Bonus 1 - Killer Text Message Scripts

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Bonus 1:
Killer Text Message


Have you ever met a girl and you were both clearly interested in
seeing each other again, but for some reason you never took her out
on the first date ? You don't really "get" what went wrong. She gave
you her number, you started texting each other, but then something
strange happened ?

She started to take longer to answer. Her replies got shorter and
eventually... she disappeared and stopped answering altogether.

So what the hell happened?

It's simple. You didn't know how to keep her interested in you via
text message long enough to get her to a date. I know, I know... text
messages are like a big mystery to many of us.

It's like some kind of secret language that we hope we already know
how to speak. The girls seem to speak it well, but for us... it's

But here's the good news. Once you learn the rules of the game, you
can play to win. Once you learn the "secret structure" of text message
flirting, it's like having a unfair advantage over all
the other guys she's talking to.


Texting is that superpower, which is why it's crucial to learn if you

want more women in your life:

You will have many more dates with women who like you and want
to be with you!

- You'll know how to keep a woman interested in you between dates

- And those phone numbers you get from women will turn into
relationships and sex.

Also, it's important to learn this because if she's attractive, she has
other guys who are texting her too.

If she is getting a bunch of typical, boring messages from you, and

other guys are sending messages that make her feel good and capture
her interest, she will date them and not you. Let's make sure that
doesn't happen.

The most important thing to know about getting a girl's


For starters, the phone number by itself is totally useless, and here's
why: when a girl gives you her number, she's not guaranteeing you a
date. She is only giving you an invitation to keep contacting her. You
still have to capture her attention and take her on a date.

Meanwhile, there is still that gap between when you meet her and
when you see her next. During that time, you are competing with all
her social media notifications, friends, family, and other guys who
are also interested in dating her.


ALL these people want her do you, so how are you
going to stand out in this sea of noise? Call her? Most women don't
answer the phone these days and prefer to communicate by text (at
least until they get to know you better).

So learning to text is no longer optional. It is a requirement if you

want to date an attractive woman.

Lucky for you, I have you covered. In this post, you will learn:

3 deadly mistakes every guy makes with texting that kill their
chances with the girl they want.

A simple trick I discovered that helps eliminate neediness and

anxiety when she's not answering your message right away.

A little-known "texting trap" that almost every guy falls into and
how to avoid it.

The CARE Sequence - your ultimate template for knowing

exactly what kind of text to send her and when.

What to say if she stops responding to you or is giving short,

one-word replies to your texts

And much more!

Let's roll up our sleeves and learn these things. And don't worry, it's
easy when you know the secrets that make it all work. I've got you
covered. The best way to get started is to learn...


The Foundation: The 5 Basics of Texting

Let's start with how to actually learn about texting . The first thing
you need to know is that learning how to text a girl is not like
learning math. In other words, once you learn that 1 + 1 = 2, you don't
need to learn anything else to understand it better. You have learned
the code and now you are ready.

Texting is more like learning to speak another language, playing an

instrument, or learning a sport. In other words, there is a learning
curve. Here is why this is good news for you.

Most guys won't bother to read a post like this, and so you will be
way ahead of them and have an unfair advantage. With that said,
let's dive into the five principles of text messaging.

Principle 1 - You should think about things from her point of


You probably don't realize what the daily reality of an attractive girl
is. She only has so much attention available, and everyone wants a
piece of her. What does this mean for you? It means that she won't
answer your messages just because you want her to. She always has
options, and therefore she doesn't "have to" respond to your texts if
they don't pique her interest

Principle 2 - Make her feel something

Women make decisions about who to pay attention to based on how

they feel at the moment.


If you send simple, boring texts like "Hey, how are you?" all the time,
she won't get any emotional value from interacting with you via text
message. Don't think of texting as a way to exchange data, think of it
as a way to convey feelings to her (which she then associates with

Principle 3 - Metal is easier to bend when it is hot

Let's say you want to bend a metal tube. It makes sense to heat the
tube first so that it will bend easily, right? Well, the same thing
applies to your emotions and decision-making process.

If you give her a surge of positive feelings with your texts and THEN
ask her's like heating the metal and then bending it. Much
easier, right? When you ask her out while she's feeling good about
you, the chances of her saying yes are much higher.

