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454 Sequencing System Software Manual, v 2.

General Overview and Data File Formats August 2010

For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats

454 Sequencing System Software Manual Software v. 2.5p1, August 2010

General Overview and Data File Formats

Table of Contents Preface .........................................................................................................................................4 About this Manual .....................................................................................................................4 System Protection .....................................................................................................................5 Assistance.................................................................................................................................5 1. Whats New ..........................................................................................................................7 1.1 454 Sequencing System Software Manual ...................................................................7 1.1.1 Organization of the User Manual...........................................................................7 1.1.2 Formats of the User Manual ..................................................................................7 1.2 454 Sequencing System applications ...........................................................................7 1.2.1 GS Junior Sequencer ............................................................................................7 1.2.2 GS Run Processor ................................................................................................8 1.2.3 GS Run Browser ...................................................................................................8 1.2.4 GS De Novo Assembler and GS Reference Mapper ............................................8 Graphical User Interface....................................................................................8 Command Line Options.....................................................................................9 Output Files .......................................................................................................9 1.2.5 Amplicon Variant Analyzer ....................................................................................9 Overview of the 454 Sequencing System Software .......................................................10 2.1 Data Acquisition, Data Processing and Data Analysis ................................................10 2.2 Data Processing Options.............................................................................................15 2.2.1 GS FLX System...................................................................................................15 2.2.2 GS Junior System ...............................................................................................18 2.3 Data Output and Folder Structure ...............................................................................18 2.3.1 Data Acquisition (GS Sequencer and GS Junior Sequencer) Results: the Run Folder 19 2.3.2 Data Processing (GS Run Processor) Results: the Data Processing Folder ......20 2.3.3 Data Analysis Applications Results .....................................................................21 Data Files and Formats.....................................................................................................26 3.1 Directory Naming Conventions....................................................................................26 3.2 Format Requirements for Input FASTA Files ..............................................................27 3.3 Standard File Formats.................................................................................................27 3.3.1 Composite wells file format .................................................................................27 mimetype .........................................................................................................30 meta.xml ..........................................................................................................30 history.xml .......................................................................................................31 2



Software v. 2.5p1, August 2010

454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats location.idx.......................................................................................................33 metrics.xml ......................................................................................................33 sequences.xml.................................................................................................35 filters.xml .........................................................................................................37 filterResults.uint8.dat .......................................................................................37 Base Called Data.............................................................................................39 Other Public Streams ..................................................................................40 Other Private Streams .................................................................................41 Other Files ...................................................................................................41 3.3.2 Parameters and Viewable Metrics Files: 454 Parser Format (.parse, .txt) ..........42 3.3.3 Image Files (.pif)..................................................................................................42 3.3.4 Well-Level Signal Data Files (.wells) ...................................................................42 3.3.5 Exportable Metrics Files (.csv) ............................................................................43 3.3.6 DNA Sequence (FASTA; .fna) and Base Quality Score (.qual) Files ..................43 3.3.7 454 Universal Accession Numbers ...................................................................44 3.3.8 Standard Flowgram Files (.sff) ............................................................................45 Common Header Section ................................................................................45 Read Header Section ......................................................................................47 Read Data Section ..........................................................................................47 Computing Lengths and Scanning the File......................................................48
Part B: Data Processing

Software v. 2.5p1, August 2010

454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats PREFACE For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures About this Manual The 454 Sequencing System Software Manual describes the software package of the GS Junior System and the GS FLX System for DNA Sequencing developed by 454 Life Sciences Corporation. It is divided into 5 parts:

General Overview and Data File Formats Part A: o GS Junior Sequencer (for the GS Junior System) o GS Sequencer and Other On-Instrument Applications (for the GS FLX System) Part B: GS Run Processor, GS Reporter, GS Run Browser, and GS Support Tool Part C: GS De Novo Assembler, GS Reference Mapper, and SFF Tools Part D: GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer

Since the software is generally common for both systems, the manual covers applications for both. The only exception to this rule is the GS Sequencer or GS Junior Sequencer application, so users should make sure to refer to the manual Part A that matches their instrument. In this documentation, the phrase GS Junior System refers to the whole system for DNA sequencing developed by 454 Life Sciences Corp., including the GS Junior Instrument and its Attendant PC components, all the kits for the preparation, amplification and sequencing of a DNA sample, the methods to use the kits as described in the Manuals and Guides, and the software provided to process and analyze the data from sequencing Runs. Likewise, GS FLX System refers to our similar high-throughput system based on the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument. The phrase 454 Sequencing System refers to the common technology that underlies both systems. 454 Life Sciences Corporation is a Roche company. Following an overview of data processing and analysis in the 454 Sequencing System, this manual provides a full description of these applications and commands, including how they are invoked through their Graphical User Interface (GUI) and at the UNIX command line level on the GS Junior Attendant PC, a DataRig, or a computer cluster resource, and information on the format of the output files of all the applications.

Software v. 2.5p1, August 2010

454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats System Protection System Protection: Connection to computer networks contains an inherent risk of infection by viruses and worms and of malicious targeted attacks through the network. It is the customers responsibility to protect the system against such threats, i.e. by keeping up-to-date the protection of any network to which the customer chooses to connect the GS Junior Instrument, the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument, or any DataRig or computer cluster. This protection might include measures such as a firewall to separate these devices from uncontrolled networks, as well as measures to ensure that the connected network is free of malicious code.

Assistance If you have questions or experience problems with the 454 Sequencing System, please call, write, fax, or email us. When calling for assistance, be prepared to provide the serial number of your GS Junior Instrument or Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument and/or lot number of the kit(s) you are using. The instruments serial number is located on the label found on the back of the instrument.

Software v. 2.5p1, August 2010

454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats If you are located in USA or Canada Please contact Roche Applied Science Technical Support via: Phone (toll-free): e-mail: [email protected] 1-800-262-4911 Europe, Middle East, phone: e-mail: [email protected] Mexico, South America or +49-8856-60-6457 or Africa toll-free +800SEQUENCE e-mail: [email protected] Asia Pacific Phone (toll-free): 800 820 0577 (China Mainland) 008 018 63123 (China Taiwan) 800 966 851 (China Hong Kong) 800 852 3686 (Singapore) 1800 814 958 (Malaysia) 180 064 5619 (Australia) 007 988 620647 (Korea) 001 800 861 0660 (Thailand) 1208 6101 (Vietnam) 1800 186 10007 (Phillipines) Japan phone: +03-5443-5287 e-mail: [email protected]

Software v. 2.5p1, August 2010

454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats 1. WHATS NEW 1.1 454 Sequencing System Software Manual 1.1.1 Organization of the User Manual

The user manual for the 454 Sequencing System Software, V 2.5 / 2.5p1, is divided into five parts as it was in V 2.3. The section Overview and File Formats, as well as Part B, Part C, and Part D, which document the Data processing and Data analysis applications, have been updated to reflect the latest features and enhancements in version 2.5 / 2.5p1. These sections are common to both the GS FLX System and the GS Junior System, but have also been revised to reflect the differences between the two Systems. The section that documents Data acquisition (Part A) has been divided into two system-specific versions. This reflects the differences between the two instruments themselves and also whether the applications are installed on-instrument or off-instrument (see section 1.2 below). 1.1.2 Formats of the User Manual

As was done in V 2.3, the user manuals are available in PDF format (print friendly). For V 2.5 / 2.5p1, they are also available as electronic help files that can be launched from within the applications via the Help button, or accessed on the web site. The e-manual format offers various convenient navigation aids (from the TOC frame, in-text cross links, index, and search field), pop-up definitions of glossary terms, and other new features.

1.2 454 Sequencing System applications 1.2.1 GS Junior Sequencer

The Data acquisition application, GS Junior Sequencer, has been re-written for the new GS Junior System. While the overall functionality is similar to the GS Sequencer application for the GS FLX System, the instrument sensors and Run Wizard (used to set up sequencing Runs and other procedures) have changed to reflect differences in the GS Junior System:

The number of instrument sensors has been reduced to three; Heater temperature, CCD temperature and Enzyme Chiller temperature Choices for Sequencing kits and PTP types are not present The choices for number of nucleotide cycles are 42, 100 and 200 cycles There are three sequencing Run processing types; None, Full processing for Shotgun or Paired End, and Full Processing for Amplicons

Data management and Configuration options are similar to the GS Sequencer application for the GS FLX System.

Software v. 2.5p1, August 2010

454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats 1.2.2 GS Run Processor

When performing on-the-fly analysis on the GS Junior Attendant PC, the "Image Processing Only" option is not present. The Attendant PC is sufficiently powerful to process an entire GS Junior System sequencing Run in one step. Data processing jobs starting on the GS Junior Attendant PC during sequencing will not interrupt currently running jobs. The Attendant PC is sufficiently powerful to perform a sequencing Run and a processing job simultaneously. Global signal droop correction (Correction for signal reduction during a Run) is enabled for all non-amplicon sequencing Runs. A recursive form of CAFIE (CArry Forward & Incomplete Extension) is enabled for all sequencing Runs performed on the GS Junior Instrument. For the GS FLX System, there is a new and improved algorithm for finding regions. Several bugs have been fixed. 1.2.3 GS Run Browser

When opening a project, the user now has the option of opening individual CWF and Wells Files, in addition to Run Data sets and Processor Data sets. Data export files no longer use a .xls extension. They are still tab-delimited text files, but are now saved with a .txt or .csv extension. Several image viewing parameters (minimum brightness, maximum brightness, etc.) have been modified for viewing images captured from the GS Junior Instrument. Low-resolution versions of captured images are now stored in the composite well (.cwf) files. These images can be viewed in the GS Run Browser if the original captured images are removed from the data set. Several bugs have been fixed. 1.2.4 GS De Novo Assembler and GS Reference Mapper Graphical User Interface

The interface for adding read data files to a project has been improved. The GS Reference Mapper HC Diffs and Structural Variants sub-tabs now support the ability to export the table, in its current sort order, in tsv, csv or png format. The GS Reference Mapper Reference Status and Gene Status sub-tabs now support the ability to export the table, in its current sort order, in tsv, csv or png format. The Minimum Overlap Length parameter on the Parameters Computation sub-tab can now be entered as either a number of bases or a percent read length.

