Bangalore University Previous Year Question Paper AFM 2020

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V Semester B.B.A. Examination, March/April 2021

(CBCS) (F+R)(2016- 17 &Onwards)
5.5: Elective Paper I: Advanced Financial Management
Time 3 Hours Max. Marks 70
instruction: Answers should be written in
English only.

Answer any five

sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 2 marks. (5x2-10)
1. a) What is Co-efficient of variation ?
b) Give the meaning of composite cost of
capital. C L A R A

c) What is dividend ?
d) State any two internal sources of finance.
e) What is working capital?
1) State any two benefits of holding inventories.
g) Give the meaning of Corporate valuation.

Answer any three questions. Each question carries six marks.

2. Briefly explain the various forms of dividend.
3. Briefly explain the guidelines for Corporate valuation.
4. AM Company Ltd., has two projects X and Y, costing
Rs. 5,00,000 each.
The expected cash inflows and the certainty co-efficient are as

Year ProjectX Project YY

Cash inflow Co-efficient Cash inflow Co-efficient|
1 3,00,000 0.8 2,00,000 0.9
2 2 4,00,000 |0.7 3,00,000 0.8
3 4,50,000 0.9 3,00,000 0.7
Risk free cut-off rate is 10%, suggest which of the two
projects should be

UG-220 2
5. A Company issues 10,000, 15% preference shares of Rs. 100 each, cost
issue is Rs. 5 per share. Calculate the cost of preference capital, if the snares

are issued
a) at par
b) at a premium of 20%
c) at a discount of 5%.
. Prepare an estimate of working capital requirement from the followin9
information of a trading concern.
a) Projected annual sales 1,20,000 units.
b) Selling price per unit Rs. 10.
c) Profit percentage on sales - 30%.
) Average credit period allowed to customers-10 weeks.
eAverage credit period allowed by suppliers -5 weeks.
t) Average stock holding in terms of sales requirements 5 weeks.
g Allow 15% for contingencies.
Answer any three questions. Each question carries fourteen marks. (3x14-42)
7. From the following information, ascertain which project is more risky on the
basis of standard deviation and co-efficient of variation.
Project X Project Y

Cash inflowProbability | Cash inflow Probability_

3,000 0.1 3,000 0.2
6,000 0.4 6,000 0.3
12,000 0.4 12,000 0.3
L15,000 0.1 15,000 |0.2
8. Following are the details regarding the capital structure of generation next

Sources of Capital| Book Value Market Specific Cost|
Rs. Value (7)

Equity 8,00,000 10,00,000 20

Preference 4,00.000 6,00,000 16
Debt 3,00,0000 4,00,000 12
Retained Earnings 3,00,000 14
You aro roqulrod to dotermine the wolghted avorage cost of capital using
1) Book valuo as wolghts
2) Market valuo as weights.

9. A company's oxpected annual net operating Income is Rs. 2,00,000 and it has
6,00,000, 10% dobentures. The equity capltallizatlon rate is 12%.
a) Calculato the value of the firm and overall capitalization rate under Net
Income (NI) approach
b) What is the impact if the debt ls
) Increased to Rs. 8,00,000.
I) Decreased to Rs. 4,00,000.
10. A company is expected to have Rs. 20,000 cash in hand on O1/04/2019 and
roquests you to prepare cash budget for three months from April to June 2019.
The following information is supplied to you.
MonthSalesPurchases Wages Expenses
February 40,000 25,0004,000 3,000
March 50,000 35,000 5,000 4,000
April 60,000 40,000 6,000 4,500
May 80,000 50,000 6,000 5,000
June I 70,000 45,0005,000L 4,000
Additional Information
a) Period of credit allowed by suppliers is two months.
b) 25% of sales are for cash and the period of credit allowed to customers for
credit sales is one month
c) Delay in payment of wages and expenses is one month.
d) Income tax of Rs. 15,000 is to be paid in June 2019

11. Explain the factors which influence the dividend decision of a firm.

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