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Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3


During the lesson all the Using an analog and During the lesson,
Grade 1 pupils will attain 75% digital clocks, the pupils, the grade III pupils
of proficiency level and should with at least 75% should be able to:
be able to; accuracy, should be able
to: a. determine how to
a.tell the time shown on the convert time
clock; a. identify the parts of the measure; and write the time clock; b. convert time
shown on the clock;and b. tell and write the correct measure; and
c.practice going to school on time; and c. develop speed and
time. c. use A.M and P.M accuracy in
appropriately. converting time


Topic: Tell the time shown on Topic: Telling and Writing
the clock. the Time in Minutes Topic: Lesson 74
Skill: Reading and writing the Including A.M and P.M. Problems Involving
time shown on the clock Using Analog and Digital Conversion of Time
Reference: CURRICULUM Clocks Measure
STANDARDS IN Value Focus: Wise use of Reference: calendar,
MATHEMATICS 1 FOR THE time charts, Show-me-
SPECIAL SCIENCE Instructional Materials: board, and flash
ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IV. Models of a standard clock cards
A.4 page 4, Elementary preferably a large wall
Mathematics Textbook Grade clock, flash cards with
1 p. 147 clocks and time in
Materials: Flashcards, jigsaw standard form, and show-
puzzle of clock, big book, toy me-board
clocks, show-me-board, charts
III. PROCEDURE Pupil’s Activity Activity Pupil’s
1.Routine Teacher’s Activity
Teacher’s Activity Teacher’s Activity Activities