Software v. 2.5p1, August 2010

454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats

The zoom to selected button, on the Alignment Results sub-tab, now functions even if no column is selected. In this case, the zoomed in view is centered on the center column of the zoomed out view. Several bugs have been fixed. Command Line Options

The command line option --force has been added. This option is used with the newMapping, newAssembly, runMapping and runAssembly commands, and is now required to overwrite an existing project directory. Output Files

Transcriptome assembly projects now generate two new text output files, 454Isotigs.faa and 454IsotigOrfAnalysis.txt, that provide ORF (open reading frame) information for isotigs. The GS Reference Mapper now generates two new files, 454HCStructRearrangements.txt and 454AllStructRearrangements.txt, which provide explicitly labeled classifications and information for observed Structural Rearrangements. For cDNA mapping projects, the reference type (cDNA or gDNA) can be automatically detected under certain circumstances, thus removing the need to specify the reference type in the GUI or on the command line. These circumstances are specified in the user manual. The 454ReadStatus.txt file has been updated to contain more information about chimeric reads. These changes only apply if running without regions.


Amplicon Variant Analyzer

Both the Graphical User Interface and the Command Line Interface now support the export of sequence alignments in FASTA, CLUSTAL, ACE or Table (.csv or .tsv) formats. The graphical interfaces for file-filtering and file-choosing have been improved. The Graphical User Interface (computation Tab) now allows the user to select the number of CPUs to use for computation.

Software v. 2.5p1, August 2010

454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats 2. OVERVIEW OF THE 454 SEQUENCING SYSTEM SOFTWARE The 454 Sequencing System, developed by 454 Life Sciences Corporation, a Roche company, is an ultra-high-throughput automated DNA sequencing system capable of carrying out and monitoring sequencing reactions in a massively parallel fashion (tens to hundreds of thousands of simultaneous reactions, in the wells of a PicoTiterPlate device). During DNA-directed DNA synthesis, pyrophosphate (PPi) is released with each nucleotide addition; the systems chemistry generates an amount of light commensurate with the amount of PPi released; this light is captured by a charge-coupled device camera and converted into a digital signal. (For more information on the basics of the 454 Sequencing System, please refer to the GS Junior Instrument Owners Manual or the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument Owners Manual). The 454 Sequencing System software is fully backward-compatible with, and can process datasets generated under any of the 454 Sequencing Systems chemistries (GS 20 chemistry, GS FLX standard chemistry, GS FLX and GS Junior Titanium chemistry). This manual describes all the functionalities of the software, even those that apply only to datasets generated with older chemistries. Note, however, that it comprises a separate Part A for the GS Junior System and the GS FLX System.

2.1 Data Acquisition, Data Processing and Data Analysis Data handling in the 454 Sequencing System occurs in three main phases:

Data Acquisition Data Processing Data Analysis

Each phase is governed by one or more specific applications. The data acquisition phase occurs during a sequencing Run on the GS Junior Instrument or the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument, under the control, respectively, of the GS Junior Sequencer or the GS Sequencer software application (this is the only application that has two different implementations under the two systems). The raw data consists of a series of digital images captured by the camera. The images are a representation of the surface of the PicoTiterPlate device over which the sequencing reactions are taking place; and each image corresponds to one nucleotide flow over that surface, as defined by the Run script. If the sample DNA fragment present in a given well of the PicoTiterPlate device is extended during a nucleotide flow, light is emitted from the well and captured on the image corresponding to that flow. Furthermore, the amount of light emitted is proportional to the number of nucleotides extended. Knowledge of the nucleotide flowed while each image is being captured (from the Run script), of the location on the PicoTiterPlate device where light is being emitted (coordinates of each pixel on the images), and of the amount of light emitted during each flow (brightness of the pixels in the corresponding images) allows the software to identify PicoTiterPlate wells that contain a DNA library fragment and determine the sequence of the DNA fragments present in each well. This determination occurs during the data processing phase: data processing is carried out by the GS Run Processor application and encompasses all the steps required to go from raw image data to base-called results suitable for use by downstream data analysis applications. Data processing is done in two main steps, image processing and signal processing. The signal

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats processing step, in turn, exists in two options: standard for the sequencing of Rapid, cDNA or Paired End libraries, and an alternative set of algorithms especially tuned to process sequencing data from Amplicon libraries (or test Runs performed with only Control DNA Beads). The data analysis phase offers a choice of several downstream analysis paths to generate the desired final output: a consensus sequence of the DNA sample generated by the assembly of reads into contigs, with or without Paired End analysis to order and orient the contigs into scaffolds (GS De Novo Assembler); a consensus sequence along with a list of high-confidence differences obtained by mapping the reads to a known reference sequence (GS Reference Mapper); or the identification and quantitation of sequence variants by the ultra deep sequencing of amplicons (GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer). All data analysis outputs also include base-per-base quality scores (Phred-equivalent) and other specific metric files. Table 1 lists the inputs and outputs of the three main early components of data handling, from data acquisition through data processing, as well as the individual functions carried out by each application. It is important to note that the preferred scheme for the execution of data processing is different between the GS Junior System and the GS FLX System:

with the GS Junior System, all of data acquisition and data processing can be handled at once, as part of the sequencing Run. All processing can be done on the Attendant PC. with the GS FLX System, the two steps of data processing are typically executed independently, running the image processing step on-board the instrument concurrently with the sequencing Run, and the more time consuming signal processing step on a dedicated data processing computer (cluster)

See section 2.2 for a description of data processing pipeline options. In either case, the general functions carried out are as follows: 1. the GS Junior Sequencer or GS Sequencer application records a set of raw digital images representing the light detected over the surface of the PicoTiterPlate device, during each reagent flow of the sequencing Run (data acquisition) 2. the first step of the GS Run Processor application, image processing, performs initial pixellevel calculations, and then groups pixels from the image set into a representation of the PicoTiterPlate wells where sequencing reactions were detected 3. the second step of the GS Run Processor application, signal processing, performs well-level calculations across the whole series of images to generate well flowgrams (and the basecalls of the DNA fragments being sequenced in all the active wells of the PicoTiterPlate device; reads).

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats
Application GS Junior Sequencer or GS Sequencer GS Run Processor (image processing step) Input Light Output Raw images Composite Wells Format (CWF) Files Main processing steps Image acquisition and storage to disk Subtract background and normalize the images (at the pixel level) Find the active wells on the PicoTiterPlate device Extract the raw signals for each flow, in each active well Write the resulting flow signals into composite wells format (CWF) files Filter out lower signal ghost wells (Amplicon sequencing pipeline only) Correct for crosstalk between neighboring wells Correct for known out-of phase errors (incomplete extension and carry-forward) Correct for signal droop and perform residual background subtraction Filter out any residual ghost wells (Amplicon sequencing pipeline only) Filter (pass or fail) the processed reads based on signal quality Trim read ends for low quality and primer sequence Update the CWF files with the fully processed data Generate Standard Flowgram Format (SFF) files containing the basecalled read sequences and perbase quality scores

Raw images

GS Run Processor (signal processing step)

Composite Wells Format (CWF) Files

Corrected CWF files, and SFF files containing read basecalls and perbase quality scores

Table 1: The 3 main early components of data handling, from data acquisition through data processing, in the 454 Sequencing System, with their inputs, outputs, and main processing steps. They are performed in succession, in the order indicated; the SFF files output by the signal processing step of the GS Run Processor application are used as input to the data analysis applications (see Table 2). For a description of the data processing pipeline options, see section 2.2. For a full description of the GS Junior Sequencer or GS Sequencer application, see Part A of this manual (Section 2 in the GS Junior System version or Section 3 in the GS FLX System version); and for the GS Run Processor application, see Part B, Section 1.

The data analysis applications use the fully processed and trimmed read basecalls of a sequencing Run, or of a pool of Runs, to produce initial alignments to the reference sequence (or read-to-read overlaps for the GS De Novo Assembler); then they use a combination of nucleotide and flowgram information for consensus-calling of the contigs and determination of quality values for the contig sequences. Table 2 lists the specific outputs of the 3 data analysis applications as well as the individual functions carried out by each one. The final system output choices are the following: 1. The GS De Novo Assembler application generates a consensus sequence of the whole DNA sample, by assembling the reads into contigs (de novo shotgun assembly). An option allows the use of one or more sequencing Runs performed on a Paired End library (any type, or even a combination of Paired End library types) prepared from the same DNA sample, to be analyzed together with Shotgun sequencing Run(s) and help order and orient the resulting contigs into scaffolds. (Paired End reads do not necessarily need to be analyzed together with Shotgun reads.)

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats 2. The GS Reference Mapper application generates the consensus DNA sequence by mapping, or aligning, the reads to a reference sequence; as well as a list of high-confidence differences (individual bases or blocks of bases that differ between the consensus DNA sequence of the sample and the reference sequence). Robust cDNA analysis is also available. 3. The GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer application compares reads from an Amplicon library to corresponding reference sequences, and allows the user to detect, identify and quantitate the prevalence of sequence variants. It may take multiple Runs to generate enough data for a given sequencing project (e.g. a project requiring several-fold depth sequencing of a large genome). In such cases, the data sets of all the Runs can be combined at the time of data analysis. Furthermore, contig consensus-calling in mapping and assembly are carried out in flowspace (i.e. they operate directly on the processed signals measured from the wells), followed by basecalling to produce a consensus sequence for the sample. The final output of the 454 Sequencing System thus varies depending on what kind of analysis is performed: Assembly, Mapping or Amplicon Variant Analysis (or no analysis of any kind). In all cases, however, the output DNA sequence is supplied as a set of FASTA files, with associated Quality Scores and other Run and data metrics files useful for troubleshooting and determining the overall quality of the sequencing Run. ACE-formatted files are also produced by each of the data analysis applications to allow users to view alignment results using third-party software tools.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats
Application Input Output Main processing steps Identify pairwise overlaps between reads, in nucleotide space Construct multiple alignments of reads that tile together (i.e. form contigs), based on the pairwise overlaps Generate consensus basecalls of the contigs by averaging the processed flow signals for each nucleotide flow included in the alignment, in flowspace Output the contig consensus sequences and corresponding quality scores, along with an ACE file of the multiple alignments and assembly metrics files Additional steps with Paired End option: Identify pairwise overlaps between Paired End tags and the shotgun contigs Organize the contigs into scaffolds (order, orientation, and approximate distance) Output the scaffolded consensus sequences and corresponding quality scores, along with an AGP file of the scaffolds and specific metrics Tables For each read, search for alignment(s) to the reference sequence, in nucleotide space Construct contigs and compute a consensus basecall sequence from the signals of the aligned reads (flowspace) Identify the positions where the consensus or subsets of the reads that comprise it differ from the reference sequence (or reads from one another); these are the putative differences Evaluate the putative differences to identify highconfidence differences Output contig consensus sequence(s) and corresponding quality scores, an ACE file of the multiple alignments of the reads and contigs to the reference, the list of identified differences, and mapping metrics files Trim reads (remove primer sequences) Assign reads to Samples (demultiplex datasets) Align Sample reads to their reference sequences Quantitate variant frequency for each Sample

