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A. The rotation of the earth on its axis.

ScienceSaya: Hakbang Sa Siyensiya Program Pre-Assessment

B. All of the planets, the moon, and other celestial bodies orbit the
C. When the lit part of the moon increases NAME: ____________________________________________________
D. The imaginary line that goes through the north and south poles
GRADE LEVEL: ______ SECTION: __________GENDER: ______
that the earth spins on .

39. It occurs when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow. This can This serves as the pre-assessment for the Practical Research II and
occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are exactly or very closely Research Capstone project, entitled Development and Validation of
aligned with Earth between the other two, and only on the night of the full ScienceSaya: Hakbang Sa Siyensiya Program, of researchers from Grade
moon. 12 – STEM II of the Regional Science High School for Region VI. This
A. Solar Eclipse pre-assessment aims to determine the initial knowledge of the 6th-grade
B. Lunar Eclipse students of Badio Elementary School regarding scientific concepts
included in their curriculum prior to the implementation of ScienceSaya:
C. Autumn Equinox Hakbang sa Siyensiya Program.
D. Summer Solstice
Instructions for answering the pre-assessment: Please read the statements
40. Which of these words is not a major layer of the Earth? below carefully, and encircle the letter which corresponds to the correct
A. mantle answer.
B. core I. The Human Body
C. sand
D. crust 1. What is the relationship between the digestive system and the rest of
the body?
A. Blood is transported from the digestive system to all other
B. The digestive system provides energy and nutrients to the body.
C. The digestive system is responsible for bringing oxygen into
the body.
D. The digestive system makes it possible for the body to move

2. How many different types and sizes of bones are there in an adult
A. 213
B. 300
C. 206
D. 270

3. It is the system that delivers oxygen and nutrients and removes carbon
dioxide and wastes from the body by the blood. It includes the heart and
blood vessels.
A. Glands
27. _____ is usually the naturally-occurring element that undergoes B. Hormones
nuclear fission. It is used to power nuclear power plants. C. Neurons
A. Radium D. Organs
B. Plutonium
C. Uranium 10. Diabetes Mellitus, a disease in which the pancreas produces little or
D. Cadmium no insulin, is a disease of the _____ system.
A. reproductive
28. During a car accident, airbags fill the space between the passengers B. nervous
and the windshield. More time is required for the passengers to reach the C. integumentary
windshield. When the time of the impact is increased, the _____ of the D. endocrine
passenger is decreased. Thus, the chance of injury is greatly reduced.
A. acceleration II. Animals, Plants and the Environment
B. inertia
C. force 11. The carbon dioxide formed from the burning of fossil fuels affects the
D. velocity environment. What environmental problem occurs if too much carbon
dioxide is present in the atmosphere?
29. ______ speed is the speed at which an object is moving at a given A. Acid rain
instant in time. B. Ozone depletion
A. Absolute C. Deforestation
B. Average D. Global warming
C. Constant
D. Instantaneous 12. The kind of animals that eat only plants has a lot of big and high-
crowned molars that they use to grind both tough and soft plant materials.
30. ______ energy is the total kinetic and potential energy of the particles A. Carnivores
in an object. It is also sometimes known as heat energy because when the B. Omnivores
particles in an object move rapidly, you can feel it as heat. C. Herbivores
A. Kinetic D. Crustaceans
B. Thermal
C. Potential 13. Which is not true about a mammal?
D. Initial A. Their body is covered with hair or fur.
B. Warm-blooded
IV. The Earth and Beyond C. Cold-blooded
D. Has a mammary gland

31. Stars differ in apparent brightness or ______ because of their 14. A lobster, insect, or spider is an example of this animal that has
distances from the earth. divided bodies and jointed feet?
A. sizes A. Arthropods
B. magnitude B. Amphibians
C. pattern C. Mollusks
D. color D. Reptiles
A. Digestive System 32. The ______ is part of the surface of the sun that emits light and is
B. Respiratory System made of hydrogen and helium.
C. Circulatory System A. chromosphere
D. Nervous System B. core
C. corona
4. The smallest bones of the human body are found in the _______. D. photosphere
A. Feet
B. Ears 33. Before it can be used, solar energy must be converted to other forms
C. Fingers of energy because it is ___________.
D. Knees A. spread over a wide area
B. not available at night
5. List the levels of organization in the human body in order from the least C. received mostly in the form of light
complex to most complex. D. too hot to handle
A. Organs, cells, tissues, organisms, and organ systems
B. Tissues, cells, organs, organ systems, and organisms 34. It is the group of stars that form patterns in the night sky.
C. Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms A. galaxy
D. Organisms, organ systems, organs, tissues, and cells B. distant suns
C. solar system
6. The brain, brain stem, and spinal cord make up the __________. D. constellations
A. Circulatory System
B. Digestive System 35. It is a scientific instrument that collects light by means of a camera
C. Central Nervous System attached to the device.
D. Cardiovascular System A. telescope
B. space probe
7. The Endocrine glands produce and release chemicals directly to the C. spectroscope
_____. D. sundial
A. Nerves
B. Brain 36. It is the visible glowing inner layer that is the source of the sun’s heat
C. Bloodstream and light.
D. Bones A. photosphere
B. chromosphere
8. Any change or signal in the environment that an organism can C. corona
recognize and react to is called ______. D. solar flares
A. Stimulus
B. Neuron 37. What is the farthest planet from the sun?
C. Response A. Neptune
D. Impulse B. Earth
C. Pluto
9. _____ are chemical substances that act as chemical messengers which D. Uranus
regulate growth and development, control the function of various tissues,
support reproductive functions, and regulate metabolism. 38. What is the definition of “orbit”?
15. In the Carbon Cycle, ________ is removed from the atmosphere and III. Matter, Energy, and Motion
then transformed into different kinds of carbon-containing compounds
before they are finally decomposed. 21. Which best describes a compound?
A. Nitrogen A. It is a kind of matter.
B. Oxygen B. It is made up of two elements.
C. Carbon C. Their properties are the same as the properties of elements.
D. Methane D. It is formed when two or more elements chemically combine.

16. An ______ refers to the interaction of living things to their physical 22. It is made up of tiny particles called atoms which are arranged in
environment. It consists of biotic components (living) and abiotic different ways according to the material’s physical state.
components (nonliving). A. Elements
A. organism B. Compound
B. ecosystem C. Matter
C. energy pyramid D. Energy
D. adaptation
23. It is Newton's 1st Law, whereas an object in motion stays in motion
17. The biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems are linked together and an object at rest stays at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
through ________ and energy flows . A. Law of Action-Reaction
A. water cycles B. Law of Gravity
B. nutrient cycles C. Law of Inertia
C. digestion cycles D. Law of Mass and Acceleration
D. food cycles
24. Energy can be transferred through the application
18. These are the products of decomposition needed and used by plants. of and .
A. Starch A. force, speed
B. Nitrates B. sound, motion
C. Proteins C. power, mass
D. Amino Acids D. work, heat

19. The process of food production in green plants is 25. We can easily recognize that a chemical change occurred in a matter
called . because of the following signs except for ________.
A. chlorophyll A. change in color
B. food web B. production of gas
C. photosynthesis C. power, mass
D. symbiosis D. change in size and shape

20. The relationship between trees and attached plants like orchids and 26. Evaporation is an important process in the formation of a new product.
ferns is an example of what type of symbiosis? The following are uses of evaporation, EXCEPT _____.
A. Parasitism A. cooling of perspiration in the skin
B. Commensalism B. distillation of alcoholic beverages
C. Mutualism C. production of salt from the seawater
D. Organism D. formation of a precipitate, like rain and snow

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