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Nama: Hamid Rosyadi

Jurusan: Sastra Inggris
Nim: 045190053

A.) The main ingredient of my favorite food is tempe.

B.) When the mashed tempenhas mixed with flour and royco, then we add the egg.

C.) We need 5 the ingredients;

• 150 g tempe

• 1 tablespoon flour

• 1 egg

• 1 spoon Royco

• 1 cup vegetable oil for frying

A.) We will get consequences that result in evidence being confiscated and dealt with in accordance
with the academic misconduct procedure.

B.) We will be dealt with in accordance with the academic misconduct procedure.

C.) A coordinating invigilator will announce to the room when the exam has twenty minutes
remaining, five minutes remaining and when the examination is ended.
A.) Abide is a verb.

Base Form = Abide

V1 s/es = Abides

V2 = Abided/Abode

V3 = Abided/Abode

V-ing = Abiding

B.) The first meaning is act in accordance with (abide by the rules).

A.) The harvard and UC Irvine have the percentage of male and female students almost the same.

B.) The NYU has the greatest disparity between the percentage of male and female students.

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