DLL - English 6 - Q2 - W3

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: BRENDA M. LINGA Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 21 - 25, 2022 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


The learner demonstrates…
 understanding of the oral standards of English in order to participate in various oral communication demands (situation, purpose and audience
 understanding that English language is stress timed to support comprehension
 understanding of text types to listen for different purposes from a variety of texts
 understanding that words are composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
A. Content Standards  understanding that reading a wide range of texts provides
 understanding of different formats to write for a variety of audiences and purposes
 command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking
 understanding of library skills to research a variety of topics
 demonstrates understanding of the various forms and conventions materials to critically analyze the meaning constructed in print, non-print, and digital
The learner…
 prepares for and participates effectively in a range of conversations and collaboration with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their
 own clearly and persuasively
 uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately evaluate the speaker’s intention, purpose and meaning
 uses literal information from texts heard to construct an appropriate feedback
 uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context
B. Performance Standards
 uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from informational texts
 drafts texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
 uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse (oral and written)
 applies knowledge of non-verbal skills to respectfully give the speaker undivided attention and acknowledge the message
 utilizes discrete techniques (general or specific) and applies appropriately them to all or most fields of study
 evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various viewing texts
EN6V-IIc-12.3.3 EN6V-IIc-12.3.3 EN6SS-IIc-1.4.2 EN6G-IIc-6.6
EN6V-IIc- EN6V-IIc- EN6SS-IIc-1.4.3 Compose clear and coherent
EN6V-IIc- EN6V-IIc- Gather relevant information sentences using appropriate
Infer meaning of borrowed Infer meaning of borrowed words from various sources grammatical structures:
words and content specific and content specific terms using - - Adverbs of intensity
Learning Competencies
terms using -context clues -Almanac
-context clues -affixes and roots -Encyclopedia
-affixes and roots -other strategies
-other strategies (Health)
II. CONTENT borrowed words and content borrowed words and content Information from various Adverbs of intensity
specific terms specific terms sources
CG English 6 CG English 6 CG English 6 CG English 6
A. References
www.google .com www.google .com www.google .com www.google .com
Pictures, Chart Pictures, Chart Pictures, Flash Cards Pictures
B. Materials

A. Review/Presenting New Pinoy Henyo Pinoy Henyo Write down 5 health What is Almanac and Encyclopedia?
Lesson Guess the mathematical Guess the mathematical terminologies that we studied What are the use of the two?
terminologies terminologies yesterday.
B. Presenting of the new What do you think these What do you think these logos are Create a dialog using the given
lesson logos are all about? all about? Look at the following sources picture. Use different adverbs
of information. Can you name

__ __ ___ ___ ___ __ __ __ ___ ___ ___ __

C. Developing mastery Read the following and identify Create sentences using the given
Find the root word and Find the root word and affixes of if it can be seen in Almanac or pictures. Your classmates will
affixes of the given health the given health terminologies. Encyclopedia. identify the adverb of intensity that
terminologies. Write AL or EN you use.
6. myocardium Original File Submitted and
1. myocardium answer= myo- (prefix) + card(ium) _______1.Sea games medalist Formatted by DepEd Club Member -
answer= myo- (prefix) + (root) _______2. Microscope visit depedclub.com for more
card(ium) (root) 7. endocarditis _______3.Best basketball
2. endocarditis answer= endo- (prefix) + card (root) player
answer= endo- (prefix) + card + -itis (suffix) _______4.Microorganism
(root) + -itis (suffix) 8. cytology _______5.Presidents of
3. cytology answer= cyt(o) (root) + -logy (suffix) America
answer= cyt(o) (root) + -logy 9. gastroenterology _______6.Ballroom dancer
(suffix) answer= gastr(o) (root) + enter(o) _______7. Earth’s crust
4. gastroenterology (root) + -logy (suffix) _______8.Astronaut
answer= gastr(o) (root) + 10. adenoma _______9.Farmer’s planting
enter(o) (root) + -logy (suffix) answer= aden(o) (root) + oma date
5. adenoma (suffix) _______10. Skeletal System
answer= aden(o) (root) +
oma (suffix)

