Er 0129

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Report Number: 0129

Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

DIVISION: 03 – CONCRETE Property evaluated:

Section: 03210 – Reinforced Steel
2.0 USES
ERICO®, International Corporation
34600 SOLON ROAD LENTON mechanical couplers for splicing
SOLON, OHIO 44139 deformed steel reinforcing bars (rebar) transfer
800 248-2677 tension and compression forces in reinforced concrete structural members. The LENTON
[email protected] system complies with the requirements of the IBC,
[email protected] ACI 318 and UBC for use as tension and
[email protected] compression mechanical connections for
deformed steel reinforcing bar. The LENTON
EVALUATION SUBJECT: system complies with both Type 1 and Type 2
mechanical splice requirements, consisting of
o LENTON Standard (A2 & A12), LENTON
SAVER (SA & FS), LENTON Position
1.1 Compliance with the following codes: (P9 & P8), and LENTON LOCK (B1)
couplers for all grades of American
• 2009 International Building Code® (IBC) Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
• 2006 International Building Code® (IBC) A615 or ASTM A706;
• 2003 International Building Code® (IBC) o LENTON INTERLOK (LK) for ASTM
• 2009 International Residential Code® (IRC) A615 Grade 60 or ASTM A706; and
• 2006 International Residential Code® (IRC) o LENTON Welded Half (C3J) for ASTM
• 2003 International Residential Code® (IRC) A706.
• 2008 American Concrete Institute® 318
• 2005 American Concrete Institute® 318
(ACI) 3.1 General
• 2002 American Concrete Institute® 318 The LENTON system, consisting of tapered
(ACI) threaded rebar splicing and bolted rebar splicing,
• 1997 Uniform Building CodeTM (UBC) is designed for use in reinforced concrete
construction. The LENTON tapered threaded
1.2 Evaluated in accordance with: system utilizes a 6-degree tapered thread with a
varying thread pitch of 1.25 mm, 2.0 mm, or
• ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical 3.5 mm, depending on the reinforcement size.
Connector Systems for Steel Reinforcing LENTON couplers are available in seven styles:
Bars (AC133), approved May 2008 LENTON Standard (A2 & A12), LENTON
Transition (A2 & A12), LENTON FORM SAVER
(SA & FS), LENTON Position (P9 & P14),
and LENTON Welded Half Coupler (C3J).
LENTON couplers are designed to mechanically
butt splice No. 4, 0.5-inch-diameter (12 mm),
Copyright © 2010 by International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in an electronic retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publisher. Ph: 1-877-4IESRPT • Fax: 909.472.4171 • Web: • 5001 East Philadelphia Street • Ontario, California 91761-2816 – USA

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Report Number: 0129
Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

through No. 18, 2.25-inch-diameter (57 mm), consistent with the test data supplied by the
reinforcing steel. All grades of rebar may be fabricator.
epoxy coated in accordance with ASTM A775 or
A934 when utilizing LENTON tapered threaded or Please reference for a
bolted couplers. In addition, all grades of rebar description of the method of preparing the rebar
may be galvanized in accordance to ASTM A767 ends.
when utilizing LENTON tapered threaded
connections. All styles, excluding the LENTON Type 1 connection:
LOCK coupler types, have interior tapered threads
for joining the reinforcement. For the LENTON For Type 1 connections under the IBC
threaded coupler types, the threads on the rebar and UBC, test data, upon request, shall be
are right-handed and tapered to match the supplied, indicating that the connection, when
accompanying coupler. Before shipping from the tested in static tension, developed 125 percent of
rebar fabrication shop, the threaded bar ends shall the specified yield strength (fy) of the rebar.
be protected. Type 2 connection:
3.2 Materials
The couplers are manufactured from steel, as listed For Type 2 connections under the IBC,
in Figure 1. test data, upon request, shall be supplied,
indicating that the connection, when tested in
4.0 INSTALLATION static tension, developed 100 percent of the
specified ultimate tensile strength (fu) of the steel
4.1 General Installation rebar and 125 percent of the specified yield
The LENTON couplers must be installed in strength (fy) of the rebar.
accordance with the applicable code, this
evaluation report, and ERICO's installation For Type 2 connections under the UBC,
instructions. Installation instructions are supplied test data, upon request, shall be supplied,
with the product and/or are available on ERICO’s indicating that the connection, when tested in
web site ( The splice locations static tension, developed the lesser of 95 percent
must be detailed on the plans approved by the of the actual ultimate tensile strength (fult) or 160
building official. All required distances, spacing, percent of the specified yield strength (fy) of the
and coverage shall be per applicable codes and steel reinforcement.
measured from the outer surface of the
connecting device or as defined by the licensed 4.2 LENTON Standard Coupler (A2 & A12)
design professional. As defined in ACI 318, Type (illustrated below):
2 mechanical splices are permitted in any
location within a member for all seismic zones or
seismic design categories.

