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Warm Up
3 Rounds
30s High to Low Plank
30s Hollow Rocks
6 Barbell Patrick Step Ups
6 Heels Up Barbell Squats
(Increasing Load)

A1) Back Squat

12 Mins, Build to a heavy 3.

B) EMOM 10’
1: 5 Front Squat
2: 5 Push Press

4 Rounds
10 Walking RDL’s
10 Walking Lunges
10 Toes To Bar

4 Rounds
500m Row
15 DB Thrusters
15 KB Sumo High Pull
15 Butterfly Sit Ups



Warm Up:
3 Rounds
30s Active Hang
30s Scapula Pull Ups
6 Hand Release Push Ups
6 Paused Pull Ups

A1) Bench Press

12 Mins, Build to a heavy 3.

B) EMOM 10’
1: 8 Barbell Bent Over Row
2: 12 Strict Dips

4 Rounds
10 Incline DB Bench Press
10 DB Pullovers
10 Barbell Curl

Party Pump
Row Calories
Push Up
Inverted Row
*5 Burpee over box each round.



10’ Breath Work
6s Inhale
6s Pause
6s Exhale
6s Pause

Ski Mono-Structural

10 Rounds
1 Min On / 1 Min Off
Rest 3-5 Mins

10 Rounds
250m Efforts
30s Rest Between Rounds



Warm Up
3 Rounds
30m Suitcase Carry
30s Weighted Plank
8 KB Deadlifts
8 Cossack Squats

A1) Deadlift
12 Mins, Build to a heavy 3.

B) EMOM 10’
1: 8 Barbell Romanian Deadlift
2: 8 Barbell Push Press

4 Rounds
10 Half Kneeling Landmine Press e/s
8 Strict Pull Ups
15 Kb Swing

Run DB
4 Rounds
150/200m Run
5 Alt Arm Devils Press
10/10 SA DB Push Press e/s
15 Butterfly Sit Ups



Warm Up - Barbell Yoga
*To be completed with the barbell only
3 Rounds
10 Barbell Muscle Snatches
10 Barbell Good Mornings
10 Barbell Behind the Neck Press
10 Barbell Back Squats

Check In 50/35 Assault BIke Calories

Hang Power Clean @ 60/40kg
Dumbbell Box Step Over @ 24/20”
Dumbbell 1 x 25/17.5kg

Check Out 50/35 Assault BIke Calories

Rest 3’

Check In 50/35 Assault BIke Calories

Behind the Neck Thruster @ 40/30kg
AKBS @ 28/20kg
Up Down

Check Out 50/35 Assault BIke Calories

Your score is the total time it takes (including

the 3’ rest)


Enjoyed the MARCHON experience so far?
Ready to join the full Performance
Programme? We’re ready for you.


MARCHON Performance has been specifically designed for

those looking to upgrade your to the next level.

This programme will test and improve your athletic ability and
physique through 5 weekly sessions designed around

the fundamental lifts and movement patterns. You will be left

looking better, feeling better and performing better!

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the publisher [Ollie Marchon].

For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention:

Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.

Ollie Marchon
[email protected]

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