GS De Novo Assembler SFF files, from one or multiple sequencing Runs, containing read flowgrams and basecalls, and perbase quality scores

Sample consensus sequence, assembled de novo (and scaffold information, with Paired End option)

GS Reference Mapper

Sample consensus sequence, mapped to a reference sequence; and list of differences

GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer

Identity and quantitation of sequence variants

Table 2: The 3 applications of the data analysis phase of the 454 Sequencing System, with their inputs, outputs, and main processing steps. Note that all data analysis applications use as input the reads and flowgrams output in SFF format by the data processing (GS Run Processor application). For a full description of the various data analysis applications, see Parts C and D in this manual.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats The software package described in this manual also includes the GS Reporter and the GS Run Browser applications, available on the GS Junior Attendant PC, on the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument, and for off-instrument use (on a cluster or DataRig) and used to view and troubleshoot the results of a completed sequencing Run; the GS Support Tool, used to package sequencing Run data to send to Roche Customer Support for further help and troubleshooting; and the SFF Tools, a set of commands used to create, manipulate and access sequencing trace data from SFF files. However, these applications and commands are not required steps of data processing and analysis.

2.2 Data Processing Options 2.2.1 GS FLX System

The GS FLX System gives the user four options for processing the data from a sequencing Run, by selecting among the available processing types during sequencing Run set up (see Figure 1; for more detail on data processing options, see Part B, Section 1 of this manual; for details on sequencing Run set up, see Part A, section 3 of this manual (GS FLX System version), and the GS FLX Titanium Sequencing Method Manual):

In most cases, the user will perform the image processing step of data processing on the instrument, copy the partially processed data to a dedicated computational node, and carry out the time-consuming signal processing step there. To do this, the user would select the Image processing only processing type. This minimizes the amount of time the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument is busy processing data and thus unavailable for another sequencing Run. The image processing step, by contrast, takes place concurrently with image acquisition. In some cases, the user will elect to include both the image and signal processing steps in the sequencing Run (select one of the Full processing types). This is the simplest option from the standpoint of instrument operation, as all data processing up to the generation of read flowgrams and basecalling of the reads is carried out during the Run, without user intervention. However, the on-instrument computing resources can take up to 80 hours to process a 200 cycle Run performed with the GS FLX Titanium chemistry. When this is complete, the user can proceed with the post-Run analysis step(s) (which must await the acquisition of all the read data), as appropriate for the experiment. An alternate Full processing for Amplicons processing type exists in the GS FLX System, which uses data processing algorithms that are specially tuned for Amplicon sequencing; this option should be selected if you are sequencing an Amplicon library and you want to carry out the full Run-time data processing on it. It is also used for test Runs that use only Control DNA beads. If Image processing only is carried out during the sequencing Run, a signal processing for Amplicons option is available off-instrument. Finally, the user can choose to only acquire the raw images during the Run (select the No processing processing type). If this is selected, all other steps of data processing and analysis can be carried out separately afterwards. This provides users with maximum flexibility in data handling to conform to their desired processing architecture.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats As shown in Figure 1, data processing or data analysis applications that are carried out separately from the sequencing Run (i.e. not determined by the processing type selection) are invoked via the GS Run Browser or at the command line level. This must be done offinstrument, on a separate computer (called a DataRig) or on a computer cluster. The GS Run Processor will produce comparable results whether it is run on-instrument or off-instrument. The GS De Novo Assembler, GS Reference Mapper and GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer applications, and the SFF Tools commands, are always run separately from the sequencing Run (i.e. off-instrument, on a DataRig or a computer cluster). The rationale for this is that these applications either are not usually applied to individual Runs but rather draw on multiple Runs, or require additional information beyond the Run data (such as a reference genome against which to map the sequencing reads). In addition, these applications can take hours to complete, during which time the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument would not be available for another Run. Run troubleshooting may also be time intensive, so the GS Reporter and the GS Run Browser applications are provided both on the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument and as separate applications that can be run on a DataRig or the computer cluster.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats

Figure 1: Data processing options in the GS Junior and GS FLX Systems. The blocks identify the various data acquisition, data processing or data analysis applications and their outputs. Raw images are captured as part of the sequencing Run (data acquisition). Depending on the processing type selected during Run set up (top of each column), the image processing and signal processing steps can either be performed as part of the sequencing Run (above the dotted line); or they can be carried out separately following the Run, using the off-instrument version of the software, on a DataRig or a cluster (below the dotted line). Note the two options for signal processing: the standard algorithm is for sequencing of General, Rapid, Rapid cDNA, or Paired End libraries; and an alternative one exists for Amplicon sequencing (and test Runs). The preferred data processing path for the GS FLX System is highlighted. Data analysis applications (GS De Novo Assembler, GS Reference Mapper and GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer), on the other hand, are always carried out separately, and are supported via a Graphical User Interface in the GS Run Browser, or at the command line level. Applications launched by direct user input are shown in Bold-Italics; others are embedded in the Run. The GS Run Browser application (not shown) can be invoked either on the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument or on a DataRig or a cluster to view raw images and other Run data, e.g. for troubleshooting purposes or to reanalyze the dataset using different settings; this is done after a Run completes (or is aborted).

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats 2.2.2 GS Junior System

In the GS Junior System, the data sets are smaller and the computing power aboard the Attendant PC is sufficient to fully process the data rapidly. Therefore, there is no need to carry out the image processing and signal processing steps separately, and the Image Processing Only option is not offered. Users would typically use the appropriate Full Processing option (Standard or Amplicon; see Figure 1); the No Processing option is also available.

2.3 Data Output and Folder Structure This section provides an overview of the listing and organization of the files that are generated at each step of data processing or data analysis, and made available to the user. After a sequencing Run, results can be found in the /data directory on the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument or the GS Junior Attendant PC, grouped by date, where each date folder contains individual Run folders. Each Run folder is identified by the Run name specified during Run set up (i.e. with an R_ prefix, denoting Run; see first Note below). Run folders contain the raw data of the sequencing Run (i.e. the results of the GS Sequencer or GS Junior Sequencer application), as well as any Data Processing folder(s) for that Run (identified by a D_ prefix, for Data). Data Processing folders, in turn, contain the results of the image processing and/or signal processing steps. tmp sub-directory required: The /data directory in the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument on-instrument computer or the GS Junior Attendant PC contains a tmp sub-directory. Do not delete the tmp sub-directory as it is required for the proper functioning of the instrument software. Because the data analysis applications are typically performed on a pool of sequencing Runs rather than on any single Run, their results are not associated with a specific sequencing Run or data processing invocation; rather, assembly, mapping and amplicon variant analysis results are deposited in the current working directory at the time the application is launched, or written to a directory specified by the user (see section 2.3.3). The SFF Tools commands also usually deposit their output into the current working directory or a directory specified on the command line.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats The user enters a unique name for the Run during set up. A good choice for a unique name could be structured as follows: PicoTiterPlate device size and barcode #, kit lot #, genome, run #; e.g. 70x75_123456_081708_ecoli_Run1. To form the complete name of the Run files, the date stamp, time stamp, instrument name, and user name will be added automatically in front of this unique Run name. The name structure is: R_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_min_sec_machineName_userName_uniqueRunName. Before any data processing or data analysis application can be run on a DataRig or a cluster (GS Run Processor, GS De Novo Assembler, GS Reference Mapper, or GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer), the necessary input data (see Table 1 and Table 2) for the sequencing Run(s) being processed or analyzed must be made available on that DataRig or cluster. The Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument or GS Junior Attendant PC can be configured to automatically transfer the output files that result from the GS Run Processor application to a remote disk (see the section on data transfer scripts in the Genome Sequencer FLX System Site Preparation Guide or the GS Junior System SysAdmin Guide). Alternatively, the Data tab of the GS Sequencer application on the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument, or of the GS Junior Sequencer application on the GS Junior Attendant PC, can be used to transfer the raw images of sequencing Run(s) to a pre-configured destination. For more information on the Data tab of the GS Junior Sequencer application, see Part A of this manual (Section 2 in the GS Junior System version or Section 3 in the GS FLX System version). 2.3.1 Data Acquisition (GS Sequencer and GS Junior Sequencer) Results: the Run Folder

The organization of a generic Run folder (R_) is depicted in Figure 2. All the raw data (raw images, log files, etc.) remain in temporary local storage on the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument or the GS Junior Attendant PC in case the user chooses to re-analyze them (e.g. using the reanalysis function of the GS Run Browser; see Part B, Section 3 of this manual). In addition, if Backup is selected during Run set up, raw and processed data files from the Run can be transferred to a network location specified by the System Administrator, for long-term storage. R_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_min_sec_machineName_userName_uniqueRunName/ dataRunParams.parse imageLog.parse PTP_flowOrder_cycleCount.icl runlog.parse rawImages/ 00001.pif 00002.pif 00003.pif
Figure 2: General organization of a Run folder. On the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument or the GS Junior Attendant PC, this is located inside /data/date; while on a DataRig or a cluster, it can be placed anywhere. Words in italics are generic.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats Several other files or directories may appear in the R_ directory, which are created for internal use of the software. They are not described in this manual and may indeed be reorganized or eliminated in further releases of the software; they may include the following:

Additional files: o aaLog o fpgaReadWriteLog.bin o flowCalibrtionLog.nfc o tempControlLog.ntc o dmesg.txt o debugMessageLog.txt Additional directories: o calibrate o prime o prewash 2.3.2 Data Processing (GS Run Processor) Results: the Data Processing Folder

The organization of a generic Data Processing folder (D_) is depicted in Figure 3. D_ folders are created by the GS Run Processor application, within the R_ folder of the sequencing Run whose data is being processed. Since a dataset can be re-processed multiple times (via the GS Run Browser; see Part B, Section 3 of this manual), a given R_ folder can contain multiple D_ folders. To the extent that they are generated on-instrument, per the processing type selected (see section 2.2), all the processed data (basecalls and quality scores, Run metrics, log files, etc.) remain in temporary local storage on the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument or the GS Junior Attendant PC. In addition, if Backup is selected during Run set up, raw and processed data files from the Run can be transferred to a network location specified by the System Administrator, for long-term storage. See Part B, Section 1 for full file descriptions and for more information on the GS Run Processor application. The Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument or the GS Junior Attendant PC processes the sequencing data on-the-fly, i.e. the data is processed (to the extent specified in the processing type selected) and deposited in the Data Processing folder, concurrently with the Run. When the Run Completed window appears on the screen, the processing of the sequencing Run has completed and the results are ready for further processing or transfer.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats R_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_min_sec_machineName_userName_uniqueRunName/1 [] D_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_min_sec_machineName_analysisType/2 gsRunProcessor.log gsRunProcessor_err.log dataRunParams.xml regions/2 region.cwf2 2 sff/ uaccnoRegion.sff2
Figure 3: General organization of a Data Processing folder. Data Processing (D_) folders are created within the corresponding Runs R_ folder; an R_ folder can contain multiple D_ folders, if the dataset was re-processed. Words in italics are generic. The superscripts indicate the application by which the folders and files are generated: GS Sequencer or GS Junior Sequencer1, GS Run Processor2. The set of SFF files are generated during the signal processing step of the GS Run Processor, using the universal accession prefix described in section 3.3.7. See Part B, Section 1 of this manual for full file descriptions.