4.1.1 Specially prepared ends of rebar shall be

prepared in either the report applicant’s facility or
the facility of a fabricator approved by the code
official, when required, per IBC Section 1704.2
and ERICO. The fabricator shall provide test data
to the satisfaction of the code official for each
coupler model, type, and steel rebar size.
The LENTON Standard coupler is used to join The fabricator shall prepare the ends of the bars where at least one rebar end is able to rotate
steel rebar as required by ERICO and in a manner freely. For field installation of the LENTON
Standard coupler, the thread protector is removed
from the threaded rebar end, which is inspected

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Report Number: 0129
Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

for cleanliness and damage. In some cases, the mounting plate simply provides a method of
coupler is fastened to the rebar at the fabrication securing the SA or FS coupler type and attached
facility to protect the threads. A wired brush bar to form work. An internal thread protector is
should be used to remove rust and adhered installed to protect the LENTON FORM SAVER
concrete from the threads. The coupler is then coupler’s internal threads. The LENTON FORM
screwed onto the threaded end of the rebar to be SAVER FS coupler type is secured to the rebar by
spliced and tightened by hand. The second rebar a friction forging process, whereby the ASTM
is then inserted into the coupler and rotated until A615 rebar is attached to the coupler by forcing
hand- tight. The connection is then tightened per the components together while the coupler is
the manufacturer’s instructions. revolving at a specific rate of speed. The other
end of the LENTON FORM SAVER FS coupler
type accepts rebar with LENTON tapered threads.
4.3 LENTON Transition Coupler (A2) (illustrated
Unlike the FS coupler type, the LENTON FORM
SAVER SA coupler type accepts rebar with
LENTON tapered threads at each end. As with
the FS coupler type, the SA coupler type has a
mounting plate that is attached to one end of the
coupler. To install the LENTON FORM SAVER
(SA or FS) coupler assembly, the mounting plate
is used to position and secure the coupler types
on the formwork. Upon completion of the concrete
pour and removal of the formwork where the SA or
FS coupler type is attached, the protectors are
removed from both the rebar and the coupler.
The LENTON Transition coupler is similar to the Tapered threaded male rebar of the proper size is
LENTON Standard coupler, except the coupler is then screwed into the exposed end of the
designed to connect rebars of different sizes. LENTON FORM SAVER SA or FS coupler type.
Installation for LENTON Transition couplers is the The connection is then tightened per the
same as that for LENTON Standard couplers, as manufacturer’s instructions. Note: For
described in Section 4.2 of this report. identification purposes, the face of the LENTON
FORM SAVER SA or FS coupler type mounting
4.4 LENTON FORM SAVER Coupler (SA or FS) plate, which is exposed when the formwork is
(illustrated below): removed, has LENTON coupler bar-size
information stamped on the surface.

4.5 LENTON Position Coupler (P9 & P8)

(illustrated below):

The LENTON FORM SAVER coupler is the same

in terms of form and function as the LENTON The LENTON Position coupler is used to join
Standard coupler, except that the SA or FS curved or bent bars as well as straight bars that
coupler type has a non-structural form mounting must be held in a predetermined position during
plate attached to the end of the coupler. The the joining process. The coupler can also be used

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Report Number: 0129
Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

