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1500 pts Skaven 8th Edition Adam (flest mulige figurer du har) (Warhammer

Fantasy 8th ed) [1,498pts]

Standard (Skaven - Army Book (2013-4) -V8.7.7.) [1,498pts]


- Army Size
Selections: Army (0-2999 points)

Lords [215pts]

Queek Headtaker [215pts]

Selections: AB - Dwarf Gouger, AB - Warp-shard Armour
Categories: LORDS
Rules: Extreme Distrust, Hatred (Dwarfs/Orcs/Goblins), Scurry Away! (FAQ'ed), Strength in
Numbers (FAQ'ed), Trophy Heads
Armour: Warp-shard Armour, Model: Queek Headtaker, Weapon: Dwarf Gouger + Additional

Saving Throw
Armour Special Rules Ref
Warp-shard Each succesfull Armour Save in close combat, AB
Armour enemy takes a S5 hit p72

Model M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Ref

Queek AB
5 7 4 4 4 3 7 6 8 Infantry
Headtaker p72

Weapon Range Strength Special Rules Ref

No armour saves allowed from any of Queek's
Dwarf Gouger + AB
Combat As user attacks. Always wound Dwarfs on a 2+ (not
Additional blade p72
modified in challenge)

Heroes [285pts]

Plague Priest [285pts]
Selections: Plague, Plague Furnace [150pts]
Categories: HEROES
Rules: Billowing Death, Frenzy, Fuming Close Combat, Icon of the Horned Rat, Impact Hits
(D6), Large Target, Magic Resistance (*), Pestilent Blessing, Pushed into Battle (FAQ'ed),
Scurry Away! (FAQ'ed), Strength in Numbers (FAQ'ed), Unbreakable
Model: Plague Furnace, Plague Monk Crew, Plague Priest, Weapon: Hand Weapon
Wizard Level 2 [35pts]
Selections: Skaven Spells of Plague

Model M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Ref

Plague AB
- - - 5 6 6 - - - -1 2 Unique
Furnace p48
Plague Monk AB
- 3 - 3 - - 3 6 -
Crew p48
Plague AB
5 5 3 4 5 2 5 3 6 Infantry
Priest p45

Weapon Range Strength Special Rules Ref

Hand Weapon Combat As User None BRB p88

Core [375pts]

Clanrats [185pts]
Selections: Champion [8pts], Musician [4pts], Standard Bearer [8pts]
Categories: CORE
Rules: Scurry Away! (FAQ'ed), Strength in Numbers (FAQ'ed)
Armour: Light Armour, Model: Clawleader, Weapon: Hand Weapon
20x Clanrats [100pts]
Selections: 20x Shields [10pts], 20x Spears [10pts]
Armour: Shield, Model: Clanrat, Weapon: Spear (Foot)
Poisoned Wind Mortar [65pts]
Selections: Poisoned Wind Mortar
Rules: Attached Unit, Scurry Away! (FAQ'ed), Strength in Numbers (FAQ'ed)
Armour: Heavy Armour, Model: Weapon Team, Weapon: Hand Weapon, Poisoned Wind

Armour Saving Throw modifier Special Rules Ref

Heavy Armour 5+ BRB p43
Light Armour 6+ BRB p43
Shield -1 Parry Save (BRB-88) BRB p43

Model M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Ref

Clanrat 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 Infantry
Clawleader 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 5 Infantry
Weapon AB
5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 (Stone
Team p60

Weapon Range Strength Special Rules Ref

Hand BRB
Combat As User None
Weapon p88
Move and Fire, 3" Template, Indirect fire is double
scatter roll, Can use Parent Units Line of Sight if within
3", Poisoned Wind Mortar Misfire chart (AB-63), AB
Wind 6-24" -
Warpstone Weapon (AB-33)(FAQ'ed), wounds on 4+ p63
under hole 5+ else, Unmodified To Hit on 1 wound
Globadier on 5+, No Armour Saves.
Spear BRB
Combat As user Fight in extra rank (not when charged)
(Foot) p91

Clanrats [190pts]
Selections: Champion [8pts], Musician [4pts], Standard Bearer [8pts]
Categories: CORE
Rules: Scurry Away! (FAQ'ed), Strength in Numbers (FAQ'ed)
Armour: Light Armour, Model: Clawleader, Weapon: Hand Weapon
20x Clanrats [100pts]
Selections: 20x Shields [10pts], 20x Spears [10pts]
Armour: Shield, Model: Clanrat, Weapon: Spear (Foot)
Warpfire Thrower [70pts]
Selections: Warpfire Thrower
Rules: Attached Unit, Rapid Reaction, Scurry Away! (FAQ'ed), Strength in Numbers
Armour: Heavy Armour, Model: Weapon Team, Weapon: Hand Weapon, Warpfire Thrower

Armour Saving Throw modifier Special Rules Ref

Heavy Armour 5+ BRB p43
Light Armour 6+ BRB p43
Shield -1 Parry Save (BRB-88) BRB p43

