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Tugas Mata Kuliah Structure ke-3

1. My experiences learning at Universitas Terbuka (dominantly The Past


Allow me to introduce. My name is Hamid Rosyadi, a college student at

Universitas Terbuka, English Literature study program. Herewith I would like to
reveal my experience during the process of course at Universitas Terbuka in
the first semester.

I did online registration on August 8, 2022 online. Then on August 10, I filled
the form and filed it, but at that time the verification failed because there was
a discrepancy between the place of birth on the KTP and diploma. Because of
the problem I finnally came to Upbjj Semarang and was successfully verified on
August 12, 2022. After officially becoming a student and getting a nim, I felt a
little relieved and happy, because to become a college student of Universitas
Terbuka was not hard.

One month later, on 10-11 September 2022, I attended OSMB and PKBJJ at the
Kampoeng Kopi Banaran meeting building. I was so enthusiastic, that day I
came at 06:00 a.m. even though the activity schedule is 08:00 a.m., very early
in the morning even I was the earliest before the cleaning staff there just left.
About three hundred participants, only 4 people wore almamater suits
including me. On this same day, my module books arrived.
2. My planning for finishing studying at Universitas Terbuka (dominantly The
Future Tenses)

In four years I will have graduated from the Universitas Terbuka and I will have
a Bachelor's degree in English Literature. This bachelor's degree will become
my bridge to be able to work in a company of BUMN i.e. Pelni. I am really
obsessed with working at Pelni. Mastering and being able to speak English is an
added value and now that I work for a company engaged in export by freight
sea, so that is very supportive later to be able to get a job at Pelni.

And I have to work at Pelni in a position that is still relevant to the use of the
English language, so I am able to retain what I have learned for 4 months in
Pare, Kampung Inggris and 4 years at Universitas Terbuka, English literature
study program. While being an employee at Pelni, I will take a college for a
master's degree so I could become a lecturer and be able to teach. Becoming a
lecturer is not material-oriented but to be able to teach, for me that teaching is
actually learning and an effort to maintain the knowledge in our brain memory.

To be an employee of Pelni is me in the next 4 years. That is my high

expectation. And being a freelance lecturer is me in the next 7 years. That is
my wish.
3. Enjoying learning at Universitas Terbuka (dominantly The Present Tenses)

Herewith I would like to reveal my good and bad experiences during the
process of online tutorial at first semester.

This tuton method is extremely helpful for those who have work activities on
weekdays, including me. Each discussion session and assignment have a
relatively long time due date. Frequently, I choose to do the assignment on
Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays in order to be able to focus more. And then,
with this email I would like to thank and appreciate the tutors who actively
provide feedback, input, and directions during the process of discussion
sessions. I also thank the tutors who are not late in giving grades, to be honest
as students we are very enthusiastic to be able to see the grades immediately.
I also have big respect and appreciation for the tutors who are at each session
give instruction in the form of opener video. It seems they teach us to be
disciplined and responsible in learning.

For bad enough experience in the discussion session, few tutors do not provide
any feedback or input. So that if students got bad grades, they might never
know where they made wrong. Few tutors are late in giving grades. One of my
subjects in the discussion session 3 has not gotten grades yet, though I have
done it. I guess the tutors also have a due date in giving grades. And I suppose
the tutors need to provide feedback or input to students who have done tasks
in each session, in order to be effective and optimal more. That's all I can
convey. however, I am proud to be a college student of Unuversitas Terbuka. I
do love UT.

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