Principle 4 - Always Close

Once you get to know her, you should take the interaction forward
towards some kind of relationship (romantic or just sexual). Don't
just have regular text conversations. Keep in mind that you need to
take her on a real date and take the necessary steps to start a
relationship and be together physically.


Principle 5 - Master the high status filter

Guys often lose their chances with a woman because they put too
much importance (and pressure) on that girl. Instead, try this: act as
if you have a dozen other women texting you and that you are
someone of high status.

If you have a lot of women texting you, you will not try to have long,
drawn-out conversations with one woman. This will help remind
you that you need to go out with her, not waste time becoming her
text message buddy.

The high status filter also helps when you are anxious and waiting
for her to respond to your messages and she is taking longer than
you want her to.

3 deadly texting mistakes most guys make

Imagine if you were about to start driving a car, but had one foot on
the gas and one on the brake. Would you go anywhere? Of course
not! But would you waste gasoline, waste time, and stress the

Absolutely. It is a total waste of resources, right?

The same is true when you get a girl's number and start making any
of these three deadly texting mistakes.

You've already put in the effort to get her interested in you and get
her number... but if you start making these mistakes and she loses
interest (and stops responding), then it was all for nothing.


The first thing to learn here is how to take your foot off the brake
regarding text messages. Then you will automatically start moving

Mistake #1 - Trying to create attraction via text

One of the most important things to remember is that it's better to

create attraction in person when you're face to face, not by text. I've
seen many guys use text to try to tell stories, be funny or sarcastic,
asking deep questions, etc. Before long, she loses interest, starts
responding less and less, and then stops responding altogether.

Mistake #2 - Waiting too long to ask her out and make the date

The main reason why you get a girl's number is because you can't
take her on a date right there when you meet her. So you both get
busy. The longer you wait to ask her out, the more likely she is to
forget about you.

Remember, she is on social media all day long and she also has other
guys asking her out. She wants a guy who will step up and ask her
out. Just go for it!

Mistake #3 - Not having a plan before sending her a message

Many guys will send a boring message without much thought. They
will say things like, "Hey, what are you doing?" What they don't
realize is that she gets messages like this all the time from other
guys. Instead, give some thought to what you want to send her, and
you'll have a much better chance of standing out and gaining her


The CARE Sequence - Your Step-by-Step Plan for Knowing

Exactly What to Say at Every Stage of the Relationship

This is one of my favorite things I've created in my career as a dating

coach. It's a simple script that lets you know what kind of message to
send a girl...depending on where you are in the process.

What's great about it is that you'll never again have to worry about
feeling lost, confused, and not knowing what to say. The CARE
sequence solves that mystery for you.

CARE is an acronym that stands for:

C - Close (as in "going to closing")

A - Ask a question
R - Remind her what she saw in you in the first place (personality
traits or topics you connected on)
E - Eliminate the excuses for not making an appointment

C = Close – This is what you should start with when you get her
number. She still has good feelings about meeting you, and she gave
you her number so she could see you again. There is no reason to
start a long, drawn-out "get to know you by text message"

Just go straight to the end by inviting her on a date. Remember, she

wants to meet. Now just make it easy for her to do that by offering
the invitation.

SIDENOTE: Notice that I said "invite" her on a date, not "ask" her on
a date. There is a subtle difference in psychology here. When you are
asking, you are coming from a place where you have a lower status
than her and you want something from her. When you ask her out
on a date, you are coming from the place of being an equal. It's
subtle, but it's actually very important if you want to be attractive to
beautiful women.


So what would you do if you went to closing and she was too busy or
just didn't pick up? Next we move down to the second level of the
CARE Sequence.

A = Ask a question

This is actually much easier than it sounds. Just ask a simple

question that she can answer without thinking about it too much.

If it's easy for her to answer, she'll probably give a quick answer.
Then, when she does, you immediately go back to stage 1, which is
going for closure.

Here is a simple example:

YOU: Hey, weird question. Which is better... dark chocolate or milk


SHE: Definitely milk chocolate. Why?

YOU: (this is where you go back to the closing) - I was thinking about
getting this gourmet chocolate bar sometime next week. Shall we go

SHE: That sounds great actually.

