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Quick and Handy Grammar Review: Subject and Object Pronouns 2

Exercise 1:
Change the noun in the sentences to a subject pronoun. 4

Exercise 2:
Change the noun in the sentences to an object pronoun. 4

Exercise 3:
Decide if the sentences need a subject or object pronoun. 5

Exercise 4:
Decide if the sentences need a subject or object pronoun. 6

Exercise 5:
Locate the error, correct it, and rewrite the sentence correctly. 7

Exercise 6:
Locate the error, correct it, and rewrite the sentence correctly. 8
Quick and Handy Grammar Review: Subject and Object Pronouns

Pronouns are short words that stand in for nouns. Pronouns refer to nouns that have already been mentioned. They have
many uses. The following is a list of types of pronouns:

1. Subject pronouns
2. Object pronouns
3. Relative pronouns
4. Possessive pronouns
5. Reflexive pronouns
6. Demonstrative pronouns
7. Indefinite pronouns

We will analyze the first three types in this unit and the last four in the next one.

Subject Pronouns:
First person singular I First person plural we
Second person you Second person yo
singular plural u
Third person h Third person the
singular e plural y
she the
it the


● I is the only pronoun that is always capitalized. The other pronouns are capitalized only when they are the
first word in the sentence.

● When I is combined with another subject, I goes second (example: Simón and I are good friends).

● Although it is sometimes used in spoken English slang, me is incorrect as a subject form. For example, Hank
and me went to the game is a mistake.

● In English, there is no second person plural form. You is used for both singular and plural.

● Unlike many other languages, there is no distinction in address in English; that is, there are no familiar and formal
forms for the word you. “You” is used when speaking to an animal or the president of a company, for one person
or twenty people.

● The distinction between masculine, feminine, and neuter forms (he, she, and it) in the present is lost in the plural.
The word “they” works for all subjects.

● For animals, use it unless you know and love the animal. Then use he or she.

Examples of subject pronouns: I am from Korea.

Ken and I are good buddies. dude
You are very nice.
It is very difficult
He is a pharmacist.
to swim across the
She is the director of the company.
We are
very happy
to be here.
You are all
invited to
my house.
They are
never late.
Object Pronouns:
First person singular m First person plural us
Second person y Second person yo
singular o plural u
Third person hi Third person the
singular m plural m
h the
er m
it the


● Object pronouns may serve as the object of a verb or the object of a preposition.

● All object pronouns are in lowercase unless they are the first word in a sentence.

● As with subject pronouns, there is no distinction between familiar and formal forms of you.

● As with subject pronouns, there is no distinction between third person masculine, feminine, and neuter forms in
the plural. Them is the only third person plural pronoun used.

Examples of pronouns as objects of a verb:

Examples of pronouns as objects of a preposition:
Marcia called me at 3:00 a.m. Laura
Usha gave the book to me.
mentioned you yesterday. The
Between you and me, I think that he is the worst player
professor asked him a question. The
on the team.
manager gave her a promotion.
Barbara will ride with you to Ottawa.
Samantha read it last night.
Nancy received an email from him last week.
Sandra invited us to dinner.
Sun Hee and Nam spoke about her this
The airline gave them free tickets.
morning. You had better get to it. Don’t delay.
Henry came with us to the party.
Kenneth ran after them.
Exercise 1:
Change the noun in the sentences to a subject pronoun.

1. John is the floor manager. He is the floor manager.

2. Riccardo really likes Mary. He really likes Mary.
3. Hank’s dog is a poodle. It is a poodle.
4. Maria is a dog trainer. She is a dog trainer.
5. Bob and Gina are best friends. They are best friends.
6. Theo and I work at the mall. We work at the mall.
7. The book is very long. It is very long.
8. The sandwiches are made of ham. They are made of ham.
9. The professor and the student met at 3:00. They met at 3:00.
10. Adam and I ate lunch together. We ate lunch together.

Exercise 2:
Change the noun in the sentences to an object pronoun.

1. Johnson bought a dog at the kennel. Johnson bought it at the kennel.

2. Riccardo really likes Mary. Riccardo really likes her .
3. I can’t take this situation anymore. I can’t take it anymore.
4. Brooke read a long book in one night. Brooke read it in one night.
5. Bob went on vacation with Joe. Bob went on vacation with him .
6. I drank two cups of coffee at the mall. I drank them at the mall.
7. Nestor contacted my sister yesterday. Nestor contacted her yesterday.
8. Gina ate two sandwiches at Tom’s house. Gina ate them at Tom’s house.
9. The professor called on Sunhee and Meylim. The professor called on them .
10. Mr. Sampson ate an apple. Mr. Sampson ate it .
Exercise 3:
Decide if the sentences need a subject or object pronoun.

1. Henry and me are going to the game tomorrow.

a. I
b. me

2. Mary cannot understand her when Carla speaks French.

a. she
b. her

3. Han Bin and I went to the movies.

a. I
b. her

4. Mary said that she and her brother often eat at that restaurant.
a. she
b. her

5. The rent is too high for .

a. they
b. them

6. a. Her
b. She

want to travel to Vietnam together.

7. Chris and a. I
is the best friend I’ve ever had. b. me

8. I don’t want to talk to or his brother.

a. he
b. him

9. I met Mey Lin and at the movie theater.

a. she
b. her

10. May come in now?

a. we
b. us
Exercise 4:
Decide if the sentences need a subject or object pronoun.

1. If you see your parents tomorrow, give my best regards.

a. they
b. them

2. The coach called Bob and last night.

a. I
b. me

3. met a friend of ours at the mall yesterday.

a. Us
b. We

4. I can’t find my books. Can I use yours, Joe? I will give back tomorrow.
a. them
b. they

5. are the best players on the team.

a. They
b. Them

6. Can you take this letter and give to Louisa?.

a. it
b. her

7. Paul called Chris and because he wants us to travel to Vietnam together.

a. I
b. me

8. doesn’t want to talk about the terrible game anymore.

a. He
b. Him

9. Mey Lin and are best friends.

a. me
b. I

10. Margarita sent an email about the test.

a. we
b. us

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