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Name:……………………………………………. GRADE 8 - Week: 08

Class:………………………………...…………… Date:…………………………………


I. Input the most appropriate article into the gaps.
1. ______________ aloe is _____________ sort of useful plants.
2. This is _____________ school for _____________ deaf.
3. _____________ Neva is one of _____________ most famous rivers in Russia.
4. _____________ epidemic of _____________ cholera broke out here _____________ few months ago.
5. I met my cousin at _____________ library half _____________ hour ago.
6. – How often do you go to _____________ church? – Twice _____________ month.
7. Is _____________ new boy in our school from _____________ Philippines?
8. _____________ mammoth was ______________ kind of animal that lived long ago.
9. _____________ Bahamas are located in _____________ Caribbean Sea.
10. ______________ Mount Everest is _________ world's highest mountain.
11. It is impossible to count all _________ stars in _________ sky.
12. _________ bones of dinosaurs have been found in _________ Gobi Desert.
13. I had _________ pizza and _________ orange for lunch. _________ pizza wasn't very good but
_________ orange was sweet.
14. She left _________ house without _________ umbrella.
15. There isn't _________ drop of _________ water on _________ moon.
16. They had a picnic on _________ Paradise Island and then caught _________ ferry to _________
Misty Island.
17. My nephew works for BBC so he took us to visit _________ radio station in _________
London at _________ weekend.
18. The ferry across _________ River Jordan is not far from _________ Quiet Hill.
19. _________ Philippine Islands are in _________ Pacific Ocean about 1450 miles away from
_________ Singapore.
20. _________ holidays will start on _________ sixth of _________ October. I shall leave for _________
Bangkok on _________ first day of _________ holidays. I have _________ uncle there who works
in _________ flour mill. He is _________ manager of _________ mill.
21. My brother caught _________ cold when he played _________ volleyball in _________ rain. He
did not dry himself properly after _________ game.
22. We shall have _________ dinner in _________ moment even if _________ girls are not _________
home by then. _________ food is nearly ready.
23. My brother said that _________ results of _________ examination will appear in ________
newspaper in _________ few days' time.
II. Fill in each blank with a, an, or the to complete the following passage.
Ethnic Groups
Vietnam is (1) multi-nationality country with 54 ethnic groups. The Viet
(Kinh) people account for 87% of (2) country’s population and mainly live in (3)_
Red River Delta, (4) central coastal delta, (5) Mekong Delta and
major cities. (6) other 53 ethnic minority groups, totaling over 8 million people,
are scattered over mountain areas spreading from the North to the South.
(7) number of ethnic minorities had mastered some farming techniques.
They grew rice plants in swamped paddy fields and carried out irrigation. Others went
hunting, fishing, collecting and live (8) semi-nomadic life. Each group has its
own culture, diverse and special.
However, (9) evident gap in the material and moral life has indeed still
existed between peoples living in the deltas and those living in mountain areas as well as
among ethnic minorities themselves. (10) Vietnamese government has worked
out specific policies and special treatments in order to help mountains people catching up
with lowland people, and made great efforts to develop and preserve traditional cultural
identities of each ethnic minority group.
III. Fill in each blank with a, an, or the to complete the following passage.
(1) Lo Lo ethnic group can be divided into Flower Lo Lo and Black Lo Lo.
Living in Lung Cu since ancient times, the Lo Lo people have made many efforts in making
(2) homeland suitable for farming. (3) Lo Lo folkloric culture is very
rich and unique, demonstrated with dances, songs, legends. (4) Lo Lo calendar
divides a year into 11 months, each corresponding to (5) animal’s name.
Decorations on their turbans, shirts, skirts and trousers are particularly colourful.
(6) ancient bronze drums are very important. (7) head of each
family is entitled to keep the drums which are used only during funerals or festivals
maintain rhythms for dances. The Lo Lo people are among (8) few ethnic groups in
Vietnam who still use bronze drums, (9) traditional musical instrument closely
associated with (10) legend about the Flood.
IV. Fill in each blank with a, an, or the to complete the following passage.
(1) ______ history of Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture started in 1891 when (2)
____________ French scientist began to collect Cham sculptures that had been
discovered in scattered areas of Quang Nam Province and brought them to Da Nang.
(3)______ first museum building was designed by French architects, and
construction began in 1915 and was finished by May 1916.
(4)______ Museum has played (5) _____ important role in preserving
sculpture items featuring the cultural, spiritual lives of the Cham people. They arranged
(6) displays in order of (7) ______ areas where (8) ______ objects were found.
V. Choose the word or the phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.
The Muong (1) ethnic roots with the Vietnamese people and their
language is classified in the Vietnamese-Muong language branch. The Muong live in (2)
areas which have abundant land for (3) wet rice. In a Muong
hamlet, stilt houses are located in the shade of big trees, huddle against the mountain, and
(4) out on vast rice fields. A Muong house is designed to maximize convenient
use and air ventilation to counter the warm, humid mountain climate.
The Muong’s (5)______ is special. Men often wear a round-neck shirt which
opens in the front and has two pockets. Their pants have large trouser legs. The Muong
women wear a long, black dress and a white or brown shirt with a line of buttons in the
front and long sleeves. They wind a white or indigo headscarf (6) their head.