And just like that... BOOM, you have a date! Now here's the funny
thing. If you had simply texted her out of the blue and asked her to
go on the date (after she had already ignored your previous
messages), she probably wouldn't have responded. But since you re-
engaged her with the question, now it's back on.


SIDENOTE: You also have to decide if you really want to pursue a

girl who gives her number and doesn't follow up with you. She may
be a flake, or she may be busy and forgot to answer.

If you think she is worth pursuing, then go for it...but don't think you
have to use the CARE Sequence with every girl.

Sometimes you just have to let them go when they're not responding
so you can reinvest your attention in girls who are more interested
in you.

R = Remind her what she saw in you in the first place

This is stage 3 of the sequence. What you are doing here is sending
her a quick reminder of something you said, or a glimpse of your
personality that she liked. If you were funny, now is the time to send
her something funny, like a funny GIF or meme. Just go to images .
google . com and search for "funny memes" .

Why do this? Well, maybe she was busy and forgot what she liked
about you, and she just needs a little nudge to remind her. Maybe the
two of you have connected because of your love of ethnic food, so you
send her a message saying:

YOU: Hey, I'm cooking Indian food tonight. Do you like to cook?

SHE: I love Indian food! I can't cook, but I can eat... lol.

YOU: I actually know an amazing place to get Indian street food.

How about we go together sometime this week?

SHE: Really? I would love to!


Now, if you notice in the first text, I sent a combination of stage 3 and
stage 2. First, I reminded her of what we connected when we first
met (ethnic food). Then I also included a simple question that she
could answer without thinking (do you like to cook?).

Once she answered, then I went into closing. Do you see how you
work backwards towards stage 1, where you are going for closure?
This is how you use the CARE Sequence.

E = Eliminate Excuses

This is the fourth and final stage of the sequence, and it involves
getting her on the phone to set the date right there. This stage is very
helpful for girls who are being difficult and won't commit by text
message to go on a date.

Maybe she's just playing hard to get, or maybe she's not sure if she's
interested in you enough to say yes. In that case, it's okay to use a
little strategy to move things along smoothly.

Here is what you do. You can use stage 3 or stage 2 (or both, as I did
in my example above with Indian food). As soon as she answers, you
call her while the phone is already in her hand.

Then it will be hard for her not to answer, because you will know
that she is avoiding your call if she doesn't answer now... and she
won't want to hurt your feelings.

Yes, I know this is putting her on the spot a bit, but honestly...she's
playing hard to get for a while now. It's time to take the chance to
make excuses to put things off even longer. Here's how it would look
with the example above:


YOU: Hey, I'm cooking Indian food tonight. Do you like to cook?

SHE: I love Indian food! I can't cook, but I can eat... lol.

(So call her as soon as you send this message.)

When you are on the phone, you can tell her about the amazing
Indian street food restaurant you know and that you would love to
take her there.

The phone call is a chance for you to reconnect with the same "vibe"
you both had when you exchanged numbers in the first place. Then
(hopefully) you'll both feel the same positive vibe after being on the
phone for a few minutes, and you can ask her out on a date.

Key points to remember about the CARE Sequence:

She wants to meet with you. The CARE Sequence aims to make it
easier for her to say yes in a soft, natural way.

- NEVER tell a girl that you are using any kind of technique or
strategy on her. She wants things to seem natural and effortless. It's
okay if you are doing a little work to make her feel that way.

One of the greatest feelings as a man is to create a little magic for her
to experience. Don't discuss the CARE Sequence with her or any
other techniques for that matter. Just let her enjoy how easy it is to
connect with you.


• Always start by going for closure, and then move through the
stages until you get a result, or until you realize it's time to move on
to someone who is more interested in you. And, by the way, moving
on would also be a win for you. You don't waste time with girls who
don't like you.

• Ask a lot of text interview questions. Questions like:

"Where are you from? What do you do? How long have you lived
here? What are you studying in college?" - And so on. She will find it
boring, so don't do it. You will find this out when you meet her in

• Don't text with enough girls.

When you are texting with multiple girls, it helps keep your mind in
the right place. You will be less needy and you will be more relaxed
and authentic when you are not trying so hard to impress that girl.

• Tell her you want to go out and then say, "Let me know."
Listen, she wants a guy who will let her know and ask her out. Don't
put her in the position of having to ask you out if she is interested.
Girls like it when you step forward and lead.

