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SESSION 2022-23

General Instructions:
● The handout is designed to facilitate students to comprehend the concepts properly
so that they can attempt the topic - related questions given at the end in their fair
● Interactive group discussion will be taken up in the class through the images given
in the handout along with video to gain better understanding of media.

At the end of the handout, you’ll be able to:
● define different types of media
● assess the role of money in operating media.


What is meant by the term media?

Media‟ refers to the different mediums or channels used to communicate information in the everyday
Media is the plural of “medium”, which means a way, and media, in the modern sense of the word, means
ways of communication.
There are some forms of media that are involved in communicating on a one-to –one basis, like talking to
someone on the phone, reading a book, letter etc.
There are other forms of media like newspapers, radio, television that communicate with millions of people
at the same time. This is termed as mass media.

Media & Technology

The nature of media has changed vastly over the years.
Technology improves the reach and quality of media. As technology improves, it also brings about new
forms of media, such as the Internet and Social Networking.
Newspapers, magazines, pamphlets etc., are the means of communication which are in the form
of printed publications. These are termed as print media.
Television, radio, telephone etc., are the means of communication in which electronic gadgets are
used. These are termed as electronic media.
Changing technology, or machines, and making technology more modern, helped the media to reach
more people. Now we see ourselves as a member of a larger global family.
Infer and Extrapolate:
Ask any old member of your family about what they used to listen to on the radio when there was
no TV around. Find out from them when the first TV came to your area and when cable TV was

Media & Money

The different technologies used by mass media are quite expensive so it needs a great deal of money
to do this work. As a result, most television channels and newspapers are a part of big business
Media earns money by advertising different things like cars, chocolates, clothes, mobiles etc.When
people watch these ads, they get attracted and buy the goods so again these big business houses earn
money by selling different products.
Infer and Extrapolate:
Take a newspaper and count the number of advertisements in it. Some people say that newspapers
have too many advertisements. Do you think this is true? Why?

Click on the given link for better understanding of the concept:


1. Answer the following questions in 20-50 words:

a. Distinguish between print and electronic media.
b. Why does the media endorse advertisements?
c. State the relation between media and big business houses.


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