where neither bar is free to rotate. All LENTON

Position couplers are manufactured to allow the The LENTON INTERLOK coupler is cylindrical,
coupler to rotate. The connection is tightened per with one end threaded to receive LENTON
the manufacturer’s instructions. In addition, tapered threaded rebar and the opposite end
LENTON Position couplers are designed to machined with internal annular ridges that are
accommodate rebar of different sizes. spaced approximately 1 inch (25.4 mm) on center.
The LENTON INTERLOK coupler must be
4.6 LENTON LOCK Coupler (B1) (illustrated installed in accordance with the applicable code,
below): the evaluation report, and ERICO's installation
instructions. The system consists of a coupler and
ERICO HY10L grout, which is a non-shrink,
cementitious mixture. The threaded end of the
coupler is machined with a LENTON tapered
thread. A matching LENTON tapered threaded
piece of rebar is inserted into this end of the
LENTON INTERLOK coupler and rotated until
hand-tight. This portion of the connection is then
tightened per the manufacturer’s instructions. The
The LENTON LOCK coupler is used to connect two opposite end of the sleeve is open to receive the
bars mechanically. One or both rebars are inserted reinforcing steel of the adjoining precast structural
into the coupler in a predetermined position, and the member or projecting dowel. Pouring or pumping
bolts are tightened in accordance with the HY10L grout into the sleeve subsequently
manufacturer’s instructions. As long as the torque completes the connection. Batches of HY10L
values are achieved, the bolt heads are not required grout are mixed in accordance with ERICO’s
to shear off. Unsheared bolt heads may be cut off if installation instructions. The correct amount of
concrete cover is an issue. Refer to the water to be added to the grout is predetermined by
manufacturer’s instructions for details. In addition to field-testing the flow of trial batches of grout
connecting the same bar size to the same bar size, mixtures with a 2-inch-diameter (51 mm), 4-inch-
the LENTON LOCK coupler can also be used to tall (102 mm) cylinder and a LENTON INTERLOK
flow template. The minimum compressive
• Connect same size bar to same size bar strength of 2-inch (51 mm) cubes of the grout at
where both bars are one size smaller than 28 days, when tested in accordance with ASTM
the size identified on the coupler, and C109-02, must be at least 8,500 pounds per
square inch (psi) (58,600 kilopascals [kPa]).
• Transition from the bar size identified on the Compression test specimens must be cured in
coupler to the next smaller bar size. accordance with ASTM C109-02. Mixed HY10L
grout can be poured or pumped into the LENTON
Installation procedures are the same as those INTERLOK coupler. All spaces within the coupler
described above. must be fully grouted. All spliced joints must be
adequately braced and supported to prevent
4.7 LENTON INTERLOK (LK) (illustrated below): movement of the rebar within the coupler. The
braces are left in place for at least 24 hours, until
the grout has attained a minimum compressive
strength of 3,000 psi (20,700 kPa), as determined
by compression tests of 2-inch (51 mm) cubes.

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Report Number: 0129
Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

4.8 LENTON Welded Half Coupler (C3J) 5.4 The threaded rebar used with LENTON
(illustrated below): mechanical splice couplers must be fabricated by an
approved fabricator to the specifications provided by

5.5 LENTON mechanical couplers may be used on

epoxy-coated or galvanized bars as long as the
coating process is conducted prior to rebar
threading. All threads of the coupler and rebar are
to be free of all debris, including epoxy coating, at
the time of coupling.
A LENTON Welded Half Coupler provides a 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED
mechanical means of connecting rebar to structural
steel plates and shapes. The coupler is Data submitted in accordance with the ICC-ES
manufactured from weldable grades of material. Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Connector
One end of the coupler is machined with a LENTON Systems for Steel Reinforcing Bars (AC133),
tapered thread, and the opposite side is prepared for approved May 2008.
welding. The weld shall be designed by a licensed
design professional in accordance with American
Welding Society (AWS) standards. The connection 7.0 IDENTIFICATION
is then tightened per the manufacturer’s instructions.
All couplers and splices are packaged with a label
5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE bearing the manufacturer's name (ERICO,
International Corporation), address, model and size,
The LENTON mechanical couplers described in this and the International Association of Plumbing and
report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) ES Mark of
what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 Conformity. Each LENTON coupler is permanently
of this report, subject to the following conditions: stamped/labeled with the catalog number, size, heat
number, Type 2 designation, and the name
5.1 The couplers must be installed in accordance "LENTON."
with the applicable code, the manufacturer’s
instructions, and this report.

5.2 Splice locations must comply with applicable

code requirements and be noted on plans approved
by the code official.

5.3 Special inspections may be required (refer to IAPMO #0129

Section 1704.4 and 1704.13 of the IBC and Section
1701.5.4 of the UBC). The inspector's duties would
include verifying:

o the grade and size of rebar,

o the coupler identification,
o the position of the couplers, and
Director of Evaluation Services
o the installation of the couplers to the

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Report Number: 0129
Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