• Be too eager and too excited.

When you do this, you are basically saying that you are not the kind
of guy who is used to communicating with attractive women. This
will turn you off and make you look like you have no life and that
girls don't find you sexy.

Be nice, stand back, be authentic, and keep the interaction moving

forward so that the two of you can actually start dating.


• Responding immediately all the time. When you do this, you

create the expectation that this is what you will always do. Then,
when you don't respond immediately in the future, you will have to
deal with the fact that she is upset or worried.

Also, when you are always responding immediately, it feels like you
have nothing going on in your life. So don't do that. If you are not
time sensitive, wait a while before responding.

• Sending sexual texts and pictures (sexting). Believe it or not,

girls post screenshots of these things on their Facebook and
Instagram for all their friends to see.

I have seen this happen MANY times. If you send something very
sexual to a girl in the beginning of getting to know her, she will
embarrass you by posting it (probably along with her name and
picture) for everyone to see.

The Internet is written in pen, not pencil. Don't be stupid. If you

already have a sexual relationship with her, of course it's okay, but
definitely not before.

• Not caring about spelling.

Girls always complain about this. Don't spell like a nine-year-old. It
is repulsive to intelligent women. Don't use words like "B4" instead
of "before".

Now some questions you may have:

QUESTION: I don't know what to say in my text message.

If you are worried about saying the right thing, you still think you
need to have a big, long text conversation. You don't. Just focus on
getting to the end and taking her on a date. If she is interested in you,
she will say yes.


QUESTION: What if she doesn't respond to the initial text?

She probably hasn't had enough of a taste of who you are and your
personality. It is up to you whether you want to invest. If she's
simply not responding, she's not interested. It is better to pursue
someone else than to waste time with an uninterested girl. That will
only frustrate you and make her feel uncomfortable.

Remember, girls are (usually) not ready for confrontation like men
are. She would rather stay silent and not respond to you than have to
explain why she changed her mind and doesn't want to go out with
you anymore.

Why? Because some guys go overboard and start swearing at her (or
making physical threats) if she rejects them, so it's easier (and safer)
for her not to respond. Don't take it personally. She may be afraid to
say no.

It's okay to let her off the hook, even if she was interested to begin
with. People change their minds, and that's okay. There are plenty of
other great girls who would be happy to date you.

QUESTION: How do I "revive" an inactive phone number?

That is easy. Just send her what I call a "CPR text". It is like sending
her a shock of positive emotions. Just send a funny picture, meme, or
GIF. Usually she responds, and then you can start the CARE

QUESTION: What if she is texting, but not agreeing to meet in

This usually means that you have become a text message friend.

She is not invested and interested in you sexually. She may be happy
to text with you because she is bored during the day. Then she will
meet the people she really wants to spend time with.

It's better to stop texting with her. You are investing your attention
in a relationship that is going nowhere. Cut your losses and move on.

QUESTION: What do I do if she fails, picks me up, or cancels

You probably waited too long to ask her out in the first place.

Remember that women base their decisions on their emotions of the

moment. She may have forgotten how she felt about you when she
was with you.

If you get her number early in the evening, text her that night and
see if she meets up with you. You would be surprised how many girls
would do that. Also, don't set the date too far away or you run the
risk of having a very long gap between the first meeting and the first

Then it is much easier for her to justify chipping away at you.

But what if she flakes? Don't be reactive and use the CARE Sequence.
But why try again when there are many other women. Is a flake
someone you really want to see again? Think from a place of


QUESTION: What if I call her and she doesn't answer the phone,
but texts me back?
She might be busy and can't talk. Don't assume that she is ignoring
you because she doesn't like you.

It's really no big deal. Don't be reactive and don't draw attention to it.
Proceed with a statement of what you are doing and then ask her out.

QUESTION: I'm getting mixed messages from her, and I can't

tell if she's interested in me. What should I do?
It is much simpler than this. If she is interested in you by text
message, she will agree to meet you in person.

If she is, then don't worry about whether her messages are totally
congruent and whether she is declaring her desire for you by text

She may simply not know what to say, OR she may be playing hard
to get because she likes you. Just go for the end and take her on a


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