Data Analysis Applications Results

As indicated above, the data analysis applications are often performed on a pool of sequencing Runs rather than on any single Run, and/or can require additional information beyond the Run data. For this reason, they are carried out off-instrument, via a Graphical User Interface (GUI) or from the command line on a DataRig, rather than on the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument. For the GS Junior System, this can also be performed on a separate computer resource (a DataRig) but it is typically performed on the Attendant PC, though still separately from the data acquisition / data processing. As a consequence of this separation, the result files generated by these applications are not deposited in a Run folder. For the GS De Novo Assembler and the GS Reference Mapper, rather, one of the following will apply:

A folder with a P_ prefix (for Post-Run Analysis) is created to receive them, in the users current working directory on the DataRig or Attendant PC at the time the application is launched, or written to a directory specified by the user via the applications GUI or on the command line. Mapping and Assembly can also be carried out in a project-based fashion, whereby datasets can be added to existing results (or a new reference sequence can be specified) for an existing Assembly or Mapping project. This uses the corresponding applications GUI (or can be done using the newAssembly, newMapping, and associated commands), and the data is then stored in a Project folder. A Project folder is identified by the 454Project.xml file it contains.

The folder and file structures generated for each of these commands (or GUI equivalents) are shown in the Figures below: the one-step runAssembly (Figure 4) or runMapping (Figure 5) commands, for the standard, non-incremental assembly or mapping of one or more Runs; and newAssembly (Figure 6) or newMapping (Figure 7), for the project-based, incremental assembly or mapping of one or more Runs. See Part C, Sections 1 and 2 of this manual for full file descriptions and for more information on the GS De Novo Assembler and GS Reference Mapper applications.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats The GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer application can also operate either via a GUI or via its own Command Line Interface (the AVA-CLI), but its output is not structured like that of the other two data analysis applications. See Part D of this manual for details on this application. $[current_working_directory] or [directory_specified] P_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_min_sec_runAssembly/ 454AllContigs.fna 454AllContigs.qual 454LargeContigs.fna 454LargeContigs.qual 454NewblerMetrics.txt 454NewblerProgress.txt 454AlignmentInfo.tsv 454ContigGraph.txt 454PairAlign.txt 454ReadStatus.txt 454Contigs.ace or ace/ContigName.ace or consed/ sff/ *.sff 454Scaffolds.fna1 454Scaffolds.qual1 454Scaffolds.txt1
Figure 4: File output of the GS De Novo Assembler application, using the runAssembly command (or its GUI equivalent). All result files (specifying the actual contig names) are placed in a folder with a P_ prefix, within the users current working directory when running the command or in a directory specified by the user. All 1 input SFF files used in the assembly are organized in the sff sub-directory. These files are produced only when the Paired End option is used; the Paired End option also adds sections to the 454NewblerMetrics.txt file. See Part C, Section 1 of this manual for full file descriptions.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats $[current_working_directory] or [directory_specified] P_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_min_sec_ runMapping / 454AllContigs.fna 454AllContigs.qual 454LargeContigs.fna 454LargeContigs.qual 454AllDiffs.txt 454HCDiffs.txt 454NewblerMetrics.txt 454NewblerProgress.txt 454MappingQC.xls 454AlignmentInfo.tsv 454PairAlign.txt 454ReadStatus.txt 454RefStatus.txt 454Contigs.ace or ace/refaccno.ace or consed/ sff/ *.sff
Figure 5: File output of the GS Reference Mapper application, when using the runMapping command (or its GUI equivalent). All result files (specifying the actual reference sequence accession numbers) are placed in a folder with a P_ prefix, within the users current working directory when running the command or in a directory specified by the user. All input SFF files used in the mapping are organized in the sff sub-directory. See Part C, Section 2 of this manual for full file descriptions.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats $[current_working_directory] or [directory_specified] P_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_min_sec_runAssembly/ assembly/ 454AllContigs.fna 454AllContigs.qual 454LargeContigs.fna 454LargeContigs.qual 454NewblerMetrics.txt 454NewblerProgress.txt 454AlignmentInfo.tsv 454ContigGraph.txt 454PairAlign.txt 454ReadStatus.txt 454Contigs.ace or ace/ContigName.ace or consed/ 454AssemblyProject.xml 454Scaffolds.fna1 454Scaffolds.qual1 454Scaffolds.txt1 sff/ *.sff 454Project.xml
Figure 6: File output of the GS De Novo Assembler application, when using the newAssembly and related commands (or their GUI equivalents) for project-based assembly. All result files (specifying the actual contig names) are placed in a folder within the users current working directory when running the command or in a directory specified by the user. This is identified as a Project folder by the presence of a 454Project.xml file within it. All assembly status and result files are organized in the assembly sub-folder; and all input SFF files used in the assembly (or symbolic links to them) are organized in the sff sub-folder. 1 These files are produced only when the Paired End option is used; the Paired End option also adds sections to the 454NewblerMetrics.txt file. See Part C, Section 1 of this manual for full file descriptions.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats $[current_working_directory] or [directory_specified] P_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_min_sec_ runMapping/ mapping/ 454AllContigs.fna 454AllContigs.qual 454LargeContigs.fna 454LargeContigs.qual 454AllDiffs.txt 454HCDiffs.txt 454NewblerMetrics.txt 454NewblerProgress.txt 454MappingQC.xls 454AlignmentInfo.tsv 454PairAlign.txt 454ReadStatus.txt 454RefStatus.txt 454Contigs.ace or ace/ContigName.ace or consed/ 454MappingProject.xml sff/ *.sff 454Project.xml
Figure 7: File output of the GS Reference Mapper application, when using the newMapping and related commands (or their GUI equivalents) for project-based mapping. All result files (specifying the actual reference sequence accession numbers) are placed in a folder within the users current working directory when running the command or in a directory specified by the user. This is identified as a Project folder by the presence of a 454Project.xml file within it. All mapping status and result files are organized in the mapping sub-folder; and all input SFF files used in the mapping (or symbolic links to them) are organized in the sff sub-folder. See Part C, Section 2 of this manual for full file descriptions.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats 3. DATA FILES AND FORMATS Section 2.3 lists all the files and folders that constitute the deliverable output of the 454 Sequencing System data processing and data analysis software for a generic sequencing Run, including the results of the GS De Novo Assembler and GS Reference Mapper applications. The actual directories generated may contain a number of additional files, but those are intermediate or log files generated for use only by Roche Customer Support personnel, in the event that a Run might require additional investigation. The 454 Sequencing System software uses fixed names for the files it generates, and the structure and names of the directories allows to differentiate individual sequencing Runs or post-Run analyses. This section describes the nomenclature conventions and file formats used by the software. Examples of the various file types are given in the Sections of this manual that describe each application in detail. Note that the content of this Section does not apply to the GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer software, whose output structure is completely distinct (beyond the basic data processing files and folders).

3.1 Directory Naming Conventions When a sequencing Run is performed on a Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument or a GS Junior Instrument, its results are placed in a Run folder, where the format of the Run name is generated by the software and includes the following components: R_year_month_day_hour_minute_second_instrument_user_runname A similar naming convention is used for the Data Analysis folder(s) which are deposited inside the corresponding Run folder by the Run-time data processing applications (either on the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument or GS Junior Attendant PC, or on a DataRig). Data Analysis folders contain all the flow signal and signal processing files. Their names include the following components (except that instrument and user are not included when using the command line software): D_year_month_day_hour_minute_second_instrument_user_analysisname Finally, the GS De Novo Assembler and GS Reference Mapper applications create a Post-Run Analysis sub-directory to include all the files they generate, using the following naming convention: P_year_month_day_hour_minute_second_runCommandName The rest of the files within these directories (or within the current working directory) have either fixed names or simple, standard naming conventions (e.g. files specific to a region or key are named with the region or key at the beginning of the name). Exact nomenclature for all the files and other sub-folders produced by the data processing applications are provided in the output subsection of the description of each application, in the various Sections of Parts A, B, C, and D of this manual.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats

3.2 Format Requirements for Input FASTA Files The GS De Novo Assembler, the GS Reference Mapper and the fnafile command (from the SFF Tools) can all take FASTA files as input. For the reference or input read FASTA file(s) to be readable by the 454 Sequencing System software, they must follow the industry standards for a FASTA file. In particular:

The first line (descriptor line) of each sequence entry in the file should begin with a >. There may be one or more additional header lines for a sequence entry, each beginning with a > or ; character. The first line not beginning with a > or ; starts the sequence region of the entry. The sequence region may contain any characters, but only the alphabetic characters will be used to form the sequence. All alphabetic characters are converted to uppercase, and any alphabetic character that is not A, C, G or T will be treated as an N. Multiple sequences may be included in the file (each starting with a >). Only the characters between the > and the first whitespace character are used to identify the sequence (i.e., the accno for the sequence). For clarity, each sequence in a project should be identified uniquely within the characters prior to the first whitespace in their respective descriptor lines.

