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1. Contractors who build the best roads and keep them in top condition they abide by different
rules! Explain them with details.
i. Get water away from the road
ii. Build on a firm foundation
iii. Use the best soil available
iv. Compact soil well
v. Design for winter maintenance
vi. Design for traffic loads and Volumes
vii. Pave only those roads that are ready
viii. Build from the bottom up
ix. Protect your investment
x. Keep good records

2. On research aspect, questions can then be used to used to break the main problem down
into questions to define sub problems! Explain five different things you can do to split up
the main question.?
i. Define – the first step is to define and list all the terms in the question even if
you think you already know.
ii. Identify – Identify what you want to know after the research
iii. Question – use the terms to writte smaller question
iv. Research – find the answer to each of the smaller questions
v. Test – look at what you need to know when done with the research. i.e does
your answer help you understand or provide an example to demonstrate your
vi. Answer – answer the question on your own words using your research to
support the ideas you presented on your answer.

3. There are four basic types of preliminary data (on research) distinguished by the way they
are coleected! Mention and explain them?

Methods/Ways of collecting Basic Data

i. Interviews – Collecting information by asking questions face to face, or through
phone etc.
ii. Observations – involves collecting information without asking questions. This
method is more subjective, as it requires the researcher, or observer, to add their
judgment to the data. But in some circumstances, the risk of bias is mini mal.
iii. Documents and records - Sometimes you can collect a considerable amount of
data without asking anyone anything. Document- and records-based research
uses existing data for a study. Attendance records, meeting minutes, and
financial records are just a few examples of this type of research.
iv. Focus groups - A combination of interviewing, surveying, and observing, a focus
group is a data collection method that involves several individuals who have
something in common. The purpose of a focus group is to add a collective
element to individual data collection.
v. Oral histories - At first glance, an oral history might sound like an interview.
Both data collection methods involve asking questions. But an oral history is
more precisely defined as the recording, preservation, and interpretation of
historical information based on the opinions and personal experiences of people
who were involved in the events.
vi. Questionnaires and surveys – they be used to ask questions that have closed-
ended answers.

4. Most drawings are laid out in a similar format! What are the different parts of a construction
Construction drawing is the drawing which provide graphic representation of what is to
be built.
Parties of Construction drawing
i. Title page
ii. Foundation plan
iii. Floor plan
iv. Sections
v. Elevation
vi. Roof plan
vii. Site Plan
viii. Typical details
ix. Electrical requirements
x. Plumbing
xi. Structure

5. With details, explain different line of construction ways?

- Object Lines - also called visible lines, are used to showthe main outline of the
building, includingexterior walls, interior partitions, porches, patios,
driveways, and walls. These linesshould stand out on a drawing.
- Dimension Lines - Thin unbroken lines that show the width orsize of objects.
Typically, have arrowheadson the ends.
- Hidden Lines - used to show areas that are not visible onthe surface
- Center Lines - Denote the middle of symmetrical objectssuch as exterior doors
and windows.
- Extension Lines - Extend from the object lines to thedimension lines. Usually
drawn thinnerthan object lines to avoid confusion.
- Cutting-Plane Line - Very wide lines used to denote an area tobe sectioned.
Cuts through a specificportion of a building or object to showdetails of
construction and interior pieces.
- Break Lines - are used to show an area that could notbe shown completely on
a drawing. Canbe used to shorten an object or to cutaway part of an object.
- Phantom Line - Indicates alternate positions of movingparts. Can also be used
to show a property line.
- Leader Line - An arrow pointing to a specific part of adrawing used mainly
for labeling.
- Section Lines - Used to indicate that a part has been cutthrough lighttype of
construction line.
- Construction Line - Used as a reference for use before objectline locations are

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