Figure 1: LENTON System Specifications

Series Number Material Grade Rebar Rebar Sizes Section
LENTON American Iron and Steel
A2, A12 A615 Grades 60 4 through 18 UBC 4.2
Standard Institute (AISI)1117/1141
and 75 TYPE I + II
A2, R11 AISI 1117/1141 A615 Grades 60 4 through 18 UBC 4.3
and 75 TYPE I + II
AISI 1117/1141
SA A615 Grades 60 4 through 11 UBC
(or equivalent)
AISI 1117
FS A615 Grades 60 4 through 7 UBC
(or equivalent)
and 75 TYPE I + II
P9, P8 A615 Grades 60 5 through 18 UBC 4.5
Position (or equivalent)
and 75 TYPE I + II
LENTON AISI 4118/4120
B1 A615 Grades 60 4 through 11 UBC 4.6
LOCK (or equivalent)
and 75 TYPE I + II
LK 6 through 14 UBC 4.7
INTERLOK (or equivalent) A615 Grade 60
AISI 1018/1030/1035
Welded Half C3J ASTM A706 6 though 14 UBC 4.8
(or equivalent)
Coupler TYPE I + II

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Report Number: 0129
Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

LENTON Standard Couplers - A2/A12 Series

A = Diameter
B = Length of Coupler
D = Bar Engagement

LENTON Standard Couplers – A2 Series

Reinforcement Bar Designation “A” “B” “D”

Metric Soft Number
No. Canadian in mm in mm in mm
(mm) Metric
4 12 10M 13 EL12A2* 11/16 17 1-5/8 41 9/16 14

5 16 15M 16 EL16A2* 7/8 22 2-3/16 56 7/8 22

6 20 20M 19 EL20A2* 1-1/16 27 2-13/16 71 1-1/8 29

7 22 – 22 EL22A2* 1-3/16 30 3-5/32 80 1-1/4 32

8 25 25M 25 EL25A2 1-3/8 35 3-11/32 85 1-3/8 35

9 28 30M 29 EL28A2 1-1/2 38 3-19/32 91 1-1/2 38

10 32 – 32 EL32A2 1-3/4 44 3-25/32 96 1-9/16 40

11 36 35M 36 EL36A2 1-7/8 48 3-31/32 101 1-11/16 43

– 40 – – EL40A2 2-3/16 52 4-15/16 125 2-3/16 56

14 43 45M 43 EL43TA2 2-1/4 57 5-1/4 133 2-1/8 56

– 50 – – EL50TA2 2-9/16 64 6-13/32 163 2-3/4 70

18 57 55M 57 EL57TA2 3 76 6-1/2 164 2-3/4 71

*Uses hexagonal material (measured across the flats); others use round material.

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Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

LENTON Standard Couplers – A12 Series

Reinforcement Bar Designation Part “A” “B” “D”

Number mm mm mm
No. Metric (mm)

– 10 EL10A12* 17 48 18

4 12 EL12A12* 17 49 18

– 14 EL14A12* 22 55 21

5 16 EL16A12* 22 61 24

– 18 EL18A12* 27 71 29

6 20 EL20A12* 27 88 36

7 22 EL22A12* 33 91 38

8 25 EL25A12 33 96 41

9 28 EL28A12 37 101 43

– 30 EL30A12 37 121 53

10 32 EL32A12 42 107 46

– 34 EL34A12 41 128 56

11 36 EL36A12 46 121 53

– 38 EL38A12 52 124 54

– 40 EL40A12 52 131 58

14 43 EL43TA12 58 155 68

– 50 EL50TA12 64 163 71

18 57 EL57TA12 75 189 84
*Uses hexagonal material (measured across the flats); others use round material.

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Report Number: 0129
Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

LENTON Transition Couplers - A2 Series

A = Diameter
B = Length of Coupler
DL = Large Bar Engagement
DS = Small Bar Engagement

LENTON Transition Couplers – A2 Series

Reinforcement Bar Part “A” “B” “DL” “DS”

Designation Number in in in in
4 to 5 EL1612A2* 7/8 2-5/15 7/8 9/16

5 to 6 EL2016A2* 1-1/16 3 1-1/8 7/8

6 to 7 EL2220A2* 1-3/16 3-13/32 1-1/4 1-1/8

7 to 8 EL2522A2 1-3/8 3-11/16 1-3/8 1-1/4

8 to 9 EL2825A2 1-1/2 3-29/32 1-1/2 1-3/8

9 to 10 EL3228A2 1-3/4 4-1/8 1-9/16 1-1/2

10 to 11 EL3632A2 1-7/8 4-5/16 1-11/16 1-9/16

11 to 14 EL43T36A2 2-1/4 4-21/32 2-1/8 1-11/16

11 to 18 EL57T36A2 3 5-11/16 2-3/4 1-11/16

14 to 18 EL57T43A2 3 6-5/16 2-3/4 2-1/8

*Uses hexagonal material (measured across the flats); others use round material.