For example:

3.3 Standard File Formats Most of the file formats are specific to the type of data being stored, such as the image files or the wells data files. Other files adhere to standard formats used throughout the generation and processing of sequencing Run data, assembly data and mapping data. Example files in many of these formats are provided in the Output sub-sections of the applications descriptions. 3.3.1 Composite wells file format

The CWF file is a container format which stores multiple streams of information. The container itself is a ZIP file ( with a single level hierarchy. Each stream is named and compressed separately, allowing for rapid access to any information in the file. The CWF file format is inspired from the OpenDocument format described in ISO/IEC 26300:2006 ( The OpenDocument format benefits from the segregation of concerns by separating the content, styles, metadata and application settings into four separate XML streams; the CWF

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats format maintains a similar separation: flowgrams, called bases, meta data, processing history and run metrics are stored individually. The user should not normally unpack the CWF file, as each file is read as needed. Nonetheless, a C library (libcwf) is available that can read the CWF file format, for convenience. The data for each region of the PicoTiterPlate device is stored in a separate CWF file (GS FLX System only). Because this file is fully self-contained, it is the only file that needs to be moved between the instrument and the data processing system for continued analysis (after the image processing phase of the GS Run Processor: this file format contains all the necessary information to generate any pipeline output artifact on-demand except for Standard Flowgram Format (SFF) files. Therefore, the user only needs to store one CWF file and one SFF file per region to fully archive the experiments processed data. Textual data in the CWF container will generally be stored as XML. Specifically, there are four main required XML streams: meta.xml, metrics.xml, history.xml, sequences.xml and one optional one, filters.xml. Each of these files references a single XML shema (which is available on request). Table 3 shows an example listing of a CWF files streams that might exist at the end of signal processing. This file represents the data from one region of a high-quality 2-region sequencing Run (GS FLX System), and the Table shows the size savings provided by the CWF compressed format. Each stream is described separately below.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats
Stream Name mimetype rawWellDensity.pgm cfValues.double.dat ieValues.double.dat keyPassWellDensity.pgm histogram.unfiltered.ATGC.pgm histogram.unfiltered.TCAG.pgm filterResults.uint8.dat trimInfo.uint16.dat histogram.filteredCounts.ATGC.pgm histogram.nmers.ATGC.pgm histogram.filteredCounts.TCAG.pgm histogram.nmers.TCAG.pgm 0-149421.char.dna 0-149421.uint_8.flow 0-149421.uint_8.score 149422-288120.char.dna 149422-288120.uint_8.flow 149422-288120.uint_8.score 288121-424287.char.dna 288121-424287.uint_8.flow 288121-424287.uint_8.score 424288-468693.char.dna 424288-468693.uint_8.flow 424288-468693.uint_8.score h0-41220.wel h41221-82441.wel h82442-123662.wel h123663-164883.wel h164884-206104.wel h206105-247325.wel h247326-288546.wel h288547-329767.wel h329768-370988.wel h370989-412209.wel h412210-453430.wel signalPerBase.float.dat h453431-468693.wel baseCalledSeq.dat sequences.xml location.idx meta.xml filters.xml metrics.xml history.xml TOTAL Uncompressed Size 24 8376341 3749552 3749552 8376341 204695 684743 468694 937388 204695 263879 684743 1064508 33554213 33554213 33554213 33554192 33554192 33554192 33554389 33554389 33554389 10323379 10323379 10323379 33553894 33553894 33553894 33553894 33553894 33553894 33553894 33553894 33553894 33553894 33553894 1874776 12424082 2812164 2334 4686940 2162 839 130111 3286 752 MB Compressed Size 24 1519187 3328881 3021477 1103849 24439 40138 130450 444081 22734 20221 48430 60786 10135865 9872137 21064266 10070875 9787599 20866664 10066101 9787253 20863713 3139442 3056298 6530831 29209536 29206671 29126347 29069883 29068170 29082037 29120018 29184495 29262051 29361393 29461534 1539471 10939973 1126775 612 2962553 701 286 18528 1284 482MB Compression Ratio 0% 82% 11% 19% 87% 88% 94% 72% 53% 89% 92% 93% 94% 70% 71% 37% 70% 71% 38% 70% 71% 38% 70% 70% 37% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 12% 18% 12% 60% 74% 37% 68% 66% 86% 61% 36%

Table 3: List of the streams in a CWF file following image and signal processing of a sequencing Run

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats mimetype This is a single line file containing the words: application/vnd.454.cwf It must be the first stream in the file and must be stored uncompressed. meta.xml Like the OpenDocument format, meta.xml stores information about the Run itself. As a convenience, the schema defining the XML data stored in the CWF file references the Dublin Core (DC) metadata elements. The DC elements used and their interpreted meaning are summarized in Table 4. An example meta.xml file is shown in Figure 8.
DC Element 454 Usage Title Description Type Source Relation Creator Date Identifier Run name User-defined flowgrams Serial number of instrument performing the Run Original Run name. e.g. R_2007_06_27_15_44_21_rig3_ccelone_1007075seqkit93555420PELTxxEX2xxVERIIF2 Instrument operators name dcterms:created: Date analysis was performed UUID version of job

Table 4: Dublin Core metadata elements used in CWF files

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Metadata xmlns:tns="" xmlns:tnsa="" xmlns:tnsb="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="GSDataProcessing-1.0.xsd"> <tnsa:title>R_2007_06_27_15_44_21_rig3_ccelone_1007075seqkit93555420PELTxxEX2xxVERIIF2</tnsa:titl e> <tnsa:type>flowgrams</tnsa:type> <tnsa:creator>Chris Celone &lt;[email protected]&gt;</tnsa:creator> <tns:created>2007-06-27T15:44:21Z</tns:created> <Run> <Name>0</Name> <Project>Applications I</Project> <Kit>LR70KIT</Kit> <Script>100x_TACG_70x75_LR70KIT.icl</Script> <RegionCount>2</RegionCount> <RegionLayoutName>2 Regions</RegionLayoutName> <PTP> <ID>630751</ID> <WellSize unit="um">50</WellSize> <Size unit="mm"> <Width>70</Width> <Height>75</Height> </Size> </PTP> <Flow> <ActualOrder>SSSSPSSTACGT...CGPSS</ActualOrder> <FlowCount>403</FlowCount> <CycleCount>100</CycleCount> <FlowOrder>PTACGTACGTACGT...CGP</FlowOrder> </Flow> </Run> <Region> <Name>Region0</Name> <Number>1</Number> <TemplateBounds unit="pixel"> <Center> <X>1024</X> <Y>2048</Y> </Center> <Dimension> <Width>2046</Width> <Height>4094</Height> </Dimension> </TemplateBounds> <RevisedBounds unit="pixel"> <Center> <X>1024</X> <Y>2048</Y> </Center> <Dimension> <Width>2046</Width> <Height>4094</Height> </Dimension> </RevisedBounds> </Region> <WellCount>468698</WellCount> </Metadata>

Figure 8: Example meta.xml stream history.xml This is a single XML file showing what processing has been done to these wells. It contains reference copies of the pipeline parameters that were used to create the final result, as well as processing times, dates, software revision numbers and a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats for each processing step. Each analysis performed on the data set adds a new Job element to the stream. An example history.xml file is shown in Figure 9.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <History xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="GSDataProcessing-1.0.xsd"> <Job> <ID>edf2c3fe-24fe-11dd-a9ef-001d60a92f87</ID> <Name></Name> <ProcessingDirectoryName> D_2008_05_18_13_22_00_zappa_allButMetrics</ProcessingDirectoryName> <OS>Linux</OS> <StartTime>2008-05-18T17:22:17Z</StartTime> <TotalJobSeconds>3884</TotalJobSeconds> <PartialJobSeconds>3884</PartialJobSeconds> <GsRunProcessorVersion>20080308172036</GsRunProcessorVersion> <Host></Host> <NumDataSetsInJob>2</NumDataSetsInJob> <NumProcessors>10</NumProcessors> <Type>allButMetrics</Type> <Pipeline>allButMetrics.xml</Pipeline> <ParamsUsed> <WellFinder> <kernelSize>21</kernelSize> <upsampleHighDensityPtps>true</upsampleHighDensityPtps> <upsampleFactor>1</upsampleFactor> <minPPISignal>80</minPPISignal> <minConsensusSignal>70</minConsensusSignal> <minWellSpacing>2</minWellSpacing> <secondSearchPass>true</secondSearchPass> <maskConstant>0.1054</maskConstant> <maskAlpha>0.6</maskAlpha> <maskHoleSize>2</maskHoleSize> <numPixelsPerWell>4</numPixelsPerWell> <morphologyThresholdMultiplier> 0</morphologyThresholdMultiplier> <morphologyNumInARow>5</morphologyNumInARow> </WellFinder> <WellBuilder> <kernelSize>21</kernelSize> <minPPISignal>80</minPPISignal> <scaleFactor>1</scaleFactor> </WellBuilder> <NukeSignalStrengthBalancer> <computeMedianRange>41</computeMedianRange> </NukeSignalStrengthBalancer> <CafieCorrector> <maxAcceptableDroop>0.25</maxAcceptableDroop> </CafieCorrector> <IndividualWellScaler> <startMinSinglet>0.75</startMinSinglet> <startMaxSinglet>1.25</startMaxSinglet> <windowEachSide>13</windowEachSide> <stepSize>1</stepSize> <minSingletsPerWindow>3</minSingletsPerWindow> <useAverage>true</useAverage> <interpolateVacantWindows>true</interpolateVacantWindows> <reSeedThresholds>true</reSeedThresholds> <padEnd>false</padEnd> </IndividualWellScaler> <WellScreener> <enable>false</enable> <useStdDevThresholding>true</useStdDevThresholding> </WellScreener> </ParamsUsed> </Job> </History>

Figure 9: Example history.xml stream

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats location.idx This is a binary index to the wells files. It contains common data about each well that can be used to support a well browser-style application. Items in this stream are stored in Intel LittleEndian format (i.e. the rank is stored as Byte3 Byte2 Byte1 Byte0). The wells file contains one field per well, and each field is made up of the packed structure shown in Figure 10: 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P Sequence ID Reserved Y Coordinate (integer part) fract. X Coordinate (integer part) fract. Rank (unsigned integer) 0

Figure 10: Packed structure of the location.idx file

P is a bit showing if the well has passed filtering (1) or has been discarded (0). Sequence ID is an index to the table contained in sequences.xml (see below) showing which sequence (if any) is matched. The reserved field is for future use and should be set to all 0's. The X and Y coordinates are stored with two bits of fractional information. This allows the storage of well coordinates with sub-pixel resolution in the CWF file format. Applications accessing the coordinates may simply choose to map bytes 5/6 and 7/8 to 16-bit integers and divide by 4, preserving or discarding the subpixel data as needed. Also note that all coordinates are relative to a common 0,0 location representing the upper left hand corner of the PicoTiterPlate device (the corner opposite the DataMatrix code), no matter what the region. In other words, the coordinate reflects the actual location of the well on the original PicoTiterPlate device and not the offset into the region itself. metrics.xml This file contains all the derived statistics created during data processing. This file can be used to create all the ancillary output files, including all the reports that were produced by the 454

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats Sequencing System software versions anterior to 2.0.00. The data is divided into various sections in four main types.