a. Pupils A.Preliminary
A.Preparatory Activities 1.Routine Activities respond by Activities
preparing for
1.Exercises in OBFAD a. Teacher prepares the next 1. Drill Good after
(One Basic Fact a Day) the class for subject. noon teacher
transition to the next b. Pupils get Good afternoon Jess.
2. Drill subject. the things that children.
Counting by 5’s up to 60 b. Teacher tells the they need and Yes, teacher
class to get the keep those How was your
3. Review things they will be things that they weekend my dear
The teacher will ask the using in this subject won’t need, children. Do you have
pupils to tell the time using and to keep those they will also a relaxing weekend
flashcards. things that they sit properly at your home?
won’t, to sit properly and prepare
1. 15 minutes before 9 and to prepare for for the lesson. Wow. A nice one to
2. 30 minutes after 10 the lesson. hear from you class.
3. 7 quarter
4. Quarter to 6 2. Preliminary Before we begin our
5. Quarter past 4 Activities lesson for today we
will have an activity
4. MOTIVATION 2. Preliminary Activities Pupils first. It is called a
A. Drill participate in ladder game. Does
The teacher will show a Use pictures or the activity. anyone of you know
puzzle of clock to the pupils. events. Ask the pupils at They may give the game?
The teacher will call 5 pupils what time do they do the Okay, teacher
varied times in
to go on the board and following: activities done Okay. I will group you
complete the puzzle within 5 It’s a clock! - Wake up at home. into four different
minutes. - Eat breakfast groups. Each group
(After completing the puzzle) - Go to school must participate in
- Start of morning this activity.
What object is shown on the classes
puzzle? Numbers! - Recess I will give you a clock.
Hands on the clock. - Lunch And when I flashes
Very Good! It is a clock! - Start of afternoon the card with time Yes teacher
classes each group will use
What can you see on the face - End of classes the clock to show the
of the clock? - Eat dinner time.
Pupils may
- Go to sleep give varied Do you understand
5.PRESENTATION Keep quiet. answers. children?
Sit properly. B. Review
I have a story to tell. It is a Listen Attentively. Ask: How do you know it So let’s begin.
story about a child that always Understand the story. is time to wake-up? To eat Varied answer
go to school late. Let us see breakfast? To go to A. 11:30
what is the reason why is he school? Etc.? B. 2:45
always late. C. 1:20
But before that, what are the (If pupils give non- D. 9:35
things to do while listening to a standard measurement of E. 7:05
story? time such as the crowing
of the roosters or the Very good.
The teacher tells the story sunrise/sunset, direct Everyone
showing the time on the clock them to the idea that participate very
while the activities are being roosters may get sick and well. Yes teacher
mentioned in the story. become unable to crow;
and sunrises/sunsets may 2.Review
A boy named Leroy loves not occur at the same time
watching. Last afternoon, he or when it’s cloudy. Thus, 1. Class do you still Varied answer
reached home at 5:00. In the the need for a standard remember what
evening, he started watching measurement of time.) Pupils may was your lesson
his favorite cartoon at 8:15. He guess a clock, last time?
went to bed at 11:30 in the watch, Varied answer
evening. The next day, he C. Motivation wristwatch. How many days
woke up at 7:00 in the are there in June
Say: I have here an and July? Varied answer
morning. He arrived at school
at 7: 45 a.m, but the class has instrument that tells us the
started already. Leroy got the time. Do you know what it 2. How many days
Leroy is always late
lowest score among the class is? are there in
He reached home at 5
because of being late. August?
Since then, Leroy learned his Show the class the wall 3.Developmen 3. The cold months Varied answer
lesson that he must go to He started watching his clock. tal Activities are December
school on time. favorite cartoon at 8:15 and January.
in the evening Say: Today, we will Pupils take a How many days
Answer the following: learn how to read a clock. look at the are the cold
1. Who is always late? He went to bed at 11:30 clock. Pupils months?
2. According to the story, in the evening 3. Developmental describe the 4. Summer vacation
what time did he reach He arrived in school at Activities clock. is April and May.
home? 7:45. How many days
3. What time did he start A. Presenting of in the summer
watching his favorite Lesson vacation?
cartoon? Present a wall clock.
Let them take a look
at the clock. Ask what Very good
they observe. children.
4. What time did he go to
bed? 3 hands,
5. What time did he arrive numbers 1-12, 3.Motivation Varied answer
5 60 dots/lines
at school?
for minute Class I’ll read a Varied answer
12 markers sentence and you will
Very Good! choose the most
Let’s go back to the time he sensible answers. Varied answer
reached home.
Look at the clock. A. Amor slept for
Say: This is a clock. A
(The teacher will point to the 2(seconds,
clock tells us the time.
clock) hours, days). Varied answer
Ask: What are the parts of
B. Allan takes
a clock?
Where does the hour hand 15(second,
point? Let them note that the hours, days).
Where does the minute hand clock has hands, a short C. Miles can wink
point? hand, a long hand, and a her eye in
Now, when the hour hand fast moving second hand, (minute, hour,
points to 5 and the minute numbers 1-12 around the second).
hand points to 12, the time is 5 Pupils may D. Abigail can
clock, and 60 minutes give varied
o’clock . lines. solve a math
suggestions. problem in
Always remember that when Some may 2(minutes,
Say: All of these parts of already know
the minute hand points to 12, it the clock helps us tell the seconds,
is read as “o’ clock” not 60. how to read a hours)
time of the day. clock.
But when the minute hand B. Performing the Very good.
point to the numbers 1 to 11, 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,
we read those numbers 45,50,55 B. Developmental
Ask: How will you read the
starting from 1 as 5, time? Activities
O’clock 1. Presenting the
Can you count by 5 with Lesson
me? O’clock So this time I will
(The teacher will point to the read a story. Please
numbers while they read) 5 o’clock listen. Last Saturday,
While the 12 is read as? Nina helped her
3 mother wash their Yes ma’am
Very Good! clothes. They started
Can you say it again Say: Start by noticing the
washing at 7:30 a.m.
“o’clock”. short hand of the clock.
and finished at 10:30
What is the time on the The short hand tells the
5 a.m. How many
clock? hour. It points from 1-12.
hours did they wash Varied answer
We read the short hand
the clothes? How
After reading the time we from 1-12. It moves
many minutes is Varied answer
must also know how to write clockwise.
time. Ask: In the example
above, what hour is Varied answer
Look at the clock. So class did you
Where does the hour hand pointed by the short hand? understand the
point? story?
(The teacher will write it on 12
the board) So here is the first
Good! In writing time we No A. What are given?
We read it as
always write the hour first then 7:30 a.m. and
1, because it
next to it is the minute. 10:30 a.m.
already passed
1 but did not B. What is being
Where does the minute hand asked?
points? reach 2 yet.
C. How will we solve
Are we going to write 12 as Say: If the short hand the problem?
the minutes? points in between two
Very Good! numbers, we read the last  Plan
number going clockwise. Use a model Yes ma’am
When the minute hand points clock or
to 12 you will write it as 00 not Ask: In this example, do number line