The Muong have (7) folk arts including folk songs and poems, sorcerer’s
worshiping songs, tales, and riddle songs. The gong is (8) popular musical
instrument (9) the flute, the (10) violin, the drum, and the panpipe.
1. A. have B. share C. divide D. cut
2. A. mountain B. mount C. mountainous D. hill
3. A. growing B. harvesting C. putting D. raising
4. A. watch B. see C. stare D. look
5. A. cloth B. material C. costume D. costumes
6. A. out B. around C. at D. above
7. A. diverse B. diversity C. variety D. range
8. A. most B. the most C. more D. the more
9. A. together B. as well C. along D. along with
10. A. two strings B. two-string C. two string D. second-string
VI. Make questions for the underlined words for these answers.
1. ?
The Ha Nhi ethnic group has about 12,500 inhabitants.
2. ?
They live in the provinces of Lai Chau and Lao Cai.
3. ?
The Ha Nhi family worship their ancestors.
4. ?
They live on rice cultivation of burnt-over land or terraced fields.
5. ?
They use ploughs and harrows pulled by oxen and buffaloes to work in the fields.
6. ?
The gardens are often close to their houses.
VII. Make questions for the underlined words for these answers.
Ethnic groups in Central Highlands have the custom of making funeral houses and statues
for the dead.
People in the Central Highlands believe that man after death will move to another world.
If the dead were not buried in beautiful graves, they would return and harass the living.
Making funeral houses and cutting wooden statues are the way of building palaces and
supply slaves to the dead in the other world.
People in the Central Highlands use three tools to make statues.
The topics for funeral statues are taken from modern life.
VIII. Choose the correct form of the words (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences.
1. _____Thai’s main food is rice, especially sticky rice.
A. A B. An C. The D. 0
2. Among _____ ethnic minorities, _____ Odu group has the smallest population.
A. an/ the B. the/ an C. the/ the D. the/ 0
3. _____stilt house is the most popular architecture among _____ many of Viet Nam’s ethnic
A. A/ the B. A/ 0 C. The/ the D. The/ 0
4. The _____ fields are the most beautiful landscapes in the Northern mountainous region.
A. terrace B. terraced C. terraces D. terracing
5. _____Hmong has their own language and its language has _____ similar structure to _____
A. 0/0/0 B. The/ 0/ 0 C. The/ the/ 0 D. The/ the/ the
6. It is hard for most children in _____ villagers to get schooling.
A. far way B. far away C. far ways D. far-away
7. Viet Nam’s population _____ 53 ethnic groups and these groups are divided into dozens of
A. includes B. comprises C. makes D. displays
8. Viet Nam is one of the richest and _____ complex ethnic countries in South-East Asia.
A. more B. the most C. better D. the best
9. The _____ majority of Viet Nam’s minorities live in the hilly regions of the Northern area.
A. vast B. small C. less D. expand
10. Ba Na language belongs _____ the Mon Khmer group.
A. with B. to C. together D. in
11. In ethnic tradition, women _____ cloth to make garments for their family members.
A. weave B. knit C. sew D. make
12. Hunting and gathering used to be the main earning source of many ethnic groups’
people. However, they _____ sideline occupation.
A. had become B. became C. has become D. have become
13. The Cham _____ Islam and Brahmanism.
A. follow B. include C. complete D. contain
14. Each ethnic group has their own unique _____ and _____ identity.
A. cultural/ culture C. culture/ socio-cultural
B. socio-cultural/ culture D. culture/ socio-culture
15. Dao people _____ came from China.
A. origin B. origins C. original D. originally
IX. Read the passage and choose the correct answers.
Ruou can, also known as tube wine in English, is a unique drink that can be found in
the mountainous regions of Central Vietnam like Tay Nguyen. It’s made from rice and
other herbs. The recipe differs in various ethnic minorities groups depending on what is
available in their surroundings. The ingredients are kept in a ceramic jar for a month.
Using a thin bamboo straw, people drink ruou can directly from the jar. This drink is
commonly served during a special celebration such as weddings, New Year festivals….
People often gather around the wine jar and drink together while singing and dancing. It’s
considered an honour in many ethnic groups to be offered this kind of rice wine.
1. What does the writer call ruou can in the passage?
A. Tune wine. C. A and B are correct.
B. A kind of rice wine. D. A and B are incorrect.
2. What are the ingredients of ruou can?
A. Medical herbs. C. Rice and some local plants.
B. Some kinds of rice. D. Rice and woody plants.
3. Which of the following is TRUE about the recipe of ruou can?
A. This kind of wine is made in one month.
B. The ingredients are kept in a jar made of metal.
C. The recipe of ruou can in every area is the same.
D. People have to buy ingredients from other regions to make ruou can.
4. According to the writer, when do mountainous residents drink ruou can?
A. Before singing and dancing. C. When they climb to a mountain.
B. Every one month. D. When they celebrate special events.
5. Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage?
A. People drink ruou can from the same jar.
B. Ruou can is sold around the country.
C. Ruou can is usually made in mountainous regions.
D. Being served ruou can is an honour.
X. Choose the underlined word or phrase (marked A, B, C or D) in each sentence that
needs correcting.
1. The Tay have largest population than the Thai.
2. Ethnic minorities make up approximately 8% in the total population.
3. He was accused of discriminating to religious group.
4. In the Churu’s culture, women choose her spouses and set up the marriage processes.
5. The Co believe in the existence of the souls in every creature, and yet the souls of rice
grains are worshipped.
6. Slash and burn cultivation used to be their mean of income.
7. The Bru are believed to have the most permanent residents in Truong Son region.


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