The first is the header section, which contains metrics that are valid across all keys and sequences. The next sections are the MetricsPerKey, containing metrics that cover one key, either library or control. There will be one MetricsPerKey block per key used in the experiment. The next sections are the MetricsPerSequence blocks. The metrics for each Control DNA sequence are contained in separate blocks. The Other block is a free-form container for metrics that may be used by Roche and 454 troubleshooters to evaluate problematic sequencing Runs. These metrics can and will change between releases of software, and therefore, users should not depend upon them for the assessments of Runs. An additional block, the Streams block, acts as a manifest for data stored in auxiliary streams, inside the CWF file. Each data stream is individually tagged with a type identifier. The stream block contains the exact stream name, and the type of the binary data contained in the data. While the exact stream name and data type may change with future releases of the software, the type name will remain constant. Users implementing CWF file readers should use the streams information contained in metrics.xml file to find their data and not depend on a particular file naming convention. See the Sections on Other Streams ( and for information on the data types and stream names.

An example metrics.xml file is shown in Figure 11.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Metrics xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="GSDataProcessing-1.0.xsd"> <RunMetrics> <MaxWellCount>529820</MaxWellCount> <RawWellCount>468698</RawWellCount> <SampleKeyPassWellCount>451747</SampleKeyPassWellCount> <ControlKeyPassWellCount>7818</ControlKeyPassWellCount> <ControlKeys> <Key>ATGC</Key> </ControlKeys> <SampleKeys> <Key>TCAG</Key> </SampleKeys> <Streams> <Stream type="rawWellDensity"> <StreamName>rawWellDensity.pgm</StreamName> <DataType>image</DataType> </Stream> <Stream type="carryForwardCorrections"> <StreamName>cfValues.double.dat</StreamName> <DataType>double</DataType> </Stream> <Stream type="incompleteExtensionCorrections"> <StreamName>ieValues.double.dat</StreamName> <DataType>double</DataType> </Stream> <Stream type="filterResults"> <StreamName>filterResults.uint8.dat</StreamName>

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats
<DataType>byte</DataType> </Stream> <Stream type="signalPerBase"> <StreamName>signalPerBase.float.dat</StreamName> <DataType>float</DataType> </Stream> </Streams> <Other> <NukeSignalStrengthBalancer> <medianOneMerA>1.09085</medianOneMerA> <medianOneMerT>0.909846</medianOneMerT> <medianOneMerG>0.898174</medianOneMerG> <medianOneMerC>0.894138</medianOneMerC> </NukeSignalStrengthBalancer> <BlowByCorrector> <droopLambda>-0.00171434</droopLambda> <MedianSignal>1375.71</MedianSignal> <MaximumSignal>5086.11</MaximumSignal> <MedianDensity>12</MedianDensity> <MinimumDensity>1</MinimumDensity> <MaximumDensity>19</MaximumDensity> <num_low_density_low_signal_wells> 14742</num_low_density_low_signal_wells> <num_high_density_low_signal_wells> 10481</num_high_density_low_signal_wells> <num_low_density_high_signal_wells> 13645</num_low_density_high_signal_wells> <num_high_density_high_signal_wells> 14899</num_high_density_high_signal_wells> <mask_averaging_used>true</mask_averaging_used> <FinalMask> <class density="high" signal="high" class="0"> <epsilon>0.174537</epsilon> <beta>0.964658</beta> </class> <class density="low" signal="high" class="1"> <epsilon>0.188713</epsilon> <beta>0.988837</beta> </class> <class density="high" signal="low" class="2"> <epsilon>0.171184</epsilon> <beta>0.950913</beta> </class> <class density="low" signal="low" class="3"> <epsilon>0.184087</epsilon> <beta>0.900547</beta> </class> </FinalMask> </BlowByCorrector> <CafieCorrector> <droopLambda>-0.00158241</droopLambda> </CafieCorrector> <NukeSignalStrengthBalancer> <medianOneMerA>1.01745</medianOneMerA> <medianOneMerT>0.986296</medianOneMerT> <medianOneMerG>0.987408</medianOneMerG> <medianOneMerC>0.980024</medianOneMerC> </NukeSignalStrengthBalancer> </Other> </RunMetrics> </Metrics>

Figure 11: Example metrics.xml stream sequences.xml A list of sequences referred to by the Sequence ID field in the locations.idx node. This stream can also be used to identify which sequences denote Control DNA reads and which are library

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats reads. By convention, library keys are named ATCG-library where ATGC is the four letter library key. An example sequences.xml file is shown in Figure 12. (Note that the sequences were truncated (ellipses) on the Figure, for brevity; the full sequence of each Control DNA is included in the actual sequences.xml file).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <Sequences> <Sequence Type="None"> <ID>0</ID> <Name>unknown</Name> <Key></Key> <Seq></Seq> </Sequence> <Sequence Type="Control"> <ID>1</ID> <Name>ATGC-control</Name> <Key>ATGC</Key> <Seq>ATGC</Seq> </Sequence> <Sequence Type="Library"> <ID>2</ID> <Name>TCAG-key</Name> <Key>TCAG</Key> <Seq>TCAG</Seq> </Sequence> <Sequence Type="Control"> <ID>3</ID> <Name>TF2LonG</Name> <Key>ATGC</Key> <Seq>ATGCCA...TGTGTG</Seq> </Sequence> <Sequence Type="Control"> <ID>4</ID> <Name>TF7LonG</Name> <Key>ATGC</Key> <Seq>ATGC...TTCCTGTGTG</Seq> </Sequence> <Sequence Type="Control"> <ID>5</ID> <Name>TF90LonG</Name> <Key>ATGC</Key> <Seq>ATGCCGCA...GTGTG</Seq> </Sequence> <Sequence Type="Control"> <ID>6</ID> <Name>TF100LonG</Name> <Key>ATGC</Key> <Seq>ATGCAT...GTGTG</Seq> </Sequence> <Sequence Type="Control"> <ID>7</ID> <Name>TF120LonG</Name> <Key>ATGC</Key> <Seq>ATGCA...CCTGTGTG</Seq> </Sequence> <Sequence Type="Control"> <ID>8</ID> <Name>TF150MMP7A</Name> <Key>ATGC</Key> <Seq>ATGCGC...ATGG</Seq> </Sequence> </Sequences>

Figure 12: Example sequences.xml stream

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats filters.xml A list of filters referred to by the values in the filterResults.uint8.dat stream (see section, below). Note that the order of filters in this file is not guaranteed. It is also likely that the filters will be reorganized in a future release of the software to provide more detail. An example filters.xml file is shown in Figure 13.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Filters xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="GSDataProcessing-1.0.xsd"> <Filter basic="true"> <ID>0</ID> <Name>Pass</Name> </Filter> <Filter basic="true"> <ID>1</ID> <Name>No Key</Name> </Filter> <Filter basic="true"> <ID>2</ID> <Name>Bad Band</Name> </Filter> <Filter basic="true"> <ID>3</ID> <Name>Trimmed Too Short Quality</Name> </Filter> <Filter basic="true"> <ID>4</ID> <Name>Low Pass Filter</Name> </Filter> <Filter basic="true"> <ID>5</ID> <Name>Classifier Filter</Name> </Filter> <Filter basic="true"> <ID>6</ID> <Name>Dot Filter</Name> </Filter> <Filter basic="true"> <ID>7</ID> <Name>Mixed Filter</Name> </Filter> <Filter basic="true"> <ID>8</ID> <Name>Trimmed Too Short Primer</Name> </Filter> <Filter basic="true"> <ID>9</ID> <Name>Low Quality</Name> </Filter> </Filters>

Figure 13: Example filters.xml stream filterResults.uint8.dat This file contains a binary list of wells that failed filtering and the specific filter that the well did not pass. The filters are defined in file filters.xml. This stream consists of one byte per well, sorted by rank. See the discussion of Other Streams (sections and for a description on the layout of this stream. The majority of the CWF payload consists of the well flow values themselves. In order to support rapid, random flow extraction from a CWF file, wells are stored in blocks. The data

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats format for the blocks can vary, depending on the application. The size of each block is equal to the largest multiple of the data size times the number of flows, that is smaller than 32 Megabytes. In other words, no wells flow values will be broken between blocks and no block will be larger than 32 MB. The naming convention for each block of flowgrams is: TY-Z.wel where

T is a letter indicating the type of the block (see below), Y is the starting well index, and Z is the final well index.