Model M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Ref

Clanrat 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 Infantry
Clawleader 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 5 Infantry
Weapon AB
5 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 5 (Stone
Team p60

Weapon Range Strength Special Rules Ref

Hand BRB
Combat As User None
Weapon p88
Spear BRB
Combat As user Fight in extra rank (not when charged)
(Foot) p91
Move or Fire (but can pivot) (BRB-73), Flame Template,
Warpfire Thrower Misfire chart (AB-60)(FAQ'ed),
Warpfire Artillery AB
5 Warpstone Weapon (AB-33)(FAQ'ed), automatic hits,
Thrower dice p60
Flaming Attacks (BRB-69), target must take panic test
when suffering a casualty

Special [293pts]

Plague Monks [130pts]
Selections: Champion [10pts], Musician [5pts], 15x Plague Monks [105pts], Standard Bearer
Categories: SPECIAL
Rules: Frenzy, Scurry Away! (FAQ'ed), Strength in Numbers (FAQ'ed)
Model: Bringer-of-the-Word, Plague Monk, Weapon: Hand Weapon, Two/Additional Hand
Weapons (Models on foot only)

Model M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Ref

Bringer-of- AB
5 3 3 3 4 1 3 2 5 Infantry
the-Word p44
Plague Monk 5 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 5 Infantry

Weapon Range Strength Special Rules Ref

Hand Weapon Combat As User None
Extra Attack (BRB-69),
Two/Additional Hand Weapons BRB
Combat As user Requires Two Hands (BRB-75)
(Models on foot only) p91

Rat Ogres [163pts]
Categories: SPECIAL
Packmaster [53pts]
Rules: Mixed Unit (FAQ'ed), Running with the Pack, Scurry Away! (FAQ'ed)
Armour: Light Armour, Model: Packmaster, Weapon: Hand Weapon, Whip (Two/Additional
Hand Weapons (Models on foot only))
Master Moulder [45pts]
Selections: Things-catcher [20pts]
Rules: Verminous Valour (FAQ'ed)
Model: Master Moulder, Weapon: Things-catcher
Rat Ogres [55pts]
Selections: Champion [15pts]
Rules: Beast Pack, Fear, Frenzy, Mixed Unit (FAQ'ed), Scurry Away! (FAQ'ed), Stomp
Model: Master-bred Rat Ogre, Rat Ogre, Weapon: Claws and savagery
Rat Ogres [55pts]
Selections: Champion [15pts]
Rules: Beast Pack, Fear, Frenzy, Mixed Unit (FAQ'ed), Scurry Away! (FAQ'ed), Stomp
Model: Master-bred Rat Ogre, Rat Ogre, Weapon: Claws and savagery

Armour Saving Throw modifier Special Rules Ref

Light Armour 6+ BRB p43

Model M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Ref

Master AB
6 5 3 4 4 2 5 2 6 Infantry
Moulder p53
Monstrous AB
bred Rat 6 4 1 5 4 3 5 4 5
Infantry p55
Packmaster 6 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5 Infantry
Monstrous AB
Rat Ogre 6 3 1 5 4 3 4 3 5
Infantry p55

Weapon Range Strength Special Rules Ref

Claws and savagery Combat As user as Hand Weapon
Hand Weapon Combat As User None
Requires Two
Hands (BRB-75), AB
Things-catcher Combat As user
Killing Blow (BRB- p53
Extra Attack (BRB-
Whip (Two/Additional Combat, through 1 rank of
69), Requires Two AB
Hand Weapons (Models Rat Ogres or up to 3 ranks As user
Hands (BRB-75) p53
on foot only)) of Giant Rats

Rare [330pts]

Doomwheel [150pts]
Categories: RARE
Rules: Grinding Down the Foe, Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D6+1), Large Target,
Rolling Doom (FAQ'ed), Terror, Zzzzap! (FAQ'ed)
Model: Crew, Doomwheel

Model M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Ref

Crew - 3 3 2 - - 4 2D6 7 -
Doomwheel 3D6 - - 6 6 5 - * - 4+ Unique

Warp Lightning Cannon [90pts]

Categories: RARE
Rules: Warp Lightning Cannon (FAQ'ed), Warpstone Weapon (FAQ'ed)
Model: Cannon, Engineer & Crew x3, Weapon: Cannon Ball

Model M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Ref

Cannon - - - - 6 4 - - - Warmachine
& Crew 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 -

Weapon Range Strength Special Rules Ref

Cannon 2nd Artillery 3" Template after bounce, No Armour Saves, AB
Ball Dice roll Multiple Wounds (D6)(BRB-73) p68

Warp Lightning Cannon [90pts]

Categories: RARE
Rules: Warp Lightning Cannon (FAQ'ed), Warpstone Weapon (FAQ'ed)
Model: Cannon, Engineer & Crew x3, Weapon: Cannon Ball