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Report Number: 0129
Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

LENTON FORM SAVER Couplers – SA Series

A = Diameter
B = Length of Coupler Body
D = Bar Engagement Non-Mounting Plate Side
Dp = Bar Engagement Mounting Plate Side
E = Length of Mounting Plate

LENTON FORM SAVER Couplers – SA Series

Reinforcement “A” “B” “D” “Dp” “E”

Bar Designation Part No.
No. in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm
4 12 EL12SA* 11/16 17 1-15/16 49 9/16 14 7/8 22 2-1/4 57

5 16 EL16SA* 7/8 22 2-1/2 64 7/8 22 1-3/16 30 2-1/4 57

6 20 EL20SA* 1-1/16 27 3-1/8 79 1-1/8 29 1-7/16 37 2-1/4 57

7 22 EL22SA* 1-3/16 30 3-15/32 88 1-1/4 32 1-9/16 40 2-1/4 57

8 25 EL25SA 1-3/8 35 3-21/32 93 1-3/8 35 1-11/16 43 2-1/4 57

9 28 EL28SA 1-1/2 38 3-29/32 99 1-1/2 38 1-13/16 46 2-1/2 63

10 32 EL32SA 1-3/4 44 4-3/32 104 1-9/16 40 1-7/8 48 2-1/2 63

11 36 EL36SA 1-7/8 48 4-9/32 109 1-11/16 43 2 51 2-1/2 63

*Uses hexagonal material (measured across the flats); others use round material.

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Report Number: 0129
Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

LENTON FORM SAVER Couplers – FS Series

A = Diameter
B = Length of Coupler
C = Length and Width of Mounting Plate
Dp = Bar Engagement

LENTON FORM SAVER Couplers – FS Series

Reinforcement  “A” “B” “C” “Dp”

Bar Designation  Part No.
No. in mm in mm in mm in mm
4 12 ELC12FS2* 7/8 22 1-13/16 46 2-1/4 57 7/8 22

5 16 ELC16FS2* 7/8 22 2-1/16 52 2-1/4 57 1-3/16 30

6 20 ELC20FS2* 1-1/16 27 2-9/16 65 2-1/4 57 1-7/16 36

7 22 ELC22FS2* 1-3/16 30 2-13/16 71 2-1/4 57 1-9/16 39

*Uses hexagonal material (measured across the flats); others use round material. 

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Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

LENTON Position Couplers – P9 Series

A = Diameter
B = Length of Coupler Body
D = Bar Engagement
Fc = Connector Closed Position
Max. Fo = Connector Fully Open Position

LENTON Position Couplers – P9 Series

Reinforcement “A” “B” “D” “Fc” “Max. Fo”

Bar Designation Part No.
No. in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm
6 20 EL20P9 1-13/16 46 2-3/4 70 1-1/8 29 1-5/8 41 2-1/8 54

7 22 EL22P9 1-13/16 46 3-1/16 78 1-1/4 32 1-5/8 41 2-1/8 54

8 25 EL25P9 1-13/16 46 3-3/8 86 1-3/8 35 1-5/8 41 2-1/8 54

9 28 EL28P9 2-1/2 64 3-9/16 90 1-1/2 38 1-5/8 41 2-1/8 54

10 32 EL32P9 2-1/2 64 3-13/16 97 1-9/16 40 1-5/8 41 2-1/8 54

11 36 EL36P9 2-1/2 64 4-3/16 98 1-11/16 43 1-5/8 41 2-1/8 54

14 43 EL43TP9 3 76 5 127 2-1/8 54 3-13/16 97 4-5/8 117

18 57 EL57TP9 4 95 6-1/8 156 2-3/4 70 4-3/8 111 5-13/16 148

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Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

LENTON Position Couplers – P8 Series

A = Diameter
B = Length of Coupler Body
D = Bar Engagement
Fc = Connector Closed Position
Max. Fo = Connector Fully Open Position

LENTON Position Couplers – P8 Series

Reinforcement “A” “B” “D” “Fc” “Max. Fo”

Bar Designation Part
No. in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm
5 16 EL16P8 1-13/16 46 4-7/16 113 7/8 22 1-1/2 38 2-9/16 65