Y and Z are integer values and should not be padded with zeros. The number of wells in each block is arbitrary and should not be hard coded. There is no assumption that all blocks in the file are stored in the same format nor that all blocks have the same number of wells. For example, Control DNA reads and failed wells may be archived in a lower fidelity format, while the library fragments are stored as full floating point numbers. However, the format cannot currently store discontinuous ranges of elements in a block, which constitutes a limitation of this feature. Users of the CWF format are encouraged to use libcwf to insulate them from the complexity of extracting the well information from the CWF file. The block types are as follows:

r: This is a raw well block type, identical to the *.wells format of software versions 1.1.03 and earlier. Values are stored Little Endian byte order as generated by Intel brand x86 processors. Header: o 32 bits: numWells (as unsigned integer) o 16 bits: numFlows (as unsigned integer) o numFlows bytes: flowLabels (one of A,T,G,C,P) Body: o 32 bits: rank (as unsigned integer) o 16 bits: xCoord (as unsigned integer) o 16 bits: yCoord (as unsigned integer) o 32 bits * numFlows: flowValues (as IEEE Single Precision Float) h: Half-precision floating point: Each block is made up of four arrays stored back-to-back without padding. The size of the first three arrays is equal to the data type size times the number of wells in the block. The last array consumes the rest of the block, and is equal to 2 bytes times the number of wells times the number of flows. The number of wells is derived from the name of the stream, and the number of flows can be retrieved from the meta.xml stream. Values are stored Little Endian byte order as generated by Intel brand x86 processors. o o o o X-coordinates as unsigned 16-bit numbers Y-coordinates as unsigned 16-bit numbers flow ranks as unsigned 32-bit numbers flow values as half-precision binary floating point numbers

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats The half-precision floating point is a relatively new binary floating point format that uses 2 bytes and which is not covered by the IEEE 754 standard for encoding floating point numbers (but is included in the IEEE 754r proposed revision; The format uses 1 sign bit, a 5-bit excess-15 exponent, 10 mantissa bits (with an implied 1 bit) and all the standard IEEE rules. The minimum and maximum representable values are 2.9810-8 and 65504, respectively. Libcwf includes a half to full precision floating point conversion routine.

f: Full-precision floating point: Each block is made up of four arrays stored back-to-back without padding. The size of the first three arrays is equal to the data type size times the number of wells in the block. The last array consumes the rest of the block, and is equal to 4 bytes times the number of wells times the number of flows. The number of wells is derived from the name of the stream, and the number of flows can be retrieved from the meta.xml stream. Values are stored Little Endian byte order as generated by Intel brand x86 processors. o X-coordinates as unsigned 16-bit numbers o Y-coordinates as unsigned 16-bit numbers o flow ranks as unsigned 32-bit numbers o flow values as IEE 754 binary full precision floating point number ( i: Integer: Each block is made up of four arrays stored back-to-back without padding. The size of the first three arrays is equal to the data type size times the number of wells in the block. The last array consumes the rest of the block, and is equal to 2 bytes times the number of wells times the number of flows. The number of wells is derived from the name of the stream, and the number of flows can be retrieved from the meta.xml stream. Values are stored Little Endian byte order as generated by Intel brand x86 processors. (Note that this block is rarely used because it cannot store values less than zero, which can occur during signal processing routines, and lacks precision for values near one.) o o o o X-coordinates as unsigned 16-bit numbers Y-coordinates as unsigned 16-bit numbers flow ranks as unsigned 32-bit numbers flow values as IEE 754 binary full-precision floating point number Base Called Data If a data set has processed through the baseCaller section of the GS Run Processor, the actual bases are written into the CWF file. This allows for the generation of FASTA FNA and QUAL files on demand. Like the flowgrams, the reads are stored in blocks. Unlike the flowgrams, however, each block consists of a variable number of reads. A special stream called baseCalledSeq.dat is used to index the basecalled blocks. This stream contains 6 bytes per well:

Byte 0/1: Byte 2/3: Byte 4/5:

Total stored read length Number of reads to trim from the distal end (3) Number of reads to trim from the local end (5)

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats The complete data for any read is stored in three separate streams, identified by the dna, qual and flow extensions, containing the reads, the PHRED based quality values and the offset flow indices, respectively. Each base of each well uses one byte in each file. The total number of bytes consumed by a read is reflected in the first field of the baseCalledSeq.dat. Therefore these two bytes can be used as an index of sorts. For example, the byte offset in the dna file for read 100 can be found by summing the first two bytes of the first 99 entries in baseCalledSeq.dat. The 100th entry can then be used to tell how many bytes are available for read 100. It is important to note that since the basecalls are stored in blocks, one must first find the appropriate block, then compute the offset from there. Again, users of the CWF format are encouraged to use the libcwf to insulate them from errors in extracting the base information. Other Public Streams The cwf file can also contain other binary streams. These are usually identified by the .dat suffix (except in the case of the image type, see note below). Many are used for storing intermediate results of various processing stages, but there are three notable streams that contain metrics data that may be of interest to end users.

The first, filterResults, can be used to find which wells have passed which filter. The second, rawWellDensity is a grayscale image containing the bead loading density plot. The last is the keyPassDensity stream, a grayscale image showing the keypass density.

With the exception of the image format stream, each stream contains one entry per read, sorted in rank order. The location.idx can be used to find which offset corresponds to which read. The possible data types are listed in Table 5, and the current stream types, in Table 6. Name byte short unsignedShort int unsignedInt float double image Size in Bytes/Well 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 N/A Notes

Signed short, Intel byte order Unsigned short, Intel byte order Standard integer, intel byte order Unsigned integer, Intel byte order IEEE 754 Single Precision floating point number IEEE 754 Double Precision floating point number PGM format graphics. See note below on resolution/ registration.

Table 5: Possible data types

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats Stream Type filterResults Contents The information about which well failed which filter in the qualityFiltering section of code. trimInfo The trim points from the end of the reads. This number is in flowgram-space instead of base-space like the information in the baseCallerSeq.dat stream. cfValues The carry-forward corrections for each well. ieValues The incomplete extension correction factors for each well. signalPerBase The average value of the keypass flows for this well. Can be used to do a simple base calling. Also can be used to judge the strength of the well. keyPassDensity An image referenced to the region showing the density wells that pass key. This is normalized for each PTP pitch, so 0=0% loading and 255=100% loading. rawWellDensity An image referenced to the region showing the density of the bead loading. This is normalized for each PTP pitch, so 0=0% loading and 255=100% loading.
Table 6: Current stream types

Note on Image Formats: Currently, the only image format stored in CWF is the lossless Portable Anymap format, specifically the P5 PGM (Portable Graymap) variant ( To save space, only the area encompassed by the region is included in the image. To properly register the image against the original PTP device, you must offset the image slice by the region boundary. This region boundary can be read in the RevisedBounds element of the Region block in meta.xml stream. 454 Life Sciences Corporation may introduce other image formats in future variants of the CWF file, so it is important to read the magic number and/or file extension of the image to determine the correct image decoder to use. Other Private Streams There are other streams of data that can be stored in the CWF file, that contain intermediate results from various pipeline and post-processing functions. These are left unspecified to avoid restricting the development of new algorithms in the data processing applications. CWF file users should neither depend on their existence nor attempt to parse them as their contents may change between revisions of the software or invocations of different processing streams. Other Files There may be other files in the CWF container, the contents of which may include log files and other binary data. A proper CWF writer (like the GS Run Processor) will copy any other unknown stream verbatim to the destination. CWF file readers should not balk at these extra streams, but should not depend on their existence either. This allows advanced users to add additional payloads to the CWF container before moving them to the data analysis system.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats 3.3.2 Parameters and Viewable Metrics Files: 454 Parser Format (.parse, .txt)

The parser format, developed at 454 Life Sciences Corporation, is a standard format used for all the software parameter files and for most of the metrics files. This is a text-based format that organizes the text in titled groups that contain either sub-groups or name/value pairs of strings. A parser file consists of one or more of the following:

A C-style comment, using /* and */ to delineate the comment text A group, whose syntax is groupname { } and where one or more comments, subgroups or name/value pairs can occur between the braces A name/value pair, whose syntax is name = value; and where the quotes around the value are optional, but the equals sign and semi-colon are required.

The parser file format is free-form, i.e. the syntactic elements can appear with any style of white space or line division. However, the output files generated by the 454 Sequencing System software use a standard indentation convention where the group names appear by themselves on a line with the braces below it; all the text between the braces is indented; and each name/value pair appears on a single line. Several examples of parser files are shown in the Output sub-sections of the various applications descriptions. 3.3.3 Image Files (.pif)

The .pif file format was developed at 454 Life Sciences Corporation for storing image data from the Genome Sequencer FLX Instrument or the GS Junior Instrument. The file consists of a header, followed by data. The byte order is little endian. The header is 12 bytes long, comprised of three 4-byte integers: the first integer value is the number of bits per pixel of data; the second integer is the width of the image in pixels; and the third integer is the height of the image in pixels. The following data in the file are the pixel intensity values, presented in row major order starting in the upper left corner. Currently, all image data is stored in 16 bit unsigned integers, or 2 bytes per pixel. Valid image data is limited to the first 14 bits. As these are binary-format files, an example cannot be provided in this text-based document. 3.3.4 Well-Level Signal Data Files (.wells)

The wells data file is a legacy binary file containing counts values for the light collected on the nucleotide and PPi images, at each active well location. The file consists of a header and a body, where the header contains the following fields: unsigned int numWells; unsigned short numFlows; char flowOrder[numFlows];

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats where numWells is the number of wells (or reads) in the file, numFlows is the number of flows in the sequencing Run script, and flowOrder are characters indicating the reagent for each flow: A, C, G and T specify each nucleotide flow, and P signifies a PPi flow. The body of the wells data file contains numWells records of the following fields: unsigned int rank; unsigned short x; unsigned short y; float flowValues[numFlows]; where rank is the general ranking of the well (by signal intensity); x and y are the coordinates of the well center pixel; and flowValues are the signal values for all the flows in this well. All the multi-byte values in the header and body are written using little endian byte ordering (consistent with the Linux operating system). As these are binary-format files, an example cannot be provided in this text-based document. 3.3.5 Exportable Metrics Files (.csv)

The comma-separated values text file (.csv) is an alternate format in which a number of the metrics files are output. This format is suitable for automated parsing by programs or for loading into a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel. The contents of these files, where generated, is identical to the corresponding file formatted in the 454 parser format described above (.txt). 3.3.6 DNA Sequence (FASTA; .fna) and Base Quality Score (.qual) Files

Three of the 454 Sequencing System data processing applications output DNA sequences: Signal Processing, for the basecalls of individual reads; GS De Novo Assembler, for the de novo-assembled consensus sequence of the sample DNA library; and GS Reference Mapper, for the samples consensus sequence mapped to a reference sequence. These use the FASTA standard file format (.fna), and are always accompanied by a corresponding base quality scores file, in the .qual format. Examples are shown in the Output sub-sections of these applications descriptions (e.g. region.key.454Reads and 454AllContigs). Note that the description lines are slightly different depending on whether the FASTA file outputs contain reads or contigs, and for contigs, whether they were generated by the GS De Novo Assembler or by the GS Reference Mapper application. 1. For individual reads, the description lines are formatted as: >rank_x_y length=XXbp uaccno=accession where rank_x_y is the identifier or accession number of the read (the rank, x and y values are as described in section 3.3.4), XXbp is the length in bases of the read, and accession is the full universal accession number for the read. 2. For contigs generated by the GS De Novo Assembler application, the description lines are formatted as follows: >contigXXXXX length=abc numReads=xyz

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats where contigXXXXX is the identifier of the contig and XXXXX is a sequential numbering of the contigs in the assembly; and where the length and numReads values are the length in bases of the contig and the number of reads that were used in that contigs multiple alignment. 3. For contigs generated by the GS Reference Mapper application, the description lines are formatted as follows: >contigXXXXX refaccno, YYY..ZZZ length=abc numReads=xyz where contigXXXXX is the identifier of the contig and XXXXX is a sequential numbering of the contigs along the reference; refaccno is the accession of the reference sequence where this contig aligns; YYY..ZZZ is the start and end position of the contig on that reference sequence; and the length and numReads values are the length in bases of the contig and the number of reads that were used in that contigs multiple alignment. 3.3.7 454 Universal Accession Numbers

The standard 454 read identifiers, used in 454 Sequencing System data analysis software versions prior to 1.0.52 (early GS 20 System), have the format rank_x_y (as in 003048_1034_0651), where rank is a ranking of the well in a region by signal intensity, and x and y are the pixel location of the wells center on the sequencing Run images. This identifier is guaranteed to be unique only within the context of a single sequencing Run, and may or may not be unique across specific sets of Runs. To allow for the combination of reads across larger data sets, a more unique accession number format has been developed. An accession in this format is a 14 character string, as in C3U5GWL01CBXT2, and consist of 4 components: C3U5GW L 01 CBXT2 - a six character encoding of the timestamp of the Run - a randomizing hash character to enhance uniqueness - the region the read came from, as a two-digit number - a five character encoding of the X,Y location of the well

The timestamp, hash character and X,Y location use a base-36 encoding (where values 0-25 are the letters A-Z and the values 26-35 are the digits 0-9). An accession thus consists only of letters and digits, and is case-insensitive.

