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Pr. Mustapha BENZAHRA

English course


Put the sentences into their order

1 a is name I and

2. am

3. remarried. mother with who !S live I EIy l

4. a nice.

5. re old. b.ycare ten

6. bit got five. He's a

7. Wy_ She's. I dogs love shy=

8. h gqt flat.

9. eIüy We've gqE goldfish! some

1O. with nny- brother. 4gy share ! room

1 beautiful

2. at Look tonigh!. the new moon -]

3 two table

4. in a many. yCAr? there are months How

5. in There one gky- onty cloud tre t§

6. windows in

7. mail gn box the there corner? a IS

8. the in now. There nobody room !§ I

9. How are in many

10. missing had The students ysstefdA.y. three teacher

1. the A! road. end q[ iS Death the

2. !s He beauty- lover of a

3. for is to said hap_piness be search essential. The

4. After car.

5. pjlo't. dream is His to a become

man with

7 ! women are

8. dag say.I

The baby.

10. beautiful a He house. bought old

1. are flags tqp_ ef AÈ there many_ the How building? the

2. Are doctors there in this area? several

3. q not restaurant near good § There here.

4. exercise? each in How sentences many. there are

5. chair each room. in wanted comfortable L a

6. there p_güCg!!!gn were Last night, on two corner. each

7. there the Was on message table for yesterday_? a me

8. word. are There tn this three SyJablcs not

9. there tn the dining How lamp_S are room? many

1O. of seats We good plgty available. have

1. me. face deadly:æ His frightened

2, sit used on the wall. I little to red-painteg!

3. snow-covered a are The hills leyely sighL

4. door. Who a:! the rang it? Someo-ne was

5. the interesting one book least can lt's read.

6-hg,il4 y.ears matry. it dig! How take p_yramids? to the

7. Eehind the barking two gate, fierce


8. Ed year. since fain have the little We the beginning gf

9. after flowers storm. A left were few the

10. bgy I planE must eafth fsI little a tny

ffi nead the text again and answer the questions.
i Does make a profitZ
: What two advantages does offer to job_seekers?
-r Find two advantages for employers of using the site.
+ which trvo kinds of business are losing money because of,s
: what advice does the article give to people who want to use the site to
find a jobi

The Economist

c Inonster'
ad advertisement
resumé (American Engtish) summary of
your education and previous jobs, which
you use when you are [ooking for a job
British Engtish: Ctl (CurricuLum Vitae

filter software that setects the job-

seeker's detai[s to match the emptoyer,s
headhuntîng persuading someone to
leave theirjob and go to work for another
company in a similar position

Face vatue

The onlinejob market

How Jeff Taylor changed the way the labour martet wor*s

M :iiïi'j:Ë!.ii.î
i,::' l;:J,'
marketplaces reach more
i Job-seekers supply resumés and
employers pay to scan them or to post
job ads. Most of the services ihat
numbers ofresumés with
accuracy. Monster is a serious threat to
newsp-apers, which historically made
_and can offer more efficiency job-se-ekers get are free,
but they have to 4O% of their revenues from carrying ads,
than physical markets. It also shows pay for a serv,ice that allows-them to up to half of which were for -staff
that money can be made in such contact each other for advice and career Headhunting
markets: Monster has a long record of management. They can use this service
firms have also lost
business, because demand for their help
profitability. to. ask. each other questions about, say, in filling lower-level iobs has fallen.
Jeff Taylor, who launched the site in what it is like to work for a firm'thai The online job mârket work well for
1994, says that the name is they. are thinking of joining. workers and employers who know what
the firm's "single most important success The main contri6ution" of Monster
tactor". It an image of
introduces has been to speed up hiring and vastly
th€y want. It works badly for people
who are unsure. Check thai you, àrr-é
youthful fun in what is basiàlv a lncrease the accuracy of the job_search
boring business. Supporting the brand is process. 'You post a job at 2pm lays clearly what kind of job you want.
^can The filters will then maki suie that it
a big advertising budget which accounts and_ get your first response at 2:01,,''Mr reaches the right human resource
for a quarter of the firm,s costs. He runs Taylor says proudly. And an emplover
expensive ads during key sponing events who knows exactly what he *rnis irn
departments. I
such as the Super Bowl. use Monstefs filters to search vast

: -.:' ': wourd_yo^u.ï:g r" onrine job-search site rike Monster

to Iook for a
job? whÿ / Why not?

Unit 8 r 69

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