D. Finding practical Why do we need to know or Why do we need to know or be What is the importance of using What is the importance of learning the
application of concepts be familiar with different familiar with different health almanac and encyclopedia in real life order and degrees of adverbs
and skills in daily living health terminologies? terminologies? situations?
E. Making generalizations What are the most What are the most commonly used Differentiate almanac and There is a difference between “very”
commonly used prefixes and prefixes and suffixes in health encyclopedia?. and” too” - Very signifies a fact/
suffixes in health terminologies? reality and too signifies excess.
How do we form health
How do we form health terminologies using prefixes or
terminologies using prefixes suffixes?
or suffixes?
F. Evaluation Encircle the correct Encircle the correct prefixes of Read the definition identify if it Fill in the blanks with appropriate
prefixes of the given the given health terminologies. is Almanac or Encyclopedia. adverbs of degree.
health terminologies. 1. Today
An ______ is a wide-ranging is ____________________  colder
10. diabetes
collection of information that than yesterday. (very, much,
1. diabetes 11. diagnosis can either cover subjects much or very much)
2. diagnosis 12. eczema across many disciplines or 2. She finished the day
3. eczema 13. exophthalmos focus on a specific field. ____________________
4. exophthalmos 14. endemic An _______ is an annual exhausted. ( a bit / totally )
5. endemic 15. hyperthyroidism compilation of information 3. It was a ____________________
concerning socio-historical, simple invention. ( quite /
6. hyperthyroidism 16. metamorphosis
geographical, astronomical, remarkably )
7. metamorphosis 17. hypoglycemia 4. Gerard lives a
economic, and environmental
8. hypoglycemia 18. paranoia development occurring in a ____________________ stressful
9. paranoia 19. embryo specific year. life. ( quite / very )
embryo The _____ has the most 5. Ecuador is a
extensive collection ____________________ great
of information of all reference country. ( really / very )
materials 6. My boyfriend
An _____, usually arranged in a is ____________________ older
set of volumes than me. (very, much)
An _____ entry always 7. The Serrano Towers in Valencia
considers four key elements: are ____________________ high.
the scope, the method of ( absolutely / pretty )
organization, production, and – 8. The situation
most importantly – the subject is____________________  seriou
matter. s. ( very, much, very much)
_____ discusses a subject only 9. Taylor Swift isn't a good singer.
within the context of a He’s ____________________
particular year. fantastic. ( absolutely / very )
______ are commonly 10. The concert was
produced in reference to ____________________
specific countries. wonderful. ( absolutely /
extremely )
11. Maria is a
____________________ skilled
computer technician.
( completely / highly )
12. That boy of yours is
____________________ lazy.
( absolutely / extremely )
13. It was ____________________
freezing this morning. ( a bit /
absolutely )
14. Victor, in my opinion, is
____________________ mad.
( completely / highly )
15. Rodin's sculptures are
____________________ well-
known. ( absolutely / very)

G. Assignments Give examples of health Give examples of health Give an example of Use the appropriate adverb of
terminologies with the terminologies with the following Encyclopedia.(book title) degree to fill in the blanks:
following prefixes: prefixes: 1. Christie Jones looked …………….
an- an- handsome at the award
ana ana ceremony.(rather,quite,very
anti anti
2. 2. Melissa is an………………………..
cata cata
fabulous cook.  ( absolutely /
meta meta
extremely )
3. 3. Picasso’s paintings
are…………………. well known.
( very, fairly, absolutely)
4. 4. The death of Robin Williams
has…………………shocked the
world.  ( highly, really, rather)
5. 5. In my opinion, that boy
is……………………. mad.( very,
completely, highly)

A. No. of learners earned 80% in
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work
strategies worked well? Why did well: ___ Group collaboration ___ well: ___ Group collaboration ___ well:
these work? ___ Group collaboration Games ___ Group collaboration ___ Games ___ Group collaboration
___ Games ___ Power PointPresentation ___ Games ___ Power PointPresentation ___ ___ Games
___ Power PointPresentation Answering preliminary ___ Power PointPresentation Answering preliminary ___ Power PointPresentation
___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises ___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises ___ Answering preliminary
activities/exercises ___ Discussion ___ activities/exercises ___ Discussion ___ Case activities/exercises
___ Discussion Case Method ___ Discussion ___ Method ___ Discussion
___ Case Method ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Case Method ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ ___ Case Method
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Rereading of ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Rereading of ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Rereading of
Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Differentiated Instruction Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Paragraphs/Poems/Stories
___ Differentiated ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ ___ Differentiated Instruction Role Playing/Drama ___ ___ Differentiated Instruction
Instruction ___ Role Discovery Method ___ Lecture ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Discovery Method ___ Lecture ___ Role Playing/Drama
Playing/Drama ___ Method Discovery Method ___ Method ___ Discovery Method
Discovery Method ___ Why? Lecture Method Why? ___ Lecture Method
Lecture Method ___ Complete Ims Why? ___ Complete Ims Why?
Why? ___ Availability of Materials ___ ___ Complete Ims ___ Availability of Materials ___ ___ Complete Ims
___ Complete Ims Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ ___ Availability of Materials Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ ___ Availability of Materials
___ Availability of Materials Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Pupils’ eagerness to doing their tasks ___ Group member’s doing their tasks ___ Group member’s
learn ___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their Cooperation in doing their
Cooperation in doing their tasks tasks
F. What difficulties did I __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
encounter which my principal or __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
supervisor can help me solve? __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims
__ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer __ Science/ Computer Internet Lab __ Science/ Computer Internet __ Science/ Computer Internet Lab __ Science/ Computer
Internet Lab __ Additional Clerical works Lab __ Additional Clerical works Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works __Reading Readiness __Lack of __ Additional Clerical works __Reading Readiness __Lack of __ Additional Clerical works
__Reading Readiness Interest of pupils __Reading Readiness Interest of pupils __Reading Readiness
__Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils
G. What innovation or localized Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
materials did I use/discover __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
which I wish to share with other __ Making use big books __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from views __ Making use big books from
teachers? from views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality of the locality views of the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be used __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be used as __ Recycling of plastics to be
used as Instructional as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials Instructional Materials used as Instructional
Materials __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition Materials
__ local poetical __Flashcards __Flashcards __Flashcards __ local poetical composition
composition __Flashcards


Master Teacher I

Principal I

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