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Group Assignment

Submitted by
Group 1 - Section C
Aryan 21020841224
Vatsala Mishra 21020841048
Piyush Lohana 21020841020
Smriti Kinger 21020841044
Dhruv Gupta 21020841111
Human Sustainability Strategies
Human Sustainability is the value PepsiCo products offer customers, including their nutri onal
composi on.
For this, PepsiCo has a three- ered system for categorizing its products:
i. Good-for-you products – These products deliver posi ve nutri on through the
inclusion of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, nuts and seeds while
modera ng total fat, saturated fat, sodium and/or added sugar. For example,
Tropicana orange juice and Quaker Oats.
ii. Be er-for-you products – These products are those whose levels of total fat, saturated
fat, sodium and/or added sugar are in line with global dietary intake
recommenda ons—for example, sugar-free Pepsi Max.
iii. Fun-for-you products – Products like Lay's chips and Pepsi-Cola that have very low
nutri onal value.
PepsiCo's approach to human sustainability was to divide the Indian market into two
segments –
1. Middle class – This segment shared preferences and health concerns with western
customers. The following steps were taken to improve human sustainability for this
a) Increase healthy products' share of sales – They enhanced the healthiness of
their product por olio by introducing several global brands, including
Tropicana, Quaker, and Gatorade. They also developed and launched
numerous products, including several juices and juice drinks.
b) Adjustments to exis ng products – PepsiCo made changes to some of its
products to make them healthier. They subs tuted rice-bran oil for palm oil in
some foods and developed a whole-grain, vitamin-for fied version of Cheetos
c) Introduc on of Diet Pepsi – The company launched and heavily invested in the
launch and promo on of Diet Pepsi; however, it did not appeal to the taste of
Indian customers as they were used to sugary drinks and didn't appreciate the
taste of Diet Pepsi.
2. Bo om of the pyramid – For India's lowest-income demographic, anaemia and
micronutrient deficiencies were greater concerns than obesity and cholesterol.
PepsiCo launched Project Asha in 2008, developing low-cost, nutrient-for fied food
and beverage products priced below Rs 2 or below to sell to low-income popula ons.
They leveraged their own distribu on networks and partnered with NGOs to pilot-test
this project in India and two African countries.
They also contracted with small-scale farmers and incorporated their produc on (e.g.,
potatoes and rice) into their supply chain. Farmers were provided seeds and saplings,
disease management assistance, financial advice, and other technical exper se to
increase yields and income.
Talent Sustainability Strategies
These strategies encompassed the efforts to make PepsiCo an a rac ve workplace. The
company implemented the following strategies:
i. Tradi onal drivers – PepsiCo focused on recruitment and reten on (e.g.,
compensa on, recogni on and reward systems) to sa sfy their employees.
ii. Focus on sustainability – Through communica on efforts and tangible
accomplishments around sustainability, their employee's morale and confidence in
their mission were very strong. They integrated "purpose" into all aspects of human
resources, such as systems for evalua ng personnel.
iii. Employee Engagement – PepsiCo's employee engagement strategy aims to create a
work environment where employees feel mo vated, challenged, and inspired to
contribute to the company's success. The company regularly solicits employee
feedback and implements ini a ves to address their concerns and needs.
iv. Employee Engagement: PepsiCo's employee engagement strategy aims to create a
work environment where employees feel mo vated, challenged, and inspired to
contribute to the company's success. The company regularly solicits employee
feedback and implements ini a ves to address their concerns and needs.

Recommend execu on steps to achieve a turnover of $ 30 billion from

$13 billion in 10 years
Indira Nooyi envisioned GNG playing a pivotal role in reaching PepsiCo's goal of growing its
nutri on business from its 2010 level – roughly $13 billion in revenues – to $30 billion by
2020. PepsiCo India could help achieve this goal in the following ways:
1) Introducing new and innova ve products – PepsiCo India could invest in research and
development to create new and innova ve products that cater to the evolving needs
of health-conscious consumers. The company could focus on crea ng snacks and
beverages that are low in calories, sugar, and salt and are made using natural and
organic ingredients.
2) Targe ng upper-class segment – PepsiCo should launch premium, high-quality, organic
and natural products with high nutri onal value for the upper-class segment that is
health conscious and doesn't mind paying for quality. This will help them increase
human sustainability while earning revenues.
3) Leveraging local resources – PepsiCo India could leverage local resources, such as
agricultural produce and tradi onal recipes, to create unique products for the Indian
market. This would help the company expand its product por olio and promote local
entrepreneurship and sustainable agriculture.
4) Partnering with local businesses – PepsiCo India could partner with local businesses,
such as grocery stores, restaurants, and health and wellness centres, to promote its
products and create awareness about the importance of nutri on. This would help the
company reach a wider audience and build a loyal customer base.
5) Inves ng in marke ng and adver sing – PepsiCo India could invest in marke ng and
adver sing campaigns that promote its nutri on businesses and highlight the benefits
of its products. The company could use social media, digital marke ng, and other
innova ve channels to reach its target audience and build brand awareness.
Overall, PepsiCo India has the poten al to play a significant role in helping the company
achieve its goal of growing its nutri on businesses. By focusing on innova on, local resources,
partnerships, and marke ng, PepsiCo India can contribute to the growth of the company's
nutri on por olio and help create a healthier and more sustainable future.

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