Usage of tools
• Use of personnel protective gear
• Personal hygiene
Required tools, head gear, goal posts, whistle, kicking tee, score numbers,
Materials and stretchers, ambulance, score cards, score board, sanitiser
Equipment: dispensers, ice coolers, recovery coolers, ball pump,
medical kit, temperature gun, carriers, training bibs, water
dispenser, post pads, corner flags, match book, jersey,
playing boots, stockings, knee support, ankle support,
coolers, mouth guard, benches and chairs.
Time allocation: 2 hours
Preferred venue: A well-trimmed Rugby pitch
Remarks for • Wear personnel protective equipment
Remarks for • Provide necessary tools, equipment and materials
assessors • Give the trainee enough time for warm up
• Avail trainee with 6 supporting players

33 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER
# Assessment Scoring guide Max Score
criteria Proces Result
1 Preparation for Changed into playing kit 1
the task
Player in full kit observed (wore 1
Player strapped observed 1
Warmed up for 10 - 20 minutes 2
Had team talk with teammates 2
Players observed talking and sharing 1
2 Presented ball Went down in tackle facing his/her 3
Player on the ground facing his side 1
is observed
Presented ball 2
Player’s hand stretched out on the 2
ball is observed
Made ball available 1
Free ball safely away from the body 2
of the player is observed
3 Turned over ball Ran towards place where tackle has 1
been made
Player on side (not offside) is 2
Positioned himself ready to pick ball 2
Player on his/her feet is observed 2
Picked and played the turned over 2
ball while on both his/her feet
Player with ball in hand running or 2
passing is observed
4 Secured ball Ran towards place where tackle has 1
been made
Player onside (NOT offside) is 2
Stepped over the ball 1
Player with one leg in front of the ball 2
and the other behind the ball is

34 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER
Positioned body to offer maximum 2
resistance to any push by the
Player in a crouch position is 2
5 Drove over ruck Ran towards place where tackle has 1
been made
Player onside (Not offside) is 2
Bent to go under the opponent 2
Player in a crouch position lower 3
than the opponent is observed
Held the opponent 2
Player with hands holding 2
opponents’ hands/ legs/ body is
Drove the opponent away from the 3
Opponent at least one meter away 3
from the ball is observed
TOTAL 28 30

35 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Test Item Database

DIT/ QS Practical Test Item- No. 9
Occupational Title: Rugby Practitioner
Competence level: Level 1
Code no. UE/RG/M1.1
Test Item: Prepare a Rugby pitch

Complexity level: P3
Date of OP: September 2020
Related module: M1.2
Related skills and • Laws about the game
knowledge: • First aid application
• Usage of tools
• Maintenance of tools
• Use of personnel protective gear
• Personal hygiene
• Standard measurements and dimensions
Required tools, head gear, goal posts, scrum machine, kicking tee, score
Materials and numbers, stretchers, score cards, score board, sanitiser
Equipment: dispensers, dust bins, ice coolers, recovery coolers, ball
pump, medical kit, temperature gun, carriers, training bibs,
water dispenser, post pads, tag belts, corner flags, match
book, coolers, benches and chairs,
Time allocation: 2 hours
Preferred venue: Play ground
Remarks for • Wear personnel protective equipment
Remarks for • Provide necessary tools, equipment and materials

# Assessment Scoring guide Max Score

criteria Process Result
1 Preparation for Wore PPE 2
Trainee wore hand gloves and gum 2
Inspected the pitch for dangerous 2
Pitch free from stones, plastics, glass 2
is observed

36 ATP: Part III

[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER
2 Marking the Marked the outline of the playing 3
pitch enclosure
A rectangle of solid lines between 94 2
-100m in length and between 68-70m
in width is observed
Marked the centre line. 2
A solid line dividing the playing 2
enclosure into two equal parts is
Marked the10 meter lines 2
Two small dashed lines that are 10 2
meters on either side of the centre
line are observed
Marked the 22meter line 2
Two solid lines that are 22 meters 2
from either goal line are observed
Marked the 5 meter line towards goal 2
Two long dashed lines that are 5 2
meter from either goal line are
Marked dead ball line 2 2
Marked the 5 meter line near touch 2
Two small dashed lines that are 5 2
meters from either touch line are
Marked the 15 meter line 2
Two small dashed lines that are 15 2
meters from either touch line are
3 Placed poles Placed goal posts 3
and flags
Vertical posts that are 5.6 meters 2
apart and a cross bar 3 meters from
the ground is observed
Corner flags placed at the corners of 2
the playing enclosure
4 Prepared Prepared players and coaching 2
Technical area technical area

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[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Benches for the reserves of both 2

teams placed 5 meters away from the
touch line are observed
Prepared officials technical area 2
Table and chairs for officials placed 5 2
meters away from the touch line are
TOTAL 26 28

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[Samples of Assessment Instruments]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER


4.1 Development process (September 2020)
The Assessment and Training Package was exclusively developed by
Rugby Practitioners, secondary school teachers who train Rugby, and
curriculum development specialists working with the National Curriculum
Development Centre (NCDC).