60 but we read that as we read it as 1 or 2? Why? to show the
“o’clock”. 8:15 elapsed time.
(The teacher will write it on Say: We read the 10  Solve
the board) shorthand pointing at 1 Guide the
(Let the children read the and not 2 because it went pupils to
time.) 8 past 1 and not yet at 2. convert the
numbers of
Now, after he reached home. Eight Give other examples. Tell hours to
What time did he start 3 the hour. minutes Washing
watching his favorite cartoon?  Look back clothes
15 1 A. Is the
Very Good! answer
Look at the clock! correct? Helpful
Where does the hour hand 5,10,15 B. What is
point? the
Good! How do we read that? correct Yes ma’am
Where does the minute hand label? (3
point? 8:15!
1 hours)
How do we read it if the Varied answer
minute hand points to 3? Asking the following
Let’s see if it is the correct, 8:15 questions.
count with me by 5.
How did Nina helped
Very Good! her mother?
Again, if the hour hand points
to 8 and the minute hand point What can you say Varied answer
to 3, what time is it? (The pupil will write the about Nina?
Next, we will write the time. Do you think her
Who can write it on the mother appreciated
board? 11:30 what Nina did?
(The teacher will call a pupil)
11 What do you do to Varied answer
Very Good! help your mother in
We write the hour first next is 6 her household
the minutes. Say: After reading the chores?
short hand, we then read
What time does he go to 30 Solving other
the long hand. The long
bed? hand tells the minute. It problems:
Look at the clock. also points from 1-12 but 1. Nestor went to
Where does the hour hand 5,10,15,20,25,30 the province
the counting is different
points? from the short hand. With for 3 weeks.
Where does the minute hand the short hand, we only How many
points? count from 1-12. With the days did he
How do we read 6 in 11:30 long hand, we count from stay in the
minutes? 00-59. province?
2. Your favorite
Let’s see if it is correct. Let us (The pupil will write the movie is 90
count the number by 5’s. time) minutes long.
How many
Very Good! hours long is
When the hour hand points the movie?
to 11 and the minute hand
point to 6, what is the time? Performing the
Now, who can write the time 7 o’clock
on the board? Let pupils do
(The teacher will call a pupil) 00 minute Activity 1 by groups.
Say: Notice the minute
Very Good! markings around the Discuss the problem
We write the hour first next is clock. There are 60 Pupils practice one at a time. Let
the minutes. minutes markings. We skip counting pupils show their
start counting from 00 up by 5s. solutions and
Next, what time did he wake to 59. That means in one answers per
up? full turn of the long hand, it question.
Look at the clock. 7:00 is equivalent to 60
Where does the hour hand minutes. Answer Key:
Where does the minute hand (The pupil will write the Ask: In the example 1. 2 hours
points? time) above, what minutes is 2. 6 minutes
shown by the long hand? 3. 36 months;
Very Good! 156 weeks; 1
When the hour hand points Practice counting the 095 days
to 7 and the minute hand point minute markings by 5s 4. 1 day and 16
to 12, what is the time? hours
Say: Notice that we can
Very Good! count quickly the minutes 05 minutes
Who can write the time on 7:45 Processing the
by skip counting by 5 with 15 minutes
the board? each hour marking from 1- Activity:
(The teacher will call a pupil) 12.
7 30 minutes Ask: What do you
Very Good! Give other examples. Tell 35 minutes need to find in
We write the hour first next is 9 the minutes. problem number 1?
the minutes. 2?3?4?
45 How can we solve
Lastly, what time did he 45 minutes problem 1?
arrive in school? 55 minutes How did you convert
Look at the clock. 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40, 120 minutes to
45 hours? How can we
Where does the hour hand solve problem 2?
points? How did you convert
Where does the minute hand 360 seconds to
points? minute?
How do we read 9 in 7:45
How can we solve
minutes? problem 3?
Let’s see if it is correct. Let (The pupil will write the How did you convert
us count the number by 5’s. time) 3 years to months,
into weeks and into
Very Good! days?
When the hour hand points How can we solve
to 7 and the minute hand point problem 4? What is
to 9, what is the time? the answer for
Say: Now that we know 4:00 or 4 o’ problem 1?2?3?4?
Now, who can write the time how to read the short hand clock
on the board? and the long hand, we can Reinforcing the
(The teacher will call a pupil) G-OO-D- JOB! now tell the time. We just Concept
G-OO-D- JOB! need to read the short
Very Good! Good Job! Good Job! hand first and then the Let pupils do Activity
We write the hour first next is long hand. 2 by group. Discuss
the minutes. Pupils may
give varied their answers and
Say: Tell what time it is solutions.
Very Good! Summarizing the
Let’s give ourselves a good Yes
Lesson Ask:
job clap! He got the lowest score
in the exam How do we solve
We should come on problems involving
Values Integration: time to avoid being late converting time
in class. 3:30 4:45 measure?
Now, at the end of the story. To solve problems
Do you think he learned his Ask: How do you know involving conversion
lesson for going to school late? Sleep early and go to
school on time. you are correct? of time, identify the
given time measure
Say: We read it as 4’o and to which time
Why should we always come clock, we write it as 4:00. 7:15 8:55 measure it should be
on time? converted. Know the
Very Good! Give more examples. Tell different conversion
the correct time. formula and how they
How can you avoid being late Be punctual are used. E.g.
in class? To convert minutes to
seconds, multiply the
Very Good! numbers of minutes
We should practice going to The short hand tells the
hour while the long hand by 60. To convert
school on time or we should hours to minutes,
always “be punctual’. tells the minutes.
multiply the numbers
We write the hour first of hours by 60.
Can you say it again?
and next to it is the
minutes. 7 o ‘clock
6.GENERALIZATION A.M.becase Applying to New and
breakfast is Other Situations
How do we read the time eaten in the Answer Activity 3 in
shown in the clock? Say: Lastly, it is important
morning. triads.
to indicate if the time is in
A.M. or in P.M. We say 7 For times that
How do we write the time include Pupil’s doing activity
shown on the clock? o’clock A.M. If we mean 7
o’ clock in the morning. midnight,
dawn, and Discuss their
We say 7 o’ clock P.M. If solutions and
7.APLICATION ( Group mean 7 o’ clock in the morning.
For times that answers afterwards.
Activity) evening.
include noon,
afternoon and Answer Key:
The teacher will group the Ask: What time is
class into four groups. The breakfast eaten? Is it at 7 evening.
1. 9x12 months=
teacher will show a toy clock. o’ clock A.M. or P.M.? 108 months;
The pupils will write the time on Why? When are the other 9x52
their “Show-me-Board”. times we can use A.M.? weeks=468
The group which has the P.M.? We read the weeks
most number of correct short hand
answers wins. first, followed 2. 2 ½ days
by the long 3. 1 ¼ hours(1
FIXING SKILLS (Individual hand. hour & 15
Activity) minutes); 75
We count by minutes
Bring out your Textbook in 5s because 4. 5 400 seconds
Elementary Mathematics each hour has
Grade 1. 5 minute
Open it on page 147. C.Processing the marks. IV. Evaluation
Activities Let them answer
Somebody will read the time To identify if Activity 4 individually
first and then I will call a pupil How do we read the time the time is in to assess pupil’s
who will write the time on the from a clock? the morning or understanding of the
board. in the evening. lesson.

