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Engaging Activity

A. Interview
Make a conversation to a school head on at least one school policy formulated under her/his
leadership. As restriction posed by the pandemic the interview will allow via electronic e-
mail. Take a screenshot and the summary of thoughts or interview report as proof on
conducted the online interview.

Ask these guiding questions:

1. Why was it formulated?

2. How was it formulated? Was it formulated with the representatives from the school and
community? Why or why not?
3. Does the implementation of the policy address the problem for which it was created? If
doesn’t, what next step is being planned?

Formulated Policy:
Students should arrive before
Student must arrive at school 7:30 AM. At exactly 7:30, the
before 7:30 AM. school gates will close leaving
late comers with no way of
entering the school.

The problem that was

addressed is the number of
It wasn’t formulated with the
students arriving late, making
representative of the
only a uarter of them able to
community. Only the school
attend their first subject.
teachers and staffs formulated

Result of the action Taken:

The number of students being able to participate in the flag

ceremony increased as well as the number of students present in
ever class’ first subject.
PT1 (Group Activity)
Title: “We can imitate them! We can act as professionals………..

STUDENT MALNUTRITION Student leader will be the one to present

the issue (student malnutrition) and will
School head will officially start the provide a presentation regarding the
meeting. Will call out the church problem/issue. (Possible causes and effects
representative to lead the opening of malnutrition to the learners)
prayer. After the opening prayer, the
previous meeting agenda will be
recalled before stating the introduction
statement of the current meeting

Ideas and suggestions from each person Each person on the meeting would be
on the meeting will be given a chance to asked for ideas and suggestions
be explained or elaborated. regarding on how to solve the
Everyone has the chance to criticize and
question every ideas regarding it’s School head together with the student
effectiveness, cost, etc. leader will facilitate the exchange of
ideas and suggestions from the NGO
representative, alumni and church
representative. (School head and student
leader can also share their ideas.)

After each ideas has been

explained and elaborated, they will
proceed on choosing the best idea The idea with the most votes will
by means of voting. be considered as winner and will
be implemented after finalization.

The meeting will be over after the

student leader have red the
minutes of the meeting and the
school head declared that the
meeting is adjourned.

School head will officially start the The student leader will present a
meeting. Will call out the church brief presentation about the issue
representative to lead the opening and will discuss about food safety
prayer. After the opening prayer, the in school. Issues and problems
previous meeting agenda will be recalled will be addressed together with a
before stating the introduction statement primary plan to resolve the issue.
of the current meeting agenda.

Each ideas will be given a chance Each person that is present on

to be explained and elaborated. the meeting will also provide
ideas and suggestions regarding
Everyone can evaluate and the issue.
question each ideas to ensure it’s

The meeting will be over after the

Everyone will decide what idea
student leader have red the
will be used by meand of voting.
minutes of the meeting and the
The idea with the most votes will
school head declared that the
be considered winner.
meeting is adjourned.

School head will officially start the Student leader will be the one to
meeting. Will call out the church present the issue (student mental
representative to lead the health) and will provide a
opening prayer. After the opening presentation regarding the
prayer, the previous meeting problem/issue. (Possible mental
agenda will be recalled before state of students)
stating the introduction
statement of the current meeting

Ideas and suggestions from each

Each person on the meeting would be asked
person on the meeting will be given a
for ideas and suggestions regarding on how to
chance to be explained or elaborated.
solve the issue/problem.
Everyone has the chance to criticize
School head together with the student leader
and question every ideas regarding it’s
will facilitate the exchange of ideas and
effectiveness, cost, etc.
suggestions from the NGO representative,
alumni and church representative. (School
head and student leader can also share their

After each ideas has been

explained and elaborated, they
The idea with the most votes will will proceed on choosing the best
be considered as winner and will idea by means of voting.
be implemented after finalization.

The meeting will be over after the

student leader have red the
minutes of the meeting and the
school head declared that the
meeting is adjourned.

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