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1. Make a timeline on the evolution and development of the administration

Evolution of Public Administration started from the late nineteenth century. According to my search
there are 5 Phases of the evolution of Public Administration as a discipline.

(Phase 1) Politics Administration Dichotomy (1887-1926)

Woodrow Wilson’s “The Study of Administration” was the first to present the demand for separation
(Politics Administration Dichotomy) between politics and administration. His claim to distinguish
between politics and administration was reinforced in the early twentieth century with the publication
of Frank Goodnow’s book, “Politics and Administration: A Study in Government” (1900). He is known for
the intellectual father of American Public Administration.The fact that the administration is separate
from politics and the administration needs to be given a separate status for the sake of politics is being
propagated to the masses at this time.

It is said that while it is the responsibility of politicians to make political decisions, but politicians do not
have the experience or excellence needed to implement this decision. Therefore, to implement these
policies (decisions) successfully, qualified and trained employees are required. Only the administration
can rely on efficient and sustainable implementation of government policy. The scholars of this phase
have practiced more on the (Locus) basis of public administration. The bureaucratic institution of the
government is the mainstay of public administration.

(Phase 2) Principles of Administration (1927-1937)

1927 is considered to be the beginning of the second phase of the evolution of public administration as
the book “Principles of Public Administration” by W F Willoughby was published in the same year.

The book is considered the second most important publication in public administration after White’s
book. In this phase of the evolution of public administration, discussions on public administration have
been tried as scientific discussions since this time. It is thought that there are a number of scientific
principles in the discussion of public administration that need to be disclosed.

If these principles are consciously applied by the administrators in appropriate places, it is possible to
increase work efficiency and also to develop public administration as a scientific discipline.

(Phase 3) Era of Challenges (1938-1947)

The way in which public administration has developed over the years with its emphasis on principles has
faced some intellectual challenges with the publication of Chester I Barnard’s book “The Functions of the
Executive” in 1936. In this phase of the evolution of public administration, basically, the theoretical
concept of public administration is challenged from two perspectives.

First, a new generation of theorists thought that the dividing line between politics and public
administration was never possible.

Second, the administrative theories that have been published since 1940 criticize administrative
principles. The question arises as to whether there is a universal and ultimate principle in the

(Phase 4) Crisis of Identity (1948-1970)

The politics and public administration dichotomy and the application of universal principles in the field
of public administration have been abandoned by the theorists of public administration since the 1950s.

Administrative theorists of this time recognized the relationship of public administration with politics. As
a result, public administration became dependent on political science. In this situation, there is
confusion about what is the discussion area of public administration.

This is why this phase of public administration is called crisis of identity in public administration.To
overcome from this identity crisis, public administration came to be seen as an interdisciplinary
subject.Phase 5 of the Evolution of Public Administration

(Phase 5) Public Policy Perspective (1971- Onwards)

Another recent development of the administration is the discussion of public policy perspective. It
gained popularity through pluralistic interpretations, communication theories, and The Science of
Muddling through.The aim of this theory is to establish which social, political and economic or personal
forces are effective in policy making.

And here are the development of administration. German sociologists Max Weber was formally study
the development of modern bureaucracies made possible the industrial revolution and breakthroughs of
modern economies. From his definition of new administration and bureaucracy and to his majors'
principles it gives a huge mean to be orderly, to be fair and highly efficient. And Robert Behn defines the
New Public Management as the entire collection of tactics and strategies that seek to enhance the
performance of the public sector.

2. Is bureaucratic model still applicable today in private and public corporations such as the
government? Discuss.

A bureaucracy is a way of administratively organizing large numbers of people who need to work
together. Organizations in the public and private sector, including universities and governments, rely on
bureaucracies to function. The bureaucratic theory is still applicable in numerous modern organizations
that have multiple locations (Daft et al. 2017 p88). Almost any multinational organization is an instance
of Weber's model for bureaucracy. Bureaucracies can help organizations run smoothly and efficiently.
This allows large organizations to streamline processes and bring order to systems and procedures.
Management becomes easier and processes become less chaotic. Bureaucracies tend to include a
division of labor with clearly defined roles.

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