Answer Key:
1. 12 weeks
Which do you think is the Pupils will read 2. Vince sleeps
most convenient way to the time shown more by 120
read the minutes of the in the wall minutes
time? Why? clock. 3. About 11
4. Lena spent 10
Why do we have to put minutes more
A.M. or P.M. when telling for baking than
the time? Malou; 600
A clock seconds
D.Reinforcing the
V. Assignment
a. Class Activity hand/Short
Teacher uses a wall hand, Minute Refer to Activity 5 for
IV. EVALUATION clock and lets the hand/Long their homework.
Direction: Draw a clock shows pupils tell the time. hand, second
in the given time. The time shown on hand, hour Answer Key:
8:45 7:30 the wall clock is marks, minute 1. 1 200 seconds
1;30 10:00 adjusted each time. marks. 2. 35 days
4:15 3. 84 months;
E. Summarizing the Read the short 364 weeks
1. Lesson hand followed
2. by the long
3. What do we use to tell the hand.
4. time?
What are the parts of a
Draw a clock that shows in the To indicate if
given time. the time is in
1. 2:05 the morning or
2. 1:09 afternoon.
3. 7:30
4. 6:00
5. 5:45
How do we read the time?

Why it is important to
indicate A.M. or P.M. with

F. Applying to New and

Other Situations

a. Class Activity
- Teacher will give
6:30 A.M.
sentences. Let the
pupils read the
correct time to
complete the
6:45 A.M.
1. I wake up at _____

8:00 A.M.
2. I eat my breakfast
at _____

3. My morning class
start at ______ 10:00 A.M

12:00 P.M.

4. I eat my snack at

5. I eat my lunch at
1:00 P.M

4:50 P.M
6. My afternoon
classes start at
6:45 P.M

7. I go home from
school at ____

7:15 P.M

8. I eat my dinner at

8:00 P.M

9. I do my homework
at _____

10. I go to sleep at ___


Match the clock faces

in Column A to the correct
time in Column B.

A. B.

1. A. 7: 03

2. B. 6:45

3. C. 4:50
4. D. 7:15

E. 6:30

Refer to Buluhaton 2 A
in their LM page 330.
Have the pupils write their
answers in their

1.No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
2. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
3. Did the
remedial lesson
work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
4.No. of learners
who continue to
5.What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
6.What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/ discover
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:
Jessa Mae B. Galanida

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