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Performance Task – 2nd Grading Reading & Writing – 1000 Word Critique

The piece about public libraries being replaced by tablets was created by
Christine Sarikas and was published on June 13, 2019. The main purpose of the work is
to analyze and critique the paper presented by the author. The context is all about
arguing about whether libraries should be replaced by tablets for easy access if
someone is trying to find some information about a certain topic. In this paper, the
author included her opinion, which should not be allowed since it is all about
argumentative and it should focus on facts only. A mixed evaluation will be evident in
this paper after reading it.

As stated in the beginning, the piece about public libraries being replaced by
tablets was created by Christine Sarikas and was published on June 13, 2019. The
paper was written in an objective way, yet in some parts, the author included her own
experience and opinions, which is not allowed if a person is writing an argumentative
essay, because when writing one, it should present facts and data only. The part where
she presented her own experience with using tablets should be removed since it is not
part of an argumentative essay to give an own opinion and by replacing it with more
data or information about what health issues or community problems associated with
the screen time would strengthen the essay. The aim of replacing libraries with tablets is
to save local cities and towns money since libraries are expensive to maintain.
However, it was not stated in the paper that this project was approved. That’s why there
is no evidence that the aims were achieved. Focusing and emphasizing are the
techniques used to give an argument about something. Its style is persuading and
arguing the topic that the tablets are better for people, but the author is refuting that the
library holds a special place and is an important part of a community network that no
object can be replaced by it. The medium used by her is the internet to seek facts and
claims to support their argument about this topic of libraries being replaced by tablets.
The following techniques, styles, and media were effective in portraying the purpose of
her trying to get the people on her side.
The author assumes that digital books and resources are associated with less
learning and more problems than print resources, and if the libraries began changing to
tablets, staring too long at the screen would cause a multitude of health problems,
including blurred vision, dizziness, dry eyes, headaches, and eye strain. It may also
cause some health problems like fibromyalgia, shoulder and back pain, fibromyalgia,
carpal tunnel syndrome, and muscle strain. Having these assumptions does not affect
the validity of its work since it describes the problem a person may get when he/she
starts using tablets instead of the traditional way when reading about something that is
attracting their attention. The writer of this work had lots of references that she laid out
so that she could support her claim, like stating that one neighborhood found out that,
after a local library instituted community events such as play times for toddlers and
parents, job fairs for teenagers, and meeting spaces for senior citizens, over a third of
residents reported feeling more connected to their community, and this kind of
evidence, wherein there is a witness about the said topic who was interpreted fairly,
except for her own experiences that she once said earlier.

The structure was built in a way a paper, or any essay, should be arranged. The
writer did not favor any particular interpretation at first and in the second half, but at
some point, she included her own point of view, which is a wrong choice to do so since
she is doing or presenting an argumentative essay. Because when interpreting one’s
point of view, the validity of its paper is getting out of control since it talks about his or
her own opinion and experiences. Her way of showing and dispensing evidence and
facts was effective and enough to persuade people to accept her part about refuting the
topic that she is against libraries being replaced by tablets if ever the time comes.

Its work enhanced the understanding of the key ideas or theories since most of
her parts or claims were just her handing out her evidence that could give her reader a
better understanding of it. The author engages with the key concept and its discipline
from the beginning; for every argument the other side makes, she makes sure that she
refutes it and follows up or convinces the readers with why her opinion about the topic is
the stronger one. In order to make a strong and memorable argument, it is important to
dismantle the other side, which was visible throughout the entire essay, making the
author’s view about the topic appear stronger.

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