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Geopolítica y Medio Ambiente

Tarea 3 Estrategias

Presentado por

Marybel Serna González

Celular 3133588645

Email [email protected]

Group 151021_40


Carolina Jaime Rodríguez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela Ciencias de la Salud ECISA

Abril de 2022

Question 1. Definition of Inter-sectoral and intra-sectoral strategies in health

Inter-sectoral refers to the integration of various components such as the public sector, private
sector, communities, and the government sector that are clear about social problems and try to
solve them as a team in a comprehensive manner. In the department, district, or municipality, it
is established that this coordination is done through the Social Policy Councils, Planning Tips
and Territorial Councils of Social Security in Health, with the participation of institutions and
organizations committed to the social determinants of health, identified, and prioritized in the
Analysis of Health Situation. Intra-sectoral It is joint work between all the actors that make up the
general system of social security in health SGSSS, local Directorates DLS, institutions that
provide public and private health services IPS and companies that administer benefit plans

Question 2. Environmental Dimension of the Ten-Year Public Health Plan

set of policies that seeks to favor and promote the quality of life and health of the population,
also taking into account the generations to come, materializing the right to a healthy
environment by strengthening participation at all levels, to achieve sustainable development
wherever there is clean production and responsible consumption and there is a focus on
attention to the health needs of vulnerable populations, improving living conditions through
prevention, surveillance and health control.

Question 3. Main challenges in health end environment for sustainable development in


It is necessary to continue advancing in guaranteeing and promoting the well-being of citizens of

all ages, increasing life expectancy and eradicating infant and maternal mortality, achieving this
through the financing of adequate health systems. In environmental issues, renewable energy
must be developed, industry's contribution to employment and therefore to the country's gross
domestic product must be increased; Colombia must substantially increase access to
technologies and information and communications.

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