AWLL3548733XB1 - Legal Expenses-Policy Summary

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Landlords Legal

Expenses Insurance
Insurance Product Information Document
Company: DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Ltd
Product: Simply Business Landlords Legal Protection

DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority (FRN202106) and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Registered in England and Wales.

This document is a summary of the insurance cover and restrictions.

Please refer to your policy documentation for full details of your cover and the terms and conditions.

What is this type of insurance?

Simply Business Landlords Legal Protection Insurance provides you with access to telephone legal advice, along with insurance cover for
legal costs and expenses should you experience one of the legal problems relating to the letting of your property covered by this policy.

What is insured? What is not insured?

Repossession ✗ Claims where the lawyer we appoint for you does not believe
✓ Regaining possession of your property from your tenant you will be more likely than not to win your case
✗ Costs you incur before we have agreed to cover your claim
Property Damage ✗ Legal problems that started before the date your cover begins
✓ Disputes relating to someone causing damage to your property ✗ Costs which exceed your policy limit of £50,000 for any one claim
✗ Fines, penalties, compensation or damages you are ordered
Eviction of Squatters to pay by a court or other authority
✓ Eviction of someone living in your property without your ✗ Any matter to do with rent, rate or land tribunals, rent
permission (other than your tenant or ex-tenant) assessment committees or rent officers
✗ A dispute with your tenant within 90 days of taking out cover,
Rent Recovery if the tenancy started before you took out this policy
✓ Recovery of rent owed by your tenant where it has been ✗ Contractors’ charges arising from the use of our domestic
overdue for at least a month assistance helpline
✗ Claims:
Legal Defence • not reported to us during the period of insurance
• reported more than 90 days after the date you should
✓ Defence of criminal prosecutions relating to the letting
of your property or defence of an appeal under disability have known about the insured incident
discrimination legislation

Tax Protection Are there any

✓ If HM Revenue & Customs conduct an examination which
includes all areas of your self-assessment tax return restrictions on cover?
You are not covered for:
Contract Disputes
✓ Disputes over buying or hiring in of any goods or services ! The use of your own lawyer. We will appoint a lawyer or other
professional for you. You may choose your own lawyer only
in relation to your property
when legal proceedings start or if there is a conflict of interest
! Repossession claims where:
Hotel Expenses
• your property is not let under an assured shorthold,
✓ Payment of hotel costs while you try to gain possession short assured or an assured tenancy under the 1988
of your property Housing Act, Housing (Scotland) Act or The Private
Tenancies Order 2006 (Northern Ireland)
Storage Costs • you have not provided the tenant with the correct notices
✓ Payment of costs to store your household possessions while ! Property Damage claims where the amount in dispute
you are unable to occupy your property after termination is £1,000 or less
of your tenancy agreement ! Tenant Default:
• unless you are seeking repossession of the property
Helplines and have obtained satisfactory references for the tenant
✓ Legal advice at the start of the tenancy
✓ Tax advice • which exceed a maximum of 4 months’ unpaid rent accruing
✓ Domestic assistance before the expiry of a valid possession notice, or more
✓ Counselling service than 12 months’ unpaid rent in total (or any shorter period
✓ Online document drafting specified under the policy), for any one claim
• which accrue in any period during which court action for
Tenant Default (operative only if shown in your policy schedule) possession of the property is not possible because of
✓ Payment of rent arrears where your tenant is still in your property legislation, or government or court guidance or rules
Simply Business Landlords Legal Protection Insurance Product Information Document

Are there any

restrictions on cover? (continued)
Tax Protection claims:
• relating to a company or where you are self-employed,
a sole trader or in a business partnership
• relating to criminal investigations
Contract claims:
• where the amount in dispute is £100 or less
• relating to building work exceeding £10,000 incl. VAT
• relating to your tenancy agreement, loan, mortgage,
pension, borrowing or investment
• where you haven’t entered into the agreement during
the period of insurance
Hotel Expenses after a maximum of 30 days or costs
exceeding £175 per day
Storage Costs after a maximum of 6 weeks or costs
exceeding £10 per day

Where am I covered?

✓ For all insured incidents, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

What are my obligations?

It is your responsibility to:

• Co-operate fully with us and the lawyer or other professional we appoint for you
• Give the lawyer or other professional we appoint for you any instructions that we ask you to
• Keep to the terms and conditions of this policy
• Take reasonable steps to avoid and prevent claims and avoid incurring unnecessary costs
• Send everything we ask for, in writing
• Report to us full and factual details of any claim as soon as possible and give us any information we need

When and how do I pay?

Payment options will be subject to the agreement between you and the person who is selling you this policy.

When does the cover start and end?

This cover will last for one year and the dates of cover will be included in your policy documentation. If in any doubt, please speak
to the person who sold you this policy.

How do I cancel the contract?

You can cancel this policy by telling us within the cooling off period which lasts for 14 days after taking it out. Provided no claims have
been made within that period, the person who sold you this policy will give you a full refund of the premium, subject to any separate
charges that they may apply.

After the cooling off period you may also cancel this policy by providing 14 days’ notice. Subject to the terms of business between you
and the person who sold you this policy, you may be entitled to a partial refund of the premium.

It is important to note that charges may apply to any refund subject to the individual terms of business between you and the person
who sold you this policy. Please contact them directly for full details of charges.

Simply Business Landlords Legal Protection | IPID | 05.2020 | DAS 20475.01

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