The timestamp is encoded by computing a total value as shown below, then converting it into a base-36 string: total = (year - 2000) * 13 * 32 * 24 * 60 * 60 + month * 32 * 24 * 60 * 60 + day * 24 * 60 * 60 + hour * 60 * 60 + minute * 60 + second; As a result of this calculation, the first character of read accessions will always be a letter for Runs performed from now until 2038. The timestamp values are taken from the

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats rigRunName found in the analysisParms.parse file in the specified analysis directory. This rigRunName is the R_... name that is generated by the instrument software, and is also used as the standard directory name for the Run. Thus, a Run whose name begins with R_2004_09_22_16_59_10_... generates C3U5GW as its encoded timestamp value.

Since two Runs may be started at the same second, an additional base-36 character is generated by hashing the full rigRunName to a base-31 number (the highest prime below 36), as in: chval = 0; for (s=rigRunName; *s; s++) { chval += (int) *s; chval %= 31; } ch = (chval < 26 ? 'A' + chval : '0' + chval - 26);

The X,Y location is encoded by computing a total value of X * 4096 + Y and encoding that as a five character, base-36 string. 3.3.8 Standard Flowgram Files (.sff)

The Standard Flowgram File is used to store the information on one or many 454 Sequencing reads and their trace data. Sequencing reads obtained using the 454 Sequencing System differ from reads obtained using more traditional methods (Sanger sequencing) in that the 454 Sequencing data does not provide individual base measurements from which basecalls can be derived. Instead, it provides measurements that estimate the length of each homopolymer stretch in the sequence (e.g. in "AAATGG", "AAA" is a 3-mer stretch of A, "T" is a 1-mer stretch of T and "GG" is a 2-mer stretch of G). A basecalled sequence is then derived by converting each estimate into a homopolymer stretch of that length and concatenating the homopolymers. The .sff file format consists of three sections: a common header section occurring once in the file; then for each read stored in the file, a read header section and a read data section. The data in each section consists of a combination of numeric and character data; the specific fields for each section are defined below. The sections adhere to the following rules:

The standard Unix types uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t and uint64_t are used to define 1, 2, 4 and 8 byte numeric values. All multi-byte numeric values are stored using big endian byteorder (same as the SCF file format). All character fields use single-byte ASCII characters. Each section definition ends with an "eight_byte_padding" field, which consists of 0 to 7 bytes of padding, so that the byte length of each section is divisible by 8 (and hence the next section is aligned on an 8-byte boundary). Common Header Section The common header section consists of the following fields:

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats
Field name magic_number version index_offset index_length number_of_reads Format uint32_t char[4] uint64_t uint32_t uint32_t Properties The magic_number field value is 0x2E736666, the uint32_t encoding of the string ".sff". The version number is 0001, or the byte array "\0\0\0\1". The index_offset and index_length fields are the offset and length of an optional index of the reads in the SFF file. If no index is included in the file, both fields must be 0. The number_of_reads field should be set to the number of reads stored in the file. The header_length field should be the total number of bytes required by this set of header fields, and should be equal to "31 + number_of_flows_per_read + key_length", rounded up to the next value divisible by 8. The key_length field should be set to the length of the key sequence used for these reads. The number_of_flows_per_read should be set to the number of flows for each of the reads in the file. The flowgram_format_code should be set to the format used to encode each of the flowgram values for each read. Currently, only one flowgram format has been adopted, so this value should be set to 1. The flowgram format code 1 stores each value as a uint16_t, where the floating point flowgram value is encoded as "(int) round(value * 100.0)", and decoded as "(storedvalue / 100.0)". In other words, the values are stored as an integer encoding of a limited precision floating point value, keeping 2 places to the right of the decimal point, and capping the values at 655.35. The flow_chars should be set to the array of nucleotide bases ('A', 'C', 'G' or 'T') that correspond to the nucleotides used for each flow of each read. The length of the array should equal number_of_flows_per_read. Note that the flow_chars field is not null-terminated. The key_sequence field should be set to the nucleotide bases of the key sequence used for these reads. Note that the key_sequence field is not null-terminated. If any eight_byte_padding bytes exist in the section, they should have a byte value of 0.



key_length number_of_flows_ per_read

uint16_t uint16_t

flowgram_format_ code



char[number_of_ flows_per_read]

key_sequence eight_byte_ padding

char[key_length] uint8_t[*]

If an index is included in the file, the index_offset and index_length values in the common header should point to the section of the file containing the index. To support different indexing methods, the index section should begin with the following two fields: index_magic_number index_version uint32_t char[4]

and should end with an eight_byte_padding field, so that the length of the index section is divisible by 8. The format of the rest of the index section is specific to the indexing method used.

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats The index_length given in the common header should include the bytes of these fields and the padding. Read Header Section The rest of the file contains the information about the reads, namely number_of_reads entries consisting of read header and read data sections. Each read header section consists of the following fields: Field name read_header_length Format uint16_t Properties The read_header_length should be set to the length of the read header for this read, and should be equal to "16 + name_length" rounded up to the next value divisible by 8. The name_length field should be set to the length of the read's accession or name. The number_of_bases should be set to the number of bases called for this read. The clip_qual_left and clip_adapter_left fields should be set to the position of the first base after the clipping point, for quality and/or an adapter sequence, at the beginning of the read. If only a combined clipping position is computed, it should be stored in clip_qual_left. The clip_qual_right and clip_adapter_right fields should be set to the position of the last base before the clipping point, for quality and/or an adapter sequence, at the end of the read. If only a combined clipping position is computed, it should be stored in clip_qual_right. Note that the position values use 1-based indexing, so the first base is at position 1. If a clipping value is not computed, the field should be set to 0. Thus, the first base of the insert is:
max(1, max(clip_qual_left, clip_adapter_left))

name_length number_of_bases

uint16_t uint32_t









and the last base of the insert is:

min( (clip_qual_right == 0 ? number_of_bases : clip_qual_right), (clip_adapter_right == 0 ? number_of_bases : clip_adapter_right) )

Name eight_byte_padding

char[name_length] uint8_t[*]

The name field should be set to the string of the read's accession or name. Note that the name field is not null-terminated. If any eight_byte_padding bytes exist in the section, they should have a byte value of 0. Read Data Section The read data section consists of the following fields:

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454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats Field name Format Properties The flowgram_values field contains the homopolymer stretch estimates for each flow of the read. The number of bytes used for each value depends on the common header flowgram_format_code value (where the current value uses a uint16_t for each value). The flow_index_per_base field contains the flow positions for each base in the called sequence (i.e., for each base, the position in the flowgram whose estimate resulted in that base being called). Note that these values are "incremental" values, i.e. the stored position is the offset from the previous flow index in the field. All position values (prior to their incremental encoding) use 1-based indexing, so the first flow is flow 1. The bases field contains the basecalled nucleotide sequence. The quality_scores field contains the quality scores for each of the bases in the sequence, where the values use the standard -log10 probability scale. If any eight_byte_padding bytes exist in the section, they should have a byte value of 0.


uint*_t[number_of _flows]

flow_index_per_ba se

uint8_t[number_of _bases]

Bases quality_scores eight_byte_padding

char[number_of_ bases] uint8_t[number_of _bases] uint8_t[*] Computing Lengths and Scanning the File The length of the various read's section will vary because of different length accession numbers and different length nucleotide sequences. However, the various flow, name and bases lengths given in the common and read headers can be used to scan the file, accessing each read's information or skipping read sections in the file. The following pseudocode gives an example method to scan the file and access each read's data: 1. Open the file and/or reset the file pointer position to the first byte of the file. 2. Read the first 31 bytes of the file, confirm the magic_number value and version, then extract the number_of_reads, number_of_flows_per_read, flowgram_format_code, header_length, key_length, index_offset and index_length values. a. Convert the flowgram_format_code into a flowgram_bytes_per_flow value (currently with format_code 1, this value is 2 bytes). 3. If the flow_chars and key_sequence information is required, read the next "header_length 31" bytes, then extract that information. Otherwise, set the file pointer position to byte header_length. 4. While the file contains more bytes, do the following: a. If the file pointer position equals index_offset, either read or skip index_length bytes in the file, processing the index if read. b. Otherwise, i. Read 16 bytes and extract the read_header_length, name_length and number_of_bases values. ii. Read the next "read_header_length - 16" bytes to read the name. iii. At this point, a test of the name field can be performed, to determine whether to read or skip this entry. Software v. 2.5p1, August 2010 48

454 Sequencing System Software Manual General Overview and Data File Formats 01. Compute the read_data_length as
"number_of_flows * flowgram_bytes_per_flow + 3 * number_of_bases"

rounded up to the next value divisible by 8. 02. Either read or skip read_data_length bytes in the file, processing the read data if the section is read.

Software v. 2.5p1, August 2010


Published by

454 Life Sciences Corp. A Roche Company Branford, CT 06405 2010 454 Life Sciences Corp. All rights reserved.

For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Other brands or product names are trademarks of their respective holders.

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