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Write a short story based on ANY ONE of the given topic. Give a suitable title to
your story. (Word limit – 120 -150) (5 marks)

Irene gripped her mom’s hand harder as they walked through the doors of the imposing gray
building. Her mom had promised her they’d never have to come here again, but…
“I should have listened to you,” Greg acknowledged, as he lay curled up on the grass, his
clothes caked in mud. “You were right about…”


Outline: It was a late night. Anjali was about to switch off the light and go to bed when
she saw a light outside the window. On close observation, she found that it was a fire.

It was a late night. Anjali was about to switch off the light and go to bed when she saw a light
outside the window. On close observation, she found that it was a fire. A fire! The very idea
was horrifying. The house was on fire. Their own house was on fire! She lost her wits for a
moment. She tried to cry but words wouldn’t come out. She was in the grip of an unknown
fear. But soon she recovered her senses. She must do something-something immediately.

She rushed towards the bedroom of her parents. She barged in and cried, “Fire Ma, Fire! Papa
— fire!” At once they were out of their beds. They shouted, “Fire? Where?” They are on the
ground floor. They came to the window. A cloud of smoke was rising up. There were flakes
of fire rising. The Fire Alarm was rung. Soon all the neighbours appeared on the scene. The
‘Fire Brigade’ was informed and they replied promptly that they were on their way.

Now we were confronted with a problem. Should we use the lift or take the stairs to come
down? God senses prevailed. We decided to take to the stairs. My mother tried to collect
some valuables and documents. All other things were left behind. The thick layer of smoke
had spread all around. My parents took me and my younger brother and came down safe and
sound. The firemen did a wonderful Job. They reached there within fifteen minutes. Once on
their job, they performed it clinically and perfectly well. Most of the furniture, curtains and
carpets were burnt to ashes on the ground floor.
Thank God! There was no loss of human life. We thanked God and of course, the brave
firemen who brought the fire under control within half an hour. Later on, it was discovered
that a short circuit was the cause of the fire.

Draft a speech based on ANY ONE of the given topic. (Word limit–120-150)
( 5 marks )
It is commonly believed that nature has enough for man’s need, but not enough for man’s
greed. Prepare a speech to be delivered in the school assembly highlighting the role of
students in preservation and conservation of environment. 


Social Media sites are very popular among teenagers. They spend majority of their free time
on these sites, socialising with their friends. Prepare a speech to be delivered in the morning
assembly on the topic- ‘Social Media-Good or Bad for children?’


Q. These days cruelty towards animals is often heard and read about, in the newspapers. It is
unfair to be cruel towards animals as they are helpless, poor creatures who can’t even speak
out their agony. Prepare a speech, to be delivered in the morning assembly, making the
children realise about the cruelty towards animals.
Good morning, respected Principal, Headmistress, teachers and my dear friends.
Today, I am going to speak/express my views on the topic ‘How Can We Prevent Animal
Abuse?’ It is commonly seen that cats, dogs, horses and livestock animals are subjected to
abuse by humans.
Let’s try and make a difference to these animals who can’t even share their feelings and pain
with anyone. When we feel cold, they are cold too. If we feel hungry, they too feel hungry.
So friends, be nice to your pets. Feed them on time. Don’t keep them out in the cold outside,
bring them in. Don’t let animals suffer because of your neglect. Well, try and help the stray
animals too, as far as you can help it.
Here’s what you can do.
Whenever you find any wound, patches of missing hair or infection on the animal’s body,
take it to a vet. Similarly, if you see an extremely thin, starving or limping animal, take it to a
vet too. If you see any owner striking or otherwise physically abusing an animal, immediately
report the matter to the authority. Avoid keeping your animal chained. Keep your eyes and
ears open. Be aware and notice possible indicators for abuse. Any case of abuse should be
reported immediately. You and only you can make a difference to animals.
I make an appeal to all of you to respect animals and treat them with love, care and
understanding. Be kind to them and volunteer to help them if they are in need.

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