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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, the students were expected to:
1. Identify biases in the author’s work
2. Examine views /opinions and determine biases found.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Examining Biases authors made
Material/s: power point presentation, pictures

III. Learning Procedure

Daily routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Attendance

Pre- activity
Choose the 1 that you like the best
Instruction: the student will choose from the two given pictures the one
that they like the best and explain why.

A. Activity
1. The student will be divided into four groups.
2. Each group will be given two pictures from the first activity.
3. Each member will give their idea about the pictures.
4. They will write a paragraph about their ideas of the picture and
present them in front.

Evidences present for Evidences Author’s most in favor

BTS presented for for

B. Analysis:
 After the presentation of each group. Their task is to look for the
evidences of biases in each presentation.
 Group 1 will check the output of group 2 and vice versa.
 Group 3 will check the output of Group 4 and vice versa.
 After 5 minutes they will present their output in front.


C. Abstraction
Bias means that a person prefers an idea and possibly doesn't give
equal chance to a different idea.

Our choices and preferences lead us to become bias

1. Cats are not good for anything.
2. I like all the foods being served, but there is no greater than
3. I don’t like tumbang preso anymore I am now a teenager.

For or against
Opinions, for or against, are based on personal views that may be
biased. Hence, it is important to examine biases that could influence
one’s judgment on a particular issue.

Importance of examining biases

Have you heard about fake news?
How do you know what is real or what is not?
How do you know if the information you’re getting is correct?

Fact vs. opinion

A fact generally refers to something that is true and that can be verified
such as. That is, a fact is something that can be proven to be true.
Knowing facts can help us to replace another problem with context and
access higher-order thinking skills. If the facts we have known are
accurate and accessible, they can be used in order to give context to
other situations.
1. Dogs have fur.
2. The Beatles were a band.
3. The last day of school is May 22nd
An opinion, however, is a statement that holds an element of belief; it
tells how someone feels. An opinion is not always true and cannot be
proven. In education, children as young as kindergarten engage in
conversation about facts and opinion
1. Dog fur is pretty.
2. The Beatles sang great songs.
3. May 22nd is the best day of the year

D. Application
Performance task
Peace starts from each person. How will you stop biases in your
community? This time it’s your turn to take an action. Choose one out
of the topics below and create your action plan in most creative way.
Be guided by the criteria given.

 School bullying because of racism
 Favoritism in school
 Discrimination to other nation
 Favoring most influential person in justice system

MECHANICS(presentation, grammar, coordination ) 5

IV. Evaluation
ASSESSMENT 1: Biased or Not Biased
Directions: Put a check mark (√) if the sentence is biased or a cross-mark
(x) if it is not. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
____ 1. Brand Z Bath Soap is endorsed by dermatologists in the
____ 2. Brand Z, the bath soap I used, is the leading brand in the
____ 3. Basketball is the best sports in the world.
____ 4. Basketball is one of the most widely played sports in the world.
____ 5. Carrot growers believe that carrots should be part of our daily diet.
____ 6. Carrots are a good source of Vitamin A which is good for the
____ 7. Mothers nurture best the emotional intelligence of their children.
____ 8. Study says that children’s intelligence is inherited from mothers.
____ 9. Generally, most of the students find Mathematics difficult.
____ 10. Boys are more inclined to learning Mathematics.


Prepared by:

Checked By:
Carolyn P. Daraman
Principal 1

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