6 20 EL20P8 1-13/16 46 4-7/16 113 1-1/8 29 1-9/16 39 2-9/16 65

7 22 EL22P8 1-13/16 46 4-15/16 125 1-1/4 32 1-1/2 38 2-3/4 70

8 25 EL25P8 1-13/16 46 5-5/16 135 1-3/8 35 1-1/2 38 2-13/16 72

9 28 EL28P8 2-1/2 64 5-5/8 143 1-1/2 38 1-1/2 38 2-15/16 75

10 32 EL32P8 2-1/2 64 6 152 1-9/16 40 1-1/2 38 3-1/16 78

11 36 EL36P8 2-1/2 64 6-7/16 164 1-11/16 43 1-9/16 39 3-3/8 85

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Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

LENTON LOCK Couplers – B1 Series

L = Coupler Length
d = Outside Diameter

LENTON LOCK Couplers – B1 Series

Reinforcement “L” “d”

Inside Diameter
Bar Designation Length Outside Diameter Number
Part No
of Bolts
No. in mm in mm in mm

– 10 LL12B1 5 127 1.1 29 0.6 15 6

4 12 LL12B1 5 127 1.1 29 0.6 15 6

– 14 LL16B1 6.3 159 1.4 35 0.9 19 6

5 16 LL16B1 6.3 159 1.4 35 0.9 19 6

– 18 LL20B1 7.5 191 1.6 41 1.4 24 8

6 20 LL20B1 7.5 191 1.6 41 1.4 24 8

7 22 LL22B1 8.7 222 1.9 48 2.3 28 8

8 25 LL25B1 10 254 2.1 54 3.4 30 8

9 28 LL28B1 11.3 287 2.4 60 4.6 34 10

– 30 LL28B1 11.3 287 2.4 60 4.6 34 10

10 32 LL32B1 12.7 323 2.6 65 5.9 38 8

– 34 LL36B1 14.1 358 2.8 72 7.9 43 10

11 36 LL36B1 14.1 358 2.8 72 7.9 43 10

– 38 LL40B1 15.7 400 3.1 80 10.9 47 12

– 40 LL40B1 15.7 400 3.1 80 10.9 47 12

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Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

LENTON INTERLOK Couplers – LK Series

A = Length
B = Outside Diameter
C = Grouted Max. Bar Embedment
D = Threaded Bar Engagement
E = Inside Diameter

LENTON INTERLOK Couplers – LK Series

Bar “A” “B” “C” “D” “E”
Designation Part No.
No. in mm in mm in mm in mm in mm
6 20 LK6 7-5/8 195 2-7/16 62 6-1/8 156 1-1/8 29 1-7/8 48

7 22 LK7 7-5/8 195 2-7/16 62 6-1/8 156 1-1/4 32 1-7/8 48

8 25 LK8 8-5/8 219 2-5/8 67 7 178 1-3/8 35 2 51

9 28 LK9 9-3/4 248 2-3/4 70 8 203 1-1/2 38 2-1/8 54

10 32 LK10 10-13/16 275 2-15/16 75 9 229 1-9/16 40 2-5/16 59

11 36 LK11 12 295 3-1/8 79 9-7/8 251 1-11/16 43 2-7/16 62

– 40 LKT14SP 15 381 3-11/16 94 12-3/4 324 2-1/8 56 2-3/4 70

14 43 LKT14 15 381 3-11/16 94 12-3/4 324 2-1/8 54 2-3/4 70

– 50 LKT18SP 20-5/16 508 4-1/2 114 17 432 2-3/4 71 3-1/4 83

18 57 LKT18 20-5/16 508 4-1/2 114 17 432 2-3/4 72 3-1/4 83

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Issued: 02/2010
Expires: 02/2011

LENTON Welded Half Couplers – C3J Series

A = Coupler Diameter
B = Length of Coupler
D = Bar Engagement
G = Small Diameter

LENTON Welded Half Couplers – C3J Series

“A” “B” “D” “G”
Bar Designation
Part No.
No. in mm in mm in mm in mm
6 20 EL20C3J 1-1/4 32 2-5/32 55 1-1/8 29 7/8 22

7 22 EL22C3J 1-1/4 32 2-13/32 61 1-1/4 32 3/4 19

8 25 EL25C3J 1-9/16 40 2-17/32 64 1-3/8 35 1 25

9 28 EL28C3J 1-9/16 40 2-11/16 68 1-1/2 38 15/16 24

10 32 EL32C3J 2 51 2-7/8 73 1-9/16 40 15/16 24

11 36 EL36C3J 2 51 2-31/32 75 1-11/16 43 1-1/8 29

14 43 EL43TC3J 2-3/8 60 3-3/4 96 2-1/8 54 1-13/32 36

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