Model M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Ref

Cannon - - - - 6 4 - - - Warmachine
& Crew 5 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 -

Weapon Range Strength Special Rules Ref

Cannon 2nd Artillery 3" Template after bounce, No Armour Saves, AB
Ball Dice roll Multiple Wounds (D6)(BRB-73) p68

Selection Rules
Attached Unit: . (AB p60)
Beast Pack: . (AB p55)

Billowing Death: . (AB p49)
Extreme Distrust: . (AB p72)
Fear: . (BRB p69)
Frenzy: . (BRB p70)
Fuming Close Combat: . (AB p49)
Grinding Down the Foe: . (AB p67)
Hatred (Dwarfs/Orcs/Goblins): . (BRB p71)
Icon of the Horned Rat: . (AB p48)
Immune to Psychology: . (BRB p71)
Impact Hits (D6): . (BRB p71)
Impact Hits (D6+1): . (BRB p71)
Large Target: . (BRB p72)
Magic Resistance (*): . (BRB p72)
Mixed Unit (FAQ'ed): Errata:
Page 53 – Mixed Unit
Change “[...] on a 1-4 a Giant Rat is hit, [...]” to “[...] on a 1-
4 a Giant Rat or Rat Ogre is hit, [...]” (AB p53)
Pestilent Blessing: . (AB p48)
Pushed into Battle (FAQ'ed): ERRATA:
Page 49 – Pushed into Battle.
Change the first sentence to “A single Plague Furnace can be
deployed in each unit of Plague Monks.”

Page 49 – Moving the Plague Furnace.
Change to “The Plague Furnace moves and treats terrain in
the same manner as a Screaming Bell (see page 43).” (AB p49)
Rapid Reaction: . (AB p60)
Rolling Doom (FAQ'ed): Amendments:
Page 67 - Rolling Doom
Replace this special rule with the following:
“The Doomwheel has the Random Movement special rule,
with the following exceptions.
• If the move takes it into a friendly unit, the creature will
inflict D6+1 S6 Hits, distributed in the same manner as
shooting attacks, and then stop 1" away from the unit (or flee
through it if it is fleeing).”
• The Doomwheel treats terrain in the same manner as a
Note that the ‘Loss of Control’ rule remains unchanged.

Page 67 - Doomwheel, Rolling Doom, Loss of ControlIgnore

the second paragraph. (AB p67)
Running with the Pack: . (AB p53)
Scurry Away! (FAQ'ed): Errata:
Page 33 – Scurry Away!
Change the second sentence to “Units with the Scurry Away!
special rule add +1 to the total rolled to determine the distance
they flee.” (AB p33)
Stomp: . (BRB p76)
Strength in Numbers (FAQ'ed): Errata:
Page 33 – Strength in Numbers
Change the second sentence of the first paragraph to “Units
with the Strength in Numbers special rule add their current
rank bonus to their Leadership value for any Leadership test.”

Page 33 – Strength in Numbers
Change the second sentence in the fourth paragraph to “Any

bonus from the ranks of the General's unit is not passed on to
units within his Inspiring Presence range.” (AB p33)
Terror: . (BRB p78)
Trophy Heads: . (AB p72)
Unbreakable: . (BRB p78)
Verminous Valour (FAQ'ed): Errata:
Page 33 – Verminous Valour
Change the second paragraph to “If a Skaven player refuses a
challenge, a Skaven character or champion is placed in the back
rank as normal and may not attack, but the unit may still use
the model’s Leadership value.” (AB p33)
Warp Lightning Cannon (FAQ'ed): Errata:
Page 68 – Warp Lightning Misfire chart, Energy Overload
Change the second sentence to “Resolve a shot at maximum
Strength (10). It bounces 4D6" in a straight line from the
barrel of the gun, and the large round template is placed at the
furthest range. Any models under the template or in the path of
the Warp Lightning are hit.”

Page 68, 102, 112 – Warp Lightning Cannon, profile
Change the Wounds and Attacks characteristics of the
Engineer and crew to “1”.
Page 68, 106 – Warp Lightning Cannon, Special Rules
Ignore the Ponderous War Machine paragraph. Change the
second paragraph to “The Warp Lightning Cannon is a war
machine with three crew.” (AB p63)
Warpstone Weapon (FAQ'ed): Errata:
Page 33 – Warpstone Weapons
Change the second sentence to “Warpstone weapons and
attacks made by them count as magical.” (AB p33)
Zzzzap! (FAQ'ed): Errata:
Page 67 - Doomwheel, Zzzzap!
Change the first sentence to “In each friendly Shooting phase,
even when engaged in close combat or when fleeing, the
Doomwheel unleashes three bolts of warp lightning.”

Page 67 - Doomwheel Misfire chart

Change the first sentence of the Out of Control result to “If the
Doomwheel is unengaged, it immediately makes a Random
Move in a Random Direction.” (AB p67)

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