The job expert panel, guided by UVQF facilitators developed the

Occupational Profile that mirrors duties and tasks performed in the world of
work and also provided additional generic information regarding the

Basing on the Occupational Profile, they developed training modules that

will guide Rugby Practitioners on the job as well as in training centres

Basing on the Occupational Profile and Training Modules, they developed

Assessment Instruments that can be used to assess whether a person
complies with the requirements of employment as a Rugby practitioner

4.2 Methodology

The rationale for the Assessment and Training Package development was
to link Vocational Education and Training to the real world of work by
bridging Occupational Standards to Training Standards through industry-led
Standards-Based Assessment.

Active participation of Rugby trainers, job practitioners and NCDC Physical

Education specialist panels consolidated the development philosophy.
The panellists worked as teams in workshop settings complemented by off-
workshop field research and literature review activities including
international benchmarking.

4.3 Development Panels

The participating panels of Rugby Practitioner job practitioners, secondary

school teachers who train Rugby, and curriculum development specialists
working with the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) required
at the different stages of development exercise were constituted by
members from the following institutions/organisations:

39 ATP: Part IV
[Development process]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

Development panel

No. Name Institution/ Organisation

1. Kasasa Yayiro Uganda Rugby Association

2. Wandera Besweri National Curriculum Development Centre

3. Ecimon Thomas Namilyango College
4. Tuheise Peter Ntare School
5. Makanga Kenneth Entebbe S.S.S

6. Bizimana Valence Nabisunsa Girls’ School

7. Namisi Geofrey Mbale Rugby Club

8. Temper Benjamin Ndejje University

9. Mutebi Ronald Pirates Rugby Club

10. Butono Paul Busoga College, Mwiri

4.4 Quality Assurance panel

The quality checking panel comprised of a team with exceptional technical
expertise and experience as job practitioners, lecturers, sports
administrators and national curriculum development specialist.
The team carefully and objectively critiqued the entire ATP and assured
that the quality of the ATP meets the required standards.

Quality Checking Panel

No. Name Organisation
1 Mr. Katende S David National Council of Sports (NCS)
2 Mr. Balagana Charles Mukiibi Kyambogo University
3 Mr. Tushabe Jonan Directorate of Industrial Training
National Curriculum Development Centre
4 Ms. Erinah Balungi
5 Dr. Byaruhanga Kadoodooba Kyambogo University

6 Ms. Ddembe N Hajarah Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES)

7 Mr. Okou-Imakit J.M Kyambogo University

40 ATP: Part IV
[Development process]
UVQF: Assessment and Training Package (ATP) for a RUGBY PRACTITIONER

4.5 Facilitator team

This Assessment and Training Package was developed by a Facilitator team

listed below:

1. Team Leader: Ms. Mukyala Ruth, Ag Deputy Director, QS, DIT

2. Facilitators (Development process):
Ms. Maureen Asiimwe
Mr. Lubowa Christopher Derrick, QS, DIT.
3. Facilitators (Quality checking process): Ms. Baliraba Elizabeth DIT
4. Data Entrants: Ms. Ekwire Esther, Ms. Nantongo Rebecca, and
Turyasingura Yusuf DE DIT
5. Edited by: Ms. Mukyala Ruth Ag. DD, DIT, Qualification
Standards Dept. DIT
6. Coordinated by: Mr. Byakatonda Patrick, Ag. Director, DIT.

4.6 Reference time:

The Assessment and Training Package was compiled in September 2020

and may be periodically revised to match the dynamic trends in the
occupation and hence issued in different versions.

1. World rugby coach Education. (2018). World rugby online coaching
guideline. Retrieved from
2. Whatman, R. (2000). Auckland Junior rugby coaches guide.
3. Robertson, B. (2000). New Zealand Rugby union coaching guide. New
Zealand, The Auckland rugby union.

41 ATP: Part IV
[Development process]

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