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Bachelor of Business Administration
1st Semester Examination, March-April 2021


Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 90

[Minimum Pass Marks : 32
Note : Answer all questions. The figures in the right-
hand margin indicate marks.

1. (a) Rewrite the senternce in suitable tense

with the verbs given in brackets : (any
eight) 1×8
(i) She (go) to school everyday.
(ii) The baby (cry) because it is hungry
(iii) You (wait) long for me ?
(iv) He (work) in the Post Office for
twenty years.
(v) I (wait) here for her since Seven
O’Clock but she (not come) yet.

DRG_51_(7) (Turn Over)


(vi) They (come) here a month ago.

(vii) Our servant (leave) us a few days
(viii)The Sun (shine) when we went out.
(ix) He (live) in England since 1970.
(x) I hope it (stop) raining by Five

(b) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals : 5

(i) We ...... help the needy
(ii) You ..... have a wrist Watch, if you
do well in the examination (future
(iii) You ...... leave the office early
today. (permission)
(iv) There is no other offer. I ......
accept the job (compulsion).
(v) They ...... gladly accept the offer
(c) Combine the following sentences using
gerund/infinitive : 3
(i) You must admit.
You copied in the examination.
(ii) He hates.
He does not like to meet people.

DRG_51_(7) (Continued)

(iii) Forgive me.

I had to ring up so early.
(d) Combine the following sentences : 2
(i) The rain stopped.
The game resumed.
(ii) Indian temples are adorned with
Indian temples are adorned with

2. Do as directed :
(a) Add relatives where needed (Rewrite the
whole sentences) : 5
(i) The man ...... I gave the book to has
(ii) The policeman ...... helmet you
knocked off is at the door.
(iii) The house ...... they are looking at is
my house.
(iv) Buy it back from the man ...... you
sold it to.
(v) People ...... live in glass houses
shouldn’t throw stones.

DRG_51_(7) (Turn Over)


(b) Combine the following sentences using

‘but’, or, ‘either or’, ‘neither nor’,
otherwise, or else : 10
(i) I am in the right.
You are in the wrong.
(ii) I do not want any property.
I do not want any riches.
(iii) He must work. He will starve.
(iv) You will have to invite him.
He will not come.
(v) Pay your bills in time.
Your electricity will be cut off.
(c) Do as directed : 3
(i) The teacher walked in.
The children greeted her. (combine
using no-sooner than)
(ii) I received her call.
I left for her place. (combine using
as soon as)
(iii) The car will keep running.
You will have to take good care
of it. (combine using as long as)

DRG_51_(7) (Continued)

3. (a) Combine the following sentences into

simple sentences : 6
(i) I insisted. I must see the certificate.
(ii) He admitted. He had taken the
(iii) He regretted. He had written a rude
(b) Combine the following sentences into
compound sentences : 6
(i) She did not cheat on the test.
It was the wrong thing to do.
(ii) He ran out of money.
He had to stop playing poker.
(iii) They got there early.
They really got good seats.

(c) Combine the following sentences into

complex sentences : 6
(i) My coffee was too cold.
I heated it on the microwave.
(ii) She returned the computer.
She noticed it was damaged.
(iii) He was wealthy.
He was unhappy.

DRG_51_(7) (Turn Over)


4. (a) Change the narration (any six) : 1×6

(i) He said, “I am learning German.”
(ii) “You must leave the country at
once,” said the Magistrate to the
(iii) “Where do you live ?” asked the
(iv) “How many of your friends are
coming to dinner ?” asked my wife.
(v) “Don’t try to be clever,” said Mrs
Verma to her servant.
(vi) He said to me, “Please give me a
(vii) He said, “Happy new year !”
(viii)The teacher said, “The earth is
(b) Change the voice (any six) : 1×6
(i) She showed the visitors the new
(ii) They told her to be quick.
(iii) They gave my little sister a ticket
(iv) Someone will read your another
chapter next time.
(v) People play football all over the

DRG_51_(7) (Continued)

(vi) They left the wounded behind.

(vii) Somebody must finish the work.
(viii)A friend told me the news this

5. (a) Write an essay on any one of the

following topics in about 200 words : 6
(i) India during the Lockdown
(ii) Social distancing
(iii) The importance of Engligh
(b) Write a paragraph on any one of the
following topics in about 150 words : 6
(i) On-line classes
(ii) Environmental pollution
(iii) Students and discipline
(c) Write a letter on any one of the
following : 6
(i) Write a business letter to the
Director of a software company,
making enquiries of software that
you require for your client.
(ii) Write a letter to the Registrar of
your University requesting him for
an early declaration of the results.

DRG_51_(7) 640

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